#victorious tryndamere
aurelion-solar · 6 months
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New Summoner Icons:
Arcane Jinx Merch Icon
Victorious Tryndamere Ranked Split Icon
Brolaf Border Icon
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sins-of-warriors · 1 month
"I don't know about you guys...
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"... But I age like fine wine..."
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“Cock shock, bitch” from Tryndamere to Starfire @sins-of-warriors
Starfire struggled to sit up when she felt his cock smack onto her face. She looked up at the victorious warrior and gulped nervously at the sheer size of him, and the implications of what was about to happen. "I-I don't suppose you'd be willing to accept a rematch instead?" She wasn't sure if she could fit such a massive member inside of her, not when the largest thing to ever enter her had been Dick's dick, which when compared to Tryndamere, was positively tiny.
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league-of-starlight · 7 months
Jarvan IV Voice Update concept:
First Move:
“For Demacia, we ride!”
“A king must fight the battles his subjects cannot.”
“Raise the banners!”
Long move:
“I was almost lost to my rage and grief. Even now, I feel tempted.”
“My citizens suffered from my lack of judgement. For them, I must be better.”
First encounter:
“You face Demacia’s King!”
“Stand firm, let us begin.”
“You can leave with no dishonour.”
Joke response:
“This is no time for jokes, onward!”
Taunt response:
“Bravado is a hollow shield.”
“Demacia never retreats!”
“For my father!”
“Another casualty of war.”
“I must recover, stay strong!”
“Continue the fight!”
“So long as Demacia stands, so shall I!”
“A poor decision.”
Character specific dialogue:
First encounter:
Garen: “Shall we spar like old times?”
Demacian Vice Garen: *Stifling laughter* “Garen, what are you wearing?”
Katarina: “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“What does he see in you?”
Kayle: “Are you here to judge me?”
Ally Leblanc: “Do not assume any measure of trust, witch.”
Lux: “Demacia will always have a place for you, whenever you are ready.”
Noxians: “Your people claim strength, yet fail to achieve victory.”
Pool Party skins:
“I don’t take a lot of breaks these days. A shame.”
Shyvana: “No transformation is forever, isn’t that right?”
“Fools only see the beast. I see the Demacian Heart.”
Swain: “Making a pact with a demon to have a new arm? How Noxian.”
Sylas: “Sylas. Do you have something to say?”
Xin Zhao: “My skills have not slipped, old friend. Shall I prove it?”
Darius: “As brutish as I expected.”
Garen: “I know about that Noxian woman. …Please explain.”
Sion: “I will be the last Jarvan you face.”
Swain: “Tell me, will those ravens eat your corpse?”
Tryndamere: “I know a man with a much better sword.”
Taunt Response:
Swain: “Instead of your arm, perhaps I’ll sever your head.”
Sion: “May my ancestor rest in peace.”
Sylas: “I will keep my promise.”
Talon: “A skilled assassin doesn’t mean a skilled warrior as well.”
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pantheon-god-of-war · 3 years
If possible, are there any Pantheon skins that you wish to be Canon?
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Just give us a Legendary The Warrior skin of Pantheon reborn.
Lore wise it could be after the Ruination. Atreus has expelled Pantheon from his body with his own gritty resolve, Pantheon requires a vessel to take form in mortal shape but the war of the Ruination has caused so much havoc and strengthened him so much that he manages to keep a corporal form for a brief while. He retreats to the peak of Targon and to spite Atreus revives his long-dead friend Pylas to possess and mold his flesh to the war gods needs. Pantheon is fully in control because Pylas has long since died, only using the body himself.
Now Pantheon pursues the interests of Targon and his own dark desires while Atreus tries to actively counter the War god. Both will still fight the darkin, but for different reasons. Pantheon will do so because they threaten Targon Prime and Atreus does so to save the humans that's would undoubtedly die in the wake of the darkin.
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Pantheon differs from Atreus in a few key aspects (heh) where Atreus is noble and stalwart, Pantheon is deliberate and ruthless, where Atreus anger towards the gods is a cold and determined hate Pantheon's contempt for mortals, darkin and all those who would face him is clearly made evident, he speaks with pride, being condescending to everyone he encounters, thirsting for another challenge to vanquish. His LoR voice lines already highlight his personality quite well and I think the sound effects work perfectly for him, that could all be ported from LoR into league to replicate the sound effect. Voice line wise he could have interactions with the following:
Pantheon (Atreus) - While Pantheon does not outright hate Atreus like let's say Aatrox for example he sees the mortal man as a failure of a warrior, knowing only defeat his entire life. Interactions would be more condescending.
Ascended Pantheon - Here Pantheon would see Ascended Atreus as a worthy challenge, something along the lines of "Perhaps now you can prove yourself worthy." Or something more condescending. "No matter the cosmic might you hold, you will always be a mortal."
Aatrox - He loathes Aatrox with a passion for what he did to him, but also realizes that the Darkin might be his only true equal combat-wise.
Leona - Pantheon would be fond of Leona, applaud her for her fine work, call her the daughter of Targon, and that the sun is proud of what she has wrought upon the Mountain. He would tell her that she is right, that she needs to defend her people from the coming darkness and not grow careless upon her golden throne. He would support the militaristic order of the Solari and goad on their zealous witch hunt as in the end all he cares about is war and the more carnage Leona causes on the mountain in the name of the sun, the stronger he gets.
Diana - Diana is the same as Leona, he would tell her to keep fighting, to hold on and think of her people. That he can see the cracks in the Solari foundation and that soon the moon will triumph. Much like Leona, these are sweet lies to goad both of them onward to fight harder and grow more reckless in their pursuit of victory.
Taric - Taric is the antithesis to Pantheon, championing love and life against his war and hate, He would call out Taric and try to kill the noble hero because he spits on the ideals Taric protects.
Soraka - Pantheon would be disappointed in Soraka, to have forsaken the stars for these mortals, he would never understand and while he is not hostile he also tells her that she is dead to him. Just another mortal.
Zoe - He would want to know how Zoe sealed the Darkin away, and if there is a way to make them disappear forever. He would also be annoyed by her childish appearance/demeanor since Myisha was a lot more mature than Zoe.
Aurelion Sol - He would remind Aurelion Sol that with his return the tether locking him to Targon grows stronger again. It has been Pantheon for ages to bind Aurelion to Targon and now with him returned Pantheon will make sure Aurelion is put back in his place.
Other Darkin - He would simply tell them that their end is nigh, that Pantheon has found them, and that they are about to expire.
Other Gods/Demi Gods - here it depends on how many interactions would be wanted, he could comment on the powers of the sun disc being borrowed from the Sun/Solari/Leona's aspect or challenge Volibear to a fight. Lots more here if interactions need to be stretched out.
Sion - Pantheon looks kindly on Sion, a beast revived for war, its very humanity dull and eroded where only violence and anger remain. Pantheon would call Sion his champion of War and tell him to go slaughter in the name of war.
Other Warriors (Garen/Tryndamere/Darius/Olaf/etc) He would salute them and challenge them to combat, noting how a death at his feet is the greatest honor they can wish for.
A cool idea for VO would be that he gets a Taunt like normal champs but then you get different voice lines for ally champions when you hit taunt.
Enemy Pantheon - "Atreus, you come before me again, with my very own spear. Kneel boy. A dog should recognize it's better."
Ally Pantheon - "You feel the power, let loose Atreus, show me your rage and perhaps you will be worthy of my favor."
Enemy Aatrox - "Another one of your flesh puppets for me to rend Aatrox? Pathetic!"
Ally Aatrox - "You and me against them?! Who can stand against Aspect AND Darkin?"
Enemy Leona - "You say you burn as the sun does! So then, show me your fire girl!"
Ally Leona - "The daughter of Targon and War eternal who could hope to stand against such a phalanx of spear, sword, and shield?"
I always wanted to have more interaction with allies, since you only see enemy champions every now and then, and even if you do they mostly attack you and never let you enjoy the interactions. Whereas if you play with friends you can actually enjoy this content of ally interaction. Idk why Riot has not done this before.
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The base design doesn't have to differ so much from the Legends of Runeterra Warrior design. (KEEP IT RED) Red stands for hot-headed aggression, red stands for fire, red stands for blood. Red is a color much more fitting to war than blue and the argument that Pantheon's cape is blue to show his allegiance with the stars is null and void since LoR showed us all HOW GOOD red looks on Pantheon. It fits so much better.
Some small tweaks here and there perhaps but overall the base model looks great. If the cape would be longer and more flowing like Yoric it would be great, aside from that there could be small visual design changes for reaching levels 6/11/16. Also as a longtime Pantheon main I really love the aesthetic of his face being shrouded, I dislike the new post rework Pantheon skins for that very reason. Pulsefire, Ruined and even Ascended Pantheon are all marred by the face that they show his face, when his facelessness was something that made him stand out. In this skin he should absolutely not have a face since he is a divine being that helmet should be his face, the face of war, nothing else.
The colors get brighter and hotter, to signal that Pantheon is getting supercharged with the psychic energies of war, colors would go from red-orange to bright yellow, additionally, the number of spears in his cape could also increase from 2/4/6 at levels 6/11/16 with small edits like the passive fire on spear and shield and the fire plume increasing in sizes slightly.
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There could be a number of smaller tweaks to make the VFX stand out. Like pulling a new spear from his cape after Pantheon throws it. Or that Pantheon doesn't even throw the main spear but shoots a spear forward from his cape as he can manifest them. Voicelines like "Unstoppable, War eternal an Invincible!" could be added to his E whenever he uses it as if he mocks whoever dares attack him. "Here mortal, or just Heel!" when he stuns you.
His ult could be Pantheon coming straight down where the spear lands, instead of in an angle, and the angle is then covered by either a spear storm or meteorite shards. The straight-down Pantheon landing being a homage to Grand Skyfall. He does not land sooner and he still shoots down a spear first, but this time he just lands from above.
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As for the dance, either you give him some workout to flex on people or you give him the Ricardo Milos dance. Which let's be honest, everyone wants to see.
Lore wise I think Pantheon is very important. Currently, we have Pantheon (Atreus) Diana and Taric who are all outright heroes. Aphelios serves under Diana and Zoe does not really care she does whatever she wants. Soraka while a hero lives secluded. Targon only has Leona as a villain and the celestial Pantheon would fill that slot very well. He is the god of war, he would try to rouse them all against one another and also give them a reason to unite against him. To fight together, and perhaps even be incentive enough for Leona and Diana to lay down their weapons and join forces.
Additionally, all it takes is a skin to create a champion's worth of impact on the league universe. There doesn't need to be a new champion from Targon to push the narrative forward which means less time that needs to be invested on Riots part.
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Thank you for your time, I will be sitting here on my mountain top, waiting and hoping that I started a fire.
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ofdarkestdesires · 2 years
New M/F Gif Prompt List ofdarkest list 9A Glynda need an incentive to keep grading her students and Tryn was eager to lend a hand.
New OfDarkest M/F 9A: Tryndamere and Glynda
“Mmph~ mmm, ah~ a-and that’s—mmm~ that’s a B for Mr. Winchester~ n-next one~ mmm~”
Glynda tried to act like she was paying more attention to the papers she was grading, but the moment Tryn had offered she suck his cock while grading to keep herself motivated, it had the exact opposite reaction. She now found herself going even slower as she worked his cock more eagerly with each name she finished.
“Next is Miss Nikos, correct~?” Tryn asked with a smirk, fingers tangling in Glynda’s blonde hair. The teacher hummed in agreement, taking a moment to deepthroat his cock, the room immediately filled with the sounds of her lewd and delightful gagging and slurping, before pulling back with a gasp and licking her lips.
“Y-yes, she is~” she moaned, before immediately stamping her with an ‘A+’. “She’s a perfect student as always, though~ now where were we~?”
Tryndamere chuckled as she immediately impaled her throat on his cock again, the formerly refined professor letting more and more of her true slut self come out as she desperately deepthroated his cock and bobbed back and forth on it like it was all she wanted. Smirking, the other Professor took the rest of her papers.
“Why don’t I finish this for you, and you can continue~?” he suggested—and no sooner had he finished the sentence than had Glynda dropped from her desk and dropped to her hands and knees at his feet, tearing open her top to let her tits bounce free to smother his cock with and start sucking him off with even more earnestness.
A victorious smile on the barbarian’s proud features, he leaned over and quickly signed off on her paperwork for her, before tangling his fingers in her hair and finally giving the desperate blonde the facefucking she craved.
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infinite-xerath · 3 years
Runeterra Retcons: Ruination Episode (Finale)
Finale 1/2
From the darkness, you emerge into a field of lowers. Dawn breaks over the horizon to illuminate crumbling ruins all around you: what looks to be the remnants of a once-great kingdom. The Black Mist, the screaming of the wraiths and the sounds of battle have all vanished. The scene before you is almost tranquil, but that tranquility is cut short when you notice the figures ahead of you.
Lucian: “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!”
Lucian lets loose a flurry of light from his Relic pistols, but Viego seems entirely unfazed as the light fails to pierce his armor. Vex stands behind him, and further back, you see the unconscious form of Senna hanging from a pillar by ethereal chains. At her feet are the now-lifeless fetters, laid out almost like an offering.
Viego: “Do you see now how futile it is, Sentinel? How powerless you are to save the one you love, just as I was?”
Lucian: “Damn it!”
You hear the Maiden of the Mist whispering to you once more, beckoning you to succumb to her influence.
Maiden: “Yes. It is meaningless to resist. Come. Let us be as one.”
Though her words are oddly enticing, they also spark a realization within you. Suddenly, Yorick’s words click in your mind as you rise to your feet.
“We haven’t lost yet, Lucian!”
“Don’t give up yet!”
All eyes turn toward you as you race up the hill, your fingers digging tightly into Yorick’s shroud of darkness.
Lucian: “Rookie!? What the hell are you doin’ here?”
Viego: “Another uninvited guest? Well, no matter. Welcome to Camavor, child. Soon, my queen and I will be reunited, and all will be as it should.”
“You’re wrong, Viego.”
“You missed a piece.”
Viego: “What?”
Vex: “Ugh, what’s this idiot talking about now? Honestly, I can just finish him off right here. Just give the word, boss.”
“You’ve gathered up Isolde’s light, but you completely ignored her darkness.”
“There was a fetter right under your nose all this time, but you couldn’t see it. No… You never wanted to!”
Viego response 1: “Ridiculous! My queen is perfect! Pure! She is the light of my world! There is not a shred of darkness in her!”
Viego response 2: “Impossible. You speak nonsense, child. The last remnant resides in her, the Sentinel! There… There is no other…”
“Isolde was just a person, Viego, and everyone has a little darkness inside of them!”
“You want your queen to be perfect, but even she can feel hatred and sorrow Let me show you!
You toss Yorick’s cloak into the air and the darkness forms into a ghastly figure: the Maiden of the Mist. Viego’s face contorts in horror as he watches the specter manifest, as though unable to believe what he’s seeing.
Viego: “It cannot be… But there is no doubt! I can feel her inside this… Creature! Isolde!?”
Maiden: “Ah, my king! Our king! You wrenched us from our slumber, now you would abandon us!? You said you wanted to be one… Then join us! Join us in eternity!”
The Maiden reaches out her hands as her, filling the air with her inhuman wails. A chord of darkness forms between her and Viego as the Maiden siphons his power away from him.
Viego: “No! Stop this! STOP IT!”
Vex: “What did you just do!?”
“Lucian, now your chance!”
“Lucian, get Senna!”
Lucian stares in disbelief at the scene before him a while long, but quickly shakes himself from his daze. As Viego struggles against the Maiden, Lucian makes for the pillar, blasting Senna free from her restraints. Senna falls to ground, but Lucian is quick to catch her.
Senna: “Ngh…”
Lucian: “Senna!”
Senna: “Lucian…?”
Lucian: “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
Senna rises to her feet, clutching her head. A look of visible confusion corsses her face as she scans the scene before her.
Senna: “What’s happening? Where are we? Is that… Viego?”
Viego continues to struggle against the Maiden’s pull, but to no avail. You see strands of light mingling with the darkness as the Maiden feasts, though a familiar shadow soon manifests behind her.
Vex: “Get off of him!”
Vex and her shadow sever the connection between Viego and the Maiden, causing both to cry out in pain. The Maiden soon reverts back into a cloak of darkness, falling unceremoniously onto the ground.
As the connection is severed, whisps of scatter all around you, darting about the ruins before finally embedding themselves into the fetters at Senna’s feet. One finds refuge within your Wayfinder, restoring the Relic’s light.
Senna: “Just what is happening here, Lucian?”
Lucian struggles to think of an explanation, but before he can, the doll at Senna’s feet suddenly floats into the air and springs to life. In a flash of light, Gwen is standing beside her commanding officers, her form fully restored.
Gwen: “Goodness! I think I just had a most awful dream… Oh, hello Lucian! Senna! Rookie! And…”
Gwen frowns when she sees Viego and Vex.
Gwen: “Ah, it seems now is not the time for happy reunions!”
“Welcome back, Gwen!”
“Welcome back, Senna!”
Viego turns his gaze toward you, his eyes full of malice.
Viego: “You! You will pay for this, child!
Viego screams with rage and charges you, leveling his sword straight for your heart. You reach for your Relicstone shard, though it quickly becomes apparent that you won’t be able to grasp it time.
Senna: “Rookie! Look out!”
Finale 2/2
Just as it seems Viego’s sword is about to run you through, a swirling barrier of violet energy surrounds you. The blade of the Ruined King glances harmlessly off and Viego staggers back in surprise. Shen and the other Sentinels all appear manifest you, as well as those you set free from Viego’s control. The Eye of Twilight falls to the ground, nearly breathless.
Shen: “It seems… We were not… Too late.”
Akshan: “Indeed! Now, what is happening?”
“We’ve got Viego on the ropes!”
“Viego’s weakened! Now, let’s finish him!”
Vayne: “I’m not sure what you did, kid, but it looks like we can finally put this monster down once and for all!”
Viego: “Ngh… How dare you!?”
Senna: “Sentinels! Let’s wrap this up!”
Taking charges of the group once more, Senna directs each Sentinel’s efforts toward bringing down the Ruined King. Though weakened, Viego still holds a great deal of power at his disposal, conjuring swaths of Black Mist to keep you and your allies at bay. Despite your greater numbers, you can feel the exhaustion of the last several hours earing down on your, and your allies are clearly nearing their limits as well.
Suddenly, the Relicstone shard in your pocket flies from your grasp. You turn to see Senna standing behind you, her cannon now broken up in several different pieces lingering in the air before her. Your piece soon joins them as a web of radiance and darkness spreads between.
Senna: “I’ve got you!”
Energy courses through you as a wave of power washes over the battlefield, surrounding you and your allies in shimmering barriers. Viego, on the other hand, is thrown back into the grass, his armor breaking apart from the impact. He seems almost pathetic as he scrambles to his feet, desperately seeking a way to turn the tides in his favor.
Viego. “This cannot be… Our reunion was nearly at hand!”
“Admit it, Viego! You never really loved her! She was never anything more than a prize to you!”
“She may have loved you once, Viego, but not anymore! Not after what you’ve become!”
Viego: “Damn you!”
Vex: “Viego! Come on!”
All eyes turn to see Vex standing before another shadowy portal. Upon realizing that she’s been spotted, the yordle leaps through, not even daring to look back.
Lucian: “Don’t let him get away!”
Viego creates a Harrowed path along the ground as he sprints across the field, appearing and disappearing so frequently that it’s impossible to get a clean shot it. Ultimately, the Ruined King flees through the Vex’s gateway just as it closes, leaving you and your allies alone in the silent ruins of Camavor.
“We’ve gotta go after him!”
“Where did they go!?”
Lillia (if option 1 is picked): “But… But where did he go? Back to those dreadful Isles, maybe?”
Gangplank (if option 2 is picked): “Back to the Shadow Isles I’d wager, the slippery bastard.”
Shen: “My apologies… I would follow, but…”
Jayce: “Hey, don’t push yourself. I’m still not sure how this spirit stuff works yet, but it clearly took a lot out of you to get us here.”
Senna: “Nothing for it. For now, let’s gather up the fetters and get back to headquarters, or what’s left of it. We’ll discuss out next move there. Rookie, that Wayfinder still intact?”
“The Wayfinder is back online!”
“Good to go!”
Gwen and the other Sentinels gather up the fetters, though you quickly note that Yorick’s shadow cloak has vanished. Deciding not to dwell on it, you raise the Wayfinder and let its light carry you back to headquarters.
The sun shines on the remnants of the Sentinel outpost. Not a trace of Black Mist is to be seen anywhere, and as you look to the world map, you see that the Harrowing has receded back to the Shadow Isles.
Tryndamere: “It seems that things are returning to normal. Speaking of…”
The Hallowed Mist begins to dissipate from those you freed from Viego’s control, returning them to their usual selves.
“I guess the Wayfinder’s power only lasts for so long.”
“I guess those snazzy new looks were only temporary.”
Draven: “Eh, this is more Draven’s style anyway. I don’t need any of that Mist stuff show how awesome I am!”
Riven: “As if the Mist really makes a difference with you…”
Gwen: “So then… It seems we’ve won? We stopped Viego, gathered all the fetters, and drove back the Black Mist!”
Senna: “Well… Viego’s still out there, but without the power of the fetters, he won’t be able to go beyond the boundary of the Shadow Isles. For the time-being, I’d call this a victory.”
A wave of relief washes over you as you collapse onto the ground, exhaustion finally taking its toll. After all that transpired last night, you find yourself too excited to even properly celebrate, but you still take comfort in knowing that you’ve stopped the end of the world.
“So… What happens now?”
“What’s everyone’s next move?”
Lucian: “Well, seems to me like our fight ain’t over quite yet, and I’m lookin’ at a whole bunch of new Sentinel recruits. Whaddya say we get you all sworn in and-”
Tryndamere: “I’ll pass. Much as I’d love to run that Ruined King through with my blade, I’m needed back home. I… Have a lot of explaining to do when I get back to my wife.”
Senna: “Speaking of… Lucian, you wanna explain where you were when our base came under attack, and where this Shuriman came from?”
Akshan: “Ah, so you’re Senna? Lucian… You are a lucky devil.”
Lucian: “Heh… Yeah, lucky enough to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Senna glares at Lucian, unfazed by his flattery.
Lucian: “Uh, anyway! What about the rest of you?”
Draven: “Pass. I mean, I can TOTALLY get wanting Draven on your team, but that’s not how I roll. Besides, I gotta get back the arena for my triumphant return.”
Shyvana: “I must also return and ensure that the king is unharmed, as well as my allies in the Dargonguard.”
Lillia: “U-Um… I’m flattered by the offer, but… I’d much rather not go back to that awful place! That was terrifying!”
Viktor: “Though these Relicstones and fetters warrant further analysis, my primary concerns must be rebuilding my lab and beginning developing countermeasures toward future mind-altering attempts.”
Atreus: “My battle lies elsewhere. I must tame these embers that Pantheon left inside me to ensure they never rage out of control again.”
Gangplank: “Not interested. I’ve still got a city to reclaim, and a grudge to settle. Speakin’ of… Graves! Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!”
Graves: “Uh oh. Guess that’s my cue to hit the road! Honestly, this hero business don’t really suit me anyway. Seein’ as my partner’s still nowhere to be seen, there ain’t much reason to stick around.”
Diana: “I, too, must depart. The Lunari need me, even if the Aspect within me has yet to fully heal.”
Shen: “Likewise, I must return and ensure that my brothers and sisters in the Kinkou are unharmed.”
Olaf: “Hmph. I still haven’t found my glorious death… But perhaps that’s fine. This will become another chapter in the glorious saga of Olaf! Now, I depart to find my next foe, and build my legend even higher!”
Rengar: “I, too, have a worthy foe to seek. The Ruined King is your prey, but mine still lurks somewhere in the jungle…”
“So that’s it? Everyone is just leaving?”
“So much for our army of Sentinels…”
Vayne: “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. This… Little adventure of ours has made one thing clear: there are monsters out there that Demacia is nowhere near ready to face on its own. I think I’ll take over that abandoned Sentinel base and see about boosting our numbers a bit. If the Mageseekers have a problem with it, well… I’ve never exactly played by the rules, anyway.”
Jayce: “Can’t say I’d consider this Sentinel thing a full-time gig, but after everything that’s happened, I can at least pitch in and help Ada and Dess out, from time to time. A hero’s gotta help however he can, after-all.”
Akshan: “Well said! Though Shadya’s killer remains at large, I would happy to lend you my assistance again, if and when you need me. It is what she would want from me, after-all.”
Riven: “I’m… I’m honestly not sure what’s next for me. I could use a little time to think things over, if that’s alright.”
Gwen: “And you can be certain that I’ll pitch in however I can! Where the Black Mist goes, the Hallowed Mist will be there to fend it off!”
Lucian: “Heh… Well, we’ve still got a long way to go toward rebuildin’ the Sentinels, but it’s a start.”
Senna: “That’s right. We’ll get this base repaired and find a safe place to store the fetters, in case Viego ever tries to go for them again. On that note… Rookie, come here.”
You rise to your feet and approach the world map uncertainly, though Senna’s smile puts you at ease.
Senna: “Now that I think about it, you never did get properly sworn in, did you? I think it’s about time we make it official, and start your training in earnest. Repeat after me.”
Senna guides you through the ancient oath, carving the words deep into your soul. You can almost feel the Wayfinder thrumming in response as you take your first steps toward becoming a true Sentinel of Light.
I swear by the light of the ancients...
I will not run from darkness. I will light the way with a steadfast heart, And face each shadow with a ready weapon As a beacon, a warrior, a Sentinel, I defend myself, my fellows, and my world. May we stand together in the light, or fall in darkness.
Fight bravely and remember your oath.
Amidst the remnants of Helia stoops a lone figure, his fist tightening around his blade.
Viego: “How could this happen? I do not understand… My queen… You were within my grasp! That bitterness… That sorrow… Was that truly you?”
Thresh: “Ah, the sweet tones of misery…”
Viego: “Thresh.”
Viego rises to his feet and glares at the warden.
Viego: “What do you want, warden?”
Thresh: “Your anguish is every bit as delightful as I’d imagined. She was so close, wasn’t she? So close, and now she’s been stripped away from you a second time.”
Viego: “It matters not! I can find her again… However long it takes, I will find her!”
Thresh: “Yes, good. That sweet delusion still persists. It will be so satisfying watching the remnants of your resolve shatter.”
Viego: “You think to shatter me, warden?”
With a wave of his hand, Viego summons several wraiths to his side.
Viego: “Your lantern cannot ME, Thresh. Every soul within these Isles bends to my will, for I am their king!”
???: “You are no king.”
Suddenly, the ghosts of the kiilash leaps from the shadows, pouncing upon Viego’s wraiths and rending them to shreds.
Viego: “What is this!?”
???: “You are nothing more than a petulant child, lashing out over the loss of your favorite toy. You are unfit to call yourself Lord of the Dead.”
A massive figure looms over Viego, staring down at the Ruined King with contempt.
Viego: “Who are you?”
???: “I have many names. Founder of the Immortal Bastion. The Iron Revenant. Mordekaiser.”
Mordekaiser: “But you may call me Master.”
To Be Continued…
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prince2sud-blog · 6 years
Still Having A Bad Game? Here's What You Can Do
In League of Legends, there are various skill sets that can and will influence your winrate and ability to climb the rank ladder. You can climb the ladder by being a mechanically skilled player, by having great knowledge in the game, or by being a leader and micromanaging your team to victory with the right calls. However, sometimes there are some things are just aren't in your control. Even if you possess all of the above skills, you can run into a bad game. For some reason, you just can't seem to perform. You're not getting the picks, you're making all the wrong calls, you just can't seem to do anything. Everyone will get a game like this every now and then. This is when another essential skill for dealing with bad games comes into play -- Controlling your emotions and knowing how to get carried.
We've all had these games where everything that can go wrong, will go wrong. You all-in your opponent and he survives with a sliver of health, while his jungler comes from the only path that isn't warded, or you make a small mechanical error at the early stages of laning that causes a huge snowball effect that ends up with you not being able to show your face anywhere near the minions without getting slaughtered (this is actually really common if you're a top laner). Shit happens, you know?
Bad games will happen to everyone
You need to understand that bad games can happen to anyone, regardless of skill, and this can happen because of many reasons. Maybe you lost the last couple of games and you're badly tilted now, or your first mistake made you so frustrated that you're not thinking objectively anymore. Whatever happened, if you're in one of these games, one thing should be clear in your mind: you're not going to be able to carry this game anymore, so get a grip and let your team mates do the heavy lifting.
Learning to take control of your emotions when a game starts to get out of control is a very useful skill to have. It will take some practice before you are able to master this skill, but it's definitely essential to helping you come back into the game when things aren't going too well. All you need to do is take deep breaths, accept that mistakes were made, or your opponent got lucky, and move on.
Getting carried or relying more on your team is also another hard concept to grasp because it messes with your ego. Most people think that they are too good for this mentality, and that if they can't carry, they're going to lose. This is definitely true if you're in a game where every single person on your team is doing badly. However, there are games where you're getting absolutely shat on, but your team is actually in a decent position to still carry you to victory. You just need to learn to let it happen.
Help yourself, by helping your team
The first thing you need to do is to accept that mistakes were made. For example, if you've already died twice in lane, you're definitely super far behind your lane opponent. What most people would do is to keep trying to take trades and asking their jungler to gank for them. This is wrong, and definitely won't improve your chances of winning. What you should be doing is telling your jungler "Hey, my lane is done for. If you come, and we get counter ganked, there's a high chance we're both gonna die. Go and help the winning lanes instead". Of course, if nobody is winning their lanes then you guys are probably f**ked, anyway.
What you don't want to be doing is, making a bad situation even worse. Don't go for risky trades, don't let your team mates waste resources on bailing you out from your sinking ship, don't do things that you would normally do when you're playing an even matchup or winning matchup. You need to accept that you're having a bad game, you're not in a position to carry the game anymore, so you need to change the way you're playing.
Channel your inner support
Let's just say you're laning up top with Nautilus or Trundle. You're pretty far behind in terms of levels and gold. Which means you're not really doing damage. You can't tank that effectively now. What can you do to help your team? As a Nautilus or Trundle, you will always have CC and utility, so instead of providing a front-line tank for your team (which would probably take a lot more gold and items), you will provide peel and protection for your carries instead. Stay close to your backline and wait for the enemy bruisers or assasins to go for your carries, then help them by using your CC/utility to peel for them. That's how you can still contribute while being behind.
What if you're playing a champion without CC? Like Tryndamere or Master Yi, for example. Assuming that split pushing isn't an option, or they are shutting down your split push attempts. What can you do during a team fight? You're not bursting down the enemy carries fast enough since you don't do enough damage, or you die way too fast even when you go in with your tanks. Here's what you can do - stay with your backline. Again, try to keep a safer position during team fights and dish out safe damage to the enemies that are trying to go after your carries. Most people wouldn't be expecting this, and would very likely overextend, thinking that your carries would be easy pickings.
These are 2 very specific examples, and they wouldn't apply to every situation. The lesson here is that you need to adapt. If you're able to put your ego aside and learn to adapt to different situations, you will definitely find yourself winning more games, even the games where you're not performing so well.
Don't be an ass
This shouldn't even be a thing to follow only if you're having a bad game. Always follow this rule if you want to win more games. Don't start blaming your team or certain team mates just because you're not having a very good time. Even if it really was their fault that caused you to lose some CS, or your lane, for that matter. Flaming/blaming doesn't help anyone win games.
Don't be stubborn. If your team is trying to do something, even if you think it's the wrong call. Either voice out your opinion or just tag along with them. Chances are, even if it's a bad call, the fact that you sticking with your team might help them to win a team fight if just one of your opponents decides he rather have 10 CS over winning a team fight. 5 people doing the wrong thing together will always be better than 5 people doing the right thing separately.
Don't give your team mates any more reason to tilt or complain. If you're already behind in lane, and you keep dying over and over, it's going to affect the morale of your team, and this will definitely affect your chances of winning, so here's what you're gonna do -- DON'T DIE. You're probably thinking now, "Oh wow, great Korean advice, but it's not like I choose to die". Actually, most of the time, you do. Think about it. I'm sure you once went for that minion when you were 50% sure that the enemy jungler was camping in the bush, or when you were low on health. I'm sure you also went for some risky tower-dive play because you wanted to get the kill and "get back into the game". The list goes on forever. You need to learn to just lose those minions, lose the experience, get zoned, and even lose your turret if need be. Losing any one of those things are better alternatives to dying, because when you die, you lose all of them anyway.
Remember, you're here to win and climb the ladder, so if by being an all-around nice dude is going to help you win games, it would be a good idea to do just that.
IF you can adapt to the situations presented to you, control your emotions, learn to accept that mistakes were made, and be a nicer/better team mate, you won't have to lose every game that's going super badly for you. Of course, you're still going to lose. Even the best Challenger players rarely have over a 60% win ratio (unless they're Faker or it's a new smurf account). The whole point is, limiting your losses by taking control of bad situations and making the best out of them. If you're on tilt, you might want to take a break from playing. Remember that it's just a game, any kind of addiction is bad, so try to balance your life out!
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fury-of-darkin · 6 years
☭ (Both if you can)
Old Aatrox
Battle Intro: “Tryndamere... My greatest creation. The time has come, Barbarian King; avenge your people, or join them!”Victory: “It seems there is still room for you to improve...”Half HP: Aatrox initiated the Blood Price, empowering his sword to strike harder, before rushing his foe.Low HP: Aatrox entered his Massacre State, letting the primal fury within him carry him forward. This would be his final gambit...Defeat: “This is not how things are meant to be... Do you not loathe me, Tryndamere? Finish me, or I shall return, and destroy all that you hold dear, just as I did then...”Death: “Good... Good. I knew you would be the one. I sensed something in you that day, Tryndamere; I knew you would be a warrior unlike any other... Go forth, and claim your rightful place as the Barbarian King.”Assist: “You cannot fall here, Tryndamere! Our tale has yet to conclude...”Taunt: “I chose you, Tryndamere. Do not disappoint me.”Reacting to Taunt: “Or perhaps I am yours...”Flee: “...It is unfortunate, but you are not yet ready. You are strong, but not yet strong enough. We shall conclude this another time....”Reacting to Flee: “...So this is what has become you, Tryndamere? You are a coward? The archer had made you soft...”Tie: “...So this is the fruit of my labor? Not a successor, but merely an equal...”Perfect Victory: “...Were I capable of sorrow, I believe I would be feeling it now. This is disappointing, Tryndamere. It seems my search must continue...”Low HP Victory: “You fought well... But your rage simply was not strong enough.”Finishing Move:Aatrox poured all of his rage into a single strike; he used the Blood Price to empower his sword, and the Massacre State to enhance his body. With one final great thrust, he drove his blade through Tryndamere’s heart.
New Aatrox:
Battle Intro: “Come Tryndamere! Avenge your tribe, if you can!”Victory: “Do you see now, Tryndamere? It was YOU who never stood a chance...”Half HP: Aatrox grinned. “Yes, good... Show me the depth of your hatred!”Low HP: “It seems I’ve little choice... Behold, Tryndamere! Witness your undoing!” Aatrox ascended to his World Ender form.Defeat: “Ngh... Go on then. Strike me down if you can! Why do you hesitate!?”Death: “Hahahaha... As I thought... You truly are... A worthy vessel!” As Aatrox’s body dies, he attempts to force his blade onto the Barbarian King to possess him.Assist: “I will not have these interlopers interrupting us!”Taunt: “Rage? You are just flesh, Tryndamere! Read for harvesting.”Reacting to Taunt: “HAHAHAHA! No, Tryndamere... I am THE nightmare!”Flee: “Count yourself fortunate, Tryndamere... When next we meet, I shall make sure this body is at its full strength!”Reacting to Flee: “Now you would run away!? I think not!” Aatrox began to pursue the barbarian. “I will not let you escape so easily!Tie: “To think... A mortal could be my equal... You are everything I had hoped you might be, Tryndamere...”Perfect Victory: “Hmph. I expected more of a fight, but no matter.” Aatrox proceeded to absorb Tryndamere’s form into his own. “Yes... This flesh and blood shall sustain me for some time to come!”Low HP Victory: “You fought well, Tryndamere... But now you shall join your tribe in oblivion.”Finishing Move:Aatrox, in his World Ender form, plunged his sword down into Tryndamere, pinning the Barbarian King to the ground. “And now, your destiny awaits...”
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sun-scorned · 6 years
(Regular text is Kayn, bold italics is Rhaast)
Battle Intro: “You think your rage can overwhelm my fury? Try it.”Victory: “Not bad. But not good enough.”Half HP: “Now we’re getting to the fun part!”Low HP: “Okay, we’ve gone a little past the fun part.”Defeat: “Is this how you’ll unify the Freljord?”Death: “No...I have more...I need to do...”Assist: “The Order of Shadow could benefit from allies in the Freljord.”Taunt: “Why is everyone I meet allergic to clothes?”Reacting to Taunt: “You trying to piss me off? Not your brightest move.”Flee: “Not everyone has a berserker rage to bail them out of tough situations.”Reacting to Flee: “Come back when you can actually carry that sword instead of dragging it.”Tie: “You’re about as smart as you look, but you’re also just as strong.”Perfect Victory: “I don’t get what Aatrox saw in you.”Low HP Victory: “Kings, tyrants...they all fall eventually.”Finishing Move: Kayn buries Rhaast point-first in Tryndamere’s chest and twists.
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aurelion-solar · 8 months
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Victorious Tryndamere Splash Art!
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sins-of-warriors · 1 month
The Warrior at the end of the road(Open Starter)
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"I was waiting for you... all this time..." The rugged voice of the seasoned fighter was low and rough filled with a hint of familiarity booming around the cliff of the mountain, He knew you, who you are, the steps you took to reach this point, his eyes gleaming with expectation as you walked closer, where you friend or foe? came to challenge him or to reward him? you only knew your destiny awaited with him.
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blueares · 3 years
Ruination Rewrite: Finale
Finale 1/2
From the darkness, you emerge into a field of lowers. Dawn breaks over the horizon to illuminate crumbling ruins all around you: what looks to be the remnants of a once-great kingdom. The Black Mist, the screaming of the wraiths and the sounds of battle have all vanished. The scene before you is almost tranquil, but that tranquility is cut short when you notice the figures ahead of you.
Lucian: “AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!”
Lucian lets loose a flurry of light from his Relic pistols, but Viego seems entirely unfazed as the light fails to pierce his armor. Vex stands behind him, and further back, you see the unconscious form of Senna hanging from a pillar by ethereal chains. At her feet are the now-lifeless fetters, laid out almost like an offering.
Viego: “Do you see now how futile it is, Sentinel? How powerless you are to save the one you love, just as I was?”
Lucian: “Damn it!”
You hear the Maiden of the Mist whispering to you once more, beckoning you to succumb to her influence.
Maiden: “Yes. It is meaningless to resist. Come. Let us be as one.”
Though her words are oddly enticing, they also spark a realization within you. Suddenly, Yorick’s words click in your mind as you rise to your feet.
“We haven’t lost yet, Lucian!”
“Don’t give up yet!”
All eyes turn toward you as you race up the hill, your fingers digging tightly into Yorick’s shroud of darkness.
Lucian: “Rookie!? What the hell are you doin’ here?”
Viego: “Another uninvited guest? Well, no matter. Welcome to Camavor, child. Soon, my queen and I will be reunited, and all will be as it should.”
“You’re wrong, Viego.”
“You missed a piece.”
Viego: “What?”
Vex: “Ugh, what’s this idiot talking about now? Honestly, I can just finish him off right here. Just give the word, boss.”
“You’ve gathered up Isolde’s light, but you completely ignored her darkness.”
“There was a fetter right under your nose all this time, but you couldn’t see it. No… You never wanted to!”
Viego response 1: “Ridiculous! My queen is perfect! Pure! She is the light of my world! There is not a shred of darkness in her!”
Viego response 2: “Impossible. You speak nonsense, child. The last remnant resides in her, the Sentinel! There… There is no other…”
“Isolde was just a person, Viego, and everyone has a little darkness inside of them!”
“You want your queen to be perfect, but even she can feel hatred and sorrow Let me show you!
You toss Yorick’s cloak into the air and the darkness forms into a ghastly figure: the Maiden of the Mist. Viego’s face contorts in horror as he watches the specter manifest, as though unable to believe what he’s seeing.
Viego: “It cannot be… But there is no doubt! I can feel her inside this… Creature! Isolde!?”
Maiden: “Ah, my king! Our king! You wrenched us from our slumber, now you would abandon us!? You said you wanted to be one… Then join us! Join us in eternity!”
The Maiden reaches out her hands as her, filling the air with her inhuman wails. A chord of darkness forms between her and Viego as the Maiden siphons his power away from him.
Viego: “No! Stop this! STOP IT!”
Vex: “What did you just do!?”
“Lucian, now your chance!”
“Lucian, get Senna!”
Lucian stares in disbelief at the scene before him a while long, but quickly shakes himself from his daze. As Viego struggles against the Maiden, Lucian makes for the pillar, blasting Senna free from her restraints. Senna falls to ground, but Lucian is quick to catch her.
Senna: “Ngh…”
Lucian: “Senna!”
Senna: “Lucian…?”
Lucian: “I’m here. I’ve got you.”
Senna rises to her feet, clutching her head. A look of visible confusion corsses her face as she scans the scene before her.
Senna: “What’s happening? Where are we? Is that… Viego?”
Viego continues to struggle against the Maiden’s pull, but to no avail. You see strands of light mingling with the darkness as the Maiden feasts, though a familiar shadow soon manifests behind her.
Vex: “Get off of him!”
Vex and her shadow sever the connection between Viego and the Maiden, causing both to cry out in pain. The Maiden soon reverts back into a cloak of darkness, falling unceremoniously onto the ground.
As the connection is severed, whisps of scatter all around you, darting about the ruins before finally embedding themselves into the fetters at Senna’s feet. One finds refuge within your Wayfinder, restoring the Relic’s light.
Senna: “Just what is happening here, Lucian?”
Lucian struggles to think of an explanation, but before he can, the doll at Senna’s feet suddenly floats into the air and springs to life. In a flash of light, Gwen is standing beside her commanding officers, her form fully restored.
Gwen: “Goodness! I think I just had a most awful dream… Oh, hello Lucian! Senna! Rookie! And…”
Gwen frowns when she sees Viego and Vex.
Gwen: “Ah, it seems now is not the time for happy reunions!”
“Welcome back, Gwen!”
“Welcome back, Senna!”
Viego turns his gaze toward you, his eyes full of malice.
Viego: “You! You will pay for this, child!
Viego screams with rage and charges you, leveling his sword straight for your heart. You reach for your Relicstone shard, though it quickly becomes apparent that you won’t be able to grasp it time.
Senna: “Rookie! Look out!”
Finale 2/2
Just as it seems Viego’s sword is about to run you through, a swirling barrier of violet energy surrounds you. The blade of the Ruined King glances harmlessly off and Viego staggers back in surprise. Shen and the other Sentinels all appear manifest you, as well as those you set free from Viego’s control. The Eye of Twilight falls to the ground, nearly breathless.
Shen: “It seems… We were not… Too late.”
Akshan: “Indeed! Now, what is happening?”
“We’ve got Viego on the ropes!”
“Viego’s weakened! Now, let’s finish him!”
Vayne: “I’m not sure what you did, kid, but it looks like we can finally put this monster down once and for all!”
Viego: “Ngh… How dare you!?”
Senna: “Sentinels! Let’s wrap this up!”
Taking charges of the group once more, Senna directs each Sentinel’s efforts toward bringing down the Ruined King. Though weakened, Viego still holds a great deal of power at his disposal, conjuring swaths of Black Mist to keep you and your allies at bay. Despite your greater numbers, you can feel the exhaustion of the last several hours earing down on your, and your allies are clearly nearing their limits as well.
Suddenly, the Relicstone shard in your pocket flies from your grasp. You turn to see Senna standing behind you, her cannon now broken up in several different pieces lingering in the air before her. Your piece soon joins them as a web of radiance and darkness spreads between.
Senna: “I’ve got you!”
Energy courses through you as a wave of power washes over the battlefield, surrounding you and your allies in shimmering barriers. Viego, on the other hand, is thrown back into the grass, his armor breaking apart from the impact. He seems almost pathetic as he scrambles to his feet, desperately seeking a way to turn the tides in his favor.
Viego. “This cannot be… Our reunion was nearly at hand!”
“Admit it, Viego! You never really loved her! She was never anything more than a prize to you!”
“She may have loved you once, Viego, but not anymore! Not after what you’ve become!”
Viego: “Damn you!”
Vex: “Viego! Come on!”
All eyes turn to see Vex standing before another shadowy portal. Upon realizing that she’s been spotted, the yordle leaps through, not even daring to look back.
Lucian: “Don’t let him get away!”
Viego creates a Harrowed path along the ground as he sprints across the field, appearing and disappearing so frequently that it’s impossible to get a clean shot it. Ultimately, the Ruined King flees through the Vex’s gateway just as it closes, leaving you and your allies alone in the silent ruins of Camavor.
“We’ve gotta go after him!”
“Where did they go!?”
Lillia (if option 1 is picked): “But… But where did he go? Back to those dreadful Isles, maybe?”
Gangplank (if option 2 is picked): “Back to the Shadow Isles I’d wager, the slippery bastard.”
Shen: “My apologies… I would follow, but…”
Jayce: “Hey, don’t push yourself. I’m still not sure how this spirit stuff works yet, but it clearly took a lot out of you to get us here.”
Senna: “Nothing for it. For now, let’s gather up the fetters and get back to headquarters, or what’s left of it. We’ll discuss out next move there. Rookie, that Wayfinder still intact?”
“The Wayfinder is back online!”
“Good to go!”
Gwen and the other Sentinels gather up the fetters, though you quickly note that Yorick’s shadow cloak has vanished. Deciding not to dwell on it, you raise the Wayfinder and let its light carry you back to headquarters.
The sun shines on the remnants of the Sentinel outpost. Not a trace of Black Mist is to be seen anywhere, and as you look to the world map, you see that the Harrowing has receded back to the Shadow Isles.
Tryndamere: “It seems that things are returning to normal. Speaking of…”
The Hallowed Mist begins to dissipate from those you freed from Viego’s control, returning them to their usual selves.
“I guess the Wayfinder’s power only lasts for so long.”
“I guess those snazzy new looks were only temporary.”
Draven: “Eh, this is more Draven’s style anyway. I don’t need any of that Mist stuff show how awesome I am!”
Riven: “As if the Mist really makes a difference with you…”
Gwen: “So then… It seems we’ve won? We stopped Viego, gathered all the fetters, and drove back the Black Mist!”
Senna: “Well… Viego’s still out there, but without the power of the fetters, he won’t be able to go beyond the boundary of the Shadow Isles. For the time-being, I’d call this a victory.”
A wave of relief washes over you as you collapse onto the ground, exhaustion finally taking its toll. After all that transpired last night, you find yourself too excited to even properly celebrate, but you still take comfort in knowing that you’ve stopped the end of the world.
“So… What happens now?”
“What’s everyone’s next move?”
Lucian: “Well, seems to me like our fight ain’t over quite yet, and I’m lookin’ at a whole bunch of new Sentinel recruits. Whaddya say we get you all sworn in and-”
Tryndamere: “I’ll pass. Much as I’d love to run that Ruined King through with my blade, I’m needed back home. I… Have a lot of explaining to do when I get back to my wife.”
Senna: “Speaking of… Lucian, you wanna explain where you were when our base came under attack, and where this Shuriman came from?”
Akshan: “Ah, so you’re Senna? Lucian… You are a lucky devil.”
Lucian: “Heh… Yeah, lucky enough to be married to the most beautiful woman in the world.”
Senna glares at Lucian, unfazed by his flattery.
Lucian: “Uh, anyway! What about the rest of you?”
Draven: “Pass. I mean, I can TOTALLY get wanting Draven on your team, but that’s not how I roll. Besides, I gotta get back the arena for my triumphant return.”
Shyvana: “I must also return and ensure that the king is unharmed, as well as my allies in the Dargonguard.”
Lillia: “U-Um… I’m flattered by the offer, but… I’d much rather not go back to that awful place! That was terrifying!”
Viktor: “Though these Relicstones and fetters warrant further analysis, my primary concerns must be rebuilding my lab and beginning developing countermeasures toward future mind-altering attempts.”
Atreus: “My battle lies elsewhere. I must tame these embers that Pantheon left inside me to ensure they never rage out of control again.”
Gangplank: “Not interested. I’ve still got a city to reclaim, and a grudge to settle. Speakin’ of… Graves! Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you!”
Graves: “Uh oh. Guess that’s my cue to hit the road! Honestly, this hero business don’t really suit me anyway. Seein’ as my partner’s still nowhere to be seen, there ain’t much reason to stick around.”
Diana: “I, too, must depart. The Lunari need me, even if the Aspect within me has yet to fully heal.”
Shen: “Likewise, I must return and ensure that my brothers and sisters in the Kinkou are unharmed.”
Olaf: “Hmph. I still haven’t found my glorious death… But perhaps that’s fine. This will become another chapter in the glorious saga of Olaf! Now, I depart to find my next foe, and build my legend even higher!”
Rengar: “I, too, have a worthy foe to seek. The Ruined King is your prey, but mine still lurks somewhere in the jungle…”
“So that’s it? Everyone is just leaving?”
“So much for our army of Sentinels…”
Vayne: “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. This… Little adventure of ours has made one thing clear: there are monsters out there that Demacia is nowhere near ready to face on its own. I think I’ll take over that abandoned Sentinel base and see about boosting our numbers a bit. If the Mageseekers have a problem with it, well… I’ve never exactly played by the rules, anyway.”
Jayce: “Can’t say I’d consider this Sentinel thing a full-time gig, but after everything that’s happened, I can at least pitch in and help Ada and Dess out, from time to time. A hero’s gotta help however he can, after-all.”
Akshan: “Well said! Though Shadya’s killer remains at large, I would happy to lend you my assistance again, if and when you need me. It is what she would want from me, after-all.”
Riven: “I’m… I’m honestly not sure what’s next for me. I could use a little time to think things over, if that’s alright.”
Gwen: “And you can be certain that I’ll pitch in however I can! Where the Black Mist goes, the Hallowed Mist will be there to fend it off!”
Lucian: “Heh… Well, we’ve still got a long way to go toward rebuildin’ the Sentinels, but it’s a start.”
Senna: “That’s right. We’ll get this base repaired and find a safe place to store the fetters, in case Viego ever tries to go for them again. On that note… Rookie, come here.”
You rise to your feet and approach the world map uncertainly, though Senna’s smile puts you at ease.
Senna: “Now that I think about it, you never did get properly sworn in, did you? I think it’s about time we make it official, and start your training in earnest. Repeat after me.”
Senna guides you through the ancient oath, carving the words deep into your soul. You can almost feel the Wayfinder thrumming in response as you take your first steps toward becoming a true Sentinel of Light.
I swear by the light of the ancients...
I will not run from darkness. I will light the way with a steadfast heart, And face each shadow with a ready weapon As a beacon, a warrior, a Sentinel, I defend myself, my fellows, and my world. May we stand together in the light, or fall in darkness.
Fight bravely and remember your oath.
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kokichiomakin · 7 years
GOTG Headcanons: Video Games
- They have a pretty solid teamcomp. Quill is usually a fairly reliable ADC, Rocket tanks, Groot is a support, Gamora is a sniper, and Drax is usually a second tank. Mantis can be swapped in as a second support.
- Quill’s main in Overwatch is McCree. He’s pretty spot on with the flashbangs and decent with headshots. Occasionally he’ll swap to Reaper for more guaranteed damage (and because hearing ‘DIE DIE DIE’ over his music amuses him), or Lucio if the team needs more healing. He’s probably honestly best at Lucio, but he likes being an ADC, so go figure. He can tank as well, but he only started trying after Halloween thanks to Zarya’s new skin. 
- Rocket is a tank player to the end in Overwatch. He’s familiar with all the tanks, but he’s best with D.Va. He’loves ramming into people using a giant mecha and blowing people up. Giving her missiles was just an improvement in his opinion. He can fill if needed - his ADC is 76, healer is Moira, and defense is Junkrat. If he’s particularly angry, he’ll enlist Groot....and his Junkrat paired with Groot’s Roadhog is terrifying. Rocket’s Junkrat is the definition of ‘nowhere is safe.’
- Gamora is a sniper most of the time - usually Widowmaker, though she can Ana if they need the extra heals. She’s a pain in the ass to fight against if she’s focused, and most of the time she is. If she wants to really get into the fight, however, she’ll go Doomfist. She likes hitting people head-on and that usually results in a fairly panicked Groot following after her while she stays entirely fine.
- Groot is the team healer. His Mercy is fairly honed, and he’s not half-bad at the other supports as well. If healing isn’t a big problem, he’ll probably go Symmetra. He’s pretty good at being real jumpy so people can’t stop his beam. He can probably also go as Roadhog for a tank, and Mei is his best defense.
- Drax is probably close to a one-trick Reinhardt if he didn’t also sometimes play Doomfist as well. He can try other tanks, but none are near close to his pretty terrifying Reinhardt. You know how Rein laughs sometimes when he attacks people? Drax is literally doing that at the same time as he plays.
- Mantis is another good healer, though she prefers playing Ana. She is the one that will give Drax the nanoboost and let him go wild on the opposing team. Alternatively, in some tight pinches, she’s proven to be a fairly adept Genji, though she doesn’t necessarily like it. 
- This teamcomp is a bit more adaptable because they tend to watch off and on, but their most solid comp is Gamora on top, Quill on mid, Rocket as ADC, and Groot as support, with Drax in the jungle.
- Quill is the most annoying Lux player you will ever meet. He will stun you. Repeatedly. His specialty in League is ‘make the opponent so annoyed that they really don’t want to bother anymore.’ His biggest problem is that he gets so into the one-on-one fighting that he really doesn’t farm minions enough. Alternatively, he can easily go top as Jayce or Garen or support as Rakan. If he goes Rakan, it’s almost guaranteed Rocket will go Xayah and they’ll win their lane.
- Gamora is usually their top, and she has a variety of champions she could pick, but Riven is her favorite. Irelia is a close second, however. She’s horrible with setting up for ganks - but she usually doesn’t need them, anyway, unless the enemy jungler is smart enough to focus her right away. She had the steepest learning curve with the game, however, because she kept getting hit by the tower and thinking it was okay until she died when she first started playing. She’s also a fairly good mid, given Katarina.
- Rocket is a pretty straightforward Twitch main as far as his ADC goes. Occasionally, he’ll bust out a pretty cruel Jinx or Kalista, but Twitch is definitely his main - unless Quill is volunteering to support, in which case they’ll both go for a Xayah/Rakan team. He’s fairly adaptable as a fill - he uses Rumble a fair bit on top, Udyr in jungle, Lulu as support, and Veigar as mid. 
- Drax is jungle. He will jungle all day every day and his Warwick and Rengar are bad news all over.  It’s safe to say that most of the Guardians will easily bounce off of his ganks fairly well, though sometimes he gets too bloodthirsty and ends up with the most deaths on the team. He can also top pretty well as Tryndamere or Pantheon. He is convinced Rocket is literally a yordle. Rocket cannot change his mind on this and has given up on the prospect of ever doing so.
- Groot is the support again.  Surprisingly, his main is Bard, and he only plays Ivern if he wants to jungle. He’s a fairly passive support when he’s given Bard and mainly focuses on making sure Rocket is okay, but if he’s given Blitzcrank, that’s when he gets vicious. His Ivern isn’t a slouch, either. The few games where he’s played top, he is the most annoying Teemo. He will poison everyone. Repeatedly. And get away scott-free. 
- Mantis is an alternative support, though she prefers playing Soraka. She’s very much focused on heals and she knows when to best use them, though she’ll occasionally switch to Sona for variety. If she has t pick another lane, she’ll likely jungle and use Amumu. She’s good at stuns - and there’s at least one time she played mid as Annie and did fairly well. 
- Overall, Rocket is best at tactical strategy games (he plays Fire Emblem on the hardest difficulty and....his victories are pragmatic, but he still has beaten all of the ones he’s played. He’s also a fairly passionate Metal Gear fan. His secret soft spot is Harvest Moon games. He will let absolutely no one know about this (the only reason he knows Quill knows is that the second save slot on his copy of Harvest Moon DS was taken by Quill at some point, who immediately took on marrying the Witch Princess. Rocket approved, though he married Muffy on his save file.)
- Quill is more into action-adventure, though one of his new prize possessions is an original game boy with Pokemon Gold. He takes pride in being a pokemon master and it’s pretty unwise to face him. He also, of course, adores Just Dance and Dance Dance Revolution. He’s had all the Guardians try Just Dance at least once and it ended with a fairly drunk Rocket stuck doing ‘You’re The One That I Want’ with him, which was fairly nice all things considered since he was promptly dragged away by Rocket afterwards. He also learned that Drax can dance to Rasputin. And ONLY Rasputin. Anything else is out of the question.
- Gamora is the one who plays the most fighting games. It’s best to not give her Princess Zelda in Smash Bros unless you want to lose immediately, which is also why it’s a poor idea to give her Paasoul in Skullgirls. The only one able to rival hhr in Skullgirls is Rocket, and that’s when he’s playing Peacock, though Drax’s Beowulf isn’t bad either. She’s still the best, though. She’s also a big Metal Gear fan, and it’s one of the rare things she and Rocket can bond over.
- Groot plays games for the story, which is...fairly interesting for everyone else involved, because if it’s something like a Telltale game, that’s when they can really see what he’s like outside of Rocket translating for him. And he has played all of his games as lawful or at least neutral good. The one time he tried to play a game on an evil path he felt too bad and immediately started over. The time he was playing Wolf Among Us with Rocket watching, and he picked [GLASS HIM] was also a sight to behold. Rocket cracked up. Groot was distressed.
- Drax is the one who will play rage-inducing games just for the challenge, however much everyone else really doesn’t want him to. Surprisingly, he hasn’t broken any TVs or game systems. Yet. He’s jealous that Quill and Rocket are a pretty good Cuphead - Mugman team, however. He’s also the one who accidentally sends everyone invites to crappy games over Facebook. Castle Wars was a thing for a while. No one but Drax was happy and Rocket half-assed it from the start.
- Mantis likes story-based games as well, though she loves dating sims. She doesn’t care about the sex, but she is there for story and seeing how she can improve other characters lives. Dramatical Murder was the only one to weird her out enough to the point of stopping completely, and Mink’s route was...distressing to her. Rocket tried to play it afterwards and regretted his decision. The Quill tried to play it. Quill was the only one to finish it. It was a firm ‘4/10 on his list.
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amberlouise06 · 5 years
League of legends
League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games.
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Whether you're playing Solo or Co-op with friends, League of Legends is a highly competitive, fast paced action-strategy game designed for those who crave a hard fought victory.
In League of Legends, players assume the role of a "champion" with unique abilities and battle against a team of other player- or computer-controlled champions. The goal is usually to destroy the opposing team's "Nexus", a structure that lies at the heart of a base protected by defensive structures, although other distinct game modes exist as well with varying objectives, rules, and maps.
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Each League of Legends match is discrete, with all champions starting off relatively weak but increasing in strength by accumulating items and experience over the course of the game. Champions span a variety of roles and blend a variety of fantasy tropes, such as sword and sorcery, steampunk, and Lovecraftian horror.
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Riot Games was founded by Brandon "Ryze" Beck and Marc "Tryndamere" Merill, former business students and roommates at the University of Southern California, in Los Angeles in September of 2006
Beck and Merill recruited Defense of the Ancients veteran Steve "Guinsoo" Feak, as well as several other experienced developers, to help them build and refine the game that would later become League of Legends.
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Ryze and Tryndamere are also champions you can play as in the game. Three years after the company's founding, League of Legends was released with 40 champions on October 27, 2009.
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steel-and-fire · 7 years
Fueled by unbridled fury and rage, Tryndamere once carved his way through the Freljord, openly challenging the greatest warriors of the north to prepare himself for even darker days ahead. The wrathful barbarian has long sought revenge for the annihilation of his clan, though more recently he has found companionship with Ashe, the Avarosan warmother, and a home with her people. His almost inhuman strength and fortitude is legendary, and has delivered him and his new allies countless victories against the greatest of odds.
// So he is still with Ashe, although not mentioned to be maried tho. And he is still a monster :^ ) Noice
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