#vintage time princess amaya
swashbucklery · 6 years
amari kissing underneath the ear
(Original meme posted here)
“Okay but,” Amaya murmurs. “How long is it going to take?”
Zari shrugs, flicks through the menu with her controller. “I don’t know, I haven’t played it through before, it takes as long as it takes.”
Amaya’s already cuddled close to where Zari’s sitting on the couch. One of her legs is stretched out behind Zari’s back and the rest of her is sort of half-beside Zari, half-behind her. She shifts her weight, sits up and kind of wriggles until they’re pressed back to front, practically spooning. “I’ll just watch from here, then.”
Zari chuckles. She’s trying to - honestly this game isn’t that important, but it’s something to pass the time, and Amaya’s been watching her play for the better part of an hour already. She can feel Amaya’s mouth come down to her shoulder, soft lips pressed against her flannel. Amaya’s hands are free to wrap themselves around Zari’s waist, tickling at the softness of her belly just a little and Zari feels herself warm from the contact. “You sure you can see from back there?” she asks.
She feels Amaya laugh against her shoulder, a puff of hot breath and the sound of her giggle muffled by a faceful of Zari’s shirt. “The view’s great,” she says. “I thought you were going to play your game. Fight the manager or whatever.”
“The boss,” Zari says, and she knows even Amaya’s not that obtuse; she’s teasing.
She closes out of the pause menu, moves her character forward to start the final set of cutscenes. Zari starts to prep herself for the part she’s got to play, and as she starts, she feels the gentle tickle of Amaya moving behind her back. “You alright?” Zari asks.
“Oh, definitely,” Amaya mumbles. She shifts, and then Zari feels Amaya’s breath against her ear, just enough sensation to make her shiver. “You’re just so good at video games.”
Zari rolls her eyes, is about to make a comment in reply when she feels Amaya’s mouth against her skin. She’s kissing gently, little pecks across Zari’s earlobe and then up across the top of her ear. Zari can’t quite hold back a sigh. Something happens on screen, there’s a dragon and she’s supposed to - do something, she thinks. She can’t quite focus enough to remember. She’s just so preoccupied with the way Amaya’s dragging her tongue across her skin, until she finds that spot, below and behind Zari’s earlobe.
Amaya presses her lips to Zari’s neck and then suckles, the contact turning to pressure and Zari feels it all over, little shudders that creep down her spine and settle between her legs and her eyes are already closing as she hums and leans into Amaya’s mouth.
By the time Zari’s opened her eyes, her character is quite decidedly dead, the final boss roaring over them and a little “restore from save?” menu blinking mockingly at her. “Oh no,” Amaya coos. Her voice is tender but a little teasing. “Does that mean you didn’t win?”
Zari chuckles again, her laugh slowly easing into a groan as Amaya kisses at her neck again, her mouth soft and then sharp in a way that Zari’s learned from experience means she’s in the mood to leave marks. “You know,” Zari says, trying not to sound as breathless as she feels. “I think I’m done playing for a little while.”
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swashbucklery · 6 years
hey pal tell me abt (how thirsty you are for) that pirate captain jiwe fic
Like I started this as a WIP and god it was for @kendrasaunders birthday I think A MILLION YEARS AGO, SHE’S PROBABLY FORTY BY NOW and I was like fa la la of course I can write pirate fic I have SO MANY PIRATE THIRST EMOTIONS, THIS WILL BE A SNAP.
Literally, the entire draft is this:
“You know,” Zari says. “I’m not sure we actually need to be dressed up as pirates for this.”
Amaya sneers. She’s already dressed, her coat buttoned and her cutlass at her waist and when she speaks it’s with an accent that Zari shouldn’t find attractive. “Perhaps. But where’s the fun in that?”
Zari missed the Dread Pirate Jiwe, for the most part. She’s heard of her - mostly through Nate, who tells the stories in a soft, almost reverent tone that makes it very clear that he’s got an explicitly sexual thing for Amaya in a pirate outfit.
And look I think the reason I’m stuck on this is that the headcanon I really want to lean into with Amaya’s love of the Dread Pirate Jiwe is that she clearly likes it in a very specific, 200% kinky way. Like this is canon she’s makes a face at Nate in the library and the camera fades to black and I forget what the line actually is but basically like she’s gonna keel-haul him sexually, somehow, and he’s going to love it. 
And I want to write that SUPER A LOT but I have a writing-things-about-boys squick and I don’t want to just pretend Nate doesn’t exist because he does and that’s valid but I am having challenges smooshing my headcanons into the space canon has provided.
Plus when I try to write Zari and Amaya it always comes out real soft and tender (and pal I’m like 80% sure this is your demisexual Zari headcanon’s fault bc it’s great) and like, sometimes sexy but not in a way that lends itself to that particular kinky dynamic. So I think the hurdle for me is mostly that I am struggling to find a scenario in which Zari would truly enjoy being lashed to the helm (sexually) and also dommed into next week by her best tender gf Amaya.
But SOMEDAY I will figure that out because goodness gracious me do I want that fic to exist.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
hey pal i was wondering: do you have any specific feelings abt amaya helping zari get dressed for missions?
Friend it just so happens that I have SEVERAL DOZEN extremely specific feelings on this very topic, however did you guess. Some of these feelings are semi-nsfw because those are just the sort of feelings I have.
So I guess first of all I just find the idea of this so deeply charming, this is one of the weird invisible details of Legends that I love down to the very tips of my toes. Because it’s not just that everyone has to go to Gideon’s fabrication room and make era-appropriate clothing before they go out to fix anachronisms, it’s that they have to dress up.
Like yeah, Gideon can pick out an outfit and she’s pretty good at guessing sizes. And over time, she starts to get to know everyone on the Waverider well enough that she has an idea of what styles they’ll lean toward in various eras or what might be most practical for the mission at hand.
Gideon does not do hair and makeup.
For some eras this matters more than others, but like - I’m specifically thinking of Sara’s 1920s faux-shingle or Nate and Ray’s Viking Wigs, complicated stuff like that. (Which, I know: someone from Hair and Makeup actually does this, obviously, but in-universe it’s kind of implied that before every mission the entire Waverider team spends a good hour getting dressed and styling themselves to fit into various eras.)
And yes this does mean that in canon the League of Assassins probably has an entire part of training dedicated to Complex Backwards Hair Braiding because have you seen Sara’s hair.
(Although if you want to give yourself some super sad Lovebirds feelings just think about how a lot of those styles stopped after the end of S2 and maybe that’s because Kendra wasn’t around to braid Sara’s hair anymore)
Amaya is, of course, completely fine with this once she gets used to the general level of absurdity that comes with living with the Legends. It’s not so different from the training she got with the JSA on espionage and infiltration, and once she sits down with Gideon to figure out a good library of era-appropriate styles that work with her hair, she’s golden.
Zari hates all of it, every single second. Like first of all, she’s always had kind of an uneasy relationship with makeup in general - the best part of living in the dystopian apocalypse was not having to give a fuck about it - but now she’s expected to like. Wear lipstick and not smear it? Understand fake eyelashes? Foundation something?
Which speaking of foundation oh god there’s the underwear, and it’s not always the case that they have to wear historical undergarments but some styles just don’t work without period-appropriate foundation garments and if they could just never go to an era pre-1960 that would be perfect for Zari, it really would.
And then there’s the fact that she’s always got to wear a stupid dress, like if she didn’t like her hair so much she’d just hack it off and wander around dressed like a dude, at least she’d be able to wear clothes that let her sit and walk comfortably.
Plus she can’t wear the comfy kind of dresses, it’s always fitted this and corseted that and how is she supposed to eat or breathe or sit down or any of the things she wants to do, honestly.
So there’s this, and then she’s expected to like, work with Gideon to have opinions? What does it matter what colour of Victorian torture garment she wears, all Zari wants is to wear jeans.
The only person who cares at about Zari’s level is maybe Mick - Ray and Nate get super into it, and the other girls don’t always love the era’s styles but they’re both suddenly beautiful feminine chameleons and Zari hates it, she hates all of it so much.
Amaya picks up on it, how could she not.
It probably starts when they go back to the thirties. Amaya’s in her element, it’s sort of the things she was comfortable wearing before she joined the team but fancier, the kind of clothes she sometimes daydreamed about, and she is so happy playing dress-up with herself.
(Zari is in the corner putting a run into her third pair of stockings.)
Amaya who maybe takes a bit of pity on Zari and asks if she can help and Zari doesn’t not need help, so if Amaya’s bored then yeah it’d be fine.
Amaya doing the thing - she rolls up Zari’s stocking in her hand and kneels in front of Zari, gets her to put her foot inside and gently stretches it up her leg, showing her how it’s supposed to go.
(It’s not sexual but also it super is, Amaya’s fingers are brushing against her inner thigh as she fastens Zari’s garters. Zari’s never had the vapors before but maybe this is them, wow.)
Amaya who tries to teach Zari how to do her own makeup, but her hand isn’t practiced enough to get the lines right and she ends up having to wash her face twice before Amaya takes over.
Amaya and Zari sitting face to face, Amaya rubbing first foundation, then powder, then eye makeup with this practiced hand. She keeps leaning back, frowning at Zari and biting her lip.
And it’s just so soft, the feel of the eyeliner pencil dragging itself across Zari’s skin and the tickle of the eyeshadow brush
Amaya asking Zari if she can do her lipstick herself and Zari’s surprised at how shaky she suddenly feels, like maybe she can’t??
Amaya asking Zari to sort of relax her mouth and then there’s the drag of lipstick, cool and creamy against her lips and this is how Zari dies, she sees that now, she’s going to have an aneurysm over her giant dumb crush on her totem soulmate while she gets her makeup done oh god.
So that’s how they start.
And at some point - around the fourth or fifth time - it just becomes automatic that Amaya will dress her?
And that’s partly Amaya helping Zari pick out clothing, and she learns about the styles that are least objectionable and the ways to make Zari feel most comfortable (the secret is silk, so much silk, dresses aren’t so bad if Zari can feel cool and softness against her).
But it’s also Amaya slowly progressing from helping Zari with her makeup to doing her hair, and this is also one of those nonsexual-but-very-sexual because now they’ve kissed a few times and Amaya knows how much having her hair played with makes Zari melt.
So it’s Amaya doing Zari’s hair just as carefully as she possibly can, and occasionally dragging her nails against Zari’s scalp and sometimes pressing these gentle, quick kisses to the back of Zari’s neck as she pins her curls back.
And the thing is, after they get all dressed up, they have to get undressed, too.
So I also have a lot of feelings about Amaya and Zari like, helping each other out with hard-to-reach buttons and zippers and easing each other out of tight corset lacing.
(Amaya cooing over the red marks on Zari’s skin like oh honey, did I lace this too tight, can I rub this out for you and Zari’s getting that frustrated-flustered-nervous rush when she sees Amaya grinning at her and oh - this is on-purpose flirting, okay.)
(She can okay, of course she can, Zari’s got a crippling corset injury it’s an emergency.)
And then Zari and Amaya helping each other take out hairpins, Amaya working out each section with her fingers until Zari can feel her scalp again
Zari who always makes a point of wearing her softest, comfiest clothes after she goes to an uncomfortable time period but sometimes Amaya beats her to it, steals Zari’s flannel with a grin and a wink and then Zari has to wear Amaya’s t-shirt.
It’s never as nice but it’s also nicer, because a) it’s always soft and it always smells like Amaya, but also b) that’s usually a sign that as soon as they get back to her bunk, Amaya’s going to take it right off of her, so.
Zari can live with that.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
Zari seeing Amaya in her Dread Pirate Jiwe persona, complete with accent and swaggering confidence.
Y E S this, thank you for asking, because GOSH DO I HAVE SOME FEELINGS. (Aaalso those feelings are very much rooted in Zari and Nate both dating Amaya simultaneously, because when this show interferes with my shipping preferences I just make everyone poly YOU CAN’T STOP ME.)
(But in my soul, Zari and Amaya are Forever Girlfriends regardless of whether Amaya’s hooking up with Nate that’s just how it is.)
Because, like, okay. On the one level there is Amaya making Dread Pirate Jiwe work for her and tying Nate to the headboard and threatening to keel-haul him sexually (Nate, who actually knows a ton of fun pirate history facts and did you know that keel-hauling is actually a term describing - right right not now Nathaniel, I’m there): sure.
But also Amaya just - I don’t know. Wandering past Zari’s room or the engine room, maybe, in her boots and her braids with her pockets jingling with gold coins, and Zari catching a glimpse of her.
I feel like with Zari she’s always softer and I don’t think she’d swagger into her space looking like that in the same way as she would with Nate - the power dynamic between Amaya and Zari is always flat and that’s how they both like it, these two equals sharing their softest parts.
Zari who isn’t one bit surprised by Amaya looking the way she does. Like. She’s pleased, obviously, it is a great look and if anyone can rock a pirate outfit it’s absolutely Amaya I-Look-Hot-In-Every-Era Jiwe. But it’s kind of just what she figures, like today is pirate day so obviously everyone gets to wear a goofy pirate costume except Zari.
(And Sara, at least in theory, assuming her date went well.)
But Zari compliments her, because that’s the friendly thing to do.
Even if Amaya’s already shrugging out of half of it, like this belt is tight and this coat is hot and she just wants to be back to her old self for a while and curl up behind Zari in her bed.
Amaya telling Zari about the Dread Pirate Jiwe while she changes. Zari isn’t surprised, because of course Amaya’s a badass.
Amaya just sort of smiling sadly. “It was nice to be someone else, for a change,” she mumbles into her lap and oh that won’t do.
Zari kissing Amaya’s cheek and telling her to stop brooding, sure she makes it look hot but what’s the point. They could all die tomorrow, she should just enjoy what’s happening now.
(Amaya looking up sadly at Zari all, “just like you?” and shut up Amaya, this is a do-as-I-say-not-as-I-do advice moment and you know it.)
(Amaya kissing her and thanking her and Zari being like, ok but tell me about being a pirate it sounds way cooler than my day stressing out about Gideon and nearly crashing the whole ship.)
But also also Zari noticing that Amaya’s totem is missing
Zari’s heart just aching for her because gosh that must hurt. Zari knows the feel of a totem, and now that Zari’s gotten used to the weight of hers she feels like losing it would be sort of like losing an arm. Amaya is so much more bonded to hers to begin with, she can hardly imagine.
Zari comforting Amaya and Amaya comforting her right back.
These two making root beer floats out of the leftover ice cream from Sara and Ava’s date, and curling up on Zari’s couch to spend the evening together, being close and just enjoying the presence of each other.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
The sixth totem is Captain Planet, everyone knows that.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
zari x amaya && doubles date
the friends brought along on a new couples double date because they didn’t want to go alone who end up hitting it off
(original post here)
Okay so please consider this in canon because I lowkey think half the Legends boys should date and it’s so dumb that they’re not. So like, Nate and Ray (or better yet: Jax and Wally MY SECRET M/M OTP) go on a proper non-bro date and they’re both super into it but also like. Can they just like. Go on a date? Like normal? Like, neither of them have properly dated boys before and they’re both real good at fixing things together and gaming together and making each other breakfast and hanging out and having truly epic sex they can’t quite stop oversharing about at the dinner table but dates are things you do with girls.
Except Ray has been daydreaming about taking Nate out to dinner at this one particular place for literally months; like he got the idea before they officially started dating while the Legends were on hiatus. It’s this sort of casual place and they do nothing but sandwiches but they’re like, elevated foodie sandwiches and the cocktail list looks amazeballs and Nate would just love it so much????
Ray asks Nate out first, obviously.
They both ask out Amaya and Zari, together, and they’re making the sweetest faces and Amaya honestly hasn’t seen Nate this happy in months like of course they’ll go, if that’s what the boys want.
(She answers for Zari and herself, as if they’re a unit, and something about that feels - she doesn’t know. Like something.)
It’s not a double date. Not officially. It’s Nate and Ray going on a date-date and Zari and Amaya going on a friend-date next to them, that’s all.
But it still takes Zari an hour to decide on something to wear. She settles on jeans and a sweater, but like. Nice. Her sweater has a v-neck, this deep red that matches the stone of her totem and fits well, soft wool in case the restaurant is cold. Her jeans are her best ones (she’s still not quite used to having more than one set of anything) and she wears them with actual heels.
They talk about it beforehand, and Amaya shrugs, says she’s wearing something casual but a bit nice and fuck her she looks breathtaking. She’s got this dress on, high-waisted with buttons all down the front and a shirt collar, in this floaty fabric that sort of drifts around her hips and thighs and makes Zari’s thoughts veer someplace inappropriate. Nate tells Amaya she looks super hot, kisses her on the cheek and thanks her for coming
Zari, for no reason at all, thinks about hitting him very hard.
They end up sitting at a table for four that’s got a bench on one side and then two chairs; Nate and Ray share the bench and sit practically on each other’s laps. It’s a little cute, but in that way where Zari kind of doesn’t want to look at them because their affection is so obvious and bright.
So she looks at Amaya, for a bit, but somehow that’s even worse.
Not that - it’s not bad, okay. Nothing about Amaya is bad. But she’s looking at Zari with her head tilted and giving her this crooked grin as they debate sandwich toppings and every time she smiles it’s like staring directly into the sun how did Zari not notice this before.
They both get stuck deciding between the same two sandwiches. Zari suggests that they each get one and split them both and Amaya gets this shy look on her face and sort of nods at the idea like she’s a little speechless?
Zari can hardly taste her food she’s so smitten with the way Amaya gets flustered over sharing it with her.
And it’s - she doesn’t remember what kind of night Nate and Ray have, she barely remembers the rest of the evening except for: the way the fabric of Amaya’s dress flutters against her ribcage when she laughs at Zari’s dumb jokes. The part where Amaya’s finishing her drink and Zari says something to her and she stops with her straw between her lips and grins at Zari. The feeling of Amaya stretching her feet out and sort of resting them against Zari’s ankle, like that’s the most comfortable place she could possibly put them.
Zari and Amaya aren’t on a date with each other but when the boys disappear on the way back from dinner and leave them alone, it sure feels like one.
Zari walks with the hand nearest to Amaya swinging against her side. She’s trying to pay attention to what Amaya’s saying - a story about her days living in New York - but she can’t stop wondering what the fabric of Amaya’s dress feels like. It brushes against her knuckles, silky-smooth and soft, and she does her best not to fidget.
They stop at a crosswalk and Amaya laces her fingers through Zari’s like it’s the easiest thing in the universe.
She’s giving Zari that shy smile again, says something that Zari can barely hear over the roar of her own pulse in her ears because Amaya’s holding her hand and this is the best fake double date she’s ever had.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
amaya jiwe + stars
The first thing that Amaya notices, when she leaves her village, is that the stars are different. She remembers all of them growing up - she’d sneak out of her bed after sunset to lay on her back and look at the sky, in awe of the sheer size of the sky above her. She looks at the depth of the stars, the way they seem to go on forever, bright ones in the foreground and dimmer ones receding out into the place where stars are born, infinitely far away.
Her people have their own names for the stars, and she would beg the elders to teach her. At night she’d whisper hello, tracing shapes between the points of light, finding all of the stars the elders told her were meant to represent the spirits of animals.
Her first night in New York, she looks up and she can only see a handful of them and it terrifies her.
She asks Rex about it, feeling scared and small. It’s still early enough that her position, this country, even her uniform feel ill-fitting, not quite right. He laughs and explains to her about the way the city lights hide the stars, tells her she’d need to go out to the woods to see them properly.
The stars are different, even when she finds a way to see the sky. Some of her oldest friends are missing, and the ones she can still see have moved, somehow falling off the edge of the sky. There are new ones in their place. Some she names for herself, all on her own. Others that Rex names for her: orion, casseiopeia, the great wolf, the great and little bear. She likes little bear best of all, finds it comforting that it will always point her north.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
amaya jiwe + house pets
(original meme here)
OK so first of all it is a truth universally acknowledged that if I’m in fandom for long enough I end up a) writing a pirate AU and b) daydreaming about what would happen if my faves accidentally adopted a cat. This is what fandom is for.
(What I’m saying is, this prompt is awesome.)
I feel like Amaya would be - like both a pet person and not a pet person, because of her powers. Like on the one hand it is actual canon that one time she had a nice conversation with a tyrannosaurus rex and reasoned with her when she was grouchy, so obviously she would be the best pet owner ever. But I also feel like she’d end up treating her pets more like colleagues than pets, in a way.
Like, the Legends end up adopting a cat (which of course Ray strenuously objects to, but maybe if it deters Axel from going into his room it’s not the worst idea) who is probably from idk the year 1200 or something. Like this cat just appears on the Waverider and won’t leave, and at a certain point the team gives up on trying to get rid of them because they have a time disaster to deal with, and anyway turns out they have a cat now.
And so the assumption is that Amaya will somehow be in charge and like, ~tame this animal? But Amaya sits down with them for a while and yes, they stop sleeping in Ray’s room and generally come to a gentleman’s agreement with the rest of the team re: where it is acceptable to wander. But they all start assuming that it’s Amaya’s pet and she’s just like, no?? That’s Fergus, he’s a grown-up, he can do what he wants. He’ll tell me if he’s got an issue.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
I went to the surprisingly little Vancouver con and did lots of very satisfyingly nerdy things! Chief among them was getting an autograph from Maisie which I am still dying about, she is So Pretty.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
kendrasaunders replied to your post: Legends 3.01 Feelings
amaya + murder animals the fun new comedy
Like, I want them to devour the patriarchy together, obvs, but also she seemed fairly anti-murder, before?
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swashbucklery · 7 years
isn't sara the captain? she can fake a time disaster in australia for her gf
I cannot fully articulate how touched I am by this ask and also how hilarious this concept is to me, but know that I have a plurality of feelings right now.
Like fucking, Sara Lance all, “*cough cough* I think I’ve got the time flu *cough cough* its probably Australia’s fault let’s go to there.” Because she’s too much of a queer disaster to just admit that her girlfriend made a Face and mentioned that she had always wanted to see 8394792 obscure species of extremely loud birds and also maybe a thylacine if they go back to before they went extinct?
Something something, Ray manages to personally offend six (6) wallabies and nearly dies, it’s a Whole Thing. But also (also), Amaya makes a face at Sara because she did a good job being a girlfriend and therefore: worth it.
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swashbucklery · 7 years
Mick takes the spear. Or, rather: he takes the spear and gives it away to the Legion of Doom. He does it on a battlefield - fittingly - and Amaya has to watch as Sara lets him.
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swashbucklery · 6 years
an OG, sara/kendra/amaya and cuddles
Okay I saved a soft one for the end, and this gave me such perfect Vintage Feelings that I wrote an actual tiny fic.
They look so good together, is the thing. Sara’s always known Kendra - in one of her lives - knew Amaya, but there’s a difference between knowing that in her head and seeing them like this, laughing and joking about old missions like they’ve known each other for years.
(Because they have known each other for years, that’s the thing Sara still hasn’t been able to wrap her head around fully.)
They’re talking and Sara’s hanging back, trying not to sulk because look she knows Amaya’s hers, knows that Kendra can’t quite be and that‘s fine she feels fine about it but gosh they’re so pretty together.
That’s how they meet. 
Amaya sits on the sofa in the library, reading. She has this perfect posture, this way of sitting that’s always straight-backed and regal. When Sara reads she hunches over, flips onto her back, then her stomach, never quite comfortable. Amaya reads books like a Disney princess.
Kendra joins her, with her own perfect posture. She’s in her sock feet, and she stretches out to tap at Amaya’s thigh in greeting.
Amaya smiles and moves over, lifts her arm up and Kendra slides into place like she was made to fit there, resting her head against Amaya’s chest and reading with her.
Every so often, Amaya looks down at Kendra and whispers a question - can I turn the page, are you done yet? - and Kendra smiles up at her.
The third time, they catch Sara watching. They’re tucked into Sara’s bed - their bed - cuddling, Kendra nuzzling into Amaya’s shoulder while Amaya smiles and tries to read her book.
Amaya notices as she laughs at Kendra; there’s clearly some under-the-covers action happening because she squirms and giggles and when she finishes, she’s looking right at Sara. “Hey,” she says. Everything in her expression goes soft and Sara feels it behind her ribs, that certainty: that’s my girl, that’s the look I know. “What are you doing all the way over there?”
Kendra turns away from Amaya. When she smiles at Sara it feels like the whole room gets brighter. “Come here, we saved a space for you.”
She scoots closer to the edge of the bed, a space appearing between her side and Amaya’s.
It feels like Sara’s been holding her breath. She didn’t realize that she was, not until she crawls across the covers and tucks herself into the middle space, between them. Kendra wraps herself around Sara’s side, and Amaya puts her fingers under Sara’s chin and kisses her, slow and tender. “Missed you,” Amaya whisper-mumbles against Sara’s mouth.
Sara’s still got her eyes closed as she answers, “Missed you more.”
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swashbucklery · 7 years
Legends Finale Emotions
who am I kidding Emotions = CAPSLOCK. 
ohhh gosh I was so concerned about this episode ALL DAY and this show came through and MET, THEN EXCEEDED, MY WILDEST EXPECTATIONS.
Like. Not only did they Not Kill Amaya and get rid of the fucking Legion, but ALSO, turns out the entire season arc was leading up to Sara Lance processing her feelings?
Sara Lance processing her feelings with her SUPER HOT future self and everywhere you turned: a new beautiful Sara wrestling with the mantle of leadership and her own horrible self-esteem.
Sara Lance coming into her own as a hero, and understanding that she can be damaged but still worthy, that other people being wonderful doesn’t diminish what she is able to be.
Also don’t even talk to me about that last scene, she was too pretty, too studly, how very dare.
Oh gosh and Amaya gets to stay with the team and rekindle her romance with her on-off gf Sara, who is this Nate I AM SO GLAD. 
(OK but seriously they JUST finally figured out what to do with Maisie’s hair she was so pretty & happy-looking at the end of the episode I hope all of S3 she just gets to do that??)
My vintage time princess!
She’s gonna have SO MANY dinosaur friends and they’re gonna gossip about boys & support each other just like gal pals do.
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