#vinsfeld rhadamanthus
monstersoffilgaia · 4 months
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
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thewapolls · 1 year
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fargaiachronicle · 5 years
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Wild Arms Million Memories Official Artbook - Dream Chasers & the Faces of Evil
On a personal note, I love that Janus’ necklace can be seen in such detail. It’s such an important part of his character history, after all.
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darkspeardrifter · 5 years
The Mythology of “Incur My Wrath”
In which I cover the mythological roots of an attack used by Vinsfeld Rhadamanthus in Wild ARMs 2.
While fighting Vinsfeld (as well as his remaining thoughts manifested as an apparition of sorts), this attack comes up often.
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[Incur My Wrath] is a spell unique to Vinsfeld, involving a sort of black magic ritual likely related to the Demon Summoning which Ashley and the old ARMS unit experienced at the Sword Cathedral. It has a five-percent chance of inflicting the [Fallen] state, unless it fails and deals a large amount of non-elemental damage instead.
The visuals behind this attack involve Vinsfeld summoning three of these spiritual beings to attack the row active in the fight.
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The spirits then fire four consecutive cursed blasts at each party member before vanishing.
In my earliest memories of browsing Wild ARMs 2 videos on YouTube, I remember watching a video where a user by the name of TanakaIrito hacked the Japanese version of the game, and put Anastasia and Lucied in the party alongside Marivel while fighting Ghost in the Fiery Wreckage. It was certainly a sight to behold.
But as I watched Vinsfeld/Ghost use the attack on the party, I couldn’t help but notice that the name of the command itself was different, which I was curious about at the time. I later learned in life that the attack as it originally was in Japanese wasn’t “Incur My Wrath” at all.
The attack name looked like this.
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Recently, I got even more curious about the kanji used in the command (which was 八十禍津日神招来), and upon research I realized that it wasn’t about Vinsfeld’s wrath nor some game-original entity used.
The name of the command in Japanese is read as “Yasomagatsuhi no kami shōrai”. The last two kanji used for “shōrai” can be interpreted as “invitation”, like Vinsfeld is summoning the entity into battle from another world via a variation of the Demon Summoning ritual. As for “Yasomagatsuhi no kami”, it’s the name of a deity in Shinto mythology.
I looked it up online and found a translated Shinto Encyclopedia article by Nakayama Kaoru from Kokugakuin University (located here), which reads as follows.
Kami of disorder, produced when Izanagi returned from the underworld of Yomi and underwent ablutions (misogi). Yasomagatsuhi or "eighty myriads of disorder" was produced from the pollution which Izanagi had suffered in the land of death. According to Kojiki, after Yasomagatsuhi was produced, Ōmagatsuhi no kami ("kami of great disorder") appeared, making two kami of disorder. Their appearance was followed by the production of the Naobi no kami or "kami of rectification."
Since the name yaso means "eighty myriads," it indicates the extensive degree of disorder represented by Izanagi's pollution. Hi refers to a kind of spirit. It is thus said that all the misfortunes and disorders of the world are the result of the workings of these kami of disorder.
In the Special Attacks section in the WILD ARMS 2nd IGNITION Complete Guide, the attack description makes it clear that user (Vinsfeld and Ghost, in this case) summons an evil deity, even though the origins of the deity itself remain a mystery in the continuity of Wild ARMs 2, and they will likely remain that way for a long time.
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gogglebob · 5 years
Wild Arms 2 Part 37: Wreckage of the Past & Seeds of the Future
Wild Arms 2 Part 37: Wreckage of the Past & Seeds of the Future
Previously on Wild Arms 2: ARMS tried to halt and capture the encroaching parallel universe… but it didn’t work out. Irving sent the squad off to investigate some random monster sightings while he stayed home and worked on a plan B that is a horrifying version of Plan B.
So the first thing you might notice about Fiery Wreckage is that it is not, in fact, on fire. Considering the team is walking…
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This one weird hack to the female psychology will have women throwing themselves at you!
Hey men. Have you ever wanted to sleep with a woman who didn’t even know you existed? Ever wanted to make the ex who dumped you for that jerk who gave her free milkshakes at the drive-through window come crawling back to you? I’m here today to tell you all about the secret to my success with women. I’m fat, ugly, balding, greasy, hairy, socially awkward, pasty, I have bad breath and man boobs, my apartment is dirty, my voice is grating to listen to, most of my clothing has comic book or Star Trek characters on it, and my dick is small and spends about 90% of its waking hours being stroked to some kind of weird porn. (I also believe I may have sleep-masturbated at some point.) But I’ve had sex with countless hot women, and today I’m going to tell you how, for free!
I used to be a fat, ugly, balding, greasy, hairy, socially awkward, small-dicked thirty-five-year-old virgin. I spent two years pining for this chick before I found out that she was a slut who was having sex with literally everyone except me–the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker, who also provided the majority of her sex toys. She was also a lying slut, because she told me she was vegan, gluten-free, and opposed to the phallic nature of candles, but it turned out that none of this mattered to her when she decided to whore it up behind my back. One night I was trying to text her to ask if she wanted to see The Lion King Broadway musical and then go out clothes shopping at Macy’s afterward, and the butcher happened to get the message on her phone while he was banging her, so he sent me a picture of a large summer sausage with the text “This is what a real man’s meat looks like!” At that moment her earlier texts saying “There’s more than dough rising at the bakery, and the baker’s found something softer to knead” and “I’m having sex with the candlestick maker, I’ll text you after I have an orgasm” suddenly made sense, and I realized that she was a filthy lying slut who was sleeping with every man in town.
At that moment I realized that women are all lying sluts who deny sex to good men like me (and you, dear readers) and go have sex with jerks. They use the promise of sex as a tool to keep us in thrall to them, while they go follow their ovaries straight into the bed of the nearest alpha male bastard. You’d think she could throw me a bone after two years of groveling, but no. I literally spent an hour every day for two years kneeling on the floor of her apartment, my head down, begging her to have sex with me, but all she did was look around uncomfortably and say in a soothing tone that she hoped I met a good girl some day, but she wasn’t going to have sex with me out of pity because she wasn’t attracted to me and didn’t want to send me the wrong message about our relationship. The nerve of this chick, right? She was just determined to take the metaphorical hacksaw to my metonymical balls. After the first year she even had the nerve to say that in a year, when her apartment lease and her phone contract were up, she was going to change her number and move so I would stop texting her and coming over to grovel. She could’ve just agreed to give me a blow job to get me to leave, but no, she wanted to keep me under her thumb, downtrodden and besotted with the promise of a blow job that was never coming (just like me, at least until I got home to my weird porn). To a woman, denying sex is just a way to emasculate us men, to make us whiny little boys who will buy them tickets to The Lion King Broadway show and buy them clothes at Macy’s and then snivel until the implicitly promised blow job is forthcoming. It never is, but she just keeps implicitly promising it by being female and attractive, and we just keep sniveling and fulfilling her every whim until she kicks us to the curb.
I became a broken man after that. Until I found out about the seminars of Dr. Vinsfeld “Vin” Rhadamanthus, a leading psychotropic researcher for DARPA. Vin had discovered one weird hack to the female brain, a series of words you could say to make any woman instantly turn into a slut who couldn’t wait to jump into bed with you. He’d first found out about it while doing research for the CIA in the 1980s, but the government had deemed his research too dangerous, and had hidden it for a distant future war of the sexes that some in the establishment believed was inevitable. Due to events in the 2016 Presidential campaign, the War of the Sexes was starting to seem more inevitable than ever, and Vin knew his research was the only way men could be victorious.
There were twelve of us in that room, all fat, all ugly, all with small penises and an addiction to weird porn. Vin told us we had to learn the secret words and impregnate as many women as we could. Their children would become our warriors in the War of the Sexes. However, there were other forces in the government, feminine forces, who were determined that the secret words could never be released. They were coming for him, Vin said; he would be dead by the end of the week, which is why he summoned us, his fight club, his dirty dozen, his inglorious basterds, to learn the secret words and be the final manly bulwark against an emasculating world of women gone mad with power.
I never saw Vin again, but every time I wake up in bed and jiggle my hairy, pasty belly fat and look at the incredibly hot woman next to me, the kind of hot woman who would normally only sleep with alpha male jerks that have money or power or washboard abs or basic social skills, I say a prayer to him in Heaven, where he surely is, having discovered the fail-safe that God built into Eve after that first terrible experience with Lilith. Whenever I feel horny, I go find a hot woman and I say the secret words to her: “Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One. Freight car.” And no matter how much she hated me the second before, no matter how much she would’ve rather slept with a smelly hobo who just finished eating a can of sardines and a jar of pickled pearl onions instead of me, once she hears those words, she can’t wait to have sex with me. And now, dear male readers, you know the secret to my success. So get out there and start asserting your right to have sex with all those uppity whores who used to drag you around by the dick! Show those bitches that men are still men!
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wildarmsconfessions · 9 years
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I wish we had seen Vinsfeld or the rest of Cocytus get more attention, whether they be alive longer for Disc 2 (other than Caina) or more direct involvement from Vinsfeld in Disc 1.
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thewapolls · 1 year
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thewapolls · 1 year
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thewapolls · 1 year
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 years
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Well damn! I didn’t know Wild Arms Million Memories released an artbook.  Scan dump incoming...
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littleeyesofpallas · 4 years
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fargaiachronicle · 5 years
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Wild Arms Million Memories Official Artbook - Illustration Gallery (1 of 3)
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fargaiachronicle · 5 years
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Wild Arms Million Memories Official Artbook - ARM/gear/item/emblem (2 of 5)
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fargaiachronicle · 5 years
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Wild Arms Million Memories Official Artbook - Character (04 of 12)
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