#victurnien needs to stay in her lane
The timeline isn't exact in the bricc, but 1.5.8 indicates that the same month that Fantine is dismissed (presumably shortly after Madame Victurnien's return from Montfermeil), Cosette's room and board increases from 12 francs to 15.
In 1.4.3, it says that Monsieur Thénardier, "having learned in some obscure way that the child was probably illegitimate and that her mother could not afford to acknowledge her, demanded fifteen francs a month."
Anyway, Victurnien ruined Fantine's life from every angle, thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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Okay but 35 francs is around $700 USD today: what exactly did Madame Victurnien spend that kind of cash on?
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Shitposting through Les Mis
V1 Book 5
I: a man who is totes not Valjean revolutionized how to make black beads and made Montreuil-sur-mer boom from it
II: not-Valjean wins the hearts of the village and is selected and supported as Mayor
III: not-Valjean supports the community in less conventional ways too
IV: Monseignour Bienvenu is mourned
V: Javert is introduced
VI: not-Valjean saves a man stuck under his cart
VII: the situation with the guy under the cart is handled generously
VIII: Victurnien's jealousy and nosiness costs Fantine her job
IX: Fantine lives in poverty but manages
X: Fantine sells her hair, teeth, and self for Cosette
XI: Digression on how Fantine has nothing now
XII: Bamatabois is a scoundrel
XIII: not-Valjean squares off with Javert for Fantine's freedom
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