lycianlynx · 1 year
the wiping party of mach // w.h.c. round 1
If Chad can say anything, it's that they don't want to be here — But between suffering Earth's heavy scrutiny for the entirety of the rest of the night and just suffering it for a little while and being mostly free of it the rest of the night, they picked the latter.
They're kind of regretting it, honestly. Though the boy's not an awful dancer, though they've gone through the practice moves with a clear mind, critical eye and definite objective: Do passably and Get Out — The closer their turn draws, the more their hands shake. There's a tension in their entire body they can't force out, jaw clenched, shoulders drawn taut like a livewire.
All they can see and hear with the lights turned on them is their own thundering heartbeat, their cloying breath and light, light, light, piercing them through — But at least muscle memory wouldn't fail them as the music starts up — A low roar, slow, deliberate, flowing movements that go from one into the next — But a set of strings builds up speed, becomes frenetic as Chad lets momentum carry them from one gesture to the next, half-falling into a spin that dips them low and back up again, their own gravity precarious as their sleeves trail out behind them —
Fine, so far. But they can't keep up the balance they need for for the recovery, their limbs sluggish from anxiety nipping at their heels, and their foot loses ground into an ungainly stumble, disrupting their flow.
A roaring panic begins to eat at them, the fiddle fraying not just the strings, but the last of their own nerves alongside it; There's a recovery as they substitute in a heel spin, but the rest of the choreography flies away from their fingertips as a controlled dip falls out of their hands, has them falling to the floor, and instead of coming back up smoothly, they hit the ground, hard, and the shock has them take a fraction too long to get back up.
The music cuts out. The boy lies, wide-eyed, not daring to move for a long moment — Before the eyes, the eyes register, and they're scrambling onto hands and knees, stricken. This — This was a mistake. This was a mistake. They never should've — Never should've—!!
Earth rumbles in disapproval. Chad can't even bring themself to look at the score numbers, lifted up damningly just inches above their field of vision.
style: 1 choreo: 3 technical: 3
They need to get out of here, now. They gather themself up, bow hastily and vacate the stage for their opponent — Making themself scarce in the maze of hedges under cover of night, tears pricking at their eyes.
et tu, @viridescent-lance @nagaficat?
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hosannan · 1 year
Canto || White Heron Cup 2023 {
After a good time often came vicissitude—a bad hand, a swap of cards, a change of fortunes. It would have been easier to have stuck to the same routine as the last. "...We decided on a change if we made it into the second round, correct? ...It is for the best, especially for the judges that were catching every point off our heels." Her voice was softer than the last, as though she were combing over something stuck in her throat. To save her energy, she pushed on with fairly little to say, just a smile here and a laugh there. All to make good on her promises until they were set under the spotlight.
"Altena, I..."
Their heels clicked in place, center stage, with countless eyes glittering their way. The perfume, the candle light, the myriad of stares—all heavier now, taking on the weight of surmounting pressure. Sealed away with a smile, she held back her words to straighten her spine, a poise suited to for a leader. Hands touching, shoulders straight, chin up. And with a motion from the concertmaster, she jerked awake, pulling their steps straight across the ballroom floor. To cut through the stage like they practiced.
Another jerk, another bad hand. She held her breath and pulled them in a circle. And another. With two steps and a... (A leap.) (A leap.) (Come on!! A leap!) Instead of a leap, she walked them both to a stop. Just for a brief second. To forget what they had learned like words that dissipated off her tongue.
And in that pause, her smile dropped—before she covered them both with a spin. "Sorry." Nanna mouthed. Another circle. (Jerking, at best.) Two steps... and a leap!
Since when did having wings feel so heavy?
Style: 1; Choreography: 6; Technique: 3
@luminousrider & @laslow
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atypicalsenerio · 1 year
Pair Up! (White Heron Cup)
Starter for @pirrhyc @sweetroyalberry @luxaltare
It likely meant nothing to the spectators. A surprise, perhaps, that Soren and Pelleas had entered together. They could be seen together as a mere pairing of convenience, bht Soren knew it was more than that. As he took Pelleas's hands, Soren allowed himself a brief moment to squeeze his hands, a secret just for them.
For Soren, it was a public declaration of them being something he didn't have a label for. Almost brother, once enemy, something akin to a friend.
It was enough for Pelleas to be Pelleas.
"Ready?" Whether he was or not, Soren started their dance. He kept himself focused, and frankly his outfit did him favors as far as grace and style went.
Style: 10
Choreography: 5
Technique: 6
Total: 21
They weren't perfect, but they meshed together well, their similairities which they might've once loathed enhancing their style, complimenting rather than insulting.
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lionsword · 1 year
Ice Ice Baby [White Heron Cup]
White Heron Cup starter for @wanderingsstar @viridescent-lance and @nagaficat
Roy was so excited he was worried about being able to dance correctly. He grinned at Nils, tamping down his nerves like he usually would before combat. However, going out onstage to perform was its own trial. With only a decorative sword at his side, he felt out of place.
"Okay. Let's go!"
It felt like something they were sharing, a memory of someone long past, their reminiscence in steps and flourishes rather than words. Roy hadn't gotten to know Ninian, but he knew she'd been dear to Nils, if not everything to him.
The dance was both in her honor and an expression of new joy, fire red and ice blue blending in spirit.
Style: 9
Choreography: 6
Technique: 4
Total: 19
Roy's steps still weren't the best. All that practice and he still likely bruised at least one of Nils' toes. "Sorry!" he whispered after a bad step, still enjoying himself.
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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“You didn’t have to rig the competition,” Lightning grumbled.
Earth hummed, noncommittal, and rather uninterested besides. They had tried to see what the appeal was about this whole "white heron” thing and failed. Some of the so-called dances had certainly been... unique, though they could not say if that was to the dancers’ credit. “Don’t be silly.”
Air coughed, sheepish, and reluctant to contribute otherwise. They’d given most of their subjects a small reprieve from their shenanigans, and now they thought to regret such a course of action. Winning would have been fun, right?
“Hah!” Water didn’t have to bother with being overly haughty, for she knew well enough the value of her toys. Such slander, however, could not go unanswered. “You’re just mad because I won. Do try not to let the bitterness of loss cloud your vision. You weren’t even my opponent in the final round anyhow!”
All turned to look at Fire. “... Your toys may have swept the dancefloor, but mine looked best while doing it,” they asserted evenly. “That’s good enough for me.”
Typical Fire, always content to play dress-up with their dolls.
Earth loomed over their ballroom, shifting, awaiting everyone’s attention on them.
“Your victors,” they finally announced to all,
“Oberon Dark (Owain) and Lucina!”
Owain and Lucina each obtained the Heron’s Garland! Or the Morfisian version of it. With the help of magic, frost coats this crown of blue-gray winter roses, each one the size of your head, and a silken train made of ethereal, starry fabric trails behind. In Fódlan, this crown enjoys a long and storied history in chivalric tales as a grand prize at royal jousts, traditionally given by the winner to the person they intend to court. To the Morfisians though, it’s simply another stunning accessory.
“Let us not forget our beaaaautiful second place duo!” Lightning continued on Fire’s behalf, “… Igrene and Cecilia!”
Igrene and Cecilia obtained the Heron’s Silk! This year, the embroidered scene on the silk handkerchief depicts the constellations in the sky.
“And finally,” Water was happy to butt in again, given two of the four semi-finalist teams fell under her domain, “sharing third: Roy and Nils, and Pelleas and Soren!”
Roy, Nils, Pelleas, and Soren each obtained the Heron’s Brooch! This is an elegant silver brooch that is, to you now, the size of a shield and about as heavy. Embossed upon the front is the emblem of Morfis, with a pair of herons painting in gold leaf. A new addition, it seems.
“To everyone who has competed tonight, please, give yourselves a round of applause! It is your passion and dedication to dance that has made this tournament worthwhile, regardless of the winner,” Lightning finishes.
“... But my toys are still the best,” adds Water with a smile.
The White Heron Cup has concluded!
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luminousrider · 1 year
Just Dance 2023
White Heron Cup starter for @hosannan @bxldrsdraumar @aurheatum
Entering the contest seemed like a great idea at first. After her embarrassing defeats at arm wrestling and meatball eating, this could give her the chance to prove to Linus that she isn't just some chump. Nanna is probably the most elegant and graceful person she knows. With her as a partner, she's sure to have a leg up in winning, even if she herself is hardly a dancer.
Then she learns who they will be dancing against and her confidence dissipates almost immediately. Sigurd, legendary hero and her mother's brother, partnered with the leader of Fódlan's religion. Two figures very much larger than life. The bit of time she had spent practicing with Nanna beforehand was nowhere near enough time to prepare for this.
But she's not about to back down!
"Well," she turns to Nanna with a nod, "let's do this." She offers her hand and the two Thracians begin the dance they had been working on. It's a lively dance but nothing overly complex. They'd only had a short time to prepare something, after all.
Step to the left. Clap. Turn. Step to the right. Clap.
It isn't terribly difficult but Altena finds herself watching Nanna a bit too closely trying to copy her movements. She's out of sync, just slightly behind. If she had just been more confident in memorizing the steps, she'd have had it down.
Style: 6, Choreography: 2, Technique: 8, Total: 16
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making-dough · 1 year
Cringe Compilation - Mini Sized [White Heron Cup]
White Heron Cup 2023 starter for @sweetroyalberry​ and @luxaltare​
♠  - It must’ve been the alcohol talking. Why else would she think joining a dance competition was at all a good idea? It’s wasn’t like she was any kind of a dancer, anyway, And especially not since one of the pair she was set against certainly looked a lot more like a dancer.  Oh, what the hey. You only lived once. As the music picked up, Farina just about immediately threw herself into an energetic boogie mixed in with some sharp jerk-y arm swings and hip-sways that were probably a little less than necessary. And the less said about turning around and slapping herself a few times on the butt, the better. Just to finish things off, the mercenary opted to flip upside down and proceed to spin, hands-free, upside down on her head like a top. Which was definitely a bad idea that quickly sent her spinning right off the stage and crashing into some seats on the side.
“I’m okay!”, came a giggly laugh from the side. She may be slightly dizzy from all the spinning but she was more than alright. The 1 she got this time was probably at least a little deserved, she noted to herself as the scores began to be called. Probably due to somewhere in between the butt-slaps or the wild headspin. Whatever! She had fun!
Style: 1 Choreography: 4 Technique: 4
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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The White Heron Cup begins!
Please give a round of applause to our competitors!
How It Works
The White Heron Cup is an optional mini-event within the Ethereal Ball, so these event conditions are completely separate from our Ethereal Ball conditions. White Heron Cup participants will face off against their opponents in a funktastical battle of Style, Choreography, and Technique!
1. Check your first round matchup.
2. The participants in the top bracket of each battle will begin the dance battle! If your muse has a partner, decide which of the two of you will post first and/or roll the dice.
3. Roll 3D10 (three 10-sided dice, /roll ul 3d10 with dice maiden). These three results will be what you (and your partner, if applicable) receive from the judges for your dance. Each score corresponds with one of the three categories - Style, Choreography, and Technique - so use this to flavor the way you write your muse dancing.
4. Please start a new thread and tag your partner and your opponent(s). Please also include your Total Score somewhere in the post. If you have a partner, they will post next, and then you turn the round over to your opponent. Your opponent will roll their own 3D10 and reply to the thread.
5. Whoever’s total score is 2 points greater than their opponent’s score will progress to the next round.
6. Please ping the House Leaders role in the server when you roll. The mods will count the scores as soon as they’re rolled, so that winners can be moved on to the next round even if a thread is stalled. Each round will last no more than 24 hours. Posts should be short and quick, but you’re welcome to continue your threads after a winner has been decided for the sake of character development. Similar to the Battle of the Eagle and Lion though, White Heron Cup threads will not count toward class mastery.
7. Tag all posts with #whiteheroncup2023
And that’s it! If you have any questions or concerns, please let the mods know!
- The House Leaders
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theofficersacademy · 1 year
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Generously, your elemental overlords have decided that they are quite interested in this “white heron” thing held by the monastery each year, and desire to see it for themselves. They’ll even reward the individuals who entertain them the most. Time to start warming up like your life depends on it!
Preparations for the White Heron Cup begin!
The White Heron Cup is an optional mini-event within the Ethereal Ball. The Ethereal Ball has its own event conditions, so you do not have to sign your muse up for the White Heron Cup to receive the prizes for the Ethereal Ball.
Those participating in the White Heron Cup will face off against their opponent in a funktastical battle of Style, Choreography, and Technique. The score for each of these will be determined by three D10s, which will be totaled for the Final Score. Whoever bests their opponent’s Final Score by 2 points or more will be determined the winner and will progress to the next round. The character or pair that makes it to the end of the tournament will claim victory, and two runners-up will earn consolation prizes. Note: dance battles are expected to be 2 to 3 posts at max, and you do not have to be in the server to do your rolls for this event.
Additionally, while pairs are allowed, both muses must be of the same element. The elementals want to see which of their toys is better, so no mixing!
How to Join
1. First register your muse(s) here. You will be asked if your muse is entering individually or as a part of a pair. Both muses in a pair must sign up and indicate the other character as their partner.
2. When the battle begins, each individual or pair will roll 3d10 (Dice Maiden command: /roll ul 3d10 ) to determine their score across the Style, Choreography, and Technique categories. What each result is for may be interpreted by the mun. Pairs only get one set of rolls. Muns in the pair may decide between themselves who gets to roll.
3. The end goal for the tournament will be for one winner to make it to the top, so we will announce round lengths once we have our final numbers from the signup. The tournament may be extended if necessary, but we hope that it falling on a weekend will allow for the most activity in a short amount of time.
4. Registration will be open from May 19th to 11:59 PM EST on May 25th. The tournament will run from May 26th to May 29th.
5. Once the tournament begins, tag all posts with #whiteheroncup2023
And that’s it! If you have any questions or concerns, please let the mods know!
- the House Leaders
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