#villanelle's death was fucking UNNECESSARY
mercurialesse · 2 years
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gee-thewallflower · 2 years
I just finished watching killing eve and I'm so fucking angry. They had just kissed and 15 minutes later villanelle gets shot. ONE(1) happy ending is it really so much to ask?? I mean I get it but no I really don't her death was like 100000% unnecessary. They could have lived a long and happy life
Anyways I'm going to pretend that they both survived and are living their best lives occasionally killing people who get in their way
I'm crying help me
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Yup that was unnecessary. Felt so wrong, why kill her off last minute hardly a moment to even see what Eve is experiencing. This was always a show that felt subversive and in many ways queer normative. Watching shows as they're being released I'm learning not to trust anything.
It's gonna be some processing. As a youth I would've maybe so far as like the ending, I've always been a sucker for tragedy. But I know too much now. Too much about the history, the ongoing problems in representation. On top of that in retrospect I understand the way the tragic narratives I was steeped in shaped my young mind. We keep begging for things to change and producers keep doing the thing we're telling them will hurt us. It's infuriating and sorrowful, and fucking disempowering. I'm going to keep trying to beleive in shows I think are good, but I understand now more than ever why people were so distrusting, even hostile towards the show leading up to this. I reckon someday, maybe even by the time I've processed this I won't have it in me to keep any degree of faith in a show whatsoever. But I'll keep fighting to get into the business myself, and take the weight of this responsibility with me.
In the case of this particular story death wasn't even off the table for me. If they killed each other it would've felt like a consummation of this analogy of violence as connection and sexuality. They could've gone out in a Thelma and Louise type way, on their own terms. Honestly I'm somewhat flexible, I don't think it always has to be a hard line and that you can't kill gay characters at all. The Xena finale for example felt really right to me.
It felt so similar to Tara's death in Buffy. In its visual language and its suddenes, in the feeling of it being a last minute throw in to heighten the drama on shock alone. I'm going to try to get more in depth into this later this week. It shows at best immense ignorance to the context these people are creating in, and at worst a purposeful parallels with... (aaand I finally watched how Lexa died in the 100 on YouTube) multiple previous instances of the bury you gays trope. The fact Villanelle was the main target and not collateral damage doesn't mean there aren't other stark similarities.
I hope this is coherent, I've already popped that sick as melatonin so I'm feeling dopey 😛 Heart goes out to everyone else sorting through their feelings on this, if you want to learn more about the bury your gays trope, in particular dead lesbian syndrome, and get amped to fight the good fight I recommend listening to the episode of Buffering The Vampire Slayer podcast titled Bury You're Gays. They talk about a bunch of different examples with a guest who's very well versed in the history
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judasofsuburbia · 2 years
with this new explanation to villanelle's death, i feel even WORSE about that ending. like,,,,you see her death as a "rebirth" for eve and have her fucking blood resemble angel wings,,,,,,,,,,,what about that makes sense. What. About. That. Makes. Sense. for any of these characters. the title of the show itself is already alluding to christianity but THIS???? THIS IMAGERY IS FUCKING WEAK AND UNNECESSARY. not to bring hannibal into this but the way they handled religious imagery and conversations existed on such a higher plane than the basics of religion and it was all handled really beautifully and smart. this??????? this bullshit??????? reeks of homophobia. how would villanelle's death be a rebirth for eve when she spent the first three seasons accepting that she was in love with villanelle and couldn't be parted from her. i feel fucking sick.
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plotbunnyslayer · 2 years
Killing Eve Finale
I woke up today still filled with a sense of disbelief. Did that really happen last night? I don't follow that many KE tumblr accounts, but a quick search shows that I am not the only one who feels this way.
Going into this last episode, I had various scenarios in my head on how it would all end. Would the assassin be assassinated? That was my running guess because it's the expected ending. Too cliche, but since when have tv writers ever tried anything original as of late. So I had an inkling Villanelle wouldn't survive. I even thought that she might die saving Eve. What was the point over the last 4 seasons if that obsessions doesn't end in some kind of selfless sacrifice?
So I was all set for this big moment.
But then the ambiguous ship became canon halfway through the episode. And not in a confession and gentle kiss sort of way. But in a full giddy, make out as we walk down the road followed by a (possible) camper romp.
And then the dread set in. Because the "upcoming death" was confirmed the moment the tarot cards came out. My sister, sitting next to me during out finale watch party, was getting annoyed at my ability to both predict the 'lovers' and 'death' cards and my guess at who was going to die and how.
I told her about red herrings and how Eve getting the death card was the biggest, most obvious red herring that I've even seen. And that Villanelle's sun card practically sealed her fate.
Villanelle was going to die and she'd do it saving Eve.
What an ironic twist given the title of the show.
I hate to be wrong, but I never wanted to be more wrong as I was last night as I watched the show.
Even Variety called the finale a "betrayal"
What really gets me is some of the reaction that I've seen from some Clexa accounts. People who rallied against Bury Your Gays saying that just because the queer person dies doesn't automatically make it BYG. And yeah, that's true. But in this case.... to be fair it seems that these people never really watched KE so they don't know about the queer baiting this show has done over the years.
6 years ago, when Lexa was killed off, Clexa fans were left with a total of 2 kisses (in two different seasons and 1 love scene....well the afterglow of a love scene).
KE fans had 4 seasons of this obsessive tension that spanned the entire show. And it culminated in this explosion of feeling and action by these two characters. Flirting, kissing, so much kissing, banter and just this look of finally finding their person.
It made the ending so much worse. I never expected Villanelle and Eve to ride off into the sunset together in complete bliss. But to give fans that and then just rip it away and then try to explain that the heart wrenching scream Eve gives is of survival and not grief just blows my fucking mind.
I'm still trying to understand the thought process that went into this last season. I didn't have much hope when the very first episodes featured Villanelle interacting with Jesus, who took Villanelle's form.
This last season was a shit show.
I mean when asked about the finale, Jodie Comer said that the only thing good about it was that she got to film her last scene together with Sandra Oh. And the fact that both leads weren't out promoting the series finale.
That speaks volumes.
From the head writer:
Neal doesn’t see Villanelle’s demise as tragic, either. For her, the character has simply ascended to a new plane of existence—an explanation that may help fans feel less upset about the finale. Villanelle’s body floating away in the Thames was also an opportunity to allow Eve to finally move on from the obsessive, problematic relationship between the pair.
“In my head, that’s not a death of Villanelle. That’s the elevation of Villanelle to another realm.”
Hard pass.
Villanelle could have still died saving Eve and I would have been perfectly okay with that. But to put all that other stuff in the episode first and then do this was over the top and unnecessary. It was the ultimate queer bait. I didn't even attempt to ship these two because I never thought that the showrunners would 'go there'. They'd never make these strong women leads into a canon ship. Never. But of course they do at the 11th hours and it just goes to shit. Forever.
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What’s happening in killing eve?? I used to watch it, but I stopped it mid way… why is everyone so angry?? Also is the last season so bad??
The short story - Villanelle dies.
The long story - Villanelle dies for no apparent purpose, by some random sniper. She’s on a ship/boat/whatever, embracing Eve when the first shot comes, and she pushes Eve into the river and jumps after her too, but the sniper still manages to shoot her until she dies. Eve tries to reach out to her but their hands don’t even touch and Villanelle sinks and the episode ends with Eve surfacing and screaming and the words ‘The End’ flashing on the screen.
The last season is good… if you’re willing to ignore the entirety of season 3. That’s my main problem with it, tbh. There’s barely any continuity between s3 and s4 especially with regards to eve and villanelle. S3 ends with villaneve on good terms, s4 starts with eve slapping villanelle in the face. S3 ends with Villanelle intent on leaving the twelve, s4 starts with her wanting to change herself cause she wants to prove to eve that she can. S4 eve starts out having the same goal as s3 eve - end the twelve, but now Villanelle is her enemy whereas she was an ally at the end of s3.
And there’s a lot of posts explaining this, but anyways yeah a lot of screentime is taken up by side characters. Eve and Villanelle each have two new love interests which end disastrously. (Also, why? What was even the point of them?) I don’t even know what to make of the whole thing with Eve and Helene. The only side character I enjoyed watching was Pam - mainly because she’s desi, and her arc revolved around breaking the cycle of abuse that Villanelle was put through. Eve and Villanelle spend most of the season separated, with some of the episodes having one scene together maximum and some none at all.
Things began picking up at around episode 6, and after watching episode 7 I finally had some hope that the finale would be good. And… it was good. Eve and Villanelle were finally together, they kissed multiple times, they bantered around like an old couple and did a lot of be gay do crime-ing, and finally end up finding the meeting place of the twelve, a cruise ship/boat thingy on a river where villanelle kills them all (it was a little anticlimactic tbh, but I didn’t mind cause eh who cares about a bunch of oldies, villaneve are finally getting their happy ending). And then they’re hugging on the front of the boat, laughing all like “We did it!”
And then, in the last two minutes, the show pulls a nonsensical plot twist death and kills off Villanelle. It was so unnecessary. It was so fucking cruel.
So yeah, we’re all angry anon :/
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avaasilva · 2 years
i feel like i was literally killed alongside villanelle. the emptiness im feeling right now i havent ever feel it.. v's death felt so wrong, it was like they were saying "oh so you wanted them together? we will kill her off bc shes bad AND don't forget she killed bill" also i'm so fucking pissed at the show feeling like they mock us in the titles like (google it), it feels like all ke has been doing is mocking us from s3-s4. they don't deserve such great actresses like sandra nor jodie or us.
that's the feeling yeah. they gave us everything we asked for so long so quickly (imagine having that over 3/4 episodes and not rushed and packed into 20 minutes lmao) to just rip it away in the worst way possible. the bloody angel wings were so fucking cringe and unnecessary. she didn't need a redemption arc. this was ridiculous. and i agree with you. the title cards have been meh for a while but the "google it" was too much. and my personal favorite "THE END". also the episode title? "hello losers"? yeah that was for us. don't get me started on sandra and jodie. their chemistry has been insane since s1. keeping them apart for the last season was the worst move. so glad they're done with this but so sad the characters were butchered like that
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villaneve-bridge · 4 years
I found the solo episode unnecessary because we could have lived without meeting her mother or knowing this backstory about her. i just imagine how much better s3 would have flowed if they used it on some other plot. I also just feel like they focused on too much this season (adding in characters who don’t move the plot forward/help explain mysterious plots like the 12 & Kenny’s death- Geraldine, Mo, that white guy carolyn shot, expanding on everyone but Eve, killing off another main character)
The solo episode was not needed and if they really wanted to do it they could have added Eve post Niko assassination attempt. Episode 5 the whole first half was boring, it finally got good when the confrontation with Villanelle and her mom came like Emmy worthy performance for Jodie (which is what they wanted) but the first half was soooo boring and not even needed. Poor kenny’s death got dropped in ep. 4 and never brought back until I think ep 7? or 8. When I say I hate episode 6 I fucking mean it with a passion literally most useless episode and the whole Irina is a killer came out of nowhere and again never mentioned in ep 8
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villanevest · 5 years
You’re Mine [pt.2] - eve’s perspective in 2x08
welcome to part 2. again, i’ll be unpacking eve’s perspective in the finale in this post. i’ve already uploaded villanelle’s, and tomorrow, i’ll make a post about why i think the finale was, plot and character-wise, a great choice for the show going into season 3. let’s jump in. EVE’s thoughts and feelings in the finale. something that’s important to remember is that while villanelle has always lived a life of extremes, eve’s life was exceptionally ordinary until last year. in this past week or so, her husband has left (even if it was a long time coming), she saw someone murdered in front of her for the first time, has been confronted with the reality of aaron’s weapon, and has semi-hooked up with villanelle. she’s holding it together like the absolute legend she is, but just try and contextualise the finale within the sheer amount of upheaval eve’s undergone in even the last few days. for eve, the episode essentially kicks off with two almost simultaneous adrenaline shots: villanelle saying “gentleman”, and hugo getting shot. she nearly gets hunted down herself, and then makes her first major choice of the finale: to leave hugo and go after villanelle instead, who she assumes is in similar danger, and who, ultimately, she cares about more.
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eve acts her way out of the hotel and into aaron’s house, all the while believing she’s probably headed to the even worse of two evils. she grabs the letter opener and goes in, prepared to defend villanelle, which is an important precedent for later. but then villanelle’s just… fine. she abandoned hugo, dying, and their world-saving (or so eve thinks) recordings of aaron’s dealings, for nothing.
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then villanelle’s revealing aaron’s a killer, and aaron’s offering villanelle something eve is afraid she won’t refuse. and he verbalises one of eve’s deepest unspoken fears: that villanelle WILL get bored of her. that she can’t possibly keep villanelle’s interest once they’re no longer caught in a hurricane of external pressures. and then she has to deal with the absolute overload that is the question, push come to shove, would villanelle hurt her? while villanelle never considers hurting eve here, eve understandably doesn’t realise that. after all, as far as she knows, villanelle killed anna, as well as dozens of other people. villanelle thinks she’s been clear about how strongly she feels, but eve is caught at the crossroads of kenny, hugo, jess, carolyn, konstantin – all these people who promise her that no matter how real it feels, villanelle is a psychopath, could flip the switch in a second. that’s a terrifying possibility: that the woman you’re obsessed with, have given up everything for, might end you and walk away. shrug it off.
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villanelle kills aaron, and eve’s currently up to seeing two bodies in about fifteen minutes. while she hates aaron and isn’t particularly bothered by his death, she’s abruptly sure that they’ve blown the mission entirely, and quite apart from carolyn crushing her under heel, eve’s afraid that their screw-up might result in aaron’s weapon going public, that he might have some contingency plan they weren’t authorised to know about. eve’s all messed around; villanelle’s surprisingly chill. but eve’s used to villanelle thinking of the immediate, small picture – eve is sure it’s up to her to get them out of all this. she’s concerned for both of them, and believes villanelle truly doesn’t understand the scope of the trouble they’re in. notice that she uses plural language. “we”, “us”. she’s already trying to plan THEIR way out of it. villanelle is a tacit premise, a guaranteed.
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they escape aaron’s place, and then eve becomes set on retrieving the recordings. i think partly she needs a goal to cling to, but apart from, as she says, not wanting people to have died for nothing, she’s also considering that the recordings might be enough to buy back favour with carolyn. that she can barter her and villanelle to freedom if they get carolyn what she wants.
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and then carolyn effectively says she’s been manipulating eve this whole time. that eve is so predictable, carolyn could build VERY critical plans around her behaviour. this brings in a whole question of free will – eve begins wondering how much of all this was ACTUALLY her idea, and how much carolyn had subtly suggested to her, nudged her towards. carolyn is something of a mentor, and even if eve never totally trusted her (e.g. she didn’t tell her that she stabbed villanelle), she was at least sure she knew HOW NOT to trust her. she thought she couldn’t tell her about how deep she was in with villanelle, but really, carolyn knew that, and was using it already. it’s a deeper betrayal than expected from an unprecedented direction. eve goes from thinking she’s in control to being totally lost in her own network of relationships. even kenny’s not innocent, and he’s supposed to be their good guy. so eve stays for villanelle. villanelle, who might be amoral, but has always been upfront about that. she doesn’t hide who she is. she doesn’t judge who eve is. eve takes a breath and decides villanelle is her ally in this. more than her ally. 
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and then eve walks out of the room to find that last person she trusts being killed in front of her. that would make eve’s count 3 Deaths and 1 Major Betrayal in under an hour. so she picks up the axe, and at villanelle’s urging, hits raymond with it.
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here’s the thing: eve isn’t ready for this. is she on an increasingly grey trek into darkness? absolutely. would she organically be ready to kill people one day? not sure. i think she has to be kicked into it by a high-stress situation like this, but she was definitely headed towards being completely unbothered by knowing of villanelle’s kills beforehand, helping her set them up, making who-lives-who-dies calls – she basically already was. 
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this is kind of starting the car at two hundred miles. she doesn’t slip someone arsenic, or snipe them, or even push them in front of a train. she AXE MURDERS someone. yes, it’s in self-defense (or villanelle-defense), but that’s probably THE most brutal way to kill somebody when you’re not deliberately torturing/dismembering them. 
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villanelle leads eve away from it all, but it’s implanted in her brain now. eve starts going into shock again and exhibiting a range of other trauma symptoms. villanelle’s there to pick up the pieces and take her away.
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while they’re walking through the tunnels, the cool air and lack of other sensory input gives eve a minute to process. to get beyond the blood and gore and villanelle-almost-died to “i killed somebody”. yes, a bad person, but a person. one important difference between stabbing villanelle in 1x08 and killing raymond is that the stabbing was heat of the moment, chased by instant regret. but eve had second after second before hitting raymond with the axe the first time, and then even longer before killing him. there was time to think. time to stop herself. i also don’t believe that raymond, while followed immediately by disgust, is actually something eve regrets on a gut-level. she’s prepared to do anything to keep villanelle alive.
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again, eve feels a little more control when presented with a goal: get through the slats. symbolically, it’s a staircase up from darkness to light. it feels like she’s literally getting herself and villanelle to somewhere things will be better. like getting to the end of this fucking terrible day. when they get to the ruins, eve is kind of stunned, staring around, because it seems like such a weird contrast: she feels horrible and dirty, but she’s surrounded by beauty. and then she’s beginning to realise that maybe she doesn’t feel that horrible, that dirty, and what does that mean for her? for who she is?
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when villanelle asks what eve wants for dinner, she says spaghetti. yes, probably part knee-jerk response because they’re in italy and these are two images eve associates, but mostly because it’s comfort food. eve is seeking out something slow and soft and familiar after the last few hormone-and-tragedy fuelled hours. and then villanelle’s telling her about alaska and saying they could be normal, and right now, normal sounds pretty good.
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she sees villanelle as offering salvation. they can keep this feeling of beauty. villanelle won’t judge her for killing raymond. she says yes to alaska because she wants all that; she knows she wants villanelle and she knows she wants to leave rome behind.
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and then villanelle pulls out her gun, and everything goes to shit. eve just found out carolyn’s been manipulating her for her own purposes, so of course she immediately connects villanelle to that experience, and has the heart-crushing “realisation” that villanelle’s been doing the exact same thing.
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as i said in villanelle’s 2x08 post, villanelle DID want eve to kill raymond, but because she thought it would be good for eve: liberating, exciting, relaxing. but in the wake of carolyn’s puppeteering, it’s very natural for eve to read this as villanelle attempting to sculpt eve, to pull her strings as well. like i mentioned earlier, eve wasn’t ready to kill raymond, which villanelle didn’t recognise (“you had it under control” / “no…”). she’s dealing with all kinds of internal turmoil now, and suddenly it turns out that this is unnecessary. that villanelle, who thinks nothing of murder, could’ve done it for her and spared eve all this. this comes back to eve’s sense of self. through season one, eve considered herself a Good Person. after stabbing villanelle, she went on kind of an identity bender (telling niko she’s not a nice person), and that was great for her, because actually, fundamentally, she’s not a Good Person. but eve’s not prepared to be a Murderer. we’ve talked before about how eve has a lot of classically narcissistic traits. what’s the most upsetting thing for her here isn’t killing raymond, it’s that she’s lost control of her own narrative. she could rationalise her slipping when it happened slowly, but now, eve is dealing with the full-velocity crumbling of DECADES of programming that has given her rules of who and how to be. 
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“how did it feel?” “wet”. wet, and: not as bad as i thought; i don’t feel as much as i thought; or i do, but it’s the wrong things. asking eve to address how she ACTUALLY feels rather than how she thinks she SHOULD feel is just inadvertently rubbing salt in the amount of cognitive dissonance she’s experiencing between self-image and reality. 
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“i’m proud of you.” and this gives eve room to breathe, because it allows the idea that maybe it’s villanelle’s fault. villanelle, who eve has already perceived as manipulating/betraying her by lying about the gun, can be the reason that this happened, and then nothing has to change. eve loved villanelle at X number of murders, what’s X+1? doesn’t make a difference. and eve gets to stay as the more-innocent one. 
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so she presses that blame outwards. she decides that it can be villanelle’s responsibility – she easily defended villanelle’s killing aaron to carolyn, so no issues here with this. and then she says she wants to go home, and just like with the spaghetti, this is a bid for familiarity. to return to an old self-image that has been irreparably rattled by killing raymond and how she feels and doesn’t feel about killing raymond, which she hasn’t even had time to digest yet.
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this is such an unintentionally vicious thing for villanelle to say, because on some level, eve KNOWS this (and understands it far more deeply than villanelle has even meant it). niko is gone. she turned carolyn away. kenny is in on it. hugo is probably dead. and now she’s killed someone. there IS no home – not the way it was. but eve has just lost this former home and now the promise of a new home in alaska, since that’s been directly and immediately juxtaposed with villanelle concealing the truth about the gun, which throws everything else about alaska into question too. is it a pipedream? did villanelle even mean any of it?
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so she lashes out, reacts as ardently as she can against something villanelle didn’t even consider offering (“like bonnie and clyde? just go on a killing spree?”). she’s scrabbling back to that previous version of the self by staunchly standing against anything new, and exaggerating it to talk herself into alaska being less appealing, so she can let go of it. also remember: this entire time, eve is still in shock. she’s had a whole quarter of an hour to come to terms with this.
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here, eve says “you want me to be a mess. you want me to be scared”. it’s a way of justifying her actions – eve would only kill if she’d been messed up and terrified, right? right? she’s projecting her fears about villanelle and herself onto villanelle, and then she has a physical sounding board to react against. eve can demonstrate to herself by demonstrating against villanelle.
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no, eve hasn’t had time to cool off yet, but she’s adapting with the smoothness of we’d expect, given all the little flags about her sitting on the psychopathy spectrum. she’s able to push back against villanelle, step forward, reclaim control. 
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the scene might’ve ended very differently if villanelle hadn’t emphasised that EVE wanted this. they’ve both confused each other and themselves, and neither of them is fully wrong or right. eve did want at least some of this, but less immediately, and she was barely consciously aware of it. at the same time, villanelle definitely wanted it too, and her being more vocal about it makes it seem more like HER idea to eve. she’s losing that control she desperately needs.
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“you love me” is a truth that might’ve been easier for eve to deal with if it wasn’t in conjunction with other truths, like the fact that she’s capable of murder. in denying her love for villanelle, she’s trying to cast off her love for everything else villanelle represents – all the violence, the excitement, the extremes.
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because if villanelle doesn’t love her, eve can walk away with some of herself intact. especially seeing as she now thinks villanelle’s been manipulating her, pushing her, and she’s wondering how that escalates, how can she trust someone who’ll shape her behind the scenes? niko was always cramming her into a tiny box she didn’t fit into, but now villanelle’s stretching her out of it, into the open space too much too fast.
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there’s this beat here where you can see the devastation on eve’s face writ large. she feels abandoned and alone and she’s SO MAD that she put her faith in villanelle against the odds and in her mind, it was broken. this is a really charged sequence, so eve hasn’t really had a break to consider how villanelle might be thinking, which she usually does – one of the reasons they work is that eve understands how villanelle’s brain ticks. but she’s so caught up in her own trauma right now that she’s not being as patient with villanelle as usual, which is obviously understandable. but when villanelle calls out “eve!” all desperate and strangled like that, you can watch the emotional toll. she stops backing away. she pauses. this is the last possible moment where we could take the exit on the highway, and salvage these miscommunications. 
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but then, as i said in villanelle’s post, villanelle blocks it out, blocks eve out.
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eve cries. in the space of a few hours, she’s lost EVERYTHING. and now that fear aaron tapped into at the beginning of the episode is “realised” – she’s not enough for villanelle; she’s not special. villanelle has singled her out since 1x01, has said “like us”, has said “i’ll look after you”, and it’s all over. so the pause ends. she goes back to retreating, she turns away so she won’t have to look at villanelle and see everything that nearly was; see alaska. because yes, eve agreed to alaska while under a phenomenal amount of pressure (from circumstance, not villanelle; villanelle wasn’t pressing for an absolute answer), but i think it held a very real allure to her, too. time to breathe out. to spend that time with villanelle. to have all her questions answered. to see who she is entirely away from the trappings of ordinary life. for eve, villanelle manipulated her into killing raymond, then offered her alaska, then rescinded and decided eve wasn’t special, so perhaps the offer of alaska was never real, or villanelle was only going to offer it to eve after she’d murdered someone. villanelle only wants a particular eve, one that eve isn’t even sure is really her. is that true? no. villanelle was getting ready to pitch alaska before they even went back to the hotel. if she REALLY wanted eve to kill someone, she would’ve set her against aaron when she arrived with the letter opener, and she wouldn’t have told her to run from trouble, she’d have told eve to stand her ground. 
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and killing raymond, in a lot ways, is who eve is, or who she’ll become. but eve can’t read villanelle’s thoughts. she’s been through an incredible amount in one day. she doesn’t know what’s real. who to trust. whether promises are made with crossed fingers. if anyone cares about her, or just cares about what she can do for them, what she can become for them. how will she feel about the murder once she’s had a bit more processing time? what will she think about villanelle confessing her love, then shooting her? what will their next meeting be like? i’ll get into that in my write-up about narrative choices for the show. i’ve also posted another one of these about villanelle, and how villanelle’s thinking and feeling (check #villanevest writes). inbox me, comment or message with your thoughts. take some time to mull over the finale. remember, it’s a slowburn, guys. personally, i’m really excited by all the possibilities, but like i said – that’s for another post.
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