Bourbon in His Eyes
The monster stumbled a few steps, “Goddamn—” he sputtered and drew his hand to his jaw. Magnum grazed his fingers over the rough, chipped edges of bone, and snapped his head up at the large insectoid.
Narok lowered his body, the outline of his mandibles opening and closing with loud, chittering clicks that almost sounded like a laugh; he could only see his eyes in the dark, shining like four glass spheres. He didn’t know why he tried. They were far pass talking at this point, and Narok never gave the impression of someone who’d come quietly.
Blue, luminescent fluid dripped from the skeleton’s chin. He pushed himself off of the brick wall and rolled his aching shoulder back with a single crack. The grin he had was terrible, roguish, as he raised a hand and conjured a burst of light and magic that crackled between the two.
The other monster rattled violently, scraping his claws across the bricks like a mad bull before lunging, his fangs bared, and then—
“You look horrible.”
Slamming his glass on the counter a bit harder than he meant to, Victor winced, “That’s what I like to hear. Y’know, always could depend on you.”
“You know what I mean.” Louis narrowed his…sockets, leaning in closer after a quick look over the shoulder to whisper, “Could you, please, not act like you’re in just another bar? Any other time there wouldn’t be a problem, but Dnias—”
“Paps, it’s fine. This isn’t my first time.” Despite the pain, Victor forced a slight smile. There were still cracks spider webbed over his jaw, and thin strands of magic ran across the hairline breaches from his chin to the flat of the bone. It’d heal within the next week or two, but it still hurt like hell. “You’re with a professional.”
Louis sighed; he didn’t seem convinced.
Motioning for a refill and a drink for his brother, Victor slid a glass of absinthe to the younger skeleton. “Relax,” he continued, “this is just an in and out job. Most that’s gonna happen is we’ll be sitting here for an hour or two waiting on the boss…and then you know what? We go home. Nothing bad ever goes down at these old money soirees, they got their people manning the doors, their helps at every corner—dance, enjoy the music, enjoy yourself. We don’t get many of these, so take it while you can, you’ll thank me later. Trust me on this.”
The younger skeleton seemed a bit disappointed, but nodded nevertheless. This wasn’t what he wanted, but safe was what he was going to get for a while. His shoulders slumped a little, and he made no move to reach for the absinthe.
“Listen, I get it. Yeah? We all start somewhere…give it some time.”
“Yes, I know…and I trust you.” The words were nearly pulled from his teeth, but a smile twitched on Louis’ skull. He stared at the absinthe for a second and slowly began to slide out of his chair. “…but don’t count on me drinking that.”
Louis had decided to linger closer to the musicians, where a number of people danced and there were clusters of groups forming and disbanding rapidly. Now and again the older skeleton would glance his way, and also up towards the tall white marble staircase that lead to what he assumed to be the study. No one had gone near the room since Dnias and the master of the house had entered, not even the butler who kept a cold hawk’s eye over the whole livings space at the corner of the room. And so, Magnum continued to slowly drink, in hopes that the alcohol would dull the pain in his jaw.
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daddydoomwolf · 7 years
Unusual Asks
virgotheque asked: 94
Most anything from the musical Jekyll and Hyde
More-so from the song A New Life, because it’s sad, inspires muse, and I like to destroy myself~
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I'm sure you've answered this question a thousand times already, but if I may ask, where did you order September from? I've only recently stumbled upon your blog but I've already fallen head over heels for the adorable little skeleton and would like to order one of my very own. Is there a link I can follow? Please and thank you!
As stated in the About/FAQ page, September is a Pose Skeleton doll by the Japanese manufacturer RE-MENT. September is the skeleton doll ‘Human 01’. I was able to buy mine for cheap via amazon, but since I do not live in an English speaking country, please check out prices on different websites yourself. I would not want to give you prices that aren’t available to you. 
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nyublackneko · 8 years
*hyperventilates* You like Sgt. Frog? Can you BE any cooler???
I’m surprised a good number of Undertale fans also used to be Sgt. Frog (Keroro Gunso) fans! :D
That was a fun and great series.
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wily-art · 8 years
I once read a rather disturbing article detailing the deterioration of the psyche caused by prolonged lack of sleep. I have a feeling something similar is going to happen to Sans. I just hope neither Frisk nor any of the other monsters get hurt. :(
Not getting any sleeps doth sucketh.
Trust me. Sans is already feeling it.
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wily-art · 8 years
Holy cheezits, I LOVE your Chara design! I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something I definitely find appealing about the way you portray them! Maybe it's the eyes?
I was trying to do something a bit different from what I’ve seen, while still making sure it looked like them?
Wow, what a terrible way to explain a thing.
Anywho, thank you! I’m glad the design was so well received =D
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