#❝ we got ourselves a tough guy over here ! ❞「 billy 」
troublewithvampires · 10 months
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//decided to fill out one of those ship template memes with sal and his human boytoy <3 the bitch-ass hippie loser he's forever bonded with <3 using how old they are in modern verses, as opposed to how old they are when they first meet.
as a note, if you've seen me refer to a character named jason or billy, that's the same dude. his real name is jason booth but salvatore calls him 'billy whitebread' as a joke and at this point he's just accepted it. he uses both names just fine.
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Billy Whitebread Headcanons
(picrew link)
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his real name is jason booth, but he starts going by billy regularly after the fall of bonesaw vic's. sal's silly little nickname just stuck.
he has tried multiple times to grow a beard, and every time he's given up and shaved it off because he didn't vibe with it.
he's a convicted felon--when he was 19, he was arrested for breaking and entering as well as felony drug possession with intent to distribute.
in modern verses, billy is in his early 50s, though magic supernatural bullshit from his interactions with the fae has increased his natural lifespan dramatically. he isn't sure by how much, though.
he's big into grunge, and his favorite band is nirvana.
his right ear is pierced but his left isn't. no he didn't understand the connotations behind that when he got it. he likes to wear a simple gold earring most of the time.
he has some tattoos, notably a series of sigils on his back to ward off certain supernatural beings, especially ghosts n' shit. salvatore delights in telling him that they're stupid and don't do anything but make him look like a moron.
he also has the name of one of his ex-girlfriends tattooed on his left thigh. she dumped him about a month and a half after he got it. he tells everyone it's actually his mom's name.
it took a lot of time and effort, but he did eventually manage to kick the smoking habit he developed while working at the zoo. he also doesn't drink for the most part anymore, but he does still occasionally smoke weed.
post zoo, billy dresses formally most of the time, but he still keeps a lot of his old band tees and jeans from the early 90s. his most prized article of clothing, though, is a worn leather jacket.
he paints his nails on occasion. his favorite color to make them is purple.
he has some scars, most notably a cut along his jaw and several clawmarks on his back. his shitty sigil tattoos help cover them up.
in modern verses, he absolutely posts thirst traps on instagram. they're surprisingly good. salvatore has an instagram account just to comment on those and make fun of him.
he tends not to use specific labels for himself most of the time, but for all intents and purposes he's a bisexual cis dude.
billy is 5'10.5" but likes to tell people he's the full 5'11".
his hair is naturally brown but he bleaches it regularly.
he has a pet rabbit named clara. she likes to sleep on his pillow.
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Twin Snowflakes 26: Preparation
[part 2 of 2]
Another day, another classroom bell. As far as Monday’s go, today was pretty harmless for Summer. Classes went by fast, Veronica only nagged her about what to eat for lunch, and P.E. was used for tournament announcements so she didn’t have to change. In a few minutes she’ll be able to walk out of the student council meeting and go home to escape-
“We’re all staying after school today, all of us.” Eliza said, filing papers.
Summer planted her head on the table. “Why do you hate me!? I’m nothing but kind to you.” She whined.
“Stop crying! Did you expect to go into the tournament performance cold turkey? This isn’t one of your concerts. Multiple things need to work at once. Which is why Harriet was kind enough to keep a platform up to act as a stage in the gym. You and your brother will have the band’s support.
Nick’s face turned to terror. He could see Summer’s face begin to get excited. “Summer, I know that look. Please remember that neither the band nor I are as skilled as you. Don’t go full dictator on us.”
She could only laugh and smile energetically. “That won’t be a problem if you hit the notes.”
“Not what I wanted to hear, Summer!”
Veronica got up from the table and packed her things. “You all have fun. I’m gonna get started on that outfit. The materials should be at your house by now.”
“Not so fast.” Eliza interjected, “Did you forget that you’re filling in on the cheer team? Their practice starts in fifteen minutes.”
“B-But my fabrics!” She gasped.
Eliza folded her arms confidently. “Sorry, tough luck. Harriet saw your moves and she gets what she wants. If only Amber didn’t twist her leg.”
Nick let out a snicker before hiding his smile from Veronica. Karma is a cruel mistress.
“I myself will oversee everything as best as I can while leading my own rehearsal. Don’t think twice to come find me, or the President, who should really be the one leading this meeting.”
“Nah you’re on a roll.”He smiled.
She gave him a glare before continuing. “Anyways, I also need somebody to let Valerie know the water heater is screwed up again and also that she should at least help with hauling supplies to Amity Arena; since she so rudely skipped this meeting.”
All of the council and other student body members turned to Nick instinctively. It was warranted but man did it blow. Summer glady stood up to take the bullet.
“I will tell her everything she needs to know, after rehearsals.”
“Works for me. Let’s move people! Time is ticking.” Eliza gathered her belongings and went out the door with the rest of the staff. Summer and Veronica gave him a nudge as they walked by. “You two still have enough time to do the outfit?”
“I fixed your sister’s uniforms in no time at all. I already have all her measurements I need so the annoying part is over.”
“What she said.” Summer added. “At this point I guess I’m being moved to wherever I’m supposed to be. Eugh, after school, even the name hurts my throat.”
“Think of it like this. We get to spend all day with Eliza!” Nick yelled out the door cheekily.
“I will answer none of your questions!” She yelled back, knowing she basically has to spend the entire day around Nick. She hadn’t told him yet but she was going to accept his offer. Her curiosity about his plan was too strong. The tournament was quickly approaching. Every step forward counts. Time to kick things into high gear.
Nick found the strength to leave the table and face judgment. “Alright, let’s get this pain over with.”
“Quit exaggerating! I will be a humble singing instructor.”
“COME ON NICK! YOU CALLED THAT A HARMONY!?” Summer was not humble, or quiet for that matter. “I know you can do better!”
Nick endured the criticism as he sipped his water. He was prepared for this but obviously the band wasn’t. Summer had everyone in their group scared stiff and onlookers watching in awe. This might be the first time they’ve heard her speak in school, let alone emote.
Her fiery nature was on full display and it’s intensity was higher than her ponytail. Free from uniform constraints, she wore compression tights and a thin long sleeved shirt that hugged her frame. Summer looked more sporty right now than she has in her entire school life.
The many eyes on the twins' practice didn’t seem to bother her. “Let’s take it from the top.” She grabbed her guitar and began to play immediately. A quick glare to the drummer snapped him out of his trance and got him to play, making the rest fall in line. Live practice was never a thing she did often. People ceased the opportunity all around the gym to watch magic be created before their ears.
Some legends are told, some turn to dust or to gold.
But you will remember me~
Remember me for centuries~
She nodded to Nick and he gripped his mic.
And just one mistake... is all it will take.
We’ll go down in history~
Their breathing synced up.
Summer raised her fist, silencing the band. The performer turned towards her brother and band. A fraction of a smile crept onto her face. “Better. Not perfect, but much better.” She took a sip of water. “Not to be tyrant-”
“Yet here we are.” Nick said, earning a few laughs from the band and a glare from his sis. “What!? I’m boosting morale!”
“I know. It’s the only reason I’m not chewing your head off. Here I was about to compliment you too.”
“The biggest compliment you can give me is letting us finish the song completely. We’ve only gone about a fourth through it. Everyone knows this song.”
“Anybody can know a song but few feel it. I know you know this. The crowd at the tournament is gonna want hype and they’ll most likely sing along. Our job is to cultivate it to its peak. We are the opening of the event. I picked this song for a reason. If we come out firing on all cylinders then I know we can ride the wave through the whole song! Let me feel your hype, your energy!”
Nick pursed his lips. “If you want energy, then you let these guys have fun! Ice breaker time!” Nick spun around and pointed to the band. “Give me a funky beat!”
The members looked at one another, shrugging before kicking in a fun, funky classic; Billie Jean!
Nick let out the biggest “Yeah~” then started moonwalking around Summer. “Come on Summer, you can’t resist the beat!”
“Really? Of all the songs you think I’m just gonna-” She kicked her leg out and then twirled to the microphone.
She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene…!
Nick hopped with joy before chiming in as the band jammed out. Eliza watched the two from off stage with her color guard troop in disbelief, joined by Veronica seconds later in her cheerleader uniform. Eliza waved her hand to her group. “Guys, take ten. I guess it’s break time.”
“Those two seem to be having a ball. They always like this with council stuff?”
“Hardly. It’s the only reason why I’m not yelling at them right now. Can’t remember the last time they looked happy to participate. They can laugh their lungs out as long as the work gets done. Might motivate the others. Anyways, how are you holding up?”
“Oh you know, as much as a newbie could be in this situation.” Veronica shook her pom-poms for dramatic effect. “Feels nice to do something like this again though. It’s like wearing an old glove.”
“History with cheerleading?”
“Gymnastics, my ribbon work doesn’t stop with a needle. That was some time ago but I digress.”
“I see. Well...you move like a pro.” Eliza said, a little stuttery. She played with her hands a bit while focusing on the twins.
Her elevated heart rate rang like a bell while her movements reminded Veronica of herself whenever she first met Coco Axel. “So...a little birdy told me I got a fan of my work here? Got any clue who?” She teased, enjoying Eliza's jump a little. Poor girl's cheeks went red.
Eliza felt a crushing betrayal. “Which twin opened their big mouth?”
“Is the ‘who’ that important?”
“Ah so it’s both?”
Veronica tucked her lips in. “Uhhh I won’t confirm or deny that. To think I’d have a fan all the way up in Atlas?”
“Please, we don’t have to discuss .”
“Why not? No reason to hide it. I’m honestly flattered by it. Civil rights movements don’t attract the right kind of like-minded individuals typically. Then there’s the obvious regional differences.”
“Huh? Regional differences?” Eliza tilted her head. “Have faunus here been giving you a hard time?”
“No, but that’s because I’m making zero effort to approach them. Faunus here as a whole are treated crueler than other places. An outsider like me coming in and trying to ‘relate’ never goes over smoothly.”
Eliza was surprised. She had never heard of that before. “Oh, I guess I was being a bit presumptuous. Apologies.”
“No it’s fine. It’s just one of those annoying little things. A lot of the preach about wanting a voice and equality but sing a different tune when those voices start speaking because they aren’t the ones those people had in their heads. Sigh, we faunus are fickle creatures.”
“Boy, sounds like you hate your job?”
Veronica laughed, “Haha! I wouldn’t go that far. Maybe it’s my unique circumstance but as far as my personal beliefs go, Faunus and Humans are basically the same. They both hate and judge others far too viciously due to bias. I may advocate for our rights, but I’m not above calling ourselves out. It’s probably why the elders especially don’t care for my efforts.”
Veronica turned to Eliza and smiled. “Sorry, rambled for a bit there. Hope I’m ruining your hero perception of me. That is if I am a hero to you?”
“No. Wait! I mean it’s not ruined! You’re definitely inspiring to me. So much in fact that I got a cool magazine cover of you!” It took a minute, but Eliza’s brain registered what she had just said. “I…why did I tell you that?” Eliza facepalmed.
Vee was in shock. Her jaw slowly fell open. “Wow, you are a total fangirl right now. I didn’t think you could look embarrassed. Ha, you’re adorable blushing!”
“Please don’t talk about it…”
“Can I see the magazine cover? I’ll be honest. I rarely pay attention to those puff pieces. My mom handles all that.”
“Really?” Eliza patted her pockets before pulling out her scroll. “It’s from your rally in Vale.”
Veronica had a peek. “Oh I remember this!” The picture was from a year ago. Vale’s rally was pretty huge and loud. The photo was taken right when she had stood proudly on top of a car with a megaphone, protesters following her to city hall. “Not to toot my own horn but look so cool in this.”
“It’s surprising you’ve never seen it.”
“My eyes are usually glued to my sketchbook or a threaded needle. If I’m looking at myself then it’s in the mirror to see how fabric falls onto me or someone else. Speaking of clothes, maybe I can make you an outfit? First one is free. Just wear it to an event; tell your friends about it.”
Eliza lit up, but then immediately started to cringe. “An event is no problem. However...uhhh, yeah, rain check in the whole friend part. A social butterfly, I am not. Don’t have friends.”
“Uh Nick and Summer?”
Veronica could barely stop herself from laughing out loud. The speed in which Eliza answered was swift to say the least. “Wow, and I thought the twin’s aunt was blunt? Are you sure that message is clear to them, because I’m positive they think you’re a friend.”
“I’m friendly, but not a friend.”
“Do you have their number?”
“Sad to say you’re their friend. Don’t fight it.”
“What!? That’s not how- what!? From what I understand you and Summer aren’t friends, but I’m positive you have her number.”
Veronica nodded. “Yeah, but that’s necessary for multiple reasons. Besides, we actively shit talk one another. I reckon you don’t. I’m not saying you three are tightly knit. Just that you’re close enough.”
Eliza folded her arms and huffed. “I suppose so. That’s...annoying.”
“Look on the bright side.” Veronica grabbed Eliza’s scroll to put her number in. “Now you aren’t alone. We can complain about their antics together.”
The grin Veronica gave Eliza made her Eliza sheepish. The abrasive girl took her scroll back. “That...sounds nice.” She laughed under her breath.
Veronica couldn’t stop examining Eliza. This girl was all over the place! It was a little funny, awkward, and yet flattering. “Is this how the twins feel meeting fans?” The young lady could get used to this.
“Your last name is Marigold right? I’m so used to such a fierce expression that seeing you like this feels a bit unusual.”
“Used to? I take it you’ve spoken to my aunt then?” Eliza lit up.
“Not really. She’s been at events my mom dragged me to before. Didn’t speak with her directly but she looked pretty interesting. Her and my mom worked together before. You both and your father have some strong genes. I bet the mom must be jealous.”
“I...doubt it.” Eliza said, her tone drifting. The smile on her face faded back to neutrality. A silent breath escaped her lips while her eyes gazed into distance. Her change in attitude didn’t go unnoticed. Veronica’s ears fell watching her.
“Shit, did I...bring up something touchy?”
“It’s okay, honestly. I just wouldn’t know how my mom feels since...I’ve never had one.”
“Oh. I had no idea. Do you wanna talk about it or…?”
“Not really. It’s really not that big of a deal. You just caught me off guard since I’m used to people knowing that part of my life.” Eliza raised both her hands and gave her face a light slap to get out of her funk. Moping about nothing is pointless. Right now she was talking to Veronica, a person she admires! This was supposed to be exciting! “Phew! That’s better. Let’s change the subject. I don’t know much when it comes to fashion, but I have read about some of your involvement in contests.”
For a moment it felt like Veronica’s body had been hit by a truck. The muscles in her body constricted at once and her stomach felt queasy. “Have you now?”
“Just a little bit. It came up from time to time when I learned about your work with your mother. I gotta say your outfits definitely have your personality. More so than some of your contestants.”
“Heh, that’s not what judges think.” Vee uttered. “Not a first place prize to my name.”
“That may be true but that doesn’t make your designs less interesting in my opinion, but I know how you feel. It stings entering contests and sometimes not even making it to the end. Still, I really thought one dress in particular had it in the bag but…” Eliza silenced herself suddenly. She had forgotten the topic of this particular contest may not be light at all. “You...got disqualified?” She finished, cringing at her own stupidity.
“Yep. I got disqualified. No medal at all for that one.”
The air felt dead. Eliza clicked her tongue. “I had forgotten that part. The article never said why though, so it stuck out to me. If..if you don’t mind-”
“I actually do, a lot.” Veronica’s sharp response made Eliza jump a little. A few people passing by took notice of the aggressive tone, making Veronica mentally kick herself. “Shit, that wasn’t supposed to be so...I’m touchy about that day.”
Eliza waved off the comment like she was the one in the wrong. “It’s fine! I should’ve known better.”
“I guess we’re both even now huh?”
“Even!? I wasn’t trying to get back at-”
“Haha, relax before your heart explodes. It was just a tease.”
Eliza’s for got red. “Oh...of course.”
“You weren’t kidding about not having friends. I thought I was bad at small talk.”
Eliza held her head down. “I’m like a dumpster fire…”
“Ha, I can see that. I guess I’m fortunate to do speeches often. Easily the savior of my social skills. My parents are great but I wouldn’t say they aren’t the most elegant people in conversations. At least not ones that aren’t in front of a camera where they have to be. In a regular conversation they are as uncoordinated as they come.”
“I can see that. Yang’s sister does live here after all. She definitely has her own way of holding a conversation.”
“Pfft, that’s one way to put it. Just shake it off. We’re all kinda tone dead I guess.” Veronica laughed. This was fun. This was actually fun. Talking casually, who would’ve thought? She grabbed her water bottle to drink.
Eliza was also having a pleasant time. She was running low on conversation starters though. There had to be something that shouldn’t go horribly wrong. That’s when it came to her…
“So your head over heels for Nick right?”
Water sprayed out of Veronica’s mouth. How did each question keep getting her!? It shouldn’t even have been that bad yet here she was, choking over the most basic thing that everyone knew! Normally she hated being touched but feeling Eliza pat her back was gladly welcomed.
If Eliza didn’t feel bad before, then she definitely did now. “I am so sorry!” her voice was so spastic it would make Summer look calm. “I told you I’m terrible at this!”
“No, agh, no… this one is me!” Veronica coughed. “Damn, that really hurt my chest. It’s like the entire gulp went down the wrong pipe!” A few more coughs and another sip of water cured the promise. Veronica rubbed her chest and tearfully looked at Eliza. “Yeah I’m into him. Why do you ask?” Her desire to act like she didn’t nearly die was strong. “Wait, don’t tell me you like him too!?”
Water wasn't the only thing that was gonna be on the floor with questions like that. Eliza made a face that looked like she may have gagged out of spite. “Ugh, not a chance.” She folded both her arms aggressively.
“Cool, that would’ve been weird.” Veronica thought. Then Eliza began rubbing her chin. That was never a good sign.
“Weeeeeell…” Eliza said.
Veronica deflated like a balloon. “Here we go…”
“Huh? No! It’s not what you think. I don’t like him like that, or much at all really. However, I can’t deny he is...charming to put mildly. I can recognize that. As a whole, I don’t like Nick that much. There’s too much that grinds my gears. That said, there is a side to him I deeply appreciate. Don’t tell him that or I’ll deny it.”
Her tidbit made Vee’s cat ears wiggle. “You gonna leave me hanging like that? Elaborate a little.”
“Really? I didn’t want to diss him in front of you or anything.”
“Tah! Nick doesn’t need anyone coming to his defense and I’m not gonna bite your head off over an opinion, most likely.” She had to add that last part. Veronica doubted Eliza was going to say something that would be unapologetically mean but you can never know what a person could say. “Speak your mind.”
Eliza looked towards the stage to watch the council president in question adjust some light equipment to put on his sister. “That boy is...selfish in the wrong way.”
That sure was an answer. Veronica tilted her head. “I...don’t follow.”
“Nicholas Schnee is a people pleaser, yet he goes out of his way to do things on his own and inefficiently. He has the qualities of a great leader but doesn’t truly lead anyone. Instead he bends over backwards. This entire concert was his idea yet he chose not to fill anybody in on this for weeks; leaving us in the dark when we could’ve been further along. All that money, trust, and influence, yet I fail to see him use it with the care I know he knows how to do. It’s so annoying! Agh, I wish I had a fraction of what his name has.”
“Sounds like to me you’re a little envious?”
“A bit, but that doesn’t change my view of him. You know him. Am I wrong?”
“I’m the last person to judge right or wrong here, but I see what you mean. Nick definitely has his faults, no argument there. I told him the other day he was a bit pushy at times and overbearing. Still, I wouldn’t say those qualities are bad. Nick is… a man on a mission.”
The administration in Veronica’s eyes was clearer than air to Eliza. “Opinions aside, his heart is good. The love he has for family and friends is undeniably. I respect that.”
“Is that the part you deeply appreciate?”
Eliza shook her head. “No, that quality is a given. The side I like is one few people see. I witnessed it for the first time at a red carpet event several years ago. It was our first time actually speaking. I stubbornly declared I’d beat him in a tournament and show everyone how beneath me he was.”
“Wow, your social skills really are rough.”
“Cut me some slack. I was fourteen and cocky. Anyways, I expected him to laugh it off and give that fake smile he gives to the public. Instead, he gave this smug smirk at me and said ‘I can’t wait.’ It was actually chilling. I could tell from his eyes that he was threatening, no, intimidating me. He had no problem letting me know he wanted to take me down, and that’s exactly what he did on tournament day. However, right before our match, Nick took me to the side to chat. It was my first tournament. The anxiety I had was a plan on my face. Instead of using that weakness, he gave me tips to calm down. Having him focus solely on me in that ring was thrilling, different from his usual self. There’s an honesty about it I like. No way somebody can be nice all the time.”
It was for that very reason Eliza knew she had to hear Nick’s offer out. Whenever that look comes out, it spells trouble for who caused it. To think the plan involved beating Valerie? What could he possibly be up to?
Veronica rubbed her chin, intrigued. “So that’s your reasoning. Hmm.” She snapped her fingers and smirked. “Masochistic.”
Eliza bugged out. Her jaw dropped and she was seconds away from protest, until the snickering from Veronica let her know she was teasing again. A smile slowly formed and Eliza playfully elbowed Vee. “Shut up.” She laughed. “Talk about a mood killer.”
Veronica stuck her tongue out before breaking out into laughter when Eliza. Hard to believe the key to being social was being kinda bad at it? It was nice making a friend. Veronica didn’t say it but they were glad to be here.
Across the room, the gym door opened. “Well look who’s having fun!?” A voice bellowe, the condescending echo gaining everyone’s attention. To many’s displeasure, it was Darren sauntering in with his silent partner Max behind him. “Sounds like a real party here. Care if I join? Maybe shake things up a little?”
The upperclassman paced like he owned the place, watching. “Hard at work for my big day?” His eyes go to the stage. “Well if it isn’t the Jester of the School!”
Nick rolled his eyes. “Very original. I’d love to hear more of this comedy act but unfortunately the gym is closed for regular students. Please take your friend and your clown makeup somewhere else.”
“Pfft, you diss like a child.”
“Said the man who called me a jester.” Be it a deity or the universe itself, people should count themselves lucky Nick had high tolerance for stupidity. Darren’s presence was grinding it down however. Punches and nearly getting a friend hit by an asshole’s car did that to an individual.
Summer could see the sparks fly between the two. Grabbing the microphone from Nick with no hesitation, Summer took the lead. Unfortunately for Darren she didn’t have her brother’s tolerance, and she was on her favorite spot in the whole world. “You’re interrupting our practice and wasting my time. Beat it.”
The gym went silent. Did everyone hear that right? Summer Schnee...was rude!? Darren blinked twice, stunned. “Excuse me but, nobody was talking to you.”
“And nobody invited you. Scram.” She shooed him away as if he was a bug.
“Now is that anyone to talk to a superior? I don’t care how famous you are or what your last name is, you little princess. You just keep singing like a little songbird; it’ll be the only good press you get that day before losing to yours truly!”
Summer out of this expression of confusion. “And your name is…? Sorry, I just have a really hard time with faces when they don’t even rank in the top five.” Multiple ‘oooos’ and chatter started going. “Is Dean? Dunce? …..Dumb and Dumber?”
Max let out a simple “Hmph” while Darren got pissed. “So you got jokes huh?” He said through his teeth. It only took one step closer before Nick immediately stepped in front of his sister. Before either could give the audience a glimpse of tournament match l, Eliza flicked the lights off and on to gain everyone’s attention.
“HEY! Knock it off, all of you.” She demanded. Darren’s gaze came her way and towards Veronica by extension. Eliza took a step between the two, stopping a problem before it could start. “Na uh, eyes on me. One word to her and I might let Principal Coal know. May I remind you that after recent behavior it would behoove you to act like a respectable upperclassman, or else-”
“Hey hey hey there, little one, I just came in here to mingle a little; shoot the breeze and all. I’m not the one who got all bent out of shape and started insulting people. Ain’t that right Max?”
Unbothered, Max put his hands behind his head. “That is what happened; dumb jokes or not.”
“Yeah that’s- hey! You aren’t talking about my jokes are you!?”
Eliza took a deep breath. “Consider the breeze shot to hell. Now if you would kindly be on your way so-”
“Uuuugh, you’re so boring, acting like a lifeless doll and shit. Even her frail and tone deaf highness behind me showed some backbone for once.”
“Tone deaf!?” Summer yelled. She would’ve thrown her microphone if Nick didn’t take it from her. “Oh I really hope your bite is at least half as good as your bite. This ‘Princess’ thinks you deserve a public beat down for the world to see, personally delivered!”
“See you at the tournament!” Nick added.
Darren pointed behind himself. “See? At least they’re interesting.”
“If getting egged on by your limp insults is what you want then why should I even bother?” Eliza stepped to the side. “Best be on your way. You can earn my wrath whenever you feel man enough to enter a solo tournament instead of hiding behind your partner.”
“Oh yeah?” Darren glared. “Tough talk from a-” The back of his shirt was pulled by Max.
“Time to go. You’ve had your fun, and I’m getting a headache. No use talking. Let the tournament do all the bragging.” Max began dragging Darren to the exit until Darren brushed him off to walk himself. He gave Eliza one last pissed off look before giving a smug face as he walked away. “Tsk, drug baby.” He mumbles.
Loud footsteps and the sound of metal clanged behind him. Darren quickly turned around, ready for a fight. “Well I guess you can get ma-”He didn’t move. What he thought was Eliza losing her cool was actually her defending him with her baton from a very pissed heir with an Arma Gigas.
“He’s quicker than he looks.” Max grabbed Darren again and all but tossed him out the gym before any actions became an incident.
“Care to tell me why you wanna fight my battles?” Eliza complained.
“I’m not fighting your battles. My patience just got a little restless.” Nick unsummoned his blade and walked away. Thoughts of last night suddenly came to mind, making him sigh. “Sorry. Overstepped a bit. I’m gonna cool off.” He groaned.
Eliza rubbed the back of her head. That was...off. Nick must’ve been more ticked off by Darren than she was aware of. “Just don’t get so jumpy. The last thing I need is you not being able to kick his ass because you got suspended.”
“Haha yes ma’am.”
Eliza clapped her hands loudly. “Okay everyone! Get back to business!” She shouted, returning everything to normal. Thank the gods for at least giving Eliza cooperative staff members. Her body slumped over. Why can’t any event be peaceful! Damn that Darren! Now she wished he was in the solo bracket. Her head lifted to look at Veronica. “I take it if Nick heard that then so did you?”
“Little bit. I can pretend I didn’t. Makes no difference to me.”
“Don’t sweat it. Who likes beading around the bush anyways? You asked about my mom earlier. Now you basically know. To make a long story short, my dad in his younger years spent his money in...less than responsible ways. Who needs love when there’s plenty of clubs and corners with people looking to make a quick buck? My mother just so happened to get a little more than just lien.”
Veronica’s face scrunched up. “Yikes. That’s a lot to unpack.”
“Not really. Never had a mom so it’s not like I’m yearning for a connection when there never was one to start with. One day my dad noticed her pregnant and like you said before, I have strong features. A woman parading around with no home, every drug under the sun, and a potential baby that looked like the CEO of a company one kingdom above is a recipe for ruin. Many board members thought it best for my father to deny anything and everything. Apparently a few of them along with some kind individuals thought it best to move my mother in with him. This way the baby, me, would at the very least be healthy.”
“What about your mother?”
“Ultimatum. Fall in line with this new society and learn to act like a high class citizen, or take a generous amount of money to keep quiet. I don’t look like her so spinning a story wouldn’t do her well, and high class society didn’t mean she could get high any hour of the day. Took the money and never looked back. Tabs were kept on her for a while but she eventually became white noise among the gutter trash of Mantle. A druggie with tons of cash is never good. Most likely ended up in a gutter from overdose or somebody who caught wind of her spending habits.”
“Eliza that’s...I’m sorry that happened.”
“Eh, I’m not losing sleep over it. Not like I got a bad deal either. Contrary to what people might say about my name, my father is a decent man and cares for me as well. He’s by no means perfect but who is? Aunt May told me once that if nothing else, my dad doesn’t make problems bigger than what they have to be. I didn’t ask to be born, so resenting me would be shallow. We get along and that’s all that matters family wise. Though...it’s not like he got a raw deal out of it.” Eliza conjured a small flame in her hand. “He took the high road and learned he got Remnant’s first magical daughter in ages. Talk about good karma.”
“Way to look at the positives.” Veronica said.
Eliza put out the flame. “It’s just the facts. Unfortunately rumors floated and not all people were happy with the decision, so little tidbits here and there got learned. As you can see with Darren’s mouth almost getting him into trouble. The only thing bigger than his mouth is his ego.”
“Yeah, I’m familiar with his type.” Veronica said with annoyance. She was too familiar with it.
“Anywho, I should get back to practice. Thanks for chit chatting. And people say it’s bad to meet your heroes and stuff. I guess they’re meeting the wrong ones.”
“I wouldn’t go that far. I mean I’m pretty rad but you know...modesty and all that. I’m no Blake Belladonna or Yang Xiao Long. Just little ol’ me.” Veronica chuckled. “See ya around?”
“Sooner than you might think.” Eliza twirled her baton and went on her way.
Veronica watched the girl leave. No wonder Nick chose Eliza to be the one to keep an eye on her. She was tough as nails; with or without the uniform! A shame Darren outed her like that. Veronica felt a little dirty learning something Eliza didn’t want to tell her. Veronica was surprised that Eliza didn’t ask for her to return the favor. Then again, it would’ve been pointless. Veronica knew herself. She wouldn’t say a word regardless of fairness. She might have even lied. The girl let out a sigh, taking a moment to look down at herself before heading back to practice. Some things are just better left unsaid.
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word-addict-lisette · 3 years
Dear Lisette,
I am back in you inbox, yay! How was your day? How's life? How's school?
I am really mad because we had this piece of work and it was like "pen down your idea on this statement, 'i can do whatever i want on the internet as long as i don't get caught' and i put down my thoughts which were 'this statement is true, i stand by it and you can do whatever you like as long as you don't get caught and don't own up' and then people were like throwing shade at me and i looked at it. I have 5 comments.
My teachers tried to delete it, my classmates literally lectured me and then she read it out loud and the whole class went looking for that one note i made. In the comments, people are spelling my name in caps. It was my opinion, and oh, look all of them are basically hypocrites. Let me just say, these people make me uncomfortable, they don't talk about exactly nice things or approriate things and they are all commenting ( without names too may i add) like "KAT, THAT'S NOT HOW THINGS WORK!" but with my real name and just arghhh.
Also if my teachers wanted me to say, "no, that isn't the right thing to do," or any other answer that the others provided them with, they shouldn't have asked for my opinion. They should have just forced us all to just type the same thing. The other people all wrote like, "no, its unethical and bad" or "False, no, its bad" and stuff like that, filmsy evidence and elaboration. I HAVE MORALS, i am just saying the truth. I feel like the victim of a hate crime. People don't like me enough already, i am a very intresting person, uh, yeah, we are gonna stop there.
Enjoy the rant i guess? I don't know? I am sorry for loading on you but there's a little extra rant so uh, yeah. im just gonna take this out, one sec.
Ok, so uh my teacher was like, next week, we are making pancakes. Fluffy pancakes. It was changed to pancakes without eggs? and now we have to make it ourselves, at home. Where do i get flour? What do i do with the extra flour? I don't know how to cook at all, my partner who has been extremely controlling and like kinda driving me insane, ( ahem i did the whole coursework) also she uses my friend's name for everything? Like, bestie i was literally helping out and you went all, "Oh you don't want (friend's name) to see you burnt right?". Obviously i don't but if i burnt down my house, she wouldn't be surprised. I BURNT MYSELF LAST YEAR, SHE SAW ME BURN MYSELF. Well, my friend burnt me and then the week after that, she burnt herself.
This happens a lot. Also, the very common questions and statements of, "Are you straight?" , "aren't you and (friend's name) dating?", "you guys would make such a cute couple" , " aren't you bi?" and "i thought the two of you were dating," there is nothing wrong with being bi but i am not attracted to her like that. So, they use her for leverage over me to get me to do what they want and also think im dating her? If we were dating, we would both be homeless. I like my house. This doesn't only happen with her. I once got shipped with my brother. I hugged him and some guy was like, "oh you guys like each other," that was awkward. Can i just add, a lot of people like majority of that community know we are siblings.
I also get shipped with his best friend, thanks to a rumor my brother made up. So, sometimes, i would get like comments like, "oh, you like him" or "(brother's name) told me that you and (brother's best friend) are dating," we are not dating. WE ARE JUST REALLY GOOD FRIENDS. I LIKE A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. LEAVE ME ALONE. Also, everytime i have a picture of a guy on my phone or something my cousin just has to tell my brother. THEY ARE STREAMERS. ONE IS OF V FROM BTS SO I CAN TRAMATISE MY FRIEND.
Everytime i cry, someone comes in my room. It is so annoying. LEAVE ME ALONE, I WANT TO CRY. This is why i started reading sad books, listening to sad songs, watching sad movies so i have a reason to cry. There was this once, i wasnt selected to be part of my choir's competition and i was sad about it because i didn't feel good enough. THEY SAID I WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH. So, i cried but it wasn't enough so i read the saddest book i could find so i had a reason to cry but by that time, my feelings were gone. This is why i get breakdowns when im overwhelmed because of all this. You know how old i am. I have to deal with this and the pressure of always wanting to be perfect. What else can i do? I am not pretty or smart or talented or have friends, i have like 6 friends and nobody ever keeps me company. So, i focus on being perfect. 100%, i deal with not having any attention because my parents didn't pay me any attention just because i was "independent" or something?
Did i mention, i babysit all my siblings? I am the second child. I baby-sit my older brother. I am sleep-deprived because i can't sleep well at night and i constantly worry about everything and i have to take care of all my friends and it is so exhausting. Yet, i can not cry.
Thanks for staying with me through whatever that was. Uh, yeah, i took the quiz and got chaotic academia. That is my aesthetic. I really want one of those fancy skirts they wear like on pintrest and stuff? Like you know what i mean? The academia skirt? Yeah, i don't have one yet.
Question of the day, what is your dream profession or you could answer my other question which is what would you want to look like? Or you could answer both?
Ok, thank you again. i am gonna go study. Love and hugs and just literal joy sent your way!
- Kat, the ultimate dino mom of Leo, Billy Bob, Jessica, Sophie, Jackson, Sarah, Lily, the Micheals and all her other kids. (Jessica, Sophie and Jackson are mailboxes and Lily is a computer, Micheal is my screwdriver and laptop pencil, there are two micheals.)
Dear Kat,
It's really good to see you in my inbox. I'm sorry for replying late, but exams really had occupied my schedule today and I got my Saturday exam tomorrow. This week is going to be stressful and today's day has been pathetic. I had nothing to do except study and write exams. I feel like I haven't really been social recently and That I'm losing touch with people that I used to be close with and basically I'm letting overthinking take over my mind.
That is so sick. Why is someone's genuine opinion bothering them so much? I totally wouldn't be able to tolerate that. They ought to understand that there is a fine line between a fact and an opinion, and what you stated was just an OPINION. they have no right whatsoever to come at you like that. I totally agree... the teachers ought to have not asked for your opinion if all they desired was a particularly specific answer which opposed the statement. one of the reasons I hate the schooling system has to be THIS. people who are putting comments like that ought to realize that what you stated is exactly what they do in real life. They just want to be seen as the good kid here. At least you have the guts enough to speak the truth.
Miss! You don't have to worry about ranting out to me. You can rant to me for days and I'd still listen. Just go on ranting nobody is stopping you.
Ahhh! I've had that happen to me. I really understand how tough that can be. I really really hate being shipped with someone who I am just platonically friends with like you've got no valid proof to believe that we are romantically involved with each other. I've burnt myself plenty of times too. It's not a pleasant experience. Plus I also hate having controlling partners. Cause all they do is boss you around while they are barely doing a thing. It sucks.
Why? Just why? Why does it even matter to them? Who you date and what your sexuality is, is none of their business. I have no idea why people concern themselves with topics that really don't involve them. It's like people are just ready to make gossip out of anything. A person can't have a bestie without not liking them? I don't get what's so difficult to understand about that. I hate it when I'm casually talking to a guy and people start shipping us and start spreading rumors of us being in a romantic relationship. Another thing they do is, if a person likes me, they automatically assume that I like him back when I've barely even ever spoken to that guy. And yes! I like fictional characters! Don't even assume I like any of you fools cause You idiots bully me and ship me with total crackheads... And my standards are good enough for me to not include you guys in my list of *appropriate candidates* which consists of non-existent people.
Similarly, the moment I'm chatting with some guy, or like have a pic with someone on my mobile phone people just assume that fact that I'm crushing on him. Like no! I don't. We are friends... the others are celebrities, Why can't you understand that? I can't imagine how thick their skull must be considering they can't let a small statement like that sink in.
The crying thingy... I feel personally attacked. Nobody lets me do anything in peace, let alone crying. I literally use the washroom in my room and even my sister comes in there just banging on the door asking me to get the heck out of there and go somewhere else, like can't she use the other two washrooms or what? I like listening to sad stuff and reading angst cause somehow or the other it calms me down... it makes me feel at peace cause I know I'm not the only one who feels like crying. I've got a lot of friends, nobody remembers my birthday, I remember all of theirs'. They don't even text me, It's always me who takes the first step. All my friends just want me by their side cause I'm a smartass they want to show off as a trophy and cause I've got much better sarcasm than them. They just want to benefit from me. That's all. GOD, I'm not pretty at all. I look like a random idiot all the time. I look pathetic. And I lack talent... And you! I warned you, miss! You are pretty, beautiful, talented, smart, friendly, caring, kind and THE BEST!!!
I've never been given attention. Never ever. My sister has always stolen the spotlight. And I hate it. Not even my friends acknowledge me, my parents just ehhhhh. No matter how good I score, No matter how good I behave, No matter what. I'm just never good enough. My parents think of me as a rebellious kid. And I don't know what to do about that. All I've ever done is listen to them. My parents never allowed me to go out and play with my friends when I was a kid, they never let me go on overnight trips, and they barely let me spend time with the few friends I have. They never let me go to outings my school friends planned. Despite that, I never complained. I never had good friends because of that, yet I never complained. A lot of kids my age roam around in shopping malls by themselves, have sleepovers, spend money, roam around with tons of makeup on their faces, are in relationships, and even get into illegal shit. I've never done anything Like that. And yet... I'm never the good kid. I'm still the rebel.
I've got to take care of my sister almost every day. Get her to study, study myself, take care of myself while tolerating my grandmother. I really don't like my grandma, she s very fussy and just keeps yelling around the house the moment my dad and mom leave the house. I've got sensory overload because of her voice. And now I sit and have an anxiety attack almost every time she speaks. I've always got to strive for perfection as well. And I too can't sleep well at night just cause all the worries of the world, keep weighing me down.
Chaotic academia sounds good. It's the same aesthetic my sister got when I asked her to take the test! And oooh! Me too! I love those skirts and outfits they show on Pinterest. I'd love to have them someday.
My dream profession has to be that of a writer. Or perhaps even running a library. just something cozy. Ohh! I'd love to have brown hair, and I'd want to be tall just a little shorter than What I am right now. I just reached my father's height yesterday. And more or less, I'd like the rest to stay just as it is. and perhaps a lighter shade of skin tone. What about you though?
My question for you! If you were to be stranded on a beach island for a week. Who would you bring with you and how would you spend your time there. You can include whatever elements of nature you want to include like forests, lakes, and all.
Sending love, warmth, hugs, and whatever I have to spare that you would like to you!!!!
-Love from Lisette
P.S. That's an interesting family you've got, right there!
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anunvalidcritic · 4 years
The Boys: SN2.7
Sorry for the delay but I’ve been really busy with work and I haven’t gotten much sleep due to this but nonetheless I was able to finish it and upload the commentary.
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(Photo Credit: @01091006)
Alright we’ve got ourselves a grown ass man whose clearly obsessed with STORMFRONT
Ik he’s gettin’ tired of seeing/doing the same shit over and over again
Maybe he’s one of the meme makers
Yep called that shit again
He better not become some fucking murder... smdh
“Congress?? Please what a bunch of corrupt cunts they are.” - BUTCHER
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(this line hit a little too close to home iykyk)
This congresswoman looks familiar... I can’t put my finger on it though
Alright so whose that ringing BUTCHER’s line?? (That’s a long ass number too)
“Mom I don’t want a fucking unicorn frappe.” - ANNIE
Bro wtf?!!!!!
“And Serge... no abandoning your post this time.” - MALLORY
rip to BUTCHER’s father
BLACK NOIR didn’t have to go in on ANNIE like that
LAMPLIGHTER - “Okay. Different strokes, man.”
HUGHIE - “Please don’t say that in this context.”
“You know this isn’t healthy, man. Y-You can’t watch porn while the... sun’s out.”- HUGHIE
I like how HUGHIE said “nevermind” just to continue with his story.
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“Come on do you want me to cuck? Or be the guy who fucks the wife?” - HUGHIE
“Yeah, come on. Let’s go fuck the wife. Con-sensually.” - HUGHIE
You know I never truly understood why the nickname “Billy” went with the name William.
SAM - “What, no hug?”
BUTCHER - “You step one inch closer, and I’ll kill you quicker than that fucking arse cancer.”
SAM - “I bet you would.”
ROFL The way he slapped his finger away
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Beating the shit out of your kids does not equal “tough love”
Sooo.... LENNY committed suicide...
Wow, well I’ll be damned tha nazi bitch has a heart
I haven’t seen MAEVE use her powers in a minute!! That poor table.
Wait why is DR. VOGELBAUM in a wheelchair??? Ig HOMELANDER really did fuck his ass up.
Wow I really forgot M.M’s gov name is MARVIN.
FRENCHIE reminiscin’ -- You know i still remember when FRENCHIE said his dad smothered him with a hello kitty duvet lol
Watch me fuck around and learn KIMIKO’s sign language
Fish Bowl = Fixing Grievances
Bruh this whole church is toxic
“And boom, bitchies!” - LAMPLIGHTER
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“Your America’s second favorite lesbian couple, after all.” - ASHLEY
Whose the first?... Ellen and Portia??
“Ashley for once in your life be a fucking human being.” - MAEVE
Their watching a lego movie of the Blindside
... I think we all know HOMELANDER is lying to BECCA. He’s gonna snatch that little boy up in the middle of the night.
BUTCHER a whole maniac
Why do I feel like LAMPLIGHTER is gonna step HUGHIE up...
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My mouth is really ajar looking at this hand scene
She’s walking a little too slow for me... I foresaw that shit!
BLACK NOIR is strong af! Jesus he’s throwing her around like a dog that vigorously shakes its head with a toy in its mouth.
STARLIGHT bro I’m gonna need you to get the fuck up! Don’t let this dude choke you out!
... once again... fuck almond joy’s
Y’all can do this reunion shit later. GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BUILDING!
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M. M. - “Kid, you are fucking unbelievable. All you had to do was watch porn.”
HUGHIE - “I didn’t know he was gonna set himself on fire?!?.”
I think we all knew this church for supes was all kinds of fucked up. But this whole scenario of EAGLE hunting his partner dressed up as a deer is on the stranger side to things. 
Why tf did ANNIE’s mom look at KIMIKO like that?!?!
HOMELANDER lookin’ sick af!
“Oh, shit.” - THE DEEP
episode 6 here. Once again I’m sorry for the delay in the post. I’ll have to figure out my timing better. But on a lighter note... EPISODE 8 WILL BE THE LAST FOR THE SEASON!!! We already know it got confirmed for a season 3 so this last episode better fucking bring it!
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gayenerd · 3 years
This is a 2017 interview done by a fan for the fansite, Green Day Authority. It’s super disjointed and fan interviews never ask tough questions, but eh. 
Recently, we asked Green Day's management if it would be possible to get an exclusive interview for GDA, our first ever. After some coordination, it was agreed that I could interview them in Omaha (a show I had already planned to attend). I found out on Wednesday afternoon that I would be interviewing them on Saturday, but fortunately, I had already been preparing a list of questions in case it worked out. Before I go any further, I'll tell you that I had a LOT more questions on my list than there was time for. So, if you're wondering why I didn't ask something in particular, it's probably because we ran out of time. That is the only thing I would change about my whole experience if I had the opportunity. The arrangement was that one of the tour managers would meet me at the back entrance of the arena before sound check. After going through two layers of security, that's exactly what happened. I was the only non-crew person in sound check (!) and it simply felt surreal to be in that position. I enjoyed it greatly but was, of course, also thinking about how the upcoming interview would go. I wanted to represent GDA and the fan community in a way that would not leave a bad impression while also getting some good discussion from the guys. After sound check, I was walked back to a room with a couch and a few chairs. I was able to get comfortable and had some help to set up my recording equipment — thanks again to Lauren Banjo and Daniel, my son, for helping me get exactly the right device for recording the interview. In just a few minutes, in walked Billie, Mike and Tre. I have to say that, in all the times I've seen them, they have never looked better. They seemed relaxed, happy, and bursting with good health. They all sat down, and we got started. Aside from running out of time (though, to be honest, it would have taken hours to work through all my questions), I'm reasonably pleased with the way it all turned out. The guys were so incredibly nice and seemed to be totally engaged in the moment we were all sharing together. They really thought about their answers and seemed to enjoy the discussion. Here's the first installment of the interview — we talked about music, touring, and special shows. I did you all a favor and removed a lot of my rambling when I was asking the questions. Enjoy! "J'net: Guys, you work so hard, and we see how hard you work. During shows, you give so much of your emotion, yourselves, and your life energy to what you do. What keeps you going and keeps you so passionate about what you're doing? Mike: You said it, 'passion.' We only know how to do this one way — give 100%. It's just driven into us, I guess. Tre: It's the way we're wired. Mike: The music moves us the same way with the energy from the crowd. Billie: I agree. We love what we do. I think there've even been times when I thought, 'Maybe I'll take it easy tonight,' and then as soon as you hit the stage, it's just 'All systems go!' It's just a natural response for me. Really no other way to explain it. Mike: I always think, 'I don't know if I'll always be able to give what 100% is today, but I'll always give 100% of what I have to offer.' I don't think these engines know how to run any differently. J'net: Well, it's awesome. Your fans appreciate it so much. I wish you guys could just sometimes sit out in line, y'know? We get in line as early as we can and we compare notes ... "Well, we're driving from Kansas City as soon as the show's over..." Mike: You guys should film some of that. We never get to see it, it's cool! Film some of that interaction and maybe post some of that stuff too, it's rad! Billie & Tre: Yeah! J'net: [thinks to self: challenge accepted!] I'd be glad to do that, yeah. I mean, everybody would, even the people who know how to do that [technical stuff] … like Billie, he's pretty good with all the Facebook Lives and Instagram. Billie: Yeah, I'm getting pretty awesome — Billie Joe Zuckerberg! J'net: Right … 'Now where's the off button?...' Billie: Thank God for two young sons, man! They can tell you everything. Mike: I have to call my wife [laughs]. My wife's still young, she knows how to do that shit! J'net: Music is an emotional experience, and some of your songs are so emotional. Do you ever feel overcome by the emotion when you're performing, or are you somehow in performance mode so you can rise above it? Billie: I definitely go there. Like that line 'I'm like a son that was raised without a father,' — that's a button-pusher for me. Also with Forever Now, and also lately with playing '21 Guns' acoustic … when I get emotional is when I hear people singing along — when I hear voices that loud. I think with Green Day, we create an atmosphere that's as close to a European crowd that you can get — with people singing along, almost like a soccer anthem. And I love seeing people who are normally self-conscious when they lose it. I try to push people to just lose it when they come to our shows. Some nights, people are so pent up with energy, they don't even know that they have inside them. And I try to get people to dance like no one's watching and sing like no one's listening — just go for it! J'net: Do you have favorite show moments that you like to think back on? Billie: Smashing my guitar against the Subaru just the other night was pretty fun. [laughs] That's a first. I've never done that before. Mike: There are favorite moments of each show. We go backstage after the show, and we talk about all the rad things that happened. Billie: There's so many different things that we see going on in the crowd. There was a guy that was like an ex-hippie that was in the house the other night, I think in Portland. He was in the back, and I could see him just dancing and singing all night long. He was probably about the same age as my brother — about 65, and it was fun to just watch him. That's the kind of stuff I like to remember. " Watch for the next installment of the interview! We’ll also be sharing more of the audio from our favorite moments.
The second part of our interview focuses on the band's latest movie project, 'Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk.' They helped produce it with filmmaker and longtime friend, Corbett Redford. The day after the Omaha show, my son Daniel and I started the drive back home to Tulsa, but stopped in Kansas City to see the movie. We went to a great independent theater there, Screenland at Tapcade, and when it was time for the movie to start, we settled ourselves in for a fascinating evening. There's so much to absorb in this movie, but it's compelling all the way through. There is a great deal of history that is lovingly captured and discussed. We feel we need to see it again and again, so It's good to know that a deal is in the works to distribute for home viewing, and that, according to Corbett Redford, "the DVD, Blu-Ray is being worked on, designed, mastered and readied for manufacturing." So many people were interviewed for this movie that I couldn't possibly list them all. The interviews were often just as interesting, funny, or emotional as the vintage footage of events from the beginnings of East Bay punk. It was a touching movie with many emotional moments (at least for us). Two or three of the people who were interviewed in the movie came close to tears as they were talking about the past and their connection to the famed 924 Gilman Street. For Green Day fans, as well as fans of many of the other bands involved in those early days of East Bay punk, there is rare and wonderful vintage footage that really gives a feel for what those early days were like. The writing by Corbett Redford and Anthony Marchitiello is exceptionally fine — it tells a story that could have been overwhelmingly complex in an articulate, accessible, and moving way. The narration by Iggy Pop, the animations (credited to Tim Armstrong, J. Bonner, and Alex Koll), the cinematography and photographic direction by Greg Schneider, and the hand lettering (credited to Aaron Cometbus) are simply delightful and absolutely enrich the content of the movie. I loved the way some of the newer interview footage had a "distressed" look to be more compatible with the footage it was matched with in the film. As Corbett said when I mentioned this to him, "The distressed VHS happened as our crew filmed EVERY interview with an old VHS camera! So that wasn't an effect, it was real! We decided as a crew that VHS and black and white Xerox were going to be our two main go-to 'themes' - so Greg went and bought a VHS camera, and voila!" There were obviously a lot of eyes on this film making sure that every little detail was as perfect as could be. There's no question in my mind that it was made with hearts full of love. Here's part two of our interview: "J'net: 'Turn it Around' is getting such incredible response from most reviewers and many in the punk community. Do you feel more acceptance coming from the community than you may have felt previously? Is there a partial 'return from 86'? Mike: The spirit of the movie is that it was made by the people in the community, and if you took Green Day out of it, it's still an unbelievable documentary. We basically stepped aside and let the movie get made the way it should be made. We realized that should be the anchor — the beginning, that's the beginning. [We wanted] for people to understand the different ingredients it took to make where we are and … to make the beginning… Billie: For us, when I was talking to Corbett, it was — 'Let's do a documentary that could inspire the next generation to create their own scene and not just talk about how you had to be there.' Because almost every scene documentary I've ever seen has a 'glory days' thing about it, where, with this one, you see the people like Michelle Gonzalez, who's a teacher and an author, and Miranda July, who’s a filmmaker and artist, and there are people who are activists, still playing music and active in the community. We approached it like, 'Let's not turn this into a piss and vinegar fest.' Billie: And if it wasn't for Tim Yohannon, even though we had big differences in the past, we wouldn't have had a place to play because he, with other people, created and made Gilman Street happen - and that I'm super grateful for. So if there's a story that you watch out for, it's what Tim Yohannon has done for the bay area scene and globally also. J'net: And Corbett did a great job realizing the vision of the movie. Mike: Corbett kind of did the impossible. You talk about a bunch of people in the scene — you know everybody's in that scene because we're all latchkey kids and come from some fucked up background, right? So then you have to get all the bands to agree to put their music on it this many years later. We had no doubt that he's an incredibly intelligent person and an artful person, but he fuckin' did it. Tre: He's always been super resourceful, and it's kind of like now he's all grown up. Mike: All we had to do was talk him off the ledge a couple times. I mean, we'd go in his office, and it looked like 'A Beautiful Mind.' There's writing everywhere and he's like (Mike demonstrates hyperventilating). It started off he didn't have a beard, and then he turned into Father Time. J'net: Did the fact that he's so well-respected in the community and such a genuine person help him to get buy-in from the people who participated? Mike: And the other people he recruited, like Kamala Parks and Anthony (Marchitiello) and Eggplant and Tim Armstrong, are highly respected and helping to make this thing. And it's like, 'Wait a minute, this isn't like a Warner Brothers movie. This is people who were actually in the scene making it.' And when they would vouch for him, it became even more helpful." We're pretty sure we spotted a cameo of Mr. Redford himself, but I won't put a spoiler here by hinting where to watch for him! For the same reason, I'm not going to tell you details of my favorite parts of the movie. When the opportunity arises, you should pick out your own favorites, and next time we're sitting in line for a Green Day show, we can compare notes. Bottom line, whether you watch the movie because you're interested in the captivating history of East Bay punk or because you want to see how Green Day got their start or both, you aren't likely to be disappointed. The movie is great entertainment but also left me inspired to be the best I can be at whatever I choose to do. The passion that went into the scene way back then, and into the making of the movie itself, left its mark on me. I hope you'll find that it leaves you feeling the same way.
In part two, we talked to the band about the early days at Gilman Street and the new movie, 'Turn it Around: The Story of East Bay Punk.' "J’net: From there, Green Day has come so far. What were you dreaming about back then, have you achieved it, and do you have any dreams you haven’t realized yet — things you still want to do? Tre: Pizza! J’net: Really? You haven’t had pizza yet? [Everyone laughs — these guys are SO polite!] Mike: Back then it was like, 'Can we get a show? Can we get into Gilman?' That’s a goal. It’s always like a series of goals – like 'Let’s get a tour.' 'Oh my gosh, what would it be like to play that one club there?' Maybe it’s a different town — or Europe! 'Let’s go to Europe and tour Europe!' There’s always another thing to be done. We just like to keep it exciting. Even live — even live, if we feel it's not exciting and not eventful or we're just going through the motions, we'll do something to change that because we like to stay in the moment, too. Life should be exciting. J’net: [to Tre] When you gave the drumsticks to that little kid last night (in Kansas City) … Mike: I did that. But Tre does every night anyway. One of us will always do it." Backstory: In Kansas City, there was a little girl on her dad’s shoulders throughout much of the show, although security tried multiple times to get him to put her down. At one point, Mike’s bass tech came into the security pit and leaned through to hand her a set of drumsticks. "Mike: She was hitting right on the beat with them on her dad’s shoulders! A lot of people know this, but every night Tre hides a pair of drumsticks under a seat. J’net: Do you always know if somebody finds them? Tre: Well, I put a hashtag on them and sometimes they'll go and put a picture with #TreCoolsHiddenSticks if they found them. J'net: I would just want to know — if no one posted, did they get found? I would have to go back and see if they're still there. [laughs] Tre: Somebody will find them. I'll tape them under the seats. Mike: Eventually. Someone will find them — like at an Usher show. [laughs] J'net: Or a hockey game. [Laughter] J’net: I got to go to the Hall of Fame Induction and the House of Blues show. What a show! I was beating up on the people next to me, because every time something else exciting happened I was [grabbing people and shaking them], "Oh my God! Oh my God!" That was incredible. I want to ask how that felt, but I’m sure you all thought it felt incredible. But could you ever have dreamed that you would be there? And what gave you the idea to come out as Sweet Children, and have Tim [Armstrong of Rancid] come out and sing with y’all and … to celebrate it in that way? Billie: I think it was all about 'bringing it all back home,' to quote Bob Dylan. It was like, 'Let’s make this as fun as possible.' Just have a great time and do everything you can … there’s so much tension with a lot of bands that have gone in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame that you literally can’t get them to be on the same stage at the same time. And someone will stay home. And for us, it was the opposite of that. I’d rather seize the moment to remember how we got there. You start off when you’re a kid in a band, and it’s the most exciting thing in the world. And it’s so important to inspire people to understand that it IS the most exciting thing in the world. J’net: Do y’all listen to any kind of music that you think would surprise people to know that you liked it? Mike: All kinds of music. I just like good songs. I don’t care if it’s country — or the other night Tre went out to a jazz club, and then Jason and I went out to the same jazz club after they’d left — the same jazz club, and we didn’t even know they went. And we saw an unbelievable band there in Kansas City. Tre: I like German AND Italian opera. J’net: Do you really? Seriously? Tre: [Laughs] J’net: Oh ... but THAT would have surprised people. Tre: No … just the German. [laughs] J’net: Well, I’m the Italian fan, myself. Tre: It’s all Greek to me! Greek music. Billie: I’m kind of an audiophile. I like to go deep with finding obscure power-pop bands... Tre: Billie makes the best playlists. And he’s the best DJ. Billie: I just read this book called Never a Dull Moment ['Never a Dull Moment: 1971 The Year That Rock Exploded,' by David Hepworth] and it’s all about the music that happened in 1971, so I put together a playlist of all [that music]. I like getting into to doing my own … which is funny, because everybody's doing playlists and putting them on Spotify and stuff like that, and I do playlists and share them with my friends. Mike: She's got to hook you up with about a million more friends to share it with. [Laughter] Mike: Yeah, when we hit the playlist side of things, he’s ready. Billie: Yeah, and it’s all kinds of different stuff, whether it's like Joni Mitchell and Linda Ronstadt, to like ... Foghat and T-Rex. It’s fun to listen to. Especially back then, there was a certain amount of — people were uninhibited. If you listen to Marvin Gaye singing 'What’s Going On?,' there’s nothing self-conscious about songs like that and what was going on back then. I think nowadays, music is so much more visual or something. Some of the stuff from the past is just inspiring. J’net: And you have lots of influences, I can hear them in your music. There are little bits that sound like country and little bits that sound like different genres. Did you get that from your family, or was it all around you, or what? Billie: Well, it was all around me with my family — and I think when I was a kid I just always wanted to be the one to listen to something different. So, when kids were listening to Kool and the Gang’s 'Celebration,' I was listening to AC/DC and Van Halen, or trying to be the first in my high school to discover punk rock, and alternative stuff, too. Nobody in Rodeo had a clue who the Replacements and Hüsker Dü was. I was like the only punk kid in my high school. And John Swett [High School] was ... 400 people, 350 at the most. Mike: Is that what it was? I thought it was a little more than that. That’s still a lot of people, though, when you think about it. Billie: Yeah, there's 80 people in that graduating class. Mike: And then there was this one kid in that high school [who was punk]. Billie: And half of them actually graduated. [Laughs]"
This is the fourth and final installment of our interview with Green Day. In part three, we talked to the band about their past goals, and the musical roots of each of the guys. I have also included some things that were not part of the interview itself, or our recording. At the beginning of the transcription below, I knew our time was running out — and during the recording, we were packing up. I was throwing on my “Still Breathing” shirt, as I call it, for my photo with the band. But I just kept talking and asking questions the whole time to make the most of every second. "J’net: So, I have one more quick question, and this is just my own personal thing that I’ve always wondered — when Mike sang the second half of 'American Eulogy,' did you [Billie] write it with that in mind, did it just happen, I mean … was it something personal to Mike, because the way [Mike] sang it and kind of spit those lyrics out, it sounds like it’s very … something [deciding to stop rambling on with this never ending question and let someone answer] … Billie: I mean, I just wrote it and asked him if he wanted to sing it. [laughs] Mike: I think you need to sing to what the lyrics are calling for. I tend to sing ... like a little girl sometimes. [laughs] J’net: Not in THAT song. Mike: Yeah, but I was conscious that, 'This song isn't for singing like a little girl.' Or if it is, it's a little girl with attitude. Billie: If you think about 'Outsider' by the Ramones, and how DeeDee sang the bridge to it, it just kind of makes more sense. It just kind of comes from the band. And what else? 'I Was There' – Mike sang the bridge on that. J'net: Yeah. Well, you [Mike] sing that 'American Eulogy' like it was written just for you. Just made me wonder … Mike: [Hamming it up] Why, thank you! A friend of mine wrote that just for me! … 'Hey Billie, I got an idea! We can go ahead and take five.' J'net: So, I'm getting a sense that it's time for you [Tre] to have your pizza that you've never had before. Any last things you guys want to say to the readers of Green Day Authority? Mike: Just that we appreciate them and that they should be good to each other and look out for one another online and offline. But, we appreciate the hell out of them, cause that's our community. They're fuckin' rad. We'll see [them] on tour. Billie: I think for me as a musician, it's always important to be a fan first. Because I'm obviously a big fan of the people I like to listen to and stuff like that. So with that said, [we're] like-minded and kindred-spirits. Tre: In the words of the wild stallions, 'Be excellent to each other!'" Thus ended the interview proper, though there was more conversation, as I asked the guys to take a quick photo with me (the first time I've ever asked for a photo with any of them ... the wait was so worth it given how the photo turned out). Then, touring sound engineer and photographer Chris Dugan reminded me that I had a t-shirt to show the band. It was from Jack Yates, Omaha-based editor extraordinaire for GDA, who has been taking all my scribblings and making them look beautiful on the site. His vintage shirt was from Green Day's first tour — the band had screen printed it by hand back in the day. He thought they might like to see it, and maybe even sign it for him (which they graciously did). Tre sarcastically joked that it was really only six months old. Mike laughed, and said he still has the original screen print stencil for that shirt. While the guys were signing Jack's shirt, I was throwing on my "Still Breathing" shirt, which you can see in the photo. The guys loved, it which prompted me to tell them that it's from the Woody Guthrie Museum in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I'm from. Mike excitedly told me that his wife's family and Billie's whole family were also from Oklahoma. This prompted Billie to tell a story, which really delighted me. The backstory is that he began to tell this tale at the Tulsa Green Day show back in March, but didn't make it all the way to the brilliant ending. We'd talked about this during the car trip there, and Billie just spontaneously answered our question! "Billie: Yeah, my mom's from Sperry, Oklahoma. Oh, we went — this is a funny story. When we were there, I was trying to find where my mom's house was — it was like, I think, about 15 minutes outside of Tulsa. And we went into a high school, and all the people would talk about was like native burial grounds and stuff like that. So we're just looking for this one in particular. So we went into Sperry High School and talked to the administrators, and I come out and all of a sudden it was like, it clicked [snaps fingers], they were like, 'Oh my God, he's here!' and they run out and one goes, 'You're either … Bruno Mars … or the guy in Green Day!' [Laughter] Billie: 'Bruno! Bruno! Bruno Joe!' Tre: [Laughs] 'Bruno Joe.' Billie: And then they sent me all these hats, because they're the Pirates, so I got all these cool pirate hats." Now, as they were still signing Jack's shirt, and I was still "primping" for my first ever Green Day photo, we had this hilarious conversation: "J'net: Do y'all know about all the mis-heard lyrics in your songs? Billie: Mis-heard? Mike: Misinterpreted, you mean? J'net: No, like people hear them and they think you're saying something else! Tre: Oh, that's funny! J'net: Like, 'Gotta know the enemy … raw ham.' Billie: Raw ham? [Hilarity ensues] Tre: Raw ham. J'net: And, 'Somebody take my pants, I think they're falling off … into a state of regression.' Mike: [Singing] 'Somebody take my pants, I think they're falling off, into a state of regression.' [Laughing] Billie: That's amazing. That's a good one. J'net: And then, my son one day and said to me he hears, [singing ... YES, I sang in front of Green Day!] 'Dump truck! Color me stupid!' Billie: Oh, dump truck! [laughs] J'net: British people hear, 'I wore cologne, I wore cologne' [in 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams']. Billie: Oh, wow … J'net: And in 'Welcome to Paradise' — 'Pay attention to the cracked streets and the broken gnomes.' Tre: Scary. Scary. [Laughs] Billie: Nice. I've heard that one before. I think I've seen a meme. J'net: I just wondered if … because when a new song comes out, before the lyrics are published, we're all trying to figure out, "What are they saying? What are they saying?" Billie: Next time we're just going to write them out different. They'll be like just totally different lyrics. Tre: We'll do fucked up lyrics! J'net: Oh yeah, right. That would be great. Tre: We'll get like six-year-olds to say what they think the lyrics are, and then we'll have that be the lyrics. J'net: That would be great! Or me, because my hearing is shot from so many Green Day shows!" This was where our recording ended. At some point during the discussion that continued un-recorded, I told the guys that this (the Omaha show) might be my last show for a while. I said, "A dear friend of mine has a ticket for me to the Rose Bowl show, but I don't know if I'll be able to afford to get there, so this could be it for a while." After that, we prepared to take the photo, which Chris Dugan (the band's sound guy and photographer) kindly offered to take for us — so it wasn't a selfie, after all! Mike suggested that I sit in the chair, and they'd all stand around me. Of course, I can't even express how sweet this was. Then, because I'd been talking to superfan Fran Green in line that day, I said, "Do you know that girl Fran with long brown hair who's always right in the corner of the barricade?" (I motioned with my hands to show where Fran usually stands). And here's how I remember that conversation going: "Billie: Oh, I know her, she's great! She always wants to get up and sing or something, but I really like her energy right there in the corner. Mike: Which one is she? Billie: She has a lip piercing. Mike: Oh yeah! [smiling] J'net: Well, today is her 50th show! Billie: Her 50th really? J'net: Yes, and she's travelling from the 1st through the 27th and not staying in any hotels — just sleeping on the street or in the car. Billie and Mike: WOW. Tre: Sounds like somebody needs a shower!" Finally, my time with Green Day was coming to an end. I thanked them all, and they walked out. Then, as I was about to leave the room, Tre came back with his wife Sara and introduced me to her. She is just as gorgeous and sweet as her online personality seems. We chatted for a few minutes. I told her we love her because of how happy she makes 'this guy' — I point at Tre. To say both their faces were beaming would be a terrible understatement. Just looking at how happy they are together made my heart melt. As they were leaving, Tre stuck his head back in the room and said, "See you at the Rose Bowl." So now, I guess I'll have to find a way to make it to the Rose Bowl. Hope to see you all there! After all this, I was walked out on to the arena floor and asked to choose my spot. I was just dumfounded with the entire barrier to choose from … don't we all wish that could somehow happen at every show?!?! Later, after everyone came in, I couldn't see Fran in her usual spot, and I was just so disappointed, because I thought … knowing the band, they would probably do something special for her if she'd been there. Well, Billie managed to find her on the catwalk, wished her happy 50th and then started singing "Happy Birthday" to her! Hahaha! Tre also gave her an autographed drum head the next night in St. Louis, and I see that she got on stage before her tour was over. The guys are just the sweetest and love their fans so much!
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doomedandstoned · 4 years
~By Shawn Gibson~
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When last we encountered SOUND OF ORIGIN, the smoked-up and tuned-down quartet from Huddersfield were featured in the landmark compilation, 'Doomed & Stoned in England' (2019), where we dipped our feet "Into The Vile." Since then, Sound of Origin have gifted us with an entire album's worth of material and we've had a blast immersing ourselves in their groovy soundscape of swirling riffs, vicious beats, gritty singing, and some terrific vocal harmonies. Our resident sludgehead Shawn Gibsonheavy set out to get to know these guys better, speaking to drummer Chris 'Foz' Foster following their latest APF Records release, 'The All Seeing Eye' (2020).   [Billy Goate]
Chris, how the hell are you? Thank you for your time!
Hey, Shawn. All good and absolutely no bother at all, thank you for reaching out and doing the interview. It’s very much appreciated.
Who are the members of Sound Of Origin and what do they do in the band?
There are four of us in the band. Joel (Bulsara) who is our vocalist/ frontman. Joe (Wilczynski) on guitar/backing vocals. Jax (Townend) on bass and myself, Chris (Foster) on drums.
Where is Sound Of Origin from?
We are based out of and rehearse in Huddersfield, UK. I live in a place called Sowerby just outside of Halifax and Joel lives in Leeds, so we both travel across to join up with the other two guys.
What bands do you love from your area?
Wow. That’s a tough one as there are so many. The UK Underground scene is awash with fantastic bands, and many come from around our local area. If we are talking around our immediate area, then there are the likes of Ironrat, Gandalf the Green, and our bros in Son of Boar that immediately spring to mind. But if you look within an hour's drive from where we are, you have the likes of Barbarian Hermit, Spaztik Munkey, Archelon, Boss Keloid, Ten Foot Wizard, Blind Monarch, Hundred Year Old Man, and so many more. All killer bands doing different kinds of heavy.
This is the reply to all who wrote us off: Not Dead Yet.
What venues or bars do you go to see heavy music?
There are a good number within a short travelling distance to us. The Parish in Huddersfield is our local venue. However, our good friends in Iron Boar bookings put killer lineups on in Bradford at venues such as The Underground and Al’s Juke bar. Manchester-wise, Chunk from Stonebaked promotions usually uses The Bread Shed and there is also The Alma in Bolton that puts on some cracking gigs, too.
Which bands got you turned on to doom, psych, and stoner?
From a very young age it’s got to be Black Sabbath, for sure. I can still remember how I felt when I heard them for the very first time as a five-year old, It’s stayed with me all my life. But bands like Type O Negative, Acrimony, Cathedral, Candlemass, Trouble, Weedeater, Paradise Lost, Eyehategod, Reverend Bizarre, Saint Vitus, Monster Magnet, Electric Wizard, My Dying Bride & Anathema have all hit the spot at some point over the years.
The All Seeing Eye by Sound of Origin
Who did the artwork for your new album 'The All Seeing Eye' (2020)?
A friend of Joel’s called Sam McDougall. Such a talented guy and really easy to work with. Our mates over in 4Q Media delivered the overall design for the CD package and it has worked out really well.
I love the slow part of "Warfarin" at about 5:35 minutes in. Slow and on the moon! There's even a part that incites moshing!
The end of "Warfarin" finishes off low & slow for sure. (laughs) We wanted to ensure the first song from our original EP ended with a big riff. As for the faster part, all of us in the band like some faster bands (Joe used to play in a thrash band many moons ago) and we felt like it was a natural fit in the song when we were first putting it together.
Seeds of the Past by Sound of Origin
On your first album, "Seeds Of The Past," "Warfarin," and "Asphalt" are my favorites. Tell me a little about these songs.
"Asphalt" is my personal favourite from the first EP. The way it keeps coming back around, but builds and builds each time and John’s vocal delivery (old singer) did it real justice. It was always great to play both in the studio (volume turned up to 11) and live as we used to get a great reaction from the crowd on that one. The end riff on "Warfarin," where we slowed things down, always was fun to do as we rehearsed it in the studio 'till we got it down to a virtual crawl.
My favorite off your new album, 'The All Seeing Eye' (2020), is "Not Dead Yet." That is how you start an album, goddamnit! Face melted!
It’s a big sound, for sure, when it kicks in. When our old singer left the band, we went through some pretty dark times, and we were written off by many people -- some going as far as to say we were dead as a band and we should just knock it on the head. Enter new vocalist Joel and everything changed for the better. The fact is, as a band, we have never been more alive and well. This is the reply to all who wrote us off. Not dead yet.
At times, it’s been like a budget version of Spinal Tap.
What are some things that inspired your album 'Seeds Of The Past' (2017)?
Joe had been trying to get a solid stoner-doom band together for about 10 years or so. It took a very long time to get a workable, regular platform to flourish, as life generally got in the way of establishing a fully integrated band. Seeds Of The Past is a reflection of some of the music Joe wrote years prior. That said, the title track "Seeds" we came up with in the studio jamming and it just took off from there.
What are some things that inspired the music on 'The All Seeing Eye' (2020)?
The main contributing factors that inspired the music on The All Seeing Eye were more circumstantial than anything. We hunkered down in the studio and started writing material for a new album whilst we were in the process of finding a new front man. With this in mind, we set out on patching the initial framework of songs together and took things from there. It wasn’t until the addition of Joel that we really started to get to grips with the music and what we could achieve with the overall sound on the album.
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What has been an awkward moment as a band?
Ha, where should I start? At times, it’s been like a budget version of Spinal Tap. Band-wise, I would say the most awkward time for us all would be the gap between singers. Having an idea of what you want to do moving forward and not being able to do it became frustrating at times. When Joel arrived, it was like a huge breath of fresh air swept through us all. Things came together really quickly and the growing pains we had when we first started out have all but disappeared now.
On 'Seeds Of The Past' (2017) there is a song "Left For Dead." 'The All Seeing Eye' (2020) has a song "Not Dead Yet." Your sophomore album is alive and kicking!
Absolutely. There was a completely fresh take and approach on this album. The arrival of Joel in the band led to a clean sweep of what we had done before. The lads (Joe & Jax) invested completely in new amps and cabs and guitars, and a change of approach came with dropping our tuning further. Whilst a number of the songs from the album had already been written, because of Joel’s vocal range we had another look at them between the four of us and reworked a few things here and there. The four of us now are in a much better place than at any time previously with the band.
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"Dim Carcosa" and "Morning Bird" are rippers off 'The All Seeing Eye' (2020)! Talk to me about what's behind these songs.
"Dim Carcosa" references Robert W. Chambers and his fantastic work in The King in Yellow. Dim Carcosa is where horror truly resides and it delves into madness in various forms. This song describes the practical inevitability of mental health issues in today’s society.
"Morning Bird" came about when Jax started playing a bassline in the studio and sparked a song out of the group. Following the general themes of perseverance and will power, this song discusses the ups and downs of self-worth and the way the political landscape recently has given a lot of people the excuse to judge, be racist, and to discriminate on all fronts. As human beings, we are very tribal and like to separate. We don’t realise that we are, in fact, one tribe.
What makes Sounds of Origin laugh?
Each other. There is a two-decade age gap in the band and we are four very different people, but when we get together the laughs are constant. There is a real feel-good vibe in the band now more than ever, which has led to an intense period of songwriting and ideas. Even through this period of uncertainty with the COVID situation. Everyone is contributing now and the songs and ideas are coming together for the next album already.
Chris, it's been a pleasure! Thank you again for your time talking about your new album 'The All Seeing Eye' (2020)! I hope you and your mates in Sound Of Origin are well.
No problems at all. Again thank you guys for the support. Big shout out to APF Records for signing us and giving us a platform to push our music on. Best wishes to you all and we hope you stay safe and well in these strange times.
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vidkid20ssimblrlair · 4 years
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Episode 20: The Vultures (Part 1)
"No. Please. You can’t do this!" I heard DJ scream.
"Shut up!"
I slowly opened my eyes. My vision, blurry. All I could make out was colors and shapes, but I could hear DJ. He was in trouble.
"Shut up!"
I heard a thump and low whimpering. I opened my eyes again. This time things were clearer now. I could see DJ laying in the dirt and three masked individuals surrounding him. All in leather jackets. One of them was a hulking man in a skull mask, another in a pig mask, and there was a smaller figure amongst them in a very familiar white cat mask. I was sure the cat one was the one from before. My so-called phantom who stalked us earlier. They aimed a gun right at DJ while the other two new ones stood by armed with rifles.
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I called out to them and reached out my hand. "No...DJ. Don't...don't hurt him."
I was surprised they even heard me with how weak my voice sounded. It sounded so foreign to me. I knew something was wrong. Just breathing was pain-inducing. I cringed as an intense pain radiated from deep inside me, but I tried to remain focus on the situation. I got their attention away from my friend and that was a start in my mind. My smaller seemingly feminine phantom lowered her gun and gestured to the other two to standby. She walked over and stopped in front of me.
She stared down at me menacingly. "You're supposed to be dead. Why are you alive?!"
I wasn't quite prepared for the pain I would feel next. She kicked me hard in the side. The first blow made it feel like my body was going to explode, but she continued.
“Die already!” she roared kicking me even harder. She kicked and kicked. Every kick harder and faster with her big boot. I yelled out and squirmed in pain. Grinding of bone could be felt shifting inside me. I nearly blacked out, but she stopped after one last powerful blow. That last one turned me on my side and I curled up, but I remained conscious gasping for air.
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She then gestured for one of her big brutes to come over and drag me to where DJ now sat. The skull one came over. As he dragged me I felt indescribable pain and screamed in agony. He let me go and I fell into a heap shaking. DJ hurried to my side looking positivity horrified as the frightening skull mask man watched over us.
"Get the other guy," she spat at her other minion. He nodded and they both walked away out of view. She came back seconds later rolling a cart. The same cart we had been using to carry scrap metal. In fact, all the metal we had gathered was still there. She dumped it out on the ground and thew DJ's crossbow in the cart. She collected the bows and picked up what looked like my ax.
As I watched her, her minion in the pig mask came back dragging a motionless Vince. He dragged him to the side as he whistled merrily to himself. He kneeled down over him and started to reach in his pockets, but as he did Vince suddenly came to life and kicked him. 
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The man fell backward letting out a yelp and the woman came rushing over to his side. She immediately aimed her gun at Vince.
"Oh for fuck sakes!" she huffed. "Get up and restrain him already."
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He grumbled but did as he was told. He sat Vince up and forced him on his knees. He tied his hands up with zip ties. She then kneeled down to Vince's eye level.
"How about you cooperate and spare us the extra bullshit, huh?"
"Fuck off!" he roared. He then spat at her and his saliva hit her mask.
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She shook her head. "Good thing for you I'm wearing a mask or I would be very angry about that," she chuckled. "Now, let's see. You're hurt? Is that a bullet wound?"
She touched his abdomen and looked at the bright red blood on her fingers. She rubbed it between them and seemed almost mesmerized by it.
"Did I do this?"
Then without warning, she jabbed those fingers in what I assumed was the wound. Vince's eyes grew wide and he screamed like I never heard him. He squirmed as she laughed maniacally. That same laugh I heard earlier. It brought chills down my spine.
She pulled her fingers away and blood dripped from the wound like a leaky faucet. Vince's fight and vigor clearly gone as he slumped over quivering.
She felt the blood between her fingers again."Not so tough now are we?" She giggled. "You know they can smell this right? I bet they can smell it now just wishing they could have a bite."
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She then stood up and pointed to her pig mask henchmen. "Search him and do it quick. We need to get out of here."
He threw Vince on the ground and grind his face into the dirt with his boot.
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He gave him a good kick and proceeded to search him. He took several trinkets and a pocket knife. He dragged Vince over to the middle where we sat. He then to my shock cut Vince's hands free.
"Do anything and I'll kill your friends. Understand?" he snarled. He then looked at us. "Same for you."
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He walked over to the cart joining the woman. The skull mask man keeping his gun on us the whole time. As he remained on guard, his cohorts study our weapons. Each taking turns playfully posing with them.
"I'll call dibs on the machete," he jested.
She groaned. "No fair!"
"You're can have the crossbow."
"Whatever. Just pull the car around."
They then got serious again. The man hurried off and the woman turned her attention back to us. She took out a handgun and checked it’s bullets. She then threw us the gun to our amazement.
"I consider myself a fair person. There's three bullets in there. One for you each in the event you get bit or worse. Use them wisely."
The rev of an engine could be heard in the distance as she said this and a strange armored vehicle with a shovel pulled up. Vince picked up the gun and checked the chamber. Three bullets as she said were in it. 
DJ then suddenly looked frantic looking around. He waved his hand to get the woman’s attention. “Wait! Our friend! The lady who was with us. Where is she?!” he cried.
The woman stopped and looked back at him. Her posture, rigid and cold. She said nothing. She turned back and continued walking towards the vehicle while Vince took aim.
"Wait!" I shouted, but it was too late.
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Everything happened in slow motion. A single shot rang out and the woman's head jerked forward. I was fully expecting more gunfire and bullets to fly in our direction, but neither happened. Instead, she turned around and held the side of her head. She ordered her henchmen to go and jumped onto the vehicle. They sped off leaving us sitting there puzzled.
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"Wait? For what? I'm sorry I missed!" Vince fumed glaring at me.
"You could have got us killed," I mumbled struggling to breathe. "We might need those bullets."
"I'm not offing myself if that's what you mean."
DJ furrowed his brow. "But why give it to us in the first place?"
Unfortunately, DJ's question would be answered. Suddenly, car alarms rung out around us. Then the sickening sound of walkers could be heard with them. Hands and arms dug their way out of the trash heaps like graves. Twisted bodies hobbled their way toward us from where the car had disappeared.
"I thought you said it wasn't any walkers," DJ yelled as he climbed to his feet.
"How the fuck was I supposed to know? It wasn't at first," Vince said grunting as he rose up gingerly holding onto his stomach.
They both helped me up to my relief and the three us stood back to back at a loss for words or ideas. Would we die here?
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"Over here," a voice called out.
We looked over to see a young man waving us down. The three of us looked at each other. It almost seemed like a mirage. He looked be standing in a doorway with a large metal door made into a trash heap. If it wasn't for my comrades seeing it, I'm pretty sure I would think I was hallucinating.
"In the words of the Terminator, come with me if you want to live!" he said in his best Arnold impression.
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We looked at each other again. Confusion spread across all of our faces, but we ran towards him and he shut the metal door behind us as we dived in. Just in time too. The walkers were on our tails. They banged and clawed at the doors. It was a relief to get away from them. My body slid to the floor almost instinctively. What little adrenaline I had left depleted, but my eyes scanned the place. I wasn't too sure where we were. It looked like a giant metal room from first glance, but as my eyes adjusted I realized we were in a giant shipping container.
"Are you alright?" the young man asked looking down at me. I looked up into a boyish face with short brown hair and bright green eyes. He looked to be about twenty at most. He wore a hoodie and jeans, but also a mask pushed sideway off his face. A strange white mask with a toothy grin. It almost looked like a dog. My eyes narrowed on it. He smiled nervously. "Is something the matter?"
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We heard the click of a gun and I looked up to see Vince aiming the gun we received at the boy. He turned around and put his hands up with a stunned and almost fearful expression on his face.
"Nice mask," Vince said smirking. "Let me see. I used one bullet, so I have two left. Each one for one of your legs maybe or I can just empty the clip in your face."
"I'm trying to help!"
Yeah sure. Just like the other three masked freaks who just helped themselves to our weapons and left us for dead."
"I'm not like them."
"Oh really?"
"I'm serious. I'm not! I want to help!" he cried. He sighed lowering voice. "I'm sorry. Let me introduce myself. My name. My real name is Billy. Nice to meet you."
DJ perplexed. "Billy?"
"Yeah. We don't usually share our names."
"Yes. My group. We don't go by anything official really. Well, Ace often likes to call us a bunch of vultures and we sometimes jokingly call ourselves that. The Vultures"..., he said. He furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. "It sounds sort of stupid when I say it out loud."
"It sounds ok. Kind of cool."
"Um...excuse me, but can we get to the point?!" Vince huffed still aiming the gun at him. "Why are you helping us?"
"Oh, sorry," Billy said blushing. "So yeah. Well, I was watching. From in here. I saw what was happening and well I wanted to help. I didn't want to stand by anymore. So...um let me help you?"
The three of us stared at him like he was crazy. He smiled nervously again. "So yeah. Um...let's go?"
"Go where?" Martez scoffed. He pointed to the door. “There's still corpses outside and we need to find our friend. She might be still out there. That’s if she’s not...”
"Dead?" DJ said finishing his sentence looking upset.
Billy beamed suddenly. "You guys are talking about Lin?”
Vince gasped. "Woah. Woah. How?"
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"Well, my sister had me out on recon after she trapped you guys. Told me to look for survivors. I found Lin buried under some hefty trash, but I dug her out and she was alive. Really alive. I was planning to take you to her actually. I can take you to her if you want.”
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Part 2 >>>
Hey, night owls. Sorry for the delay. Part 2 on the way. It just needs piccies and I’ll be doing that ASAP.
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ilikeoneshots · 5 years
Couldn’t Be Happier -
B. H.
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Ever since Billy came to town he’s been on a mission to be the “king” of Hawkins. I knew that from the jump. What I didn’t know was what kind of person Billy truly was behind his tough guy facade.
When it was just Billy and I we’d laugh and joke and just blast the radio. In the beginning I wasn’t going to let myself become a cliche and fall for the bad boy that just moved to town. I saw how Billy acted and I knew he was going for the whole shebang, it was like he was in his own coming of age story. I remember the first encounter.
It was Monday morning and I was in the school parking lot in my dad’s old truck killing time before class when out of nowhere a blue camaro flew in the parking lot slinging rocks and blasting some rock song I couldn’t make out. A little red head girl got out and basically speed walked inside. Then he got out. Dramatic one foot out the door first and then he’d get out and flick his cigarette away, not caring where it went, before doing a slow turn to look around the lot. Dramatic. I knew at that moment he was gonna be annoying to deal with.
After that first sighting of Hawkins’ new “bad boy”, I knew I had to steer clear of him for my own benefit. But fate is a funny fucker, because it seemed that Billy was everywhere I went. He was in almost every one of my classes. His locker was four away from mine. And when I went home I soon found out he and his family were now my neighbors across the road.
Of course it didn’t take long for him to try and pull his “charm” on me but unfortunately for him I was immune. Which apparently bugged the hell out of him. Every chance he had he’d try to chat me up. But every time I’d shoot him down or blatantly ignore him.
Until one night.
It was one of those nights that I suffered from homework-somnia, pulling an all nighter to get through the loads of homework I was given, when I first heard it.
The yelling.
Glass breaking.
Thuds and crashes.
All coming from the house across the street. So, being the nosey person I am, I chose this moment to take a cigarette break on my porch. Soon I saw Billy come out the house, obviously pissed. He was kicking rocks and his tires. I’m still not sure what came over me but I found myself walking toward him. At this point he was squatted down with his head in his hands, so he didn’t see me coming.
“You alright?” I asked. He jumped slightly, startled, before answering.
“Does it look like I’m alright?” He didn’t. He had a few red marks coming up on his face, a little blood coming from his nose and a cut on his lip.
“You look like shit honestly. Want a hit?” I offered him my cigarette. What is wrong with me? I thought. Why am I all of a sudden giving him any sort of attention when the past few weeks I’ve been trying to do nothing but avoid him?? He gave me a look that reflected what my inner thoughts were saying.
“At least you’re honest,” he chuckled before taking my cigarette and inhaling, “What are you doing out here anyways?” He asked me as he leaned on the back of his car.
“I was doing homework and I heard the noises. Came out to check what was going on. But judging by your face, I already know,” I leaned against his car beside him. He tensed a bit at my statement, “I’m not gonna say anything if that’s what you’re worried about. I went through it too but with my mom,” he gave me a look, “Angry drunk and druggy,” I answered his silent question. He nodded in understanding.
“Wanna go for a ride?” He offered after a moment of silence. I contemplated for a bit before nodding.
“I finished my homework and I need a pack of cigs anyways,” he smiled a bit and we were off.
So that’s kind of how we started hanging out. He kept trying to pull the “bad boy” shtick at school so I didn’t really talk to him there. We would just go for late night drives after he had it out with his dad. But then some where down the line, after months of this schedule we made for ourselves, he quit trying so hard to keep this image he made for himself. He just... started being Billy. The Billy I some how found myself getting excited for our nightly rides around the little town of ours. He quit trying to fight everyone, quit trying to sleep with everything with a vag. It was nice, seeing him just be...Billy.
Then one night on one of our rides the whole dynamic changed. It started slow, a light grazing of his hand against mine when he went to change gears. Then holding hands, then goodbye hugs after our rides around, then one night...he kissed me. He was nervous, I could tell because he paused before he did it. I think I shocked myself and him equally as much. But from there our relationship bloomed. We started associating at school, even eating together and riding to and from together. We never made it officially official but we both knew that we were together and it was exclusive.
After high school we got an apartment together right outside of town. He got a good job in a mechanic shop and I was working part-time at a nursing home while doing some college courses. Now here’s where everything is caught up.
We recently moved from the apartment to a little house in Hawkins, what can I say the town grows on you, and we made our relationship official finally by getting married about a year ago. Billy now owns his own body shop and I am a nurse at the hospital in town. But there’s something else.
“Billy,” I called from the bathroom. He was there almost instantly.
“What’s up babe? Everything okay?” He asked worriedly. I slowly pulled myself up from my spot on the tub, my eight month pregnant belly fighting against me.
“Can we go get ice cream?” I smiled sheepishly. He laughed and helped me settle myself on my feet.
“You can’t freak me out like that,” he kissed me, “I thought you got hurt or something happened with little ass-kicker here,” he smiled and rubbed my belly. Our little girl started kicking automatically when she felt her daddy’s hand on her.
“I’m sorry, but I also needed a bit of help getting up,” I laughed and hugged him the best I could with the watermelon of a belly I had between us.
“Let’s go babe,” he laughed along with me before going to grab the keys.
I smiled to myself as I watched his retreating figure, thinking back to high school. Back then, I never would have pictured my life the way it is now. But I couldn’t be happier.
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banesbottombitch · 6 years
When You’re Strange
A Patrick Hockstetter / Reader fic
Original Link
Warnings: Violence, swearing up the ass, Tozier!Reader beating ass, Richie and Tozier!Reader’s Trashmouths. She/Her Reader.
Description:  As a military brat, you’ve learned to pick up everything and run at a moments notice. Ending up back in Derry for your senior year and moving in with your aunt and uncle, you’ve come to realize that with Patrick Hockstetter’s sights on you there is no room for running.
Word Count: +4,600
Other Chapters: Part 1, Part 2
Part 3: Rebel Yell
A/N: I whipped this up pretty fast, but I’m going to take short break from WYS for work. I’ll be back in a few days though, worry not. Rebel Yell is by Billy Idol, check out the song you nerds.
“You gotta death wish, don’t you?” Richie pushed his glasses up the length of his nose, squinting at you while you worked at the straps of the blue tarp that shielded your trunk.
“What’s that thing you guys yell at Richie when he’s being a pest?” You asked Eddie, not bothering to look at either boys while you climbed into the back of your truck, tossing the tarp aside and hauling Richie’s bike to the tailgate.
“Beep Beep Richie.” They spoke in unison, your cousin rolling big brown eyes and bouncing on his heels.
“I’m just saying, threatening the Bowers Gang? Really? We all saw you doing it from the cafeteria. You’re here for like, I dunno, less than 36 hours and you’re already picking a fight with those shit lickers?” Richie continued, taking the handle bars of his bike and helping you lower it to the parking lot asphalt.
“He’s got a point.” Eddie chimed in, much to your chagrin. The freshmen shared a look between them as you hopped out the back of your truck before slamming the tailgate closed with a satisfying clap.
You leaned against it, stuffing your hands into the pockets of your windbreaker and giving them an even look.
“Listen, I’m just…” You trailed off, sighing. “I dunno, trying to get them to back off? They seem to genuinely scare you guys. I thought it would help to let them know that I’d take a bat to their heads, y’know?”
Richie threw a long leg over his bike, Eddie climbing to sit on the edge of the seat that the taller boy left him. “Just don’t get yourself killed, we can take care of ourselves.”
Wearily your cousin kicked off, pedaling slowly to round your vehicle. “I’ll see you later.”
“By Eddie!” You raised a hand still stuck in your pocket, Eddie shifting to wrap his arms around Richie’s thin torso and waving back at you. “Make him come home by eight!”
“Nine!” Richie challenged, working his legs to pedal faster and out of ear shot before you could argue. In the distance, you saw him encircle Bill and Stan as they kicked off from their bikes, Beverly riding on Mike’s handal bars and Ben chasing after the other six as he quickened his pace to follow the group out the parking lot.
You clicked your tongue, dragging your keys from your pocket and slipping into your truck. Your backpack sat in the passenger side the two boys had occupied that morning, folded in on itself and limp. You leaned over after stuffing the keys in the ignition to let the car idle, shoveling out the contents in search of the mixtape that had been gifted to you. It took a moment, but you found it, hidden under the gym uniform given to you during your fourth period P.E. class. You had put it in your pocket earlier, but changing had forced you to toss it in your backpack for safe keeping.
Again, you flipped the tape to read over the songs. Beverly had chosen the first song, a Psychedelic Furs classic, ‘Pretty In Pink’. Mike had chosen The Police’s hit ‘Message In A Bottle’, Bill had gone surprisingly wayward and picked a Depeche Mode song ‘Policy Of Truth’. Someone was going through an edgy phase, you mused, impressed nonetheless. Ben as a wildcard with his Billy Idol choice, and you smiled a little, finding that his pick of ‘Rebel Yell’ was a perfect fit for you at least.
Stan had thrown in a surprise guest, Pat Benatar’s ‘Heartbreaker’. You had always wondered what kind of taste the Uris boy had, but honestly, Pat wasn’t too much of a surprise. He seemed like the type to enjoy dramatic and passionate lyrics like those you’d find in Pat Benatar’s music. Eddie had picked a Cyndi Lauper song that held a special place in your heart, ‘The Goonies r’ Good Enough’. You still had vivid memories of watching The Goonies with the four original nerds when it came out in theaters during a small gap in summer when you had flown up to Derry for a visit. It had been easy enough to convince them to dress up with you and go adventuring with them by the barrens, and easier still to let Richie and Bill lead the way for the five of you to build a crappy little fort in the woods.
Richie’s contribution was what really made you beam though, his carefully chosen song for you was a personal favorite of yours. ‘How Soon Is Now’ by The Smiths.
You carefully switched out the tapes, retiring the other one to your wrinkled and torn up cardboard cassette box that rested in the beaten up floorboards of your cab and taking off as the slow rhythmic beats of The Psychedelic Furs filled your truck.
You carefully searched the parking lot for any sign of a blue Trans-Am, surprised not to see any edivdence of it. You shrugged off a rather nervous feeling in your gut at the observation, figuring the Bowers Gang must have snuck out of school after lunch. They didn’t exactly seem like the type to conform to the social norm and actually attend a full day of school anyhow.
The greenery in Derry was a nice change from the ever browning palm trees and sandy tropical gardens of Galveston. The skies were just as blessedly blue, streaks of cream casting cool shadows from the clouds that covered Derry on that October afternoon. It didn't reek like the ocean in the small town, it wasn’t clogged with smog, and the muggy heat of texas had thankfully not followed you north. You felt close to your element in Derry, to your great surprise. It was the right kind of environment for you, but you would admit to already missing the bustling populace of Houston or even the smaller city of Sugarland.
Rolling down your window, you left Derry High behind you, creeping down Pasture Road before turning down the Kissing Bridge to cut over to Canal Street and head back home. You neared the overpass that stood above the canal ways, but slowed with a curse when you spotted that goddamn blue Trans-Am.
It sat empty, but what worried you the most was the pile of bikes left forgotten by the roadside, completely deserted.
“Fuck.” You swore, pulling off to the side and snatching your keys out, kicking the driver side door open in a rush. You hesitated a moment in silent deliberation, eyeing a tool beneath the cassette box.
A sudden hoarse yelp of pain, one you listened to with horror when you recognized it as Richie’s, decided your actions for you. You shoved the cassette box aside, grabbing the heavy tire iron from the floorboards and jumping out the car. You flew through the underbrush by the bridge, hearing what sounded like grunts and swears- namely from the mouth of your Trashmouth cousin.
You stumbled out of the woods, finding a break in the path and crashed out in a flurry of crunched up leaves and panic, tire iron raised.
From the looks of it, you had ended up by the canalside, the rocks littered with the fighting forms of your cousins friends and four enraged, hostile and very unlucky seniors.
Eddie was out cold, face pressed into the ground, a little scratched up but seeming mostly unharmed. Stan was attempting to over power Belch’s hulking mass, who had Bill’s collar in a death grip and was smacking him around like a rag doll. Mike was taking on Patrick and Vic alongside Beverly and Ben, the latter of who was flushed in the face and positively livid. Mike’s torn lip and Beverly’s scraped knees were nothing compared to the absolute wreck that was Richie Tozier’s face however.
Glasses? Shattered. Lip? Busted, bruised and split. Richie’s nose bent at an awkward and certainly painful angle, and there was a long cut alongside his eye, as if someone had carved him with a knife or a piece of glass. That didn't stop his mouth from flapping though, and even with his cracked voice and split lip he shot zingers like the Tozier he was.
“You fucking-” He spat at Henry Bowers, who wrestled with the smaller boy and dug his back into the tough and jagged rocks of the canalside. “Bruce Springsteen lookin’ mother fucker!”
“Aw? Mad, Flamer?” Henry taunted, gritting his teeth and driving Richie harder against the stones. “Upset we knocked out your little faggy boyfriend?”
He cocked his fist back, knuckles bruised and red with Richie’s blood.
You launched into action, roaring with a feral rage and lurching off from the path, bringing your weapon down on Henry’s side with as much weight behind it as you could muster.
“FUCK-” Bowers howled, clutching his side and pushing himself off Richie, who gurgled some kind of greeting that you didn't hear, your vision going red as you knocked Henry further back with the bottom of your docs.
You raised the tire iron, eyes burning and teeth bared, bringing it down where the mullet haired boy would have been if he hadn’t scrambled back.
From your side vision you spotted Belch, who was coming at you with arms out, ready to take you down. Side stepping him, you knocked against his back using the tire iron with a positively bruising force, kicking him for good measure as well and returning your focus to Henry.
“What did I say?!” You screamed, throwing the weapon down again and again, growing more and more irritated as you missed him.
“You’re fucking crazy! Bitch!” Henry spat, pushing up from the ground and scattering pebbles in his wake.
“What did I say?!” You repeated with even more venom, Vic and Patrick hovering beside Belch, who watched your dance with Henry wearily.
“You’re dead!” Henry ignored your prompt, pointing at you and digging into his pocket, whipping out a knife.
You gripped the tire iron tighter, eyes flashing and lip curling. “I like my odds, Bowers. Do you like yours?”
Blue eyes flickered to his wounded friend and the other two who seemed content to keep out of this particular fight. “Get her, Patrick.”
“With pleasure.”
You whirled around, slashing at the lanky boy who was a safe distance from you, a wild look in your eyes. “You think I’m above kicking your ass too, Hockstetter? Don’t fuckin’ try me!”
Patrick edged around Belch, watching you carefully. “Why don’t you settle down, Princess?”
Adrenaline pounded through you, your blood a rush in your ears. You let out a growl, pointing at him with the weapon. “You wanna dance? Let’s dance, Hockstetter.”
“[First Name]!” Stan shrieked, the crunch of pebbles shifting with weight alerting you back to the threat that loomed behind.
Spinning with the weapon ready, you landed a solid blow on Henry’s shoulder, but he had used your distraction to his advantage and you felt the white hot hiss of a cut rake down your right arm. The knife sliced through your windbreaker easily, slicing your forearm good, and scarlet poured freely as Henry stumbled back, looking pained.
Panic set in now, Patrick’s presence hovering along the sidelines, a snarl at his lips and Henry raised his knife in silent challenge once more.
“One more good whack, Bowers, and you’re in the hospital.” You sneered, rolling the weapon to your other hand, knowing you’d be sloppy with the change, but still effective. You spared Patrick a glare. “And I’ll aim for your head, Hockstetter.”
“Sounds tough coming from you, Tozier.” He taunted, a bottle of hairspray shaking in his hand as he fixed on you with an eerie gaze. “I’ll melt that Trashmouth right off your pretty little face.”
You saw the kids scramble to Richie and Eddie, the Bowers Gang focused on you entirely. Belch attempted to rise, but stumbled back down in a kneel, swearing. You had gotten him good, it seemed. Vic didn't want to press the matter at hand, attempting to help his friend stand instead of facing you.
You winced, bending your wounded arm and taking your keys out of your pocket, hurling them at Beverly, who caught them with an uncertain look.
“Get in the truck, have it running. Id im not out in five, drive.” You ordered tensely, eyes flickering between Patrick and Henry, the latter of whom seemed to be having trouble standing, his breathing uneven and restless.
The freshmen swarmed the two broken boys, your cousin fighting their helping hands and calling after you. You ignored him, waiting for either of the bullies that crowded you to make their move.
“What now, boys?” You carefully stepped to the side, eyeing them as you edged back to the path that would lead you to the truck, Richie’s friends racing away with him and Eddie in tow.
A spout of fire that curled and preened shot out at you, Patrick closing in all too fast in response. You swore, not expecting him to have that much range, Henry throwing himself at you when you faced Patrick.
The two of you went flying, the cut burning as Henry shoved you to the bank, the action knocking the air out of your lungs as your back met the uneven and sharp rocks. You struggled, throwing the tire iron up to block his jabs and slashes of the knife, the edge coming dangerously close to your eyes.
“Look at you now, Trashmouth!” Patrick hooted, running up to come beside Henry.
You writhed under Henry, finding an opening and, with a valiant cry, jerked the bottom of the tire iron to strike Henry’s temple. He gave a cry of pain and ripped himself off you, roaring as he clutched his now bleeding head. You kicked yourself up, just barely breaking from Patrick’s grasp as he hurled himself after you.
Henry was down for the count, but Patrick was more than happy to pursue you through the winding and twisting limbs of the underbrush. The path was caked with wet leaves, unsteady earth and littered with specks of blood from Richie and probably Bill, but you came out the other side and skidded across the Kissing Bridge, chest heaving, victorious despite the challenge of the terrain.
Patrick was right on your tail, always inches from catching you, his eyes lit up with a gleam that horrified you to the core. He was enjoying himself as he increased his speed while you sprinted to the running truck.
“TAKE OFF THE BREAK, TAKE OFF THE BREAK!” You screamed, hearing the chaotic laughter behind you.
The gang was in the back, all shouting after you to hurry, Bill and Richie leaning heavily on each other in the trunk of the car, looking like hell had come after them and spat them back out. Beverly was at the wheel, screaming in time with the others as you threw yourself into the open trunk bed, Mike shoveling you far inside as Beverly shot off like a bullet. You all lurched forward from the force, the bikes that had been stuffed in the back rattling beside each other, and you gave a cry when you felt Patrick’s hand just barely graze your boot, your head turning as you watched him slow to a trot, giving up in his chase.
“We’ll get you later, Tozier!” He called after you, bending to catch his breath, eyes boring into you as Beverly whipped the truck down the street and carried off far from the bridge.
The truck was driven far away, weaving behind Derry through back roads that even you were unaware of. Mike carefully climbed through the open back window, directing Beverly with a calm voice, the only one of you who had the sense to keep his emotions in check.
The wind whipped at your hair, the cool air welcomed to calm the heat in your veins, to tame the fire in your belly. You were going to fucking murder Bowers, if it was the last thing you did. Carefully, you shuffled past the bikes to Richie and Bill, taking care to raise Richie’s head to inspect the damage.
“What happened?” You asked, your question falling on Stan or Ben to answer.
You glanced over your shoulder, Stan looking distraught as he watched Bill roll his head, his left eye swelling shut and jaw reddening with bruises. Bill attempted to speak, his speech slurred.
“B-b-buh-bowers,” He finally got out, heaving a sigh. “Ben. Tell h-her.”
Ben shifted, his face dirty and flushed, but seeming mostly unharmed. “Bowers caught us at Kissing Bridge. He was pissed you had tried to order him around, so he started picking on Richie… And, well, you know Eddie,” the boy nodded at Eddie, whose head rested on Stan’s lap, his breathing relaxed. There was a knot forming on his forehead, but at the very least he seemed safe enough. “He got angry that Henry was messing with Richie and he mouthed off to him, which made Henry angry, which made Richie cuss him out and, well.”
Ben sighed. “They chased us to the canal, Patrick and Henry shoved Eddie down and he was out like a light. Richie tackled Henry, Bill went for Belch when he tried to kick Richie off Henry and Patrick got on Mike. Bev and I ran to Mike after Stan ran to Bill and Vic knocked me down. You showed up after i got up and Henry started wailing on Richie.” “Fuckin… Idiot.” Richie spat, breathing heavily as Beverly finally slowed the car, pulling the parking brake as she came up beside a pasture and climbing out, panic fresh on her features.
“You’re the idiot!” She yelled, a wetness in her eyes as she crawled into the truck bed, reaching for Eddie and cradling his face in her hands. “Eddie, Eds?”
The boy gave a sharp inhale, hazel eyes fluttering open as he flinched awake. “What-” He sat up, swaying only slightly as Mike took the wheel. “What the fuck happened, OH MY GOD, RICHIE!”
“Where do we go?” He asked, looking over his shoulder, worried gaze resting on Richie and Bill.
“R-r-ree-rich- FUCK,” Bill cursed, angirly stirring in his spot. “Richie’s!”
His eyes hardened, furious with either himself or his predicament, you weren't sure. Mike looked to you for an okay and you wearily crawled from the back to the inside of the cab, letting out a soft moan of pain as you overworked your wounded arm.
Eddie took your spot beside Richie, eyes pricking with tears as he practically hyperventilated. He was speaking a mile a minute and you didn't take the time to decipher it as Mike began to drive forward, heading down the road to make it back to town.
“Eds.” Richie croaked between heavy breaths, Eddie continuing on some kind of rant about broken noses. “Eds.”
Beverly gingerly looked over Bill’s face, Stan hovering at her side and looking forlorn as they bounced in the back from the dents and potholes of the roads. Gravel kicked underneath the truck, crunching loudly as Mike led everyone past farmlands.
“Eds.” Richie said firmly, reaching out and catching a panicky hand of Eddie’s, folding his fingers together with the smaller boys and arching in to a sore stretch. “Stop, i’m begging you.”
Finally, Eddie silenced himself. A loud sniffle could be heard as he shuffled closer to Richie, forcing your cousin to lean himself on him. “You’re a fucking idiot. Idiot.”
“Nice.” Richie mused with a broken laugh, coughing and groaning. “This is all your fault, [First Name]. Just sayin’. If I die, make sure they bury me in a coffin without nails so I can pass over to the promise land and let god know how much of an ass you are.”
“Considering you want ‘Highway To hell’ played after your hespied, you turd, I don’t think you’re making it to the otherside.” You snapped, sliding off your jacket and eyeing the nasty cut, courtesy of Henry Bowers. “I was just trying to help.”
Richie scoffed, but you decided against fighting further, it did you no favors. Maybe Richie was right. You had been too aggressive, way too damn fast. The Bowers Gang meant business, it appeared. Something told you that if Patrick had caught you at the bridge that you’d have been dead meat, no holds barred. Just threatening those boys had landed you in a heap of shit, and, like Richie had pointed out, you had barely been in town for two days.
Mike watched you from the corner of his eye, and you sighed heavily, closing the window to the back and scrunching up your face in distaste.
“It’s my fault, isn’t it?” You asked him, already gathering that he was the wisest of the group, the most grown up and least opinionated.
Mike shrugged his shoulders. “You Toziers are good at two things; talking smack and causing problems… But at least you were trying to do right by us.” He smiled a little, rubbing at this split lip. “Even if it did get us a little roughed up. It shows you care.”
“Richies beat bad, Bill’s going to be swollen up and colored purple.” You said regretfully. “Eddie was out for longer than five minutes, and you’ve got a busted lip. I did a swell job trying to do right by you guys, huh?”
“You’re hurt too.” Mike pointed out softly, turning down a rural road. “Bowers cut you up pretty bad.”
“I’m fine. I’m more worried about you guys.” You said honestly, peeking back at the others in the back, all of whom who were huddled together in a tight circle. The breeze ruffled curls and upset need styles, but at least all of them had tired smiles. They looked valiant, proud to have escaped with a few scrapes and their lives.
“Toziers.” Mike murmured, shaking his head and giving a defeated sigh. “You need to watch it around Bowers, I’m just warning you.”
“I can handle myself.” You defended lightly.
“I saw. But if Patrick had jumped in, I’m sure you wouldn’t currently be in this car.” He said, attempting to resonate with you. “You took that tire iron to Henry Bowers pretty hard core, sure, but he isn't the only member of the gang, [First Name].”
You clicked your tongue. “I’d take him on again if I could, Mike.”
“I know.” He agreed, eyes dancing with amusement.
You were quiet for a while, letting the scenery pass by before suddenly you sat up, blinking in surprise.
Underneath the blood that caked Richie’s face was a simple broken nose and torn lip, nothing too major despite what it had seemed earlier. You and Richie was miraculously able to convince your aunt that he had simply fallen off his bike and roughed himself up slamming into a pole. Your cousin had an endless supply of glasses, so it was an easy fix as far as the two of you were concerned, and Bill’s eye lessened in its swelling after he applied an ice pack and Eddie tended to his cuts. Mike said his lip was nothing to worry about and Ben put countless band aids on Beverly’s knees, the tenderness evident behind his sweet smile and Beverly’s warm gaze. Eddie’s bump had receded considerably and was barely there now, but he had kept ice on it for a while just to be safe.
It took the combined power of Stan, Bill, Mike and Beverly to hold you still so Eddie could patch up your arm. You thrashed around, having preferred to just rinse it off and tape the wound up in a classic Tozier fashion, but Kaspbrak nagged the shit out of you before he ordered the attack on you to be made.
Richie was too doped up on the pain medication that Eddie stole from his cabinets to bring to your house for his emergency aid, so the bespectacled nerd could only let out a few slurred “Suck the wound ”’s before he seemingly passed out on the couch in the Tozier home’s basement.
“Hold her still, come on.” Eddie snapped, a cotton ball of peroxide in between his careful fingers as he applied the antiseptic to your gash.
“Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow-” You whined, wiggling around despite the combined weight that kept you seated in the office chair stolen from your uncles computer room.
“Is she going to need stitches?” Stan questioned, much to your added distress.
“No, she isn't. It's just a flesh wound.” Eddie assured everyone, Ben letting out a thankful sigh in place of yourself.
Richie gave a sleepy chuckle, rolling on the couch. “Flesh wound…” He was promptly ignored.
“Calm down, you’re alright.” Beverly shushed, smiling down at you. You flinched as Eddie patted your cut dry, pressing gauze against it before begining to wrap your arm tightly with bandages.
“Thanks mom.” You snarked, wincing at the pressure applied, but calming down nonetheless.
Eddie stepped back, sighing. “Done.”
All four teens released you, and you shot up, heading to the couch to sit with your cousin, licking your wounds per say.
The others mingled for a while before leaving, everyone thankfully not as roughed up as before and wearing smiles. You waved them all out the basement entrance before going back to Richie, slinging the battered (and drugged out) boy’s arm over your shoulder.
“Come on champ.” You encouraged, heading upstairs. Shutting the door to the basement behind you and maneuvering to the second story, pausing at the base of the staircase to bid your aunt and uncle good night.
"We're heading to bed. Love you guys."
They didn't bother to turn from the television, leftovers from the night before in their laps and eyes glued to the news.
“Assholes. They don’t even care...” Richie muttered lowly, but you shushed him softly, leading the boy one step at a time to the second story hall, where you dragged him to his bedroom.
Richie swayed as you reached to turn on his light, taking the boy to his bed and gently settling him a top the covers.
“[First Name]?” He slurred your name adorably, barely keeping onto his consciousness. You hummed in response, undoing his laces and setting his shoes on the floor beside his twin bed. He squirmed in the Star Wars covers, slipping his glasses off and dropping them on the nightstand.
“I’m glad you’re back.” Richie whispered hoarsely, scratching at the tape stuck to his nose from Eddie’s handiwork. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too Bucky Beaver.” You felt your heart melt and expression soften. He watched you with his big brown eyes, looking dead tired and bruised. He was still in his clothes from earlier and you sighed, knowing what you had to do. Walking to his dresser you grabbed a pair of pajama pants and a shirt from the drawers before returning to his side, shifting the dirtied jeans off his legs.
He let you do the deed, complaining only when you jerked the jeans too roughly off his ankles and drawing his pajama pants over bare legs. The change into his shirt was easier, and once that was over with and you had combed any mud that was left in his hair out, you straightened and threw his comforter over top his aching form.
“Love you, bud.” You said, stepping away from his bedside.
“Love you too.” He murmured, eyes fluttering in attempt to stay awake. “Thanks for beating up Bowers with a crowbar for me.”
“Tire iron.” You corrected with a chuckle, heading to the door. “You’re welcome, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Do we get up at six again?”
“No, we get up at six forty-five. You get to sleep in.” You walked to the door, turning off the light. Lost in his delirium, and maybe from the light headedness of his pain killers, Richie gave a quiet cheer.
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quantumdotdot · 6 years
Marvel Masks: Earth-218, Session 1
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We played the tabletop role-playing game Masks: A New Generation in an alternate version of Marvel’s Earth. This starts with stuff that we did as part of character creation, world-building, and “Session 0″ as it’s called, then going into the actual start of the narrative! I’ll be posting updates as the campaign continues.
You won’t need mechanical knowledge of the Masks system to understand it, though I definitely encourage anyone who’s interested in playing a superhero RPG, especially one involving teens, to give it a look.  I realized I’d never put this up anywhere but Twitter, and this campaign is honestly too good to keep to ourselves.
Also, shout-out to @Zhurenaissance for doing the lion's share of the initial world-building/prep; he's an incredible writer and I honestly couldn't have done it without him.
So, here ya go... Earth-218.
Cast of Characters
Shatterstar (he/him) - The Bull
Very tall (6’ 4”/6’ 5”), long red hair, about 18-19
Was actually born maybe(?) but thinks he was created in the genevats of Arize
Fought in gladiatorial combat on Mojoworld. Has 2 braids in his hair, a tradition for revolutionaries to show how many Spineless Ones he has killed
Tells people he and Rictor met by being at the same school
Billy Kaplan (he/him) - The Nova
16-17, skinny and short, wears t-shirts when not in combat
Has always been able to do small things with his powers
Recently had a back-against-the-wall moment with bullies and fought back, causing “property damage” when his powers manifested in full force
Hurt bystanders as well during the incident, which upset Billy. He found a mentor in Dr. Strange, who was training Billy to be the next Sorcerer Supreme, before Strange had his power stripped from him and stolen by some unknown assailant
Jen/Jennifer Walters (she/her) - The Transformed
Late 20s-early 30s, tall, looks ordinary
Jen is Jennifer Walters, not She-Hulk. Very important
Has been working as a lawyer/attorney in NYC, specializing in the rights of marginalized people, especially mutants
Her She-Hulk form changed dramatically post-Civil War and she is still dealing with the death of Rhodey, her boyfriend. Bruce also got killed shortly thereafter.
Tries not to transform into She-Hulk and has been hiding her emotions and grief. She is very unsure of her place in life, and looks to the kids of the team for help and support
Alex (they/them) - The Reformed
Looks 18. Looks thin, but is deceptively strong
Is a child created by Cyttorak the demon god to take over Teens totally normal human Teen, what are you talking about
“When our team first came together…”
Bull/Shatterstar: We defeated a dangerous enemy. Who or what was it?
Alex Summers. After Scott died, Alex was having a bad time, so Madelyne Pryor, Goblin Queen, convinced him to embrace his dark destiny as the Goblin Prince
Maddy has a classy black jumpsuit that shows minimal skin, whereas Alex gets a Sexy Badass Costume Change
The team fought off a bunch of goblins who had showed up at the school to claim it for the Goblin Queen
Nova/Billy: We destroyed our surroundings in the fight. Where was it? What did we destroy?
The fight was as the indoor/outdoor gym complex. Goblins took a basket hoop/pole, which was animated so that the hoop was a tongue and the backboard was a face. It blew a raspberry at the team as the goblins carted it away. The goblins also tried to take the biggest trophy from them but it ran around from them. It’s now a pet animated trophy.
Billy and Havok had a one-vs-one, Billy struggled with his shield powers, trying to shield the team and the school from Alex’s blasts, but lost control and the blasts ricocheted everywhere, collapsing several walls. Billy had to do detention to clean it up since the Xavier Institute is all about learning to take responsibility for your powers.
Maddie wasn’t happy with her Goblin Prince after looking at all the trash the goblins brought back.
Transformed/Jen: We drew attention and ire from plenty during the fight. One important person in particular now hates and fears us. Who is it?
J. Jonah Jameson now has an axe to grind against both the school and the team in particular after the mess from the goblin fight spilled out into Central Park a little bit. Not everyone listens to him, but a lot of the police and the Olds do. So that’s tough. He doesn’t have time for pictures of Spiderman now. Spider-Man has also never been confirmed to exist, he is a cryptid. JJ has hundreds of extremely blurry pictures of Spider-Man.
Reformed/Alex: We fought a terrible enemy from my old life. Who was it and what did they take from me?
Erik the Red worked with Maddy to send the goblins to the school as a smokescreen for testing Alex.
Nightmare also showed up at the school, who is this universe’s version of Toad; he’s a demon who is also part goblin. He carries a spinal hobby horse that summons a spectral horse that keeps the spine/bone ghost head.
Lower status among demons because he’s part goblin
He stole Alex’s staff from the locker room, that let them channel their powers through the staff while fighting.
Billy is your “love”.* You’ve opened up to them about the worst parts of your past.
Star saw the destruction Billy caused after standing up to the Goblin Prince and got stars in his eyes. He thinks Billy has the heart of a warrior and told him about his past in the dueling arenas, which freaks Billy out a little bit.  
Alex is your “rival”. They tried to control you at a crucial moment.
Alex knows a little bit about fighting, but they and Star come from very different schools of thought. They tried to tell Star how he should fight during the Goblin fight and Star holds a grudge against them for that.
* (Note: Shatterstar is still dating Julio, the "love" is a mechanical thing for Shatterstar's class. Billy is the only one he's opened up to on the team.)
You hang out all the time with Jen to blow off steam.
They bonded over baking cookies. Billy tries to bribe the other kids to be friends with him by sharing cookies. He once walked in on Jen hurling a stand mixer through the wall after getting frustrated, and now Jen calms down by watching Billy bake in the giant Xavier Institute kitchen. He learned how to bake at a young age by peering over the counter top on a step-stool when his bubbe was baking.
You once hurt Alex when you lost control of your powers.
Billy thinks that he hurt Alex during the goblin fight by making some that had poison spit lose their poison and accidentally hit Alex. Obviously, Alex is fine, but Billy still feels extremely guilty about all of it.
Shatterstar comforted me when I was at my lowest.
Star reassured Jen when she was about to Get Angry and hulk out after the Goblin fight. She was trying to stay calm and not lose her head after avoiding her ugly emotions and it hadn't been going well. Shatterstar helped by reassuring her that she had helped them and that she had a place with them on the team.
Laura / X-23 / Wolverine knew me before I changed.
Laura knew Jen from before, and fought her in a 1v1. Jen defeated her then, but ever since Civil War ended, Jen hasn’t been the same. Laura has faith in her that she can become the Jen she once knew again, so they can have a rematch and Laura can win fair and square this time, and so tries to encourage her. Laura maintains she could have defeated Jen if she had to though. Jen lets her think so.
I’ve earned the trust of Billy, and I follow their example of what a hero should be.
Alex wandered by when Billy was serving detention for the destruction he caused to the athletics facility. Billy had Alex help him clean up while they talked, and Alex looks up to Billy as an inspiration of what good guys are.
I did something terrible to Jen once. I hope they can forgive me one day
Jen was having trouble sleeping once, and Alex was a little low on energy, so they selfishly drained Jen, forcing her to go to sleep but leaving her feeling worse than it was. They feel terrible about it.
The Story, So Far...
It is the third and final day of the Super-Human Law seminar hosted by Jen at the Charles Xavier Institute for Mutant Academics and Outreach, located smack dab in the middle of Central Park, NYC. Once Jen has concluded her final topic and wrap-up on “Know Your Rights: How to Talk to the Police As a Mutant,” headmaster Kitty Pryde walks up on the stage and thanks Jen, calling for a round of applause. Jen looks visibly awkward. Kitty also brought up Claudette and Nicole St. Croix, the “Monet Twins” and the self-dubbed school cheerleading squad. They’ve composed a song with call and response that the whole school takes part in to see her off:
“Teacher and Students Yes-sir-eee We have a lot of fun Cuz’ Teacher and Students are We! Though our time is ending We learned a lot you see! We’ll never turn a frown Cuz Teacher and Students are We!”
The normally zoned out and distant Claudette transforms into a carefree girl for the duration of their choreographed song and dance. As soon as it ends, Nicole explains that she and Claudette wanted to show their thanks on behalf of both them and the entire school. The entire time, Jen was a bit tuned out, checking her phone and generally not loving being the center of this particular brand of awkward attention. Once the thanks are said and the dance number is over, Claudette folds back in on herself, only to be shuffled off the stage by her twin-caretaker.
After that, Kitty gestures to Jen to take a seat, and uses the opportunity of the assembly of 6th-12th graders to introduce the new transfer student Ginny Wayword. As she tries to introduce Ginny to the school, a loud thumping starts off-panel. Kitty keeps going with the introductions and a wide smile, but sweat starts to stream down the side of her face. The thumping gets louder, and eventually turns into vampires arriving by bursting through a wall in a cloud of bats. When the bat cloud disappears, it reveals a vampire lord with a group of hungry, feral vampires who reveal they are here for “Jubilation Lee” and demand that the school hands her over. Kitty tells Junior Squad to get in formation while she sizes up the situation and the rest of the students flee the assembly hall.
Meanwhile, Shatterstar has been running behind rapidly-emptying chairs, because he knows a threat when he sees one. Without waiting for the rest of the team, he leaps into action, stabbing the vampire lord with both blades. Rictor had asked him not to bring his swords to the assembly, so we get a flashback of him sitting at the assembly while his swords poke into the person next to him, and the person behind him tries to look around their hilts in vain. Shatterstar is smug in his knowledge that he was indeed right about bringing them along.
Star sinks his swords deep into the chest of the vampire lord, but it doesn’t work--vampires can’t be hurt by normal swords. The vampire laughs at Star mockingly: “Foolish mortal, swords cannot hurt me!” Star marks the condition Insecure because he’s just been laughed at by this vampire he tried to take down, and is locked in combat as he tries to free his swords.
While Star is in the fray with the vampire, Billy sees all the students trying to flee the assembly through the single door (the vampires broke through the wall with the other ones) and decides to shield them to make sure they can get out safely. Caveat being the team won’t be able to escape easily.
Alex finally arrives late with a piece of toast in their mouth, confused at why everyone’s leaving and assuming that means Jen’s speech is over. They try to clamber up to the stage with toast in their mouth after making their way through the swarm of students, asking Jen and Kitty what’s going on. They keep nervously talking through what they should do to combat the vampires while Kitty phases through her School Principal blazer, knee-length skirt, and hose, revealing her Shadowcat uniform under this weird ice skating costume version of Business Formal. Kitty tells Alex to get in formation as they continue to talk, but while they’ve been talking, the feral vampires have crept up on Alex. Alex tries to defend Jen and Kitty, and fails, and the vampires almost let Alex’s secret slip before they use their powers to drain some energy from the surrounding vampires.
With Alex, Shatterstar, and Billy occupied, Jen takes a second to assess the situation, realizing that the best way to end this conflict quickly is to give the vampire lord what he wants, or talk to him, which is gonna be a little tricky given that Shatterstar is currently grappling/being grappled by him.
Star takes a moment to roll backwards, regretfully leaving his swords stuck through the vampire lord’s Armani blouse for the time being, and asks what he wants with Jubilation Lee, and using that as an opportunity to assess the situation. He remembers from watching Buffy that wood can kill vampires, so he takes a particularly-splintery piece of wood and tries to stab it through the vampire’s heart. The vampire reads his move, and dodges with preternatural speed in a cloud of bats, reappearing behind Shatterstar as he was about to strike. The vampire lord hoists Shatterstar up by the collar, and, testing his weight, feels how light he is. The vamp gets curious and hurls Shatterstar as far and as hard as he can, smashing Star up against the part of the wall that’s still standing.
Star lands face-first, and his white eye lands against the wall, flaring up and glowing white as Star slides down the wall like a splatted bug. His powers go haywire from the blow, tearing open the fabric of reality as he falls like a knife cutting through a screen. The edges of reality splay open, revealing that Star has inadvertently opened an extradimensional portal into Limbo, where there are demons in jerseys playing basketball, a la the Mon-stars from Space Jam. Star is dazed, laying down on the ground beneath this tableau.
Billy, seeing Star in trouble, leaves the barrier where it is and sneaks over to try to help Star up. He tells Star what happened and asks if he can help, to which Star replies, confused: “Space…. Jam?” Once he comes to a bit, he tells Billy that he’s fine, and that Billy needs to go help the others while Star recovers.
The Vampire Lord, having finished with Star, turns to Jen and Kitty, finally introduces himself as “Alexandre Francois Bourgeois, Lord of the Vampires, head of the Bourgeois Clan,” and once again demands that they give her Jubilation Lee as he advances on them with his vampire legion. Alex sees this and tries to provoke one group of the vampires into a chase using themselves as the bait of a “tasty snack,” while Billy distracts the others by levitating and rattling chairs threateningly.
Alex’s plan fails though, and the vampires follow them, but not the way they wanted. Alex nervously tries to use their “Aw, gosh” demeanor to fend the vampires off, but it’s no use. We end as the vampires advance on Alex, saying they smell more like predator than prey, and taunting their attempts to appear as a normal mortal teen. Alex nervously replies "I'm not ugly, Arnold."
Final Thoughts
We didn't get to play too much because we did a lot of world-building, but overall I'd say Marvel Masks is a rousing success and I look forward to playing it again with the crew of awesome players I was lucky enough to have!
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troublewithvampires · 11 months
//in a Mood tonight so i'm finally making a post showing my faceclaims for salvatore and a few NPCs in his life, some of whom i've talked about and some of whom i have not
as a reminder, i pick faceclaims as a just-for-fun sort of deal. no stakes here i'm just vibing. however if you want to imagine what any of these characters look like as real people... here u go
salvatore o'malley: andrew scott
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victor bonicelli: andy garcia
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billy whitebread / jason booth: austin butler (moreso with the long hair but still)
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izzy booth hernandez (eventual daughter): madison reyes
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ginger fitz: uma thurman
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bruno martinelli: penn badgley
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and bonus, a character who is super underdeveloped right now:
cassandra hernandez (izzy's bio mom): yaya dacosta
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//quintessential sal/dio and sal/billy post
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imagineaworlds · 7 years
Caught in Your Eyes (Part Seven)--Billy Hargrove
Masterlist for @rune-of-a-writer / @hellimagines
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six
Original Request: “Hi. I love your work. I was wondering if you could do a billy imagine where the female reader is new to town and she’s a bad girl and billy instantly falls for her and tries to get with her. Thank you!!”
Summary: The aftermath of Saturday night hits, and you have two deep conversations. One of which leads to a not-so-bad ending.
Warnings: Violence, per usual, cursing, per usual, mentions of drug usage, and mentions of homophobia
Pairing: Billy Hargrove x fem!reader
Word Count: 4,296
A/N: This note is gonna be long, but it’s IMPORTANT!! So, I’ve added this story (and my imagines) to wattpad under the same name as my imagines account. I was wondering if I should make this chapter the last one here, on tumblr, but continue to update it on Wattpad? It’s been getting progressively less notes (as series usually do on tumblr), but on Wattpad they typically thrive. Please, please let me know! Also, this chapter was difficult to write… so feedback on it would be great too. Thanks, I love you guys! (Also, if you couldn’t tell, I’ve been struggling with gifs. So have one of my FC’s for James and Vance -though they’re not as exact as I’d imagined-)
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That following Monday, your group and the basketball team were the talk of Hawkins High. Word spread quickly of what had happened, but there were varying differations of the story. Some got it right- saying that Tim and the team had attacked James and Vance because of their sexualities. But others were far off from the truth. There was one about how Tim had tried to make-out with you behind the middle school, and Billy had seen, causing the fight to start (some kids tried saying that it was James who saw and started the fight, but that was quickly debunked when he walked into school with Vance). Some said that you had started the fight for fun because you were simply bored, no real meaning behind it. Some said that Chris started it because Tim was selling coke for too-high of a price (that was just dumb in your opinion, Chris didn’t do cocaine). But either way, everybody knew that your group and the basketball team went at it, and that Tim had tried to kill you. How that one got out, you had no idea. But the bruising around your neck was inevitable, and you had never owned a scarf in your life, so you had no way to hide it.
“This is ridiculous,” Chris growled after shouldering off another girl asking him what had happened, if he was okay, or if it had hurt to punch Michael Sandors as hard as he had. None of you were answering them, but from what you’ve heard, the basketball team had been entertaining everyone enough for both of your groups.
“Yeah,” you sighed, running a hand through your (h/c) hair, “but we just have to deal with it. Ignoring them is best,” you advised, leaning yourself beside James’ locker. He had been oddly quiet ever since that night, but you hadn’t expected much else. He’d be back to his normal self by the end of the week, you predicted. Vance was glowering beside him, subconsciously running his thumb over one of the cuts on his cheek. Neither of them had been in a fight before, and for their first fight to be centered around them, it had taken a toll.
“Hey,” Billy began, “at least now most of the school feels threatened by us. We don’t have to worry about them trying to start anything now,” he said, attempting to make the best of the situation, and Chris nodded in agreement.
“I don’t want people to be scared of me,” James scoffed, turning away from his locker to shoot Billy a glare. “I’m not like you guys. I actually enjoy people, I enjoy hanging out, partying, getting to know others. Fighting isn’t my first instinct, it’s not even an instinct. And to know that people are scared of me, hate me even, fucking sucks,” he growled. He slammed his locker shut, not even bothering to grab his books, before storming off down the hallway.
“I’ll go after him,” you said, kicking off of the locker. “I’ll see you guys at lunch,” you sighed, hoisting your bag over your shoulder and walking after James.
You managed to catch up with him quickly, and the two of you walked together silently, disregarding all the looks you recieved. Eventually, James led the two of you outside to the ‘smoke wall’, kicking a rock between the door so you wouldn’t be locked out. Thankfully there wasn’t any snow on the ground, so when the two of you sat next to each other you didn’t have to worry about your pants. You stayed quiet, looking at the side of his face and waiting for him to talk.
“I don’t mind being with him, ya know?” he began, referencing to Vance and turning his head so he could look at you as well. “I’m happy we’re finally together. I’ve had a crush on him since 7th grade. That’s 5 years of liking your best friend, (Y/N/N). So it has nothing to do with him. But it’s just… if this is how we’re gonna be treated… I don’t see the point. Risking your life for love? I get how it can seem romantic, but it’s terrifying. I don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to have to hide behind you, Billy and Chris for the rest of the year, or longer. I want to be able to hang out with him, and him alone, and not worry about having a bleeding face by the end of the night. Granted, we’ve got the school to leave us alone for now, but that also means we’ve secluded ourselves. I doubt we’ll ever be invited to a party again. Group projects? Forget about it. And what about not at school? When we go to Gunther’s or the movies and we have to deal with the rest of Hawkins? It’s so fucked up,” he confessed, his eyes beginning to tear up. His hands were gripping each other, his nails digging crescents into the edges of his hands.
“Hey,” you said softly, reaching your hand out to pry his hands apart, “you’re okay and Vance is okay. That’s what matters. I can’t even begin to understand what you’re going through, so I’m not going to act like I do. But, I do know that I’ll always be here for you. We’ve only known each other for about two months, but you’re one of the closest people in my life, James. People are assholes. Just like what I said to Chris after the fight, they’re scared of what they can’t understand. But it isn’t your fault, and it isn’t Vance’s. Don’t give up on him or yourself just because of that,” you pleaded with him, soothing out the marks on his hand with your thumb. James looked down at you, his brown eyes filled with sadness- for what seemed like the first time in a long while. James nodded slowly, closing his eyes and releasing a long breath. He opened his mouth, prepared to respond, but before he had the chance, the door you had just come out of slammed open, startling the both of you.  
Billy came hurtling out, holding Tim Davenford by the back of his baby blue sweater. Neither of them noticed you or James at first, both too focused on the other. Billy tossed Tim towards the adjacent brick will that led to the gym, the taller boy letting out a laugh as his face collided with the rough stone. Tim’s lip was already split, and Billy’s eyebrow had a cut- this had started within the school. You pushed yourself to your feet quickly, James following you.
“You think you’re tough shit, don’t ‘cha, Hargrove?” Tim mocked, spitting blood at Billy’s feet. “Now that you’re no longer on your own, fucking all the whores in Hawkins and claiming to be the King, you think you can do anything. News flash, you’re still worthless,” Tim spat, shoving Billy’s bare shoulders. Billy didn’t respond, instead he swung his fist, hitting Tim under the jaw. Tim stumbled to the side, splaying his hands against the wall to keep himself upright. Before Tim could counter the attack, you decided to make yourself known.
“What the fuck is going on?” you yelled, stepping closer to the two boys. They both looked towards you, finally noticing you and James. Tim’s smile grew, blood smeared over his teeth, while Billy’s expression didn’t change- the anger in his eyes looked like an all-too-familiar gas fire, and you knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to put it out.
“Stay out of this, princess,” Billy growled, briefly flashing his eyes over to James. Seeing the damage from Saturday night on James’ face, and the bruising on your neck, seemed to only fuel the fire more.
“Yeah, princess, let the big boy’s handle this,” Tim snickered. Hearing the nickname leave his mouth only angered Billy even more, and he grabbed Tim by the shoulders, allowing him to shove his fist into his abdomen. Tim groaned in pain, wrapping his arms around his stomach, but he stayed standing, and his grin never faded. Tim took the chance to lift his leg and knee Billy in the thigh, their height difference causing him to miss his groin. Billy grunted in shock, now grabbing both of Tim’s shoulders and tossing the both of them to the ground, Billy on top.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” you groaned, running your hands through your hair in distress. You knew better than to jump between the two- you’d end up getting hit by one of them; and if it was Billy, it’d only cause bigger problems. “Would you fucking quit it, Billy!” you shouted, and Billy paused. He was still on top of Tim, his fist raised in the air, ready to crash into the other boy’s face. Both of them were breathing hard, but Tim had a low chuckle mixed in. Billy lowered his hand, gripping the front of Tim’s sweater to pulling him up towards his own face.
“If you ever,” he seethed, “touch James or Vance again, I will not hesitate to smash your face in. And if you ever lay your hands on my girl, I’ll put you in the damn morgue,” he threatened before dropping Tim’s body, his head hitting the pavement with a disgusting thump. Your heart stopped at Billy’s threat, not because you were worried about Tim’s safety (you would do the same), but because of what Billy had said. His girl?
Billy stood, walking backwards carefully until he was away from Tim. You reached your arm out, hooking a finger into one of his belt loops and tugging him back to you and James. Tim stood up slowly, cracking his neck as he did. He ran his tongue along his teeth, collecting as much blood as could and spitting onto the pavement. Tim eyed the stance of the three of you: you and Billy standing in front of James with crossed arms, you with an arched eyebrow, and James peering over your shoulder with a smirk. Shaking his head with a laugh, Tim walked back into the school without acknowledging Billy’s threat, or saying anything else. Once the door hit the rock, all hell broke loose.
“What the actual fuck, you asshole?” you yelled, rearing on Billy with wild eyes. James stepped back, his own eyes wide with shock and amusement.
“The hell is your problem?” Billy shouted back, giving you an incredulous look, rapidly blinking away a drop of blood that was attempting to sneak into the corner of his eye from his eyebrow.
“You! I told you not to start anything after Saturday night! And yet here we are, Monday morning with you covered in fresh blood. Coach is going to kick both of you off of the team no doubt, and if your dad wasn’t pissed after Saturday, he sure as hell is gonna be now!” you yelled, waving your hand in the air, in no particular direction.
“Can I-” James began to interject.
“No!” you and Billy yelled at the same time, and his mouth shut, the sound of his teeth coming together audible for the three of you.
“You told me not to get caught starting anything. How the hell was I supposed to know that you two were having a love session out here?” Billy scoffed, rolling his eyes. A pitched sound of distaste left both you and James at the same time.
“We were not having a ‘love session’. In case you’ve forgotten, this whole ordeal is because James and Vance like each other. Or are you too focused on your fists to remember anything anymore? Do I need to start alerting the nursing homes of a new patient?” you questioned, your voice dripping with sarcasm.
“Plus, you totally just called her ‘your girl’. You guys weren’t gonna mention it, so I thought I would,” James added quickly before either of you could cut him off. The two of you fell silent, snapping your heads towards James with deadly eyes. “I’m just uh… gonna go to class,” he said pointing his thumbs to the door and quickly walking off to avoid your glares. Once he had left, you cautiously looked back to Billy. Letting out a shaky breath, Billy moved back so he could lean against the wall, finally meeting your gaze.
“He’s not wrong,” you said, shoving your hands into the pockets of your leather jacket as your anger began to cool over. “You did, ya know, call me your girl.”
“Yeah… yeah I did,” Billy admitted, leaning his head back. His blond curls squished out from behind his head, the static from the wall causing random hairs to stick up. “It just sort of slipped out. I was angry. He tried to kill you, (Y/N), and you’re unbothered by it. A guy wrapped his hands around your neck, and tried to choke you to death, and you don’t care. I don’t get it!” Billy huffed, looking down at you and picking his head back up.
“I’ve been through alot, Billy. This,” you pointed to your bruised neck, “is nothing new. It’s not a life I enjoy, it’s not something I brag about or wished for. But it’s what I’ve been stuck with, and it’s what I have to deal with. Crying about it, and allowing it to affect me, won’t get me anywhere. So I have to move past it seconds after it happens, and figure out how to do better next time. I shouldn’t have turned around to check on James and Vance. I forgot Fayre was with them, and that was my downfall. They were my weak spots, and Davenford knew it, and he took advantage of that. Next time, I have to stay entirely focused on the fight,” you explained, your eyes hard.
“No, there will be no next time,” Billy said sternly, walking towards you. “You’ve never talked about your life before Hawkins, except about your uncle. It’s almost as if you came out of that Mustang brand new to the world, fists bared. Whatever happened, you can talk to me about it. Nobody knows about my mom except for you and my dad. Not even Max knows. I trusted you enough to see me that morning. And I want you to know that you can trust me enough to see you without your fists, and your leather jacket, and your snarky remarks. Nobody really knows you, princess,” he confided quietly, his fingers twitching by his leg. Billy wanted nothing more than to reach up and push back your (h/c) hair, but he restrained himself. “Tell me what happened to you to make you like this.”
You stared back at him, your (e/c) eyes searching his blue eyes for any sign of a lie or form of deceit within them. When you saw none, you narrowed your eyes but nodded slowly. You moved to the wall, sliding down it and resting your back against the bricks. Billy followed, sitting beside you.
“I’ve never really talked about this, so I don’t know how this is going to go,” you warned, bringing your knees to your chest and loosely wrapping your arms around them. “I told you how I was always bouncing between my dad and my uncle because of the trouble I was getting into, right? Well, I wasn’t alone. It was always my best friend and I doing everything. His name was Jackson, but I usually called him Jax. I know, I know, it seems like I’m always drawn to guys. Don’t think I haven’t heard the rumors around here, but that’s beside the point,” you sighed, dismissing him when he began to open his mouth. “As I was saying. Him and I would get into petty crimes. Vandalism, assault charges, trespassing. Those things. But last year, he took things too far. He had really, really bad anger problems. I think it was called I.E.D or something? He would blow up really quick. It was horrible in middle school, but he’d gotten control of it by junior year. However, whenever he would get high or drunk, he would lose control. I knew about this, so naturally we agreed not to get intoxicated without each other,” you took a breath, resting your forehead on your knees.
“But last December, he went to some end-of-term after-party. I hadn’t gone because I wasn’t feeling too well. Usually he would’ve stayed behind, but he had a date and she wanted to go, so he went. I figured that since he was with someone, nothing bad would happen. I was wrong. Acid is popular where I’m from. You can get it almost anywhere, in any form, and if you know the right person, you can get it pretty cheap. That night, everyone was doing it. Jax doesn’t submit to peer pressure, he’s not that kind of guy. He’s a leader, he’s smart, and he knew his anger would act up. So I don’t know why he did it… I never got the chance to ask. But he did. I got a call, while I was at my uncle’s, right before I was heading to bed. My uncle wasn’t home, so I didn’t have to worry about him. It was the girl he had gone with, and she was bawling her eyes out. I couldn’t even understand what she was saying. She was saying random words, as though she was attempting to piece them together in a sentence, and her crying just made things worse. I hung up on her, knowing something had gone wrong and I went over to the party. When I got there, there was this huge crowd on the front lawn, no music or anything. Just the sound of people yelling, screaming, and shouting. I could hardly get through there was so much chaos. But when I got to the middle… it was even worse, Billy.”
“Jax and this guy Jayden were going at it. Nothing new, knowing teenagers. But they were both high, and Jax was so mad. They were both on the football team, so there wasn’t any size or power disadvantages, but that honestly only made things worse. There was so much blood. Nobody would tell me what was happening, they were all too focused on chanting ‘Jackson’ or ‘Jayden’, picking sides. Jax wasn’t letting up, he had Jayden’s arms pinned to the ground with his knees, and he was literally smashing his nose in. I knew I had to do something. He wasn’t going to get out of this one, at all. He was going to end up in a jail cell or a hospital bed either way, but I had to stop it. I had to. It was dumb, I know that. I knew that then, and I know it now. But I grabbed him from behind, holding his arms as tight as I could and pulled him away. It only made him more upset though. He started thrashing, and when he threw his head back, it hit me square in the forehead. I let go of him, and when I did that… fuck… he turned around and punched me in the face. He hesitated after, for a second. He knew it was me, but then he started punching me. Over and over. I was so shocked, and upset, and horrified that it took me a few moments to fully register what was going on. But when I did, it took everything in me to get him to stop. Everyone in the crowd had stopped chanting. They didn’t help, they didn’t step in, but it had grown deadly silent except for the two of us.”
“There was a glass beer bottle on the ground next to me. I could hardly reach it, but I managed, and I had to hit him over the head to get him to stop. The glass broke and it shattered over the both of us. He collapsed on top of me, and all I wanted to do was hold him. But I couldn’t, so I threw him off of me. It was like staring at a crime scene photo there was so much blood on him. Jayden was passed out too, and he didn’t look much better. When I got back to Jeremy’s, neither did I. The cops showed up almost right after. I ran so fast when I heard those sirens, that I have no idea what happened to him. I got in my car and left. Without Jax. When I got home, Jeremy was there. That was the first, and most likely the last, time he had ever shown actually concern for me. When I walked in, and he saw the blood and that I was crying… it was like he was a whole different person. I collapsed in front of the door, and he came over, and actually held me and talked to me, like I was his niece. It was all too much, and I ended up passing out. When I woke up, it was around noon the next day and the blood was gone- he cleaned me with a rag, don’t worry. But, I never heard from Jax. I still haven’t. We moved a week later, him and my dad both agreed it’d be best. I don’t know why, I never asked. I also don’t know why he’s gone back to being an asshole… it kind of sucks… but it’s what I have to deal with. All of it is. So… yeah, I guess,” you finished finally, lifting your head up and looking over at Billy. “Oh my god why the fuck are you crying.”
“Why aren’t you?” Billy yelled, his eyes wide and his voice hoarse. You rolled your eyes, unsure of what to do. “(Y/N), that’s traumatic. You can’t just brush that off. Watching your best friend beat someone up, and then getting beaten up by your best friend, is not a normal experience!”
“No offense, asshole, but neither is your home life,” you shot back, glaring at him. Billy glared back and you looked away from him, avoiding his teary, blue eyes.
“Yes, princess, I’m aware of that. I don’t think that you are,” he said, reaching over to grab your chin and bring your gaze back to him.
“I don’t want to be. It’s better to forget about it, to forget about him. It’s why I click with James. He’s the better version of Jax. More calm, happy and bright. Saturday brought back that December night, and I didn’t want to deal with it. Seeing you in that fight just now, brought it back. Whenever I fight, it pushes the memory back even farther. But when I see you, or James, or even Chris fighting, it brings it all back. I don’t know why… but it does, and I don’t like it. I don’t want you to end up like him. Not more than you already are,” you admitted, looking up at him. Billy didn’t take offense to the comment, he knew he had problems- problems very similar to your friend.
“I get that, princess. But I need you to understand something,” he said firmly, his tone changing. Your eyebrows furrowed momentarily, but you nodded, ready to listen. “Tim laid his hands on you, in an attempt to end your life. I almost lost you two days ago. Today would not be happening right now, had you not done what you did. Today I’d be in prison for murder. Today, James, Chris and Vance would be mourning your death, alone. Do you understand that? Your neck, is bruised in three different shades. I can’t even breathe on it without you wincing. You’re trying to brush it off, like you’ve brushed off Jackson, but I refuse to brush it off. I will not let someone hurt you like that again. I’m well aware you can stick up for yourself, I’ve seen it first hand, but you shouldn’t have to. Truthfully, none of us should,” Billy hesitated before continuing, his blue eyes dashing between yours. “I called you my girl for a reason. It wasn’t a mistake, or a lie. I meant it. I hate seeing you in pain, whether I can see the pain or not, it doesn’t matter. If I can prevent, I will,” he finished. Your heart stuttered at his words, unsure of how to react. Nobody’s ever said something like that before. Sure you’ve had flings before, but nothing as serious as this.
So you did the only thing you could think of. Tilting your head up, you allowed your lips to connect with his. Your eyes fluttered shut, Billy’s hand instantly moving from your chin to the side of your face, while his lips moved against yours. His lips were chapped, and you each had a wound on your lip of some kind, so it wasn’t exactly pleasurable. It caused the kiss to sting a little, his chapped lips rubbing against your scabbed one, while yours pressed against the corner of his swollen, fat lip. But you two made it work. Your hand moved to his bare bicep, keeping you balanced, as his other hand tangled itself into your messy hair. You pulled back slowly, the sting on your lips soon becoming too much, and the sound of your kiss breaking filled the silent alley.
“Does that mean you’re not mad anymore?” Billy questioned, tilting his head with a playful smirk. You chuckled softly, shaking your head at him.
“I’m still mad, but I forgive you. And, I will gladly be your girl,” you grinned, watching Billy’s eyes light up as he returned your giddy smile.
“What’d I tell ya? The Princess and The Asshole sound perfect.”
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viktorbezic · 6 years
Lessons on Creativity from Rick Rubin
Rick Rubin is arguably one of the greatest producers of all time based on the number of hit albums produced. With a track record of not only popularizing new genres but also reviving artists and bands of the past by producing in a wide variety of genres. In my mind, the creative lessons learned not only transcend music genres but creative disciplines as well. His production credits are too numerous to list and span the gamut of metal to country and include: The Red Hot Chili Peppers, Jay-Z, AC/DC, Slayer, Neil Diamond, Johnny Cash, Tom Petty and Heartbreakers, Rage Against the Machine, Frank Ocean and the list goes on. I’ve made it a personal exercise to try and extract patterns or core principles that lead to his creative success from a doing a deep dive into his career through Jake Brown’s Rick Rubin in The Studio. The lessons learned are found below. They serve as reminders for me but hopefully are useful to others.
1. All aspects of your life fuel your creative output.
“My production style involves being in tune with everything. You can’t do it by listening to music. Pro-wrestling is really important. Movies. You know, everything. You have to make records the way that you live your life.” - Rick Rubin (1)
Your lifestyle contributes to your creativity. The rooms you sit in, the places you eat, the things you see, the media you consume, your routine and the people you talk to all have an influence on you and have the ability to spark something new. The act of creating is in large part a focused act. One of doing. But time away from work is critical as well. It creates the space for you to reflect and get a different perspective. You become the sum of influences. But sometimes you can’t do through sheer work alone. Sometimes you need time away from the work to make new connections. This is what Rubin is referring to when he says, “you can’t do it by listening to music.” In Wired to Create the author Scott Barry Kaufman describes how solitude leads to creative breakthroughs. As Kaufman states, science has confirmed that solitary reflection feeds the creative mind. Isolation is needed to reflect, make new connections and find meaning. Kaufman highlights some of the reclusive activities of filmmakers, writers, and philosophers seeking refuge in remote cabins to create from Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman to philosopher Martin Heidegger (2).
Another factor Kaufman highlights that lead to creative breakthroughs is an openness to new experiences. Kaufman references studies that show a higher correlation between openness and total creative achievement over other traditional characteristics such as IQ and divergent thinking (3). Having a singular focus may make your work feel one dimensional. By using your whole life to help influence your work the higher chance of originality.  Rarely are our interests singular, and it’s tough to place the various aspects of ourselves into silos. By embracing all of your influences, you’re able to channel a distinct point of view which shows up in your work.
2. If it’s a team effort, you have to like the people you work with.
The starting point for all of Rubin’s work is whether or not he has a healthy relationship with the artist. “I have to really like them as people first and foremost.” It can’t only be about the music. He really cares about what kind of people the artists are and what’s going on in their lives. He uses these inputs to evaluate whether or not they should collaborate (4). It sounds, but when tensions arise from pressure like a project deadline, poor team dynamics lead to the team's demise. The parallel here is also don’t work with assholes or be an asshole yourself.
Many creative partnerships start around mutually shared interests and a curiosity about the other collaborators. Someone’s project may hit you in the right way. You might reach out and ask how they produced the work and what their process is etc. I like the idea the conceptual artist and hacker Ryder Ripps puts it, "Those are the best kinds of friends to make, the ones that are around shared projects and interests” (5).
It’s hard to imagine any team that hates each other going the distance and doing great work. It happens on occasion. An example that comes to mind is A Tribe Called Quest. When they made the Love Movement they hated each other. And it’s arguably their worst album. It wasn’t a total write off, but it didn’t compare to the Low-End Theory and other records they had early on when they were more of a cohesive unit.
3. It’s not about what you can add, but you can take away.
With any creative project, the things that you don’t do are just as important as the things that you do. Rubin is a long time fan of AC/DC, he was drawn to them by their simple guitar riffs. It had a profound impact on how he thought about music. Rubin focused on simplicity with all of his artists and peeled away any unnecessary parts to get to the essence of an artist's music. As an example, when producing Electric for The Cult, he asked Billy Duffy to not use any effects on guitar solos. He’d tell Duffy “Play it clean, man; use a Les Paul, no effects.” (6). Bassist Jimmy Stewart also mentioned, “we stripped off all the surface clutter and got down to what we are really all about.” (7).
When Rubin helped the Red Hot Chili Peppers with Blood Sugar Sex Magic, Flea remarked, “On the majority of rock records you don’t hear a guitar or drums or bass. You hear a bunch of processed synthesized shit. That’s all because it’s a wall of sound…a recording studio creation. This record is very minimal, and it’s very live. When I hear it, I get a picture of a hand hitting a guitar, a string vibrating. This is four guys playing music. That took us a while to learn to do. There are so many options in the studio, you’ve got to know what you want. We were real careful not do anything unless it helped the song, which meant keeping that ‘band feel’ all the time."
My key takeaway, if something doesn’t feel right, trying to improve it with effects won’t work. Instead, we should be digging down deeper to find what better resonates with our tastes. By avoiding creating a wall of sound, the Red Hot Chili Peppers honed in on what really made a song great in their minds. It’s about peeling away the things that aren’t necessary. This can apply to any creative discipline. IE. Simplifying a design, editing down our writing, etc. As Antoine Saint Expury famously stated, “Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”
4. Don’t get stuck in a ‘genre.’
Rubin continually pushed himself to work with all different kinds of artists and music genres. From Rap and Heavy Metal to Country. His guiding principle was to operate on the fringes. He was into both Rap and Punk in the 80s because at the time they weren’t mainstream and there was a lot of room for experimentation and defining the sound (8). He started with hip-hop producing for both Run DMC and the Beastie Boys. Then he had success producing for The Cult which he followed up by producing for Slayer and Danzig. Creative differences with his Def Jam partner Russell Simmons forced him to create a new label. Instead of turning Def Jam into something it wasn’t. He decided to leave Def Jam and moved to the west coast to form Def American for all his other musical endeavors outside of hip-hop. Guiding principles for Rubin were vital, including a feel for music regardless of genre. It was about getting to the heart of an artist, and their music was about.
I’ve interpreted this as an example of being open and pursuing the things that feel right to you. If you feel like you’re not growing or stuck within a style, defined by you or not, it’s important to experiment outside of those boundaries. It’s effortless to do what you know and get complacent. Or take gigs to do X thing because you’ve done it fifty other times before. I’m not saying jump around and change your aesthetic or voice every week. You should definitely try to master a work style and hone in your voice in a focused way. Once it becomes routine, a change is required to maintain continued growth. A core philosophy or point of view that you can take with you across projects no matter how varied they may be. For Rubin, it was production by reduction and bringing mainstream sensibility and organization to music that’s on fringes or forgotten.  
5. Produce a lot of work and mine for ‘hits.’
This is definitely not a new idea, but to produce good work, you need to create a lot of it. It’s rare that you get a hit from producing only a small handful of things. A volume of work is required to not only build up your skill set but to actually start finding things that work. It also gives you way more material to recombine and reshape. Ultimately, after long sprints of creativity, you need a period of time edit and curate. You can’t jump into editing from the onset as you might not have enough output to play with. You also might squash new ideas by editing too early.
Rubin’s approach is to get artists to write at least 30 songs to be able to have 10 that are album worthy. If a band only writes 10 songs the chances are only 2 are album worthy. He encourages songwriting because the artists are in fact writers, and writers write. It’s the homework that needs to be done before you get to the studio. You need to know you have great material before getting to the studio. The studio is for performing and not writing. When Rubin produced Californication for the Red Hot Chili Peppers, he had them write a ton of songs, around 30 to 40. Followed by heavy practice during the spring and summer, so they knew exactly what they needed to do when they got to the studio (9).
I’ve rarely come up with a great idea without writing down hundreds of ideas. On top of that, it gets you into a rhythm and flow versus editing too early. Editing too soon can easily result in writer's block.
6. Technical skill doesn’t always trump substance and taste.
The designer Ben Pieratt turned me on to a concept he adopted from the book cover designer Peter Mendelsund which he calls “special wrongness.” It’s the quality of something that’s slightly off that makes it memorable or gives it a unique character. He used it in the context of creating a name for a company, but I feel the concept works for any form of creative output. When we try to perfect something, smooth out its rough edges or refine it to death, we smooth away some of its original voice and character. Rubin doesn’t focus on the technical skills it takes to produce a track but searches for what he finds unique in song. It usually the unique quirks or what others would perceive as mistakes that are part of the artist’s individual expression (10).
Most of the studios Rubin works in were built in the 50’s or 60’s. He believes their sound is superior to a modern studio that is appropriately spec’d out and perfected. He describes these studios as follows, “before they were kind of magically, with smoke and mirrors, made to sound good by people with good ears. Now everything is computer generated. Now it’s perfect, but there’s no vibe at all…” (11).  Bad vocals can be pitch corrected. You can argue that these corrections don’t make the work any better, depending on your definition of ‘better’. I guess the key whether or not there’s something worth correcting in the first place. Rubin goes on to state, “I do not know how to work a board. I don’t turn knobs. I have no technical ability whatsoever. But I’m there when [artists] need to me to be there. My primary asset is I know whether I like something or not. It always comes down to taste…I’m there for any key creative decisions” (12)
7. You don’t need to wait for special equipment to get it done. Embrace constraints.
When Rubin and the Beastie Boys produced their first album Licensed to Ill, they had no samplers and no digital technology. Chung King where they recorded was an analog studio. They would make tape loops. They would also have 3 or 4 people on a console who would be responsible for however many buttons they could press. There was no automation the songs were literally hand made. On the drumbeat in “Fight for Your Right,” Rubin and engineer Steve Ett would physically hit the rubber pads with their bare hands to emphasize the song’s kick and snare parts. Even though it took much more work to create a song it allowed for more freedom to alter a song on the fly (13).
There has to be a strong desire to create. With that, you’ll use anything that’s in front of you to pull something off. I’m reminded of a quote from photographer William Eggleston that illustrates the point, "The artist... If the thing is in that person to do, it will find a way out. Doesn't matter where you plant it.” Waiting to buy the latest tool, or to properly learn the software, may not help you produce better work. Or even help you produce more work. You may find another excuse altogether once you get the equipment you think you need. Start creating and experimenting with whatever you have in front of you. The only way you’ll learn to do something right is by spending a large amount of time doing it wrong. I’m using “right” in relative terms. As in what’s right for you. Constraints may also help the creative process along. I’ve written a series on creative breakthroughs based on constraints here.
8.  Collaborate and Cross-pollinate
Rubin highly encouraged collaboration among all of his Def Jam artists to come up with breakthroughs and to push each other creatively. LL Cool J wrote songs for Run DMC. Run DMC shared songs with the Beastie Boys. An example is Slow and Low. The Beastie Boys took the track and modified the lyrics to reflect their interests. The idea to play the beat backwards on "Paul Revere" came from Run when the Bestie Boys were looking for a slower beat to rap over. Around this time Rubin had also signed Slayer to Def Jam. He walked down the hall and asked guitarist Kerry King of Slayer to play the lead on the Beastie Boys “No Sleep till Brooklyn” track. They shared the studio and didn’t know each other until the collaboration. It took a few minutes, but it became a signature part of the song (14).  
Although Def Jam was a small label and didn’t have a massive roster of acts Rubin used what artist he did have in his studio to full capacity. They influenced each other, and he could take parts and pieces of their talents and strengths to make a song that he felt in his mind worked. My key takeaway is, yes it’s good to work alone to get things done. But periods of collaboration are needed to expand on initial thoughts and improve the final product. Diverse perspectives can lead to more unique outputs. Stephen Johnson, in Where Good Ideas Come From highlights London coffee houses during the Age of Enlightenment. It wasn’t the lone genius toiling by themselves but the interactions between creative people and free-floating conversations around different passions and interests. It allowed different networks of people to come that typically wouldn’t in the course of their day. And through their interactions would get new ideas (15).
9. Work with your idols
AC/DC is a band that Rubin admired for years to the point where AC/DC became his archetype for how to produce rock records. Very minimalistic sounds, peeling back all the layers to get to a raw sound. He worked directly with AC/DC after years of using their music as his benchmark for an excellent rock record. Their first collaboration began when he worked on one song with AC/DC for the Last Action Hero soundtrack. He would later produce 1995’s Ballbreaker Album with his idols. The key for Rubin was going back to their classic signature sound that was very stripped down (16).
In my mind, I think it was inevitable that Rubin would cross paths with his heroes after being committed to their music making approach and applying it to most of the bands he worked with for so long. He was so well versed in their material that when the opportunity came up, he was prepared to capitalize on it and brought them back to their original sound. It’s rare that we get to work with our heroes. But having a group of creative folks whose work you appreciate and follow may help guide some of your own work as there's some type of resonance between the work that they produce and the work that you create. Austin Kleon referred to this notion as identifying your creative lineage. Similar to a family lineage there’s a genealogy of folks who came before you that you have parts of. There’s also a genealogy of ideas. Although you can’t pick your family, you can indeed select who you allow to influence you based on the books you read, the music you listen to, etc. Similar to where we started in the article. Your creative lineage the sum total of life experience. What you let into your life becomes what influences you. You become the sum total of your influences. Although it’s rare to wind up working for your heroes at worst, you’ll end up finding a community that shares similar influences (17).
1.  Rick Rubin: in the Studio, by Jake Brown, Accessible Publishing Systems, 2009. Page 1. 
2. Kaufman, Scott Barry. Wired to Create. Penguin Publishing Group, 2015. Page 45. 
3. Idem. Page 84. 
4. Rick Rubin: in the Studio, by Jake Brown, Accessible Publishing Systems, 2009. Page 3.
5.  Anderson, Chuck. “Life + Limb.” Ryder Ripps - Life + Limb // A Podcast about Creativity with Chuck Anderson, 10 Sept. 2014, www.lifeandlimb.com/episode/ryder-ripps.
6. Rick Rubin: in the Studio, by Jake Brown, Accessible Publishing Systems, 2009. Page 63. 
7. Idem. Page 64. 
8. Idem. Page 4.
9. Idem. Page 141.
10. Pieratt, Ben. “A 3-Step Process for Naming a Project/Product. (And Some Resources).” Ben Pieratt, Blog, 20 Feb. 2014, blog.pieratt.com/post/77293289254/a-3-step-process-for-naming-a-projectproduct.
11. Rick Rubin: in the Studio, by Jake Brown, Accessible Publishing Systems, 2009. Page 11.
12. Idem. Page 15.
13. Idem. Page 45.
14. Idem. Page 46.
15. Johnson, Steven. Where Good Ideas Come from: the Seven Patterns of Innovation. Penguin, 2010.
16. Rick Rubin: in the Studio, by Jake Brown, Accessible Publishing Systems, 2009. Page 120.
17. Kleon, Austin. Steal like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You about Being Creative. Workman, 2012.
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irenenorth · 6 years
New Post has been published on Irene North
New Post has been published on http://www.irenenorth.com/writings/2018/03/sometimes-you-have-to-climb-high-to-feel-your-feet-on-the-ground/
Sometimes you have to climb high to feel your feet on the ground
Courthouse and Jail rock are two of the most famous landmarks of westard migration. The Oregon-California, Mormon, and Sidney-Deadwood Trails passed by here. So did the Pony Express trail. Courthouse Rock was mentioned in many diaries. It was sometimes referred to as a castle or solitary tower.
During the past few weeks, I have seen some of the most difficult days in my life. A dear friend parted this world and is no more. He left behind him a wake of love and questions. He could not see the love that surrounded him and I cannot ever blame him for taking his life. I have been there. I know. I understand. But there will forever be questions about what happened and why. They will probably never be answered and those of us left behind must find the strength to continue in the absence of answers.
In this time, I have heard some hurtful words. I refrained from responding, but they cut deep and I needed to get back to what I know to be true.
In my life, the Earth, its soil, the vastness of the outdoors has strengthened me through tough times. It is a way to escape the world, the vulgarity of false kindness, to take time standing as one with nature with the geologic wonders we take for granted every day.
Paul and I made the decision to travel just south of Bridgeport to spend a couple of hours at Courthouse and Jail Rocks. I chose to take the long way. The journey was, in more than one way, a new one. It was a different path, a different highway, than we had traveled before.
As we neared the Wildcat Hills, I shoved my foot to the floor. The speedometer increased to 80 mph. The extra speed is needed to get over the hill without slowing down to a crawl. Ludovico Einaudi’s Giorni Dispari was half way finished when we reached the apex of the hill. The wide open of Banner County lay ahead of us, embracing us as we descended into the valley.
As we drove on down the road, my change in music selection was paying off. Mostly instrumental, the music calms the anxiety within. Turning East onto Highway 88, we began the thirty-three mile journey to the rocks.
To the north, bits of green poke through the tan-colored land. Spring is trying to arrive. Clouds gently kissed the Wildcat Hills as they passed overhead.
A golden pheasant with its bright blue and red head sauntered along the south side of the highway. An osprey collapsed its wings as it settled on the top of a wooden post marking the limit where nearby cattle could graze.
A nodding donkey slowly moved up and down, pulling oil out of the ground while local birds took turns playing chicken in front of my car.
A field of calves, nary an adult to be seen, ate grass in a field east of Redington, oblivious to vehicles passing by, except one. A calf near the fencing at the edge of the road locked eyes with me as I approached the field. Cinematic Orchestra’s Arrival of the Birds played on my radio.
The young black calf with a white face watched me as my car got closer. We looked into each other’s eyes and turned our heads to maintain the moment, if ever so briefly. Forced to return my eyes to the road, I glanced in my side view mirror as I drove away from the field. The calf was still looking at me.
We continued toward our destination.
“Ooo, the rocks,” Paul said, breaking the conversational silence. They were to the left of the road and loomed over everything nearby. As I turned to glance at them, something caught my eye. To the right, a hawk was in the middle of grasping its claws around a power line. Its feathers fluctuating in the wind. It struggled to hold on as it shifted uneasily and tightened its grasp on the line.
As we arrived at Court House and Jail Rock and stopped to take a picture of the entrance marker, Paul had to touch it. He does that. I won’t bore you with the Geology lesson I received.
We turned north. A few moments later, we turned back west onto a dirt road that lead to Courthouse and Jail Rocks. H3Ctic’s Unbreakable took us up the dirt road to where we could begin our hike.
Looking East at Jail Rock. British guy for height reference. He is 5’9″ or 1.75 meters.
Courthouse and Jail Rocks rise more than 4,050 feet (1,230 meters) above the North Platte Valley. They are composed of clay, sandstone, and volcanic ash.
Looking North toward the city of Bridgeport from halfway up Courthouse Rock. My Toyota Yaris looks tiny from my location. According to the National Park Service Courthouse and Jail Rocks are the erosional remnants of an ancient plateau that bisected the North Platte River. The site is more than 4,050 feet above sea level and rise more than 240 feet above nearby Pumpkin Creek.
The rocks are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and in the Nebraska Natural Areas Register.
Do you see it there in the distance? Emigrants on the westward trails would be looking for it. From Courthouse Rock, you can see Chimney Rock, even on an overcast day.
Hey, Nick and Rebecca. You’re assholes. Stop defacing landmarks. Yes, I understand people have been doing it for thousands of years. That still doesn’t make it right.
At this point in time, Paul and I diverged from each other. I began looking at the makeup of Courhouse Rock. I told him he could go ahead of me if he wanted. Whenever I say that, we usually find ourselves separated. I was intrigued by the erosion patterns. He disappeared.
The soft dirt gave way to the weight of my body along the trail. The ground beneath me changed from solid and steady to soft, pliable sand. My feet sank into the ground, leaving marks behind. The smooth dirt was a reminder of the fragility of the land, the people, and the birds in the sky.
I had hoped to see more of the animals that are native to the area and who regularly climb on, over, and around Courthouse and Jail Rocks. It is the wrong time of year for snakes, so a good time for humans to hike the area, but the other local residents, such as deer, were nowhere to be found.
I wandered around a little bit, climbing up, down, and around Courthouse Rock. I looked around and couldn’t see Paul. I called out to him several times, but no answer. I didn’t feel a need to panic. I took a few steps forward and was about to call for him again when I saw something about thirty feet ahead of me. Suddenly, I didn’t really care where Paul was at.
After looking at the bones for a while, I heard a cough in the distance. I recognized it. I looked up, but didn’t see Paul. I yelled his name.
“What?” was the reply. I still didn’t see him. Then, his head, covered by the gray hood of his sweatshirt emerged from behind the rock. He was on a trail near the top of Courthouse Rock.
“How the hell did you get up there?”
“I don’t know. I just followed the trail.”
“Well…be careful.”
“I’m fine.”
The British billy goat running around near the top of Courthouse Rock.
Paul continued walking East to the other side of Courthouse Rock. When he neared the end, he turned around and came back to the middle. He paced back and forth a few times.
“Whatcha lookin’ for?”
“I’m not sure how to get down from here.”
“Just go back the way you came.”
“I’m not sure which way that is.”
Welp. This outing is no different than any other. If Paul leads, he gets lost. I was sure we were going to be here for many hours as he tried to figure out how to get down.
I think Paul has lived in America for too long. He then did the most American thing one would expect. He just started climbing straight down the edge of Courthouse Rock. No path? Didn’t matter. He was coming down.
Paul had already climbed down from the level above. When he reached this location, it was a straight fifteen foot drop or climb back up and go around. Despite how it looks, this is not a gentle slope.
When given a choice, Paul always takes the most difficult option.
This is the moment Paul fell off Courthouse Rock. I was pretty sure I was taking photographs of his last moments on Earth. The grassy area is inbetween where Paul is falling and the ground. He actually has about another eight feet to fall.
“Are you okay?”
Paul stood up immediately. He brushed his ass off and then his hands. He looked back up at where he had just fallen from. Then he looked proudly at me and smiled.
“Are you sure?”
“What the hell? Why didn’t you just go back around.”
“I dunno.”
Paul made his way back down off the rock and rejoined me. We began walking back to the car when he had another revelation for me.
“I hit my head too,” he said. “If it doesn’t stop hurting, I might need to go to the hospital.”
“It’s okay. Bridgeport has a hospital.”
The cool temperatures of the morning had turned our hands and faces red. Even Paul’s hooded sweatshirt and my hooded jacket, the wind licked our skin just enough to to make it cool to the touch. We chatted on our way back down to my car and cranked up the heat to get warm on our two-mile drive to BurgerWerx for lunch.
“I kind of need to pee,” I said as we climbed back into the car.
“I already took care of that,” Paul said.
“I hate you so much,” I said.
Just like in Florence, Italy when Paul peed against a church, he did so again. This time against Courthouse Rock.
As we arrived at BurgerWerx for an early lunch, Paul got out of the car and said, “my butt really hurts.”
Paul stood up straight and stretched as he exited the car. He was still holding his backside, complaining he was in a bit of pain.
“My head still hurts, too,” he said. “Hopefully, I don’t lapse into a coma.”
I rolled my eyes as closed the car door. We walked into BurgerWerx for lunch.
Paul took a photo of me checking a message on my phone. Hair messed up from wind – check. Getting ready to eat a tasty burger – check. Wearing my new favorite shirt – check.
Well deserved lunch at BurgerWerx. This was our first visit to the place. Not bad. Probably will go back.
As we sat down to eat, Paul begin turning his left hand over and over.
“Did you hurt your hand, too?”
“Yeah. And my head hurts. I might have a concussion.”
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.
“Split those rings in half, will ya?”
Paul took half the onion rings and pushed the container over to me. I dumped them out onto the paper my bacon cheeseburger was sitting on.
In between bites of burgers, fries and rings, we chatted about Geoffrey and how to move forward from here. We reminisced about taking him out for Indian food in Denver for the first time. I couldn’t believe he had eaten so much for such a skinny little kid. He loved the spiciness and abundance of flavors.
The air outside was still chilly. The weatherman predicts snow for Sunday. It’s certainly cold enough for snow.
Taking the easy way home along Highway 92, several hawks had perched themselves on electric poles along the highway. If I was alone in the car, I would have stopped for every single one to try and get pictures. I pointed them out to Paul as we made our way past McGrew.
“Hey, the Pink Palace,” he said. “I still want to eat there.”
“I know.”
Instrumental music filled the recycled air inside my car. The Scotts Bluff National Monument could barely be seen in the distance. The overcast day obscured most of the bluffs along our way.
It’s still chilly outside. We’re awaiting the arrival of the snow. The ground beneath us is solid here in town. On any adventure, you must be careful of which way the soil moves. It can take you in unexpected directions or keep you in place just long enough to recognize the beauty of it all.
Sometimes you have to climb high to feel your feet on the ground and see what lies ahead.
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