#vicky fairly odd parents
typhects · 1 month
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operation birthday takeback but irep is also there. this is your reminder that irep was also terrified of vicky in the original show
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jaxieus · 1 month
Sca(r)red Boi
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s4samus · 21 days
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ummmm I really like this cartoon...... anyway!
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cosmicriff · 7 days
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is this anything?
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perrigoaway · 3 months
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I’m so excited for investigations.. got super inspired and doodled some characters, most of whom I haven’t drawn before! Was humming Cammy Meele’s theme the whole time, gotta be one of my favorites from investigations. AAI truly has some outstanding characters! I’m so so excited to finally be able to play aai2! I jumped up and down saying YIPPEE when it showed up in the Nintendo direct :D
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punk-angel · 24 days
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he loves his wife 😋😋
og image under the cut!!
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random-dragon-exe · 1 month
I mean Dale has to figure out that Vicky was sent to his house at some point right?
I'd like to believe that Dev mentioned Vicky by name, in passing, and Dale just straight-up freaks out.
Then Dev asks what's wrong only for Dale to trauma dump about what Vicky did to him.
"Wait, you know Vicky?"
"Don't say that name again. She is an enemy. She's the one who enslaved me to work in an underground lemonade stand."
"Wait, that was her? How'd you get out of there?"
"I crawled out of there myself, and this pink hatted boy, Timmy Turner gave me the last of his lemonade. Then like magic, my dad appeared and finally found me."
"Like magic?"
"I don't know, call it a miracle. Either way, that Vicky isn't allowed here!"
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wonderfull-star · 29 days
Peri and Irep are more closely related to each other as opposites than the other fairies and anti fairies.
I have a question. We all know that fairies and anti fairies are opposites that change when each other changes in some quality. And for example, if Cosmo became smarter, then Anti Cosmo will become more… dumb. But why did it never work with Peri and Irep? They were both shown in the Wiki to have high intelligence from birth. Both the one who quickly learns magic, and the other who creates complex plans to take over the world. But what if they are connected to each other more strongly than the others? Like they are more sensitive to changes in each other (but at the same time can have similar qualities with each other). I noticed that Peri and Irep both go through some "emotional swings" like phases. For example, when they were still very small, then immediately after Foop’s birth he wanted to destroy his "double", essentially wanting to occupy the most important position. While Poof was the opposite of this and seemed to be in his “calm phase”. Later, by later episodes of season 7 and on, Foop became more down-to-earth. He already considered Poof more like his rival(frenemy) than an object for destruction. Poof, on the contrary, became more aggressive and uncontrollable (the moment with his crazy love for brownies was wild). And it was far from their “terrible twosome” phase. Foop even showed softer features. For example, he even became friends with Chloe to some extent, even protecting her from Vicky.
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In the new show, Foop/Irep’s stronger desire to enslave and destroy as in season 7 returned, but this time things became "more complicated". That is, while he returned to his "old" self, Poof/Peri became more reserved and cautious. And here the culprit of such changes was Peri himself. And the reason, as I wrote earlier, is that he became more careful in using his magic. Which ultimately only worsened in later life, manifesting itself in his constant stress. What about Irep? Since Peri became more careful than before and began to strictly adhere to the rules while under stress,Irep, on the contrary, became more uncontrollable, not adhering to the rules and also tempts others to do the same. Many people wonder in the new show: "Why is Irep even trying to kill him? Has he forgotten that he himself will die because of this?" He understands but cannot restrain himself. Anti-fairies are essentially the opposite "reflection" of fairies, remember? But the situation with Foop/Irep is much more complicated than with the rest of the anti-fairies. Because both are stronger than the others. And that means both are more uncontrollable like in magical power and like in terms of emotions. And both essentially have split personalities that they clearly do not accept or do not want to show.
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And you know, it seems to me that soon there will be a turning point between Peri and Irep that will change future episodes in the new show…
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xtreme-cringe-warning · 2 months
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ebbpup · 1 month
How will the birthday party with Vicky go with babysitter peri? Since I imagine they will be there.
Well first of all, Peri would not let any of the kids leave his sight once he sees Vicky since, unlike in the original, Peri would not go off and show his parents around. He would be terrified the entire time, but he HAS TO protect these kids! He remembers how terrible she could be. This would mean that, even if Cosmo and Wanda do end up finding Operation H, Dev wouldn't end up seeing it since he wouldn't have to run away from Vicky, and thus would remain friends with Hazel
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You know I don't think Timmy actually ended up sharing Wanda and Cosmo for all that long with Chloe in the grand scheme of things.
I mean there's various points in the show that seem to imply that having Fairy GodParents is a temporary thing. Like extremely temporary for most kids.
As in even being 10, and having gotten Cosmo and Wanda at age 8, Timmy's considered as having been a GodChild for a long time. Even if that's only a couple years.
Like there's a reason why there's multiple episodes about all of Fairy World being interested in whatever Timmy's up to.
Timmy's an outlier case.
He's going to end up aging out of the system (bar any breaking of any major rule that the fairies can't find a way to forgive) and everyone knows it.
They made a whole live action trilogy of bending the rules just for him where he gets to keep his fairies as an adult, and then turns into a fairy at the end of that trilogy.
He's a, probably wouldn't have made it to adulthood without fairies, kind of a case.
That's not the case for most kids who get fairies, or at least it's heavily implied that's not the case for most kids who get fairies.
Take Cosmo and Wanda being Crocker's fairies in 1972, and having already been his fairies for about 2 years by that point, but having had been Billy Gate's fairies in 1970.
We're never even given a hint that Billy lost his fairies traumatically, because he grew up to invent the internet just fine, and we never hear about him beyond that. And it seems like if a kid traumatically loses their fairies before their ready, it ends with them being a screwed up adult.
Which tells me that whatever situation Billy was in to need fairies resolved itself shortly after the time travel thing.
Heck even then, it was heavily implied that Crocker's life, even qualifying for fairies, was better than Timmy's was. Considering the only things mentioned is that he's got a single mom that works multiple jobs, and when she doesn't she tends to focus on her hobbies, and an evil babysitter to deal with.
He's not bullied at that point, he's not struggling academically, the only things wrong with his life (before getting over dosed on magic mindwipe and being disfigured and losing his mind as a result, which turned him into a social outcast) is that he's got a single mom who works a lot and leaves him with a mean babysitter so she can have me time.
That's it, that's what makes him qualify.
And he would have aged out of at least one of those problems before turning 18. He would have been 14 when he would have naturally outgrown needing to have a babysitter (as that's how old Vicky starts babysitting Timmy).
Then by that point he would have also been old enough to get a part time job of his own. Lightening the financial lode on his mother, and possibly freeing up some of her working time to actually spend with her.
Meaning it's possible that both of his fairy qualifying problems would have resolved themselves by age 14 or 15.
But also the kind of miserable it takes to get godparents (at least when that baseline is first established) is temporary for most kids.
I wouldn't be surprised if the typical Fairy GodParent & GodChild relationship typically only lasted like a year or two for most kids.
[And it seems like the majority of kids we meet who have GodParents, get them at age 10.
I'm pretty sure Timmy being 8 and getting his Fairies, is the youngest kid we ever see having Fairies.
Other than de-aged Vicky that one episode, but because it happened in the constraints of one of Timmy's wishes, I'm not going to count it. Especially because when Cosmo and Wanda are reassigned to Vicky, no one comes to erase Timmy's memory of having fairies, so she doesn't have to worry at all about hiding them which all other godkids do.
Also Vicky is just given Cosmo and Wanda and not her own fairy, which I feel heavily implies that all of this is falling under wish logic, and not normal logic.
Crocker is the second youngest, because he had Cosmo and Wanda at 9.]
Especially in cases where the root of the kid's misery is something they have the power to personally confront and change.
Like if a kid gets a fairy because they're being bulled at school to the point it's ruining everything else in their life. [Bully is making it to where they can't complete school or home work, causing grades to drop, meaning no extracurricular stuff, and getting in trouble with parents.]
But that kid manages to reveal what's happening, and gets things to change, and their life goes back to how it was before. Then that kid obviously doesn't need a GodParent anymore to make up for their miserable life.
I could easily see plenty of situations where a kid might only have a GodParent for less than a year.
Like Hazel's situation from A New Wish weirds me out, because all her problems are super temporary problems that resolve in like a few months to a year for most kids who have those problems.
It's missing her older brother who left for collage. Which most kids eventually get over after just getting used to them no longer living in the same house as them.
When the younger sibling gets used to the older siblings absence, a pretty good chunk of them revel in the bizarre experience of being either the new oldest, or an only child for the rest of their own childhood.
It's moving to a new city and having to make all new friends. Which Hazel does over the course of season 1. She's got 3 friends if Dev counts.
Everything causing her to need fairies is all extremely temporary. Which is a large part of the reason why I don't think she'll be one of the kids to age out of the system the way Timmy was.
She's got parents who love her, she's not struggling at school, she doesn't have an abusive babysitter, she's already started making friends at her new school, her brother came home from collage, but even then that's something she'd just grow out of eventually.
So I feel like unless something in her life changes for the worst, she's going to only have Cosmo and Wanda for a few years at most. And lose them around age 14-15.
Sure her problems are a lot more relatable than Timmy's ever were.
Which is understandable considering Timmy was a kid who had literally everything going wrong in his life, except he wasn't living in poverty.
From neglectful parents, being bullied as school, an abusive babysitter, being specifically targeted by a teacher for harassment, being the target of a girl's stalker crush on him, being canonically considered an idiot even without Crocker targeting him (even though I'm pretty sure he just has ADHD). And that's just the major stuff he starts off with.
That's not even getting into like the magical enemies he makes over the course of the show. Who are out to get him from then on.
And the fact that his parents weren't actively malicious towards him, just forgetful and oblivious.
But Hazel's problems are also all a lot more temporary than Timmy's ever were.
And that's like, the big thing that makes them different and give me the feeling that, while Timmy definitely aged out and had fairies until the last possible moment, kids like Chloe and Hazel probably only had fairies for a few years at most.
That's most likely why Wanda and Cosmo still refer to Timmy as their last godchild before retiring. Even though they were assigned Chloe years after they were assigned to Timmy.
Chloe's issues probably resolved at some point and Timmy returned to being a singular GodChild from that point on.
[I'm guessing she grew a backbone at some point, lets her parents know all the pressure they put on her was making her miserable, and stopped being a complete doormat for literally everyone. Because those were her big problems that caused her to qualify for Fairies.]
Which was probably extremely awkward for Timmy in the aftermath of Chloe having her memories purged of fairies, considering they only spent time together because they were made to share fairies.
Sure Timmy had seen kids lose their fairies before, like with Remy, but he'd never cared then because he hardly spent any time with Remy, and no one would call him and Remy friends.
But it had to be weird when it inevitably happened with Chloe, because by the end there, she basically lived in the Turner house.
Heck of the two kids who get fairies in A New Wish, I'd say that Dev is the kid more likely to be an age out case than Hazel. If he ever regains godparents.
Considering having a single parent, who literally loves business and money more than he'll ever love his own kid, is a bit more of a permanent misery than "I moved to a new town and have no friends, and my brother went off to collage" is.
Just to be honest.
Like maybe it's different rules because Hazel is a post-retirement passion project for Cosmo and Wanda, and they can stay with her until she'd age out because they're not on official rotation or whatever.
But no one will be able to convince me that she'd actually need fairies the entire rest of her childhood unless something horrible happens to her in season 2.
Like baby girl those are some temporary issues that tend to resolve themselves within a year, how are you going to keep qualifying for fairy godparentship the rest of this series?
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hurritfup · 15 days
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Wait, is Vicky my dad?????
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rollingrockstar · 18 days
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Had a great idea when i was rewatching the Vicky Gets Fired episode .
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cosmicriff · 24 days
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this happens in season 2 trust
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s4samus · 5 hours
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can't stop thinking about them. doomed friendship in some tooth accident
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