#vikkari damson
queen-scribbles · 18 days
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"When we're together, what does it feel like?" "It feels like freedom. Impossible, indescribable freedom." ---
Losing my mind over this incredibly soft VikkArue art from @valkblue brb🥰😍🦋
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haledamage · 11 months
Dancing Lights
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAIT @queen-scribbles 💖💖💖💖💖!!!! Hope you're having a great day!
I bring you a gift of Etain/Vikkari, with him as Commander and her as the companion for a change 😉 she wanted to help him with what must be Azata path's biggest issue in the early days. fairly early in the game, I think, and definitely pre-relationship, but Etain definitely has a crush :3
Etain was staring.
She knew she was, and that she shouldn’t be, but she couldn’t bring herself to stop.
She just hadn’t expected the Commander to be so… adorable. Not that he wasn’t also powerful, and strong, and courageous, and charismatic, and all the things the leader of a crusade should be, but… Well, she’d assumed that the mysterious power that inspired the Fifth Crusade would have less… butterflies.
There were just so many of them. They’re like little dancing lights of blue and green and pink, catching Etain’s attention anytime she lowered her guard--which was more often than it should be, lately, but something about Vikkari put her at ease.
Like now. They’d set up camp on the edge of a thick copse of trees that seemed as safe as anywhere could be in the Wounded Lands. Dinner had already been eaten, and their group had split off to take care of their own business before sleep and watch rotations started.
Etain was supposed to be cleaning and restringing her bow, but got distracted halfway through the task, and now she was staring. At Vikkari. 
If he noticed, he didn’t seem bothered by it. His focus was on the small block of wood that he was carefully carving into, strong hands gently and meticulously coaxing it into shape. Butterflies flitted around his head, glowing softly in the falling daylight.
One of them landed on his nose, flexing its tiny teal wings. Vikkari shook his head to shoo it away, but it held fast. He lowered his whittling with a dramatic sigh, which fluttered the butterfly but didn’t dislodge it.
Etain couldn’t help it. She giggled.
She covered her mouth almost immediately after the sound escaped, but it was too late. Color bloomed over her cheeks all the way to the tips of her ears, but she managed--barely--not to pull up her mask to hide her face when Vikkari’s attention fell on her. 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to--I, um--” she took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and tried again. “I think you’ve got somethin’ on your face.”
His laugh finally dislodged his butterfly mustache, which flew away in a decidedly irritated way.
The laughter faded, but lingered in his eyes and the warmth of his smile. “Did you need something?”
“Oh!” She shook her head a little too quickly, dropping her gaze to her hands for a second before it was pulled back to the commander. “No. I was just curious about your… your butterflies.”
Vikkari finally (reluctantly? Or was that just wishful thinking on her part?) looked away from her to the jovial swarm fluttering around him. “There do seem to be an awful lot of them.” He sounded more amused than bothered by them.
Etain hummed in agreement, watching the glowing insects in consideration. She could feel the moment Vikkari’s attention returned to her, but she resolutely didn’t look back, in case doing so would make her forget what they were talking about. “Are they illusions? A manifestation of the magic of Elysium?”
He nodded slowly, getting lost in thought for a moment, before he finally said, “Maybe they’re like Aivu. Real butterflies, drawn here by…” he paused, smile faltering, “whatever this power comes from.”
The urge to comfort him was almost overwhelming; Etain would say almost anything to bring that smile back. “Or they could be local. Maybe they just think you’re a very interesting flower.”
Half of his smile came back, a crooked smirk that would look cocky on someone less charming. “Because I’m so pretty?”
“Because you’re sweet.”
A dazzling smile lit Vikkari’s face as an equally radiant blush spread across his cheeks. Her own cheeks flushed in response, and she ducked her head to hide it behind her half-unraveled braid.
Her eyes fell on her knapsack, and a sudden thought struck her. “Sweet,” she murmured to herself, an idea forming.
“What was that?” Despite his obvious curiosity, Etain knew he wouldn’t push if she didn’t want to share.
“May I try something?” She waited for him to nod before reaching for her bag, and dug around until she found a small bottle of amber liquid. The gentle pop of the stopper drew Pippin’s attention from dozing by the fire, but she ignored him and let a couple of drops from the bottle fall onto the back of her hand.
As soon as she held it out toward Vikkari, two butterflies changed trajectory to inspect, landing on her knuckles and flexing their wings with what could only be excitement.
Vikkari leaned closer, golden eyes glowing brighter in echo of the insects’ reaction. “What is that?”
Etain shrugged one shoulder, careful to keep her hand still. “It’s just honey.”
Eventually, the butterflies ate their fill and flew off to join the rest again--though they gave a little more respectful distance this time, she noticed.
Vikkari watched them in something like awe. Etain watched him in much the same way.
“So they are real.”
“I guess so.” She held her hand out to her side where Pippin waited patiently to clean the rest of the honey off of her hand.
The conversation ended there, meandering to other subjects--the Crusade, Vikkari’s whittling--before Seelah, Lann, and Aivu came over to join them. But Etain thought about it the next day while they traveled, and the one after.
Inspiration finally struck two days later, while the group traveled a road that cut through the middle of heavy forest. Etain walked parallel to the group, mask up and bow drawn, scouting the woods for ambushes; Lann took the other side, doing the same, with the rest of their collection of melee fighters and magic users on the road.
She didn’t find any ambushes (it had been waiting a mile up, in the middle of the road in plain sight), but she did find something else.
She brought it to Vikkari after dinner that night, relishing his surprised look when she held out the bundle of flowers in her hands. “May I?”
It took him a few seconds to reply, which made something warm settle in her chest. She didn’t know the Commander could be lost for words.
Eventually, he nodded. “Of course.”
Etain carefully unfolded the flower crown and placed it on his head, arranging it carefully against his (soft, how is his hair so soft this far from civilization?) hair.
As she’d hoped, the butterflies immediately took interest, coming in to land on the flowers instead of swarming around his head. Within moments, he had a halo of glowing wings, green and blue lights among the orange, pink, and purple flowers.
“Aster, phlox, lavender, and butterfly weed,” she said in answer to the question he didn’t ask. “Hopefully that will keep them out of your eyes, at least.”
He grinned at her, brighter than the fluttering crown he wore. “How do I look?”
“You look…” she blushed and looked away, unable to answer honestly and unwilling to lie. “I’d offer to show you, but I don’t own a mirror.”
“Thank you.” His voice was too soft, too warm, and it just made her blush darker. As always, he was kind enough to give her an escape route from her own embarrassment, and changed the subject. “What are the rest of them for?”
“Oh.” Etain had almost forgotten that she still held an armful of flowers. “They’re for Aivu. May I?”
The question was directed at the havoc dragon, who lounged nearby. Aivu nodded eagerly before the question was even finished, and Etain smiled as she settled the larger flower crown on her head. “There. I thought you might like one too. So you can match.”
“Where’s yours?” Both the dragon and the cleric asked at the same time before exchanging a grin, a silent conversation flowing between them that she couldn’t even begin to understand.
“I don’t need one,” she said quickly. It’s not like she had a swarm of fae butterflies to deal with, and even so she wasn’t one to indulge in pretty things. (Except the Commander, a knowing voice whispered in the back of her head.) “And I didn’t want to pick too many anyway.”
Vikkari nodded, seemingly in agreement, but she could see the gears whirring behind his eyes. Etain knew she hadn’t heard the last of this.
Strangely, she found herself looking forward to finding out what happened next.
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errantgoatart · 2 years
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Merry Christmas Cait! I decided to go for something cute and pastel-y this time around, I hope you like it! :3 (I had fun drawing these two!)
Vikkari Damson (c) @queen-scribbles
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
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My home, my heart, thank God you are Someone who loves me
For my beloved @haledamage! 💕💕 I give you a soft Etain/Vikkari moment thanks to @sunshinemage bc I saw the one YCH pose and my brain immediately went to our babies.
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queen-scribbles · 3 months
OC Kiss: Rain (Etain/Vikkari, WotR)
(borrowing Etain from @haledamage for this one)
There was nothing to see here.
The terrain being so flat made watch duty a piece of cake, almost boring. Or would, under normal circumstances, but the rainstorm currently drenching the steppes made it nigh impossible to see more than a half dozen feet.
Which, in turn, had Vikkari worrying his lower lip between his teeth as he peered into the rainy gloom for both unanticipated threats and an anticipated return. Mostly the latter; she'd been gone for hours and he figured most creatures would be seeking shelter rather than food on a night like this.
Despite the attention he was training to mark her return, however, Etain still managed to sneak up on him.
"Think there's any new rivers forming tonight?" she asked, tone dry as the weather wasn't, shaking water off her hood.
Vikkari flinched at her materializing out of the gloom, then chuckled softly. "Some new streams, at least. Did you find anything?"
Etain shook her head, then tipped it toward the boulder he sat on in silent inquiry. "No sign."
He nodded, shifting over a bit to make sure there was room. "Can't say I'm terribly surprised, night like this."
She snorted as she sat. "I did spot a pretty big coney. I suppose that's not nothing, but with the weather screwing up visibility" --a gesture toward the sky-- "couldn't get a good shot." She cocked her head. "No whittling?"
"Too wet," Vikkari explained, though his fingers did twitch from the lack of a hobby to keep them buy. "Wouldn't want to cut off my thumb because the knife handle's slippery."
"Good reason," Etain said, tugging down her mask. She studied him silently a moment. "You could keep watch from the tent, Vikkari." She reached for his hand, stilling restless fingers. "No one would blame you on a night like this."
He laughed sheepishly, heat climbing his neck as he squeezed her hand. Thank you. "I can do better out here, though." Water dripped from his hood as he ducked his head. "And I wanted to be sure you got back safe. I don't mind some rain."
Etain smiled, wondered if he'd see it in the gloom. She knew that wasn't any lack of confidence in her skill, just his tendency to play Mother Hen with people he cared about--like fussing over Lann not wearing shirts or Ember being barefoot or Nenio choosing research over sleep. Just... more. Because it was her. And while she was still coming to terms with someone caring about her that much, she did appreciate it.
"Worried I'd drown in one of those new rivers?" she said lightly, squeezing his hand.
"Or be devoured by a rogue water elemental," Vikkari drawled, glancing at her with a smile visible in the glow from his eyes. "Encounter a smilodon with more hunger than sense."
Etain laughed. "I do appreciate you watching for me. It..." She reached over, hesitant, to brush his cheek with her fingertips. "I could see your eyes. Once I got close enough. It made finding the camp easier."
The overcast night made them seem brighter than usual, just by contrast, and his smile at her words made them brighter still.
"You don't need to do that, Etain," he whispered. "Try to excuse my worrywart tendencies."
"I'm not." Pippin nudged her hip and she absently reached back to pat his head. She'd tell him to go lay down, but the others might revolt if she made them sleep in the stench of wet bear. "Not saying I would have been lost without them" --though maybe in a more metaphorical sense... --"but they did make it easier to find my way back."
"Well." Vikkari leaned over to kiss her cheek. "Sweet of you."
Etain bit her lip, everything north of her shoulders suddenly very hot. "You're, um. You're welcome."
The vaguest sense of an outline flickered through the darkness in her peripheral, in the same moment Pippin lurched to his feet with hackles raised. Etain and Vikkari both stiffened, peering intently through the saturated gloom for whatever threat had her bear on edge. Etain stood, drawing her bow and nocking an arrow to be prepared at another glimpse of movement just on the fringes of her vision.
Vikkari abruptly pivoted, hot orange magic slicing through the night as he flung a spell. It only grazed the target, but left a smouldering line of kindled fur that Etain used as a guide to loose her shot. Even with the spots dancing in her vision from the bright flare of the spell, there was a yowl and thud and lifeless feline carcass visible in the light spell sputtering to life in Vikkari palm.
"Apparently you weren't that far off about the smilodon..." Etain said, nudging it with her foot. The poor thing's ribs were showing; no wonder he'd rated potential food higher than shelter.
"Apparently," Vikkari murmured. His hood had fallen back, rain dripping off his hair and nose as worry warred with humor across his face.
"Hey." Etain nudged him and gestured to the scorched line down the smilodon's back. "Thanks for the guiding light."
He nodded, gaze fixed on the arrow jutting from the side of the dead cat's neck. That she could make that shot in the dark, in a rush... "Happy to help. You think it followed you?"
She shrugged. "Seems likely. Guess it was waiting to judge if it could take one of us before pouncing."
"Well, I'm glad you and Pippin are so perceptive," Vikkari said. "And that you decided to linger with me for a minute."
Etain's brows twitched at the implication, glancing between the smilodon and him. "Me, too," she mumbled, the spell's light accentuating the angles of her face.
He shook water off his hair, debated pulling up his hood. But he was already drenched, as was the hood, so that would probably be more harm than help at this point. "All's well that ends well," he said in reassurance, reaching for her hand. "And that was a damn good shot."
"Oh." She blushed. "That was lucky, Vikkari." A sheepish laugh as her fingers slipped between his. "I might be good, but not that good."
"I think you are," Vikkari smiled, tugging her closer. His other hand rose to trace down her jaw. "I also think I need to thank you properly. If I may?"
Etain tipped her chin toward him, shuffling closer, even as she commented. "Aren't you supposed to be keeping watch?"
He chuckled, hand sliding to the back of her neck, words now spoken practically against her mouth. "I think I can trust that to Pippin for just a minute," he murmured, and kissed her gently. Chaste and sweet.
"Or two," she mumbled, her hand digging into his hair to hold him close, kissing him deeper.
"Or two," Vikkari agreed with a breathless grin before letting her pull him in for another.
[But he did have a responsibility, and that was the only thing that had him easing back. "You should get out of the rain before you catch cold or something."
Fond amusement flashed in Etain's eyes and she deadpanned, "Maybe then I'd get a break. But I take your point." She still crouched to retrieve her arrow first, then gave his shoulder an affectionate squeeze on her way to the tent. "G'night, Vikkari."
"Night, Etain." Vikkari settled back in the boulder as she and Pippin headed to bed, once again alone with the rain and the view of big, flat nothing to watch.
Only now with a smile on his face.
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
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🦋 Vikkari Damson, Commander of the Fifth Crusade 🦋 ---
Had insanely good timing and snagged a slot in the last round of @orokay's bust commissions for more art of the angel boy <3 He looks amazing, tysm!!!
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queen-scribbles · 4 months
🍋, 🍰 and 🍾 for Vesper and Vikkari? ^^
oh look, I have art from you of both of them to use^^
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🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory?
He had a fight with his older brother Titus when he was in his late teens(Titus was barely-20s, so neither was being very logical xD) that involved Titus claiming Vikkari thought he was better than the rest of their family bc he was "special" (aasimar). Vikkari said something not-kind in return, and Titus stormed off on a hunting trip. He was gone longer than was usual for those trips, so aside from the pain of the argument, Vikkari started to worry being angry at him got his brother hurt/killed. It hadn't, Titus just needed extra time to cool down.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
tbh? the Abyss as a whole. Yes, Ember gets through to some of the denizens, including Nocticula, but the whole place is a monument to things that make his skin crawl(also they all want to either eat him or keep as a slave bc angel blood). Leading from that, anyone who would sell or sell out others to the demons is pretty unforgiveable to him.
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
Sort of. He's a pretty fervent worshipper of Iomadae and Desna, so he's more likely to pray + attribute a solution to one of the gods hearing and answering. HOWEVER, one of Desna's domains is luck, so sometimes Her help looks like/is being extremely lucky in a stressful situation. So his "ritual" would be praying, I guess. And he has a charm he whittled that's Iomadae's sword with butterfly wings behind it he'll fiddle with in his pocket when he's stressed.
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🍋: What is your OC's most painful memory?
Her cousin's death and leaving her (dying)mother, knowing she'd never see her again, are probably tied for that honor.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable?
Trying to hurt innocents, treating others as less than human, or coming after the people she cares about would all do it :)
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
She does, to an extent. She's... some level of religious, though I've never firmly nailed down how strongly she believes, so I think she'd believe in a mishmash of luck, prayer, and effort more than any one of the three on its own. So no charm or ritual for before stressful event, unless checking to make sure Kurt's there counts(he is. always.)
OC Asks
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queen-scribbles · 9 months
From the Brink
27. passionate hand-holding [Vikkari/Arueshalae]
Vikkari woke up sore.
That in itself wasn't an unusual occurrence. Even before the Crusade, before he set to wandering, there were more than enough tasks on a farm like his family's to leave you with sore muscles come morning. And the life he'd led since striking out still made various levels of sore an occasional companion.
What was unusual was the deeper, painful ache in his side that registered a moment later.
More than a cramp, more than simple soreness, the sensation was akin to someone trying to pin him to the ground using his own ribs. It pulled a disoriented groan from him as he awoke and Vikkari instinctively curled in that direction. As if that would help.
"Hey, no, chief, you gotta--" Hands on his shoulders, pushing back, gentle but stubborn.
Vikkari fought them for a moment before giving in. The pain did, indeed, subside as he relaxed, blinking the world into focus. He was in a tent, in his bedroll, armor off, and a purple tiefling perched cross-legged on the ground next to him.
"Hey, chief." Woljif flashed an exaggerated grin that did absolutely nothing to hide the lingering worry in his eyes or the way his tail was twitching.
"Hey." His voice came out in a croak. Vikkari cleared his throat. "Why...?"
Why do I have to lie still? Why do I feel impaled? Why are you here but no one else? An ethereal green butterfly landed on his cheek and he reached by reflex to shoo it back into motion as he tried to decide which question to actually ask. Or at least ask first. They were all strong contenders.
"There's a piece of sword or stone or somethin' still stuck in your gut," Woljif said, tail flicking up to curl around his arm and then back down. "Sos is worried 'bout it causing more damage if you move too much before they get it out--think he was hopin' you'd stay out longer--but he and Seelah needed a break."
Vikkari stared at him blankly, not at all liking the implications of that flurried sentence.
Woljif frowned upon seeing his blank expression and leaned forward. "Do you not remember, boss?"
Before he could reply, the tent flaps were nudged aside as a scaly purple head shoved in, blue eye sparking with relief when they locked with his. "Vikkari!!" Aivu bellowed. She withdrew, but a moment later shoved her head back in the tent side closest to his bedroll.
"Hey, I'm gonna have to restake that now!" Woljif moaned, but the dragon ignored him.
She wriggled in far enough to nuzzle the side of Vikkari's face. "I'm glad you're awake! I was really worried and they wouldn't let me stay 'cause they said I'm too big!"
"You are too big," Vikkari said with a chuckle. Even that faint movement made his side twinge and he bit back a wince.
Aivu made a purring trill as she nuzzled a moment longer, the small cloud of butterflies increasing their circuit to include her, then bonked her head lightly against his shoulder. "You scared us!"
"Sorry...?" Vikkari mumbled, still trying to work out what he'd done.
"Don't tell me you forgot the gargantuan demon, chief," Woljif drawled--by way of a hint, he supposed.
He had, but the sardonic words nudged things into motion and it started coming back.
There wasn't much to be found here; the terrain too rocky and crisscrossed by dozens of ravines or crevasses. Not that the demonic forces seemed to care.
The derakni was massive-- twice as large again from normal. And unlike most of its ilk, it wielded a scythe, equally large and razor sharp. A few smaller demons, dretches and babaus, as well as cultist warriors, grouped around it as if waiting for orders. Or prey.
There was no attempt at bartering, no puffed-up banter. The locust demon gave an eager, guttural cry and launched itself at them.
Its minions scrambled to join in, but they were hardly a challenge. It was the aberration itself that posed the most danger. Frothing poison, wide swipes with its scythe, its droning wings beat against their sanity and its chitinous hide deflected their blows.
One of the cultists angled for Arueshalae and Lann and Seelah rushed to interpose herself, hands and blade both glowing with holy light. Her reckless charge protected the archers but left her open to the deranki.
Vikkari snapped off a spell in her defense, the orange rush of fire glancing off the demon's shoulder but fully catching its attention.
It hissed as it wheeled on him, too fast to react, the scythe piercing his side and slamming him to the ground. It used the weapon to reel him in, a wide, horrible grin splitting its face.
"Looks like the butterfly thinks it can play with the locusts," it sneered, free hand snapping up to extinguish one of the Elysian butterflies. Its grin widened as it peered at him. "Ah, Galfrey's pet butterfly, no l-"
It snarled as Aivu bit down on one of its back legs and kicked out to dislodge her.
Protective fury numbed the pain for long enough Vikkari channeled a burst of magic into the thing's face.
It howled and jerked the scythe in a harsh upward sweep. The hooked blade was deep enough in his side to fling Vikkari in the air before it tore free, and there wasn't much he could do beyond brace himself.
Landing was going to hurt.
"Locust-boy had a good arm," Woljif said with strained nonchalance, watching him process the memory. "Me an' Aivu took off on the path you got tossed while everyone else finished off tall, pissed, and bugly." He fiddled with a dagger, spinning the point in the dirt. "There was a minute or ten, weren't sure we'd find you," he admitted. "All those crevasses. Lots of places for you to slip outta sight."
"Well, clearly you did," Vikkari said, petting Aivu's head and neck.
"'Cause of them." Woljif flicked a hand up toward the circling, much diminished, kaleidoscope of ethereal butterflies. "Apparently they stick around even when you're, uh, out. And you were were really out."
"I thought you were dead!" Aivu interjected. "Only for a second, but it was really scary! Don't do that again!"
Vikkari patted her snout. "I'll do my best."
"So your dragon pal stayed with you, I ran back for the others, Sosiel and Seelah healed you up best they could, but we did just fight a bigass demon." Woljif shrugged, relief gleaming in his eyes despite the laidback façade. "The rest of us found a good spot to camp and set up while they rested. Also, Sos found that whatever-it-is in the wound an' wants to not be all shaky an' exhausted if he's gotta go digging it out."
"Yes, I'll appreciate that myself," Vikkari said dryly. Knowing what it--probably--was made it hurt more.
Woljif snorted a laugh. "I bet." His posture was much more relaxed. "Lann's keeping watch and your girlfriend's doin' her thing to camouflage the campsite from any other baddies that might be around."
Vikkari's neck warmed at the casual needling, but Woljif wasn't completely wrong, and it explained where Arueshalae was.
"Since I didn't have anything else to do, I got 'keep an eye on the chief and make sure he doesn't hurt himself if he wakes before the healers are ready to finish what they started' duty."
"Quite a mouthful of a title," Vikkari said lightly.
"Tell me about it," Woljif laughed. "But I don't mind."
The tent flaps parted and Sosiel leaned in with a smile. "I thought I heard voices. Good to see you awake, Commander."
"In large part thanks to you, as I understand it," Vikkari said. He could still see traces of weariness on his friend's face, but Sosiel didn't look ready to collapse from exhaustion at the moment. "Thank you."
"Of course," Sosiel nodded. "Though I didn't do it alone, Seelah was invaluable-"
"But Sosiel did the lion's share," Seelah interrupted to insist as she pushed past him into the tent. "Pulled you back right from the brink." She made shooing motions at the tiefling and the dragon. "Woljif, Aivu, out. There's not room for all of us, and we" --she gestured at Sosiel-- "gotta finish patching Vikkari up. You can bug him later."
Woljif didn't protest as he ducked out. "Unless someone else wants t' bug him first!" Aivu whined but also withdrew. Some of the butterflies went with her.
"It shouldn't take long to finish," Sosiel said, his smile now apologetic. "Just, with the battle..."
Vikkari waved off the the regretful tone. "I imagine there was a lot to fix." The derakni had flung him hard, and the fact he couldn't even remember hitting the ground meant it had likely been far from pleasant.
Seelah snorted a laugh, but the accompanying smile didn't quite reach her eyes. "You could say that."
"Fortunately we were able to tend everything save the initial wound," Sosiel said. "It cracked if not fractured a rib, and I believe there's still a fragment of the scythe blade embedded, just needed to recover some energy before attempting... something to remove it."
"You don't have to justify it, Sosiel." Vikkari started to sit up until the cleric held up a warning finger. "I wouldn't want any of you burning yourselves out for me."
"Thank you, Commander." He and Seelah moved close, Sosiel kneeling and her plunking cross-legged by Vikkari's bedroll. Seelah reached for his hand and Vikkari sent her a quizzical look.
"I'm mostly moral support this time," she explained. "He had an idea, and from the sound of things, this is gonna hurt."
"Thanks for the warning," Vikkari deadpanned, gaze on Sosiel as he chanted a spell, one fist clenched.
A faint light briefly danced around the gauntlet he still wore on that hand, and then he held it out just over the wound. There was a jolt of blindingly sharp pain that had Vikkari biting back a curse and squeezing Seelah's hand hard enough to crush a more delicate one. She murmured what sounded like a prayer to Iomadae and the pain eased, but his grip stayed white-knuckle and the remaining butterflies swirled agitated circles in the air around them.
And a sharp-shiny something flew out of his side into Sosiel's waiting hand. "Ah, good, it was a fragment of the scythe."
"Good?" Vikkari managed between clenched teeth.
"Yes, because otherwise the spell wouldn't have worked and I would've had to dig something this size out of you." Sosiel held out the gauntleted hand, a glittering, bloodstained line of dark metal crossing the width of his palm. "I did not relish the thought of causing that level of prolonged pain, even in pursuit of healing." He set the gauntlet and weapon splinter aside, one hand now curling around his holy symbol and the other extended to the freshly bleeding wound in Vikkari's side.
There was nowhere near the same level of pain this time; the slight discomfort of bone realigning as the broken rib fixed itself, of flesh knitting back together. But then it was done, and the soothing warmth of magic retreated.
"There," Sosiel said, weariness more pronounced but smile still warm, "You should still rest tonight, as should we all, but everything is healed."
"Thank you," Vikkari said with a smile of his own. "Both of you." He gave Seelah's hand another squeeze, more grateful and less desperate. "For all your hard work."
"You're welcome." Sosiel checked the wound was fully healed and stood to leave. "I need to cast the protective wards before I turn in..."
"Just make sure you get some sleep," Seelah admonished, and he nodded as he departed.
"You look like you could use some yourself," Vikkari said as he shifted to a more comfortable position. Now that he was out of danger, he could lay in a way that didn't make his back and shoulders sore.
"You're not wrong," Seelah said with a small laugh, rubbing the back of her neck. "Broken bones have never been easy for me to mend, let alone a few in a row--"
"A few?" he echoed.
She sent him a you really wanna know? look. "Arm in two places, leg in three, few more ribs beyond the one from getting impaled, collarbone. Skull. Must've hit real hard." Her teasing laugh was a bit stilted. "Surprised you didn't leave a crater."
Vikkari's nose wrinkled. "That's... more than a few."
"Yeah. But we got it all fixed." She winked. "Good thing you're my best friend so you're worth."
He chuckled. As if you wouldn't do it for any of us. "Thank you, really."
"You'd do the same for me, and I know you were only its target 'cause you were watchin' my back."
"You'd do the same for me," Vikkari said, smiling as his mimicry earned him an eyeroll and light punch to the shoulder.
"In a heartbeat," Seelah said as she stretched, her gaze flicking to the tent entrance. "But you're right; I should go rest. Someone's gotta take your watch tonight-"
Vikkari opened his mouth to protest he could sit and watch the surroundings even if he was still recovering.
"-and I think you have another visitor," she finished with a grin as she pushed to her feet.
He took the hint to look and couldn't stop a smile at the familiar silhouette--horns, glittering red eyes, leathery wings folded close to her back as she lurked in the doorway.
"Iomadae's left pauldron, you're smitten," Seelah snickered, and Vikkari shrugged rather than argue, which made her laugh again. "I'm done with him, Arueshalae, he's all yours."
There was a small gasp of surprise and Arueshalae smiled shyly as she slipped into the tent after Seelah departed. "I didn't want to intrude..."
"You aren't," Vikkari assure her, pushing himself up to a sitting position. "I was just thanking her for her part in saving my life."
A worried--and adorable--little frown furrowed her brow for a moment, and Arueshalae headed for the spot Seelah had occupied with steps rapid yet somehow hesitant, her wings folded in close to manage the confines of the tent. "It was... terrifying," she whispered. There was no similar hesitance to the fervor with which she took his hand and squeezed, her fingers almost hot enough to burn. "You scared us."
"So I've heard from several sources." Vikkari squeezed her hand back, thumb running over her knuckles in an almost-caress.
"You scared me," she said softly, biting her lip.
"And I'm very sorry for that," he said just as softly. He tugged up his shirt to show the unblemished skin (despite the bloodstain marring the fabric). "But I'm alright now." He tried not to dwell on the litany of broken bones Seelah had reeled off as he caught Arueshalae's gaze and squeezed her hand again. It did make sense of how rattled all of them seemed, though. "I am, Arueshalae, I promise."
"You weren't." The words were so quiet he barely caught them. "You-" Arueshalae swallowed, her hot, delicate fingers briefly brushing his cheek. "It was so close, Vikkari. Your eyes were so dim--dark--and I hated it and it scared me so badly--" She caught a shuddering breath, gaze dropping to their linked hands. "And it's worse because I-I shouldn't..."
Vikkari's heart squeezed, seeing her so distressed. Yes, you should. "I am sorry I scared you, truly I am. I wish I could promise never to do it again. But I can't, not with the lives we lead, the goal we seek to accomplish. I promise to do my best, and" --he tipped her chin back up-- "my eyes will always shine for you, if I have any say in the matter."
She blushed ducked her head again, studying their hands, tracing an old whittling scar on his. "That's... Thank you. It's very sweet and I know it's the best you can promise." She continued tracing his knuckles, his palm. "You're always sweet, and so kind and... I was praying," she admitted abruptly.
He waited out the pause that followed.
"The whole time I was working to disguise the camp. Panicked, inarticulate little things." Arueshalae gave a small, shaky laugh, pressing both of her hands tight around his. "Desna, don't let him die. Or let him be alright, we still need him. For Seelah and Sosiel to have what they needed." She met his gaze, eyes shining with relief and unshed tears. "I'm... glad She listened, despite me being me."
"Of course She did," Vikkari said, softly, gently. "You're a good person, and you were asking for a good thing." He huffed a wry laugh. "Selfish as that may sound coming from me."
She shook her head. "No, it's-- We... the Crusade needs you."
"And you still have me," he promised, not entirely referring to the Crusade with his reassurance. He watched a teal butterfly alight on one of her horns and bit back a smile.
"I know," Arueshalae nodded. "I just needed to remind myself of that." She looked down at their hands, let one of hers slide away. "But I should let you rest now..."
Despite the implied intention, she didn't let go of his hand, barely loosening the rest of her grip.
Vikkari smiled, gave her hand another squeeze. He'd be lying to deny weariness setting in, but, "You can stay, if you want. I'd rather your company than be alone." He meant it, and her reluctance made him think she would prefer that as well.
The shy smile that bloomed across her face confirmed his suspicion. "Alright."
Their reluctance to release each other's hands made laying back down a bit tricky, but Vikkari managed. He shifted to his side so the angle wasn't a strain for either of them.
"Sweet dreams," Arueshalae whispered, and he drew her hand close to kiss her knuckles as he felt the exhaustion of the long day--and ordeal he'd been through--creeping up on him.
He dreams were very sweet, indeed.
But even sweeter was finding her still there come morning.
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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A floofy Vikkari appears, drawn by the incomparable @commandersarah! My angel boy looks so gooooood, ty Sarah 😘
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Happy (early) birthday to my bestie @haledamage, I give you (and, lbr, myself :P) Etain/Vikkari art from @the-upper-shelf bc these two have consumed me in the best way possible. I love them, and I love you, and I hope this brightens up your day <3333
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queen-scribbles · 11 months
and 46 for a platonic pairing of your choice!
46. linking arms with each other [Vikkari & Seelah]
Seelah was easy to find in the crusade’s warcamp--you just followed the sound of cheerful humming. It was slightly more of a challenge once they retook Drezen, but still a surefire way to track her down--if you could pick the humming out from all the other city bustle.
Today the humming--a Mendevian tavern song, if he recalled correctly--led Vikkari to the second floor of the barracks. Seelah was perched cross-legged on a bench, using the light of a nearby window to polish her armor.
“I don’t think I know that one,” he said by way of greeting.
She looked up and flashed a wide grin. “Hang around the Half Measure enough nights and I’m sure you’ll learn it.”
Vikkari tipped his head in agreement. “I suppose I will. Hiding, or trying to avoid distractions?” he asked, nodding to her position.
“A bit of both.” She unfolded her legs and scooted over in unspoken invitation.  “Been long enough since I gave this” --she tapped the spaulder in her hand-- “a good cleaning, but there’s so much goin’ on.” She laughed. “And if I have to recount our ‘glorious assault on the demonic horde’ one more time, my brain might ooze out my ears.”
Vikkari chuckled as he took a seat next to her. “Wouldn’t want that. You could always point them at Nenio. Either she’ll rejoice in her captive audience or they’ll have the shine worn off by her incredibly detailed account.”
“That’s an idea,” Seelah said, nudging him with her elbow. “Or I could send them your way. Commander.”
“Please don’t,” he groaned, pulling out a half-carved butterfly to work on further as they chatted. I’m sort of hiding from them, too. “I have enough on my plate as it is; supplying the city, deploying armies, diplomatic relations, all the councils, people questioning my choice of allies....”
His gaze drifted out the window, even if the chapel wasn’t visible from here, but he still caught Seelah’s smirk before she commented, “I’ve got your back on that one; I believe her.”
“Hm?” Vikkari  paused in setting knife to wood as he arched a brow at her. Was he that obvious she could tell he wasn’t talking about the Hellknight, the tiefling, or noble of ill repute?
“Arueshalae.” Seelah’s expression was all innocence as she polished the spaulder.  “I think she’s tellin’ the truth about renouncing her nature and wanting to help us. Very brave of her.”
“Mm-hm.” He turned his attention to carving the butterfly, notching out the division between upper and lower wing.
She finished with the spaulder and set it aside. “Don’t worry, I won’t blab about your crush.”
The knife skidded against a curve, just a little, but enough to have Seelah grinning when he looked up at her. “I, um, wouldn’t call it a crush,” Vikkari fumbled.
Seelah snorted as she stretched. “Not callin’ it that doesn’t make it somethin’ else, Vikkari.”
“I... she...” Iomadae preserve him, this was not helping his case. “I admire her, yes. She’s committed to a long, hard, dangerous road. Demons will hate her, many in the Crusade will never trust her, no matter what she does. And she’s... still doing it.” He ran his thumb around the finished wing, gauging how to make the other match as he sorted his thoughts. “Because it’s right. And she cares. And... I just want to be sure she knows someone believes her. Believes in her.”
“Well, I can help with the believing in her part.” Seelah stood and started arranging her polished armor to put away. “‘Fraid I don’t have any experience that would help with the rest of the stuff on your plate. Growin’ up on the streets doesn’t exactly prepare you for commanding armies or high-stakes diplomacy.”
“What, you think life as a famer’s kid turned wandering soul did any better?” Vikkari scoffed, tucking away the whittling project so he could help her with her armor. He sent up a silent prayer of thanks for the conversational shift.
“‘Least all that traveling gave you some insight into how other cultures function, right?” she countered, taking the armor pieces as he passed them to secure on their stand.
“And your upbringing has you very in touch with what the common folk are going to care about,” he said with a shrug. “And very passionate in making sure they aren’t overlooked or mistreated. Not that I would, but it’s good they have someone in what I guess is my ‘inner circle’ now? who will speak up in their favor or defense.”
It was a dizzying thought, that he was in charge of enough, surrounded by enough people to have what would be considered an inner circle. Let alone that it was more than maybe two people. He wasn’t used to thinking in those terms--until a few months ago he would have just said friends. But he supposed it was possible for both to be accurate under the circumstances. Seelah was his friend, but he also trusted her instincts and opinions. And since Queen Galfrey had put him in charge of the entire bloody Fifth Crusade, that would make her part of his inner circle.
A thought occurred, and Vikkari grinned as he passed Seelah the last pieces of her armor. “Maybe you should be on one of those councils.”
“Right, that makes sense.” Seelah snorted a laugh. “Urchin turned paladin advising the leader of the crusade? No way for that to go wrong.”
He shook his head. “One friend making sure another keeps his feet on the ground, and remembers his decisions affect the rank and file just as much as--if not more than--the... more visible parties.”
She arched a brow. “Don’t see that being a problem for you, Vikkari.”
“Well, then, maybe I just trust you and value your input, Seelah,” he retorted with a grin, warmed by her confidence. 
“That’s your first mistake,” she deadpanned, grinning.
“I don’t think it’s a mistake.” Vikkari shook his head, bumped his shoulder to hers. “Can I talk you into it over a drink?”
Seelah pursed her lips, then laughed. “Probably. But only if you’re buying.”
“Obviously,” he said with a matching laugh.
She linked her arm through his. “Then lead the way, Commander.”
He rolled his eyes but couldn’t fight a smile as they headed down the stairs. He didn’t bother to point out that this close on the heels of liberating the city, Fye was unlikely to charge them anyway.
Seelah was humming by the time they reached the street, the same tavern song as when he’d found her. Vikkari knew the tune, if not the words, so he joined her as they walked arm in arm toward the Half Measure.
“Think I could convince you to sing that one someday?” Seelah teased.
“Only if you teach me the words first,” he reminded her with a laugh.
Her eyes lit with mischief over a wide, gleaming smile. “Oh, that, my friend, I can definitely do.”
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queen-scribbles · 10 months
(if you got the previous ask no you didn't :'D)
talk about Aru 4 Vikkari?
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I see I am surrounded by people of taste <33 He's all too happy to oblige. take two bc tumblr is DUMB
"Talk about Arue?" Vikkari's face visibly brightens, his eyes glowing. "My favorite topic. (The dragon curled up next to him huffs and he grins as he pats her flank. "You're a close second, Aivu.") Arueshalae is... amazing. Seelah says I'm biased, and maybe she's right, but it's still true.
"Right from the start, that she'd outright rejected her demonic nature and was working to atone? Even knowing how hard it would be, and how long she'd have to work, and that redemption might not even be possible? The courage and will that took to not only start but stick to it is incredible. Demons branded her a traitor, the Crusaders branded her a liar and manipulator and she knew there was a very real possibility no one would ever trust her but she did it anyway because it was the right thing to do."
He shakes his head, a faintly awestruck look on his face. "And then she stayed in the demon army, surrounded by danger and temptation and reminders of who she'd been, to act as spy and pass information to the crusade and saved gods only know how many lives, because it was the right thing to do. And she wants to do the right thing, no matter how hard it is, no matter what it costs her, simply because it's right, and I... that's just... amazing.
"She admitted to her deception at Greengates because it was right, even knowing we might send her away or not trust her. She tried to save--or at least apologize to--Dimalchio, because it was right, even though he'd been tormenting her, even though it hurt her to see him and be reminded what she'd done. She's never tried to hide from or deny the wrongs she done, rather does her best to fix them when she can. She'd done that to him, she'd corrupted him, and she faced that down to try and make it right, and I just... can't imagine the strength that took. She tore down her borrowed dream and waited to build her own" --a smile curves his lips-- "even though it hurt to sacrifice that achievement because it wasn't hers, she needed to do it the right way, have her own dreams, not ones stolen from others.
"I don't think I've ever been prouder of anyone in my life than watching her turn down every chance the Abyss offered to slide back to her old ways, be good and kind and try to help even when it spat on her efforts." His finger absently circles a small burn scar on the back of the opposite hand. "Because that's who she had decided to be. Someone good. Someone kind. Regardless of how people or anyone else treated her as a result. Even if it was antithetical to her nature. Even if she struggled.
"And she is. She is one of the kindest, sweetest, most amazing people I've ever met." A small laugh escapes at the irony of saying that about a former succubus. "The way she finds joy in helping others, in the simple things... I'm so proud of her, so honored to know her, that she... trusts me as I trust her." He runs a hand down his face, clears his throat. "Her determination and kindness are... humbling. However much help she claims I gave her in her quest for redemption, know she did at least three times as much of the work herself. She is... amazing." There's a catch in his voice as he concludes,
"Her love is a gift that I treasure every day, and she is my happy ending."
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queen-scribbles · 9 months
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Tagged by @starlightcleric to make some OCs in this picrew, went with my Pathfinder kids bc they both look adorable.
Vikkari(Wrath of the Righteous) & Jas(Kingmaker)
I've seen this make the rounds, so um... @valkblue, @yanara126, @kris-mage-fics I hope no one's gotten you yet, go have some fun with this picrew. ^^
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
4, 7 and 16 for a character of your choice!
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Giving this one to the aasimar boy
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
Pretty easy. Vikkari starts from a place of assuming the best about people, so he'll trust pretty easily unless given serious reason to doubt.(this is how he winds up with a former/redeemed succubus for a gf; why wouldn't he believe when she says she's trying to change???)
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Potato chowder. He's from Qadira, which is not an area conducive to potato-growing, so anytime his parents got their hands on some through trade or purchase and his mom made potato chowder it was a big deal. And her recipe is really good, it's one of the first things he learned to make when he discovered his interest in cooking. So it's nostalgic from a couple different angles. He'll eat other people's and thank them for it, but he is always comparing it to his mother's in his head and most don't measure up. xD He loves his family + cooking so the nostalgia gives him warm fuzzies and he likes it quite a lot.
16. What makes their stomach turn?
The Abyss. The lengths devils/demons will go to inflict harm or people just for small gains or even just The Heck of It. Oh, and vescavors. He hates vescavors. /shudder
Uncommon Asks
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
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Vikkari Damson, Aasimar Warpriest
I wanna run in wide spaces // Fly like the wind in high places
Angel boy(+ dragonfly friend) from @sunshinemage came out so pretty it makes me 🥰😍. And you can see more of his scars in this one! And the glow for his eyes is *chef’s kiss*
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queen-scribbles · 10 months
What Does You Heart Look Like? 
tagged by @starlightcleric to take ^that quiz for an OC, I also did a few. XD  No pressure tagging @haledamage @undyingembers @captainderyn​ and @storyknitter
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~an open door, a burning hearth~
Your chest is wide open, and your heart is a home. Others are welcomed in readily and asked to stay. You are comfort and love, everything you were never given but so desperately want to provide for others. You have built this welcoming hearth with your own two hands and won’t see anyone else left out in the cold. Be careful to not burn yourself out trying to keep everyone else warm.
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~a compass that doesn’t waver~
You are someone who is certain of what you want. Maybe you always have been, or maybe you made a discovery that you haven’t been able to tear your eyes away from. Your heart is set and certain. You fight endlessly for your goals. Above all else, you know who you are and what you are trying to achieve. Just be careful not to tear yourself or others apart in pursuit of your ideals.
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~molten lava and charred flesh~
Your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out, leaving horrible scars in its wake; scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you, the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours. The person you are now is no longer recognizable, burnt up by your own anger and passion and love. The injuries can never be fully erased, but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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