#very least if it wouldnt be insane to make some lil books myself i could collect the photos myself which would kinda rule
loverboybitch · 2 years
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from the Seditionaries collection book by Hiroshi Fujiwara and Jun Takahashi, scans via archivepdf.net.//.
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cryptidofthekeys · 5 years
Here’s the second TF2 oc, the Medic bab!
Name: Hedwig (according to what I’ve seen so far in German it means something alone the lines of: Fighter, strong one) | Alias: Medic/The Medic, Dr. Hedwig Lange, or just simply Hedwig for short (usually only close friends call him Hedwig)  (Lange from what I read means "Tall" so both his names are fitting) | Gender: Male | Age: 49/50s | Species/Race: Human | Height: 7'0" | Eye Color: Mocha Brown | Hair Color: Dark Brown (he keeps it slicked back and v tidy, his hair can be poofy if not kept taken care of) | Appearance: Wears the typical medic coats, mostly consisting of the typical white, but he does have brown and grey ones as well that he really likes to wear, he NEVER wears his normal clothes while he's working, while he doesn't mind getting his hands dirty n stuff he... he doesn't want his NORMAL clothes coated with blood or whatever, he DOES have his standards! His usual clothing usually consist of turtlenecks and sweaters, he really seems to enjoy wearing those kinds of clothes (their c  om f), he does have a lot of scars on him as well, on his chest are a ton, his back, arms, legs, etc- there's scars almost everywhere. He usually wears long combat/punk looking boots when he's on the battlefield or just, sometimes he wears them bc a e s t h e t i c~! He wears what he wants, he also has a bit of a five o'clock shadow as well, nothing t o o major facial hair wise n stuff. | Personality: He's not exactly insane/mad or anything like that, hell, he's not even that bad ...to his teammates really, their not his guinea pigs for experiments or nothing but now he DOES love a good experiment or two, he isn't afraid to get his hands bloody n messy or anything like that ya know, you hurt or try to experiment on his teammates/friends and- weeellll we're going to have a little issue there.... Although! He is more than happy to watch the other Medics experiment on their own teammates or enemies or whatever, hell if they need! He'll even help out with said experiments, usually he's pretty friendly (he can just say intimidating sounding things and hell he even kinda l o o k s intimidating, but he's not ALL bad so long as your not the enemy or target for a potential experiment! He's very outgoing although sometimes he tends to spend a bit longer than he needs in the lab until Amour or the Sniper (I MIGHT make a Sniper character tbh, three faves right there, Spy, Medic, n Sniper- might as well complete the support set amIrite?) forcibly drags him out and makes him get some sunshine) He ABSOLUTELY loves animals, dogs mostly actually, he has a few small dogs in his lab and a few big dogs to guard on the outside, last time he let a big dog in- it stole a rib from one of his "patients"! he couldn't stay mad at them though they looked so happy and adorable munching on the rib. (tl;dr: He can say some rather unsettling things, he seems VERY intimidating but to his teammates and friends he's as sweet as can be, just to the enemies and experi- AHEM- P A T I E N T S of his he's just very unsettling and intimidating which rightfully so, he's going to do horrible things to them without any remorse or care in the world! He gets along fairly well with his team and he seems to care a great amount for them so messing with them isn't the smartest thing you could do although a lot of his team are unfortunately terrified of him and his scary lab but he assures them he'd n e v e r hurt or experiment on them or whatever!) | Side Facts: He REALLY loves dogs, like if he had a big enough place he'd honestly run a dog sanctuary, just a place where all the dogs can run and roam freely, of course he'd need a LOT of money to do that but it'd be his dream one day, there's nothing that pisses him off more than seeing an injured or mistreated animal, and whoever mistreated said animal, weeeellll... Let's just say he has Amour or the Sniper (yeah fuck it, imma make a Sniper bab BUT- that'll be later on) help track them down, whoever hurt the poor doggo will NEVER get away from him and he'll be sure to make them r e g r e t EVER dumping a poor animal out, like if they don't have the funds or they can't physically take care of said animal the LEAST they could do is put them in a shelter to find a good home OR give them to a potential family member! Sheesh! Dummkopfs they are... He actually has taken the time to name ALL of his dogs (I say that, as I myself, dont know what to actually call them but for the sake of his character n stuff, im just saying that), he sat down one night when he couldnt sleep and decided to name all his dogs and he's memorized them all, he has a few that look v e r y similar to each other but he knows which one is which, the others are... a lil impressed with that actually, that he managed to memorize some of the similar dogs when they legit can't even tell half of them apart. In his spare time when he's not working h a h, working or experimenting is usually what he does ALMOST 24/7 lmao, but in his ACTUAL spare time, he usually tends to read a few good books, or watch some videos (which, he um, the modern technology like laptops, phones, etc- fuckin e s c a p e s him- he can work a phone to an extent which is just to call someone or whatever but he's gotten BETTER with laptops, he keeps a bit of information on them or what he's written down like- findings or some shit ya know) or he'll listen to some music, his taste in music is... it can vary depending on his mood truth be told, usually for holidays he'll bake some cookies, he'll give most of them out to his teammates but then suddenly, you'll see him gathering up t h r e e certain ones and carrying them off somewhere, wh...whats he gon do with them you reckon? ...Eh! What does it matter! He's fiiine! He's a v e r y excellent cook n baker, although he's frustrated sometimes that he has to reassure his team that he did NOTHING to their food! okay- last paragraph of things, bc I think he's good for now, but he really does care for his teammates and friends, now sure sometimes they can irritate him to ungodly ends and on some days maaaybe taking a bonesaw to them wouldnt be such a bad idea (he would never, dont worry), he does still care for them in the end, and he'll t r y his damnedest not to let them die or get hurt so easily as well.
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