rottingkiss · 14 days
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𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝
@virusvexxed said: [dream] receiver hears sender calling their name while asleep. - blade & dan heng?
The gloved hand hovering over his lodging's doorknob immediately froze at the disturbance. Blade turns his head sharply to glance over his shoulder to see if another soul occupies what he THOUGHT to be an empty hallway. Everyone else retired to their rooms hours ago. After a quick scan, it's evident no one else is present, either. His question now is WHO uttered his name so pitifully?
Red-coloured hues close for a moment or two in order to focus. The weapon-personified even held his breath to help his cause. It's when hearing the name 'Blade' practically SCREAMED did he turn his body in the direction of the disturbance.
❝. . . It's coming from HIS room.❞
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He mutters the obvious to himself. From the intel he's gathered, Dan Heng suffers from night TERRORS often. What he was unaware of, though, is that HE is the cause of them.
It really should give him a TWISTED sense of satisfaction to know he haunts his dreams. For the sins Dan Feng committed against him centuries ago. . . an anxiety-induced night is a LIGHT punishment for his reincarnated form. Oddly enough, Blade doesn't feel any sort of thrill. In fact, he finds himself taking a step towards where the other's room is. He fantasizes about knocking on the door and saving the poor man from his subconscious. Hah, he even disgusts himself by imagining that Dan Heng laughs it off and informs him that it was actually a PLEASENT dream about the two of them.
No one could think FONDLY of someone bathed in so much BLOOD. Who is he kidding? A silent huff escapes as he swings his bedroom door open and swiftly closes it behind him seconds later. It's best to allow Dan Heng the PRIVACY to toss and turn.
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cookieofearthbread · 2 days
dark cacao: never! :|
Stop being such a killjoy :/
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She's only trying to help.
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lunarscaled · 11 months
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@virusvexxed / @goreburdened asked:
PARTNERS. either lyric & toji or choso? 🥹 🫡 for my other blog ofc
Come to think of it, that meeting was a vague threat
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zorkaya-moved · 7 months
“ you people are completely insane. but you’re also insufferably good at this sort of thing. so let’s go save the world, shall we? ” (from motherfucking ted)
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He is abrasive, a man whose name has been whispered by those he betrayed and left behind. A man who made a little girl cry and turn into a monster. Does he not despite sinners? The informant from the Drifter's Camp remains quite nonchalant as she let him wander within the Romanesque Hall. The place that God has left behind despite it it being a place of worship. Mania fills these halls but none can hear it, none but her. The one who carries herself with a certain grace and elegance while exuding a morbid aura, a woman whose services are often sought out by the grieving and the dying... or the dead.
But there is something that Ted doesn't get. Nothing can move this woman and her views as an observer. She is one who operates in the shadows and the world of the living is not of great interest to her. Words spoken by the [bandit] fall on deaf ears as she simply passes by him, looking forward to where a small table with tea awaits for her to settle down and listen to the woes of the living. Oak Casket does not take active action, she watches and she witnesses. All who will die will come to her, in the end. He, too, will come to her when he crosses the border between life and death, finding his salvation in the embrace of cold arms of a reaper.
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"Salvation will come to Syndicate without my input," the woman states, her voice is languid and calm, not having an ounce of worry while being in the presence of someone seemingly dangerous. But she is a Sinner, a dangerous Sinner at that and someone who Drifter's Camp values highly for tending to those who die. Corpses await cremation or burial, corpses await to be turned into someone living before their flesh and bones will be turned to ashes.
Inside the Romanesque Hall, Ted speaks with the incarnation of Death herself.
"No matter what you expect of me to do, there will be no move from my side. My job is to tend to those grieve, who are lost, and who are seeking a way out," she continues to explain it to him as if he is new to these meetings. Saving the world? Oak remains impassive to his words, not moved by such words nor paying attention to his insults. It does not matter what he thinks of her or others, what is important is that he understands that she will not lend him a hand. "Every request has a price, Ted. You've come here to ask for something without offering anything in return. So what is the price you can offer to me? And I will judge what worth you can receive for it."
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hauntedrph · 1 year
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for @virusvexxed
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cantillat-moved · 1 year
@virusvexxed better now that you're here!
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that was smooth jkfdsjfsk
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endtiimes · 1 year
the swap au worries me but it IS pretty dope
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picavecalyx-a · 1 year
followed u because I can & I'm staying because I can ;) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Followed For...Stayed For... ( accepting ! )
GRABBING YOU!!!!!!!! WITH MY BARE HANDS!!!!!!!!!!! Bro i'm so glad we're still moots, you're epic and i grab you and shake you [affectionate]
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rosecoloredmuses · 2 years
trick or treat! possibly? uwu
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((Here's a Xion relaxing at a beach! I was thinking she was there because Destiny Islands and stuff? Also, she deserves a break after everything she's been through-))
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quirofiliac · 2 years
@virusvexxed​: brian  ∕ ✍️ 
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“That one coworker of yours-- is he still giving you trouble?”
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rottingkiss · 2 years
(🎄xmas one-liner / @virusvexxed​ 🎄)
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❝I think the eggnog was SPIKED!❞    
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cookieofearthbread · 23 days
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Kingdom Hearts Sentence Starters - Accepting
“deep down there’s a light that never goes out.” (dark cacao @ mystic flour)
"And yet.... Just like everything else around us and ourselves.... The light will eventually fade away to oblivion... That is the truth of this world."
The Beast of Apathy spoke as she looked down at the king that stood before her, her expression ever so blank, even when she had her eyes open which showed nothing but dullness within them.
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"So why seek such a meaningless thing when it will not last? That it serves no purpose and that one's fate is to crumble and to become forgotten like sands in time... Blowing away across a vast desert, King of the Dark Cacao Kingdom?"
Mystic Flour did not know what her successor was seeking to gain from making such meaningless comments towards her however she knew everything would end up falling onto the same path.
All will fade to white after she regain her other half of her will and the beast shows just how empty his Resolution is especially compared to hers.
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forgottenluck · 2 years
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CURRENTLY READING :  Uuuuuuuuh too many things to count honestly !! I have an app on my phone with a bunch of mangas (cuz i'm very poor and though i wish i could support them by buying them i cannot plz do not yell at me). I also enjoy fanfiction. One of my favorites is a bioshock one called The Prodigial Son! Go check it out it's amazing.
LAST SERIES :   Shadows House or Demon Slayer!
LAST MOVIE :   I don't typically watch movies but i think the last one i saw was Thor Love and Thunder?
SWEET / SPICY / SAVORY :   Sweet and savory please! Keep spicy away from me *hisses*
CURRENTLY WORKING ON :   uuuuuuh way too much honestly. ADHD kicks me in the ass. i have a bunch of things i wanna work on. Fanfic ideas, drawings. I really want to draw Koun in various fandoms! eventually.....eventually....
   tagged by :  @willdcard​
   tagging :  @cantillat​ @virusvexxed​ @ofstarsandskies​ @inyvat​ @scarletooyori @hauntedreality​ @talesofourworlds​ I know that's not 9 but I feel awkward tagging anyone else.
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lunarscaled · 6 months
@virusvexxed replied to your post “-> Can they rearrange their class schedule to not...”:
floyd: that's no fun :/
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"Perfectly fine for me."
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sunfirekid · 2 years
@virusvexxed cont’d from [☼] :
Now this was a surprise. He’d never seen her face before so she probably wasn’t a pirate, but even still he couldn’t be too sure and based on her attire the woman that appeared out of the shadows wasn’t a Marine. However, the malice that was dripping off of her was palpable. It was what caused him to pick up on her presence in the first place, only now it was even more intense and had him completely on guard. He didn’t know what her intentions were with him, at least not at first, so he was going to be a bit more careful than usual.
Good thing too because those sparks that he spotted in her hair when she first revealed herself weren’t just for show. Eyes widened when she manifested knives and then electricity sparked through them. But how? What kind of devil fruit allowed both abilities to be possible? Unless she ate two? The question plagued his mind as she threw the weapons his way all of which stuck their mark. Or that’s what it looked like anyway until the blades ended up clanging to the ground behind the pirate captain and fiery plasma danced around the holes that the knives had made in his body.
“It’s kinda hard to tell if someone’s a woman or not when they’re hiding in the shadows, ya know. If I had known ya were a lady I would’ve definitely been a bit nicer in how I called out to ya.” He jested as the flames began to swirl and reform his back to normal. Typically, he’d dodge or take them head on, but he could sense her intent and she was going for the kill, and he wasn’t ready to die just yet. So reflexively he changed into his element and was unscathed, mostly. The electrical charge did make his fingers twitch a bit. “But jeez, one knife I understand, but ten for accidentally being rude to ya? I hate to see how more ya throw my way for a more serious offense.”
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At that he grinned, the adrenaline now pumping through his blood as he geared up for the coming fight. She had very unique abilities that he hadn’t come across before so he was excited to see all that she could do, but first he’d have to show her he was no slouch himself. So, at the blink of an eye he closed the distance between he and her using the “Shave” technique and then threw a heavy round house kick aimed for her head, fiery plasma being used as a thruster off his heel to add more speed to his attack to combat her potential speed given her control of electricity. Whether his kick landed or not he was sure this would earn some more ire from her and probably warrant at bear minimum 30 knives being thrown at him this time.
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
"I'm not stupid, I know you're hiding behind that crate." jake or leon @ your choice!
[ Mun: Understood! Alright, I throw you a Matt from @lovelyxhorrors and that said, feel free to choose between jake and Leon that best fits this interaction, is that okay ]
A chuckle is heard behind the crate. The figure is coming from behind it. Glowing red eyes look at the male.
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"Good to know that you aren't." Said Matt with a smile. "I saw how you handle them, not bad." He said, referring to those BOWs. "Not bad, that was pretty good. You're different from those soldier guys.." He tells them.
"So what was that move? You were using...uh martial arts, right?" Matt asked very curiously while twirling his knife in his hand. He keeps smiling.
"I wonder if you can teach that to me!" He said, very eager to test this man out.
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