amarigposes · 4 months
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Balancing on a big carrot for a big vierafell!
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wankadoodles · 3 months
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pocket healer
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The Goblin Hole, HQ of sad goth girls
A drawing from last year, requested by @vierafell
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hqmillioncorn · 4 months
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The Forecast calls for an 100% chance of Love!!!!
"Wait a minute!!" Tilika stopped Babycorn just short of going out the door. "Let me take a look at you." She turned Babycorn around to face her. A pair of oversized pink glasses covered her face. They were oversized because they were Tilika's glasses. "That's your disguise?!" Babycorn nodded, "Yuppers!" she winked. "Yup-yup!" Cherrypit tried to wink but he just closed both his eyes. Ever since last year, Babycorn had to attend Valentiones in disguise just to avoid being surronded by potential suitors. Or 'pesky bugs' as Pupusa liked to call them. Tilika sighed, maybe covering her eyes would be enough? She hoped.
i wanted to write Butter Moontide belongs to @windupnamazu
It was a sunny day in Gridania, on a very busy day. 
And on that very busy day, a lone Vierafell walked forward, on a mission. 
A mission of love!
With a heart full of determination, Butter placed his hand on the city’s aetheryte and let himself be carried over to the center of Gridania’s Valentione’s celebrations. In his hands was the most important thing of all. A metal cookie tin. That rumbled with every wary step that Butter took forward. 
The cookie tin was filled to the brim with hand baked sugar cookies.
They weren’t just any regular sugar cookies baked by Butter however, oh no. These sugar cookies were special, they had been baked exactly a week ago to the day. Then they had been left outside to continue to bake in the sun for almost a whole day before being brought back in.
The incredibly specific reason for why Butter did this exactly all came back to a certain day when he had forgotten his freshly baked plate of cookies outside on a picnic table. 
In his defense, Pancake had fallen down and scraped her knee while playing tag and that took priority over some cookies he had just made. Then after he had brought Pancake inside to bandage her knee up the cookies simply continued to slip his mind. 
Until Babycorn wandered in, carrying a familiar plate in her hands and eating an equally familiar looking cookie. Cherrypit walked beside her. He was munching on a cookie in his oversized sleeves, much like a hamster would snack on a sunflower seed.
There was a huge smile on Babycorn’s face as she continued to eat cookies after cookie. Seeing such an expression on Babycorn was a rarity, especially for someone as grumpy as her.
“These cookies are so yummy!” Butter overheard her talking with Cherrypit. “They’re so tasty…” She paused, “I wonder who made them…?”
As Babycorn walked away, Butter could feel a tightness in his chest. There was nothing he wanted to do more than to tell her that those were his cookies, he had been the one to bake them! But no matter how hard he wanted to, he remained silent.
…That was until today!!
Today-! After years of building up courage, Butter was finally going to tell Babycorn that he had been the one to make those cookies she loved so much so many years ago.
This sudden burst of bravery came as a result of his spontaneous confession a few months ago. 
Butter never could have imagined he could ever ever work up the courage to tell Babycorn how he felt but now here he was! Twirling in place, with a metal tin full of cookies ready to talk with his crush and ask her if she wanted to hang out later too. 
He was now more confident than ever! Especially with the super secret intel he received yesterday. His super secret special intel, also known as Lunya Lanya, had let him know that Babycorn had told her that she would be running around Gridania today.
Apparently looking for any chocolate hearts that came from the ground, as Babycorn still didn’t really understand that sometimes people dropped their chocolate and she shouldn’t be eating them. To which Lunya told her to quit it about five years ago already but if there was anything Babycorn Corn was famous for, it was not listening. 
Even amidst the sea of people crowding around the Amphitheater Butter could still spot Babycorn from a mile away. There was a certain way the pom-pom on her head bounced when she walked, Butter had no idea why so many people hadn’t noticed this about her.
As Butter gently maneuvered around so many people (because twelve forbid he bump into people!!!!!!!!!!! 🥺) he still audibly apologized to ever person and object he gently grazed. Until his eyes finally fell upon the cutest little pom-pom swaying back and forth in a sea of people. 
In an instant Butter felt the butterflies in his stomach start to do backflips and frontflips. 
As Butter walked closer and closer he started to wonder why he wasn’t running back home and hiding under the covers to write in his diary about his perfect wedding with Babycorn. So far he had the decorations all thought out and the flowers picked out too, and if he ran away now maybe he could even come up with invitation design ideas.
Then before Butter knew it he was standing right in front of her. When he realized he was, Butter let out a little squeak in surprise. 
Cherrypit was the first to notice Butter, “Butts!! Butts!” He was wearing a fluffy pink coat that dragged on the ground where he walked. It was all covered in mud and dirt but Butter had a feeling that neither he or Babycorn really cared about that. 
“It’s Butts! Bababababuuts!!” Cherrypit cheered. He stretched his arms up at him, trying his best to ask Butter if he could pick him up. 
Butter smiled and set his gift for Babycorn down, making sure to keep an eye on it as he picked Cherrypit up with a small bounce. Cherrypit giggled and pressed his hands on Butter’s face. They were a little covered with mud and dirt after he had tried to make a dirt castle but Butter didn’t mind too much.
“Hi Cherry! Happy Valentiones day!” 
“Butts!! Happy Valenntiooo day!” Cherrypit smiled and pointed over to where he had come running from. “Bebe! Bebe over there!” Sure enough Cherrypit was pointing right at where Butter had seen Babycorn standing earlier. 
Babycorn was sitting on a stack of wooden boxes and talking to someone much taller than all three of them. Judging from the clothes they were wearing they were someone that worked for House Valentione.
There was also something about his outfit that seemed strangely familiar. Like he’d seen it somewhere before.
Or at least, he’d seen the top half of the outfit somewhere before. Oh well.
This mysterious stranger was smiling, eyes closed and moving their head back and forth, looking at the people walking past him. On occasion he would back at people that waved at him, wishing them a good day and answering any questions they had. All while Babycorn kept talking to him and only him.
…She was really talking a lot and really fast too. 
Butter noticed the corner of his smile twitch. What was all that about?
Cherrypit wiggled in Butter’s arms as he called out to his sister. “Bebe! Bebe!” It looked like he got bored of being carried by Butter and wanted to go back to sitting by Babycorn. Being a small little baby meant that Cherrypit had a very short attention span and often changed his mind about things in a flash. This was something Butter and pretty much everyone else that lived with him were used to already. 
Then just as Butter was about to set Cherrypit down on the ground, he noticed that Babycorn stopped talking and looked right at him. 
Their eyes met and for a moment Butter could have sworn he heard a choir of angels singing around him. There was something about the pair of huge pink glasses on her face and the fluffy white coat she was wearing that was sending Butter’s heart fluttering. 
Babycorn blinked. “Butts?!” A wide smile crossed her face, “Butts!! It’s you!! You're heeeeere~!” Babycorn jumped off the boxes she was standing in and ran right towards him. The valentiones-dressed man that she had been sitting next to almost collapsed in relief now that Babycorn was busy not talking his ears off. 
Butter was so off guard at the sight of Babycorn smiling that he completely forgot about the part where he had to put Cherrypit down onto the ground.
Not that Cherry really minded, from the way that he was laughing and kicking his feet at supersonic speed it was pretty clear he was having fun. 
Babycorn stopped just short of running right into Butter’s face. “Hi Butts!!” she yelled directly into his face despite being right in front of him. She was just really excited to see him, you know???
Once Babycorn greeted him, that was all that Butter needed to snap him out of his daze. He shook his head and quickly put Cherrypit down, leaving him to run right next to Babycorn where he sat down on the muddy ground and looked up at her. 
Butter picked up the cookie tin and quickly placed it behind his back, “H-Hi Babycorn!!” he darted his eyes back and forth in the most unsuspicious way possible. A million questions began flying around his head. What was the best way to give Babycorn his present?! Was she even going to like it?! What was she reaching behind her back for?!
“Happy Valentiones day Butts!!!” Babycorn had swiftly pulled out a giant heart shaped box and presented it to Butter. “I got this for you!!” 
“For you!” Cherrypit raised his hands and repeated after her. 
Butter was speechless, he could feel his face getting hotter and hotter. He yelled at himself to cut it out because that would just make Babycorn worry he had a fever again! “I-I-! Thank you!! Babycorn!” The present was a bright red color and had a dark red ribbon wrapping it shut. It looked so nice, almost a bit too nicely wrapped for Babycorn of all people to have done it. 
Babycorn giggled, “Are you surprised?!” The expression on her face switched, making her look a little more haughty than usual. Butter would be lying to himself if he wasn’t into it woah what who said that. 
“Heh-heh!” There was a twinkle in Babycorn’s eyes. "I’ll have you know that I ’ve actually been studying really hard for today!” She decided to hit pause on her unreasonable bragging to put down her gift and instead reach into her backpack to pull something completely different out. “Here! Here! Let me show you!” 
Butter watched as Babycorn continued to look through her backpack for a good long while. 
After a bit of staring he noticed the backpack was staring back up at him. It gave him a little wave with one of its loose straps. Butter happily waved back, hoping that Babycorn would be able to find what she was looking for.
“Ah-ha!” Babycorn shouted. 
“Ha-ha!!” Cherrypit cheered after her.
Out of her backpack Babycorn began pulling out book after book after book, until she was holding about six of them in her arms. Cherrypit decided he wanted to help too and began stacking a few of them on his head. 
“Look! See? See?!” Babycorn stepped towards Butter and tried her best to flip the books in her arms around so her good friend Butter could see their covers. 
Babycorn was actually holding most of the books upside down, but Butter could still tell that most of them were romance novels. What else could they be when one of them had two people kissing on it, while another on had people that somehow had less clothes on than B’ig Nunh usually did. 
That, speaking of, was also on the cover of one of the books. Weirdly enough. 
Butter still didn’t really know how he felt about the guy. But whatever, now wasn’t the time to think about that Limsa cat boy. 
Babycorn opened one of the books and flipped through some of the pages. The rest of the books she had been holding dropped to the ground where they were picked up by Cherrypit who quickly added them to the stack of them on his head. 
“I’m still not very good at reading so Airy still has to read some of them to me!” 
“Oh! If you want I can try to read some of them to you too!” 
Babycorn’s face lit up, “Really?! Do you mean it?!” Whenever she had asked anyone if they wanted to read these types of books with her no one except for Airy had ever wanted to!!
“Yeah! Of course!” Butter smiled. 
“Groovy! Then it’s a date!” 
“O-Oh?! Y–Yeah!! I guess it is…” Butter laughed, trying to cover up how much he wanted to roll back what he had agreed to. Back during the fair Babycorn had made it clear that she was giving Butter the chance to ‘woo’ her and if going on dates counted towards that, then he was way more than happy to go on them.
“Far out!!” Babycorn cheered, throwing her book into the air. Conveniently it happened to land right onto the stack that Cherrypit was creating on his head. 
“Yay!” Cherrypit yelled. Right before he jumped and threw all of the books back into their backpack using the several hands that sprouted from his back. 
With all that out of the way, Babycorn picked up Butter's present from the ground. She was kind of pleasantly surprised with herself that she hadn't forgotten about the present entirely. Then again this was an important present. It was for her good friend Butter!!
Of course she'd never forget.
Babycorn held the heart shaped box towards Butter, once again. "Here! This is for you! I hope you really really like it!" For some reason Babycorn found herself bashfully looking away. Though once she caught herself doing that she quickly corrected her little blunder.
Thankfully for Butter, he didn’t have to come up with a way to take the present from Babycorn, not while his present for her was still in his hands. Because just after a few seconds of holding it out for him-Babycorn opened the heart shaped box herself. “Here let me show you what’s in it!!” Babycorn grabbed the top of the box and pulled as hard as she could on it, which evidently still wasn’t enough to open it. 
“Um.” She looked at Butter, then back at the box. “Give me a second.” With a nervous laugh, she turned around to face Cherrypit with a pleading smile. She bent down and placed the box underneath one of his sharp teeth and pulled it towards her. The box finally opened with a pop and a giggle from Cherrypit, who always found it really fun to be used as a bottle opener.
Or in this case a box opener. 
Babycorn laughed maniacally to herself and stomped her feet in place, “Okay! Okay! Okay! It’s open! Ehehehehe!” Though she had full intention of showing her gift to Butter, she was ironically just way too excited to concentrate on actually doing it.
Instead Babycorn was just giggling to herself and thinking about how much Butter would love his gift. 
Butter thought it was really cute.
Suddenly Babycorn’s eyes snapped open. “OH! RIGHT!!!” Babycorn twirled around and ran right up to Butter (again) almost crashing right into him (again.) “Peep this!! I picked all of them myself!” She smiled, the corners of her cheeks were pushing her glasses up slightly. A small detail that Butter couldn’t help but notice.
Butter looked down at Babycorn’s gift, it looked just like any box of chocolates would have. Except that there were no chocolates. 
Instead the box was full of completely random and assorted things. “I ate all the chocolates inside and put a bunch of super hip things inside!!” Babycorn beamed, she pointed at the first of many things she had stuffed inside. “This is a leaf I thought looked pretty and that’s a dead bug I tried to make a bed for but I kinda killed it oopsie! And that’s some dust that fell on my nose and made me sneeze and that’s a rock I found on the ground when I tripped and chipped my tooth a few days ago!” 
Babycorn suddenly stopped short of finishing her explanation. 
“Huh?” Butter looked up at Babycorn, “Is there something wrong?” 
Then without warning Babycorn grabbed something from the box and stuffed it into her mouth. Still chewing, she looked back at Butter, “Sorry! I saw a chocolate I didn’t eat so I had to eat it before I gave it to you!” She smiled, bits of chocolate were all over her face. 
Butter smiled, “It's a good thing you saw it when you did then! Thank you!” Then he decided that now was as good a chance as ever. He held out his hands, holding the cookie tin out towards Babycorn. “I also got you something! I really hope you like it!” Butter closed his eyes. For what reason? He couldn’t possibly come up with a reason. 
He was just nervous, despite everything that had happened since last year. 
“Ah?” Babycorn looked at Butter and then at the box he was holding. “Is that…Is all that really for me?” 
Butter nodded, his eyes were still closed. “I-I made it for you! For today! Because I…” All of a sudden, a wave of confidence surged through Butter. 
He felt as if-he could really do this! Well. He was currently doing it already but like-he was really gonna make it happen!! “I made these because…I really like you! So I hope you like them!” 
Butter looked up at Babycorn, try as he might and even if he wanted to, he couldn’t stop looking at her. There was just something about the way her eyes were sparkling while she was looking at him. 
And there was something about the way Butter looked that Babycorn couldn’t stop staring at. 
“T-Thank…you?” It surprised her that she had so much trouble saying that. Normally when people rushed up to her to give her gifts and declare their love towards her she had no trouble thanking them for their troubles. Then she would just move on and eat whatever goodies they had given her.
But then why…?
ba-bump ba-bump
Babycorn felt her face get warm. 
ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump 
Butter carefully opened the tin of cookies and the smell of stale sugar cookies filled the air around them. “Um…Do you remember those sugar cookies you ate a really long time ago? Well…I was actually the one that made them! So I decided to make them again for you!” 
“That was you…?!” 
ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump ba-bump
“Yeah!” Butter nodded, “I’m sorry I never told you but I was a little scared to! N-Not scared of you! But just scared of you finding out I liked y-you…” His voice was getting smaller with every word he said. Butter didn’t even notice that Cherrypit had jumped up to grab a handful of cookies out of the tin to eat them.
“Like…me…?” Babycorn’s hands gripped the edges of her present to Butter. “You…You were really telling the…” 
Suddenly Babycorn hands let go of the chocolate box, as her hands flew to cover her flushed cheeks instead. Then with a single “EEEEHHHHHH????” Babycorn fainted and fell back onto the ground.
“Babycorn?!” Butter quickly handed over the cookies to a very eager Cherrypit. “Are you okay?!” He noticed that Babycorn’s face was unusually warm when he reached out to touch it with his hand. 
“Woaahh..aababhhwauaubbwah…” Was all that Babycorn managed to mumble out. 
As Babycorn’s eyes continued to swirl around, her thoughts were filled with the passage that Airy read to her yesterday. Though it was kind of foggy in her head, Babycorn did recall how in the book the heroine had received a gift from the hero who would turn out to be her true love. Who loved her, above all else. 
Butter’s ears twitched. “Huh? What was that?”
Babycorn’s mouth formed a faint smile. “W-Woo…”
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doc-ravenbe · 6 years
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amarigposes · 1 year
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Posing with a cute Vierafell!
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amarigposes · 4 months
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Amari posing with a cute vierafell!
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