#vics picrew shit
vics-chaos-gremlins · 4 months
Picrew Shit
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The boy
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Billy Whitebread Headcanons
(picrew link)
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his real name is jason booth, but he starts going by billy regularly after the fall of bonesaw vic's. sal's silly little nickname just stuck.
he has tried multiple times to grow a beard, and every time he's given up and shaved it off because he didn't vibe with it.
he's a convicted felon--when he was 19, he was arrested for breaking and entering as well as felony drug possession with intent to distribute.
in modern verses, billy is in his early 50s, though magic supernatural bullshit from his interactions with the fae has increased his natural lifespan dramatically. he isn't sure by how much, though.
he's big into grunge, and his favorite band is nirvana.
his right ear is pierced but his left isn't. no he didn't understand the connotations behind that when he got it. he likes to wear a simple gold earring most of the time.
he has some tattoos, notably a series of sigils on his back to ward off certain supernatural beings, especially ghosts n' shit. salvatore delights in telling him that they're stupid and don't do anything but make him look like a moron.
he also has the name of one of his ex-girlfriends tattooed on his left thigh. she dumped him about a month and a half after he got it. he tells everyone it's actually his mom's name.
it took a lot of time and effort, but he did eventually manage to kick the smoking habit he developed while working at the zoo. he also doesn't drink for the most part anymore, but he does still occasionally smoke weed.
post zoo, billy dresses formally most of the time, but he still keeps a lot of his old band tees and jeans from the early 90s. his most prized article of clothing, though, is a worn leather jacket.
he paints his nails on occasion. his favorite color to make them is purple.
he has some scars, most notably a cut along his jaw and several clawmarks on his back. his shitty sigil tattoos help cover them up.
in modern verses, he absolutely posts thirst traps on instagram. they're surprisingly good. salvatore has an instagram account just to comment on those and make fun of him.
he tends not to use specific labels for himself most of the time, but for all intents and purposes he's a bisexual cis dude.
billy is 5'10.5" but likes to tell people he's the full 5'11".
his hair is naturally brown but he bleaches it regularly.
he has a pet rabbit named clara. she likes to sleep on his pillow.
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xnchxntmxnt · 2 years
VIC HELLO here i am to FINALLY req for your valentine's event >:3
name + pronouns: koi + she/her
date ideas: drive-in movie night, art gallery/museum, bookstore
about me: people say i'm the sunshine-y/bubbly one in the group (which is funny because i apparently also have the scariest rbf) but also the mom and therapist friend - i like being alone but i also like being around friends so it just depends - i also like to play games (genshin, minesweeper, etc), watch movies/shows, sleep lol, listening to music, drawing, writing, etc etc - a "lazy perfectionist" - my favorite color is like an ivory white (i like neutral colors and also like the darker shades of colors) - if you need any more, feel free to dm me on discord lol
where: genshin please
picrew/picture: hoping my insta is enough for this one laskfasfj
preferred gender: male but also open to any
koi ily i hope you like/have met him i genuinely forget
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your valentine's date is... TIGHNARI.
Tighnari is actually probably super lame at bookstores
He wants to spend the whole time in the science-y section looking at more plant books
Or i feel like he likes birds too. But the environmental science section
However. He will walk around with you for a while when he’s done
You two make a little game out of it. 10 minutes to find as much cool shit as you can, then you each get 10 minutes to tell the other one about it so you still get to share your interests
And THEN we get to stationery
If ur anything like me you go to bookstores half the time for a new bookmark/pretty sticky notes/cool pens
If you don’t do that tighnari does bc. Who is immune to pretty pens. No one
But you guys get some coffee/tea on the way out and spend the drive home talking about books and the things youre excited to read about
Maybe you stop at a park or something to hang out for a while before you have to get home and adult
I dont know but dates with him are usually really chill and relaxed cause dude gets enough stress from work. He’s no crazy adrenaline seeker so he prefers more quiet and calm things when he has time to be home with you
If you guys go to that park expect his nose to be buried in a book but his head in ur lap and he is expecting you to play with his hair
If you dont he’ll literally pout
mini playlist
ophelia - the lumineers
suneater - leanna firestone
honeypie - jawny
mrs magic - strawberry guy
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goblins-oc-askblog · 2 years
Modern Fantasy
We have two main OC groups, I’ll be calling them The Band and The Ferals
The Band
The band is called Wild Magic and consists of four people
Jasper (He/Him)
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Your local trans aro pan idiot, Jasper is a very human-like demonkin and does lead vocals for Wild Magic. He’s a flirty bastard but he went through some rough bullying when he was younger.
Bay (Any Pronouns)
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Bay is the drummer for the band, he’s a naiad and she’s in a QPR with Coral, an OC that’ll be introduced later. It’s got a very laid back demeanour and is pretty chill altogether.
Amirah (She/Her)
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Amirah is the only cis one of the group, she plays keyboard, and she’s dating Sil, the next OC. She’s very bubbly and prefers lighter outfits.
Silver (She/her)
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Silver/Sil is a werewolf, the bassist for Wild Magic, she’s dating Amirah, and she’s the older sister of Rye and Lexi, two other OC’s that are part of the Ferals. 
The Ferals
The Ferals are a group of teens that just kinda,,, wander around the city. Most of them don’t have great home lives. Most of the Ferals make money by scavenging in The Shacks, an abandoned part of the city. It was abandoned due to some sort of magical disaster I haven’t come up with yet
Kas (It/Its)
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Kas is a nonbinary bi demonkin that bounced around the foster system for a while before it ran away to live on its own. It’s currently set up in a warehouse in The Shacks, but it’ll occasionally crash with Nox. It has a crush on Rye, one of the other Ferals. It has a few tattoos plus a bat, each with some magical enchantments on it. (ik kas is in a different picrew, as great as @potato-lord-but-not​ ‘s picrew is, they don’t have a great red skin tone option or horns)
Rye (She/They)
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Rye is a werewolf in a large werewolf family, she’s the middle child and pretty feral overall. She’s Sil’s younger sister and Lexi’s older sister. Has a crush on Kas.
Lexi (She/Her)
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Lexi is a werehyena, the adoptive younger sister of Sil and Rye, is a lesbian, has really bad sensory issues, and had shit parents before she was taken from them and adopted.
Ezra (She/Her)
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A young elven enchanter, she works with her mother to do enchanted tattoos and other objects/carvings. Probably one of the least feral of the group. She was the one who did Kas’s tattoos and the runes on it’s bat.
Roman (He/Him)
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A very nervous human, he’s got fire powers and like Lexi, has bad sensory issues. He’s closest with Ezra and like her, isn’t as feral.
Saiman (He/Him)
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Saiman is a chill vampire, he frequently is the one that bails the group out of trouble.
Mika (She/Her)
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Mika is a wind mage, she’s pretty upbeat and bubbly but struggles with anger issues. 
Misc OCs
OCs that don’t really fit into either of the categories
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A tired catgirl, Nox is a con artist/pickpocket that has reluctantly unofficially adopted Kas. Used to date Vic.
Coral (She/Her)
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Coral is in a QPR with Bay, she’s very kind/bubbly but don’t get me wrong, she has trauma. What do you think the neck scar is from?
Vic (She/Her)
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A elven private eye, she’s constantly tired. She seems very callous and grumpy, but it hides her bleeding heart. She’s got a crush on Quinn, her rival.
Quinn (She/Her)
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Quinn is a witch and also a P.I. She’s much more upbeat than Vic. The two of them occasionally work together on cases, but there’s still a bit of a rivalry that becomes a friendship. She likes Vic. 
Phoenix (She/Her)
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Phoenix is an ex-fighter in a literal underground fighting ring in The Shacks. She was injured a lot in her early days, her more severe ones being replaced with arcane tech. She eventually became the top fighter. She later escapes with Kris and settles in Aesher. (Not all implants shown)
Kris (She/Her)
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Kris was also a fighter in the same ring Phoenix was in. She’s a witch, and helps Phoenix escape, powering her arcane implants while they’re trying to find their way back.
Killian (She/They)
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Phoenix’s handler, she seems like a kindly older woman, she’s actually manipulative and driven by money.
Okay! This post will be linked in my pinned post, go wild!
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obsidiancreates · 5 years
Uhhh section 1- 1, 6, 13 section 2- 1, 6, 7 and section 3- 1, 7, 9 with uh Des or anyone really? I'm a useless man and can't remember anything.
Me neither, my guy. Me neither...
Briefly Describe your OC: Appearance, personality, role in a story, etc...
Des, full name LavaDestroys, an evil ego of mine who is hellbent on killing me!
She has hair with varying shades or ginger and orange and red, some more natural seeming colors, some that look like she used a lot of hair dye. She’s quite pale, but her cheeks are very flushed, because of her heat powers. She wears a lot of makeup, with a lot of warm-color eyeshadow and super sharp eyeliner wings and bright red lipstick and stuff. She’s also got super clear skin.
She wears a black leather jacket, a red button-up sort of dressy-casual women’s blouse (or a red turtleneck because that one Picrew I did looked really nice), dressy-casual black slacks, and super gaudy bright red boots with ridiculously tall and thin heels. Like, the heels of those shoes should be snapping, and oh my god are you basically on your tip-toes while wearing those? They go up past her knees and when she really feels like showing them off she’ll wear leggings instead of slacks.
She’s a bitch. She’s a bitch and I like her so much. She fuckin’ hates me though. She’s self-obsessed, petty, thinks she’s literally perfect and better than everyone else ever, manipulative, and just downright cruel. She’s sassy as hell too. 
She has fire and heat based powers! She can control the temperature of the environment around her and make it insanely hot. She’s fire proof, and can set things on fire by touching them. She can cause someone to become Overheated, which is a form of mind control where she raises their internal body temperature to a point that they cannot think and are in a lot of pain, and her voice is the only thing that can help soothe them, and they obey her commands. She can also teleport, just because I want her to be able to.
She lives in a volcano and has a throne made of lava rocks because she’s extra like that.
Oh! Also her sword is ridiculously ornate, with rubies and ambers and other warm-colored jewels embedded all on the handle and hilt. The blade is made of Obsidian, to *ahem* “Fell me by mine own name.”
Her role is just... show up, fuck things up for everyone, try to kill me, maybe try to mind control my other OCs and/or persuade them to join her in trying to kill me, and be a bitch.
Are they an introvert or extrovert? I... cannot decide. On one hand she’s very solitary and prefers to be alone because she thinks everyone else is beneath her, but on the other hand she just craves attention and for people to admire her and interacting with people so she can watch them come to doubt everything they thought before and start thinking of things her way...
I guess Ambivert, she gets energy from both lifestyle in different ways.
Something your OC would say? “I still can’t understand your loyalty to her, truly. What has she ever really done for you? Build your life upon a foundation of tragedy, with the intent to inflict more pain, simply for the entertainment of others? Yes, I fully realize I’m the villain here, dear, I relish in it. I’m not trying to say I’m a good person. I’m simply calling into question if she’s a good one...”
If they existed in another decade, what would they wear? Whatever is considered stylish and makes you look better than other people. In red. And black. And orange.
If you met them, what would they do? Try to kill me, and we’d get into a swordfight, and hopefully if she’s somehow real I get to have magic powers because otherwise I’m fucked, man.
If your character exists in another series’ world, what would they be doing/look like? Causing trouble, most likely. Pitting people against each other for fun and sitting back to watch the show. She’d either be unknown to the majority of the world, known only to those involved in shady shit, or she would be known by the whole world and people would fear her because she can get anyone to turn against anyone without much difficulty.
What other OCs would they get along with? She... kind of gets along with Ferox and Jessa. She gets very annoyed and irritated with them but she hasn’t murdered them yet so... that’s as close to “getting along with” as she can get. She’s also frienemies with Forfeit, Vic’s evil ego OC. They are quite mean to each other and lowkey (oh I’ve never use that word before I feel weird) hate each other but they’ll try to work together because they hate us and “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
What do they do when they’re bored? Plot about killing me, plot about the torture she’s going to inflict on my OCs that she hates, practice her dramatic speeches, and polish/clean/sharpen her sword.
Most embarrassing thing that could/has happened to them? Making a big speech about how she’s better than me and she’s finally won and then I whoop her ass. 
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vics-chaos-gremlins · 5 months
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Ask and learn about my oc's with me :]
[mod Vic is from @that-fruitier-emo]
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