#talking head videos
nyphotony · 9 months
Here are several video samples from interviews to event reels, to product videos. 646-275-4750 [email protected] for more info. Interview with James May shot and produced with DigitalTrends.com promoting The Grand Tour Season 2   Video Production for ElliQ (not editor) Video production for ElliQ (not editor) Swop It Video Product Shoot for Genie Media Bagnos Shelf Product Shoot Fly Reel Video…
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maryonnaise · 1 year
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makima big suit
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rongzhi · 5 months
English added by me :)
Further Details:
In 2014, while digging ground to construct the Number 7 line for the Chengdu metro, a 2300 square meter tomb with 13 graves was dug up near Mohechi (摩诃池), the former back gardens of the Prince's mansion in Sichuan (蜀王府). Of the 13 chambers in the tomb, most were single graves, and some had been plundered or were difficult to get to. Chamber #8 was found to have its seal still closed and in decent condition, with archeologists speculating that the area had been subject to earthquakes in the past, and robbers skipped over the chamber because they were afraid of the walls collapsing if the heavy stone door was moved. Chamber #8 was also discovered to contain two rooms and the engraving of a dragon and phoenix, indicating that whoever the tomb belonged to were of relatively high status.
While the royal mausoleum of the prince of Sichuan had long been unearthed, the new joint grave was originally thought to be the tomb of an aristocratic husband and wife, as the type of tomb was typical of a husband and wife pair. The area where the new tomb had been discovered was also known long ago as 公公坟 (the eunuch graves). Other tombs of court eunuchs buried around Chengdu had been discovered in 1953, 1955, 1956, 2003, 2005, and 2008.
At the same time, experts noticed that the porcelain relics buried in the Chamber #8 all shared an unusual characteristic: the male figurines had no facial hair. This led to the realisation that the figurines depicted eunuchs. Additionally, two stone tablets were eventually located which turned out to be the epitaphs for the graves, and which allowed the archeologists to confirm that the tomb did indeed belong to two imperial eunuchs from the Ming dynasty. Moreover, the tablets revealed that the eunuchs were named Wei Yu (魏玉, b.1470) and Ruan Ying (阮英, b. 1472). Both were born from poor farming families in Tongzhou (潼州; present day northern Sichuan province).
In the fourteenth year of Chenghua, there was a huge drought in the nation, so both children were sent by their families to become eunuchs in the palace as a means to survive. Being from the same area and around the same age, they would grow to become very close.
In the Ming dynasty, imperial eunuchs had great power, such that they were in charge of many government and even military affairs. Due to this, Wei Yu and Ruan Ying did not stay in Beijing to serve the emperor but instead eventually ended up as chief eunuchs in Shuwangfu, the center of government in Sichuan. Based on the epitaph and historical materials, historians concluded that Wei Yu and Ruan Ying did not necessarily overstep their power as is often the depiction of court eunuchs of the era, and in fact, they cooperated very well with the Zhu Chun, the prince of Sichuan and Hongwu Emperor's 11th son, assisting him to repair infrastructure and bringing prosperity to the people of Chengdu.
Wei Yu was favored by the prince for being clever and witty, and was bestowed the surname Shuang, so is also referred to in records as Shuang Yu (双玉). As Wei Yu's status grew, Ruan Ying's did as well.
In the 10th year of Zhengde (1515), having experienced some rough times, Wei Yu and Ruan Ying decided they wanted to be buried together and and obtained royal permission for it to be so. As they had no children, they were able to accumulate all their earnings (imperial servants were paid) and buy a plot of land. One year later, Ruan Ying passed away and Wei Yu had a tomb built with two rooms so that they could be buried together. Ten years later, when he passed away also, Wei Yu was buried with Ruan Ying, fulfilling their desire to be entombed together.
Additional sources:
video (in Chinese)
video (in Chinese)
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blueskittlesart · 3 days
in the nicest and most non-confrontational way possible. i feel like some of you think that anything that isn't directly openly spelled out for you within a story is "missed potential" or "unexplored." like. sometimes there are implied narratives. sometimes the point is that you as the reader are supposed to think and draw your own conclusions and participate in the story. the writers not directly spelling every little detail out for you doesn't mean that the story is poorly written or missed its own plot details somehow. PLEASE.
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horridcassette · 7 months
important david byrne cooking stream highlights
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reprisearchive · 1 month
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David Byrne for the Talking Heads' Once in a Lifetime music video.
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corrodedcoughin · 1 year
thinking about how if Eddie was cornered for a fight he’d probably play to his strengths and try to freak out his attackers by bouncing around like old timey boxers, looking like a kangaroo and punching the air while saying ‘oh you wanna go??? You wanna go??? Well let me tell you! There’s going to be three hits!!! Me hitting you, you hitting the floor and the ambulance hitting 80 when it takes you to the hospital. That’s right. The old left, right, goodnight. The ol’ razzle dazzle!’
And the guys just…leave? Because what is this guy doing? And why is he moving like that?
Eddie munson: 1, bullies: 42. Things are finally looking up.
What Eddie doesn’t know is that Steve Harrington was standing just off to the side and waved the bullies on when he saw it all kick off. Not wanting to interrupt Eddie’s…technique…he did what he could without raising suspicions
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bonesblubs · 1 year
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I know this is just a silly bad quality random screencap of a screencap that I found on facebook lol, BUT it's a succinct enough image to easily describe the concept in a quick/accessible way hopefully :
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(and of course, feel free to elaborate in tags, etc.! (especially elaborating about other senses as well.. can you "hear" in your mind just as well as you can "see"? taste? etc.) It's an interesting topic to me, as someone who's like a 4.5 at MOST lol. I'm curious what option will be the most common :0c )
#tumblr polls#hrmm... a little poll perhaps.. about a subject I find interesting.. since this image came across my facebook today#still really not feeling that well. no longer shaking violently and such but I still feel weird and weak much more than usual#They did say my markers for like infection or inflammation were elevated but that they werent sure of the cause so hopefully#it's nothing too serious. they did also say a lot of different things can cause that thing to be higher than normal but didn't go into spec#fics of what. maybe some of them are relatively benign or something. I still havent felt much back to normal since#I got really sick that one time though. I feel fine on and off but then little bouts of feeling weird and sick happen. hrmmm#ANYWAY.. looking for small ways to be productive. such as little doodles on evil ipad or editing game videos#or posting polls or cat pictures or some other like not very labor intensive things#I WISH I COULD FOCUS on writing HHRGGhh... I need to finish my game.. it would be so freeing.. a project that's been looming#over my head for like 5 years even though througouht that 5yrs I've probably spent a total of 3 months working on it lo.. ANYWAY#I still partially really cannot beleive that people CAN see stuff in their heads. There's always part of me that's thinking like. well mayb#e everyone DOES see the same exact thing but we just describe/conceptualize it so differently that we think we're talking about#different things when we're really not. But I have been assured by people I've talked to about it that they can GENUINELY really see#stuff in their heads like as vivid as an actual picture in real life or something. And the other senses are neat too. Like for exmaple I#can hear in my head much better than I can see imagery. I still CANNOT hear vividly like as if I were listening to actual music out loud..#but I think it's developed more than my sight. AND interesting how this varies the creative process. a friend I was talking to on the phone#said they write by literally just watching stuff play before them like a movie. where my process is COMPLETELY different. AND that affects#the content/what details we focus on as well as our individual styles of writing have differences that can be traced back to that.. hrmm
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unironicallycringe · 3 months
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imminent-danger-came · 3 months
Like my absolute fear in this scene. I forget how scary it is. I forget
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rainsongdean · 2 days
same as it ever was, same as it ever was // "you got what you asked for dean. no paradise, no hell, just more of the same."
dean & castiel x once in a lifetime by the talking heads
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uncanny-tranny · 11 months
Relationships don't have to be transactional. They don't even have to be 50/50. The idea that a "good relationship" is split down the middle, where nobody acts like people, and instead vends out appropriate cookie-cutter responses and dialogue is genuinely harmful.
A good relationship is one wherein the person/people involved are happy. You don't have to give, you don't have to take. You can enjoy each other's company and be together. If there comes a time when that need changes, then the person who should know is whomever is in that relationship with you. This isn't solely about romantic or sexual partners, this goes for platonic friends or otherwise anybody who spends enough time with each other to establish some type of relationship with each other.
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libraryfag · 1 month
talking heads is the closest an all human band can get to the muppets
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sojutrait · 10 days
any video essay recs? or channels? 🤲
ngl we are kinda in a recession rn when it comes to actual good video essays like mfs make ANYTHING these days BUT!! some banger channels and vids i love
alt shift x
rewriting the end of GOT (i love this vid sm)
niche stuff
failure of the lammily doll
mystery behind disney channel’s theme (this vid made me cry, check out all his stuff in general love him)
shitting on lore olympus (deserved)
jenny nicholson
video games / anime / etc
character design in dungeon meshi
yappin about fear and hunger
mythology behind hades
book stuff
lesbian erasure in adaptations of the color purple (i love her channels in general check out all her stuff)
craziest book drama imaginable (i love her whole channel too tbh just check it out)
art stuff and film
talking about basquiat
contempt of modern art relating to fascism and prager u (watch all his vids in general i love him sm)
dissecting sorry to bother you
lindsay ellis (moved to nebula now but her yt vids are still amazing can’t wait for the new book queen)
politics / social commentary
f . d signifier
khadija mbowe
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raekiez · 8 months
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