#very nice facet to explore for the dynamics tbh
amelikos · 5 months
It's really interesting seeing moments where Liko is overly careful with her words, to the point it feels like she is walking on eggshells and prefacing her thoughts with "it's fine, I really think it's fine but..." even around her friends.
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imagineitdearies · 7 months
hi Aster! as much as i enjoy the current dynamic with Tyrus (sweet and perfect in every way tbh) i would very much like if you'd ever explored the opposite. someone not so nice and young but older, meaner, more broken. where Tyrus and Star are perfect people for each other in very unfortunate circumstances, it's interesting to see him with a decidedly imperfect person.
Astarion's dynamic with the Durge is so compelling in this way. for once he is the responsible one (oh the horror) and has someone who is far more fucked up than him (driven half mad by the lobotomy and daddy dearest influence). wonder how their relationship would play out under your writing. who knows, maybe you'll cook up an OC for this, after you finish Perfect Slaughter.
anyway sorry for my rumblings, the main message is that i enjoy your writing tremendously and love for you to explore every facet of our fav disaster elf.
Hi anon!
I also love Durgestarion, it's one of my favorite ships because it really shows the more caring side of Astarion. In fact, Tyrus in PS is inspired by my much darker, more world-weary OC Tyrus in my first Durge playthrough! In that version of him, his father rescued him as a baby from being sacrificed after he was identified as a bhaalspawn in Menzoberranzan! He still grew up in Reithwin, but the Shadow Curse wiped out his whole family while he was studying in Baldur's Gate. In his grief and rage, his urges that had been mostly suppressed till then took over and for the next hundred years his mind basically wasn't his own (cue all the Dark Urge lore). I have a few off-screen scenes between him and Astarion that I've cooked up/partially written and may one day post at some point!
Otherwise, I may leave Astarion alone for a bit after this. The other ships I could potentially write for are Shadowheart/Laezel and Shadowheart/fem!OC (my beautiful tav, Savvy), depending on where my heart takes me next! I'm about to do a Karlach romance playthrough too, so maybe I'll get inspired for her as well.
This is all conjecture of course! I'm all for inspiration suddenly striking, no matter for who 😉for now the focus is on the beast of a fic that is Perfect Slaughter of course, haha!
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pctaldrunk · 2 years
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@caelestcs​ asked   :    4. multiple people threads | 17. fanon interpretations | 30. your choice~   -   TOPICS (ACCEPTING)
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4. multiple people threads   -           I’ve done this historically (not on this blog), and...it simultaneously works and doesn’t? In my experience one person always tends to die/fall off the earth/etc. and then the thread’s just stuck there, forever. It’s hard enough to get two people matching up in terms of pace and muse, so like...adding more people to that is just...even more variables. Also sometimes modes of interaction might be different between muns - say I’m super comfy just being chaotic with one mun where I might feel more serious with another one - having them both in the same thread might produce a very confusing dynamic. That being said - I’m always open to trying a multiple person thread. It’s nice when you want to write, say, an ot3, and each muse can have their own mun, etc. etc.
17. fanon interpretations   -          Honestly...to me, roleplay is literally indivisible from fanon. Obviously, basing your entire muse off A Popular Fanpost about Said Character or a Popular Fandom Caricature of Said Character is...well, not necessarily a creative decision I would enjoy or agree with. But no matter how In Character you write your muse (and everyone here is legendary in that art, by the way) - you’re developing dynamics, universes, meanings and growths that would otherwise never have happened in canon. Everyone in the rpc I assume wants to develop their muse/see them grow and change and explore different facets of them that were perhaps not emphasized in canon through interaction and whatever plotting we throw their way - therefore, we all to some degree venture into fanon eventually because we grow larger than and hopefully in other also interesting directions in regards to canon. 
Also, in the year of our lord 2k23 I think the number one thing I sincerely wish for the rpc is to respect each other’s takes. Something something live and let live and let’s not have irl irreconcilable fights over fictional characters, fictional worlds and their fictional lives. Again - let me not pretend to be a saint. There are takes in the general fandom tags and takes in general of specific canon instances, characters, ships, etc. that I roll my eyes at and feel my blood pressure rising about and enjoy less creatively and in terms of complexity - but I won’t say (except jokingly) that those takes are Inherently Wrong. I personally don’t enjoy them, I personally don’t agree with them, but none of us are the author and therefore not one of us is the ultimate right portrayal. Maybe to me the villain is dimensional and full of contradictions and points on which I feel sympathy - but to someone else they might j u s t be the mustache twirling ultimate pure evil. We can feel how we feel and not have to justify it by being “right.” We just...all have different vibes. To quote some S.tephen S.ondheim wisdom, “someone is on your side, someone else is not.” Some may agree with one portrayal more than another but that doesn’t mean the other one doesn’t have its own values. 
That is all given the fanon in question isn’t actually harmful to anyone irl, anyway. I personally tend to stray away from popular fanon because I like to hold onto portrayal notes and emotional conflicts that are unique to me.
30. your choice!    -          I wish we would all just decide if we’re all going to hold on to legacy until we die or if we use beta, tbh : ‘ ) Right now I’m switching between the two editors like a madwoman for all my threads and I literally cannot remember what I wrote in legacy and what I wrote in beta and it’s a tiny bit of a disaster (but shhh)
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lagaudiiere-archive · 6 years
♧ Is there an RP partner(s) that you credit for becoming a better writer?
Memes for the Writer ;
Honestly this may seem like a very “cheesy” thing to say but every single person I’ve ever written with has helped me better my writing & myself. I look back at my older blogs & die a little inside out of second-hand embarrassment ( like how would people write with me? ) but it’s so nice because it means I’ve come so far ( hopefully! ) as a writer! Every single person who’s written with me helped me hone in my character’s voice or a specific style of writing just a little bit more, helped me get over my fear of not being good enough or whatever because clearly, someone thought I was.
But I do have to give a few shout-outs. Which … got long so they’re under the cut. If you don’t care about the whys, they’re @jedichosen, @heleads, @moonhurts, @croianam, @ourpyrrhicvictory, @scarfwere, @oliverqxeen.
@jedichosen — Idk if she wants me to tag her other blogs but This list ( & probably I ) wouldn’t be here without Sari. Sari is everything. We met on my old Allison blog where she scared the hell out of me on her Tom Riddle blog & then I made a Mary Stuart blog & she came into my inbox with all caps excitement & that was … literally it. We screamed over the show & our children & literally it was magic. Sari & I clicked, we wrote 2534634 threads ( one of them an actual novella I kid you not ) & this was where I truly felt like I got to expand my writing & become a better writer. To write so consistently with someone, getting to explore a million different facets, aspects, & timelines of a character really helps you not just better learn your character but yourself as a writer. To feel so comfortable with someone that it was never a scary thing to write a reply to but like you were dying to get something to them is just amazing & I don’t know what I would have done without Sari because Sari was the one who made this experience literally something else. We were always on Skype calls, yelling at each other over the awful thing the other had written, & just — idk it’s just something else when you’re basically best friends offline & then write a ton of things because both end up being something more than you’d expect because of the other. She was the one who encouraged me to make my multi because I was feeling stuck on Allison & she has been my supporter & writing alongside me always. Even if we die on our blogs we’re still always in touch & I have become the writer I am, probably the person I am too because of Sari. I love Sari more than I can find words — & I’ve found quite a lot thanks to her.
@heleads — Moony has been with me quite literally from day one. She was the person who actually gave me a chance when I applied to her rpg a million years ago even though the “sample” I sent her was probably like three lines long ( I had no idea what a sample was ok I don’t know how she even gave me the time of day I’d have deleted that “application” & pretended I never got it ) & she welcomed me into the rpg with open arms. She was one of the friendliest people ever, but also one of the most talented, as I got to experience firsthand. She responded to my sad starters, & I wrote my longest ever stuff with her first. We had a hella long thread thing & an almost ship that everyone loved & then I was able to find her on indie & it was the most amazing thing ever. She never never ceases to astound me with her talents. Even if we haven’t written together ( rip we need to change this ) it doesn’t matter because her understanding & writing of her character is incredible & just by looking at her stuff I become a better writer tbh. Ily to the moon & back ( hehehe see what I did there. )
@moonhurts / @heartcoils — KJ has been there since day one of indie, even though she didn’t know it. Like honestly? I have been stalking — I mean loving KJ since the second I made my first ever indie blog, Matt Donovan. She was always so inspiring? Her writing was just breathtaking, her as a person was just one of the most amazing people ever. Like she would bring positivity & class to my dash man, there was no other way to put it. Her understanding of all her characters leaves me absolutely in awe, & probably a lil jealous lbr, but also pushes me to want to do better. We may not have written nearly as much as I would like but that’s mostly because she has always been so so talented I used to be terrified? But the few times we did, I have had to really think about my words, our characters, & every time I’ve written with KJ, my writing has become that much better. I love KJ because it’s not just about the writing although I did initially fall in love with her writing ( & her writing teaches me so much every day tbh? ) KJ has been one of my closest friends on this site — & it’s because we’re friends off it. We weren’t always close but we were always sort of on each other’s radars & I always felt like there was this unspoken pact of we were there for the other if we ever needed it. We would go months in between texts but it didn’t matter. And now we go like … at the most a week, if that, between conversations. Being able to talk about my thoughts, whatever they may be, or throw around ideas or plots or just talk about different characters & dynamics so comfortably & to have such intelligent conversations is amazing. KJ throws back everything I lob at her tbh plus more & it’s always made me a better person — which makes me a better writer too ( because that’s what this is about. ) I love you so so much. You’re amazing, you’re incredible, & I wouldn’t nearly enjoy this site as much as I do without you. It’s like … you give it … a soul. I love you.
@croianam​ — KAY! My darling, beloved Kay. It’s so astounding that I was able to, by some crazy chance, find Kay again. I have known Kay since my second ever rpg ( first Marauders’ Era — once you go marauders there’s no going back amirite? ) Kay was literal sunshine in our ooc chats & I remember my awful awful days ( it was a hard time ok ) becoming a million times better because she’d been around. We got to talking, we got to texting, we got to modding another marauders’ era rpg, & have written either with or about each others’ characters it’s amazing. The dynamics that are brought about by Kay’s magic is something else. I ended up writing the brother of one of her characters & I actually got to explore so much & learn so much as a writer ( & get to go into so much more depth ) because of the special sibling bond, especially because I adored the writer so much. Tbh the love in the thread was real, just different because of Kay. Kay makes writing seem effortless, she’s fearless, has never let anyone get to her & has always been unapologetically awesome. That’s taught me a lot honestly, & every single meme she’d respond to ( & kill me in the process ) would teach me a little bit more tbh. We used to text a lot during said difficult time & I genuinely remember every day & most conversations we had. This may seem irrelevant because it just shows how amazing a person she is but really, I was able to become a better writer through overcoming a lot of my difficulties & I wouldn’t have done that without Kay, no joke. I may not have written nearly as much as I’d like with Kay but she’s taught me so much as a writer & friend & there is literally no way I can explain just how fantastic a person she is.
@ourpyrrhicvictory — Listen, we may not have written much since the rpg we both happened to end up on ( also marauders’ era what a surprise ) but writing with Oso was literal magic ( haha get what I did there? ) I remember the words literally coming out of places I never knew existed from a character I had loved & adored & written for years. Why? Because his writing brought it about, his incredible characterization & understanding of a character that I’d merely glanced at but he’d given such depth to. Being able to write alongside someone like that? Makes you a better writer, made me a better writer & it was one of the best things ever. I cannot wait for the day I am not trash ( I don’t know how he puts up with me tbh ) & we can write 346645 things but I’m also still terrified of how amazing he is so? There’s that.
@casualtyloss / @scarfwere / @erchommai — Cas! Cas is such a sweetheart, has been the kindest most wonderful person ever. I don’t know how I found Cas, I don’t even remember it at all I just know that Cas & I just … found each other & every single thread I’ve written with Cas has just been so easy but also made me think & I mean really think about my character. My favorite thing, to this day, is our thread with her Sebastian ( who is both terrifying & somehow endearing in a way only Cas can do it tbh. ) Cas makes me think about not just my character but the characters she writes. She’s able to bring about this atmosphere & this — this something that makes writing both easy & challenging but both in the best way possible. She’s always down to write my favorite most obscure stuff & has always been so so kind? Like it takes me a long time to really feel comfortable with someone & fear I’m not bothering them but with Cas? Like tbh I know I bother her but I’m only slightly afraid which is a step up tbh. She’s made me such a better writer, she also used to be the reason I’d get through my 573498543 drafts because I would set her draft for last & that was my motivator. If that doesn’t have incredible writing partner written all over it, idk what does.
@waldosiia / @oliverqxeen — Hehe she’s going on here because she’s amazing & even though I haven’t known Kristen as long as anyone on this list it sort of feels like I do? The first time I spoke to Kristen we both ended up staying up until a ridiculously late hour but it was because neither of us never wanted to stop? It was lots of caps, lots of yelling, & lots of love tbh. Talking & writing with Kristen has just felt … not easy, not effortless because I do have to think which definitely helps me better my writing but just … idk it’s just amazing. It falls into place, we both end up screaming at the other once the replies are out, & we both love so many of the same things. I said earlier, I rarely feel comfortable enough with someone on here without feeling like I’m bugging them but with Kristen it’s like? I don’t feel that. Mind you it took me forever because she was so amazing & both of us kind of loved each other from afar but just, she’s got such a natural grasp on any character she writes ( have you seen her Oliver? Daaamn. And her Caleb? I cry because I genuinely hear Graham’s beautiful voice. That’s skill ) & she helps me by writing her characters so perfectly that I have the best sort of person to write with, best character to build mine against if that makes sense? Idk. OOC relationships always make the in character writing a million times better & I’m so lucky to have both with Kristen & she’s just amazing ok.
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