#visitor management software alain
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courtneytincher · 5 years
Versailles Palace Leads Battle to Save Europe’s Dying Forests
(Bloomberg) -- The manicured estate of the Versailles Palace was designed for an absolute monarch and withstood the French revolution. But now climate change is threatening its survival.Hornbeam trees overlooking the estate’s Grand Canal died this summer, and in Marie Antoinette’s Trianon gardens, the beeches are withering. The worrying thing is that these weren’t only varieties from the era of Louis the XIV, but also new plantings meant to withstand the effects of global warming.“It’s heart breaking,” said Alain Baraton, Versailles’s chief gardener, pointing to shriveled hornbeams and the parched leaves of once-luscious chestnut trees. “I’m forced to dump history and be pragmatic.”Northern Europe’s normally temperate weather is rapidly becoming hotter and drier, forcing gardeners on the 800-hectare (2,000-acre) park to adapt. The stately elms, chestnuts and birches that were favored by French royalty are being selectively replaced by species that stand better chances of resisting higher temperatures, new parasites and more volatile precipitation patterns.The urgency to act was underscored when  France’s National Center for Scientific Research on Tuesday released a climate model that showed the world becoming even hotter than previously expected.Trees are one of nature’s biggest forms of carbon storage. The European Environment Agency estimates forests absorb 13% of all of the European Union’s carbon-dioxide emissions. But more frequent droughts and increasingly violent storms put the region’s woodlands at risk.“Trees used to have hundreds of years to adapt, but they don’t have that time anymore,” said Xavier Bartet, an officer in France’s National Forestry Agency. “And in nature, if you can’t adapt, you die.”The effects are being felt across Europe. About 50 million spruce trees are believed to have perished, with extensive damage to larch, oak, beech and pine varieties, according to Gert-Jan Nabuurs, forestry expert at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. In the eastern German state surrounding Berlin, pine canopies have been bleached a sickly brown with ground water the lowest since records began in 1961, according to Germany’s DWD weather service. Charred stumps point to a disturbing new trend of wildfires. The environment ministry estimates more than 1 million trees have died in heatwaves in each of the last three years.Europe is particularly exposed to climate change, because its weather is dominated by the jet stream. The flow of moist winds from the Atlantic typically brings in ample precipitation to maintain the region’s ecosystem, but kinks have developed as arctic ice melts, causing air to blow in from the Sahara with increasing regularity.Storms fueled by warmer temperatures are also a problem. The risks were evident last October, when the Italian peninsula was pounded by storm gusts exceeding 200 kilometers an hour (124 mph), damaging 42,500 hectares of forest. The Comelico Dam near the Austrian border was covered with trees battered into the Piave river. For centuries, such timber was brought to Venice on rafts to be used for foundations of the lagoon city’s historic “palazzi.”To be sure, it’s not bad everywhere. Sweden has planted more trees than it cuts down since the 1920s, and today there is almost twice as much wood supply than at the start of 20th century, but then there’s the new problem of wildfires. In Finland, climate change is speeding up tree growth, but the Nordic country — wary of extreme weather and the spread of pests such as bark beetle  — is now more actively managing its timber resources including using selectively bred seedlings.  Dying woodlands could mean that greenhouse gases build up even faster. Concerns have led to mounting public pressure. A Danish broadcaster held a telethon last weekend, raising 2.4 million euros ($2.6 million) from viewers to plant more than 900,000 trees, and an artist created a mock forest inside a football stadium in Austria to raise awareness. Ursula von der Leyen, the incoming European Commission president, called protecting the environment the bloc’s “most pressing challenge.”While European leaders have vowed to act, the situation is complicated by an economic slowdown and concerns about financing. In Germany — where a summer heatwave threatened to buckle highways and the receding Rhine river risked halting shipping for the second straight year — Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government on Friday is due to decide on measures to get its climate goals back on track.Read more: Europe Wants the Greenest Deal of All But the Costs Are DizzyingThere’s no easy fix. Efforts to make forests more robust include replanting Turkish oak trees in France and testing seeds from drier areas in the central Loire valley for future wine barrels. But the measures are a crapshoot. At Versailles, about 50% of new saplings die in the first year, and messing with local ecosystems can have damaging effects on native varieties, with groups like Ireland’s Woodland League seeking to halt the introduction of new species.“All we do is still experimental, and it’s risky,” said Brigitte Musch, chief of climate-change research for the French forestry agency. “We are under pressure to work fast, for things that will matter for the generations to come.”The Versailles estate, which spends about 3 million euros annually to maintain its grounds, is the elite of Europe’s forests. The wider reality can be seen behind a rusty fence at the end of the grounds at the Arboretum de Chevreloup. The conservation park has a budget less than 5% of the palace’s, and the effects of low rainfall and record heat were evident in the balding canopies and shriveling Patagonia trees. To avoid such a fate, France’s forestry agency is teaming up with counterparts in Europe and Turkey to develop software to determine what varieties will have to be planted in the years to come. The software, which is working with a worst-case scenario of summer temperatures rising as much as 5.3 degrees Celsius (below the latest forecast), will be translated in English to be usable by peers worldwide.At Versailles, future-proofing the grounds is being meticulously orchestrated. The estate is building a database of all its vegetation, insects and animals. The trees will be given more space to capture the water in the soil and retain humidity. The goal is to keep the spirit of the Sun King’s grandeur alive into the next century.“Visually, the palace visitors won’t see any major changes,” said Baraton, the chief gardener. “But silently everything is changing.”This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 220 news outlets to highlight climate change.\--With assistance from Dan Liefgreen, Jesper Starn and Kati Pohjanpalo.To contact the authors of this story: Helene Fouquet in Paris at [email protected] Wilkes in Frankfurt at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Chris Reiter at [email protected], Caroline AlexanderFlavia Krause-JacksonChad ThomasIain RogersFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
from Yahoo News - Latest News & Headlines
(Bloomberg) -- The manicured estate of the Versailles Palace was designed for an absolute monarch and withstood the French revolution. But now climate change is threatening its survival.Hornbeam trees overlooking the estate’s Grand Canal died this summer, and in Marie Antoinette’s Trianon gardens, the beeches are withering. The worrying thing is that these weren’t only varieties from the era of Louis the XIV, but also new plantings meant to withstand the effects of global warming.“It’s heart breaking,” said Alain Baraton, Versailles’s chief gardener, pointing to shriveled hornbeams and the parched leaves of once-luscious chestnut trees. “I’m forced to dump history and be pragmatic.”Northern Europe’s normally temperate weather is rapidly becoming hotter and drier, forcing gardeners on the 800-hectare (2,000-acre) park to adapt. The stately elms, chestnuts and birches that were favored by French royalty are being selectively replaced by species that stand better chances of resisting higher temperatures, new parasites and more volatile precipitation patterns.The urgency to act was underscored when  France’s National Center for Scientific Research on Tuesday released a climate model that showed the world becoming even hotter than previously expected.Trees are one of nature’s biggest forms of carbon storage. The European Environment Agency estimates forests absorb 13% of all of the European Union’s carbon-dioxide emissions. But more frequent droughts and increasingly violent storms put the region’s woodlands at risk.“Trees used to have hundreds of years to adapt, but they don’t have that time anymore,” said Xavier Bartet, an officer in France’s National Forestry Agency. “And in nature, if you can’t adapt, you die.”The effects are being felt across Europe. About 50 million spruce trees are believed to have perished, with extensive damage to larch, oak, beech and pine varieties, according to Gert-Jan Nabuurs, forestry expert at Wageningen University in the Netherlands. In the eastern German state surrounding Berlin, pine canopies have been bleached a sickly brown with ground water the lowest since records began in 1961, according to Germany’s DWD weather service. Charred stumps point to a disturbing new trend of wildfires. The environment ministry estimates more than 1 million trees have died in heatwaves in each of the last three years.Europe is particularly exposed to climate change, because its weather is dominated by the jet stream. The flow of moist winds from the Atlantic typically brings in ample precipitation to maintain the region’s ecosystem, but kinks have developed as arctic ice melts, causing air to blow in from the Sahara with increasing regularity.Storms fueled by warmer temperatures are also a problem. The risks were evident last October, when the Italian peninsula was pounded by storm gusts exceeding 200 kilometers an hour (124 mph), damaging 42,500 hectares of forest. The Comelico Dam near the Austrian border was covered with trees battered into the Piave river. For centuries, such timber was brought to Venice on rafts to be used for foundations of the lagoon city’s historic “palazzi.”To be sure, it’s not bad everywhere. Sweden has planted more trees than it cuts down since the 1920s, and today there is almost twice as much wood supply than at the start of 20th century, but then there’s the new problem of wildfires. In Finland, climate change is speeding up tree growth, but the Nordic country — wary of extreme weather and the spread of pests such as bark beetle  — is now more actively managing its timber resources including using selectively bred seedlings.  Dying woodlands could mean that greenhouse gases build up even faster. Concerns have led to mounting public pressure. A Danish broadcaster held a telethon last weekend, raising 2.4 million euros ($2.6 million) from viewers to plant more than 900,000 trees, and an artist created a mock forest inside a football stadium in Austria to raise awareness. Ursula von der Leyen, the incoming European Commission president, called protecting the environment the bloc’s “most pressing challenge.”While European leaders have vowed to act, the situation is complicated by an economic slowdown and concerns about financing. In Germany — where a summer heatwave threatened to buckle highways and the receding Rhine river risked halting shipping for the second straight year — Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government on Friday is due to decide on measures to get its climate goals back on track.Read more: Europe Wants the Greenest Deal of All But the Costs Are DizzyingThere’s no easy fix. Efforts to make forests more robust include replanting Turkish oak trees in France and testing seeds from drier areas in the central Loire valley for future wine barrels. But the measures are a crapshoot. At Versailles, about 50% of new saplings die in the first year, and messing with local ecosystems can have damaging effects on native varieties, with groups like Ireland’s Woodland League seeking to halt the introduction of new species.“All we do is still experimental, and it’s risky,” said Brigitte Musch, chief of climate-change research for the French forestry agency. “We are under pressure to work fast, for things that will matter for the generations to come.”The Versailles estate, which spends about 3 million euros annually to maintain its grounds, is the elite of Europe’s forests. The wider reality can be seen behind a rusty fence at the end of the grounds at the Arboretum de Chevreloup. The conservation park has a budget less than 5% of the palace’s, and the effects of low rainfall and record heat were evident in the balding canopies and shriveling Patagonia trees. To avoid such a fate, France’s forestry agency is teaming up with counterparts in Europe and Turkey to develop software to determine what varieties will have to be planted in the years to come. The software, which is working with a worst-case scenario of summer temperatures rising as much as 5.3 degrees Celsius (below the latest forecast), will be translated in English to be usable by peers worldwide.At Versailles, future-proofing the grounds is being meticulously orchestrated. The estate is building a database of all its vegetation, insects and animals. The trees will be given more space to capture the water in the soil and retain humidity. The goal is to keep the spirit of the Sun King’s grandeur alive into the next century.“Visually, the palace visitors won’t see any major changes,” said Baraton, the chief gardener. “But silently everything is changing.”This story is part of Covering Climate Now, a global collaboration of more than 220 news outlets to highlight climate change.\--With assistance from Dan Liefgreen, Jesper Starn and Kati Pohjanpalo.To contact the authors of this story: Helene Fouquet in Paris at [email protected] Wilkes in Frankfurt at [email protected] contact the editor responsible for this story: Chris Reiter at [email protected], Caroline AlexanderFlavia Krause-JacksonChad ThomasIain RogersFor more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg.com©2019 Bloomberg L.P.
September 18, 2019 at 05:00AM via IFTTT
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tektronixtechnology · 4 months
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VMS With Facial recognition technology offers a robust layer of security by accurately identifying individuals based on their unique facial features. Unlike traditional methods such as ID cards or manual verification, facial recognition eliminates the risk of forged or stolen credentials. By cross-referencing visitor faces with a database of known individuals, security personnel can quickly identify potential threats and take necessary precautions.
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tektronixtechnology · 5 months
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A Visitor Management System (VMS) that harnesses the power of artificial intelligence goes beyond the conventional methods, revolutionizing the visitor management landscape.
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tektronixtechnology · 6 months
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tektronixtechnology · 6 months
The School Pass Visitors Management System transform the ways that schools manage the registration of visitors and their access. The systems use digital platforms to streamline the check-in process and checkout improving security as well as increasing the overall effectiveness.
Key Features of School Pass Visitor Management Systems
1. Digital Visitor Registration:
The days of the paper-based sign-in sheets. Schools Pass devices allow guests to be registered digitally upon their arrival, which reduces wait time and the administrative burden.
2. Customizable Check-In Workflows:
Schools are able to tailor the process of checking-in to suit their particular needs, be it distinguishing between contractors, parents or guests, making sure that the experience is personalized for visitors to the school.
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tektronixtechnology · 8 months
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tektronixtechnology · 10 months
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tektronixtechnology · 10 months
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Challenges and Considerations
While integrating Emirates ID into a VMS offers many advantages, it's essential to consider potential challenges:
Privacy and Data Protection: Proper measures must be taken to protect visitor data and ensure compliance with privacy laws.
Integration Costs: Setting up an integrated system may require initial investments in hardware, software, and staff training.
User Training: Both employees and visitors need to be educated about the new system and its procedures.
A Visitor Management System integrated with Emirates ID is a powerful tool for organizations in the UAE and other regions that prioritize security and efficiency.
By streamlining the check-in and check-out process, ensuring accurate identification, and maintaining a comprehensive visitor record, this system can significantly enhance the overall security and operational efficiency of an organization.
However, it's crucial to approach integration with caution, addressing privacy and security concerns, and ensuring that all stakeholders are well-informed and trained in its use.
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tektronixtechnology · 11 months
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Enhancing Security and Efficiency with a Visitor Management System In today's fast-paced world, security and efficiency are paramount, especially when it comes to managing visitors in various environments, be it corporate offices, schools, healthcare facilities, or residential buildings. A Visitor Management System (VMS) is an invaluable tool that can help organizations streamline their visitor check-in processes, enhance security, and provide a better visitor experience.
What is a Visitor Management System?
A Visitor Management System is a comprehensive solution designed to automate and simplify the process of registering, tracking, and monitoring visitors to a specific location. It replaces the traditional paper-based logbooks and outdated manual processes with a digital, efficient, and secure system.
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tektronixtechnology · 11 months
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VMS is a cloud-based visitor management system that provides features like visitor pre-registration, badge printing, and host notifications.
Before choosing a visitor management system, it's important to consider your specific needs and requirements, including the size of your organization, the level of security needed, and any specific features or integrations you may require. Additionally, it's advisable to check for updated information and read reviews to ensure you select the most suitable solution for your organization as of 2023.
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Visitor Management Systems For Schools  security concerns, educational institutions have a paramount responsibility to ensure the safety of their students, staff, and premises. One crucial aspect of this is visitor management. Traditional visitor logbooks and paper-based systems are outdated and often fall short in providing adequate security. This article will delve into the world of School Visitor Management Systems (SVMS) and how they are revolutionizing security and efficiency in schools.
Safety and security in schools have become a top priority in recent years. The rise in incidents of violence and unauthorized access necessitates a proactive approach to protect students and staff. School Visitor Management Systems (SVMS) have emerged as a reliable solution to address these concerns effectively.
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Visitor management systems for schools are essential tools to enhance security and streamline the process of allowing visitors into the school premises. These systems help schools keep track of who enters the building, ensure the safety of students and staff, and maintain a record of visitor activity.
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Visitor Registration Systems in UAE
Visitor Registration Systems In Abu Dhabi
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