catswithemobangs · 4 years
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Here is my family of cats that I made a dice game out of! The queen is Violethen. The two cats behind her are Squirrelbranch and Firepaw. The two older kits beside them are Pinekit and Scorchkit. The kits below them are Chasingkit and Finchkit. The kit on Violethen’s back is Heatherkit. The kit behind Finchkit is Newtkit. The kits by Firepaw’s paws are Briarkit, Darkkit, and Stripekit. The kits at their mother’s belly are left to right, top to bottom: Boulderkit, Conekit, Breezekit, Featherkit, and Lizardkit.
I also wrote some lore for them!
Violethen was born to Cypressfang and Orchidleaf, two warriors of Oakclan, with her siblings: Pyreleap and Moonglow. The clan was quickly dying off with many members leaving, getting taken by a shelter nearby, or dying of a strange illness spreading through the clan. On his deathbed, the medicine cat would introduce a prophecy to Orchidleaf. It was as follows: Violets will blossom through storm and snow. They are given one blessing to sprout as well. Their seeds will scatter endlessly through the land, but not before their petals wither. Oakclan would fall apart shortly after the medicine cat’s passing. Families would live separately and name their kits when the time came. Parents mentored their own young or older siblings. Violetpaw would make great friends with two other apprentices, Dewpaw and Starlingpaw. Dewpaw was a shy and caring young molly and Starlingpaw, who was Pyrepaw’s best friend. Later on, Violethen and Starlingcurse would become mates and Dewdrop would remain her best friend.
After a rough breakup, Starlingcurse reveals himself to be a demigod. He is able to place two curses on a cat at a time, so he gives her immortality, which he tells her about, and a secret curse that will start when she next sees a starling. On her first sight of a starling, she will give birth to a kit that same night that will look like the last cat that Starlingcurse saw. From then on, everytime one of her kits sees a starling, the same thing will happen. The goddess that Oakclan worshipped always had a soft spot for mothers, to Violethen’s luck. She could give a cat two blessings for each curse placed on them in turn, but they have their loopholes. Her kits would never grow old, they will age as they are ready, birthing will always be easy (the only one without a loophole), and Violethen can keep one cat she loves alive with her to help care for her kits. The loopholes to the blessings were that the one helper would only be allowed by Mother Star to spend time with Violethen and the kits once every quarter-moon, while the rest of the time they would be hunting for their massive family. Some kits would become warriors while their older siblings would be nursing at their mother’s belly. Starlingcurse would also try his best to take out Violethen’s kits with his own claws, since it never said they couldn’t die. This would make Violethen’s life much harder.
The cat she chooses as her helper depends on the roll, but among her tiring life of eternal motherhood, love bloomed for the molly. A beautiful molly named Snowbloom would enter her life. Violethen would be afraid of loving her, because of snow being a bad thing in the prophecy. This would turn out wrong and true love would abound. 
Based on the floral naming conventions and the deities, I would not be surprised if they are a subset of the wanderer’s clans!
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My queen Violethen is posted and she wants life to end I got lazy with the kits and background because I was on a time constraint but it worked
I love it, poor Violethen looks so tired lol
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Strap in because I’m halfway through a family portrait and I wrote some crackhead lord for things to line up perfectly for poor mama cat I named her Violethen and she just needs PEACE
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I think you and poor Violethen deserve an award for all those babies lol
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