lionsword · 1 year
Ice Ice Baby [White Heron Cup]
White Heron Cup starter for @wanderingsstar @viridescent-lance and @nagaficat
Roy was so excited he was worried about being able to dance correctly. He grinned at Nils, tamping down his nerves like he usually would before combat. However, going out onstage to perform was its own trial. With only a decorative sword at his side, he felt out of place.
"Okay. Let's go!"
It felt like something they were sharing, a memory of someone long past, their reminiscence in steps and flourishes rather than words. Roy hadn't gotten to know Ninian, but he knew she'd been dear to Nils, if not everything to him.
The dance was both in her honor and an expression of new joy, fire red and ice blue blending in spirit.
Style: 9
Choreography: 6
Technique: 4
Total: 19
Roy's steps still weren't the best. All that practice and he still likely bruised at least one of Nils' toes. "Sorry!" he whispered after a bad step, still enjoying himself.
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frauleindermorgen · 1 year
crack it like an egg / team ruins
Red skies and a frightened, dwindling population – Micaiah at one point may not have recognized such a place as remnants of a once bustling society but the clues here lead to a story much like the one her party was shown in Quiet Wood.
She hopes one day the people here may recover, dream or no dream; and for now is simply thankful that the barren place still has enough resources to make survival an option. The people she is with from Garreg Mach, both those familiar and those unfamiliar, are quick to adapt and dependable she has no doubt so when they start forming into smaller groups she does her best to prove useful.
The remains of metal monsters seem crucial to surviving in this world, though Micaiah is wary to get close to them after remembering what havoc they wrought in the tale of the Wood and its Sacred Tree. The flying machines in particular seemed difficult to gain access to, but luckily Micaiah supposed there were remains of much larger machines spread across the wasteland.
She, Sir Forysth, and Randal had found one that resembled an oversized spider on their patrol and were currently trying to make heads or tails of how to take it apart. The metal - true to its purpose, seemed nearly impenetrable but Micaiah did not want to draw attention by using magic here. Still, surely human hands had once made these monsters so it only made sense that they too could learn.
“Um, alright,” Micaiah says, feeling a bit ineffective as she closely watches Randal and Forsyth poke and prod at the thing’s metallic exoskeleton, “I think it’s starting to wear just at that spot, right there. If you could push it just a little more!”
They follow her advice and slowly but surely one sheet of metal is stripped from the creature. Micaiah would cheer if not for the malignant red glow she sees before the other two shining from the hole they’ve made.
[Obtained Plate of Metal]
“Watch out!”
Micaiah pushes her closer comrade aside, and gets a jolt of electricity for her trouble. The pain it brings is not unlike a Thunder spell and Micaiah grits her teeth, before breathing out slowly
[Chance of injury, roll 1d10. (Injury on 1 - 4). 1d10 -> 4.]
“So... it still has something powering it. I think we can take this plate with us, but we should be extra careful in the mean time. I’m sorry I did not catch that earlier.”
next: @dyshonor / @viridescent-lance
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mockiatto · 2 years
Into the Wild [Bloodwing, Mossheart, Ruinsky, Silverscale, Rosewing, & Jakob]
Warrior Cats AU starter for @ofdusk @plumeriinae @viridescent-lance @closuretainer @cavalry
He didn’t know why.
His owners had been fine. They fed him and left water out for him, and he’d enjoyed a life of comfort. Granted… they never pet him much, they hadn’t bought him a new toy for quite awhile, they never let him outside, and he didn’t have a lot to do, but he did sleep on nice carpet whenever he wanted. It was an alright life compared to this.
Jakob tilted his head back and yowled with frustration at the DIRT in his fur. 
There was dirt EVERYWHERE. Under him. In front of him. Behind him. Everywhere he looked in what he’d only ever seen from a window was dirt and dust and grime and trees and bugs and ewwwwwwwww!
He had to step on dirt to go anywhere, and it disgusted him. Jakob thoroughly licked his paws, legs, and tail clean, coughing up hair balls with a miserable scrunched up hiss. How was he supposed to survive without a bowl of food and daily swept floors? 
Jakob looked up to the sky, branches above him letting some sunlight through. He meowed pathetically and then yowled again, hoping his humans would hear and take him home. 
He tip-toed forward, long tinted silver fur fluffed out with displeasure, striking violet eyes narrowed. Complaining again, he growled in time with his stomach, certain he was going to starve to death or come down with something from all the dirt nearby. 
Doing a somersault, Jakob screeched and landed on his feet, hissing at the offending object he’d stepped on. It was brown with jagged edges… a leaf?
He was so absorbed he didn’t notice a new presence observing him…
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aurheatum · 1 year
meowy christmas and happy nya year
@viridescent-lance from x
“I am glad you think so,” Rhea says as Forsyth enthusiastically approves of Zinnia’s name, smile crinkling at the edges as she gives said kitten one last pet before letting it find comfortable slumber. 
 Although clearly taken aback by her forwardness, Forsyth takes to her questions just as she had hoped he might.
“My, actual recountings rather than embellished, you say? You must lead quite the exciting life in Valentia!”
Her head tilts at the admittance he comes from a family of scholars, for while forsaking such a life to become part of a knightly order was not unheard of in Fódlan it was indeed unusual except for the most pious. What was it then that Forsyth the True so ardently believed in?
“I am even more exciting to talk with you then of the books, and delighted you were willing to share them with. Shall we plan for tea some time then? And, please, if you ever do need the books back for reference know that they will always be available for perusal as is the rest of Garreg Mach’s library of course.”
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radiantpriamos · 2 years
Lively Party [Forsyth & Priam]
Starter for @viridescent-lance
This was exactly Priam’s kind of party. The handmade decorations around the room consisting of streamers and other crafts were endearing, and there was more roast chickens than he’d ever seen in one place. Of course, everyone got just one to themselves, but the aroma was amazing.
He sat down, respect for the thankful part of the party being the only thing from tearing the tender chicken meat off the bone with his bare hands.
When it came his turn to state what he was thankful for, he solemnly bowed his head.
“For meat.” A couple people seemed to be in amused agreement. However, Priam was serious. “Whatever lies in the next life, I don’t know if they have rotisserie this good. I fell without hope of standing ever again on the battlefield. I am indeed, thankful to walk the earth once more. As always, I am thankful for my partner Ragnell.”
Ragnell, ever at his side or on his back, was recently polished from his daily maintenance. It seemed to shine extra bright despite the centuries of wear and tear.
“-and specifically for this chicken,” he added, again reminded of the enticing smell of dinner with every breath.
Priam raised his head, ready to dig in, when he spotted someone he didn’t know milling around near the table. If he had to guess, looking for a place to sit. “Hey, this spot’s free.” Priam nodded to the space next to him. “Get your chicken while it’s hot!”
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