#visitor management system for office oman
tektronixtechnology · 1 month
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VMS With Facial recognition technology offers a robust layer of security by accurately identifying individuals based on their unique facial features. Unlike traditional methods such as ID cards or manual verification, facial recognition eliminates the risk of forged or stolen credentials. By cross-referencing visitor faces with a database of known individuals, security personnel can quickly identify potential threats and take necessary precautions.
Visitor Managemnet System
Visitor Registration Software
Visitor Access Control System
Visitor Management Software UAE
Visitor Access Control Systems Abu Dhabi
Visitor Management With Face recognition
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Our Visitor Management System can be integrated with almost all the 3rd party hardware, which may already be present within your premises. The TEKVisit has been programmed to send out mobile alerts to all the employees and visitors present within your premises in case of an emergency, causing a safe and secure evacuation.
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Visitor management system with facial recognition , Visitor management system with facial recognition Saudi Arabia   , visitor registration system  in abu dhabi , visitor registration in sharjah  , visitor management system with access control system , visitor management system price , contactless visitor management system UAE ,visitor management system  in saudi ,visitor management system alain 
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10 Tips To Improve Your Well being At Work
Women's bodies undergo a lot, from hormonal ups and downs to childbirth and menopause. Dietary supplements are usually not an alternative to a good food plan. Although many health experts advocate taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement that provides one hundred to 200 p.c of your recommended day by day value, each and every complement should be carefully evaluated for purity and security. Particular dietary supplements have been associated with toxicity, reactions with drugs, competitors with other vitamins, and even elevated danger of diseases equivalent to most cancers, heart illness, and diabetes.
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Soluble fiber present in apples, oats and nuts is a vital technique to decrease irritation and enhance immune system perform. Soluble fiber additionally helps cut back cholesterol levels in the body and aids in weight loss and safety towards diabetes. That is an particularly essential winter health tip for seniors who require a high-fiber weight loss plan to protect their digestive methods. Jennifer Garza, a life coach and creator of 365 Days to Happiness: Use Your Strengths, Thoughts, and Desires to Manifest a New Life, mentioned in an email that research indicates folks have about 40% management over their nicely-being and happiness (50% is genetics and 10% is life circumstances” or setting). These sandals can slip off and both get stuck beneath the brake and gasoline pedals or depress both pedals on the similar time, says former police officer and licensed visitors security and crash knowledgeable John Langan Driving is probably the most dangerous activity the common particular person will do in his lifetime,” he says. Why would anybody need to make it even more dangerous by carrying the mistaken shoes?” The subsequent time you must get behind the wheel carrying flip-flops, simply slip them off and set them on the seat subsequent to you. Driving barefoot is healthier than wearing flip-flops,” says William Van Tassel , PhD, manager of driver-coaching applications at AAA's national workplace. Here are more scary reasons it's best to stop carrying flip-flops , even if you're not behind the wheel. Healthsouq is among the premier healthcare supplies firm in Oman. They provide Buy Nutrition Products Online in Oman at affordable prices. Their product vary contains homecare, vitamin, hygiene, sports and health merchandise.
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befalcons · 2 years
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Falcon Emirates ID Card Reader and Application
Falcon Emirates ID Card Reader, Branded By 100% UAE Company to be the fastest Emirates ID Reader in the market, Compatible with all operating systems, No Installation Required, Just Plug and Play, Read United Arab Emirates National ID Cards including Dubai, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Al ain etc. ,  Compatible with Emirates Identity Authority SDK, Work with All government Websites that require Emirates ID Reader.
Can read ID of United Arab Emirates(Emirates ID), Kuwait(Civil ID card), Oman(Omani ID Card)
Get the advantage of Emirates National ID for security, banking, Health Care Systems and any other systems, Support all Programming languages: Net (C#, VB.Net,..), Java, PHP, Oracle, etc., Compatible with Both Windows and Web Applications.
Falcon Emirates ID Reader Application – Air Mode :-Enables you to push data to any application (Excel, Word, ERP, Web Applications or Desktop Applications) without writing any extra programming codes, With the Smart Falcon Settings Screen, you can select what data you want to push and how you want it to be pushed, For more clarifications, please watch These Videos:
Falcon Emirates ID Card Reader Application Version 2-2020
Using Falcon ID Card Reader To Capture All Information From Emirates ID
Falcon Visitor Management With Emirates ID Card Reader Arabic
Falcon Visitor Management With Emirates ID Card Reader English
Falcon Emirates ID Card Reader Air Mode Application with Microsoft Dynamics
Banking & Payment:-Reduces the need to visit a branch for certain services. E.g. the bank’s customer service representative can set up a new account at the customers’ home or office, or use it to simplify the signature enrollment.
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For more details call or WhatsApp: +971556212280
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iso9001insingapore · 3 years
What are the new requirements for risks and opportunities according to ISO 45001 in Oman?
ISO 45001 Certification in Oman is the world's overall park because of word related achievement and security, given by affirmation staff then visitors from business related incidents and pollution. ISO 45001 accreditation used to be advanced to two or three sections up to suppositions that can explain work power and affiliations unsalvageable mischievousness. ISO 45001:2018 in Oman, there are new prerequisites for surveying dangers and openings in the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&SMS). Anyway, how does this vary from the past necessities for surveying perils and dangers in OHSAS 18001, and are these prerequisites still in the norm? So, these prerequisites in ISO 45001 cover two distinct sorts of hazard for the individual cycles and for the generally speaking OH&SMS, and the two appraisals are required for a decent OH&SMS. 
What is needed for dangers and dangers in Mumbai? 
The prerequisites in the ISO 45001 Services in Oman standard were basically composed, despite the fact that the assignment was fairly enormous. In a nutshell, for the entirety of your exercises, cycles and work regions, you should recognize what risks exist for the word related wellbeing and security of all included (counting project workers and guests). When these perils were distinguished, you would then recognize what dangers exist for the perils and what controls you expected to set up to moderate the dangers present. 
The prerequisites to evaluate dangers of the cycles are still essential for getting ready for the OH&SMS. Controlling the danger from your cycles is a significant piece of guaranteeing the wellbeing and security of individuals inside your offices. As the foundation of the ISO 45001 Certification Services in Mumbai, this appraisal of the dangers and dangers presented by the association's exercises is as yet a basic piece of what is expected to work on word related wellbeing and security execution. 
What do you have to consider with new conditions for surveying the dangers and openings in Nigeria? 
Alongside the above necessities, there are new conditions for evaluating the dangers and chances of the general Occupational Health and Safety Management System. These new prerequisites come from the standard ISO design for all administration frameworks, called Annex SL. This configuration incorporates the evaluation of the setting of the association as for the motivation behind the administration framework, including the inner and outside issues that influence it. The subsequent stage in the standard is to recognize the entirety of the invested individuals for your administration framework, and what their necessities and assumptions are. 
At last, taking these issues, invested individuals and assumptions into account, the organization should evaluate what dangers and openings exist for the organization regarding the administration framework. For the ISO 45001 Implementation in Nigeria this implies the dangers and openings that could influence the organization's capacity to improve OH&S execution, satisfy consistency commitments and accomplish OH&S goals. Numerous organizations have an essential arranging capacity which tends to these prerequisites of the norm. On the off chance that you have more than one administration framework set up (like a quality administration framework or ecological administration framework), this equivalent cycle can be utilized for every one of them.
Hazard and Opportunity appraisal: A significant piece of OHSMS ?
Any organization that has carried out an Occupational Health and Safety Management System realizes that the evaluation of hazard, and the administration of the controls to address hazard, is basic for overseeing word related wellbeing and security. Evaluation of dangers and figuring out what should be done about them has consistently been a piece of the OH&SMS, and this has not changed. The only genuine change is to incorporate an extra concentration for the significant undertaking of hazard appraisal, and the evaluation of chances that can be sought after to profit your organization, which can assist you with OH&S improvement. 
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How to get ISO 45001 Consulting Services in Oman? 
Certvalue is a specialist guaranteeing and coordinating strong duty ISO 45001 Consultants in Oman to further develop power by presenting word related flourishing and security Management System. We give a 100% accomplishment insistence to ISO 45001 Registration in Oman. We are an Approved Service Provider with broad prevalence and relationship with all International OHSMS Certification Standards. We would be anxious to help your relationship in the ISO 45001 Certification cooperation to send your assessment after [email protected]. Here our Multi Talent Professionals are composed in the wake of explaining your solicitations then necessities.
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On the off chance that you don't direct suppliers, you'll address the cost. At the point when clinical travel turns out badly, it's the picture of the goal that follows through on the cost. We keep on getting tales about universal patients who've gone for treatment and have endured a not exactly superb patient experience. What's more, some of them have kicked the bucket. In Delhi, an Indian clinical visitor kicked the bucket after the corrective medical procedure at the RinoCenter center in Ciudad Ju��rez. Indra Medical Tourism Company is the best medical tourism company in entire Delhi, a second UK understanding kicked the bucket from entanglements following a Brazilian butt-lift treatment. An examination by specialists at Brigham and Women's Hospital featured the dangers of intricacies following medical procedures for patients venturing out to the Dominican Republic. A few nations are acting emphatically to guarantee that their picture as a clinical treatment goal isn't destroyed by "rebel facilities".  In South Korea, the Government has declared that a clinical establishment must acquire a declaration of enlistment before it can draw in outside patients, and there is a crackdown on illicit clinical the travel industry specialists. In UAE, the Emirates Plastic Surgery Society (EPSS) is looking for power to manage the restorative medical procedure segment and says that its opportunity to present more noteworthy guidelines of the exercises of corrective specialists and centers. Some source nations are reducing spend on treatment abroad. In an inversion of clinical travel patterns, nations that were at one time a wellspring of clinical vacationers are curtailing government-sponsored consumption on treatment abroad. Some are likewise now turning out to be clinical travel goals.  Indra medical tourism company providing the best cosmetic surgery in Delhi has expressed there were 1,582 abroad patients sent to another country by the wellbeing expert in 2017, down from 1,994 out of 2016. The presentation of obligatory medical coverage in Oman is required to decrease the number of patients sent to another country for treatment. Nigeria's Minister of Health has said that the Federal Government is prevailing in its mission to diminish outbound clinical travel, after cases that Nigerians spend around $1 billion on clinical excursions abroad. In Israel, limitations are being set on clinical travel movement in the nation's medical clinics. Israel's Health Ministry is denying section visas to clinical vacationers from nations where vaccinations are not given as is normally done, including Ukraine, Romania, Georgia, Greece, Serbia, and Albania. In Munich, the neighborhood government has clipped down on loft rentals that are utilized to suit clinical travelers. Furthermore, some are getting into the clinical travel business… or reexamining their technique. Hardly any goals have it right with regards to building up a clinical travel procedure. In any case, that doesn't stop new participants needing to join the "clinical the travel industry goldrush". What's more, a few goals that have effectively advanced themselves in the clinical travel division have needed to reexamine their methodology. Abu Dhabi needs to be "a genuine contender for clinical the travel industry". It has marked an MoU with an accomplice who may well guarantee them the earth and run one more meeting. If the experience of different goals is anything to pass by, Abu Dhabi will wind up putting in two or three hundred thousand dollars yet will likely be no smarter about the market. Indra Medical Tourism is the most recent clinical travel "wannabe" and best cosmetic surgery treatment in Delhi. The administration is building up an approach to advance clinical the travel industry in Indra Medical Tourism Delhi to serve the ECOWAS district (the Economic Community of West African States fuses Benin, Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Cote d' Ivoire, Gambia, Indra Medical Tourism Delhi, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Senegal, and Togo.) Jordan, when the clinical travel star of MENA, has missed out drastically to contending goals. The Jordanian government is framing a national council to draft another system for the clinical travel industry segment. Emergency clinics are spreading their wings, "Take the mastery to the patient" instead of "carry the patient to the aptitude" is driving emergency clinics to grow their worldwide business. NMC Healthcare has have marked an MoU to manufacture a system of clinical offices over the realm of Saudi Arabia.
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MBA in Finance Management Part Time Course Fee {2019-20}
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Courses Information: MBA from distance education, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Course Duration two-year post-advanced education in Finance Management. Monetary Management is a multidisciplinary field including cash hypothesis, the methods for the board, the apparatuses of number juggling and furthermore the pursue of programming. This course serves understudies looking for far reaching the executives data of subsidiaries rating, quality administration, showcase style and hazard the executives.
Monetary administration notices to the productive and powerful administration of cash in such a mean as to achieve the destinations of the association. It is the specific capacity straight connected with the top administration. The importance of this capacity isn't found in the 'Line' yet in addition in the size of 'Staff' in the by and large of an organization. MBA in Finance Management course is engaged with the corporate money, planning, universal fund, costing and working capital administration. These subjects make the understudies to work with any money related association.
MBA in Finance Management correspondence program outfits you with establishment data in money related thoughts. This data at that point turns into a springboard to particular fields any place you'll have the option to apply thoughts to everything from subordinates and secularization to recursive corporate greed and information preparing.
MBA in Finance Management correspondence Duration: Time length of this degree is two years.
MBA in Finance Management correspondence Eligibility: Master of Business Administration in Finance Management can be picked up by any individual who has passed their Bachelors Degree from a rumored college or school.
MBA in Finance Management correspondence Fees: We referenced here just surmised charges for Master of Business Administration in Finance Management. It could be changed by college Guideline.
Presentation Finance is one in everything about most requested specialization of graduate degree. A goliath network of understudies is drawing in with this specialization.It is one in everything about most established controls of the executives courses. In the remainder of the nineteenth century, it totally was the point of financial aspects. By the start of the twentieth century, it got the association of an individual subject for study.When we identified the term 'fund', we thought of the banking. In any case, no, basically just banking isn't the for fund
M.B.A. Money related Management Course Suitability
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They ought to have a phenomenal establishing in money related examination, inventive reasoning and ought to have great informative and relational ability.
The course is reasonable for the individuals who need a top to bottom comprehension of the numerical hypothesis hidden the monetary models being utilized and created at Wall Street ought to take part in this track.
MBA Finance can work in banking and non-banking segments. You can work anyplace in the business world. Each industry has a requirement for a money related master for keeping up the parity of capital. The understudies, who have done the MBA in fund, have a great deal of employment changes in government and the private area.
MBA in Finance Management Correspondence Documents: Students are additionally required to send or email the checked archive duplicates of their initial scholastics which incorporates –
Graduation Mark Sheet and degree
twelfth Mark Sheet and Certificate
tenth Mark Sheet and Certificate
Photograph Identity Proof
Top 10 Finance Company in India
Aditya Birla Finance Ltd
PNB Hosing Finance Ltd
Bajaj Capital Ltd
L and T Finance Holdings Ltd
LIC Housing Finance Ltd
DSP Merrill Lynch Ltd
Lodging Development Finance Corporation Ltd
Indiabulls Housing Finance Ltd
SBI Capital Markets Ltd
MBA in Finance Management correspondence Job Type
Hazard Manager
Money Officer
Protection Manager
Money Controller
Chief of Finance
Credit and Cash Manager
National and International Marketing
Publicizing, Market Research
Fare and Import (more)
Preparing and Development
MBA in Finance Management Employment Area
Instructive Institutions
Bank and Financing
Financial exchanges
Retail Sector
Fare and Import
3 Good purpose behind completing a MBA
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1. More significant compensation: The normal compensation aptitude for a correspondence courses is altogether over that of A specialist with an ordinary ace capability.
2. Better profession openings: This favorable position of a Master in Business Administration degree goes connected at the hip with the essential one and it's extremely the explanation behind the first. Alumni of a Master in Business Administration program have, on account of their capability, higher potential outcomes of getting and holding an abnormal state the executives position.
3. An all encompassing point of view on the business world: If you're the sort of individual that can deal with the test of holding an initiative position, of getting heaps of duty and of being in a steady learning and advancement cycle, at that point you're no doubt a decent contender for a Master of Business Administration.
MBA in Finance Management correspondence Opportunities For Networking
You'll be accepting educational cost from some extraordinary business minds. Some are a piece of your workforce and others extraordinarily welcome to share their abundance of skill and learning with you. Your coaches and visitor speakers are probably going to be key characters in their field and will carry with them a system of contacts for you to use. In the event that you utilize this opportunity all things considered, you'll increase some type of venture up inside your picked field.
Individual understudies will incredibly broaden your expert system; some of the understudies on your MBA course are fruitful sometime down the road, and the field of work that their prosperity lies in can fluctuate from individual to individual. Shaping proficient and individual bonds with these individuals could demonstrate important in your future.
MBA in Finance Management correspondence Curriculum
Most Masters of Science in Finance degree projects spend significant time in fund and furthermore the budgetary markets, underscoring value assessment, numerical money, and speculation the board. Projects granting graduate degrees in money likewise will in general underscore monetary hypothesis and quantitative routes in budgetary administration. Understudies in these projects by and large partake in connected investigation and demonstrating and figure out how to shape great cash decisions for firms, foundations, and individuals.
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playhub · 5 years
Captain Jack
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Casino Games: VISA/Maestro Card Accepted! The Most Recent JACKPOT Is $10,475.58! No Downloading Required!
Owner: Emoney Processing LTD Casinos
Established: 2010
Welcome Bonus: 100% Up To $11000
Currencies: US dollars
Support Telephone: US/CA call Toll Free: 1- 888-288-2939
Licenses: Costa Rica
Withdrawal Times
EWallets: 24 hours
Bank Transfers: 10-14 days
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Pending Time: 72 hours
Withdrawal Limit: 2500 USD per week
Captain Jack Casino Details
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Withdrawal Method: Bank Wire Transfer, Cheque, Neteller.
Deposit Methods: Neteller, Visa.
Restricted Countries: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Cocos [Keeling] Islands, Colombia, Comoros, Congo - Brazzaville, Congo - Kinshasa, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Curaçao, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Fiji, France, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Isle of Man, Israel, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macau, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar [Burma], Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Palestinian Territories, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Pitcairn Islands, Poland, Qatar, Réunion, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Barthéley, Saint Helena, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tokelau, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wallis and Futuna, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Languages: English
Software: Real Time Gaming
Licenses: Costa Rica
Casino Type: Download, Instant Play, Mobile.
Manual Flushing: No
Live Chat: Live Chat/Support - 24/7
Captain Jack Casino invites you to join the team of an invincible pirate frigate and go on a trip to boundless golden shores! This site has a whole and interesting design dedicated, as the name implies, to pirate topics, as well as a balanced set of slot machines and other types of gambling. All this is counterbalanced by the excellent security system of Captain Jack Casino and the use of advanced technologies in the field of personal data protection for visitors.
In this review, we`ll cover all these points in detail in order to understand whether it`s worth playing in Captain Jack Casino for real money. We also won`t forget about bonuses because free spins and deposits are the basis for attracting customers to any casino. So, raise the mooring lines! We set off on a journey.
Software Captain Jack Casino
The reliable and proven software is one of the main ways to earn the loyalty of online casinos customers. Having received no declared speed and popular slots, users at the best will simply leave the site, at worst – leave angry reviews that will negatively affect the reputation of the service. Captain Jack Casino actively cooperates with leading manufacturers of slot machines, such as Real Time Gaming. New 2019 gaming machines from these manufacturers appear almost constantly.
Thus, players can always enjoy the latest developments in the gambling industry. Captain Jack Casino also has a license for Technical System Testing (TST), which is a monitoring organization that checks the casino software for fraudulent transactions and cheating. The TST certificate confirms that Captain Jack Casino uses a completely transparent scheme of the game, where everything depends on a random number generator, but not on the influence of the casino personnel on the honesty of the slots.
Captain Jack Casino now offers the players with 160 slot machines, among which you can find both classic models with three reels, and modern video slots with interesting game mechanics and many secret levels. Also separately in Captain Jack Casino there is sorting through New and Popular games. Top popular slots are updated every week, and the “New Games” tab allows the players to immediately play new items without searching them in the entire list of slot machines. Captain Jack Casino also offers its visitors a huge segment of free slots so that the players can get to know both the interface of the site and the real payments on slots.
Other Types of the Games
In addition to the standard slot machines, Captain Jack Casino offers the players to try their luck in other types of gambling. The following types of card and table games are available on the site:
Card games: poker (like classic variants such as Texas Hold’em Poker, Tri-Card Poker and Red Dog, and a more liberal interpretation in the form of Let’em Ride and Pai Gow), several variants of blackjack and baccarat;
16 kinds of video poker;
Several tables of classic American roulette, differing in player level and the size of bets;
The so-called Specialty Games are represented in the Captain Jack Casino in the form of French and European roulette, as well as craps, Chinese checkers, several types of instant lotteries, bingo and keno. Thus, lovers of excitement will definitely find something to their liking.
All the games are available both in a browser version of Captain Jack Casino and in a downloadable client for PCs or tablets. The stationary version, among other things, will allow you to play in the absence of an Internet connection and train your skills, and also has a faster download speed of your favourite games and a convenient personal cabinet. In the personal office of Captain Jack Casino, you can sort the games by type, level of skills and complexity, bet sizes, number of players in the game and many parameters, which will allow you to choose the configuration and the table according to your taste and preferences.
Captain Jack Casino Bonus Policy
Bonuses and promotions in Captain Jack Casino are presented in the form of a standard package for registration of a new participant and a VIP program. Let`s consider in more detail how it`s implemented.
In Captain Jack Casino there are several types of no deposit bonuses:
Captain Jack Casino $ 10,000 Welcome Deal: applies to the first 10 account replenishments for at least $ 30. In the casino cashier after each deposit, you have the right to receive a code that adds a bonus of 100% of the replenishment amount to you.
180% No Rules Slots Bonus: a great offer for fans of slots, keno, bingo and instant lotteries. By the code JACKS180, you can get a bonus in the form of 180% of the replenishment amount (minimum deposit $ 30). This bonus doesn`t require wagering and doesn`t have a withdrawal limit.
250% All Games Bonus: the bonus is similar to the previous offer, but applies to absolutely all the games of Captain Jack Casino. By the code JACKS250, you can get a bonus in the form of 250% of the replenishment amount (minimum deposit $ 30). This bonus has a wager x30.
VIP status is the way of Captain Jack Casino to thank the most zealous and loyal customers who have been playing for more than a year. Such a program gives the players some privileges: a larger bonus multiplier, the ability to withdraw wins without waiting, access to closed game rooms and slot machines.
Captain Jack Casino offers a five-step program to enhance your status:
Stowaway (1st level): the opportunity to get 10% insurance with one withdrawal and weekly cashback based on the number of previous deposits, as well as higher limits for table games and access to closed VIP games. Comp points are credited for every $ 10 in the account.
Swabie (2nd level): together with insurance, you can withdraw funds twice, and also get a personal manager who works with your account. Comp points are credited for every $ 7.5 on the account.
Swashbuckler (3rd level): funds insurance becomes more extensive: 15% with three mandatory payments. Also, you can display the won money out of the queue. Comp points are credited for every $ 5 in the account.
Buccaneer (4th level): 17% insurance with 4 mandatory payments, access to personal VIP games and thematic events. The limit for participation in board games grows 20 times. Comp points are credited for every $ 5 in the account.
Captain (5th level): access to the most luxurious gaming zones and themed events, 20% insurance of funds. Comp points are credited for every $ 2 in the account.
As a rule, you can obtain VIP status in Captain Jack Casino in several ways:
Collect special points that fall out when replenishing the account for a certain amount, winning in slots or board games, wagering bonus and other activities. When a certain number of points is reached, the status increase occurs automatically.
One-time account replenishment for a certain amount (or replenishment for a certain amount in a short period of time) also increases your player status.
Deposit and Withdrawal of Funds
Replenishment of the account in Captain Jack Casino is carried out in several ways, and each gambler will be able to pick up something in the spirit. The casino officially cooperates with the following payment systems:
Neteller: the most popular way of replenishing the account. However, it has some limitations: for example, payments come to your game balance with a delay of up to 24 hours. Of the merits – small and multiple transactions are combined into one large, which reduces the cost of commission. In order for you to be able to replenish your account with credit or debit cards, at the first transaction, the casino will ask you to fill out a special agreement, in which you`ll need to specify your personal data and confirm that you are the owner of the card.
Neteller: a great way to replenish your account without delay. To do this, you`ll need to create an account on the Neteller website and link it to your account in Captain Jack Casino. Please note that this payment option isn`t available to residents of the United States, France, Canada, Spain, Germany, and Singapore.
When you first withdraw funds, Captain Jack Casino support can request your personal information as proof that you are an adult and the owner of the card. To do this, send a scanner of your passport or driver’s license to the Captain Jack Casino support team. This information will need to be confirmed each time you use a new card or a new way of withdrawing money. The verification can also be planned – once every 6 months.
Other Important Captain Jack Features
To encrypt user transactions in Captain Jack Casino, a 256-bit SSL certificate is used. The same encryption systems are used in the most famous world banks and financial exchanges. In addition, the Captain Jack Casino site works exclusively with trusted payment systems that have a transparent transaction system. RNG Certificate indicates that the software and the Captain Jack Casino gaming machines are checked for honesty and exclude their cheating in favour of the casino and thus, deceptive appropriation of the user money. RNG is the most well-known in the world community software with random number generators, which is used in virtual casinos.
Captain Jack Casino also has licenses from leading expert organizations that check gambling establishments around the world. In particular, you can see the certificate from Costa Rica.
In addition, Captain Jack Casino is an organization that helps people who suffer from addiction and teaches the players to treat gambling responsibly. You can use the function to freeze the account, completely deactivate it or contact the support team if you feel that you or your loved ones need help. If you still have questions or problems, you can always contact the Captain Jack Casino support team. It works in the form of a chat 24/7. In addition, you can contact the staff by calling the hotline or by writing to the mail, which you can find in the “Contacts” section.
Captain Jack Casino Description Summary
In general, Captain Jack Casino online can safely be called reliable. The use of the advanced data encryption technologies, as well as a diverse choice of not only classic gaming machines but also more specialized games, and an opportunity to play with live dealers attract a lot of customers. The bonus policy of Captain Jack Casino isn`t very rich, but it`s compiled with an excellent welcome bonus and an opportunity to easily get VIP status. Separate attention deserves the fact that Captain Jack Casino responsibly refers to the problem of gambling addiction and cooperates with partner organizations that provide assistance related to this subject.
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Tektronix Technologies has successfully integrated face recognition panels to speed gate turnstiles which can be used in spaces like banks or corporate offices where safety, security and aesthetics are important so as to impress the visitors. FR that can monitor body temperature while entering the premises is also equipped to raise an alarm if unauthorized person tries to enter without permission. This makes our Smart Turnstiles customizable, one of the latest technology in access control system which are easy to use an install and a great way to secure your premises.
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todaybharatnews · 4 years
via Today Bharat nbsp; Emigration loopholes mean people donrsquo;t get covered under Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana (PBBY) a mandatory insurance cover for all migrating workers. Thirty-eight-year-old Kokeni Posanna of Jaina Village of Jagtial District in Telangana, went to the United Arab Emirates in 2018 to work as a cleaner. He was an agricultural labourer in debt, and a job in Dubai appeared as a way out of the debt and poverty back home. For the next one year and ten months, Posanna cleaned swimming pools and worked at landscaping gardens. His earnings were inconsistent; mostly, the salary never came on time, and on some months, it never came. The highest he could manage to send home to his wife and two children was a sum of Rs 16,000 during a month of his stay. Posanna was brought back to India this year in January with his right side paralysed. The long hours working under the desert sun took its toll on him. ldquo;He got a fever once, and had to resume duty before he could recover. He had no insurance nor access to a hospital, and his health got worse,rdquo; says Ganaga Jala, his wife. The migrant worker had gone to the UAE on a tourist visa and was working with a Dubai based firm illegally. He had no access to healthcare in the UAE nor was he protected under Indiarsquo;s mandatory insurance scheme for migrant workers, Pravasi Bharatiya Bima Yojana (PBBY). Officials with the Ministry of External Affairs say unlisted companies hire such workers on tourist visas through recruiting agents, to save money. There are thousands like Posanna across the country who have been unable to avail PBBY as they are recruited by agents who send them abroad on tourist visas, and not legal employment visas. The workers thus work illegally and are not insured. The agents also donrsquo;t switch them from tourist visas to a proper work visa, and the Government of India (GoI) either remains in the dark, or ignores the issue wilfully. The PoErsquo;s roleMigrants like Posanna who do not have a formal education require an emigration clearance to move abroad for work. The emigration clearance is given by the Protector of Emigrants (PoE) office that handles the emigrant system. They are also tasked with issuing the licences for recruiting agents. In the year 2019, among the five southern states, recruiting agents from Tamil Nadu sent 27,230 persons through the emigrant system. Kerala stands second with 18,577 persons, while agents in Andhra Pradesh sent 14,971 persons, Telangana sent 13,186 persons and Karnataka 5,198 persons. Those who go abroad on a tourist visa for work are not counted, said an official with the PoE office in Hyderabad. As of February 4, 2020, the GoI has given licences to 1,451 recruiting agents across the country. However, 25% of these firms have not shown any record of their monthly returns to the Ministry of External Affairs in the last one year. Under the Immigration Act, they are supposed to submit periodical reports. Many Indians going to the Gulf donrsquo;t get recorded in Indiarsquo;s emigrant system. Agents send them on tourist visas and promise that they would be given an employment visa within a few months of their visit. Many like Kokeni Posanna never end up getting employment visas, and continue to work on extended tourist visas. Many others whose employers do manage to get them an employment visa prefer to not fly to India and back for stamping the visa. Many migrant workers on tourist visa go up the UAE-Oman border town of Hatta, make an exit to Oman and re-enter UAE with a fresh employment visa. Others go to the island of Kiev and re-stamp visas on their passports. ldquo;The stamping on passport is done by the UAE, that data is not shared with the Indian government. There are thousands who are missing out on the insurance safety net like this,rdquo; adds Bheem. In 2019, the Indian government came up with the Draft Emigration Bill meant to provide a regulatory system to govern overseas employment of Indian nationals. The Bill hoped to make it mandatory for both ECR (Emigration Check Required) and ECNR (Emigration Certificate Not Required) category of Indians travelling abroad to register with the emigrant system. At present, ECR is required for those who do not have a Class 10 certificate; those who have studied beyond Class 10 that do not require an emigration clearance and are thus classified under ECNR category. "But there was resistance from those in the ECR category,rdquo; says Rejimon Kuttappan, a journalist who writes on migrant rights. There are some 18 countries where ECR is presently required, including six Gulf countries where a majority of the job seekers flock to. "But in a state like Kerala, almost everyone will have a Class 10 certificate and thus will be categorised under ECNR and so it's not mandatory for them to go through the emigration system. The Bill trying to make it mandatory came up in the last Parliament session, but lapsed," he explains. If people under both ECR and ECNR categories are made to register with the emigration system, it gives clarity to the GoI on how many Indians are actually going abroad for work. Rejimon says that companies based in the Gulf hire people through visitor visas as they can pay these workers less, violate labour norms by not paying for life or medical insurance, gratuity or even provide a human resource department to register grievances. ldquo;These days, even engineers are going on driver visas and continue to work at sites. If they meet with an accident, the police ask why a person on a driver visa is working as an engineer. The engineer then gets into trouble and the Indian embassy can't do much. Even skilled workers are taking up short projects in the Gulf, but this is being done at great personal risk," says Rejimon. The trend continues as it's easier to get a visit visa than an employment visa. ldquo;To get a proper employment visa, the Gulf based company has to stand in queue at their Immigration ministry and make a deposit with the government for each employee being hired, they don't want to do that," he adds. ldquo;There is an understanding between two countries when someone seeks employment,rdquo; says an official with the External Affairs Ministry. ldquo;There are preconditions that companies listed with the Government of India have to meet, such as people will be paid salaries above a fixed rate, there are rules about working hours and medical insurance, to name a few. These are not restrictions, but they are rules put in place to ensure the safety of the migrant. However, this increases the cost for the companies, and therefore many prefer to go through recruiting agents and hire workers on a tourist visa and donrsquo;t provide them with anything,rdquo; the officer says, adding that itrsquo;s not mandatory for companies to hire Indians only through the emigrant system. Agents flouting rules Information sourced through Right to Information from the Ministry of External Affairs reveals that the number of firms not showing returns have also gone up annually. Out of 1,451 registered recruiting agents, as many as 416 firms have not shown records in 2019. ldquo;These firms are doing business but not on record, itrsquo;s off the record. How else are they still paying office rent, bills and staff salary and renewing licenses worth lakhs?rdquo; asks Bheem Reddy, President of Emigration Welfare Forum. Recruiting agents have to pay Rs 25,000 for a registration certificate valid for five years to the PoE and provide a bank deposit guarantee of Rs 50 lakh. MoE officials are aware that registered recruiting agents subvert the emigrant system, but only go after unregistered recruiting agents, say activists. According to the emigrant website, the PoE in Telangana has recorded only 15 unregistered agents operating in the state with Tamil Nadu recording 22, Andhra Pradesh 14, Kerala 24, and Karnataka 13 unregistered recruiting agents. But what about registered recruiting agents like the one who got Posanna recruited on a tourist visa to Dubai? The agent is known to the family and was someone the family trusted. The agent who has since passed away, used to report to another agent who had ties to other similar agencies functioning out of Hyderabad, says Ganaga. Bheem alleges that these registered recruiting agents are working as sub-agents for big agents in Mumbai, Hyderabad and their business is recorded in the licences of big players. ldquo;The small agents sitting in a rural area cannot deal with foreign employers, but they keep a licence so as to not attract trouble from the police. All the recruiting is done purely based on commissions,rdquo; alleges Bheem. He points to the Immigration Act under which no agent can appoint sub-agents. ldquo;No middlemen are allowed, even if they are licence holders,rdquo; he adds. A porous yogajaHad Posanna gone through the emigration system, he could have availed the PBBY scheme, a mandatory insurance scheme for those who have an emigration check for overseas employment. The scheme was launched in 2003 and last amended in 2017, it provides an insurance cover of Rs 10 lakh in case of accidental death or permanent disability with very low premiums. The scheme also has global medical insurance coverage of up to Rs 1 lakh (up to Rs 50,000 per hospitalisation) irrespective of employer and location. The scheme also has a repatriation cover for medically unfit or premature termination, with a one-way economy class air ticket or reimbursement. Even legal expenses on litigation apart from other benefits are part of the scheme. Medical insurance under PBBY is provided only to those who find employment through the emigrant system. Between April 2014 to December 2018 medical insurance companies under the PBBY have settled just 812 claims in tune of Rs 63.3 crore whereas the insurance firms have collected Rs 80 crore as premium. Indian migrant workers like Posanna when opting for a tourist visa become ineligible for medical benefits under the scheme. The recruiting agents do not inform them of the benefits either. The PoE office in Hyderabad says they provide advice only to those who approach their office. Posanna was made aware of PBBY only after he returned back to India spending for his own flight ticket which would otherwise have been free under PBBY. He managed to meet initial expenses while at UAE with help from fellow migrant workers. However, upon coming back, his hospital bills touched Rs 1 lakh in just four days. The PBBY scheme would have covered that as well. The family, however, managed, thanks to the Telangana governmentrsquo;s Arogya Shree health insurance scheme for below poverty line families. The family today is in a worse state than before Posanna left for Dubai for work and now struggles to make ends meet.
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jobdxb · 5 years
Recruitment in Al Futtaim Group Graphic Designer | IKEA | YAS Island (Abu Dhabi, AE)
About Al-Futtaim Private Company LLC
  No two days are the same at Al-Futtaim, no matter what role you have. Our work is driven by the desire to make a difference and to have a meaningful impact with the goal of enriching everyday lives. Take our engaging and supportive work environment and couple it with a company culture that recognises and rewards quality performance, and what do you get? The chance to push the limits every single day.
  As a humble family business that started on the banks of the Dubai Creek in the 1930s, Al-Futtaim has expanded to a presence in 31 countries, a portfolio of over 200 companies, and 42,000 employees. You’ll find us in industries ranging from automotive and retail, to finance and real estate, and connecting people with international names like Lexus, Ikea, Robinsons, and Adidas. Our team is proudly multicultural and multinational because that kind of diverse representation gives us the global mindset to grow and impact the people, markets, and trends around us.
  About Al-Futtaim IKEA
  We are a values-driven company with a passion for life at home. Our vision is to create a better everyday life for the many people.
  Al-Futtaim IKEA holds the franchise rights for IKEA in Egypt, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.
  About you
You have the ability to generate new ideas and concepts. You have a passion for home furnishing, retailing, design and how people live at home. You are able to draw, visualise and present ideas. You have the ability to work in a fast retail environment. You are enthusiastic about assignments and working with others in a team.
  What’s more, we believe that you have the following knowledge, capabilities and motivation:
Live and share the IKEA values every day
Degree / Diploma in Graphic Design, Fine Arts, Interior Design or Architecture
3 - 5 years' experience as a Graphic Designer, ideally in retail industry
5 years’ relevant experience within the Communication & Interior Design department in one or more IKEA stores
Must have skills in using sign making equipment and preferably experience in working with MAC graphic software such as Illustrator and InDesign
  About the role
You are responsible for securing that the graphic standards that are implemented in the IKEA store are in line with the IKEA manuals.
  Key Specific Accountabilities
Install IKEA Trade Name & Word mark are probably projected and strictly observed as set out in the IKEA Trade Mark Manual and Company Policy document.
Plan and execute a high level of Graphic solutions by communicating IKEA product features and solutions in all in-store areas.
Daily and weekly checks made on implementation and application of graphic displays to ensure consist standards and translations are correct (in line with IKEA visual identity. IKEA Trademark and IKEA pricing as described in the IKEA Manual).
Work with Sales and in store logistics by following the work brief process in planning and implementing graphic solutions to support the stores set sales targets and activity calendar.
Implement graphic communication (notice board, usage of IKEA furnishing in Offices, signage & Posters) to all sales support areas and non-customers areas in order to maintain the store in accordance to IKEA standards, so that the perception of visitors to those areas is as strong as in the store
Plan and execute any changes to graphic solutions as directed from first GD within the store so that they are in keeping with the store’s current commercial calendar and activities.
Develop a deep understanding and knowledge of Graphic Com-In related to IKEA manuals, proven ideas and guidelines (continual usages of toolbox for updates from IKEA Sweden) as set out by IKEA System B.V. in order to improve own skill base and competence (use yearly improvement plan set by Com-In Manager)
Obtain a knowledge of our competitor’s activities, the local market and our customers (communication, marketing adverts and trends in graphic materials) in order to develop awareness of Ikea Customers with the store.
A few more things for you
  Interest? Then please join us for a rewarding career journey!
  We are here to provide excellent service but a little help from you can ensure a five-star candidate experience from start to finish.
  Before you click, “apply”: Please read the job description carefully to ensure you can confidently demonstrate why this opportunity is right for you and take the time to put together a well-crafted and personalised CV to further boost your visibility. Our global Talent Acquisition team members are all assigned to specific businesses to ensure that we make the best matches between talent and opportunities. We not only consider the requisite compatibility of skills and behaviours, but also how candidates align with our Values of Respect, Integrity, Collaboration, and Excellence.
  As part of our candidate experience promise, we also want to make ourselves available to you throughout the application process. We make every effort to review and respond to every application.
  Apply now
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businessliveme · 5 years
Innovative solutions
Global City Net Technology LLC, an Omani company providing a range of IT services and solutions is planning to take its range of innovative IT solutions outside Oman.
“Our portfolio of solutions and services consists of software product development, system integration, application development, consulting and software distribution and provide outsource services. IGTIMAATI (My meetings), which is one of the flagship solutions of the company, is a pioneering application that helps business owners to manage their meetings,” says Maryam Hamed AL-Rasbi, Projects Manager, Global City Net Technology. IGTIMAATI is a digitised board meeting solution and helps user to discard all the paper work. The IGTIMAATI app can assign task to a specific user and each task has its own due date for completion. With cutting-edge technology like AI and speech recognition, you can optimise every step of your meeting and focus on what matters – like being present and efficient, she avers.
“You need not carry loads of written papers for board meetings. Efficiency is assured as decisions and tasks can be undertaken without attending the meetings. You can log in from anywhere from a system connected to the server. The solution enables the business owner to manage documents related to the meetings, sharing document comment with team and adding final comments.” “We are keen to provide customers with innovative packaging solutions to meet their business needs,” she adds.
“Two other pioneering solutions that are unique are Visitor Point and Digital Signature. Visitor Point is a visitor management solution that allows management of visitors in a simple way. Visitor Point is ideal for ministries and offices to track the number of visitors. Visitors can enter the details and select whom they want to meet. Ideally suited for ministries and large organisations to ensure better visitor management, the solution enables companies or organisations to verify data of all the visitors at any point of time.
Digital Signature is another application that gives the benefit of electronic signing, while helping businesses meet compliance requirements in highly regulated industries and markets. The signature can be inserted in a PDF file and is hack secure. In Oman, we are the only company that has developed Digital Signature solution. It’s a high secure application for management and there will be no delay in getting approval for any request, she added.
At Comex 2019, GCNT will launch an ERP solution for businesses that will enable business owners to manage their entire business in an efficient manner starting from booking flight tickets for staff, work income, expenses, invoicing and so on. This solution is hack-secure, she adds. GCNT provides the most reliable and scalable solutions to run businesses now and in the future. Coupled with a strong hardware division, GCNT is capable of providing an end to end solution for any kind of IT needs, she avers.
Established in 2011, GCNT is an IT company, which is developing applications, website management, and undertaking outsourcing for companies. “Our team of 50 staff has developed indigenous IT solutions that is sure to change the IT landscape of Oman,” she says. IGTIMAATI and Visitor Point are in-house developed solutions, which we intend to take it outside Oman.
Talking about the company’s vision, Maryam says the company’s vision is to provide customers with innovative packaging solutions to meet their business needs. “We are keen to change the concept of E-Business for business owners and create a software within budgetary expectations and provide the most reliable and scalable solutions.”
Among other solutions offered by GCNT is Khadamati, a local service application solution that will locate any services that one is looking for home or organisation and FinCluez, a complete banking business intelligence and analytics suite, pre-integrated for core banking, featuring best in class self-service, faster scalable analysis, robust governance model and future proof architecture. GCNT has so far completed over 85 projects for over 100 clients spread across the Sultanate.
The post Innovative solutions appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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A visitor management system is a software used by companies to streamline the visitor process using document scanning, appointments, etc. Visitor management systems help in collecting accurate information and easily obtain information about every visitor. This is mostly used by large organizations, schools, hospitals, etc.
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