ghcstlyhearts · 1 year
open starter ( kit & utp ! ) location: a park in justport or skulls & barbells
"Alright kiddos!" Kit chirped at the gaggle of kids grinning up at him, "That's it for today, but next week we're gonna try out some different things!" Running one hand through his hair, he used the other to wave at his students as they departed. It wasn't until the last one had gone that he turned around, noticing a curious onlooker. "You never seen pirate yoga before?" He mused with a wide grin.
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bloodwiine · 1 year
open starterlocation: utp, could be at his clinic, a bar, anywhere lbh.
"You've awakened my curiosity," Cade remarked, leaning forward in his chair with a perked eyebrow, studying the other with a small smirk. "Do continue, why don't you and I'll do my best to assist with my skillset."
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rosefeirie · 1 year
starter: open location: masquerade ball time: before the lockdown
He slips the mask off his face, the black lace scratching the line of his left cheek as he does. It hangs in his left hand, velveteen ribbon flying in the wind from the open balcony doors. He shouldn't have come. It's what he always thinks when he comes to these events, it's the very reason he forces himself to attend at all. Promises. Fickle, loose-lipped promises he made to a friend that he now must honor. Try to join the living, maybe you won't hate it as much as you think you will. He didn't know what annoyed him more. being right or having given into Roisin to begin with. He leans against the balcony, arm outstretched as he lets his mask loose over the great big height. "The living is as it always has been, exhausting." He watches the mask fall into oblivion before turning towards the individual who stepped out from the great hall just in time to watch him litter. "Looking to fine me?"
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neithzaki · 1 year
Location: Sanguis Point, or Justport Open to all !
It was a gloriously long night, the kind that Neith wanted to indulgently extend. A request from a wide-eyed patron had Neith giddy, but focused as she recited a rendition of Bach with reverent passion. The man himself had been a bore, but at the very least his compositions provided a recognisable start point to hook a crowd in. She set aside her oud, less than careful about the way her dress fell as she leant forwards onto her propped up knee. “And you see…” She purred, voice as smooth as silk. “We should not limit ourselves to the expected. It is tiresome and dull…” Neith hummed to herself, delighted to have captured the attention of someone, equally enthralled to invoke pointed questions. “Perhaps you have a request? Or a hidden talent yourself…?”
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spxxkygays · 8 months
open starter for @veritasislestarter
muses: julian x upt
location: anywhere
"So my experiment has finally worked, I can now give humans a fighting chance in case our beautiful little island gets attacked. Now the only problem is, how do I even get volunteers for this program? I've had success once already, but how do I sway public opinion without having people on my ass?" Julian said thinking more so to himself than anything.
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lilyofthevvlley · 8 months
open starter for @veritasislestarter muses: kendrick x utp location: anywhere in justport
"ah, yes! we're having mundane mortal night coming up soon. all love to our human friends, but we'll all be dressed as attorneys and managers and copywriters, all those funny, boring human jobs. and then... of course, it takes a very boneyard turn, but tickets are still up for grabs if you're interested!"
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faiirytalesx · 10 months
location: anywhere late at night / early in the morning
"Well, well, well!" Mina called out, spotting the other from a distance as she meandered along her path to get home. The remnants from the night still clung to her, the haze of perfume and glitter and booze, the mussed hair from the after-party. "Fancy meeting you here. And what could you be up to at this hour?" she grinned mischievously.
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fadiingstarliights · 11 months
He was sat at a bar with a drink in hand when he noticed them staring at the blood stain on his shirt. "Don't worry, it's not my blood." Stefan said with a shrug of his shoulders before he tsked because that wasn't entirely a comforting sentence. "Or it is my blood, whichever sounds less weird." Clearly neither of those sentences sounded good without context and he could easily provide some -- There was an accident and I helped out. Used to be a medic. -- but he simply did not, taking another sip of his drink. @veritasislestarter
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veritasislehq · 1 year
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I am more than happy to announce that the dash is finally OPEN for interactions!! Please remember to tag any open starters with #vih.start. We are very excited to start writing with you all, and if you have any questions, please let us know!
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ghcstlyhearts · 1 year
open starter ! ( west & utp ! ) location: anywhere in justport !
In hindsight, walking alone late at night wasn't his brightest idea, and he could already feel the lecture from the older wolf in his head. Still, they'd needed some caffeine, having not been able to sleep yet again. The heightened ability of hearing every little sound around him did nothing to ease West's anxiousness as he felt himself crumble against a wall, his breathing becoming unsteady for a moment. "Breathe, Wes," He mumbled to himself, sliding against the wall until he was sitting down. He'd lost track of how long he'd been sitting there, eyes shut as he focused on his breathing that he almost missed the other approaching him. "Oh shi-- do not sneak up on me, holy cheeseballs."
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ghcstlyhearts · 1 year
OPEN STARTER event: masquerade ball
An amused smirk graces his lips as he sips his drink, watching the other's gaze with intrigue. "You know," He drawled, settling the empty glass on a nearby table, turning his full attention to the other, settling halfway into their eye sight to catch their gaze. "If you really want to make them jealous, I could absolutely help with that." Flicking his gaze over his shoulder, he turned back to the other with a grin. "We can have a little fun and I'm almost certain they'll come storming over."
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bloodwiine · 1 year
OPEN STARTER. masquerade event.
"Oh, come on, they have plenty of cake and half the people here don't eat food, so really I'm sparing it from going to waste," Essie spoke defensively as she used a strawberry to dip into the cake. "It's delicious, you really ought to try it."
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bloodwiine · 1 year
open starter. location: bar at moonshadow inn
Near startled Magnus was brought back to reality upon hearing the stools scrape against the wooden floors. He took a moment longer to finish wiping down the bar and regain his composure before finally glancing over to the patron, unable to help the apologetic grimace. "Forgive me, I usually expect this to be a quiet time, you caught me off guard. Would you like me to grab you a bar menu or..?"
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bloodwiine · 1 year
open starter. location: anywhere
"Gotcha!" Rowan cried out, appearing out of thin air with a shit eating grin plastered across their face. "Awe," a pout formed, brows furrowing in mild disappointment, "That was hardly a jump, I need to work on my surprise entrances. Any pointers?"
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lilyofthevvlley · 10 months
open starter for: @veritasislestarter muses: deenpal x utp location: probably somewhere near the shoreline
"excuse me," deen pipes up at the passing stranger. "i'd hate to inconvenience you, but could you spare a moment to tell me where on earth i've just ended up?!"
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lilyofthevvlley · 9 months
open starter for: @veritasislestarter muses: bennett x utp location: somewhere near the shore
"sami, come back here, what have i told you about running up to strangers?," bennett calls, rushing after his daughter. "i'm so sorry, she's still learning about boundaries. i hope she hasn't interrupted anything too serious."
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