#very good rodney self sacrifice in this ep loved it
fart-gate Β· 4 years
Season 4 episode 16
Notes by me
- kellers hair in this ep is 😍
- Sam Rodney and keller adventure!
- "I'm no ronon" the writers really like making fun of him huh
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- down the rabbit hole!!!!
- surprise Rodney whump 😌
- love how keller says medical things casually in normal conversations. Very nice character detail
- "red means bad"
"Cant argue with that logic"
- Rodney and Sam together just cancel each others brain cells out
- wow a straight drop down a pitch black hole! Whats plan B
- crate stacking should work!
- Rodney has a thing for heights??? I dont remember it being an issue until now πŸ€”
- love Rodney helping Sam and holding her hand :) theyve come such a long way in thier friendship
- "that was fun" Sam so casual after falling 20 feet
- his face when keller immediately starts stripping
- also keller not hesitating to start taking her clothes off? Iconic
- THE WOULD YOU RATHER GAME love how Rodney doesnt get offended that they are giving Only Men options but is offended by the fact he doesnt want any guy to "force themselves" on him LMAO SUBTLE WRITERS πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ I SEE YOU
- also keller playing games bc shes bored is me. Reminds me of how young shes supposed to be too
- okay wait I want to play too. George Clooney or brad Pitt? Clooney for sure
- Robert redford or Paul newman? Newman I guess
- children!
- I dont think threatening them is gonna help much Rodney lmao
- "show them your boobs"
*turns to stare at keller*
- Rodney bringing up his jumper trauma and new claustrophobia πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–
- the zelenka argument lmfaooo ew hes wierd to keller?? Yikes
- "everythings a contest" welcome to surprise wisdom with rodney McKay
- steve carrell or Stephen Colbert? I think colbert yeah
- Rodney joining in on Boy Talkβ„’
- hes adding guys that they didnt even say and we're still supposed to think hes straight????
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- kellers casual interest in rodneys relationship πŸ‘€πŸ‘€πŸ‘€ youre not fooling me sister
- "a nice guy like you" ah my heart. His faceπŸ’•
- wow these kids are so bratty
- let Sam do it bro shes got 5 plus years of experience ahead of you
- gas leak!!!
- Sam knows No Fear
- theres nothing for it to grapple onto guys smh
- LOVE how keller needs to explain what a bar bet is to them. Like it just shows how different each of their lives were
- alright Rodney and keller giving me real cute vibes "I'll buy you a keg if this works" and her face???? Like✨ Bruh ✨
- dammit I thought it would work
- oof Sam whump GREAT acting on amandas part
- worried!Rodney
- laughing at how they just let him stumble over his words bc they think its funny
- one of my favorite running gags for the show is when Rodney starts rambling off topic and all they say is "Rodney!" And then he gets on track again πŸ˜‚
- nice cannon
- ooh SHIT
- no music is my favorite!!!!
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- selfless Rodney is AMAZING especially when hes hurt but still helping 😭😭😭
- "youre just gonna die there on the rope?" I'm loving her in this ep
- "come on , swarzenegger, start swinging"
- in the nick of time!!!
- "you owe me a beer" there it is
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- take a hint rodney! She likes you bro congrats!! Glad it took this long for the relationship to start being a Thing bc if it started out as soon as she got there it would have been a little weird. Also it would have made her look like she was only there for rodneys love interest but we actually got to see her be without his influence for most of the season and who she is and her character itself. Very glad we got to know her before the relationship started.
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