#video maker nyc
nyphotony · 10 months
Here are several video samples from interviews to event reels, to product videos. 646-275-4750 [email protected] for more info. Interview with James May shot and produced with DigitalTrends.com promoting The Grand Tour Season 2   Video Production for ElliQ (not editor) Video production for ElliQ (not editor) Swop It Video Product Shoot for Genie Media Bagnos Shelf Product Shoot Fly Reel Video…
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margaret-the-sylvia · 2 months
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Another day, another post.
I was at work (on campus) when I got the update that NAQtube uploaded again. It's another blooper video and we get quite a bit of content here. This blooper video is a little more... unhinged than the first. The video feels like something that a younger kid would make with Windows Movie Maker and their favorite video game, including cursing and some bad humor lol
Firstly, we get views of Comet City, but looking more impoverished, dirty and allegedly gang-ridden. Reminds me of the NYC slums and projects. Nova appears to be playable here. It's unknown if she's unlocked if someone finished the entire game, or she's meant to be playable in Comet City, before Escape Junction.
I love how the icons of the characters will change if they get damaged. More unknown bosses, two for Comet City, and one for Planet Sahara. The lil idle dance Nebula does is so adorable. NPCs (including Celeste) appear to be interactable in some worlds. Side quests for each world or just dialogue to progress the story?
The planet for the Junkyard Boss is known as "Planet Junkyard". Original amirite
I need eyebleach after seeing that fetish art.. but I've seen worse.
They interpret the white room rumor as it being an actual white room with nothing in it. There was apparently creepypastas based on this rumor too.
Nebula and Quasar are ballin, let's go
We finally see what is on that wanted poster. "Intergalactic Protection Force"? and "Neotopia", wonder if that is where Nebula and Quasar are from.
The one screenshot showing both icons of N&Q, possible two player mode with battery counter on top. I noticed some weird writing saying "Why am" and it becomes incomprehensible. It could be saying "Why am I here", but it's not confirmed.
Quasar finally threw hands with Pokie, surprised he hasn't earlier.
The whole plot of the first and second blooper vid be kinda fitting to my hcs for Quasar being kind of "pushed aside" in favor of his sisters. Hell, I could develop a villain arc with Quasar in a different AU.
And no, you're not racist at all, Nebula.
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longlistshort · 1 year
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Even if fashion isn’t something you normally find interesting, it’s hard to resist the allure of the creations on view at the Brooklyn Museum for the retrospective Thierry Mugler: Couturissime.
From the museum’s web page-
Thierry Mugler: Couturissime is the first retrospective to explore the fascinating, edgy universe of French designer and creator of iconic perfumes Thierry Mugler. A fashion visionary, Mugler established himself as one of the most daring and innovative designers of the late twentieth century. His bold silhouettes and unorthodox techniques and materials—including glass, Plexiglas, vinyl, latex, and chrome—made their mark on fashion history.
In the 1970s, Mugler defined trends with his acclaimed “glamazon,” a chic, modern woman whose style evolved from the hippie fashions of the 1960s. In the 1980s and ’90s, Mugler galvanized the renaissance of haute couture through his provocative collections and theatrical fashion shows, which involved grandiose locations and the era’s most iconic models. Just as his work is still influencing new generations of couturiers, celebrities continue to be drawn to Mugler’s designs: his classic gowns have recently been worn by Beyoncé, Cardi B, and Kim Kardashian.
The exhibition features over one hundred outfits ranging from haute couture pieces to stage costumes, alongside custom accessories, sketches, videos, images by leading fashion photographers, and spectacular installations that mirror Mugler’s futuristic approach. The Brooklyn Museum’s presentation also introduces an expanded section dedicated to fragrance, centered on Mugler’s trailblazing scent Angel. Thierry Mugler: Couturissime is an opportunity to discover and rediscover the fantastical work of this multidisciplinary artist, who revolutionized the world of fashion.
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A description of the above gown from the museum’s info plaque-
The “La Chimère” gown-Mugler’s masterpiece made in collaboration with the South African corset maker Mr. Pearl and the artist Jean-Jacques Urcun- has mythical status, considered by some as one of the most expensive creations in couture history, given the meticulous amount of work required in its making.
Mr. Pearl describes that collaboration with Mugler as the most extreme experience of his life: “[‘La Chimère gown] was probably the most intense project, it took six weeks working 24/7, so basically more than one thousand hours just in embroidery. We were about twenty people working on different parts of it along with Jean-Jacques Urcun. It’s about fantasy, it was like going to the University of Beauty. To fulfill his vision and his fantasies with clothes is already a challenge, he is a genius, a perfectionist. You have to try, and he pushes everyone to try what seems impossible to achieve with a needle.”
Also included in the exhibition are several incredible (and often safety-defying) photos Mugler took himself at various landmarks, including the one below at NYC’s Chrysler Building.
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(“Chrysler Building, New York”, 1989 -Claude Heidemeyer in “Vertigo” by Mugler, 1988)
This exhibition closes 5/7/23.
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chickensarentcheap · 1 year
From the OTP Relationship Asks 20 to 40 please and thankyou😍🥰😘
You got it! :D <3
20. Who holds a grudge the longest?"
Definitely Esme. She holds onto things a little too long when someone crosses her, and even more so if someone hurts Tyler or any of the kids. She will hold that against them for the rest of their lives, no matter how many times they apologize. You don't not miss with her man or her cubs.
21.  Which of the two is quick to speak and which one is quick to listen?
That's a bit of a tough one. Tyler is a quiet person. A man of few words but Esme is the one person he can truly open up to and be comfortable with. So when he's in the mood to talk about things, she just sits back and patiently and lovingly listens. Esme on the other hand is very chatty LOL. She's just so out there with her feelings and thoughts and opinions and he's accustomed to being the person she always goes to talk his ear off lol
22. Who gets more easily embarrassed?
Believe it or not, it's Tyler. The big, bad mercenary man. And Esme knows exactly how to get him to blush. Usually it's talking to him about 'the feels' and the things he's confessed to her (loving, cute things) in the past.
23. Who overthinks the most?
Tyler. But it comes from his CPTSD and bi-polar. His over-thinking is rooted in the job and the things he sees and hears. For example, he once returned from Cambodia and he had dealt with someone with a history of assaulting women and children. And that got into his head and he talked to Esme about it when he returned home. About not being able to stop thinking about if someone ever touched her or one of the kids that way. how he'd kill them with no hesitation.
24. Which of the two is the most competitive?
Tyler. Which is why Esme hates even playing with video games with him. Like in NYC when he cheated at strip video games by putting on extra layers of clothes LOL
25. Who’s the most stubborn?
This could go either, as each claims the other is the most stubborn. But I'm going to give it to Esme.
26. How do they comfort each other?
Esme's love language is touch. So he knows that is what she needs when she's upset. Combing his fingers through her hair, rubbing her shoulder, hugging her, kissing her, snuggling her. Tyler isn't the type to ask for comfort, but Esme has learned that he responds well to having his hair played with, his ears stroked, he likes when she traces circles on his palm with a fingertip.
27.  What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
Esme has a favourite mug that gets washed and dried every night and placed by the coffee maker. It's a big Hello Kitty mug that he and Millie (in the longer series) had given her for her first mother's day. So that definitely reminds Tyler of her. I would say the ocean reminds Esme of him. The smell, the sound.
28.  Do they get along with each other’s friends and family?
Esme's family despises Tyler. He stole her away and keeps her away in their eyes. Which we all know isn't true. The only person from her family he gets along with, is her step sister Riley. Tyler has no family (now that his father, whom they never bothered with) but has a select group of friends. They love Esme. They've seen the difference she's made in his life.
29. What is their sex life like?
These two have an incredible sex life.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Other than the lips and naughty places, Tyler loves giving her forehead kisses. Esme loves to kiss right below his left ear. It's very sensitive there.
31. What’s the relationship like? Smooth? Rocky?
They've gone through a lot together. Including a six month separation. Things were rocky for quite a while and they struggled for years with communicating properly with one another. But they've gone to marriage counselling (and continue to go, even though there's no present issues) and worked very hard to get where they are now. Things are a lot smoother. They're very happy and comfortable.
32. How do they resolve their arguments?
They long ago made a rule to never go to bed angry and never leave the house without telling the other you love them. So they hold true to that. It's normally Tyler that starts things (LOL, sorry Tyler) and he's very quick to recognize that he's hurt her feelings and to apologize. And she's very good at acknowledging her screw ups too. And let's face it, they always enjoy make up sex lol
33. Who has the most nightmares and how do they deal with them?
Tyler. He has a lot of war time and mercenary time dreams. Esme always walks up when he has them, and she's learned to startle him or touch him without talking to him first and making sure he acknowledges that he knows its her. He once lashed out thinking she was a threat and unfortunately she got hurt. But she's very good at taking care of him now. Getting meds, water, a wet face cloth to wipe down his forehead and back of his neck.
34. Do they give each other nicknames?
Other than the 'babe' or 'baby' or 'honey', Esme calls him Tae. But she's also been known to affectionately address as 'husband' or 'the old fella'. Tyler calls her 'Me' but in the new story also calls her 'munchkin'
35. What movies do they enjoy watching most?
Usually action or comedy. He'll suffer through a rom com every so often lol
36. How’d they meet each other’s families?
Esme met Tyler's father (only family he had) when he showed up with Tyler's ex wife when Tyler was at hospital in Australia following the events in the first movie. Tyler met Esme's mother, step father, and brothers when they moved to Colorado (and lived in her parents' basement) after the events of the second story, Sanctuary.
37. What do they like the least about each other?
Tyler hates when she talks badly about her mothering and her appearance. Esme hates his stubborness.
38. What was their most memorable date?
They actually never really dated. They sort of just jumped into living together and having a kid after Dhaka. But I would go with the first trip they ever took together. Just them. And it was to Phuket, Thailand.
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
I don't know to be honest lmao
40. Who makes the other smile with almost no effort at all?
Esme came make him smile so easily. Just with her cute little ways or how she lightly teases him.
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mrjellybeanz · 1 year
(Video) TroubleMaker x ShadowDaVillain - "Godzilla"
After a vulnerable, heart felt melody “Gave it my all” NYC’s uncrowned drill King “Trouble Maker” along with “Shadow Da Villain” makes it’s clear they still outside with the gang and whatever form of disrespect you jacking either through song’s and or social media platforms will be met with severe consequences, so press play and mask up as drill season cont. Make sure you tap in with “Trouble…
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six-costume-refs · 2 years
It’s interesting to see that now the cruise cast can post photos / videos of them in costume when we used to have to wait a while for the costumes to be “approved.” Do you think this has to do with the costumes now being made be a different team?
Hey! I do think the different studio could have some impact, but there are also some other potential reasons. - Bliss 1.0 costumes were made by the same UK studios and costume makers that were making the UK costumes at the time. They did not have a photo ban. - Breakaway 2.0 is a little bit less clear. It seems like some or all of the costumes were made by the usual UK makers, but then finished up during rehearsals (studs added) by Norwegian Creative Studios. They did not have a photo ban. - Bliss 2.0 costumes were made by Norwegian Creative Studios. There was a photo ban. It was still in place a year after, in early March 2021, and to my knowledge it's still in effect. However, several members of the cast and production team did post photos regardless. - Breakaway 2.0 costumes were made by Norwegian Creative Studios. A photo ban was initially in effect. About midway through the run several of the cast members got new costumes, also made by Norwegian Creative Studios. After those new costumes were received, the photo ban seems to have been lifted. The cast members who received new costumes have not posted photos of their old ones, so I’m guessing a photo ban still exists on those. Their costumes are pretty complicated, so if you're curious I have a longer post about it here. - Bliss 3.0 costumes were made by Norwegian Creative Studios. Some of these photos weren't posted for a bit so they may have had to be approved, but that's just as likely due to Wi-Fi issues. Either way, there certainly wasn't a complete posting ban. - Breakaway 3.0 and Bliss 4.0 costumes were made primarily by John Kristiansen but some pieces seem to have been made by Norwegian Creative Studios. John Kristiansen is the same studio that makes the Broadway and Aragon Tour costumes. Like with Bliss 3.0 some signing off may have needed to happen, but there wasn’t a total ban.
There does seem to be a pattern there in terms of who made which costumes and which had a ban, but I think even if that’s the case there are probably still a few other factors: - UK, Broadway/US Tour, and AUNZ costumes are worked on by a team of costume supervisors and designers as well as associates and assistants (exact titles depend on the production). Collectively they oversee the costumes’ production, design, quality, and consistency, and make sure that the costumes continue to live up to Gabriella Slade’s designs and expectations even as she moves on to other projects. One reason that they may have moved NCL costumes’ production to John Kristiansen in NYC is so that Lisa Zinni and Amanda Jenks, the US-based team, could better oversee the construction of the costumes (That’s one of many possible reasons; it’s a little outside the scope of this post, but I can get into it in the future if there’s interest in that). Having them there to oversee the costumes’ production could definitely help solve any concerns that may have existed for the casts with costume bans. - The Bliss 2.0 costumes were made in a weird transitionary period. The costumes were going through extensive changes to both design and construction in anticipation of the Broadway debut. When you’re in a major period of refinement and change, there’s always going to be some things you like and some you scrap. Bliss 2.0 was one of the primary places where they were doing that experimentation; several of the elements they used for Bliss (like Lucy Aiston’s Boleyn) were then scrapped for Broadway. Oddly, some of those elements that Bliss used but were scrapped for Broadway were also used for Breakaway 2.0 (like Abbi Hodgson’s Boleyn costume, which was made for Bliss 2.0 and used the same design as Lucy’s, or Liv Alexander’s costume which also had the same cutout design as Lucy/Abbi’s). Since they’ve really been striving for standardization, they may have just wanted to minimize the amount of attention that those unique design/construction elements got.
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rebeccahandler · 2 years
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@timeoutnewyork On Monday, the Village Halloween parade will activate New York’s incredible artists, puppeteers, prop makers and creators. They turn out each year to show off some of the coolest, most inventive costumes and puppets many of us have ever seen, making NYC memories to last a lifetime. I had the pleasure of shooting Brandon Hardy (center), for @timeoutnewyork, who has been creating the most fantastic parade puppets for 13 years. 👻🎃💀 Artists: @brandon.hardy.art @iamalexuma @lifeisprops @thekennethard @nychalloween Photography: @rebeccahandler Design Director: @bryanmayesdotcom Location: @rubybirdstudio Words: @shayeweaver Video: @dbarthvadar (at Ruby Bird Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkN_hqkAheY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bubblebbunch · 7 days
Muse List
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Demiboy [afab] // he/they // 29 // Drug Dealer & Celebrity Lookalike/Performance Artist
Luca, or "Pinwheel" as most call him, lives in a ratty little apartment in New York City, Queens, and makes most of his money off of selling drugs. During the day though, he'll go to Loo Loo Amusement Park [Remake of Luna Park on Coney Island] where he plays the role of a celebrity performance artist which he is a lookalike of.
He fucking hates the gig, but he looks so similar to him, he has the energy and dexterity to pull it off, and well... the owner blackmailed him, threatening to report him to the authorities for his drug dealing, and Luca needs to Not end up in jail.
So he finds himself doing it despite not getting paid. He's rarely sober, often on some kind of pills, and barely keeps enough cash on him to pay rent. It's honestly a bit of a miracle that he still lives at the apartment complex. He reeks of booze and nicotine and whatever else he's been smoking, and doesn’t have a single friend.
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Cis Male // he/him // 29 yrs // Therapist
Fumihiro works as a therapist in NYC and is not doing... that great money wise. College absolutely ruined him, his family often wants him to help them fund their own projects, and he's terrible at saying no. He takes on more work than he's capable of, and he often works for free. He complains, but he just needs to grow a spine. Life IS pretty ridiculously unfair, though... and it doesn't help that his roommate Corwin is incredibly overbearing and suffocating either.
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Demiboy [amab] // he/they // 28 yrs // Dentist
Corwin is Fumihiro's childhood friend and has always been an outcast. With a morbid interest in teeth, he was also struggling with depression and unhealthy coping behaviour. He's obnoxious, is unabashedly himself, and he's got crazy ADHD... but also RSD. And he's so lonely... he craves intimacy something fierce, and he Clings to Fumihiro as the only person who ever gave him a genuine chance. He occasionally performs in drag, and he gets his fix at the bar several times a week where he hooks up with whoever wants to give him a try, but nothing ever goes anywhere... Why won't anybody just love him already?
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Trans Woman // she/her // 26 yrs // Online Personality
Minnie is a weeb and an amazing cosplayer, YouTuber, and she spends a lot of her time online making silly videos for people who simp for her. She doesn't mind, it pays the bills, and her OnlyFans is doing good, thank you guys!! During the day she works as a server at a local cafe that does dress ups at times (the maid outfits are her favourite). Minnie is a sweetheart, but a bit of a doormat... having came out of a physically and emotionally abusive relationship not too long ago, she's still working on loving herself. She's still recovering, doing her very best...
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Genderfluid [amab] // any pronouns // 25 yrs // Babysitter
Younger sister to Luca, who can't stand him. She felt abandoned by her only remaining family member when he was becoming a chore to look after, when his substance abuse and illegal activities only increased and escalated while she was left alone at home, fending for herself... So she ended up moving out. He now works as a babysitter, it's rough and the family takes advantage of their charity, but it's nice to feel... needed. To be a part of a family. She has a lot of spice, but below the sour exterior, he's got a big heart.
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Cis Male // he/him // 51 yrs // Funeral Director & Mortician & Coffin Maker [hobby]
Mordecai has been pretty rooted in place for the last 51 years... Growing up in Oklahoma, he eventually moved to eastern California where he set up a funeral home and a stable. Death wasn't really fascinating to him... but rather, he had seen it happen many times in his life, and found that the end of a life... had to have meant something, for those left behind. He wanted to lift the spirits of those who remained, and celebrate the life that had burned so bright, and either suddenly been snuffed out, or slowly dimmed down. He wanted to make the funeral peaceful. The passing natural. The communication between the dying, the dead, and the living, easier. So he started his business.
Moving to New York, he did so to keep a family member company during her final years before sickness takes her life, setting up a new business in the city to keep on doing what he was always doing... but city life is quite different from the mountain ranges of Oklahoma or endless deserts of California.
Mordecai doesn't say more than he has to, the quiet sort who notices everything but says nothing. When he does speak up, his southern drawl is almost distracting, but his words always carry wisdom.
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Trans Man // he/him // 36 yrs // Business Tycoon, owner of several clubs across NYC, Manager of Loo Loo Park. Also deals with money laundering, espionage and is a loan shark of course
Noel is an entrepenur and a visionary. Starting off at the bottom of the barrel like so many of us, he figured out how to work the system from a young age, always having a nose for business, and a feeling for when to strike. What opportunities were lucrative and which ones were a waste. Quickly, he went from a simple office rat to team leader, boss, CEO, and now he manages more businesses than you can count on one hand.
His current "project" is the Loo Loo Park (alternate version of Luna Park on Coney Island) in NYC, and while he sits comfortably in Manhattan, he makes bank without much effort anymore. Noel is smug, careful in his wording, and will come across as quite lighthearted if you don't know any better. He's always five steps ahead, but his confidence in his own ability can also become his biggest weakness. Oh yeah also he's Luca's boss/blackmailer.
⚙ Nergüi
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Agender [intersex] // they/them // 21 yrs // College Student
A young student at one of the many colleges across New York, currently studying robotics in hopes of becoming... something. They feel so in tune with these machines, at times it feels like they're also running on a program, that they don't actually know what they're actually Meant to do except for making these things work... like life has no meaning. Are they only doing this because their parents wants them to? Because they think robotics are the future? Because they know better and this is what's best for them? Do they even have a mind of their own..? Or are they exaggerating? Should they just settle... they don't know. Time to dissociate.
¿ Loo Loo Bot
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No gender // it/they // A few years old // Clown Mascot/Spy/Bodyguard Android
An android Noel has placed in "Loo Loo park" to play the role of a pierrot-themed mascot named Loo Loo. It has some other dubious functions as well, such as the ability to switch its face, voice and build around, hide weapons on its person, and of course, record conversations. It is rather uncanny to look at, its voice a bit off and its behaviour a bit too inhuman... at least when it is at the park. When it's working undercover by Noel's side, it is near indistinguishable from a real person.
The android is generally soft spoken and gentle in its mannerisms, supposedly it'd make it approachable, but is just seems to creep kids out.
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dtba · 10 months
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Big Boss Vette is RESILIENT
Big Boss Vette exudes classic underdog hunger spiked with a fresh, fearless, and fiery approach to hip-hop. The St, Louis-born rapper toggles between airtight bars, slippery melodies, and irresistible hooks. The rapidly-rising St. Louis rapper and singer Big Boss Vette shares her anxiously awaited debut EP, RESILIENCE via Beatstaz/Amigo Records/Republic Records. Listen to RESILIENCE—HERE.
In celebration of the project’s arrival, she uncovered a personal short film that digs deeper into Big Boss Vette’s story of RESILIENCE. It opens with a powerful line from the hit-maker as she states, “the good shit yall see came from a million failures.” Then it proceeds to chronicle her success from the very start up until now. It’s a transparent and inspiring story of how self belief will unlock the doors to achieving your dreams.
With no shortage of quotable wordplay or massive melodies, RESILIENCE boasts seven brand new songs. The stand out track “Get It” is a multigenerational anthem fit for any backyard bbq. While other songs including the punchy “Another One” and club-ready banger “Lick The Cat” double-down on Big Boss Vette’s strong aptitude for creating memorable hooks.
Now, she shows her Resilience.
Follow Big Boss Vette on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and Spotify.
You’re more than a rap artist, how would you describe your sound?
I would describe my sound as authentically different, that's because I show up, and I shout out and I'm authentically myself. I don't want to sound like nobody, I don't want to be like nobody, I just want to be Big Boss Vette.
You are definitely giving authentic. When I think about a playlist that includes Big Boss Vette, I think of Azalea Banks, what other artists come to mind for you?
If we are going to mix and match Big Boss Vette, we gonna ass in some Latto, we're gonna add in some Cardi, City Girls, Maiya The Don, Foxy Brown, Lil Kim, Nicki Minaj... we gonna add all the girlies okay!
You're giving you're ready to be on go at any time. You’re hard at work promoting your debut project, Resilience, how did it feel to perform your new works for the Rolling Loud audience?
To be honest, I've been teasing these tracks for a very long time. To perform them I was ready! I already know I create great music and bring out great energy. When I hit that stage, I demand for my cousins to rock out with me, turn up with me, and give me their full, undivided attention. It's my time to shine. They loved it! I was grateful, it was an honor honestly.
I just heard that BET premiered your "Get It" video in Times Square -
In Times Square Baby!!! Ahhhh
Let's go! How does it feel to have your first ever billboard in Times Square?
It feels amazing! The whole time I was just screaming, I couldn't contain it, it's Times Square it's an honor. They actually tricked me, they said that we were going to be out there to film content, and then they had me turn around and look and I was so excited and I couldn't contain it! To have that type of support while I'm building means everything to me.
It's great that you got to start your day off with such a celebraroty moment!
You also have an exclusive EP Release Playback tonight for Republic NYC Studios. I'm excited for you to pop out. My favorite tracks from the EP are “Fly Shhh”, “Get It”, “Can't FWM” & “Dollas”. If you could choose your top tracks which would they be?
I would do "Get It" because that song is everything, it's house, work out, family function, it's commercial it's everything. That record is so big and can be pushed so many places.
I like “Can't FWM” because when you're feeling down it's gonna snap you out of your bag. I would also say "Dollas" and "Another One". I love both of those because it's giving. we're in the club, hookah in hand.
You’re from St. Louis, Missouri, how would you say St. Louis is different from NY?
First things first, we don't have such a big scenery there. St. Louis is like an off market type of place. To be honest, if I didn't blow up off of social media, I don't know how I would be here today.
Our accents are also very much different, I'm country as hell.
I'm here for the southern girl accent!
Thank you, thank you!
What’s something you look forward to doing in NYC when you’re not performing and running press?
Eating. I be ready. I'm an open person so I will try any place. I also want to see the scenery and meet new people. Networking and creating content in this nice city.
I first discovered your song “Snatched” at a queer party in Brooklyn. What impact does it have for you that your music resonates in the queer community?
I love it because I am pansexual, so my love has no limits. To be accepted and streamed by everyone means so much. Not too many people can resonates with my cousins (her word for fans/supporters).
You are signed to Republic Records. In previous interviews you mentioned getting signed means things get harder (meeting deadlines, getting clearances, marketing yourself etc). Would you say things have gotten easier?
Now yes, absolutely. When I first started, absolutely not. You are starting over at the bottom in a new playing field. I had thought that when you get signed, you are Beyonce, and that's not what happens. You gotta get your name out there, having dates for drops, clearances if you use certain sounds or references in your songs. everything is different on a corporate level. They also reach certain points you can't reach if you was not signed.
What advice do you have for independent artists looking for more exposure?
I would say just keep posting cause I went viral off of being broke. I had propped by phone up. I had a Playstation 2 to have the beat and I was just posting, I didn't have a plan behind it I was just doing it. When I started going viral, that's when the money started to come. At one point I traveled fourteen hours via car for seven-hundred dollars. Just do it. There will be days you wake up and see certain things on blogs and you may feel like "why I'm not there?" Don't take the media serious. Just do it.
Some of your recent & upcoming festival performances include - ROLLING LOUD (LA, SAN FRANCISCO, MIAMI), LOLLAPALOOZA, AND SUNDOWN ALASKA. What’s one city you haven’t performed in that you look forward to performing in the near future?
I wanna perform in Jamaica. Every artist that I've seen go to Jamaica has had a ball out there.
To end with glam...
What is your favorite perfume?
Carolina Herrera, when I first seen it, it was the heel that caught my attention. I went to see what it smelled like and instantly I was obsessed. I just have her every where I go. I don't put her in my checked bag because she smells to good and I don't need anyone to steal her.
What’s your favorite fashion trend?
I like the 90s spice baby, pop star era, that kind of just sticks with me.
What are some beauty tips you can share with the Galore audience?
On a very hot day baby, don't do a full face baby. Get you a concealer of your choice, put it right up under your eye, your cheeks, your forehead, get some setting powder and that's it. You don't need nothing else cause it's going to melt off. Get you some setting spray and baby keep it with you. It's going to get you together I promise.
Now that I know that your face is glowing without the foundation, what's your night routine.
I use this black soap and then I go in with an oil cleanser.
What is your zodiac sign, and how do you feel that influences your creative process.
I am a libra, balance, and I just wanna say, if I can't figure it out, then I just won't do it. I need to feel good about what I'm doing. I don't mind doing new things, but if it just feels so foreign, I'm not forcing creativity because that's when you start putting out trash. I just wait for it to come to me.
Follow Big Boss Vette on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, and Spotify.
Interviewed By: Shirley Reynozo @moyamusic_
Photographer: Down To Be Artsy @dtba_
Galore Art Direction: Carlos Graciano @sadpapi666 
Editor in Chief: Prince Chenoa @princechenoastudio
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citylifeorg · 1 year
Museum of The City of New York Announces List of Artists Selected for New York Now: Home
Photo: Beyond My Ken, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons Inaugural Installation of New Photography Triennial to Include 33 Contemporary Photographers and Video Artists Exploring the Theme of “Home” Exhibition Opens March 10, 2023 Museum of the City of New York, NYC’s storyteller for nearly 100 years, today announced the list of 33 image-makers whose work will be included in the inaugural…
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themomsandthecity · 1 year
Julia Fox Is a Mom of a 2-Year-Old, and Her Apartment Proves It
Julia Fox believes in "maximum transparency." So despite her fear of being roasted in the comments, she decided to do a tour of her messy, kid-centric apartment on her TikTok. As a mom to 2-year-old Valentino, Fox wanted to normalize her space in all its chaotic glory - something she hopes most parents can relate to. "Maybe someone can watch this and think, 'OK, so maybe I'm not doing so bad,'" she says in the video. Fox starts the tour in her "bedroom," which is actually the apartment's living room. "I put my bed in the living room so I could turn my bedroom into a little playroom for Valentino," she says while sweeping the camera over the toys on the floor and a random clothing rack she says she "really [needs] to get rid of." (#Relatable.) She then shows off her "nostalgia mirror" that's decorated with photos of Valentino as a newborn next to mementos of loved ones who have passed. The mirror hangs over her "grow station" (two small pots filled with soil). Despite being labeled with small signs for "mint" and "basil," she confirms that "nothing is growing because we don't know what we're doing." From there, Fox takes us down a long hallway, passing a variety of items needed to transport her toddler around NYC, including a tricycle, strollers, and an array of little shoes. She makes sure to point out Valentino's daycare schedule, written in marker on a whiteboard near the front door. Then there's a quick stop to peek at her "little" bathroom with leftover toys in the tub. "It's very tiny, but it does what it's supposed to do," she says. Entering the kitchen, we see Valentino's adorable mini kitchen facing the real deal. The countertops are covered with gadgets like a brand-new cotton-candy maker and various shoe boxes. She adds a disclaimer for viewers, "Don't judge me! I know it's really messy," though all we can think about is the luxury of access to fresh cotton candy. But the crown jewel of the 31-year-old's apartment is her son's bedroom. "I put the most effort into this room," she says, showing off the lofted bed and built-in bookshelves. "I really wanted him to have a cute room." However, Fox admits he doesn't spend any of his time there. "He only wants to be in Mama's room," she says. "He sleeps in bed with me. Yeah, we're cosleepers, sue me. I don't care." This isn't the first time Fox has shared her honest experience of motherhood. In September 2022, she opened up about the rude awakening that came with postpartum depression. "I think it's just such a reality check when you finally have a kid and you're like, 'Holy f*ck, this has just drastically made my entire life worse," she shared on TikTok. "This is not at all the fairy tale that I was f*cking promised. But how do we say that out loud?" While Fox clearly loves her son, she acknowledges the importance of maintaining transparency among parents. @juliafox Come with me on a very underwhelming apartment tour! also to clarify I have only ONE mouse and he’s cute 🥰 ♬ original sound - Julia fox Many TikTokers appreciated the authentic nature of the tour. "[You're] a mother that obviously prioritizes your child & it is a beautiful apartment," one user commented. "Love you are showing that success looks different for every person." Another replied, "Love how much of your space is dedicated to your son." And comedian Hannah Berner dubbed Fox "a relatable icon." The "Uncut Gems" star admits they have a "small mouse problem" but adds, "I appreciate that they come out at night while we're sleeping to clean up the crumbs that my son drops on the floor." She has no plans to evict the mice anytime soon. https://www.popsugar.com/family/julia-fox-shows-her-apartment-with-2-year-old-son-49071842?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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ashleyjanamusic · 2 years
Video Maker
NYC Based Composer (Pop, Musical Theatre, & Film)| 🎤 Singer/Songwriter | 🎧 Producer | 🖥 Mix & Masterer | 🎥 Video Maker || 📱FENIX360
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andreybogoslowsky69 · 2 years
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Insta blocked my video page & asked me to write a review👻 I did. I told everything I think about Insta, here’s a screenshot of what I said about pornography, financial scam, intellectual property, and lawsuit artists in NYC have pro bono legal services (volunteer lawyers for the arts nonprofit organization) I Also have compelling evidence Instagram is watching and filtering communications via DM. You wanted to hear the truth, here we go. “can you handle the truth?- I heard it in some movie. I have more to say. Follow me and I’m sure you will witness a bloodbath. Decision makers at social media companies are brutal and sadistic. But they’re not invincible but I am Immortal King Gilgamesh a.k.a. Bogoslowsky descendent of gray Genghis Khan 😂
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iambmney · 4 years
Mwen sonje patnem @lp_production_official cheri vant lan ap bay kou lol Still #1 #video #maker in #nyc period https://www.instagram.com/p/CDwiXNRjbAe/?igshid=1c1e0ae78tudc
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elon-productions · 3 years
Get to Know the Types of Video Cameras and Make your Productions!
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When you are searching for Best photoshoots Services Online 2021 what types of video or photo cameras do you know? Has it happened to you that you wanted to start filming your videos like Corporate Video Makers, but because you didn't have a good camera, you didn't dare?
Don't worry, in this article, you will discover that it is not necessary to have a large camera to start your productions (or you can contact Elon Production, Photography Services Online in NYC)
You will also see different characteristics, how a video camera works and what types there are.
If you already know how a camera works and want to see which one suits you, I recommend that you do an ellipsis up to point 5.
Do you have your camera handy? Well, we started!
What is a Video Camera?
Before we get into the types of video cameras that exist, let's look at a definition of a video camera that is not only used by professional  Corporate Video Makers, Best photoshoots Services Online 2021, the professional video makes but also by the common man.
Being of daily use, since there are different types of video cameras in our cell phones (of great quality, by the way), it is one of those devices in which we do not stop when thinking about its concept, since it is very clear what it is for.
If we think of a definition of a video camera, we could say that it is a device that allows images and sounds to be recorded by converting them into electrical signals to be reproduced in a specific device. In other words, we could call it an optical translator.
The evolution of the video camera has been such that it has become one of the most important components in smartphones. In this way, we can produce a video whenever we want and interact with other applications, such as scanning the QR code when entering WhatsApp.
Before we get into the types of video cameras, let's see how they evolved until they reached our pockets.  
How does a Video Camera Work?
Before looking at the different types of a video cameras, let's see how one works.
Digital cameras have internal software, which varies depending on the model or manufacturer, and a light sensor, that is, a piece of electronic equipment. The function of these two pieces within a camera is to transform light into binary code, which is decoded once the files are downloaded to a computer.
The light sensor transforms the conditions of brightness and color into specific electrical energy. The squares of this network are the well-known pixels, and each one will have a different variant of color and brightness that become invisible when viewing an image in real size. In this way, the result of that set of pixels is the image captured by the camera.
Now that we know how it works, let's see the more technical aspects to take into account for the functions of the video camera:
➤  Resolution: the screen resolution is measured according to the number of pixels. The higher the quantity, the higher the resolution.
➤  Frames per second: the number of frames per second will allow you to apply a better slow-motion effect.
➤  Dynamic range: the dynamic range achieves an image that is as faithful as possible to reality, in terms of lights, colors, and shadows; the more varied, the greater the dynamic range.
➤  Logarithmic curves: allow to work the color in detail after filming.
If you wish to have a professional approach and are searching for Best photoshoots Services Online 2021, Corporate Video Makers, or Photography  Services Online in NYC, Elon Productions is at your service.
- Armaan Jain
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beelectricstudios · 6 years
Azaelia Banks // Complex Media
As is tradition, when a new year comes, new resolutions do too. Many resolutions have to do with working out more or eating healthier, all of which in turn help with one's overall mental health. With these thoughts in mind we wanted to highlight a recent project shot by Complex Media at our stages. The video is an eight minute introspective on the world-renowned recording artist Azealia Banks. The piece goes into detail about the limelight that sometimes prevents superstars like herself from being seen as a ‘real person’. This limelight places stars like her in a place where fans may forget that these artists also go through the same day to day struggles as us, as well as some different ones that fans may not be aware of at all. Due to the constant microscope on their daily affairs and pressure to be perfect, as well as constantly pushing out new, riveting work, the burden on these artists is very real. Azealia and the video itself come across as very raw, as you see wide shots of our NYC studio space and the equipment used, while the artist goes into harsh detail about her hardships to find proactive ways to push her mental health forward in a positive way. Her music comes across as very strong and happy, but as stated, she is nothing more than a flawed human like the rest of us. We absolutely love this piece and the new perspective it sheds on not only her life but a lot of entertainment industry big shots lives’. 
In summation, Azealia states “Every day is a difficult time, I’m Azealia Banks.” Thank you to Complex Media for choosing our film production studio, and a big thank you to Azealia for being so honest with the public about such a sensitive subject. We hope each and everyone of you is able to conquer your 2018 resolutions for a better outlook and overall life.
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