#vex korva
ciphernull · 10 months
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now that i've finally made decent transmogs for everyone, here's my current lineup of characters! names/classes beneath the cut. :)
(more stuff can be found on my character page)
(top to bottom, left to right)
Dral'es'kovos / Alesko, Imperial Agent
Vex Korva, Bounty Hunter
Rul Sera'ath, Sith Inquisitor
Drusir, Sith Warrior
RK-6, Smuggler
Ansu'nha'sete / Sunhase, Trooper
K'jet, Jedi Consular
Heskan Voh, Jedi Knight
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wolfynsong · 11 months
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absolutely not over how pretty they are
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wolfynsong · 11 months
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vex made it to tattooine, immediately got lost in the dune sea
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wolfynsong · 11 months
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new outfit new outfit new outfit
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wolfynsong · 11 months
would love to read about your swtor thoughts so far and the character/s you’re playing with >:) no pressure tho
i only started playing just yesterday, but it's been good so far! i'm a big SW fan, but mostly unfamiliar with the old republic era, so this is kind of a fun new world for me. having actual dialogue choices in an mmo is very cool, especially when they actually have an impact on your story. the only thing that's got me rolling my eyes a little is how cartoonish the whole dark/light choices are portrayed sometimes, but that's pretty true to star wars so more of a personal thing.
i'm playing a cyborg BH with the operative combat style, named Vex Korva. currently on dromund kaas, snarking at the sith and trying to get into this Great Hunt thing. they're somewhat neutrally aligned, but have accidentally drifted lightside because they didn't want to do war crimes, lmao. their companion is mako, who they found initially kind of irritating, but she's started grow on them. (also she keeps them alive, so...)
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here's a screenshot! :] and thanks for the ask~
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wolfynsong · 11 months
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“sure looks different from up here...”
got my first stronghold in nar shadda! i had no idea i could play house in this game, this is going to be fun and extremely expensive...
also got reshade working to the best of my ability, so prettier screenshots. depth of field is a real bitch to configure, but i think it came out okay.
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ciphernull · 9 months
From 25 character asks (I'm going to be so greedy I am. maybe slightly sorry adsfnln I'm in love with a lot of ur beans);; 11, 13, & 22 for Alesko ;; 4, 7, and 11 for Vex ;; and 15 & 24 for Heskan?
[25 Character Questions for the Writer]
Who are your character’s most important people?
Presently (aka just post SoR) his two most important people are Lana and Theron. He and Lana have a great deal of mutual respect and shared interest, to the point of him considering her a genuine friend, which is quite rare considering his usual relations to Sith. And for Theron… well, there's been some rough spots between them, but ultimately, they've saved each other's lives more than once. Alesko is slowly coming to trust and open up to him more, though hasn't missed an opportunity to drive the handsome SIS agent up the wall. Or against it, for that matter.
Who had the most positive impact on your character’s life?
This question has had me scratching my head, and I don't really know why, but I want to say Keeper/the Minister? Obviously there's a lot to unpack there, and I don't feel I can do it justice in short form, but most of his core values as an agent of the Empire can be traced back to Keeper's influence. (kinda copped out but i promise i WILL write more on this someday)
What is your character most afraid of?
Alesko's biggest fear is that he hasn't fully overcome his programming. That somewhere in his brain there's still a switch, waiting to be flipped. That he could never truly escape his cage. That no matter how hard he fought, or how far he went, it was always going to end where it began--alone, in the cold and dark.
What does your character hate the most?
Sith. Jedi. Politicians. Mandalorians. The list goes on. Sanctimonious self-important hypocrites parading their screwed up ideas of justice around under the guise of some greater cause. Really, he's just tired of war. And you know? Maybe he's a part of the problem, too, but at least he's honest about it.
What does your character miss most from their childhood?
Vex grew up on a farm on Dantooine, which was about as quiet and dull as it gets. Back then, they hated it and wanted nothing more than to leave, but now that he's a bit older and the wanderlust has settled, he occasionally finds himself missing the peaceful life. I'm gonna say they miss their family's old kath hound the most.
Who are your character’s most important people?
I feel like I emphasized this enough already in the last post, but their crew means the world to them. Especially Mako, she's practically his sister, and one of the few people he would trust with his life.
Who does your character look up to and who do they despise?
This is again very WIP and kinda predictable, but I think Heskan would most look up to his master, a currently unnamed Mirialan woman. As it's traditional for Mirialan Jedi to take on their own kind as padawans when possible, she's been his main source of guidance throughout his early life. I still need to develop more about her, but I know that she's trans and absolutely has those 'older queer mentor figure' vibes.
As for despise… I have no idea. Obviously there's the whole Jedi/Sith business, but the word 'despise' feels more personal than that. No one has really emerged yet in the story that would spark that level of anger or resentment for Heskan, not enough to make the normally steadfast guardian waver. I expect this to change, but for now, I don't really have an answer.
What do they like about their appearance?
Heskan's not heavily concerned with his looks, but he is quite proud of his physique! He enjoys being active and feeling strong, and having that reflect in his appearance, especially his arms and chest (also for transgender reasons). Feature-wise, he would say he has a decent nose, nice lips, and a good smile. His hair is more of a mixed bag, because while he likes the style, he finds it a bit troublesome to maintain the locks on his own, without the expertise and extra hands of his master.
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wolfynsong · 11 months
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finished ch 1 of the BH story!
ramble about planets/npcs/feelings under the cut
hutta - starting area, so i didn’t expect much, but it was alright. i do kinda feel like i didn’t get enough time working with braden to actually care about his death. i guess they expected you to be motivated through mako’s grief, but i don’t know that it worked that well. they did a good job making tarro blood incredibly unlikable, though, so i at least wanted to get one over on him just for that. 4/10
dromund kaas - surprisingly pretty for the imperial homeworld? though the lighting was kind of dark and hard to see in sometimes. didn’t feel very immersed as a BH, but i think coming here as a sith would be much more intriguing with all the ancient ruins and such. story here was alright, but kinda just wanted to get into actual bounty hunting so i didn’t linger much. absolutely delighted by crysta, though, laughed out loud when i heard her southern ass “bless your heart” voice, best mandalorian mom friend. 6/10
nar shadda - now THIS planet was incredible. coming through the spaceport and seeing the neon skyline stretching out was stunning, and made me stop and go “oh i need reshade for this game right now.” definitely spent the most time here, running through all the little quests i could find, crawling through the underbelly of the city fighting gangs and droids, very cyberpunk and very very fun. i even bought the stronghold as soon as it was offered. the story definitely picked up with the first actual hunt, and i really started to feel vex bonding with mako through learning about her childhood, avenging her slicer friend, helping her start figuring out where she came from, etc. 10/10
balmorra - honestly, nothing to say about the planet. the terrain was interesting and the skybox was nice but besides that, nothing here felt memorable, especially coming off nar shadda. the story was pretty generic, though i was pleased to have called murghir’s little scheme from the start. kinda a shame i had to kill her, i appreciated her acting. definitely felt good to shoot that imperial creep that was perving over her, he felt more like my bounty than the actual bounty. 2/10
tattooine - obligatory sand joke, but really, i was excited to come here, and it was exactly the dustball i imagined it would be. getting to roam the dune sea was super cool, made me wish i had a bantha mount or something more fitting. i was a little disappointed with how short the story there felt, though. chasing tyresius/gault around was fun, and i was delighted when he ended up as the new companion, but i still feel like i barely spent any time there at all. i guess it doesn’t help that the planetary quests are getting dull, it’s just different flavors of “here’s an incompetent imperial officer that is for some reason in charge, now go run errands/fight junk for them” and so on. 7/10
alderaan - contrary to tattooine, the planetary story was at least very involved in the houses, though i didn’t end up finishing that because i wanted to continue the main story. i brought along gault, and vex immediately started making dark side choices because apparently mako is their only moral compass. (that and who doesn’t want to suckerpunch a snobby noble?) gault’s quips are utterly charming and i am honestly distraught that i can’t romance this devil, but oh well. 6/10 would punch the rich again
i switched back to mako for the final wrap-up, and left tarro to die in the brig of the cruiser as it blew up. vex really did want to shoot him by this point, but i think this stung more. now that i’m through the great hunt, i might take them back and finish up the planetary quests i skipped before i move on to ch 2. overall, as my first story arc though, i’m pretty content and excited for more.
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ciphernull · 10 months
1, 11, 14 for Alesko, Vex, and K'jet.
(thanks for the ask, bb ♥)
How do they move and carry themselves? Pace, rhythm, gestures, energy?
Alesko - Early timeline, he's stiff, restrained, militant; a mirror of his father and a perfect product of his upbringing. Self expression has been drilled out of him, locked away beneath cold unforgiving professionalism. As the events of the story chip at his veneer and eventually break him down completely, he rediscovers the ability to stand without locking his joints and becomes notedly more relaxed and assertive of his own presence. I like to think that when he's particularly comfortable, he talks with his hands quite a lot, but would still be a bit embarrassed if someone were to point that out.
Vex - Nonchalant, confident, and perhaps a little intentionally threatening. Would check his blaster mid-conversation without missing a beat, and you're not sure if it's a warning or he's just messing with your head. Leans on surfaces a lot, partly to look cool, partly because his cybernetics give him chronic pain and he won't use a goddamn cane no matter how many times Mako suggests it.
K'jet - This cat has anxiety. Terrible posture. Walks on his toes. Prefers to not be seen, if possible.
How are they vocally expressive? What kind of voice, accent, tones, inflections, volume, phrases and slang, and manner of speaking do they use?
Alesko - I adore the Agent VA, so canon voice is basically spot-on. Quiet, smooth, even tone. Imperial accent. Only gets more sarcastic with age, but stays classy about it.
Vex - Pretty close to the canon voice, though he's actually a bit older than in-game, and has some mild damage to his throat, so perhaps a little rougher/gruffer?
K'jet - Honestly unsure on this one. Definitely diverges from the VA more so than the other two, but I don't really have a good voice for him in my head yet.
What do they care deeply about? What kind of loyalties, commitments, moral codes, life philosophies, passions, callings, or spirituality and faith do they have? How do these tend to be expressed?
Alesko - Cares deeply about the people of the Empire, and feels that agents like himself are one of the only shields that stand between innocent citizens and the atrocities of the Sith that rule them. This commitment is the main reason he refuses to defect--he won't betray the people he aims to protect, even if it means he must cooperate with those he despises. He also strongly believes in a right to personal autonomy, after having his own forcibly wrested from him during the brainwashing arc.
Vex - As a rule, he is loyal to himself, his crew, and absolutely no one else. He refuses to be caught up in any war he doesn't make himself, but he'll bring down an army if they threaten his peace. He's not exactly reverent or spiritual, but does follow his own moral code.
K'jet - His main loyalty in life is to his twin sister, Dhejari. (belongs to @mask-fr!) We're still workshopping their backstory, but they're hardly ever seen without the other. I imagine their attachment to each other is regarded with some concern by the Jedi Order, but there's little they could do to separate them even if they tried, so instead they allow them to operate as a pair.
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wolfynsong · 11 months
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got my screenshot program working properly in swtor, so now i can take shots of vex being incredibly fucking sassy to every imperial that gets in their way. which happens a lot.
(apparently, mako approves.)
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ciphernull · 9 months
6. What is your character’s fondest memory? 14. Who would your character never betray? 2. Does your character indulge often in the things they like?
[25 Character Questions for the Writer]
(since no character was specified, i rolled a dice and got Vex!)
What is your character’s fondest memory?
It's a cheesy one, but it's when Mako demanded to join up with them on the hunt for Taro Blood. That moment really marked the start of a new chapter for him, gave them someone to actually watch out for and care about. Now he looks after her and the rest of the crew as if they were his own family, because as far as he's concerned, they are. (except skadge. fuck skadge.)
Who would your character never betray?
Once again, it would have to be their crew. They stuck by his side when the whole galaxy was gunning for him, and he'd protect them with his life if he had to. Nothing could break that bond. (short of, idk, carbonite freezing for a few years, i guess. thanks bioware.)
Does your character indulge often in the things they like?
Vex is a practical person, and isn't hugely indulgent. He'll treat himself from time to time, but it's usually something useful, like an upgrade to their ship or a new gun. Maybe a really nice bottle of Corellian whiskey and some fancy cigarras.
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ciphernull · 10 months
A master list of my current cast of SWTOR characters, organized for… organizational purposes. Liable to change and expand over time, as I am a fiend for alts and AUs.
(Detailed individual character pages will be set up and linked to in the future, brain permitting.)
DRAL'ES'KOVOS / ALESKO // Chiss - Imperial Agent - Sniper // [tag] The former Cipher Nine, now a ghost agent under the alias ‘Null’. Aloof, enigmatic, professional. Working through the trauma of his militant upbringing, one sarcastic quip at a time.
RUL SERA'ATH // Twi'lek - Sith Inquisitor - Sorcerer // [tag] Darth Nox. Least qualified Dark Council member, and determined to make that everyone’s problem. Vengeful, arrogant, and obnoxiously resistant to learning from his own mistakes.
VEX KORVA // Human (Cyborg) - Bounty Hunter - Scoundrel // [tag] Product of cybernetic experimentation. Ex-military--unclear as to which side. Mostly looks out for himself and his crew. Surprisingly easygoing, unless he decides you’re a threat.
DRUSIR // Sith Pureblood - Sith Warrior - Marauder // [tag] (WIP) Backstory eludes me yet. Stoic, steadfast, and impressively rational for a Sith, but loses all composure in the heat of battle.
RHOEN VARR // Cathar - Bounty Hunter - Gunslinger // [tag] Cartel enforcer turned freelance mercenary, carving a path of blazing gunfire through the galaxy’s underworld. Cocky, crass, and lays looking for a thrill. Fond of dangerous beasts.
ANSU'NHA'SETE / SUNHASE // Chiss - Trooper - Powertech // [tag] War orphan, rescued and informally adopted by Havoc Squad. Raised to be a first class soldier, and proud of it. Confident, loyal, fearless, and heartbreakingly optimistic.
HESKAN VOH // Mirialan - Jedi Knight - Guardian // [tag] Golden boy of the Jedi Order, struggling to live up to his newfound expectations. Soft-spoken, kind-hearted, and dutiful to a fault. Secretly yearns for freedom.
RK-6 // Droid - Smuggler - Mercenary // [tag] Woke up in a derelict ship with no crew and no memory. Searching the galaxy for answers. Friendly, but blunt. Any obstacles in his way tend to explode spectacularly.
K'JET // Cathar - Jedi Consular - Shadow // [tag] (WIP) Currently following his sister around, trying desperately to keep her out of trouble. Sharp-tongued and cynical, but thoughtful and sentimental beneath his prickly exterior.
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