#vikram t'lara
clericofshadows · 5 months
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Vikram finally has a canon sculpt and they are looking good! They are part of my Regis Shepard canon, which can be found here in my writing masterpost.
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some extra sculpt details, they were sculpted from Morinth's head as a base, using Samara's textures along with newly a baked skin tone and markings.
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clericofshadows · 7 months
cleric's oc factsheet
thought I would compile a quick list of my Mass Effect OCs, including my Shepards, with some basic facts/features about them. I'll be updating this randomly as I sculpt more characters, add more to my canon, and so on :) this is also in my pinned post!
Within Regis's and Nyx's canon, they do exist in each other's universes. However:
In Regis's canon, Nyx stayed a civilian engineer. He and Hackett reconciled before the events of ME2 and restarted their relationship. He's an Alliance contact for tech-related needs and is a strong war-asset for the construction of the Crucible.
In Nyx's canon, Regis never went to BAaT, learned biotics with Vikram, and still did his cybernetics education, which led him to also going to Omega with Vik. He meets Zaeed and enters a relationship with him, and he ends up meeting Kaidan on Omega three years before the events of ME1. He's an Alliance contact for terminus on-goings and also works as a merc with Zaeed if needed.
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Gender: Male (He/him)
Age: 32 (in ME1)
Birthday: February 9, 2151
Classification: N7 Sentinel
Rank: Commander (ME1); Admiral (Post-ME3)
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship: In a polyamorous relationship with Kaidan Alenko and Zaeed Massani
Quick Facts: Was at BAaT with Kaidan Alenko and has L2 implants. Been in a relationship with Kaidan since a couple of years after BAaT, and they met Zaeed on Omega three years before the events of ME1. Regis has an education background in cybernetics and implants and codes his own omnitool programs.
Notoriety: Butcher of Torfan
Morality: Mostly Renegade
Notable Events: Ashley and Kaidan both survive Virmire; Garrus, Grunt, and Legion perish on the suicide mission. Regis doesn't recruit Garrus in ME1 and recruits Liara last. Liara is not the Shadow Broker, but Regis's friend Wren is instead. Kaidan and Ashley start N7 training after Regis's death. They both obtain Spectre status before ME3.
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Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 59 (in ME1)
Birthday: May 1, 2124
Classification: N7 Engineer, past Infiltrator
Rank: Commander (ME1); Captain (Post-ME1)
Sexuality: Gay
Relationship: In a polyamorous relationship with Kaidan Alenko and Steven Hackett
Quick Facts: First Contact War Veteran, obtained eezo exposure at an older age and subsequently developed biotics due to a genetic anomaly gained from Prothean experimentation on ancient humans. Nickname came from his ability to revive any old tech and equipment, and his penchant to get back up when all seems lost. Infiltrator during the FCW that targeted and assassinated key turian targets and stole information.
Alternate Universe: No Reapers AU/Protheans nearly won but wiped themselves out in the process and leaving a few straggler Reapers alive.
Notoriety: Butcher of Torfan
Morality: Mostly Paragon
Notable Events: Does not recruit Garrus in ME1, saves both Ashley and Kaidan on Virmire. Kaidan becomes a Spectre after ME1 and Ashley is sent for N7 training.
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Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 30 (in ME1)
Birthday: August 8, 2153
Classification: N7 Fury
Rank: Commander (ME1), Major (ME2)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationship: After a long time of pining, ends up with EDI
Quick Facts: Becomes the Shadow Broker under Regis's orders, effectively turning the Broker's resources into the Alliance's, making them a more fearsome power during ME3.
Notoriety: Hero of Elysium
Morality: Mostly Renegade
Gender: Male (He/They)
Age: 35 (in ME1)
Birthday: December 27, 2148
Classification: N7 Paladin
Rank: Commander (ME1), Captain (ME3)
Sexuality: Asexual
Relationship: Doesn't have one currently
Quick Facts: Secondary Shadow Broker to Wren, works closely with Hackett to coordinate Alliance efforts within the network's capacity. Not a biotic but enjoys the Paladin classification due to their drone work.
Notoriety: Akuze Sole Survivor
Morality: Neutral-Paragon
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 58 (in ME1)
Birthday: April 21, 2125
Occupation: Pilot, Smuggler
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship: Bonding with Vikram T'Lara
Quick Facts: Twin brother to Atlas Shepard, Regis's father. Very laid back, casual, and cares little for formality. Met Vikram on an Omega run and after he ran into some trouble. Very good with hand-to-hand combat. Main residence is Earth. Tolerates Hannah Shepard and disliked her parenting towards Regis.
Morality: Neutral-Paragon
Gender: Non-binary (They/them)
Age: 841 (in ME1)
Birthday: June 1, 1342
Occupation: Former Asari Commando, Former Asari Cybernetic Engineer and Technician, current physician on Omega. Later joins the Alliance as a doctor after 2185.
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship: Bonding with Adrian Shepard
Quick Facts: Would have been the one to train Regis if it weren't for politics surrounding BAaT. Extremely powerful with biotics and is always willing to share their knowledge. Hates the current asari status-quo and finds their leadership and race to be stagnant.
Morality: Neutral-Renegade
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clericofshadows · 10 months
otp asks, 39 for Regis/Kaidan/Zaeed? Gimme some double date shenanigans!
thanks for the ask :D
39. What other couple would your otp get along with the best?
I haven't touched much on my ME3 canon, but my N7 Fury OC and later Shadow Broker, Wren Clarkson, ends up with a bit of a crush on EDI, so that develops into a fun relationship between them post-war (I plan on then getting together during Citadel DLC? something around that time since I make it a post-war event). EDI and Regis are best friends, Kaidan and Wren became close during the two year gap, and Zaeed is always up for talking about the state of the galaxy with Wren, so the five of them get along well, with Wren and Zaeed talking shop, EDI and Regis getting into conversations about tech, and Kaidan interjecting with his opinions on both sides. They enjoy eating in, with EDI trying to learn how to cook from Kaidan, how to grill and fry from Zaeed, and desserts from both Wren and Regis.
Another pairing they get along with are my OCs Vikram T'Lara and Adrian Shepard, Regis's uncles. Mostly because Kaidan and Zaeed delight in getting childhood stories from them, and Regis loves spending time with his family that he didn't get a ton of time with as a kid. Even if he does despair hearing Vik call him Reggie all the time.
He loves it, though.
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clericofshadows · 11 months
dialogue tag game
tagged by the lovely @rotschopf-thedrow
rules: pick up to 10 characters and share one of your favorite lines of dialogue you have ever written for them!
this is cruel I have so much dialogue how can I choose favorites? this is definitely one of those things where I will give completely different answers if I'm asked about this again :)
choosing just one bit of dialogue for Regis Shepard is so hard, but a snarky one I've liked is from feeling numb, lost in time. Some of my favorite moments with Regis are when he's fucking with people.
“What story?” Regis asked with a smirk, realizing he could fuck with him. Regis and Joker have never had anything more than a barely civil relationship, but there were times they could mess around with each other without too much hostility on the other’s part. Regis figured this could be one of those times. “The one where Kaidan and I met Zaeed while on leave and learned a hell of a lot more about where our tastes lie?”
2. Vikram T'Lara, Regis's asari matriach uncle, from feeling numb, lost in time, in which Vik inevitably gets in contact with Regis while he's with Cerberus.
Vik rolled their eyes.  “Goddess, Reggie, you knew what I meant.  You know, seeing you grow up has been some of the best memories of my long life.  I’m very grateful to have been part of your family.”
3. Jeff "Joker" Moreau, in don't ask about Ryuusei, in which they try to figure out the deal behind their "emails."
“Wait a minute, you messaged me.  For a second, I thought it was a prank.  I mean, hello–” he gestured around.  “I know you.  This is your personal hell, but maybe you decided to let that all go to celebrate your favorite pilot.”
4. Kaidan Alenko from you got me in a chokehold, a flashback to after Alchera.
"Couldn't have controlled? No, you just couldn't stand being wrong about anything involving the Normandy! But it doesn't matter anymore, now does it? You might've saved the ship a few precious seconds, but Regis didn't get any!" Ashley stepped between them, interrupting whatever Joker was going to say next. "This is not the time to be fighting! God, it's a terrible day when I'm the fucking mediator. Joker, you knew what the orders were. Both of you, walk away before things get more ruined than they already are." "You aren't going to call out Alenko for prioritizing his boyfriend over the rest of the crew?" Kaidan felt his biotic corona roar to life. "Go fuck yourself Joker and remember that Regis died for you! He was never going to leave anyone behind! And he chose you."
5. Admiral Steven Hackett, from so let love reign.
"Did [Zaeed] tell you to ask me about the Frozen Pyjak?" [Hackett] chuckled.
6. Zaeed Massani, from a WIP fic of the aftermath of his loyalty mission. I hate that this is one of my favorites, but it hit exactly the way I wanted it to.
Zaeed spun around, pointing a finger in Regis's direction, his face twisted with anger. "What the fuck was that, Regis?" "I could ask you the same damn thing. We wouldn't even be in this fucking situation if you weren't so consumed by revenge and just slowed down and listened," Regis replied, his tone flat, carefully keeping his expression neutral. "That's fucking rich." Zaeed laughed, laced with bitterness and anger. "The whole reason why you're even playing nice with Cerberus is so you can tear them apart. You're biding your time to get back at T'Soni as we speak. But the moment I get the chance to get what I have spent years working towards, you throw it all away for a few extra lives. How about that, Butcher?"
7. Ashley Williams, from late night conversations. In which she and Regis chat about things.
“And now you’re here, abusing your Spectre benefits so you two can share a bed together,” she echoed, nudging his arm.  “I would offer to go ring shopping with you, but something tells me you already have that figured out.”
8. Nyx Shepard, from the story of a weapon. I'm still trying to figure this bastard out, but he's already had his moments.
Nyx's intense purple eyes watched Kaidan closely as he examined the dagger.  "You've been in my goddamn bed," Nyx finally stated, a small grin playing on his lips. "So, you've seen a lot of me. But not many have been close enough to see this blade on neutral ground.” Kaidan felt a flush of warmth creeping up his cheeks, but he didn't shy away from Nyx's probing gaze. "Well, I'd say it's quite an honor," he replied, his tone playful, though tinged with a sense of curiosity. "Your bed and now this?  What’s next…” “You tell me,” He chuckled.  “Every weapon has a story.  What is mine?  You get one question, the rest you try to figure out on your own.”
I think that's about it... I could try to do a few more but I like what I have here.
tagging anyone who sees this and wants to participate! tag me if you do :)
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