#vex does kinktober
vexy-sins · 2 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Eleven
Pairing: Horrorcest (BloodSugar)
Featured Kinks: Anal Pounding, Anonymous Sex
Additional Warnings: Sex Toys, Light Spanking, Rough Sex, Creampie
Papyrus regularly threw anonymous hookup parties exclusively for the monster community, and the parties always drew a massive crowd of both regulars and newcomers looking to unwind with no strings attached. This party topped all of its predecessors though. Papyrus had rented out an entire club venue, letting the thumping bass of the music and the strobing colored lights assist the monsters in attendance in keeping their identities a secret.
Blood, who once called an alternate universe known as Horrortale his home, never would've considered himself a party guy, but with sexual tensions at home rising to levels that even a skeleton with no lungs would consider suffocating, he decided to give an anonymous sexual encounter a try. Thankfully, Papyrus prepared his sensual soirees for all levels of experience with small cards bearing instructions laid out right at the entrance.
Blood checked the display of masks, choosing one that would hide the hole in his skull. An injury like that would be a dead giveaway if anyone here knew him. Blood's single working eyelight returned to the instructions on the card.
The levity of the message helped Blood to relax, and he passed through the entrance alcove into the main area of the club with an eager smile on his skull. The heavy bass of the music thrummed through his bones, stirring his magic. It took a moment for his vision to adjust to the dynamic lighting, but once it did, Blood liked what he saw.
Monsters grouped together on strategically placed couches or in shadowy corners in pairs or threesomes, and Blood even spotted a densely packed crowd having what appeared to be an orgy on the dance floor. Small tables dotted the venue with offerings of food, drinks, and sex toys. The scent of sweat and arousal drifted to Blood's nasal cavity as he made his way deeper into the club in search of a partner. He wanted something specific- a Papyrus-type, if he could find one.
Blood prowled through the club, bypassing interested monsters without sparing them a glance. He wanted what he wanted, and he pursued his intended quarry with a singular purpose. He caught glimpses of a tall, slender skeleton that fit his tastes, and the hunt began. The thrill of the chase awakened a hunger in Blood that had nothing to do with food.
Passing the dance floor orgy, Blood spotted his target again. The skeleton made sure they had his attention, then slowly unbuttoned the top of their sexy nurse costume, putting a pair of small   breasts with erect nipples on enticing display. Blood let out a low growl as another group of monsters passed in front of him, blocking his line of sight. By the time his path cleared, the other skeleton had vanished into the sectioned off seating areas in the back of the club.
Blood followed, letting his instincts lead him to the shadowed booths with their plush couches and low tables littered with condoms and sex toys. Blood heard movement; the other skeleton must be back here. The chase neared its end, and Blood's magic throbbed in anticipation of finally capturing his prize.
Blood stepped around a partition and found his prey. The skeleton was bent over the arm of a couch, skirt flipped up, underwear conspicuously absent, and fingers sliding up and down their slick entrance before dipping inside their eager hole. Their other hand worked a dildo in and out of their asshole with practiced strokes. Blood's mouth watered, and his magic swelled, surging against his self control. With the colored lights strobing against the shadows, he could easily imagine this skeleton's ecto-flesh to be his brother's soft coral shade.
Blood let the fantasy consume him.
Positioning himself behind his pretend brother, Blood slapped the firm, curved ecto-flesh before him, then grabbed double handfuls to knead under his greedy phalanges. The sex toy fell from the other skeleton’s hand to be lost to the shadows, and they tilted their hips to encourage Blood to take what he wanted. Blood let his sockets close briefly, imagining different surroundings and his brother’s voice begging to be taken. His cock ached for coral colored ecto-pussy, but this would suffice. 
Blood let his basketball shorts drop to his patellae, smacking the ass again and causing the other skeleton to squirm in pleasure while he palmed his own dark red magic with his other hand. His shaft throbbed, pre-cum oozing from the tip to be smeared along the length for lubrication. Blood didn't have the patience to go slowly, not with a skeleton so similar to his brother bent over and spread open in front of him. 
Blood rubbed the head of his cock against the other skeleton’s pussy lips, using it to part the arousal-slicked folds and nudge at the treasure inside. He watched the other skeleton’s phalanges dig into the fabric of the sofa, and though the music from well-hidden speakers drowned out their voice, his mind easily added a soundtrack of moans and mewls that his own brother might make. 
Spurred on by his thoughts, Blood sank into the wet heat, savoring the way the tight walls dragged against his cock as he forced his way deeper without waiting for his partner to adjust. He couldn't hold himself back; it felt so right, so perfect, exactly the way he imagined Sugar's pussy would feel gripping his cock.
The other skeleton shuddered at Blood's rough penetration, but Blood was rapidly losing his grip on coherent thought. He pulled back for a thrust, and the friction made him growl with pleasure. He wanted more! Blood braced his brother with a bruising hold on each hip and slammed forward. His brother moaned, his whole body vibrating with excitement.
Blood set a savage pace, lost in thoughts of his brother, lost in the desire to pump harder, to go deeper. He wanted to claim his brother’s pussy; he wanted to destroy it, and leave the taller skeleton a dazed slobbering mess beneath him. The more he thrusted, the more magic surged to his cock, thickening and lengthening the already engorged shaft. His thin control was slipping, and in a brief moment of clarity, he worried that he might hurt this skeleton in his fervor.
He should slow down.
He couldn’t slow down.
He was close, so close.
Sugar's pussy stretched to its limit; Blood could feel the slick walls struggling to contain him as his cock dragged and pulled at them. Suddenly, his brother’s spine arched, and his gorgeous body stiffened. Blood's hips bucked into the movement just in time for his cock to be squeezed deliciously by his brother’s orgasm. 
Blood could hear the other skeleton crying out in ecstasy over the blasting music. One final thrust hilted his cock in the fluttering pussy, and he roared, filling his partner with thick ropes of scarlet cum. 
The orgasm did nothing to diminish Blood's lust. He wanted more. His shaft throbbed painfully, milked dry by his brother’s pussy clamping down on it over and over yet still left rock hard and ready for more by Blood’s pent up sexual frustration.
Apparently Sugar felt the same way because he reached back, grabbing his ass cheeks and spreading them apart to reveal a new hole for Blood to wreck, the rim still glistening with leftover lube from the dildo earlier. Blood heard his partner pleading, but the music drowned out the specific words. He imagined his brother begging him to fuck his asshole instead. His overabundant magic surged again, and his already fragile control crumbled. 
Red eyelight blazing, Blood lined himself up. His body burned with a heady mix of magic and desire. Punctuating his every movement with feral growling, Blood shoved his way into his brother’s tight asshole. The entrance dragged at him, fighting every thick inch of his cock and creating maddening friction that only drove him to seek out more of it. He could barely pull back to thrust because his brother’s walls held him so tightly, but he managed.
Panting and drooling, Blood began snapping his hips forward. At first, Sugar tried to push back on the forward thrust, but he soon gave up in favor of letting the waves of pleasure wash over him. Blood's pelvis pounded into his brother’s ass each time he hilted himself, the force hard enough to bruise. The bolts securing the couch to the floor rattled as Blood's powerful thrusts loosened them. Sugar could only hang on for the ride.
Blood leaned forward, adjusting his grip by wrapping his arms around his brother’s waist. The new position, bent over his partner's body, allowed him to get even deeper into the other skeleton’s hot, tight asshole. Blood could feel his brother trembling beneath him and hear the barely coherent praises being screamed despite the music, and it silenced the nagging worries that he might harm his brother in his uncontrolled state.
With another orgasm fast approaching, Blood began rolling his hips, focusing on long, strong movements to eke out every bit of friction he could get. His growls turned into huffs and whimpers, and his body ached for the next release. Somewhere in his foggy mind, an inner voice reminded him to tend to Sugar's pleasure as well. Turning his skull, he spotted a wand-style vibrator on a low table off the side. He snatched it up quickly as his pace stuttered. Switching it to the highest setting, he reached down and touched it to Sugar's neglected clit at the same moment he buried himself deep in Sugar's abused asshole.
Sugar stiffened and squirted all over Blood's basketball shorts, staining them and his own ecto-thighs with their mixed fluids. The movement squeezed Blood's cock, and it pulsed, emptying a hot load of cum deep inside of his brother. Finally satisfied, Blood's cock dissipated, leaving the other skeleton with both their ass and pussy twitching and overflowing with cum.
With his excess magic spent, Blood returned to his senses. He gently helped his partner settle into a more comfortable position on the couch. Small spasms wracked the taller skeleton's body in the aftermath of their powerful orgasms, but they gave Blood a thumbs up to show that they were alright. Still concerned, Blood pantomimed fetching some water, and his partner nodded.
Yanking his soaked basketball shorts up, Blood found his way over to one of the snack and beverage stations where he collected a bottle of water and a variety of snacks for his partner. It made him uncomfortable to think of any monster expending so much energy without food to refuel, especially one that resembled his brother. He shoved a protein bar into his own mouth as he walked, but he kept most of his haul for the other skeleton.
The couch was empty when he returned. After a brief search, Blood concluded that the other skeleton must have left. It was probably for the best. Blood wanted to avoid awkward questions by being home when his real brother returned from his book club; seeing his stand-in brother basking in the afterglow of a thorough pounding would have tempted him into an encore performance. 
Leaving the snacks and water in case the other skeleton came back looking for them, Blood teleported home and collapsed onto his mattress, exhausted but satisfied. 
He couldn’t wait for Papyrus' next party.
Sugar breathed a sigh of relief when he stepped through the door into an empty living room. Thank the stars, his brother must be upstairs sleeping, the lazy bones. He hated lying to his brother, and making up details about a book club that didn’t exist was difficult. With his brother out of sight, he wouldn’t have to worry about his stilted gait raising brow bones. He wouldn’t need to make a mad dash to the shower before the scent of sweat and sex on him attracted Blood’s attention or risk more cum dribbling down his ecto where his brother would surely see it.
As much as he hated sneaking around, Sugar really couldn't wait for Papyrus' next party.
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bits-and-babs · 2 years
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-> OCT. 5 : 69ING
WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI. Dirty talk, initial discomfort at the idea of 69ing but a consensual agreement.
WC: 1015
[Kinktober Masterlist] [Main Masterlist]
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“No, no no, absolutely not!” you gasp out shaking your head quickly and hauling yourself off a very horny, irritated Nathan Bateman. Perhaps his frustrations were entirely deserved- you had been teasing him all evening, swanning around with nothing but a ribbed tank top and a lacy pair of underwear - but the concept of sitting on Nathan’s face, even now, overwhelmed you.
“Honey, it’s not gonna kill you. It’ll feel good,” he’s not pushing you, soothing you with gentle strokes of his palm up and down your spine. Nathan would never push you to do anything you didn’t want to, knowing this was probably your insecurities speaking.
You cringe outwardly, watching as Nathan gazes at you over the silver rim of his glasses with a neutral expression despite his erect cock poking at the inside of your thigh while he awaited your next move. Again- Nathan never pushed you, just looked mildly irate while he awaited your decision.
“It’s embarrassing,” you whine, admittedly a little childishly. Nathan had seen you in all kinds of compromising positions, folded in half or reverse cowgirl or his dick down your throat and your mascara all down your face, there was no reason to begin acting coy now.
“I could help you keep your mind off it,” Nathan muses a smirk tugging on his lips as he traces his fingerprints down your naked sides. When Nathan smiles like that, it often means he’s up to no good in the best way possible. His mind is elaborate, coming up with all kinds of weird and wonderful ways to make your adventurous sex-life even more wild.
“How ‘bout I put my dick down your throat?” He asks bluntly, refusing to beat around the bush, “Give that pretty mouth something to suck on, hmm Honey?”
You just know you look ludicrous, doe eyed and slack jawed as you stare at him in shock thanks to his crude idea. He arches a thick, dark brow, eagerly awaiting your answer as he leans back on his forearms again. Nathan Bateman is too hot for his own good, and it was seriously beginning to vex you.
“… Okay!” You sigh, exasperated as Nathan already begins to manhandle you so you face the opposite way, “But if I hate it we’re stopping!” You insist, his hand pushing down on your back to edge your face towards his crotch while simultaneously shuffling you backwards so his face had access between your thighs.
“Mhmm-hmm-“ He answers abscentmindedly, his mouth already surrounding your aching cunt and dragging the flat of his tongue through your soaking folds and across your swollen clit. He’s right after all, your body just melts, a loud, breathless moan bouncing off the walls of his starkly decorated bedroom as he eats you out like a man starved of food for weeks on end, nourishment being just out of reach.
“Hnnggg, fuck,” you gasp loudly, struggling with the band of his sweatpants to pull out his twitching cock. You waste no time in taking him into your mouth, trying so desperately to muffle the sounds you were making- Nathan was already a proud man, you couldn’t have it go to his head.
You try so hard to please him, you really do. You focus on taking him as deep as you can into your throat and swallowing around him, but your eyes are rolling back into your skull when he rubs the tip of his tongue back and forth across your clit, sparking ecstasy so easily. You’re drooling around his dick, grabbing at his thighs and digging your nails into the flesh there in an attempt to retain some control.
It’s fruitless though, every time you increase the pace of you bobbing your head, or swirling your tongue around the flushed tip, Nathan responds in earnest. He wraps his arms around your lower back, using the strength of his muscle training to push you back onto his face so that you’re almost sitting on him, just so he can nuzzle into your cunt and moan, the vibrations sending you utterly crazy.
You’re almost certain you muffle a swear around his cock, pushing your hips back into his face in order to chase the high he’s pulling from you using his deft tongue. Despite being the one in control, Nathan is still affected by the position, your tongue tracing the veins running along his shaft has his thighs twitching, rocking his hips up slightly to make you take him deeper.
Nathan’s coarse beard scrapes as the delicate flesh on the inside of your thighs, the sensation pushing you closer and closer to orgasm as he quickly flicks his tongue across your clit, from side to side. You focus, taking him as deep into your throat as you can. You can hear him groan against your pussy in warning when you scrape your nails up the flesh of his thighs.
Nathan cements your fate by lifting his hand and striking you across your asscheek, the sharp pain blending and melding with the pleasure until the strength in your thighs dissipates. God, you cum so fucking hard, rocking back onto Nathan’s face so his nose nudgesyour clit repeatedly, moaning loudly around his cock. It twitches, the vibrations sending Nathan over the edge as his grip on your hips tightens, groaning in ecstasy around your cunt and keeping you suspended in that peak as you swallow his load down greedily.
When you finally collapse at the side of him, the two of you totally spent and utterly exhausted, you can’t help but giggle at the ridiculous thought that comes to mind, glancing at Nathan and watching him look at you in question.
“What are you laughing at?” He asked, amused by your seemingly giddy afterglow.
“… Can your robots do that?”
You know they could. Nathan can make his AI’s do anything. But he laughs, offering you a shake of his head and a kiss on the temple, an example of the rare, playful moments you only receive as a gift in the post orgasm haze.
“No. They can’t.”
@in-for-a-pennyx @hoeneey @howaboutcastiel @markywithissues @welcometostayingawake @inklore @foxilayde
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crazywolf828 · 8 months
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series)
Relationship: Keyleth/Vex'ahlia (Critical Role)
Characters: Vex'ahlia (Critical Role), Keyleth (Critical Role)
Additional Tags: Smut, Blindfolds, Gentle Sex, it's real soft y'all, Kinktober
"Darling, you need to calm down." Vex's voice is smooth, but somehow calming. It helps some of the tension leave Keyleth's shoulders, "We don't have to do this." "No, no, I want to." She does too, she always worries, her mind is always so full of fears and regrets, she wants to forget what they've been through, if only for a little bit. - Kinktober Prompt: Blindfolds
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honey-makki · 3 years
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laundry day
mitsuki bakugou & inko midoriya x face sitting/strap x fem!reader
contains: milfs💖, cheating (kinda it’s open but boundaries are not discussed and mitsuki’s relationship status is ambiguous), face sitting, humiliation, age gap, sex toys, under discussed boundaries, established izuku x reader, underwear, almost getting caught, threesomes
a/n: i’m a homosexual
kinktober multiplayer masterlist
the damned collab
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Inko is flustered when Mitsuki picks up the phone. She hasn’t sounded this flustered since she talked to little Izuku about the birds and bees. (Which Mitsuki followed up in a much more blunt and informative manner for both the boys once they hit high school.) But that was years ago, the boys have been out of school for what, four years now? Five? Fuck we’re getting old.
“What is it, Inko?” She’s always been so emotional and easily flustered, something that Mitsuki has been known to take advantage of.
“Well, Izuku has been staying here with his girlfriend over the weekend. And I was just doing my laundry- mine not theirs- and when I was folding it, I found…” she trails off into a blubbering mess but Mitsuki is quick to get her back on track, asking her to repeat that. “Well, um, I found her orange thong.At first I just thought it was a hair tie! You know one of those lacy frilly ones because it was so small but when I picked it up I figured it out! Oh this is so embarrassing, how do I just give them back! She's still here in Izuku’s room while he’s at a last minute meeting so I can’t sneak it back in their clothes.”
Mitsuki doesn't hide her laughter. This is only something Inko would get worked up about. As if they hadn’t owned skimpy garments like this back when they were younger. Hell, Mitsuki still has some stashed away for special occasions and she would better her bottom dollar so does Inko. “You could just give them to her. You know that right?”
Inko is adamant in her denial that she can absolutely not do that. Mitsuki comes over, with the intention of distracting Izuku’s girlfriend so Inko can sneak upstairs. But when she sees you over Inko's shoulder through the doorway she stops with her mouth hung open. You see her whisper something to Inko as you wave and continue into the kitchen to take out the cookies you were baking.
“Give me the underwear.”
Inko gasps, “What! Why! What about the plan?” She glances over her shoulder to make sure you couldn’t hear.
Mitsuki’s face is adorned with a grin reminiscent of Katsuki in battle, “Wanna make her squirm and blush. Bet she’d be cute. Mostly want to make sure she’s good enough for your darling boy though.” Inko doesn’t need to know that she does want to make sure you’re good enough for Izuku, but not in any way Inko would ever dream of. As Inko shoves them in her coat pocket, Mitsuki says loudly, “Oh shit, Inko! I forgot your apron at my house. Let me go grab it real quick and I’ll be back. Just give me five minutes.” Neither you nor Inko get another word out before Mitsuki runs off in a manner much giddier than you’d associate with the hot-head’s mother.
True to her word she returns, apron in hand and a grin on her face. She shoulders past Inko and meets you in the kitchen where she starts making a pot of tea for the three of you. “So darling, we’ve met but only in passing! How did you and Izuku meet?”
It’s funny how much she is like her son, forward and vexing in what you might call an endearing way. “Well, I work in the support department at the boy’s agency. I worked on Katsuki’s gauntlets a few times before Izuku came down for a boot redesign. He caught me mumbling and we just.. Hit it off I guess.” Mitsuki watches you smile and gesture around at nothing. ”Coffee turned into dinner and that turned into dates. It just kinda happened. And here we are eight months later and in a happy open relationship.”
“Well I’m glad for the both of you, you seem really happy. Maybe you can find someone for my brat to shackle down with. That’s probably asking too much of you though, we all know that he’s a lot to handle.”
You giggle at her, mischief in your eyes, “I think he’s got his eyes on someone, but his head is stuck so deep in his inferiority complex so it might be a while before anything happens.” Mitsuki files this away for later questioning but leaves it to rest for now.
“Well, let's take these cookies and tea to the living room and we can get to know each other a little more, yeah? I got plenty of embarrassing stories about those kids.” You follow her into the living room and meet Inko who is nervously sitting on the couch, eyes flickering between the two of you.
They watch you sit, carefully crossing your legs in your cute pink sundress before smiling up at them and asking how they met. Mitsuki regails you with some story that you're sure is more false than true but is entertaining nonetheless. It isn’t long before Mitsuki is asking you about your “dirty little secrets.” It catches you off guard, causing you to chuckle and ask just what she means by that.
“Well, I was a girl your age once, what do you get up to that Izuku wouldn’t want his mother dearest to know? It’ll just be between us girls.” It’s an uncomfortable question, north hat you are ashamed about your sex life, its realtively healthy and normal, but nothing you’d want to share with his mother of all people.
“Uhm, I’m not sure what you mean Mrs. Bakugou.” That smile returns as she pulls something out of her pocket, some type of fabric? Oh. Oh no. The cheshire grin on her face is juxtaposed by Inkos beet red embarrassed face and you just know she found them. “I am so embarrassed. I know it’s just underwear but I’m sorry you found them Inko! God this is so awkwa-”
“This isn’t even enough to be considered underwear. There’s barely any fabric here. I bet you wear these when you want Izuku to bend you over.” Mitsuki’s gaze is appraising, reading your body language, the heat in your checks, shifting of thighs and averted gaze. She must like what she sees because she continues. “Then why did you bring them wiht you here, did you want him to fuck you in his childhood bedroom? Did you suck his dick while his mom was home?” You don’t answer and she looks to Inko, “Well, did you hear anything that you wish you hadn’t? Hear her cute little moans maybe? Filtering through your bedroom wall while you try to sleep at night?” The greenette is staring down at her lap, red cheeks evident to all.
Somehow this woman in front of you has transformed into a demon and has both you and your boyfriend's mother under her thumb. Playing with you both like little dolls for her entertainment. She Stands up and stalks over to you slowly, dropping the lace on your lap and waits, glancing between you and the fabric. You swallow and stand up to pull them on underneath your dress.
“Oh ho ho. Was this naughty little girl prancing around the house in this short little dress, entertaining her bosses mothers with no panties on?” You feel compelled to nod, like your body is moving without your approval as you lift your dress up to show the snug straps over your hips and small triangle of lace covering not much of anything. Mitsuki lets out an appreciative hum, motioning for you to twirl. A harsh smack lands on your ass as you comply. You see both of them watch it jiggle as you look over your shoulder scandalized at the action.
To be honest you aren’t surprised at Mitsuki, not with the way she was just walking, but Inko? Sweet little Inko who’s been nothing but an angel to you the whole time you’ve known her? No, you didn;t expect her to be staring at your ass in the same way her son does when he sees that little string swallowed up by your cheeks. You go to let the fabric fall and leave, overwhelmed with what's going on but Mitsuki is already behind you, hands running up your body and dragging the cotton fabric of your dress up with it.
As she pulls it over your head, you are staring at Inko with a mixture of lust and confusion as your tits fall free, bare for her to drink in. You should be embarrassed, standing near naked in front of these two mothers, mothers of our bosses, your boyfriend's mother. But the attention they are giving you, like your a gift, the apple of their garden, forbidden but ripe for the taking.
It makes you feel desired, powerful, someone who could hold all the control if you wanted to. Like you could control Inko, twist her around your finger every which way. That you drew this type of energy out of Mitsuki, it’s a heady drug. Like a goddess, of the dark seedy underworld where mothers lust for you but in the same breath of spring, a fresh breath of air, a light playful thing, mischievous and fun.
Mitsuki pulls you out of your staring contest with a snap of the strap on your hip. You turn back to see her in her sleek black skirt and a black lace bra looking just the picture of elegant beauty and power. And the gleam in her eye as she looks you over with a smirk makes you realize that you have no power here. The small warm hand on your hip just cements the fact. You are powerless between the two. A charming devil on one shoulder and a doting angel on the other.
Inko is hesitant in the way she touches you, unsure in what is allowed but desperate to push the boundaries and just take. The soft kisses along your shoulder blades are evident of that. In between the ones she's leaving you and Mitsuki’s long fingers teasing your nipples you find yourself walking to Izuku’s room and sitting on the bed. Inko and Mitsuki are looming over you and you try to figure out where this is going next but so far just letting it happen has been more than fun.
Mitsuki slaps Inko’s ass and tells her to see how good she kisses, see if she treats her little boy right. Inko is more than happy to comply, scrambling up into your lap and pushing you down into the bed. Her lips are small and soft and pleading for more. You open up her mouth and she honest to god moans as she slips her tongue in. You can feel Mitsuki unbuttoning Inko’s shirt, undressing her as she’s sitting on your lap. GIving you the most twisted present you could ever want. All this soft skin for you to touch, to kiss, and worship like the angel she is.
She whimpers when Mitsuki pulls her skirt off, leaving her in her cotton underwear and plain bra and all you can focus on is the wet patch you can feel growing from her crotch pressed on your stomach. You see her kiss swollen lips and pupils blown wide. It looks like there’s some type of regret trying to cross her features but when you grasp her ass and drag her cunt along your stomach it fades away with eyes rolling back into her head.
Mitsuki kneels down to whisper in your ear, “Doesn’t she look so pretty like that. Moaning like a whore from a little action. Don’t you want to hear more of those pretty noises?” You nod, looking up at her like she hung the sun, ready and willing to do what she asks. You can feel inko rocking her hips against you, a hand grasping your tit for balance.
You look at Inko, begging her to tell you what she wants, more than willing to give it to her. In the end, neither of you make that decision. Mitsuki pushes her up your chest until she straddles your shoulders. Inko tries to shuffle away rambling about how she's concerned about hurting you or being too heavy but your arms are already wrapped around her thighs and lips leaving bruising marks right alongside them.
Her legs are coated in arousal and your spit before Mitsuki slowly pushes her down onto your tongue after catching her by surprise with a kiss. You can taste the arousal caught in her panties and the warmth of your tongue makes her let out a yelp that turns into a moan. You chuckle and press a kiss against the fabric before you nudge them to the side with your nose and dive in with a fervor.
Her weight pressing down on you feels like heaven, you must have died and moved on and the noises coming from above you are the trumpets at the gate, angels welcoming you home, something ethereal. Your tongue tasting the rivers of milk and honey pouring from her as she ruts against you. It’s intoxicating and you forget about your corporeal form until a pair of hands spread your legs apart for someone to move in between.
Mitsuki’s touch lights a fire in your gut, fingers dipping into your hole quickly before pulling out. You can hear a muffled laugh and she’s so wet from making you feel good. Isn’t she a good little girl? It’s shameful, the way your gut clenches and flops at her words, the consent making you queasy but the doting tone willing you to agree.
A blunt head is pressed against you and stays right there, teasing you with what is to come but never giving in. Rolling your hips doesn’t help to fully catch it in your hole but it must be a pretty enough sight for her to give in and bottom out in one sharp thrust at jolts you forward.
Inko almost falls over but a firm fist in your hair keeps her upright and chasing the pleasure. Mitsuki’s sharp and near brutal pace makes it difficult for you to focus on Inko but you have to. Have to keep hearing all those pretty sounds. You focus on suckling at her clit, flicking at it with your tongue before sliding down to press at her hole. You slide in easily and with every roll of her hips your nose catches on her clit causing them to stutter.
You can tell she’s close and nothing in the world could stop you from bringing her there. Your wet and sloppy but its doing the triick, slurping at her folds, thumbing at her clit while you fuck her hole with your tongue, it doesn’t take long before theres a waterfall of ambrosia pouring down your face and Inko falls over next to you boneless.
Mitsuki must be proud of you or happy that all your attention is on her, either way she gets into your space and licks Inko off of your face before grasping your jaw open and spitting in your mouth. “Hold it. Mouth open.” You do just that and she nods looking at that little fuckdrunk look on your face.
She picks up her pace, fucking you fast and fucking you stupid. Inko’s mouth latches onto one of your nipples catching you by surprise and a weak whine slips out. She coos, “Aw a cute little baby. I get why Izuku likes you, lookin’ up all doe eyed while being fucked open. I know I love it. Love how tight you are around my cock. Fuck, darlin’.”
You feel like lava is flowing through your veins, fire licking at your lungs, your brain leaving it scorched until nothing is left but her. Your throat is dry and you want to cry out, let out the noises building in your chest but you have to be good. Keep her spit in your mouth until she tells you to swallow.
Inko’s hands are joined by Mitsuki’s roaming over your body leaving nothing untouched. You are a live wire ready to overload and shut down. Soft fingers rub against your clit beckoning forward the black out and it's just as strong as you expected, A supernova of pleasure from the mused hairs on your head to your curling toes rippling out from where Mitsuki fucks you through it.
She doesn’t stop even when your back hits the bed again. Her pace slows but it doesn’t matter when every thrust burns as you try to scramble away from the cooling embers of pleasure that's quickly turning into white hot pain.
You feel her shudder and grind in against you and let out the softest noise any Bakugou has ever uttered and it’s an entirely enchanting moan. She rolls her hips through her organs, riding through the pleasure on the straps of her harness before she pulls out and stands on shaky legs. Only then does she let you swallow.
Inko shuffles away quickly, urging her to sit and returns with some wet cloths. She dutifully and delicately cleans both of you up, showering you in praise and soft kisses against the cleaned skin. Mitsuki grumbles far more about the words than you did but puts up no real argument.
The three of you lay on Izuku’s childhood bed for longer than you probably should. The door opening was near inaudible but Izuku’s loud call for the both of you shatters the silence your trio was basking in. Mitsuki and Inko hurriedly dress to meet him downstairs and buy you some time to regain your senses and put your wracked self back together.
You see Mitsuki stop by the door and you drearily turn your head to look at her. “For what it’s worth, I think you probably treat Izuku pretty well.”
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There is still time to play the game here. if your url is bolded and stricken please dm one of us to get you on the next fic!
taglist: @dazeddazai @tetsurousharlot @ladybitsnpieces @lmaoihavenoidea @bootyy-bakeryy @morallygreyish @kyouto @thetempleofnyx @yuvtas @queer-naruto @damnitcrowley @xo-lynx @sheerxradiance @sweetcroissantoperatorherring @the-wiener-soldier1 @kalesugar @fantasycantasy @doja4eva @otakuann @sarcastickaigan @vixemi @lazyafgurl @babygirls-fav @callmelovergirl @ruemensukuna @kamberry-juice @sen-brainrot @halo-girl @mine-daiki @alureasoley @geektastic84
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jd-loves-everyone · 4 years
Kinktober 2020 - Day 11
➤ Nipple play + Minho
➤ Warnings: none
“You think you could cum just from me playing with your nipples?” Minho asked suddenly while he laid on top of you as you laid on your back on the couch. You looked at him weirdly, briefly taking your gaze away from the TV.
“What made you think of that?” You asked as you stroked his soft hair as he spoke, chest vibrating against your torso while his cheek was smushed against your chest.
“It just crossed my mind.” He said nonchalantly as he very obviously stared at your nipples through your thin sleep shirt. “Anyways does it matter? You wanna try it or not?”
He raised his head away from your body and snuck a hand beneath your shirt, exposing your panty-clad lower half. Minho looked you in the eyes with mirth so characteristic of him and a fondness he stored away just for you, and his cats.
“Well, if you wanna make me cum, you better get that mouth of yours to work.”
“Oh, I will, don’t you worry.” Minho chuckled sarcastically, clearly vexed by your attitude.
He quickly took off your shirt (which was actually his), exposing your braless chest to his hungry gaze. He leaned down before slowly licking over your nipple, letting you feel every ridge and curve of the small, wet muscle. You could tell you weren’t going to last very long.
You couldn’t help but moan at the feeling as Minho dragged his tongue all around your chest, making your pleasured noises increase in frequency and volume.
“Have you been holding back all this time?” You teased, despite how breathless you sounded, no doubt taking all power out of the sentence.
He didn’t give you an answer, even if he did you were so out of it that you wouldn’t have noticed, he simply smirked. And you wouldn’t have noticed his hand touching along the apex of your thighs and the way his kisses climbed higher, towards the sweet spot over your collarbone, if his touch hadn’t made your senses go haywire.
“T-That’s cheating.” You said weakly, panting as Minho’s eyebrows furrowed in frustration.
“Fuck this. You know what? I give up! Let’s get to the bedroom and finish this.”
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
I’d Like to Say I’m Sorry
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Virginity Rocks
part 17-> lets all play the “what the fuck is up with (y/n)?” Game.
I’m a little sad that the denki kinktober fic goes up tomorrow and not today but eh close enough. also how are we liking the angst everyone? ^w^
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Tags (if you want to be added to the tag list just let me know and I’ll add you!): @fo-love @butitsbetterifyoudoittoem @spo0kynekozzz​  @edensxgarden​​ @silverdashipper @nettiewrites-bnha @sassy-potato-moose @my-neighbor-todoro @alienapplepi3​​ @ser0-t0nin​  @7gothic0puppy7 @peachyypupp  @wholesomey-artist @the-cold-starry night @yourmum792  @iwantapoptartqwq​ @nefelithefuckingretard @kpopfan-cpop​  @fresh-bagel @yikes-buddy @theunguidedmissile​ @iixyia​ @naughtylittleweeb@missalienqueen​ @jaegersblogh​  @prinzessinbuttercup @chickadee-jules @sinclairsamess​  @thelovelymoongoddess​ @thoughtfulpandazine2 @greycuby@lilsxtan@fand0mgirl@atsumumu @icy-hot​ @animemelanie360​ @thegalxe@iixyia @fait-de-fleurs@1sillylittlething @elmo-does-crimez@daninaninani@panicnowandrun  @lowkey-im-such-an-idiot@bringmelily@justdidabadthing@geektastic84@toobsessedsstuff@fanfic-me-up @axolotleyeliner@ohnosiren@darling-aimo@zbops@hiddenpan03@yuiicorn@stargazerunlimited@kalesveggietales​ @perplexing-vex @runrabbitrun3​ @asia-niicole​​​ @she-daydreamss​​ @nojammsss03​ @kat-unzel​ @perplexing-vex​
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zmediaoutlet · 5 years
kinktober day six
Prompt: Flogging (x)
‘Twas quite a sweet wee spell, if Rowena did say so herself. Most who might have had a valid opinion about the arcane work involved had been long-ago murdered, so there were few enough left who could say it--someone ought to, she thought. She examined her nails, done this week in a purple deep as galaxies. “Again,” she said, and the whipcrack was just delightful, coming out of nothing, straight from her will with no arm needed to wield it.
A groan, but not nearly pained enough. “Was that really necessary?”
Rowena raised her eyebrows. “Well, of course it was, my dear. The magic tells us so. And how do we know?”
A sigh. “Every time you think of something I’ve done to vex you, I earn a lash.” It’s said in a rote, schoolboy way. A bored child, not a supplicant begging for mercy. She purses her lips. A whipcrack, and a grunt. That’s better.
She shifts in her chair, her thighs pressing together. Mm. Successful spellcraft always does turn her blood to honey. “Mother,” he says, “really,” and she taps the rim of her teacup, and there’s two lashes in quick succession, for the condescension and the daring. Wee Fergus is the one strapped naked on his knees in this ridiculous dungeon he calls a throne room, and he isn’t the one on the throne. He could show a tad more respect.
“Not to mention,” she says, while he lifts his chin. Half-human, he’s sweating, but he’s got enough of the demon left in him that the pain’s something else. She pauses, and smiles at his also-ridiculous cock, lifting into the punishment. “Aw, Fergus. Wee boy. Feeling some affection for Mummy after all?”
He scoffs, but his eyes are nearly black, and not from the smoke inside him. She smiles, and goes back to what she was saying: “Not to mention, the time you forgot to pay the butcher and we didn’t have meat for two weeks.”
Fergus makes a face at her. “Mother, that was four hundred years ago. Have some perspective.”
“I had perspective on my griping belly!” she says, leaning forward. “What did you even do with the money?”
“I was seven! I was probably mugged by a random sailor! Why were you sending me to pay your bills in the first place?”
“Well,” she says, with a sniff. “You should have been more responsible. It’s a son’s duty to help his mother.” Another whipcrack, and Fergus lurches forward right in the middle of rolling his eyes. Rowena has a long, long list of transgressions to get through, and Fergus has quite a lot of borrowed skin that’s not yet bleeding, and neither of them can die. They’ve got plenty of time.
“Now,” she says, while he groans his way back upright. “Let’s talk about 1668, and who exactly was meant to be watching the back door while Mother dealt with Mr. MacDonald and his lack of appreciation for the working woman.”
“A working woman is generally a laundress, not a spellworking whore,” Fergus says, and the next lash comes without Rowena even needing to think about it. She adds another cube of sugar to her tea, smiling. Oh, yes. ‘Tis a very, very sweet spell.
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vex-bittys · 6 years
Interactive and Events Index
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These fanfictions involved interactions from my interactions from my followers such as voting or requests and include events such as Kinktober. Please make sure to read the descriptions. NSFW fics and drabbles are for 18+ users only.
Drabble Event:
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NOTE: The links for the Drabble Event don’t work on mobile. To view the drabbles, search the tag Vex does drabbles here for the SFW drabbles and on my NSFW account (vexy-sins) for the NSFW drabbles.
Undertale Interactive Dating
Read on AO3
[ Part 1 ][ Part 2 ][ Part 3 ][ Part 4 ][ Part 5 ][ Part 6 ][ Part 7 ][ Part 8 ][ Part 9 ][ Part 10 ][ Finale ][ BONUS: Swapfell Seduction ]
[ Part 1 ][ Part 2 ][ Part 3 ][ Part 4 ][ Part 5 ][ Part 6 ][ Part 7 ][ Part 8 ][ Finale ][ BONUS: Fellby Date ]
[ Part 1 ][ Part 2 ][ Part 3 ][ Part 4 ][ Part 5 ][ Part 6 ][ Part 7 ][ Part 8 ][ Finale ]
[ Part 1 ][ Part 2 ][ Part 3 ][ Part 4 ][ Part 5 ][ Part 6 ][ Part 7 ][ Part 8 ][ Part 9 ][ Part 10 ][ Finale ][ BONUS: Papby Kiss ]
Grand Finale:
[ Swapfell ][ Undertale ][ Underfell ][ Underswap ]
Flufftober (SFW):
2020 Index | Read on AO3
Kinktober (18+ only)
2018 Index | Read on AO3
2019 Index | Read on AO3
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msviolacea · 7 years
Kinktober Day 2
This one’s set in the when the wicked play universe, though you don’t need to have read that to read this. Because, honestly, there’s no plot here of any sort. 
Day 2 - dirty talk
Vex loves a good many things about Percy. His dry sense of humor, the way his brain works about three seconds faster than his mouth does, the way his impeccably tailored trousers drape over his ass. She certainly loves the way he looks at her when he thinks she’s not looking, eyes full of soft wonder, as if she’s something precious. But if she was making a list, hearing filthy thoughts in his cultured voice would be somewhere near the top.
Just … perhaps not during dinner at his parents’ house.
(No, she’s lying. It’s infinitely hotter that way.)
“Have I told you,” he asks, whispering in her ear while the twins argue with Vesper, “how amazing your tits look in that sweater?”
Vex smiles and leans up to speak into his ear. “You haven’t, but I agree, that’s why I bought it.”
Julius asks her a question, and she’s distracted for a few minutes, until Percy leans down again. “When we get home, I want to suck on your tits until your nipples are red and swollen.” She doesn’t get a chance to answer, as Julius speaks again, but Vex isn’t a novice at this game. She knows how to squeeze her thighs together under the table without giving any indication of her arousal - she also knows how to wait patiently for her turn.
A bit later, when Percy is telling his mother about work, Vex gets up to use the bathroom and, as she leaves the table, leans down to his ear. “How about you fuck my tits tonight? They’d look super amazing squeezed around your cock.” She only regrets that she’s walking away, so she can’t see his face. She’s playing a bit dirty - she knows he’s got a particular thing for tit fucking, at least with her tits - but he’s the one who brought the whole topic up in the first place. All’s fair in love and sexual frustration.
Dinner ends, and the family moves to the rec room downstairs so Oliver can challenge his father to a billiards game. Vex and Percy end up on a couch next to Ludwig, who is excitedly telling them about the advanced chemistry lab he’s taking this semester. Percy is the one member of the family who can really engage Ludwig about science, so Vex figures he’s lost track of the game until he leans down while Ludwig is describing an experiment. “I’m going to come all over your tits,” he murmurs, “and then I’m going to eat you out until you can’t come any more.”
“Promises, promises,” she whispers back, though he’s had the intended effect - she can barely sit still, she’s so turned on. But a few minutes later, she leans back and says softly, “If you can get us out of here in the next fifteen minutes, I’ll wear the nipple clamps.”
She works very hard not to laugh when Percy develops a sudden headache that requires him to go to bed early. She’s also pretty sure they don’t fool his mother, but honestly, Vex doesn’t need to know what the prime minister knows - or suspects - about her son’s sex life.
… and if they only make it to the dark corner of the grocery store parking lot before fucking desperately in the car like a pair of horny teenagers, well, it’s not the first time that’s happened. “You gonna get it up again so you can play with my tits?” she asks him breathlessly, straddling him in the driver’s seat.
“That’s a stupid question,” he mutters into her neck.
And that’s another thing she loves about Percy. He never has to make her wait.
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vexy-sins · 2 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Ten
Pairing: UT!Sans x UL!Sans (ClassicLust)
Featured Kinks: Bondage, Frottage, Cock Worship
Additional Warnings: Oral Sex, Hand Job, Mild Orgasm Denial
Sans agreed to try bondage for the first time without much coaxing. Being tied up meant not having to move, right, and not having to move was the laidback skeleton’s favorite activity, especially during sex. He just wanted to lounge and let his partner pleasure him, and hooking up with the Sans from Underlust guaranteed 100% satisfaction on all pleasure transactions. Those Lust monsters were the Energizer bunnies of producing orgasms. They just kept going and going and going…
Actual bondage differed from what Sans imagined though. Lust wouldn’t be satisfied with some simple handcuffs attaching his lover’s wrists to the bedposts. Instead, the flamboyant monster arrived at the hotel room they’d rented in his universe (the innkeeper charged an hourly rate, and nobody asked questions) with a box full of cuffs, straps, ropes of various materials and thickness, gags, chains, blindfolds, spreader bars, and equipment that made Sans question his entire foray into this universe. 
“don’t worry; we’re only going to use the things you feel comfortable with,” reassured Lust, possibly responding to his counterpart’s nervous shuffling, or perhaps he gave the same disclaimer to every monster he brought here. “we’ll discuss some safewords too in case you’re unsure, uncomfortable, or want to stop. using ‘blue’ for ‘stop’ is pretty common.”
Sans nodded mutely, still taking in the bondage equipment spread out before him. "sounds good." Guess we’re really doing this, he thought, removing clothing items and discarding them haphazardly on his way to the bed.
Lust dug around in his treasure chest of bondage equipment while Sans got himself situated, finally fishing out two sets of conjoined padded cuffs with an adjustable strap connecting them. He set them on the floor and grabbed a spreader bar, holding it up speculatively in front of his Classic counterpart. Satisfied with his choice of equipment, Lust strolled over to the bed, still fully dressed, to peruse Sans’ naked body.
With a wicked grin that sent a delicious shiver up Sans' spine, Lust laid down the tools of his erotic trade. “get on your knees,” he instructed, then got to work securing the bindings.
First, Lust positioned Sans' arms behind his back, fastening the lined cuffs to his wrists firmly but not painfully. The matching ankle cuffs went on next, and Lust double-checked the fit a final time before adjusting the strap that linked the two sets of restraints. Finally, he nestled the ends of the spreader bar against Sans’ femurs just above his already trembling patellae, effectively immobilizing him while leaving him open for a bevy of pleasurable activities.
Sans shifted, testing the bindings. He definitely couldn’t move unless he tried rolling, but he had no desire to spend his sexy time face down on a hotel room floor. It truly hit him in that moment that these cuffs and straps left him completely at Lust’s mercy, relying on a single syllable soundwave as his only means of affecting the situation. He wouldn’t be able to touch himself; Lust would dole out, or even withhold, the orgasms as he saw fit. The lack of control thrilled Sans, and his magic began to pool in his pelvis.
Naturally, he cracked a joke to ease the tension. “now that i’m hog-tied, are you going to slip me your sausage?”
Lust chuckled, low and sultry, removing his clothes and laying them neatly on the bondage box before answering. “actually, you’re going to form a nice ecto-cock, and if you perform well, i might even let you pork me.” 
The Lustverse skeleton reached out with deft phalanges and stroked his Classic counterpart’s pubic symphysis, coaxing the rich blue magic into thick, hard cock. With the other hand, he swirled his own magic into plump pussy lips, already glossy with arousal. San groaned and tried to lean forward, but he couldn’t gain any momentum without free use of his limbs.
“lay back and relax,” purred Lust, placing a hand on Sans’ sternum and carefully pushing him backwards against the plush hotel pillows, “we’re gonna have a great time.”
Translucent purple ecto-flesh enveloped Lust’s bones, and every inch of that ecto-flesh rubbed against Sans’ needy cock when Lust backed up until his face leered at Sans from between his femurs. Sans gasped as a slender hand wrapped around the base of his cock, but he couldn’t thrust into it like he wanted to. Why had he agreed to be tied up?
“such a big, thick cock,” Lust moaned, rubbing his cheekbone against it and letting a bead of blue pre-cum streak across his face. Slowly, much too slowly, he stroked the entire throbbing length with one hand, then leaned in, kissing it softly from base to tip before letting his tongue dart out and catch a second drop of pre-cum. “mmm, so good.”
“f-faster.” Lust’s touch and his voice heightened Sans’ desire, but the speed at which he moved his hand only frustrated the bound skeleton. He needed more, but Lust was clearly in no hurry.
Letting more lewd gasps escape his mouth, Lust arched his back and rubbed his breasts against Sans’ cock then lowered his head and ran his tongue along the shaft, swirling it around the tip. “yes, so hot… you’re making me so horny…”
“do something… please,” whimpered Sans who wanted nothing more than to grab his cock and jerk it hard and fast until he came all over those perky purple tits. He couldn’t take all of this teasing, all of the gentle not-enough touches.
Lust pouted, putting a single phalange to his mouth in feigned innocent confusion. “is this what you want?” he asked in a lilting voice. Lust straddled Sans, holding himself above the other skeleton’s cock so that Sans could see the slick arousal on his pussy lips and thighs. ‘you want my tight, wet pussy on your thick, throbbing cock?”
“yes!” Sans’ frustration and desire combined into an unbearable need, the tension building and building with no release in sight, unless Lust would. Just. Cooperate.
Lust lowered himself, still in no hurry despite the fact that he could see Sans straining against his cuffs. Soft purple pussy lips cradled the dark blue shaft between them, Lust’s pulsating opening giving Sans’ cock a sloppy kiss. Lust’s breasts bounced as he rocked his hips, grinding his slick wet pussy along his counterpart’s aching length. He tilted his skull back, let his sockets close, and emitted the most lewd moans he could muster.
Pleasure built; Lust rubbed himself on Sans faster and faster, panting with his purple tongue flopping out his mouth. Sans just wanted to thrust, to sink his cock to the hilt in that tight little hole. He just wanted fuck Lust until the other skeleton couldn’t move. The tension and building pressure were too much. He couldn’t take it.
Without warning, Lust dismounted, standing on his knees between Sans’ femurs. In the same smooth motion, he took the swollen shaft in his hand, squeezed firmly, and began stroking it hard and fast, his hand sliding easily up and down the length now soaked by his own juices. Sans groaned and panted in response, bucking into Lust’s hand as well as he could. 
Pleasure ignited Sans’ entire body like wildfire in his magic, and cum exploded from his cock like a fountain, splattering across Lust’s face, tits, and stomach.
Sans basked in the euphoria of an amazing orgasm, surveying his handiwork. “my work here is done.” He expected a quick chuckle before Lust untied him, perhaps a response to his meme joke.
The seductive, mischievous smile never left Lust’s face. “oh, we’re only getting started.”
The monsters of Underlust were the Energizer bunnies of producing orgasms, after all. They just kept going and going…
Thankfully the hotel charged by the hour, not by the orgasm.
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vexy-sins · 4 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Six
Pairing: UT!Sans x UT!Papyrus (Classic fontcest)
Featured Kinks: Domesticity, Upskirt Sex, Creampie, Bulges
Additional Warnings: Spanking, Grinding
Sans really loved it when Papyrus cooked, despite the fact that most of the recipes that Papyrus knew had been taught to him by Undyne and were completely inedible. It wasn’t the promise of a delicious meal that drew Sans to the kitchen time after time when Papyrus started pummeling ingredients, oh no. Sans could easily resist the draw of dismal meals, but he couldn’t stay away from the sight of his brother in an apron. It helped that Papyrus liked to wear only the apron and nothing else.
Today, though, Papyrus had switched things up, and Sans had to say that he approved. He peered into the kitchen from the doorway, taking in the view with hungry eyelights. Papyrus wore his apron, as usual, and a short ruffled skirt that showed off a pair of clingy panties. Sans could feel his magic springing to life in his pelvis, so he crept into the kitchen to see if he could score a sweet treat before dinnertime. 
Papyrus glanced as his brother sneaking into the kitchen. His skirt ploy seemed to be working! The tall skeleton made quite a show of bending over to check the oven. He always kept his ecto-body summoned while he cooked, but it had nothing to do with cuisine and everything to do with providing an irresistible lure for his brother. Sans couldn’t resist the siren song of supple orange ecto-flesh, and Papyrus took full advantage of it.
Sans stepped up behind Papyrus, using a nearby stepstool to enhance his height, and rested one hand on each of his brother’s hips. Suddenly, he yanked Papyrus backwards until his ass brushed against the front of Sans’ basketball shorts. Papyrus could feel his brother’s erection through the fabric of both the shorts and his panties, and he liked it. Sans must’ve liked it too because he began to grind against Papyrus, running the length of his cock, still in his pants, against the generous curve of his brother’s ass.
Papyrus tilted his hips, and the clothed length slipped between his legs. Sans rocked his hips, grinding faster against the sensation of heat from Papyrus’ pussy. Papyrus moaned softly when his brother’s erection caught on his clit, sending a shiver of pleasure through him. Sans moaned, louder than his brother, in return. Pre-cum soon darkened the front of his shorts, and arousal seeped from Papyrus’ panties to glisten on his thighs. The panties were tight enough to show the outline of Papyrus’ puffy pussy lips, and they clung wetly to his inner folds.
Reaching behind him, Papyrus stroked at the bulge in his brother’s pants. Sans leaned close to his ear canal and growled in a very sexy voice: “don’t stop cooking.”
Curious, Papyrus obeyed. A few seconds later, Sans’ fingers slipped under the hem of his panties, tugging them down. Papyrus tried to concentrate on stirring his pasta sauce, but his brother’s fingers returned to the scene of the panty removal and began to knead at his folds, gently spreading them apart until his fingertips circled his brother’s dribbling fuckhole. Papyrus heard the sound of fabric hitting the kitchen floor a split second before the tip of his brother’s cock pressed at his pussy entrance.
Papyrus gasped and dropped his spoon into the sauce. Sans pushed into him, groaning in pleasure. “you dropped your spoon,” he murmured against his brother’s skull before lowering his head to kiss and suckle at the vertebrae of his brother’s neck. Papyrus fumbled to retrieve the spoon only to drop it again because Sans plunged deeply into his pussy, his cock stroking Papyrus’ insides and flooding his body with pleasure.
“I NEED… TO STIR...THE SAUCE,” Papyrus protested in a weak stammer. Sans’ hands settled on his hips again, clinging to the skirt fabric and the iliac crests beneath. The full skirt bounced and swayed with the force of the short skeleton’s thrusts.
“don’t. let. me. stop. you.” Sans huffed, punctuating each word with another powerful buck of his hips.
With a herculean effort, Papyrus concentrated enough to drop the pasta into the water, but a hearty slap on the ass from his brother caused his drop some of it onto the stove where the flames of the cooktop charred it. “THE PASTA,” Papyrus moaned, losing focus. “I… AH… AHHHH… MMMM.”
Sans’ savage thrusting hammered his brother’s pussy. The underside of Sans’ cock rubbed deliciously against Papyrus’ sensitive spots, and the length of his cock filled the summoned magic completely. Giving up on any semblance of completing the meal, Papyrus gripped the stove with both hands, bracing himself against the ruthless fucking and mewling for more.
His brother’s fingers dug into his hipbones, and Papyrus screamed in pleasure a moment before Sans bottomed out in his pussy, groaned, and came. The hot cum and pulsating cock pushed Papyrus over the edge as well. His pussy tightened, locking around his brother’s cock and milking every bit of cum from his thick shaft.
When Sans finally pulled out, his magic, mingled with Papyrus’ juices, bubbled out of the tall skeleton’s gaping pussy. Sans reached out and spread his brother’s fluttering cunt a bit wider, watching as aftershocks from the orgasm made sticky strands of cum flow out of it onto his brother's thighs and drip onto the floor. 
“since you handled dinner,” Sans purred, “i decided to do a little cream pie as dessert.” Sans used a finger to scoop up some of his cum. He held it up to Papyrus’ mouth. “wanna taste?”
Papyrus drew his brother’s finger into his mouth with his tongue, swirling his tongue around it and sucking it in a very suggestive manner. Sans’ sockets grew hazy with desire again, but Papyrus stood up suddenly, pulled his panties back up, and began to plate his poorly-stirred sauce and oddly both raw and overcooked spaghetti. When Papyrus put the two plates of supposed food on the table, Sans sighed.
Sans picked up a mushy noodle with an uncooked end and a scorch mark on it and tossed it into his mouth. “i could stop,” he offered.
Papyrus laughed and waved away his brother’s words. “UNLIKELY. DINNER TOGETHER AGAIN TOMORROW?”
“what are we having?”
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vexy-sins · 4 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Five
Pairing: Lamia UT!Sans x Lamia UF!Sans (Kustard)
Featured Kinks: Size Difference, Distension, Knotting, Breathplay
Additional Warnings: Monster heat, biting, cum inflation (slight), gaping, creampie
Sans didn’t know if it was the cold that awoke him or the intoxicating musky aroma circulating around his nest, but the skeleton lamia found himself wide awake and searching for the missing mate who had left them. Fortunately, his gold-fanged mate had also left behind a very distinct trail for him to follow.
Sans tracked Red’s scent with his forked tongue, savoring the flavor of the bigger lamia’s pheromones. Red must be in heat, a dominant heat if the scent was any indication. Sans’ magic tingled at the thought. Normally, he slithered lazily along, barely even keeping his torso off of the ground, but now he had to slither in a fully upright position to keep his sensitive cloaca from dragging along, likely leaving a trail of arousal in its wake.
Sans found his mate in a similar predicament- magic riled, desperate for stimulation, and reeking of dominant monster heat in the most delicious way. Red easily dwarfed him, and the gold-fanged lamia’s imposing size carried over to his double cocks as well. 
The bigger lamia was squeezing, stroking, and jerking on the dual shafts feverishly when Sans slithered up, mesmerized by the dripping precum at the tips and twin bulging knots at the bases. Sans’ magic fluttered at the thought of being filled by the huge cocks.
Red snapped to attention the moment Sans entered his field of vision. He tried to hide himself from his mate, ashamed of his lack of control, but Sans just gave a fang-filled grin and spread his cloaca, showing off his glistening arousal. He actually kind of liked it when Red lost control of himself in the throes of a dominant heat, though his mate feared injuring him. That’s why Red hid whenever his heat struck.
The sight of his tiny mate’s slick folds drove any thoughts of fleeing from Red’s mind. He pounced, easily pinning Sans to the ground. Sans moaned in anticipation as Red loomed over him, one skeletal arm on each side, boxing him in and smothering him in mouth-watering scent. Red maintained his control just enough to remember that his twin shafts couldn’t immediately be shoved into his mate. Instead, he started with one.
Without foreplay, Red relied on Sans’ natural lubrication and his own pre-cum to allow him inside that tight little pussy. The gold-fanged lamia thrusted deeply into his mate, and Sans arched his back, crying out as his pussy spread wide to accommodate the girth of one thick cock. The base of one knot pressed against him briefly before Red withdrew only to bury himself in that wet heat once more.
Red’s fierce thrusts rocked his mate’s entire body. The huge lamia nuzzled Sans’ neck, the only warning that the smaller lamia got before Red pulled up, lined up both heads of his double cocks, and plunged them deep inside of him. Sans’ stomach bulged; the cocks filled him from his cunt all the way to his ribcage. Each time Red moved inside of him, Sans felt the pleasure with his entire body.
Red sank his fangs into his mate’s shoulder, phalanges digging into the dirt to brace himself for powerful thrusts. Sans’ eyelights rolled back. He clung weakly to Red, succumbing completely to the pleasure of having his entire body railed hard by his frenzied mate. Instinct poured through Red, and his tail snaked forward, curling lightly around Sans’ neck. The smaller skeleton tried to focus on his mate’s hazy eyes, tried to nod to let him know that he accepted this form of sex play, but the tail snapped taut, cutting off his moans.
Sans gasped, moaned, and gagged in turns as Red’s tail tightened and loosened in rhythm with the forceful thrusting of the double cocks. Soon, the two knots, sticky with Sans’ dribbled juices, began to push at his pussy lips, begging for entrance. Sans’ forked tongue lolled, his phalanges dug into Red’s humerus, and his cloaca spread further, bit by bit until the knots entered him.
As soon as Red’s tail relaxed again, Sans cried out a delayed reaction to the shuddering orgasm that wracked his body. His pussy clenched around the two cocks, squeezing them and pressing against the knots. Red roared, throwing back his head. He came hard, knots emptying into the sweet little pussy convulsing around them. Red bucked a few more times while his mate’s hungry cunt swallowed up every drop of his thick, hot cum.
Sans’ stomach swelled, and his pussy spasmed as orgasm followed orgasm. He loved those pulsing cocks inside of him. He loved receiving Red’s cum, the way it filled him, the way it mixed with his juices and gushed from his gaping cloaca when Red pulled out, the way the deep red color swirled in his still-full stomach and stained his entire lower body.
Knowing that Sans’ body would be battered and exhausted after such an intense and through fucking, Red pulled his tiny mate close and curled around him. Together, the two lamias slept out under the stars, fully satisfied… for now.
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vexy-sins · 4 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Seven
Pairing: UT!Sans x Fellbros (SpicyKustard)
Featured Kinks: Spit-Roast, Socket Penetration, Begging
Additional Warnings: Heat Cycle, Blow Job, Face Fucking, Rough Sex, Deep-Throating, Dirty Talk, Gaping
When your skeleton boyfriend shows up at your house in the throes of a submissive monster heat, begging to be fucked, there isn’t much of an option except to give him what he wants. Red and Edge weren’t the kind of skeletons to let their shared boyfriend suffer, not when there was plenty of pleasure to be had by all. Nearly dragging him into the house in their enthusiasm, the two skeletons had Sans stripped naked on his hands and knees on their living room floor in a matter of seconds.
The fun began at a furious pace, but nothing seemed to satisfy the sexual desperation that burned through Sans’ bones and magic.
“please… fuck me harder… destroy my slutty little pussy… please!” whimpered Sans, rubbing his clit and fingering his already battered pussy while Red savagely pounded his asshole. Edge’s sharp phalanges scraped Sans skull; between the pleas and whimpers, Edge throat-fucked the smaller skeleton, pulling out and then snapping his hips forward to plunge the thick length of his spiked cock deep into the needy skeleton’s throat. Sans’ tongue slid against the underside of Edge’s cock, and his moans vibrated through the deep red shaft until Edge and Red, with twin groans of release, poured more of their cum into Sans’ greedy holes.
The two Fell skeletons breathed heavily, discussing the idea of switching places again to keep up their momentum while Sans squirmed between them, eager for anything to fill him up.
“make me your fucktoy… your cocksleeve… your cum dumpster… anything, just don’t stop!” he begged feverishly.
Edge lifted Sans’ chin, inspecting the cum and drool dribbling out of his boyfriend’s mouth with every word. Red surveyed Sans from the back, taking in the gaping pussy and asshole, both looking bruised, twitching, and leaking a mix of cum and Sans’ juices. They wanted to alleviate their boyfriend’s heat cycle, but they also didn’t want to hurt or permanently damage him.
“I THINK YOU MAY NEED A BREAK,” ventured Edge kindly.
“yer fuckholes are pretty wrecked,” pointed out Red.
“i don’t care,” wailed Sans. “i need more… please. make me cum until i dust.”
“hey now, we don’t want to go that far,” said Red. “but your mouth, ass, and pussy can’t take much more punishment.”
Edge regarded Sans in pensive silence for a moment. “THERE ARE… OTHER HOLES THAT WE COULD FUCK, YOU KNOW,” he said slowly.
“anything,” pleaded Sans.
Edge lined up his cock with Sans' face, but instead of using it to pry the other skeleton’s mouth open for more deep-throating, he circled Sans’ eye sockets with it, spreading the short skeleton’s saliva and a bit of dark red cum around the edge of it. Sans moaned, loud and low, and, taking that as consent, Edge thrust his spiked cock into his boyfriend’s skull with a lusty sigh. The bottom of Sans’ socket dragged along his entire throbbing length, and he loved the way the inside of the bare skull bones felt against his sensitive magic.
“so what am i supposed to do?” complained Red, still hard and hoping for something hot and tight to put his own cock into.
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vexy-sins · 4 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Eight
Pairing: US!Sans x UF!Sans (CherryBerry)
Featured Kinks: Jealousy/Possessiveness, Solo/Masturbation
Additional Warnings: Exhibitionism, Public Sex, Mutual Masturbation
Nobody ever expected Blueberry to be the jealous or possessive type. Most monsters took one look at Blue and saw nothing except sweetness and innocence with no possibility for anything darker hiding beneath the surface. Blue definitely wasn’t cruel, and he certainly wasn’t unkind. He just possessed an ever-so-slight jealous streak, and sometimes he needed to remind his boyfriend, Red, who he belonged to.
The two skeletons sat together in a monster-run restaurant, one that thankfully served food that wasn’t too greasy (for Blue) or too healthy (for Red). The couple frequently struggled to agree on dining options, so this outing was supposed to be a rare treat for them. Unfortunately, a waitress showed up shortly after they’d been seated and ruined everything before they could even finish choosing items off of the menu.
The buxom rabbit monster sidled up to Red and put a far too friendly hand on his shoulder. “What can I get you, handsome,” she asked with a flirtatious giggle. Red smiled widely, his gold tooth glittering in the pleasantly muted light.
The soft roundness of Blue’s face didn’t wear frowns well, and the glare from his baby blue eyes was less than intimidating, but Red knew what was coming. He shrugged off the rabbit monster’s hand a second too late. There would be no stopping Blue now… and Red kind of liked it.
“THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND YOU’RE GROPING,” Blue snapped sullenly at the waitress. 
She backtracked, trying to calm Blue down. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to-” Blue wasn’t done speaking though, and he talked right over her apologies.
“HE’S MINE,” Blue repeated, staring the rabbit monster directly in the eyes. He grabbed Red’s collar and used it to drag his boyfriend halfway across the table towards him. Their teeth came together with the sharp CLACK of a rough skeleton kiss, and Blue’s tongue forced its way inside of Red’s mouth. When Blue finally released him, Red was too stunned and aroused to move back into his own seat.
“ALL OF HIM IS MINE,” growled the possessive skeleton, standing up from his seat. He threw down onto the table skillfully- thanks to his training from Alphys, who likely had not intended it for such a use. Blue then grabbed Red’s basketball shorts, and without warning, yanked them off, leaving Red’s pelvis exposed to anyone who cared to look, including the rabbit monster, who blushed deeply and averted her eyes.
Blueberry reached forward and stroked Red’s sensitive pelvic symphysis. Red gasped, and magic pooled in his pelvis, coaxed to life by his boyfriend’s skilled hands. Red tried to cover his pussy as it formed, but Blue shoved his hands away. “SEE THIS? IT’S ALL MINE.” The way Blue growled his words made Red shiver, and his delicate folds soon glistened with arousal.
Blue noticed immediately. With a devious grin, he used two fingers to spread Red’s folds, showing off his fluttering pussy to the entire restaurant, watching more arousal dribble out of it and onto the table. “TELL THEM WHO YOU BELONG TO, RED,” Blue ordered.
“you- OOH… aaaaaah!” Red had barely spoken when Blue trailed one phalange lightly across his fuckhole then gently caressed his clit. Red’s spine arched in pleasure, but Blue withdrew his hand, much to Red’s disappointment.
“THAT’S RIGHT, AND NOW I’M GOING TO MARK WHAT’S MINE SO THAT EVERYONE HERE KNOWS IT!” With those words, Blue tugged his trousers down, revealing that he had gone commando for their date and that his riled up magic had formed a thick, throbbing cock ready to pound his boyfriend into oblivion… except Blue had different plans. 
“TOUCH YOURSELF,” Blue demanded, following his own instructions by wrapping a gloved hand around the base of his cock. Red obediently dipped two phalanges into his soaking pussy, watching Blue with lust-filled eyelights.
Blue’s grip tightened at the sight. He squeezed his shaft and began to move his hand slowly up and down the length of it. Precum beaded at the tip and slowly dripped down to join Red’s arousal on the tabletop. The bunny waitress had fled, but at that point, Blue no longer cared. He only cared about making Red his, right then and there on the restaurant table. 
Red’s fingers slid in and out of his pussy, and Blue’s hand moved up and down on his cock. The pair of skeletons increased their rhythm, eyelights locked, blocking out the world, silent with shock, around them. Blue huffed and growled, and Red responded with lewd moans, filling that silence with the music of sexual gratification. Blue could feel his orgasm building, so he reached down and gave Red’s clit a swift rub and a slight pinch.
Red stiffened and came, squirting fluids onto the already sullied table. The sudden, powerful orgasm made Red scream in pleasure, and the sound brought Blue to the edge with him. With one last stroke, Blue came too. He angled his cock so that the thick ropes of cum spattered across Red’s pussy and thighs, a bright blue reminder of who owned that tight little cunt.
Unsatisfied with only a single orgasm, Blue actually climbed up onto the table, lining up his still pulsing cock with Red’s eager pussy to claim him again. He never got a chance to slip into the warm embrace of his boyfriend’s insides though because a hand made of purple flames collared him. A matching hand snatched Red by the ankle, and both skeletons were unceremoniously tossed out of the restaurant, pants still around their respective ankles.
Blue puffed out his cheeks in irritation. “IT’S SO HARD TO FIND GOOD RESTAURANTS IN THIS TOWN!” he complained.
Red chuckled from his prone position on the sidewalk. “it might be because we keep getting kicked out of all of ‘em…”
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vexy-sins · 4 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Four
Pairing: Swapfellcest
Featured Kinks: Forniphilia, 69 Position, Orgasm Denial
Additional Warnings: Fontcest, bondage, tentacles, overstimulation, cock rings, blow job, facial
The plumage of the quill pen shimmied and swayed to the steady scratching rhythm of its ink-dipped tip. Blackberry filled out yet another menial report, inventory this time, that would never see the light of day again once he filed it. Still, the repetitive task gave him a sense of order and control without distracting him from his latest piece of… custom furniture.
“CHAIRS DON’T TALK,” Blackberry snapped, feeling his brother’s mouth move against the crotch of his unnecessarily short shorts. His magic had pooled in his pelvis as soon as he took his seat on his brother’s face, and the unexpected movement riled it up deliciously, a fact that Blackberry hid behind his scolding.
Whenever they played these types of bondage games, Mutt would deliberately misbehave in an attempt to make his brother lose patience and escalate the sexual portion of the game. Blackberry vowed not to be baited this time. Spreader bars placed at Mutt’s knees and elbows formed the structure of the improvised chair, and cuffs fastening his wrists to his knees and ankles to his elbows caused the lanky skeleton’s spine to arch in a lovely parody of pleasure. The leash attached to Mutt’s collar was wrapped securely around Blackberry’s gloved hand, keeping Mutt’s head raised for maximum sitting comfort. The vibrating cock ring around his desperate dark orange cock provided a pleasant counter-melody to the sound of Blackberry’s writing, and it wasn’t coming off until Blackberry decided to take it off, no matter how much Mutt coerced him.
Mutt’s coercion intensified; Blackberry could feel the heat of his brother panting against his arousal-slicked folds even through the fabric of his shorts. Mutt’s tongue- the same deep orange as his throbbing cock- poked and prodded, finally slipping past the insubstantial fabric barrier and finding its way to Black’s plush pussy lips. Black shifted, preventing the tongue from questing any further, but the rapid scribbling of information on paper became jerky and discordant. He needed to focus.
Blackberry let his mind slip away to memories of other bondage configurations in which Mutt had become furniture. He envisioned the labor of carefully tying each knot so that it pulled just enough but not too much, a perfect balance of pain and pleasure. He remembered with titillating clarity how his brother looked contorted and forced to serve him. 
The first time they’d played this game, Mutt was positioned on the floor on his hands and knees with only a simple spreader bar holding his legs apart and handcuffs to keep him from touching himself. Blackberry had toyed with his living ottoman while pretending to read a book on the philosophy of war, idly rubbing his brother’s eager magic with the toe of his boot until Mutt begged him for release. Blackberry considered that occasion a decisive win for himself.
Their most recent session had gone quite differently though. Memories of Mutt with his arms tied above his head, legs bound tibias and fibulas to femurs which were in turn tied to Mutt’s ribcage did nothing to help Blackberry’s current situation. During that session, Blackberry had arranged candles along his brother’s ribs and pelvis with intentions to use him as a living candelabra, but the sight of firelight dancing across his brother’s pale bones like liquid sunset awoke an insatiable lust in him that he’d quenched in rough sex and hot candle wax. Blackberry had given in, and Mutt hadn’t done much more than summon his magic and let Blackberry melt from the flames of his desire.
This time, Blackberry refused to give in. Mutt may have sensed his resolve weakening, but two could play at the torment game. Setting aside his quill and paperwork, Blackberry removed one of his gloves, reached behind him, and very slowly stroked one sharp phalange up the length of Mutt’s engorged cock. “IF YOU’RE TIRING OF THE GAME,” he purred, “YOU ONLY NEED TO BEG FOR MY-” he emphasized the entendre of the next word carefully “- MERCY.”
Mercy did not appeal to Mutt; he wanted to antagonize his brother into a sexual frenzy. With a sly grin, hidden by his brother’s femurs, Mutt let his tongue split into three tentacles of magic. One tentacle wrapped around each of Blackberry’s femurs, spreading them apart until the third tentacle could wrap around the narrow strip of fabric covering his brother’s pussy and tear it away, exposing the glistening folds of Blackberry’s distinct royal purple magic. A wicked chuckle vibrated through the tentacles.
Blackberry barely had time to register the sound before the third tentacle plunged into his hot, wet pussy. Mutt wasted no time, curling his tongue and twisting it inside of his brother to reach his most sensitive spots. Blackberry’s eyelights rolled back as the intense pleasure blinded him. He stiffened, arching his spine, riding the thrusting tongue-tentacle for several long minutes; it took him that long to come back to his senses and remember that he was supposed to be the one in control. Pressure already gathered low in his pelvis. He wouldn’t last much longer; he needed to wrest control back from his orally talented brother and quickly. 
Mustering every bit of agility that he possessed from long years of leading the Underground’s Royal Guard, Blackberry managed to twist himself until he faced his brother’s thick, throbbing cock. Delicious tingles radiated from deep inside of his overfull pussy, so Blackberry didn’t bother with teasing either. Opening his mouth wide, he used his tongue to guide Mutt’s cock into his mouth and throat and began sucking hard, using his ungloved hand to stroke the base of the dark orange cock- total overkill.
Mutt gasped at the sudden sensation of having his cock deep-throated, licked, and jerked all at the same time. His ecto-magic was so sensitive already from the overstimulation of the vibrating cock ring that the pleasure was instantly unbearable, maddening, exquisite. The gasp pushed Blackberry over the edge. His pussy spasmed, clenching down on the tongue-tentacle and flooding Mutt’s mouth with a gush of hot cum. Blackberry moaned with Mutt’s cock still penetrating his throat, and Mutt sputtered a desperate “M’Lord” while lapping up his master’s juices.
That single word was enough. Blackberry slipped one sharp phalange tip under the edge of the cock ring and slashed it. The cock ring snapped free of the painfully pulsating shaft. Mutt cried out again, burying the tentacle into Blackberry’s tender cunt and his aching cock down his brother’s throat. After a split second delay, Mutt came hard.
Blackberry could barely swallow the massive load of hot, sticky cum that filled his mouth and throat. Panting, he released his brother’s cock from his mouth, still pumping energetically with his hand, allowing ropes of cum to spatter across his face until Mutt had fully emptied himself. 
Blackberry basked in the afterglow of his orgasm and ensuing facial, surveying the mess and mentally tallying points. This, he decided, would definitely be counted as a win. His mind already whirled with new ideas to try, new victories to achieve, and new heights of pleasure to attain.
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vexy-sins · 4 years
Kinktober 2019: Day Three
Pairing: Polyruses (UT!Papyrus x US!Papyrus x UF!Papyrus x SF!Papyrus)
Featured Kinks: Breastplay/Nippleplay, Breeding, Phallic Gags, Shower
Additional Warnings: Skelepreg (mention), threesome, extremely late, a bit wordy, not much shower kink
Edge had babies on the brain lately. He found himself watching videos of babies on the internet, cooing over how adorable baby clothes were, and occasionally imagining himself with a gently curved stomach and a soulling (or two!) nestled safely inside. The more he thought about it, the more he wanted it. The decision was made; Edge wanted to bear a child.
All he needed to do now was broach the subject with his boyfriends… all three of them. How could he decide which one should father the soulling? He loved them all equally, and all three of them would be good candidates for breeding. Maybe they could work something out as a foursome…?
Edge broached the subject over a hearty breakfast prepared by Papyrus. Honey and Russ chowed down, but Edge pushed his food around on his plate for a few moments before tentatively saying: “I think… that I want to have a baby.”
After a split second of stunned silence, Papyrus, Honey, and Russ all spoke at once, saying the exact same words in perfect unison: “With me?”
Edge couldn’t hold back an affectionate chuckle. He loved these other skeletons with all of his SOUL; he could never choose between them! “I thought maybe… we could all try to make a baby together?” he suggested hesitantly. Sure, the four of them shared a very fulfilling polyamorous relationship, but Edge wasn’t sure how the other skeletons would feel about breeding him together. The four of them shared similar physical traits; it would be difficult if not impossible to know whose magic truly sired the child… just as Edge intended.
“May we have a moment to discuss it?” Papyrus asked politely, laying a slim hand on Honey and Russ’s shoulders. Honey appeared to be stunned and thoughtful, but Russ looked like he might jump across the table and tackle Edge to the kitchen floor to breed him then and there. None of them had refused or shown signs of disgust thankfully, and Edge thought discussing it sounded like a good idea. Having a child wasn’t something to take lightly.
“Take your time talking it over,” Edge offered with a loving smile to each of his boyfriends, so alike in appearance yet so different in personality, “I’m going upstairs to shower.” 
Edge had barely vanished through the kitchen door before Honey and Russ shared a mischievous look and dashed off after him. Chuckling to himself, Papyrus gave the breakfast dishes a quick rinse before following after them. Someone had to keep things tidy if they were planning to welcome a babybones into the world!
Meanwhile, Honey and Russ cornered Edge in the bathroom, enthusiastically helping him undress. Their own clothing haphazardly littered the stairway, another chore for Papyrus before he joined them. Honey turned on the hot water while Russ nuzzled their lover’s neck, and as steam began to rise from the cool surface of the bathtub, Honey turned his attention to Edge’s pelvis. 
Russ nibbled vertebrae while Honey’s agile tongue curled around Edge’s pubic symphysis. 
Dark red magic pooled low in Edge’s pelvis, taking on the shape of plump pussy lips with an already swollen clit just aching to be touched. Two small round breasts appeared on Edge’s ribcage, much to Russ’ delight. Their lover wore his feminine form with such grace and beauty that it almost seemed a shame to ravage him. Not that Honey or Russ ever let shame stop them.
A proverbial throat cleared from the bathroom doorway, momentarily distracting the three skeletons from their foreplay. Papyrus stood there with one hand on his hip. In the other hand he held a special phallic gag that could be infused with magic to deliver the pleasure of oral stimulation to one or more monsters whose magic infused it- a favorite toy of the polyamorous quartet.
“You’re wasting all of the hot water,” Papyrus chided gently. He tossed the phallic gag to Edge, who caught it easily. Edge held it up, raising one brow bone in a silent question. “That will keep us all primed to perform whenever we aren’t bottomed out in your silky sweet pussy,” he explained, “and without wasting even a drop of precious cum.” The three other skeletons nodded their approval. “It looks a bit crowded in here though, so I’ll await my turn in the bedroom.”
The door closed behind Papyrus with an appropriately perk click sound, and huge lecherous grins spread across Russ and Honey’s faces. Edge opened his mouth wide, letting his tongue protrude slightly to invite in the gag that shimmered with the magic of three skeletons. Once Honey had affixed the straps to hold the gag in place in Edge’s warm, wet mouth, Russ offered him a hand to help him into the shower… and then the fun began.
Russ lifted Edge by the femurs, angling him perfectly for penetration and graciously allowing Honey to go first, though he had ulterior motives. Lubed by the hot water and rock hard from Edge’s tongue stroking the phallic gag, Honey slid easily between Edge’s silken folds and deep into his hungry pussy. Edge moaned against the gag, causing Russ’ erection to throb against his coccyx, leaving a sticky bead of precum that the cascade of hot water quickly erased.
Honey gripped Edge’s pelvis as he began to thrust, relieving Russ from holding him up and allowing Russ’ hands to explore elsewhere, just as he had planned. Russ loved it when Edge formed tits; they were always perfect small handfuls with extremely sensitive nipples. Russ caught those nipples now between his phalanges and rolled them. If Edge had been standing, his legs would’ve gone weak from pleasure.
Russ nuzzled Edge’s scapula, phalanges deftly massaging Edge’s breasts, imagining them full with milk for their babybones. He closed his eyes and sighed. Having a babybones with his lovers would be the only thing in this world that could beat having sex with his lovers. He couldn’t wait to fill Edge with his cum and breed him properly. If only Honey would hurry up…
The moment Honey’s thrusts stuttered to a halt and his cum poured into Edge, Russ tilted Edge forward, lifting him from Honey’s still-hard cock and pushing him forward into Honey’s arms. Russ slammed into Edge from behind, rough and eager, trading the pleasure of toying with Edge’s breasts for the tight heat of pounding into his pussy, hands braced on his hips to maximum the force.
Honey, ever-playful, gently blew on Edge’s erect nipples, and Edge gulped and moaned against the phallic gag delightfully. Honey leaned forward, taking first one nipple then the other into his mouth sucking them until they were pulled taut and almost raw. He idly wondered what Edge’s milk would taste like and if the scarred skeleton would allow them to play with his tits after the babybones arrived.
Russ hilted hard inside of Edge, and soon his cum joined Honey’s. Russ didn’t pull out right away, worried that he might spill some of their precious seed. Instead he let Edge’s clenching pussy swallow it deep, the way Edge swallowed against the gag, making Honey’s cock dribble precum, ready for another round of fucking. They couldn’t forget their other lover though. Papyrus was waiting.
Russ carried Edge, bones still slick and damp from the shower, into the bedroom where Papyrus awaited them. Papyrus, always the thoughtful one, had lit some candles and made the bed with soft sheets and warm blankets.
“I called our jobs and let them know we’d be away for the weekend,” Papyrus said, eyelights raking Edge’s feminine form and drifting to his arousal and cum slicked pussy lips. “Let’s make it worth it, shall we?”
Papyrus took Edge from Russ and laid him reverently on the bed, then he positioned Edge’s legs onto his shoulders, checking to make sure Edge was comfortable before slowly entering him. Papyrus fucked Edge with intense focus, adding his cum to Edge’s already overflowing pussy before the three skeleton changed places and started the rotation again.
The four tall skeletons spent the entire weekend in sweet orgasmic ecstasy, only taking breaks from the pounding of Edge’s aching pussy for food, hydration, and, occasionally, to clean themselves up. The morning that they were all scheduled to return to work, Edge awoke to a trio of soullings glowing softly in his stomach where his lovers’ cum had so recently swirled.
He rolled over to wake them, only to realize that they were well and truly spent from breeding him constantly all weekend. He decided that he could wait a few more hours to show them their success.
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