thesnarkybrother · 1 month
▶;; { violantdesires - jack } LIKED FOR A STARTER
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                       ❝ Well aren't you just the little DOWNER     ?     ❞     the vampire rolled his blue eyes, looking the young vampire up and down—— it was true! This kid had only been a vampire for what, five minutes and he was already worse than Stefan about it. How many peoples heads had this kid ripped off? Wait—— that was a good quesion.     ❝ You're not a (( RIPPER )) are you     ?     If you are, our town's ripper slot's already taken. Better luck next time.     ❞     the vampire shrugged.
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psychicsalvatore · 1 month
@violantdesires ♥ ( JACK ) liked for a starter
"The eyes are kinda creepy. No offence." Ellie was quick to correct herself as her thought left her mouth faster than she could blink. It hadn't been her intention to say such a thing out loud, but the eyes were very creepy. She tilted her head to the side with a curious glint in her gaze, eyes squinting as though trying to figure out if they were just simply contacts he wore. The smell, however, from the male was all Ellie needed to know that he was 100% a vampire. "I've never seen a vampire with eyes like that before."
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vervainlacedveins · 24 days
​❝ you didn’t hear anything at all? ❞
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"Oh, I did. I'm just choosin' to ignore it." Eva didn't even bother to look behind her as she swung her head back to gulp down the last of her drink before slamming it down on the bar. How many had she had now? In truth, she had long since lost count. The alcohol was already affecting her system, though her liver would self heal before any lasting damage could be done.
"I've got more pressin' matters to worry 'bout ..." She half jumped up, leaning up over the bar to reach for a bottle of vodka that the bartender had stacked away. She didn't care if they came around and threatened to get her thrown out: she would just compel them to throw themselves out.
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rosefromdeath · 1 month
@violantdesires ♥ ( jack ) liked for a starter
"Something's up. I can tell." Gabriella stated matter of factly, yet her tone was as gentle and kind as she concerning expression upon her face. She sat down beside Jack, brown doe eyes scanning his face as though reading him. Of course she couldn't read his mind the way Edward could (though even he mentioned he had difficultly reading Jack's mind), but she didn't need a special gift to know something was bothering him. Gabriella explained, "You have the same look in your eyes you did when you were human."
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wastheheart · 5 months
Song of Achilles
@violantdesires asked: ❝ you have a tender heart. an admirable quality, surely. ❞ (thank you!)
It's plain to see for everyone that Esme strives for that, perhaps more since her transformation than ever before. Akin to how Carlisle tries to find salvation in his work as a doctor, Esme tries to find it in her kindness.
Perhaps she was forged this way. Unkind hands had moulded her into what they wanted her to be. They did not save space for kindness or love; Esme had to fight for that. Cruelness had soothed her edges, like a potter with their clay.
Jackson's observation causes a small, slight smile. She wishes sometimes that she was capable of blushing. People compliment her and she's still so unsure what to do with them. Accepting them often feels prideful, and Esme doesn't want anyone to think her love is performative— a tool which she uses to manipulate. "I try my best," she settles for eventually, brushing curls behind her ear. "Some may say it's foolish," she continues, briefly glancing up at him, "that I care too much."
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littlestvrs · 1 month
@violantdesires asked: ❛ ah, so you aren’t heartless after all. ❜
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" ACCORDING TO WHOMST.. Because I'm pretty sure that ain't me, " Selina shook her head. " If you are not gonna help with robbing this rich son of a gun, then fine," She shrugged at the other, pushing the guy wrapped in the rope inside the car. Her personal vendetta wasn't no one's problem but her own, after all. " At the least leave me the motorbike, as a means of escape in case i decide to set this indespicable miscreant's car on fire."
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soulmateprinciple · 1 month
answer some questions and i'll assign you a tarot card
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RESULT: the lovers
the bounty of your heart is abundant. warmth extends from your fingertips, and your smile has the power to light the darkest of rooms. your presence is a comfort– a gift– it is something to be cherished. just beware of stretching yourself too thin; a heart cannot be full if it is constantly emptying itself for the benefit of others. extend that mercy to your own heart, so you may continue to love and let yourself be loved. your chest is not an empty cavity. / NUMBER: 6 / UPRIGHT: love, harmony, relationships, values alignment, choices REVERSED: self-love, disharmony, imbalance, misalignment of values
tagged by: myself lmao. tagging: @violantdesires, @lightcreators ( stiles or lydia! ), @mermaidchosen / @floripire, @hearthwoman, and you!
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violantdesires · 6 months
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VIOLANTDESIRES is an independent, non-selective, anti-smeyer, Twilight roleplay blog, est. 22nd March 2024 for a snarky bitch Jack Swan, an OC, written and loved by Robin (29, he/they, GMT). It'd be really appreciated if you read my rules before following and interacting with me because idk like it’s polite, y'no?
Note: the psd I’m using for my graphics is “Poison Ivy” from my own resource blog @robsources. Also, this blog is highly affiliated with a specific Bella mun (@soulsplayground).
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vervainlacedveins · 5 months
@violantdesires ♥ ( JACK ) liked for a starter
"What the hell kinda freak are you suppose to be?" Was her question a little blunt? Perhaps. Even Eva's southern tone was anything but considerate as she shot out such a question. Yet, there was something greatly ... uneasy about the stranger before her: he looked more like a statue made out of marble than an actual person. "Actually, scratch that. I don't even want to know..."
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rosefromdeath · 3 months
@violantdesires ♥ ( jack ) liked for a starter
"You don't look all that different, you know ..." The warm smile upon Gabriella's face never changed in the slightest: she still smiled at Jack in the exact same way as she had when he was human. Her gentle doe eyes surveyed his newly crimson ones with fascination, yet her slightly racing heart within made it clear she was a little bit nervous (just a bit) around the newborn. "You still look like you. Just with some crazy eye contacts."
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wastheheart · 6 months
@violantdesires asked: "am i pushing myself too hard?" (hello & thank you!)
Esme hums in reply, her head tilting ever so slightly in thought. "That depends," she eventually settles on, "what is it your pushing yourself to do, hmm?" Esme wants to help, but she can't if she doesn't know certain aspects of Jackson's problems.
"If you're neglecting your self care and general health, then I would say yes, you're pushing yourself too hard." Something she often fell victim to as a child who wanted to prove to her parents she could be more than their expectations. "Is it something that perhaps you could ask for help with? Usually sharing a burden makes for a lighter load."
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thesnarkybrother · 18 days
“Right… very creepy. Forget I asked.”
▶;; { video game memes: “dragon age: origins” (2009) vol 1 🧙🏼‍♂️🐲🤺 } ↳  Jack - @violantdesires
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                       ❝     It's not creepy it's (( GENIUS )), kid. Not my fault you can't see it.     ❞     the vampire shrugged—— this kid's family re-start school every year and he was the creepy one? Damon needed a break.     ❝    If you're going to be so ((( RUDE ))) I won't offer you a blood bag.     ❞     the older vampire waved a bag of O+ in front of the younger one—— not really expecting him to want it now, but if he was anything like Damon's bunny-eating younger brother, once he saw the blood he'd change his tune     .
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vervainlacedveins · 22 days
"I appreciate your concern, but there's no need for you to get involved with this."
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"I don't think you got much choice in that, buddy." Eva snorted, clearly not listening to Jack at all as she continued to follow after him. She quickened her footsteps to match his own, though even she could tell that her half vampire speed wouldn't be enough to keep up if he decided to bolt on her. Should he decide, however, she was more than ready to tackle the sparkly vampire down. "My life is already messed up. It can't get much more if I help out with your little problem."
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vervainlacedveins · 24 days
* don’t do something he would do.
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"Okay. I won't." Deadpanned, Eva's sarcasm was more than heavy in her southern accent as she retorted back to Jack. The urge to roll her eyes was great: oh, how he really sounded like Stefan trying to tell her to be the better person ... "I won't go on a mass killin' spree and snap every neck I come across." That oughta do it! Eva flashed a smirk before turning on her heel. She made sure to call out over her shoulder before leaving the room, "But I can't promise I won't snap Damon's neck!"
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vervainlacedveins · 24 days
‘ You went through all of that on your own? ‘
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Eva stared dumbfounded at Jack, almond green eyes slightly wider than usual. "Well ... yeah." Her expression turned furrowed, as if confused by his reaction. Did she have any reason to be? Surely it was a normal thing to feel sympathy for someone who lost their father and got turned into a vampire all in the same night ...
Perhaps she was just so used to the whole town of Mystic Falls believing the lie that her father had simply 'gone away on business'. The thought almost made Eva roll her eyes. "People have a tendency to throw things under the rug in this town. Especially when my psychotic distant uncle goes on a killin' spree."
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vervainlacedveins · 25 days
@violantdesires ♥ ( jack ) liked for a starter
"FYI - that’s ‘for your information’ - I’m not drunk.” Eva pointed out in a matter of fact tone, however the slurred nature of her words spoke otherwise (along with the stench of bourbon rolling off her  scent). It also didn’t help that she had a large empty bottle of bourbon in front of her: clearly stolen from the bartender whom she compelled to hand over to her.
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