spencersties · 2 years
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Gif is by @fightingdragonswithwho
First kisses with Spencer in different tropes
A/N: Just a little drabble I thought would be fun to write, let me know if I missed any important ones out.
Content/Warnings: Kissing (obviously), I'd say this one is rated like 15/16+ so read at your own risk, fluff, angst
Word Count: 280
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Strangers to lovers:
A little awkward, a little hesitant but so so caring.
I'm thinking maybe like a little accidental brush of the lips, followed by some incoherent mumbling and an intentional kiss filled with a gentle sort of newness after that.
Rivals to lovers:
A short and sudden kiss, probably to cut off the other's opposing argument. It's quick and maybe a little too harsh, and it definitely stuns you both into silence for a couple of seconds. It's immediately followed by a passionate kiss that has you moulded close together.
Friends with benefits:
This one is very vivid in my mind for some reason.
I feel like he would hug you from behind, wrapping his arms around you, totally comfortable with touching your body in an intimate way. You'd turn your head and share a slow and passionate kiss that lasts little while and has you both a bit out of breath.
Second chance romance:
One hand under your shirt, trailing your upper body, the other hand finding it's way into your hair. Maybe even stroking the side of your face as he pours everything into the kiss. Relief, longing, possibly some frustration. It's everything about him wrapped up in a kiss that escalates ridiculously quickly because he's just had enough of being away from you.
Enemies to lovers:
A panted "kiss me" leaving either your or his lips and you're colliding. It's rough and all-consuming, and he's biting your lip while you're tugging harshly at his hair. All of a sudden, you're backed against a wall with him all around you and your hands around his neck, both of your lips a bright and swollen red.
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spencersties · 2 years
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His Angel - S. R.
Gif is by @fightingdragonswithwho
A/N: Some Spencer fluff as a thank you for 100 followers. <33
Content/Warnings: fluff, pre established relationship, gen!neutral reader, kissing
Word Count: 459
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spencer couldn't stop staring at you.
he was aware that it was unprofessional and would probably earn him an earful from hotch later, but he couldn’t help himself.
he hadn’t expected to be awestruck at work when the team was told that they were going to be staying out in the field for an extra day due to issues with the jet last night, but here he was, absolutely powerless at the sight of you.
the case was solved, and everyone had decided to get ahead on as much paperwork as they could. you were fiddling with a pen, leaning on the desk with your hand propping your head up. your hair kept getting in your eyes, meaning that every minute or two you'd have to free one of your hands to get it out of your eyes only for it to go back to the way it was almost immediately.
the setting sun was coming in from a window that you sat directly in front of, basking you in a muted, pretty glow. from time to time, you'd look up from the papers on your desk to shoot him a smile. it felt like you were an angel. his angel.
but what really did him in was the cardigan you were wearing.
that morning, he had woken up with you in bed next to him, your fingers gently tracing over his face, stirring him from sleep.
you had rolled over and given him a quick kiss before getting out of bed and announcing that you were most definitely going to steal something of his because you hadn't expected this long of a stay and he always overpacked anyway. he agreed readily, of course. he rarely said no to you, and it wasn't as though you were wrong about his packing habits.
though he knew you were going to look even better than you usually did because you would be wearing something of his, he hadn’t quite expect this when he left while you were still getting ready in the bathroom.
you had walked in with one of his favourite cardigans thrown over a loose tshirt of his that he usually reserved for sleep. he had wanted to kiss you stupid right then and there. watching you go about your daily tasks in that outfit hadn’t helped matters.
you looked so beautiful, it felt as though it would cause him physical pain to look away from you.
he simply couldn't wait for the jet to be fixed, so when you were in the kitchen later that day, he cornered you. placing you gently on one of the counters and kissing you slowly, one of his hands beneath your shirt and the other gripping at the top of your cardigan.
he didn’t ever want you to give him his clothes back.
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spencersties · 2 years
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Willing Closeness - S.R.
Gif is by @radioactive-creative-bug
A/N: I was thinking about that "I'm not sharing with reid" room thing from 5×21 this morning and I wanted to write a little drabble but it somehow turned into a whole ass one shot.
Content/Warnings: enemies to lovers, one bed trope, fluff, some angst if you squint and tilt your head to one side
Word count: 840
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you and spencer had gotten along as well as oil and water for the few months that you had known him. neither of you understood why, but for some reason, you just couldn't be in the same room together without getting on each other's nerves. you found him infuriating most of the time, and if his constant quips were any indication, he felt the same way about you.
him getting shot didn't help matters. he was constantly putting himself in unnecessary danger. you just didn't understand how a man with such a high IQ acted so irrationally. you had almost lost your shit when you found out he had travelled without being cleared, it was almost like he wanted to get himself in trouble.
now that he was pretty much healed and back to putting himself on the wrong end of a gun barrel, you were closer to snapping than ever. you got the urge to stand in front of him any time you came face to face with an unsub.
so when night rolled around on a case where the killer seemed to hunt at night and you still hadn't caught them, you were more than ready to do whatever was necessary to make sure spencer didn't do something dumb again. if only to calm your own nerves, of course.
"I'm not sharing with reid again." came morgan's voice, and reid frowned, clearly taking some offence.
garcia quickly called dibs on derek and before you could overthink it, you spoke up, "I'll room with the doctor tonight."
confused looks came from all the members of the team, they were all familiar with you and reid's constant squabbles. however, you didn't spare any of them more than a glance, going to get the key to your room and heading upstairs instead.
but of course, of course, when you got to the room there was only one large bed in the centre of it.
you sighed and dropped your go-bag down onto the floor, running your hand through your hair. this was fine, you and spencer would just have to deal with this like the adults you both were.
a click sounded behind you, and spencer walked into the room. glancing at you and then at the bed, still sporting a look of utter confusion. his mouth opened and closed a few times.
"oh." was the only sound that managed to make it out.
"it's big enough for the both of us."
"I'm taking the side next to the window." you expected some sort of disagreement on his part at that.
"okay." was what he responded with instead.
the rest of the night continued in the same unfamiliar manner. with you and spencer getting ready for bed in amicable silence.
after a little while, the lights had finally been shut off and the two of you climbed into the bed.
you turned away from him, grabbing onto one side of the duvet, with him doing the same, which would have usually been fine, but there was only one duvet, and spreading it out like that meant there was a gap through the middle that let the cold in.
"spencer this isn't going to work. We'll both be freezing to death before the morning."
maybe the evening had gotten your hopes up because you were expecting a reasonable response from him, but, naturally, spencer did the opposite of what you thought he would.
he turned so that he was facing your back and wrapped an arm around your front, gently nudging you so you were closer, mumbling something about how this wouldn't be necessary if you weren't such a blanket hog under his breath.
you were too stunned by his willing closeness to answer him.
once spencer seemed to deem that the two of you were near enough, he took his hand away from you. you must have let out some sort of peculiar sound at that because he spoke up again.
"sleep. I'll be fine without your constant hovering for the next eight hours."
"I don't hover." you said, probably not as defensively as you should have.
"sleep." he repeated. and surprisingly, you did. you slept better than you had in ages, not a single concern crossing your mind.
you woke up the next morning with spencer wrapped around you like his life depended on it. His legs were between yours, and his head was buried in your chest while his arms held you in place by the waist.
you absentmindedly ran a hand through his hair, still hazy from sleep, before saying his name. he hummed and pulled you tighter to him, burying his head further into you before mumbling, "stay, we can go back to bickering later."
you couldn't argue with that logic and you were going to take full advantage of having spencer where you could see and feel him.
the two of you spent that morning drifting in and out of sleep for as long as you could before having to get up and ready to go meet the team.
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spencersties · 2 years
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GIF is by @nerys2
Falling Petals - S. R.
A/N: a little mini blurb/drabble about taking a mid spring stroll through a park with spencer
Content/Warnings: pure fluff, spencer reid x gen!neutral reader, pre established relationship
Word Count: 220
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the situation seemed almost magical. spencer and you were surrounded by nothing but green and pink and white. there were trees in bloom wherever you looked, and rays of sunlight were shining faintly through their beautifully shaped branches.
and yet the most beautiful view of all was the man standing next to you, rambling on about the peak days of floresence in spring.
after a little while, he finished talking and turned to beam at you. his smile, paired with his pushed back, beautiful hair, and his favourite purple scarf, made your heart beat a little faster than usual.
that, paired with the small bits of sun getting through to the two of you, made him almost look as though he was glowing.
just then, a gust of wind blew past the two of you, making the petals on the trees flow around you and causing spencer's hair to become a bit ruffled.
you couldn't help yourself. you pushed his hair back behind his ears with both of your hands, stroking the sides of his head with your thumbs as you did so.
he leaned into your touch, and in that moment, surrounded by falling petals and a warm spring breeze, it felt like you and spencer were the only two people in the world. it felt like you had never been that happy in your life before. it felt like you were falling in love.
just as you brought your hands down, spencer grabbed one of them. he intertwined your fingers together, stroking the top of your wrist with his thumb. your favourite doctor looked at you for a moment, a sort of serene look glinting in his eyes.
a few moments passed and you began to walk again, hand in hand as the petals continued to flurry in a storm around you. it looked as though you weren't the only one falling.
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spencersties · 2 years
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Distraction - S. R.
Gif is by @fightingdragonswithwho
A/N: Hi, here's the delayed one shot I promised a couple of days ago, hope you guys enjoy it. Also, writing in Spencer's is always so much more fun to me for some reason.
Content/Warnings: meet-cute ish?, sleep deprived spencer (what's new there), fluff
Word count: 839
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spencer hadn’t slept very well. he couldn’t explain why. it wasn’t the usual case of nightmares that endured after what he considered to be a failed case, or the too big an interest in a book that had him telling himself he’d only read one more chapter before being swept up in reading for hours. last night, his thoughts just seemed to…not shut off. it was as though they had found a mind of their own, messy and unpleasantly constant.
it usually wouldn’t have been that big of a problem, spencer was no stranger to being unable to get a good night’s rest, partially because of his own mind, and partially because of his job. however, this time, the thoughts hadn’t shut off after the sun rose and he made himself the first cup of coffee for the day. if anything, they had gotten stronger, louder. he was starting to think about whether his attention would be good enough to deal with the day and the surely nasty case ahead.
as he walked up to the overly familiar elevator doors of the FBI headquarters in virginia, he did his best to snap himself out of it. tried to focus on one thing at a time.
the elevator. the first elevator was built back in the 18th century, 1743 to be exact, for king louis XV of france, it was human powered and counter weighted and…
his thought trailed off as a reminder of the tasks he had been slacking off doing around his house popped into his brain instead. followed up by a list of books he had recently bought and not yet gotten around to reading. a recollection of the book he read last night. singular. because he was distracted.
just like he was right now.
if it kept on going like this, spencer wouldn’t be able to get through the day while being of any real use to the team.
what he needed was an all-consuming distraction. something to focus on when his mind started to inevitably wander throughout the day.
the doors to the elevator finally opened and spencer stepped in, huffing out a tired breath as he pressed the button for the 6th floor, followed by the one marked ‘CLOSE DOORS’. of course, the doors didn’t even budge.
he rubbed his eyes and pressed the button again. and again. and again. until eventually he was repeatedly pressing an elevator button with furrowed brows and an annoyed glint in his eyes. just as the doors finally began to close, he saw you.
you were rushing towards the elevator, a satchel bag that matched his slung over one shoulder.
“hold the doors please.” you called out as you neared him.
he blinked, confused at your presence for a moment, and reached out his hand, halting the doors’ slow movement and causing them to open back up.
you stumbled into the small metal box, slightly out of breath and looked at the keypad of elevator floor buttons before clicking on the number 6 even though it was already pressed.
then you looked at spencer. he noticed your eyes first, they seemed to sparkle to him for some reason. he rubbed at his own eyes, making sure his overworked and over exhausted wasn’t imagining things. before he had the chance to inspect you more thoroughly, you began to speak.
“nice bag.” you were looking at the satchel bag on his own shoulder, a small smile on your face.
instead of saying thank you or you too, like any normal person would, he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“did you know that scottish monks used to use leather satchels to carry around handwritten bibles that they considered precious?” which was followed by “you’re new.” after a few moments of silence from the both of you. spencer had never wanted to face palm himself quite as badly as he did just then.
surprisingly to him, you let out a laugh.
“no, no I didn’t. and yes, yes I am.”
“I’m spencer. reid.”
He listened to you tell him your name and watched you extend your hand.
perhaps it was the lack of sleep or the sudden confusion he had felt at your existence but he shook your hand.
your hands were warm and soft and spencer didn’t even realise what he was doing until you looked down at his hand covering yours. he pulled his hand away quickly, mumbling something about germs and how he didn’t usually shake hands and he didn’t quite know what had gotten into him. you just gave him a smile in response.
soon enough the elevator doors opened at the sixth floor, spencer looked around for a couple seconds. he hadn’t even realised that the elevator had started moving.
“see you later spencer” you said and walked out, throwing him one more smile over your shoulder.
as he entered the space of the floor he worked on and watched you walk away, he had a realisation.
spencer had found his perfect distraction.
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spencersties · 2 years
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Want You Back - S. R.
Gif is by @nerys2
A/N: I don't write angst very often but I actually had quite a bit of fun writing this one.
Content/Warnings: cheating, kissing, gen!neutral reader, pretty petty and pathetic spencer, angst (obviously)
Word count: 768
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it was Valentine's Day. you should have been enjoying yourself.
instead you had to deal with spencer making petty remarks towards you constantly, while you tried to enjoy a nice evening with your boyfriend.
you hadn't thought much of it when you decided to bring the person you were currently dating to one of rossi's dinner parties. it was a special day, after all. and you liked him. you really did.
it wasn't fair that spencer was acting like an absolute dick at the fact that you had moved on when he clearly hadn't.
you hadn't slept together in months. being friends with benefits with a coworker who you had a major crush on wasn’t a good idea, especially when he was as closed off as spencer. you had asked for more, had even wanted to start a meaningful relationship with him. he was the one that said no, clearly hurt by his previous romantic attachments.
despite the rejection you felt at the time, you didn't hold it against him. sure, it had hurt then, but you were fine now. perfectly content with the man currently holding your hand as he laughed with garcia. your friends liked him and he was good to you. there was absolutely no need for you to feel anything but happiness with him.
and yet...
you couldn't stop meeting spencer's eyes, filled with resentment and hurt and something you couldn't quiet place.
you'd had enough of this. he had no right to be angry or upset.
you excused yourself from the rest of the group, trying your best to subtly pull spencer aside along with you.
soon enough, the two of you were in a dimly lit spare bedroom at rossi's, the door firmly shut behind you.
"you have to stop." were the first words that came out of your mouth.
spencer looked at you with faux confusion, clearly trying to act naive before saying, "I don't know what you're talking about."
"I'm not the one that put a stop to us, okay? you were. I wanted more. you didn't. I found someone else that could give me what I need."
spencer just stared at you, silent, so you continued.
"you need to stop the hateful quips. stop the longing looks. stop the overly flirtatious banter. you just need to stop. got it?"
he blinked at you a few times before sighing and running a hand through his hair.
taking that to mean that the conversation was over, you turned to the door to leave. spencer grabbed your wrist gently, stopping you from exiting the room. you looked at him. waiting for him to speak.
"I want you back." he said. why was your heart beating faster all of a sudden?
"don't say that. you can't say that. not anymore." god, this felt wrong.
he stepped closer to you, crowding your space and backing you against the door.
"I want you back." he repeated. "I need you back. I just- I just need you." he leaned in, kissing your lips gently. "I need you all the time."
you'd lost all ability to speak. you could have pretended that you wanted to stop him, but you truly didn't. you felt like you would die if he didn't keep going.
luckily for you, he did.
he kissed your check, your jaw, your neck. carefully, as though he was afraid that any sudden movements from him would send you running.
"I'll be whatever you want." he was whispering now. "we'll be whatever you want. just tell me what to do, and I'll do it."
his hands reached for you, one cupping your face, the other tangling itself in your hair.
"leave him. you know he won't ever be able to love you as much as I do."
"you don't love me." you whisper back, your voice trembling.
"I do. I do. I love you so much, I'd beg for you every day and every night. as much as you wanted, whenever you wanted, " he said your name and followed it with a "please." and another gentle kiss against your lips.
he kept pleading, leaving light kisses over any bare skin he could find.
how could you say no to him?
you finally let yourself touch him then. tugging lightly at his hair and meeting your mouth with his.
the kiss was slow and deep, and when you both finally pulled away it left you with swollen lips and glassy eyes.
you just looked at him for a few still moments before you said "Okay." and that seemed to be enough for him in that moment.
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spencersties · 2 years
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gif is by @fightingdragonswithwho
Turning Pages - S. R.
A/N: a little blurb of spencer and you spending a peaceful day together
Content/Warnings: pure fluff, pre established relationship
Word Count: 261
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spencer was leaning against the large bookshelf, the sound of a fire crackling somewhere in the near background. he could hear you turning pages close to him and the longer it went on the more it began to take up his mind. your presence was overwhelming in the best way possible, and he couldn’t seem to get enough of it. he wasn’t even paying attention to the book in front of him anymore. instead, he was enjoying every second of his limited free time thinking about the fact that he was in a beautiful library, reading his favourite books with his favourite person.
as if he spoke his thoughts out loud, you stopped turning pages. he took a moment before turning to you, meeting your eyes with his. you smiled at him, a sort of calm, happy smile that made his heart beat a little steadier and his face grow a little warmer. he smiled back and you turned back to your book but his eyes still remained on you.
without saying a word, you shuffled a little closer so that your feet were touching his.
a bit closer, and now your arms were pressed right against him.
closer, and before he knew it, you were leaning against him. your body resting on his and your head laying on his shoulder.
he leaned into your touch, turning his head slightly to kiss the top of your head. you hummed, and spencer swore that he had never felt happier in his entire life than he did just now with you surrounding him.
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spencersties · 2 years
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Am I clear? - E. P.
Gif is by @ilyprentiss
A/N: Continuing the Valentine's day celebration with a smutty Emily Prentiss one shot, enjoy.
Content/Warnings: porn without plot, soft!dom emily prentiss, semi-public sex, one use of the word ma'am in a sexual context, power kink, pre established relationship, sex with feelings
Word Count: 564
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you were pressed against a wall in emily's office. her breath was hot on your neck and her hands were secured tightly around your waist.
when she gently bit down on your neck before soothing the sting away with her tongue, you almost melted into the floor. you hadn't expected this reaction from her when you had come into her office to wish her a happy Valentine's Day and to ask her to finally move in with you. you sure as hell weren't mad at it though.
one of her hands began to trail down your body, brushing the zipper of your jeans before bringing it down.
"this okay?" she whispered before continuing to leave hickies you'd have to find a way to cover up later on your neck and collarbones.
"please..." you begged, needing her everywhere.
she didn't waste any time after that, pushing the fabric of your jeans and panties down and aside and running her fingers through your folds. your head fell back against the wall at the familiar feeling.
you could feel her smile against your neck before she said "god you're wet. you really need me that bad huh?"
you couldn't form a coherent thought beyond her fingers, now teasingly rubbing your clit, much less give her an answer. all you could do was let out a quiet, approving hum.
at that, she finally slid a finger into you, following it by a second a few moments later.
when her pace began to roughen, you couldn't help yourself. you let out a moan while grinding against her hand.
emily immediately leaned in to kiss you. it was harsh and fierce and held so much passion that you feared you'd shatter out of love and lust right then and there.
the kiss had you at her absolute mercy, whimpering repeatedly into her mouth. in return, she let out a quiet moan at hearing your sounds. you were sure that she could feel how you tightened around her fingers at the power she had over you.
she pulled away from your mouth all too soon and you had to stop yourself from begging for her to lean back in and kiss you again.
"be quiet. the rest of the team can't hear this."
god you loved it when she was commanding. loved it so much that you couldn't hold back another whine that caused her to go back in for one more boiling kiss, biting at your lip until you swore you could taste your own blood.
"am I clear?" she asked.
it was truly unfair of her to expect an answer from you when she was fucking you roughly against her office wall on Valentine's Day.
"am I clear?" she repeated, starting to rub your clit with her thumb again.
you let out a panted "yes ma'am."
she smirked cockily at the honorific and fucked you harder and harder until you were letting out panted pleas for her to make you cum on her fingers.
your eyes practically rolled back into your head when her fingers started pressing against the spongy spot inside of you with every thrust.
you muffled the sounds you couldn't hold back against her lips as you came, nothing but a thin wall separating you from the rest of your co-workers.
you couldn't wait to go home and celebrate again with her that night.
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spencersties · 2 years
Extreme Agressor - part 1 sneak peek [spencelle cm rewrite]
"According to his diary…" he began. Already mentally moving on, removing and exploring possible theories and further motivations in his mind. even as he spoke 
"Approximately one thousand, four hundred, and-" 
"Eighty eight" the brunette woman's voice came again. 
Spencer looked up from the spot on the floor he had seemed to become intensely focused on while sorting through his brain.
He just looked at her for a moment, simply taking her in. Average build and weight, slightly above average height, medium length brown hair, deep brown eyes. 
It wasn't often that someone knew specifics as well as he did but on the rare occasion that it did happen, it always caught Spencer a bit off guard.
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spencersties · 2 years
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spencersties · 2 years
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Surprise - J. J.
Gif is by @sapphicprentiss
A/N: starting my Valentine's Day blurbs off strong with my favourite MILF
Summary: JJ surprising you by coming home for Valentine's Day
Content/Warnings: jennifer jareau x gen!neutral reader, fluff, a bit of loneliness, some angst if you squint and tilt your head to one side
Word count: 357 (give or take a few)
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you missed your girlfriend. she had been away on a case for over a week now and when she had told you that she wouldn't be able to make it home for Valentine's this year, a little piece of your heart broke.
you were planning on getting drunk and spending the night watching trashy reality TV to try and forget about the empty space next to you that would usually be filled by her.
you loved the fact that jennifer was committed to her job, you really did, she was amazing at what she did and she helped so many people. it just felt like sometimes you were alone all over again, festering a secret crush on her and daydreaming about what it would be like if she actually liked you back.
well, it turns out she did like you back. she liked you back enough to drive to your house in the rain one random evening with your favourite film on dvd in one hand and a bouquet of flowers in the other. you didn't even have a dvd player, but you had never been more grateful. you pulled her into your apartment and kissed her until the both of you could barely breathe that night.
you sighed as you unlocked the door to your now shared apartment, reminiscing about grand date nights and quiet days spent together.
you weren't expecting to walk in to find candles set up all over the place, soft music coming from the kitchen and rose petals of different colours scattered all over the place.
dropping your jacket and taking off your shoes by the door, you walked further into your home. soon enough, you were greeted by jj in a suit looking at you with a smile on her face and something covered in wrapping paper in her hand.
you swore that your jaw almost hit the floor.
clearly being able to sense how stunned you were, she walked over to you, putting the present somewhere behind her.
she wrapped her arms around your neck before saying "happy Valentine's Day, baby."
next thing you knew she was kissing you.
best Valentine's day ever.
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spencersties · 2 years
lmfaoo, some spence smut coming in the next week or so, I swear
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spencersties · 2 years
Going to post 'Distraction' tomorrow instead of tonight just because I didn't get a chance to finish editing it. I will post a little Spencer drabble in the next little while instead though.
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spencersties · 2 years
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Name - Viktoriya/Vik
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