#villa lagomar
schottisreisetagebuch · 2 months
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Lanzerote, Arrecife, -Eglesia San Ginés
Das Wunder des Lichts
César Manrique, der Inselarchitekt
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César Manrique, der Inselarchitekt
Ohne ihn läuft hier nichts. Sogar die Kunstwerke, die von Jesús Soto, Paco Curbelo oder José Saramago stammen, sind von César Manrique. In welcher seiner vielen Sprachen er sich auch ausdrückte, Malerei, Architektur, Bildhauerei, Poesie, Gartengestaltung oder Stadtplanung, der Wille, seine Heimat zu einer grandiosen Neuschöpfung aus Kunst und Natur zu formen, bestimmte das Leben des Inselarchitekten. Die „totale Kunst“ bestimmte seinen Anspruch, (äußere) Schönheit mit (innerer) Ruhe in Einklang zu bringen. Dass dabei sein Hang zu Society und Jetset nicht auf der Strecke blieb, lässt sich aus jedem seiner grandiosen Land-Art-Werke herauslesen. Wer war der Wunderknabe, und wie baute er Macht, Kunst und Einfluss auf? Der Devisenbringer ist aus Lanzarote ebenso wenig wegzudenken, wie Lava und Licht. Der vielseitig Begabte machte sich beides zu nutze. Ob in den abstrakten Gemälden, den omnipräsenten, farbenfrohen Skulpturen, die sich mit oder gegen den Wind drehen, und die Straßen ebenso prägen wie die aufsehenerregenden architektonischen Entwürfe – seine Arbeiten verherrlichen die Schönheit der Insel, ihre schroffe Aristokratie und ihre von Feuer und Vulkangestein geprägte Landschaft.
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Fondacion Manrique
César Manrique war Visionär, Diktator und Lebenskünstler, er war Andy Warhol, Fidel Castro und Gunther Sachs in einer Person. Ob Gärten, Museen, Villen, Restaurants, Aussichtswarten, Windspiele oder Landschaftsskulpturen, Manrique hat die Insel geprägt. Wer hat seinen Landsleuten schon den Farbton ihrer Häuser vorgeschrieben. Die Farben Weiß und das spezielle „Manrique-Grün“ gehören zum gesamtheitlichen Konzept. Und die Bewohner, sie ließen sich’s gefallen. Kaum ein Land wurde so nachhaltig von einem Künstler entworfen und geformt, wie Lanzarote, und – der Geniestreich ist gelungen. Es gibt wohl niemanden, der dem widerspricht. Da verwundert es auch nicht, dass sogar der Flughafen den Namen „César Manrique“ trägt. Kaum, dass der glitzernde Ferienvogel den Boden der Insel berührt, werden die Passagiere darauf hingewiesen, in wessen Hand sie sich befinden. Und wenn wir schon beim „Verkehr“ sind: Auf den Straßen fahren Autos, deren Lackierung eines der knallbunten Gemälde aus des Meisters Werkstatt zeigt… 
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Arrecife, Autor im Bild
Der Insel-Genius hat mehr erreicht, als je ein Künstler vor ihm. Blickt man auf die wild zerklüftete Küste bei El Golfo oder auf die pittoreske Mischung zwischen dem omnipräsenten schwarzen Lavagestein und dem teilweise aufgeschütteten weißen Sand der Strände – vermutet man sogar hier die Handschrift Manriques. Auch in Sachen Ökologie, Stadtarchitektur und Umweltpolitik stößt man auf seine Einflussnahme. Werbetafeln in- oder ausländischer Konzerne sucht man auf der Insel vergeblich - was einem gar nicht sofort auffällt – genau wie das gänzliche Fehlen von Touristen-Hochburgen oder anderen nicht mehr wieder gut zu machenden Bausünden. Der weitgreifende Kunstanspruch des Ausnahmekünstlers prägt Lanzarote ebenso wie die gewaltigen Vulkankegel. 
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Wundert es, dass sich der umtriebige Herr Architekt nicht nur Freunde gemacht hat? Seine Künstlerkollegen wurden von der Übermacht des Maestros erdrückt, und auch die  Immobiliensachverständigen formierten sich mit der Zeit gegen Manrique, stand der doch bei beinahe jedem zweitem Bauprojekt auf der Bremse – und die Inselregierung folgte ihm. Keinesfalls wollte er zulassen, dass seine geliebte Insel am Altar des Massentourismus geopfert wird. Die ästhetische und ökonomische Integrität Lanzarotes ging ihm über alles. Die mächtigen Geister die er dabei zu Hilfe rief, wurde er bald schon nicht mehr los und je kostbarer die Insel wurde, desto mehr boomte sie auf den internationalen Ferienbörsen. Je exklusiver, desto begehrter. Immer mehr Menschen wollten teilhaben an den Gossip-Geschichten der bunten Illustrierten über das Insel-Lotterleben des Meisters. Die Anzahl der Übernachtungen explodierte, sanfter Tourismus hin oder her. 
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Teguise, Plaza de la Constitución
Der Unfalltod Manriques am 25. September 1992 erschütterte die Insel nachhaltig, von den internationalen Klatschspalten ganz zu schweigen. Sogar das Ende war an Theatralik nicht zu überbieten: Mit seinem Jaguar raste der Inselkaiser auf eine Kreuzung zu, unmittelbar darauf wurde er von einem schweren Geländewagen „abgeschossen“. Schenkt man der Insel-Fama Glauben, schlug die Bau-Mafia zu. Sogar sein Tod bewirkte Erstaunliches: Seither gibt es auf Lanzarote keine Überlandkreuzungen mehr, sie wurden in Kreisverkehre umgewandelt, in deren Mitte zumeist große Mobiles aus des Märtyrers Hand stehen, die sich in die verschiedensten Windrichtungen drehen und wenden. Symbolträchtiger wurde wohl noch keinem Künstler gedacht.
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Villa LagOmar
Die Sehenswürdigkeiten der Insel-Mitte:
César Manrique Fondacion – Das erste Wohnhaus Manriques ist als Museum begehbar. Wer wissen will, was Geschmack bedeutet, muss dorthin.
Arrecive – Hafen und Hauptstadt. Weit mehr als nur Meer-Promenade, Castillo San Gabriel, Islote de Femina und Castillo de San José (inkl. Kunstmuseum)
Teguise – Zauberhafte, ehemalige Inselhauptstadt mit prächtigem Hauptplatz vor der „Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe“, in der eine Christusfigur mit Langhaarperücke schwebt und eine Büste des spanischen Literatur-Nobelpreisträgers steht („Durch seine Gedanken kann der Mensch die Wahrheit entdecken, die verborgen in der Welt umgeht“)
San Bartolomé – Besuchenswerte Stadt in der geografischen Mitte Lanzarotes. Vor dem Rathaus und der Pfarrkirche fühlt man sich um Jahrhunderte zurückversetzt.
Tao – hier und rundum in den Nachbarorten finden die populären Ringkämpfe der Giganten, den „Luchadores“ statt, z.B. in der Arena „Lucha Canaria“ statt. Keinesfalls versäumen!
Villa LagOmar in Nazaret - „Dr. Schiwago“ Omar Sharif kaufte die Traumvilla und verspielte sie noch am selben Abend beim Bridge. Nicht nachahmens- aber empfehlenswert.
El Jable, alttestamentarisch anmutende Sandwüste beim Örtchen Soo.
Die Wunderwelt der spektakulären Gesteinsformationen „Las Grietas“ in den Montana Blanco ist Lanzarotes Antwort auf den „Grand Canyon“ Arizonas.
Surf-Süchtige müssen zum Wind- und Wellenparadies „Caleta de Famara“.
Der „Playa de Matagorda“ ist die Touri-Einflugschneise: Düsenjets zum Anfassen!
El Jable, die Sandwüste – Las Grietas – Stratified City – Caleta de Famara:
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lanzaro23-24 · 4 months
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LagOmar, la villa che Omar Sharif comprò mentre girava un film...e poi se la perse a carte!
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lametronoticias · 3 years
Detectan conexiones ilegales en el condominio Lagomar en Puerto Colombia
Detectan conexiones ilegales en el condominio Lagomar en Puerto Colombia
En el restaurante Las Rocas en la carrera 45 con la calle 82 esquina se encontró una acometida irregular. Como parte de las acciones técnicas de personal de Air-e fueron detectadas conexiones ilegales en el condominio Lagomar, ubicado en el sector de Villa Campestre en Puerto Colombia. Durante el proceso de revisión se encontraron 11 conexiones irregulares en igual número de viviendas, ubicadas…
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arcisfoodblog · 5 years
Many of the must-see attractions on Lanzarote are connected to a local artist, César Manrique.
This year is the 100th anniversary of César Manrique’s birthday which is celebrated on the island with many (additional) exhibits and events. He was a local sculptor, architect, and activist, and his influences can be found all over Lanzarote and other Canary Islands. One of his last works – he died in a car accident in 1992 – was the design of the Canarian Pavilion of the World Expo that was held in Sevilla that year.
His influence is apparent in various buildings, logos, sculptures, and various “wind toys” he designed.
But also in the overall landscape of the island as Manrique lobbied fiercely for planning regulations that encourage the sustainable development of the tourism industry in Lanzarote. The César Manrique foundation continues his work, and the lack of high rise concrete hotels on the island is indeed refreshing. Those that are there are generally sticking to the use of traditional white and green colors in their exterior decoration to still blend in.
Blending into the landscape is definitely a key feature throughout the works of Manrique, resulting in several CACTs: Centres for Art, Culture, and Tourism. We visited several of them.
The Jardín de Cactus near Guatiza (the region with extensive plantations of prickly pear cactus) in the north-east of Lanzarote is garden with over 1,100 different varieties of cactuses (and pseudo cactuses I learned) from all over the world. Built as a multi-tiered amphitheater, it is an impressive and peaceful site to visit.
The Los Jameos del Agua and Cueva de los Verdes attractions can be found about 10 kilometers further north on the LZ-1, close to the town of Arrieta. Caused by eruptions of the Corona volcano, both are part of a 6-kilometer /4-mile structure of underground/underwater volcanic tunnels that lead into the sea. The tunnels are the longest in the world and along the way, there are at least 16 lava caves (jameos). Los Jameos del Agua is located closest to the coast and has an interior lake which is fed by the sea and hosts a unique species of crustacean. The site is also used as a concert hall.
Coast near Jameos del Agua
Mirador del Rio is a viewpoint on the northwestern coast of Lanzarote – a couple of kilometers north from the village Yé. It was constructed – almost concealed – on the Risco de Famara plateau at approx. 475m / 1.550ft. altitude. Therefore, with clear skies, the viewing decks and a restaurant/bar have a pretty amazing panoramic vista of the Chinijo Archipelago National Park, mainly the neighboring island of Graciosa and the salt mining at sea level. Visibility can change dramatically and very quickly, as clouds will be blown “up” the mountain; my pictures were taken in just 1 minute. If the weather isn’t that good, a reduced entrance fee applies though.
The César Manrique Foundation is based at his former home in Teguise and also operates the museum in Manrique’s townhouse in Haría. The Foundation provides access to both the ingeniously constructed home and the gallery featuring art by Manrique himself as well as his personal collection that includes originals by Pablo Picasso and Joan Miró. 
Manrique’s home is built in a huge lava field in 1966. The rooms on the first floor, including his studios, were created with the intention of respect with Lanzarote traditions, yet making them more modern with open spaces and large windows. The “blending in with the landscape” has been taken to the extreme here 😉
The literal “ground floor” is very interesting as it contains areas created by boring through the basalt and connecting 5 volcanic bubbles. Besides another studio, it houses several recreational areas, including a swimming pool, a barbecue pit, and a small dance floor.
LagOmar is another project incorporating natural lava caves was a villa in Nazaret (we stayed pretty much next door). Built in the face of a volcanic quarry, it results in a natural labyrinth of pathways and lava caves that are used for rooms or entertainment areas. Originally the house was conceived by César Manrique and designed by the local artist Jesús Soto for the British developer Sam Benady who was involved in the construction. In 1989 two architects from Germany and Uruguay bought the house and initiated the last phase of development of the lower sections of the complex, also relying on local artists. It now functions as a museum, restaurant, bar, and art gallery. As always, the grounds and garden are stunning too. 
  The name of the complex LagOmar stems from the fact that the legendary Omar Sharif bought the villa in 1973 when he was shooting the movie Mysterious Island. After his hits from the 60s like Lawrence of Arabia and Dr. Zhivago, this was definitely one of his lesser efforts.
“I lost money on gambling, buying horses, things like that,” he later said. “So I made those movies which I knew were rubbish… I’d call my agent and tell him to accept any part, just to bail myself out.” – Omar Sharif
Legend has it that Omar Sharif only owned the house for a couple of days as he lost it Sam Benady in a very high-stakes game of bridge. The latter knew about Sharif’s gambling reputation, but the fact that Benady was a European Bridge champion was unknown to Sharif… I don’t know if the story is actually true, but you can easily imagine that he fell in love with the house.
The final place we visited was the Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo (MIAC) in Arrecife, which is located in Castillo de San José, an ancient military fortress. The contemporary art museum opened in 1975 and Marique was responsible for the design of the restaurant enclosed under the fort.
The museum was a lot smaller than expected but had some nice works on display. However, the restaurant is stunning with its panoramic view of the local harbor, opulent use of varnished wood, the long mirrored bar, and whitewashed walls. Some of the reviews I read likened it to the lair of a 70s Bond villain, and that does have a ring to it. We were in luck for being able to enjoy a great lunch there as the majority of the area was reserved for a wedding reception. Fun to observe, but the downside was that I wasn’t really able to shoot some more pics of the beautiful restaurant.
Around the World – Lanzarote (part 3) Many of the must-see attractions on Lanzarote are connected to a local artist, César Manrique.
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@SpainForSalePro SpainForSalePro
I just published Situated in the peaceful residential area known as Lagomar, this villa is a superb opportunity to… https://link.medium.com/MxUX6wvdhS 
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Occidental Lanzarote Playa in Costa Teguise, Spain (Europe). The best of Occidental Lanzarote Playa Hotel. Welcome to Occidental Lanzarote Playa in Costa Teguise, Spain (Europe). The best of Occidental Lanzarote Playa. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN General services included wifi available in all areas. golf course (within 3 km), beach, windsurfing, tennis equipment, table tennis, tennis court, diving, mini golf, billiards, squash, , snorkelling, fishing, and cycling. In the restaurant section we can enjoy special diet menus (on request), kid-friendly buffet, restaurant, fruits, bar, breakfast options, bottle of water, chocolate or cookies, snack bar, vending machine (snacks), vending machine (drinks) and wine/champagne. For health, the facilities have fitness, outdoor pool, beachfront, body wrap, beauty services, facial treatments, sun umbrellas, hair treatments, pool/beach towels, waxing services, body treatments, solarium, hair cut, hair colouring, massage, pedicure, sauna, manicure, pool bar, fitness centre, make up services, body scrub, kids' pool, sun loungers or beach chairs, hair styling and swimming pool. As far as transport is concerned, accessible parking, bicycle rental (additional charge), street parking and car hire. For the reception services we can have atm/cash machine on site, safety deposit box, 24-hour front desk, tour desk, luggage storage and currency exchange. Within the common areas we will be able to enjoy outdoor furniture, shared lounge/tv area, library, sun terrace, terrace, games room and garden. For the leisure of the family we have at disposal kids' club, children's playground, evening entertainment, indoor play area and entertainment staff. Cleaning services include ironing service, daily maid service and laundry. If you arrive for business reasons on the premises you will have fax/photocopying and meeting/banquet facilities. gift shop, shops (on site) and barber/beauty shop. We will be able to highlight other services like , lift, designated smoking area, , , family rooms, facilities for disabled guests, air conditioning, , and non-smoking rooms [https://youtu.be/VX5u0BGj95k] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2w6EdwT You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2ntnu2I We hope you have a pleasant stay in Occidental Lanzarote Playa Other hotels in Costa Teguise Sands Beach Resort https://youtu.be/sM8j9nvt5jo Beatriz Costa & Spa https://youtu.be/Q0GKtAxm1NA Grand Teguise Playa https://youtu.be/_lvHsqRwXPA Blue Sea Costa Bastian https://youtu.be/xzOvEOkjN4w Meliá Salinas - Adults Recommended https://youtu.be/wZaXFW7morQ HD Beach Resort https://youtu.be/f7mz7D37Yv0 Occidental Lanzarote Mar https://youtu.be/Tkf7CgXlxJ0 Other hotels in Spain Hotel Mix Peru Playa https://youtu.be/sNOo8VTQnMA Hotel Puerta de la Serrania https://youtu.be/_r5MfCfJouw Carmen de los Chapiteles https://youtu.be/O1gs4JzpLdk Delfin Siesta Mar https://youtu.be/kZGK69PVPaU Hotel Juma https://youtu.be/Z1neSOKtEk0 Hotel Villa Italia https://youtu.be/GWdmQFA73fk Hotel Doña Matilde https://youtu.be/O4V_6M97Loo Hotel Lozano https://youtu.be/5B9v_GDSD0w Hotel Ibi https://youtu.be/lUhrkdSMKKs Hotel Villa Blanca https://youtu.be/kBYZS-0dALg Hotel Alone https://youtu.be/241u5FBveB0 Hotel Casablanca https://youtu.be/J4SZLjvs6TM Hotel Alfons III https://youtu.be/LSznuwdncf4 Cap Vermell Beach Hotel https://youtu.be/cMXA8nP7hKY Hotel Can Roca Nou https://youtu.be/jOD1JCHFJWw In Costa Teguise we recommended to visit In the Spain you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Fundación Cesar Manrique, Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo. Castillo de San José, Lanzaroteguides, Lanzarote Aquarium, El Charco de San Ginés, Playa Del Jablillo, Castillo de Santa Bárbara, Pueblo Marinero and Museo Lagomar. We also recommend that you do not miss Castillo de San Gabriel, Native Diving Lanzarote, Barco "Telamon" encallado, Aquapark Costa Teguise, La Casa Amarilla, First Minute Travel, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Occidental Lanzarote Playa and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Spain based in Occidental Lanzarote Playa Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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segundoenfoque1 · 7 years
Lanzarote, una de las islas más bellas de Europa
España.- La isla de Lanzarote es, sin duda, uno de los rincones más hermosos de Europa. Ofrece al visitante playas de ensueño, acantilados, pequeños y pintorescos pueblos, y la natural hospitalidad de sus habitantes.
Las playas de Lanzarote permiten la práctica del surf a principiantes y conocedores. Es uno de los entornos naturales más hermosos para esta actividad deportiva. La playa de Famara es el lugar más concurrido.
Sus seis kilómetros de arena blanca permiten a los visitantes caminar bajo el sol, tumbarse plácidamente o simplemente montarse en la tabla y olvidarse de las horas. Está en el pueblo de Caleta de Famara, una pequeña villa de calles de arena.
No dejes de probar las papas arrugadas con mojo, el sancocho de pescado y el gofio canario
Si es amante del vino, haga el recorrido por la ruta vinícola de La Geria. Déjese atrapar por la magia de los viñedos que nacieron en las tierras regadas de ceniza de esta isla volcánica. Las siembras están rodeadas por muros de piedra semicirculares que las protegen del viento.
La isla de La Graciosa queda a tan solo 25 minutos en ferry del puerto de Órzola. Es un lugar que puede ser recorrido en bicicleta o a pie, pues es una reserva de la naturaleza en la que solo los policías tienen autos.
Entre sus rojas colinas, encontrará playas solitarias, como la de Las Conchas, pero debe tomar precauciones pues sus olas y corrientes son extremadamente fuertes.
Jameos del Agua es el hogar del pintor César Manrique. La casa es una cueva volcánica situada a unos 40 kilómetros de Puerto del Carmen. Dentro de ella hay una laguna natural donde habitan los cangrejos ciegos.
La casa Lagomar fue construida para el actor egipcio Omar Shariff. Es es una colina excavada por dentro que semeja un laberinto.
El Parque Nacional de Timanfaya es el único  totalmente geológico de España. En su suelo rocoso no existe vida vegetal. Tome el autobús que lo recorre y que explica cómo se formó su curiosa topografía, o monte un camello y siéntase como en el desierto.
Las playas de Lanzarote son famosas en todo el mundo. Están muy alejadas unas de otras, y como en la isla no hay casi transporte público, le sugerimos alquilar un vehículo para recorrerlas. Las más conocidas son Papagayo, El Pozo, Los Caletones, Órzola y Charco del Palo. Esta última es nudista.
Si quiere ver un cráter a nivel del mar, vaya a El Golfo que se formó debido a las erupciones de 1730. Está inundado de agua marina de color verdoso, por las algas en su superficie.
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placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Blue Sea Costa Bastian in Costa Teguise, Spain (Europe). The best of Blue Sea Costa Bastian Hotel. Welcome to Blue Sea Costa Bastian in Costa Teguise, Spain (Europe). The best of Blue Sea Costa Bastian. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the accommodation are wifi available in all areas. mini golf, billiards and table tennis. In the section of bars we will enjoy room service, breakfast options, restaurant, bar and snack bar. For health the accommodation has sun loungers or beach chairs, water slide, swimming pool, kids' pool, outdoor pool, hot tub/jacuzzi and pool/beach towels. With regard to the transfer we have bicycle rental (additional charge), street parking and car hire. For reception services we can find safety deposit box, 24-hour front desk, luggage storage and currency exchange. Within the related areas we can enjoy shared lounge/tv area, sun terrace, outdoor furniture, garden and games room. For family enjoyment we have at your disposal entertainment staff, evening entertainment, kids' club and children's playground. The function of cleaning services will include ironing service, laundry, daily maid service and dry cleaning. shops (on site) and barber/beauty shop. We can highlight other benefits like facilities for disabled guests, lift, family rooms, air conditioning and heating [https://youtu.be/xzOvEOkjN4w] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2MAuENv You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2vtGJO7 We hope you have a pleasant stay in Blue Sea Costa Bastian Other hotels in Costa Teguise Meliá Salinas - Adults Recommended https://youtu.be/wZaXFW7morQ Other hotels in Spain AACR Hotel Monteolivos https://youtu.be/JVGdej7TOR4 Playa Mar & Spa https://youtu.be/x_8iML6jy50 Ibersol Son Caliu Mar - All Inclusive https://youtu.be/SmeXbsGIvdE Hotel Plaza Las Matas https://youtu.be/8BIZXwhDiKk Hotel La Villa https://youtu.be/ILdk3qUUY7M Les Rotes https://youtu.be/0Fu10NaKqk4 Evenia Alcalá Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/_XHAnGyZd7g Campanile Barcelona Sud - Cornella https://youtu.be/ieo1LjwtaPQ Hotel Ferrer Concord https://youtu.be/Ctujr5n4rbQ Hotel Playa Adults Only https://youtu.be/daQ3i4Nzxxg Golden Tulip Barcelona https://youtu.be/qjLTQ-pUxM0 Hotel Pamplona https://youtu.be/J1KvdDAvGaY Miranda & Suizo https://youtu.be/FdLp-TgRYcY Hotel Rey Alfonso X https://youtu.be/tO0252rnELk Hotel Casa Rosa https://youtu.be/0HQXhem1c70 In Costa Teguise we recommended to visit In the Spain you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Fundación Cesar Manrique, Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo. Castillo de San José, Lanzaroteguides, Lanzarote Aquarium, El Charco de San Ginés, Playa Del Jablillo, Castillo de Santa Bárbara, Pueblo Marinero and Museo Lagomar. We also recommend that you do not miss Castillo de San Gabriel, Native Diving Lanzarote, Barco "Telamon" encallado, Aquapark Costa Teguise, La Casa Amarilla, First Minute Travel, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Blue Sea Costa Bastian and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Spain based in Blue Sea Costa Bastian Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
0 notes
placestoseein · 7 years
Places to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) Lanzarote, one of the Canary islands off the coast of West Africa administered by Spain, is known for its year-round warm weather, beaches and volcanic landscape. Timanfaya National Park’s rocky landscape was created by volcanic eruptions in the 1730s. Cueva de los Verdes has caverns formed by an underground river of lava. East-coast resort Puerto del Carmen is home to whitewashed villas, beaches and dive centers. Lanzarote is a Spanish island, the easternmost of the autonomous Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Lanzarote is located approximately 125 kilometres (78 miles) off the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometres (621 miles) from the Iberian Peninsula. In the centre-west of the island is Timanfaya National Park, one of its main attractions. The capital is Arrecife. Lanzarote is located 11 kilometres (7 miles) north-east of Fuerteventura and just over 1 kilometre (0.62 miles) from Graciosa. The dimensions of the island are 60 kilometres (37 miles) from north to south and 25 kilometres (16 miles) from west to east. Lanzarote has 213 kilometres (132 miles) of coastline, of which 10 kilometres (6 miles) are sand, 16.5 kilometres (10 miles) are beach, and the remainder is rocky. Lanzarote is the easternmost island of the Canary Islands and has a volcanic origin. Lanzarote was born through fiery eruptions and has solidified lava streams as well as extravagant rock formations. The island emerged about 15 million years ago as product of the Canary hotspot. The most established festival on the island is held each year on 15 September in the village of Mancha Blanca, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows (Virgen de los Dolores), also called the "Virgin of the Volcanoes" (the Patron Saint of Lanzarote). People from all over the island participate in this pilgrimage, mostly dressed in traditional costumes. Lanzarote is divided into seven municipalities: Arrecife, Haría, San Bartolomé, Teguise (includes Isla de La Graciosa and four smaller islets including Alegranza), Tías, Tinajo, Yaiza Alot to see in ( Lanzarote - Spain ) such as : Timanfaya National Park The Cactus Garden Playa Blanca Cueva de los Verdes Rancho Texas Lanzarote Park Monte Corona Guinate Tropical Park & Penguin Paradise Museo de Aloe de Lanzarote Jameos del Agua Mirador del Río César Manrique Foundation Los Hervideros Famara Salinas de Janubio AQUAPARK Costa Teguis Museo Lagomar Playa Flamingo Museo Atlántico Aqualava Water Park Playa de los Pocillos Castillo de San José Castillo de Santa Bárbara San Ginés, Arrecife Lanzarote Aquarium El Golfo Charco de los Clicos Ermita de los Dolores A Casa Jose Saramago Playa de las Cucharas Castillo de las Coloradas Playa Chica Museo Agrícola El Patio Casa Museo De Cesar Manrique Pechiguera Lighthouse Gran Casino de Lanzarote Museo Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo, MIAC, Castillo de San José Caleta del Conger Caleton Blanco Playa del Reducto Avenida del Jablillo Museo de la Piratería La Casa Amarilla Playa Bastián Playa El Ancla ( Lanzarote - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting the city of Lanzarote . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Lanzarote - Spain Join us for more : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLP2J3yzHO9rZDyzie5Y5Og http://ift.tt/2drFR54 http://ift.tt/2cZihu3 http://ift.tt/2drG48C https://twitter.com/Placestoseein1 http://ift.tt/2cZizAU http://ift.tt/2duaBPE
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