#via black swan and saltburn
okok so if we’re going on like the fact that the Fears are differently “organized” in this new world what if it was based more in the feelings that come with the fears??
as in: fears of the mind (kind of fits w “something wrong” im just workshoppinh tbh), fears of the body (like the second ep), fears of something wrong (something foreign/bad in one’s body, something indescribably off about a situation, maybe even something missing), fear of the unknown (things in the shadows, something that looks empty but actually isnt).
or the feelings that, in context feel bad, but can also be associated with a sort of euphoria. control, hunger, calm (perhaps unnervingly so?), understanding (slash paranoia), being part of something (feeling whole/complete?). the things that you feel when fear is combined with obsession
bc honestly these things are also lines that connected the Big Fourteen. The statement giver in Lost John’s Cave describes her feelings of being in a pitch black cave prior to the experience as true peace. obsession and hunger are pretty much all of them in a way. jane prentiss felt in control and loved by her worms and wasps in a way
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