#visitor management solution middle east
Streamlining Hospital Operations: Why Visitor Management Software is Essential in Dubai
Visitor management software plays a vital role in ensuring the security and efficiency of hospitals in Dubai. The combination of enhanced security measures, streamlined check-in processes, improved patient privacy, and data analytics empowers hospitals to provide a safe and seamless visitor experience. By investing in the best visitor management software available, hospitals in Dubai can maintain their reputation as world-class healthcare institutions, while also prioritizing patient welfare and privacy.
Visitor management solution middle east help hospitals enforce strict access controls to sensitive areas such as patient wards or operating theaters. By limiting access to authorized personnel only, the software ensures patient confidentiality, which is crucial for maintaining trust and providing quality care.
The best visitor management software in Dubai integrates seamlessly with hospital appointment systems, allowing for efficient management of visitor access during scheduled visits. This integration reduces the chances of overcrowding and facilitates adherence to visitation policies. The software generates comprehensive profiles of visitors, including their purpose of visit, duration, and frequency. This data helps hospitals understand visitor demographics and tailor their services accordingly.
Visitor management software provides hospitals with valuable analytics regarding visitor footfall, peak visiting hours, and patterns, allowing them to optimize staff allocation and resource utilization.
Read More: From Manual to Digital: Transitioning to Visitor Management Systems in Dubai Schools and College
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tourismguideqatar · 11 days
The Future of Transportation in Qatar
Qatar, a small yet rapidly developing nation in the Middle East, has been making significant strides in transforming its transportation infrastructure. With a keen eye on sustainability, efficiency, and innovation, Qatar is poised to become a model for modern transportation systems. This article explores the various initiatives and developments shaping the future of transportation in Qatar.
Major Developments and Projects
1. Doha Metro Expansion
The Doha Metro, a state-of-the-art rapid transit system, has been a cornerstone of Qatar's transportation strategy. With its three operational lines—Red, Green, and Gold—covering 76 kilometers and connecting critical areas of Doha, the metro has significantly eased congestion and provided a reliable alternative to car travel. Plans include expanding the network to cover more areas, integrating additional lines, and enhancing connectivity with other modes of transport.
2. Lusail Light Rail Transit (LRT)
The Lusail LRT system is another ambitious project aimed at serving the newly developed city of Lusail, north of Doha. This network will feature 19 stations and cover a distance of 38 kilometers, offering seamless connectivity within the city and to the wider Doha Metro network. The LRT is designed to support the city's growing population and the influx of visitors expected during significant events.
3. Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
Qatar is investing heavily in electric and autonomous vehicle technology to reduce carbon emissions and enhance road safety. The government is working on establishing the necessary infrastructure for electric vehicles (EVs), such as charging stations and maintenance facilities. Additionally, pilot projects for autonomous vehicles are underway, with plans to introduce driverless shuttles and buses in controlled environments, like university campuses and tech parks.
4. Smart intelligent Systems
Embracing transportation technology is a critical component of Qatar's future transportation system. The implementation of intelligent traffic management systems, real-time traffic monitoring, and innovative parking solutions aims to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. These technologies will be integrated with public transport systems to provide commuters with real-time information and seamless travel experiences.
Sustainability and Environmental Impact
Qatar is committed to reducing its environmental footprint through sustainable transportation solutions. The introduction of electric buses and the promotion of cycling and pedestrian-friendly infrastructure are part of this commitment. The country is also exploring the potential of hydrogen fuel cell technology for public transport, which promises zero emissions and high efficiency.
Challenges and Solutions
While Qatar's transportation future looks promising, there are challenges to overcome. These include ensuring the integration of new technologies with existing infrastructure, managing the high costs of development, and promoting public adoption of new transport modes. To address these issues, Qatar is fostering international partnerships, investing in research and development, and launching public awareness campaigns.
Qatar's transportation sector is on the brink of a transformative era driven by cutting-edge technology, sustainable practices, and visionary planning. The ongoing and future projects underscore Qatar's commitment to creating a modern, efficient, and environmentally friendly transportation network. As these initiatives come to fruition, Qatar is set to become a leader in the region, showcasing a model of urban mobility that balances growth with sustainability. The future of transportation in Qatar is not just about moving people and goods; it's about shaping a more connected, sustainable, and prosperous society.
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digitrizuae · 28 days
Advantages of using IT Infrastructure Solutions in Dubai
Dubai has become a global hub for business and technology. With its rapidly growing economy and visionary leadership, Dubai has positioned itself as a prime destination for companies seeking to establish a strong presence in the Middle East. One of the key factors contributing to Dubai's success is its adoption of advanced technology, particularly in the realm of IT infrastructure solutions.
IT infrastructure solutions play a crucial role in the success of businesses, both large and small. They encompass a wide range of tools and technologies that help organizations streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and achieve their business objectives. In Dubai, the advantages of utilizing IT infrastructure solutions are particularly pronounced, thanks to the city's unique business environment and cutting-edge technological infrastructure.
IT infrastructure solutions in Dubai provide businesses with the necessary tools to optimize their operations and improve efficiency. Whether it is through the implementation of cloud computing to streamline data storage and management or the utilization of advanced networking solutions to enhance communication and collaboration, organizations in Dubai can leverage IT infrastructure solutions to gain a competitive edge. These solutions enable businesses to automate manual processes, reduce operational costs, and increase their overall productivity.
Additionally, IT infrastructure solutions enable businesses to stay ahead of the curve in terms of innovation and digital transformation. The fast-paced nature of the global business landscape necessitates continuous adaptation and the adoption of new technologies. Dubai, with its focus on innovation and technology, provides a fertile ground for businesses to experiment with new solutions and stay at the forefront of the digital revolution. By embracing IT infrastructure solutions, companies in Dubai can accelerate their digital transformation journeys and ensure long-term sustainability.
Another advantage of utilizing IT infrastructure solutions in Dubai is the availability of local expertise and support. The city boasts a large pool of skilled IT professionals who are well-versed in the latest technologies and best practices. Combined with the presence of numerous IT service providers and consultants, businesses in Dubai have easy access to the expertise and support necessary to effectively implement and manage their IT infrastructure solutions. This local knowledge ecosystem further enhances the benefits that organizations can derive from technology adoption in Dubai.
Here are several benefits:
Enhanced Efficiency IT infrastructure solutions streamline processes and workflows, leading to increased efficiency in various sectors such as government services, healthcare, finance, and transportation. Automation of tasks, digitization of records, and real-time data access contribute to faster decision-making and smoother operations.
Improved Connectivity Dubai's IT infrastructure facilitates seamless connectivity both locally and globally. High-speed internet connections and robust networking infrastructure enable businesses to communicate with clients and partners worldwide, fostering international trade and collaboration.
Business Growth and Innovation Access to advanced IT infrastructure encourages entrepreneurship and innovation. Startups and established businesses alike can leverage technology to develop new products, services, and business models, driving economic growth and diversification in Dubai's economy.
Smart City Initiatives Dubai is renowned for its smart city initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality of life for residents and visitors. IT infrastructure solutions support these initiatives by enabling the deployment of smart systems for traffic management, public safety, energy efficiency, waste management, and more.
Enhanced Customer Experience Businesses in Dubai can leverage IT infrastructure to provide superior customer experiences. From e-commerce platforms to mobile apps and online customer support, technology enables companies to meet customer needs efficiently and adapt to changing market demands.
Data Security and Compliance Robust IT infrastructure solutions help ensure data security and compliance with regulations such as the UAE's Data Protection Law. Implementing encryption, access controls, and regular security audits safeguard sensitive information and build trust among customers and partners.
Remote Work and Flexibility Flexible IT infrastructure solutions support remote work arrangements, allowing employees to work from anywhere. This flexibility enhances work-life balance, reduces commuting time, and attracts top talent to Dubai's workforce.
Sustainable Development IT infrastructure solutions can contribute to sustainable development by optimizing resource usage, reducing energy consumption, and minimizing environmental impact. Cloud computing, for example, enables organizations to consolidate servers and reduce their carbon footprint.
Resilience and Business Continuity Dubai's IT infrastructure solutions prioritize resilience and business continuity. Redundant systems, data backups, and disaster recovery plans ensure that businesses can withstand disruptions such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, or infrastructure failures.
Global Competitiveness By embracing cutting-edge IT infrastructure solutions, Dubai enhances its global competitiveness as a business hub and tourist destination. The city's commitment to technological innovation attracts investment, talent, and visitors from around the world, positioning it as a leader in the digital economy.
The advantages of utilizing IT infrastructure services in Dubai are manifold. From improving operational efficiency to driving innovation and providing a robust technological infrastructure, Dubai offers businesses a unique environment to leverage the power of technology for their growth and success. As companies across the globe continue to recognize the strategic importance of IT infrastructure solutions, Dubai stands out as an ideal destination that embraces and harnesses the transformative potential of technology.
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Elevating Customer Experience: Call Center Services for Dubai Businesses
In the bustling metropolis of Dubai, where business opportunities thrive amidst the skyscrapers and cultural diversity, customer service stands as a cornerstone for success. As the commercial hub of the Middle East, Dubai's businesses recognize the paramount importance of providing exceptional customer support. In this digital age, where communication channels evolve rapidly, call center services emerge as a vital asset for businesses aiming to elevate their customer experience.
The Need for Superior Customer Service
Dubai's dynamic business landscape demands a customer-centric approach. Whether it's a multinational corporation or a local startup, the way businesses interact with their customers profoundly impacts brand loyalty and reputation. In a city known for its luxury and efficiency, customers expect nothing short of excellence in service.
Call center services offer a strategic solution to meet these expectations. By providing a centralized hub for customer inquiries, feedback, and issue resolution, businesses can streamline their communication processes and ensure prompt, personalized assistance for their clientele.
Tailored Solutions for Diverse Industries
From hospitality and tourism to finance and retail, Dubai's economy spans across various sectors, each with its unique customer service requirements. Call center services are versatile, capable of catering to the distinct needs of different industries.
For instance, in the hospitality sector, where guests' satisfaction is paramount, call centers can handle reservations, inquiries, and concierge services round-the-clock. Similarly, in the finance industry, call centers equipped with trained professionals can assist clients with banking transactions, account inquiries, and financial advice.
24/7 Support in a Global Hub
Dubai's strategic geographic location makes it a global business hub, attracting companies from around the world. Consequently, businesses operating in Dubai often serve customers across different time zones. Herein lies the significance of 24/7 call center support.
By outsourcing call center services, businesses can ensure continuous availability, irrespective of the time of day or night. This seamless accessibility enhances customer satisfaction and reinforces the perception of reliability and commitment to service excellence.
Multilingual Support for Cultural Diversity
Dubai's cosmopolitan environment is characterized by its rich cultural diversity, with residents and visitors hailing from various countries and speaking multiple languages. In such a melting pot of cultures, providing multilingual customer support is not just a luxury but a necessity.
Call center services in Dubai often boast multilingual capabilities, with agents proficient in languages ranging from Arabic and English to Urdu, Hindi, and beyond. This linguistic diversity enables businesses to cater to the needs of a broader audience, fostering inclusivity and strengthening customer relationships across cultural boundaries.
Harnessing Technology for Efficiency
Innovations in technology have revolutionized call center operations, empowering businesses to deliver more efficient and effective customer service. Advanced call center software integrates features such as automatic call distribution, interactive voice response, and customer relationship management systems, enhancing productivity and streamlining workflows.
Moreover, emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and chatbots are increasingly being integrated into call center services, enabling automated responses to routine inquiries and freeing up human agents to focus on more complex issues. This fusion of human expertise and technological prowess optimizes the customer service experience, driving satisfaction and loyalty.
In the fast-paced, competitive landscape of Dubai's business environment, superior customer service is non-negotiable. Call center services offer a strategic advantage, enabling businesses to deliver prompt, personalized support tailored to the diverse needs of their clientele. By embracing these services, Dubai's businesses can not only meet but exceed customer expectations, cementing their position as leaders in service excellence within the global marketplace.
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abrarksa · 2 months
The Role of Abrar Me in Constructing Dammam,Saudi Arabia Shopping Malls
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of Dammam,Saudi Arabia, the skyline is constantly being reshaped by innovative architectural marvels. Among these modern icons are the sprawling shopping malls that not only cater to the city’s burgeoning population but also stand as testament to its economic growth. At the forefront of this transformative process is Abrar Middle East LLC, a leading construction powerhouse, whose expertise has played a pivotal role in the construction of Dammam iconic shopping malls. Dammam Shopping Mall Boom: Over the past few decades, Dammam has witnessed a significant boom in the construction of shopping malls. These dynamic hubs have become more than just retail destinations; they are cultural landmarks, entertainment centres, and social gathering spots. The demand for such spaces stems from Dammam rapidly expanding population, increasing disposable income, and growing consumer culture. Abrar Me: A Premier Shopping Mall Contractor: In the midst of this burgeoning market, Abrar Middle East LLC has emerged as a premier shopping mall contracting company in Saudi Arabia,Dammam at large. With a commitment to excellence and a track record of delivering projects on time and within budget, Abrar Me has become synonymous with quality and reliability in the construction industry. Expertise and Experience: What sets Abrar Me apart is its unparalleled expertise and extensive experience in shopping mall construction in Dammam. The company boasts a highly skilled team of architects, engineers, and project managers who work collaboratively to bring visionary designs to life. From concept to completion, Abrar Me is involved in every stage of the construction process, ensuring seamless execution and superior craftsmanship. Innovative Solutions: One of Abrar Me’s key strengths lies in its ability to provide innovative solutions to complex construction challenges. Whether it’s incorporating sustainable building practices, optimizing space utilization, or implementing cutting-edge technologies, Abrar Me continuously strives to push the boundaries of conventional construction methods. Commitment to Sustainability: As the world becomes increasingly conscious of environmental issues, sustainability has become a top priority in the construction industry. Abrar Me recognizes the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and minimizing environmental impact. The company employs eco-friendly construction practices, utilizes renewable energy sources, and implements green building techniques to ensure that its projects are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally responsible. Iconic Projects: Abrar Me’s portfolio boasts an impressive array of iconic shopping malls that have redefined Dammam skyline. From sleek modern designs to timeless architectural masterpieces, each project reflects Abrar Me’s unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. Some notable projects include [insert names of specific shopping malls developed by Abrar Me]. Conclusion: In shaping the skyline of Dammam through the construction of its iconic shopping malls, Abrar Middle East LLC has established itself as a trailblazer in the construction industry. With its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, Abrar Me continues to leave an indelible mark on the urban landscape of Dammam, enriching the lives of its residents and visitors alike. As Dammam shopping mall boom shows no signs of slowing down, Abrar Me stands poised to lead the way towards a brighter, more vibrant future for the city. tags:residential construction companies near me, commercial construction companies near me, warehouse contractors near me, shopping mall construction,contracting companies in dammam, construction company in dammam,Designing and Building Construction Company In Dammam, Saudi Arabia,Entertainment zones Construction Company In Dammam, Saudi Arabia.
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abrarmiddleeast · 3 months
Shaping Skylines: The Role of Abrar Me in Constructing Muscat’s Shopping Malls
Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of Muscat, Oman, the skyline is constantly being reshaped by innovative architectural marvels. Among these modern icons are the sprawling shopping malls that not only cater to the city’s burgeoning population but also stand as testament to its economic growth. At the forefront of this transformative process is Abrar Middle East LLC, a leading construction powerhouse, whose expertise has played a pivotal role in the construction of Muscat’s iconic shopping malls.
Muscat’s Shopping Mall Boom: Over the past few decades, Muscat has witnessed a significant boom in the construction of shopping malls. These dynamic hubs have become more than just retail destinations; they are cultural landmarks, entertainment centers, and social gathering spots. The demand for such spaces stems from Muscat’s rapidly expanding population, increasing disposable income, and growing consumer culture.
Abrar Me: A Premier Shopping Mall Contractor: In the midst of this burgeoning market, Abrar Middle East LLC has emerged as a premier shopping mall contracting company in Muscat and Oman at large. With a commitment to excellence and a track record of delivering projects on time and within budget, Abrar Me has become synonymous with quality and reliability in the construction industry.
Expertise and Experience: What sets Abrar Me apart is its unparalleled expertise and extensive experience in shopping mall construction in Oman. The company boasts a highly skilled team of architects, engineers, and project managers who work collaboratively to bring visionary designs to life. From concept to completion, Abrar Me is involved in every stage of the construction process, ensuring seamless execution and superior craftsmanship.
Innovative Solutions: One of Abrar Me’s key strengths lies in its ability to provide innovative solutions to complex construction challenges. Whether it’s incorporating sustainable building practices, optimizing space utilization, or implementing cutting-edge technologies, Abrar Me continuously strives to push the boundaries of conventional construction methods.
Commitment to Sustainability: As the world becomes increasingly conscious of environmental issues, sustainability has become a top priority in the construction industry. Abrar Me recognizes the importance of reducing its carbon footprint and minimizing environmental impact. The company employs eco-friendly construction practices, utilizes renewable energy sources, and implements green building techniques to ensure that its projects are not only aesthetically pleasing but also environmentally responsible.
Iconic Projects: Abrar Me’s portfolio boasts an impressive array of iconic shopping malls that have redefined Muscat’s skyline. From sleek modern designs to timeless architectural masterpieces, each project reflects Abrar Me’s unwavering commitment to excellence and innovation. Some notable projects include [insert names of specific shopping malls developed by Abrar Me].
Conclusion: In shaping the skyline of Muscat through the construction of its iconic shopping malls, Abrar Middle East LLC has established itself as a trailblazer in the construction industry. With its unwavering commitment to quality, innovation, and sustainability, Abrar Me continues to leave an indelible mark on the urban landscape of Muscat, enriching the lives of its residents and visitors alike. As Muscat’s shopping mall boom shows no signs of slowing down, Abrar Me stands poised to lead the way towards a brighter, more vibrant future for the city.
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mystayrental · 8 months
Seamless Property Management: Elevate Your Rentals with My Stay’s Exceptional Services
My Stay: Elevating Your Dubai Rentals with Trust, Comfort, and Luxury
Dubai, a city of timeless allure, entices visitors from across the globe with its breathtaking attractions and vibrant tourism industry. This dazzling gem of the Middle East not only draws tourists but also entrepreneurs, property owners, and investors seeking boundless opportunities. Amidst the glittering skyline and limitless potential, My Stay emerges as the beacon of trust, comfort, and luxury, offering exceptional Property Management Company Dubai that redefine the rental experience.
Dubai: Where Dreams Materialize
Dubai is a city where dreams find their wings. Beyond being a tourist destination, it promises something extraordinary. From the iconic Burj Khalifa piercing the heavens to golden beaches embracing the azure waters of the Arabian Gulf, Dubai is enchantment incarnate. My Stay opens the doors to this magical world, ensuring your Dubai rentals are not merely properties but immersive experiences.
Trust: The Bedrock of Our Commitment
Trust is the cornerstone of the real estate market, and at My Stay, it's a promise we honor with unwavering dedication. For entrepreneurs, property owners, and investors, the reliability of a partner like My Stay is paramount. Our property management services are meticulously crafted to not only meet but surpass your expectations, ensuring your investments thrive in this dynamic market.
Comfort: Your Guests' Home Away from Home
In a city where comfort and opulence reign supreme, My Stay crafts a unique "home away from home" experience for your guests. Dubai vacation home rentals transcend mere accommodations; they become havens of serenity and luxury. Imagine your guests waking up to panoramic views of Dubai's skyline or savoring morning coffee on a private terrace, where every moment celebrates comfort. With My Stay, your guests don't just stay; they revel in an experience tailored to them.
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Luxury: Where Dreams Transform into Reality
In Dubai, the extraordinary is the everyday, and luxury is a way of life. My Stay ensures your rentals in Dubai reflect this ethos. Our interior design services metamorphose ordinary spaces into opulent retreats. Every detail, from sumptuous furnishings cocooning your guests in opulence to cutting-edge technology, creates an experience that resonates with royalty. My Stay doesn't offer mere accommodation; it presents an unforgettable luxury experience.
Entrepreneurs: Navigating Opportunities Seamlessly
Dubai's thriving economy is a realm of opportunities for entrepreneurs. My Stay recognizes the need for a trusted partner in navigating the dynamic real estate landscape. With our property management expertise, we provide tailored solutions to maximize returns while minimizing complexities. Allow Dubai to be your canvas and My Stay your guiding hand on the path to success.
Property Owners: Unleash Your Asset's Full Potential
As property owners, your investment forms the bedrock of your wealth, and My Stay knows how to make it flourish. Our comprehensive property management services ensure that your asset not only appreciates but shines brilliantly in the Dubai market. From meticulous maintenance to strategic marketing, we handle it all, allowing you to revel in the radiant returns of owning property in one of the world's most coveted destinations.
Investors: Your Journey to Prosperity
Dubai's real estate market is a treasure trove of opportunities for investors, and My Stay serves as your compass. We understand the allure of this market and offer invaluable insights brimming with potential. Our services extend beyond property management; we provide strategic guidance that transforms your investments into a river of gold.
My Stay: Your Trusted Partner
Dubai is a city of shimmering lights and boundless joy. My Stay stands as your trusted partner, ensuring your journey through Dubai is a symphony of trust, comfort, and luxury. From the moment your guests arrive, our tailored services cocoon them in opulence, allowing them to savor every moment of their stay, like a sip of vintage champagne.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Dubai Rentals with My Stay
Dubai isn't merely a city; it's an experience waiting to be embraced. My Stay offers exceptional property management services that elevate your rentals to the pinnacle of luxury. Trust us with your property, and we'll ensure every guest experiences Dubai as it's meant to be experienced – in a cocoon of comfort and opulence. Your journey to elevated rentals begins here, with My Stay. Let's turn your properties into dreams come true.
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armorservices · 8 months
Safeguarding Kuwait: The Role of Security Guards in a Dynamic Nation?
Kuwait, a flourishing nation in the Middle East, is known for its rapid development and diverse landscapes. With this growth comes the heightened need for safety and security. In this article, we'll delve into the critical role of security guards in Kuwait and why they are essential for businesses, institutions, and communities.
The Importance of Security Guards in Kuwait:
Security guards are not just a uniformed presence; they are the frontline protectors of people, property, and assets. In Kuwait, their role is multifaceted and vital:
1. Asset Protection: Security guards in Kuwait are responsible for safeguarding assets, both tangible and intangible. This includes preventing theft, vandalism, and unauthorized access to properties.
2. Personal Safety: Ensuring the safety of individuals is a primary concern. Security guards are trained to respond to emergencies and provide a sense of security to residents, employees, and visitors.
3. Deterrence: Their visible presence acts as a powerful deterrent to potential wrongdoers, discouraging criminal activities in the first place.
4. Crowd Control: For events, public gatherings, or crowded spaces, security guards manage and control crowds, ensuring order and safety.
5. Emergency Response: In cases of fire, medical emergencies, or other crises, security guards are often the first to respond, providing initial assistance and coordination.
Choosing Professional Security Services in Kuwait:
Selecting the right security services provider in Kuwait is crucial for the effectiveness of your security program. Consider the following factors:
Experience: Look for a security company with a proven track record in Kuwait's unique security landscape.
Licensing and Training: Ensure that the security guards are licensed and have received appropriate training, including first aid and emergency response.
Customized Solutions: Seek a security provider willing to tailor their services to your specific security needs.
Technology Integration: In a digital age, ask about the use of technology, such as surveillance cameras and access control systems, to enhance security.
The Future of Security in Kuwait:
As Kuwait continues to grow and evolve, the role of security guards will remain pivotal. New security challenges will emerge, from technological threats to complex safety concerns. Thus, a proactive and adaptable approach to security will be essential to meet the evolving needs of Kuwait.
Security guards in Kuwait are more than just personnel in uniform; they are the guardians of security and peace in a dynamic and growing nation. Ensuring that your business, institution, or community is protected is a fundamental requirement for success and well-being.
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Visitor Management Systems for Middle East Schools
Visitor management systems have become an integral part of educational institutions worldwide, and Middle East schools are no exception. With the aim of ensuring the safety of students, staff, and visitors, these systems have grown increasingly popular, providing robust solutions to mitigate security risks.
Visitor management systems play a vital role in augmenting security practices within Middle East schools. By implementing visitor management system middle east schools can effectively regulate and monitor the access of visitors on their premises. These systems typically include features such as visitor registration, identification verification, and check-in processes, all of which contribute to a more secure environment.
a. Visitor Registration:
One key component of visitor management systems is the registration process. By requiring visitors to provide their identification details, such as name, contact information, and purpose of visit, schools can maintain a comprehensive record of individuals present on their premises. This data serves as an important resource for security personnel and administration, allowing them to swiftly address any concerns pertaining to potential threats or emergencies.
b. Identification Verification:
Visitor management systems further enhance security by incorporating identification verification mechanisms. These mechanisms can include using government-issued identification cards, driver's licenses, or even biometric authentication methods. By validating the identity of each visitor, schools can prevent unauthorized individuals from entering the premises, significantly reducing the risk of security breaches.
c. Check-in Processes:
The implementation of check-in processes within visitor management systems is an effective measure to control access within Middle East schools. By requiring visitors to undergo a check-in process, schools can ensure that every individual entering the premises is accounted for. This process may involve badge issuance, visitor passes, or electronic sign-ins, providing a clear indication of who is present within the school at any given time.
Also Read: Visitor Management Systems in Dubai's Banking Sector
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mariacallous · 11 months
As the war in Ukraine passes the 500-day mark, hopes are fading that the refugee crisis set off by Russia’s brutal invasion will be over any time soon. Already, 6.3 million Ukrainians have been recorded as refugees since February 2022; most have gone westward to Poland, Germany, and other European Union countries. All told, around 15 percent of Ukraine’s estimated 2021 population of 44 million has left the country. This massive wave followed the 2.6 million Ukrainians who fled after Russia’s invasion of Crimea and the eruption of fighting in the Donbas in 2014.
The refugees are in their host countries to stay—for the next few years or more. Even in the absence of war, refugees return to their countries of origin at low rates: Our 2021 RAND study found that since 1980, only about one-third of all refugees worldwide were back in their home countries a decade after hostilities ended. Return rates to Ukraine may likewise turn out to be low.
As a result, Ukraine’s population will be much lower for a long time. A recent European Commission report estimated that Ukraine’s population will decline between 20 and 31 percent from 2022 to 2052 due to the long-term consequences of war, including emigration, high mortality, and low fertility. Many of those leaving are highly skilled workers, and a third of Ukrainian refugees in the EU are children.
The drain of skilled workers and young people is an especially significant loss for Ukraine. But it could also be a boon for European countries, which stand to benefit from the influx if they manage to integrate, educate, and employ the refugees. From other refugee waves, we also know that the Ukrainian wartime diaspora—including those who ultimately return home—will play an important role in supporting Ukraine’s eventual postwar recovery and economic prosperity.
Although EU countries, communities, and citizens have been very welcoming to Ukrainian refugees—including by spending billions of euros to host them—it is not enough to treat them as short-term visitors, meet their immediate humanitarian needs, and let them wait out the war. Instead, host countries should work to truly support and integrate refugees—most of all by educating and employing them.
The problem starts with the estimated 2 million Ukrainian refugees in Europe below the age of 18. Data on Ukrainian refugees is poor, but the EU has estimated that around a quarter of all Ukrainian refugee children are enrolled in EU schools, while UNICEF has estimated that one in three are enrolled; both estimates are significantly below the global average of half of refugee children in school. Enrollment varies widely by country—in Ireland, for example, 92 percent of Ukrainian refugee children are in school, while only about a third are enrolled in Portugal. Factors contributing to these disparities include lack of school space, teacher shortages, language barriers, and refugee families choosing online learning.
Ukrainian refugee children should not remain out of school while their families wait to return them to Ukraine—which may not happen for a long time, if ever. In Ukraine, schooling is severely disrupted as well. At the start of the past academic year, fewer than 60 percent of Ukrainian schools were classified as safe and eligible to open. Many children in Ukraine are out of school due to widespread damage and destruction of infrastructure. Remote schooling of refugee children from Ukraine is no real solution: As the COVID-19 pandemic taught us, remote schooling cannot compare in quality, socialization opportunities, and especially equity to in-person schooling. Digital stopgaps can only fail.
Without an urgent, concerted push at school access, the EU could face a lost generation of Ukrainian children, just as the Middle East has with Syrian children. European host countries should therefore prioritize devising school enrollment initiatives for all children, pathways to high-school graduation, and opportunities for further education or vocational training for young refugees that meet the needs of local labor markets.
A first step is for EU countries to identify Ukrainian children who are out of school and seek out educational records transfers from Ukraine. The EU could also create separate language and catch-up programs for Ukrainian children, hire Ukrainian teachers to support them, place Ukrainian-speaking adults as assistant teachers in classrooms, and provide resources for teachers to learn trauma-informed instructional approaches. Similar practices for students whose formal education has been interrupted have been successful in California and Louisiana in the United States, a 2021 RAND study found. EU countries could also ensure that refugees’ secondary school diplomas are recognized in Ukraine, and vice versa, as well as integrate Ukrainian students into national vocational programs, such as ones that exist within the German dual system, which combines academic training with on-the-job apprenticeships.
Meanwhile, most Ukrainian adult refugees are not working and thus not using or developing their skills. Ukrainian adult refugees are highly educated: A March 2023 Centre for Economic Strategy survey found that around 69 percent of adult Ukrainian refugees have some higher education, compared with 29 percent overall in Ukraine and 33 percent of the entire EU workforce. Theoretically, that should give them opportunities in the EU labor market. Yet few Ukrainian refugees are employed—only 20 percent full time and 12 percent part time. As with other refugee and immigrant populations in the EU, problems include the lack of recognition of non-EU diplomas and vocational certificates, language barriers, the need to balance child care and work, and a geographic mismatch of refugee populations and job markets.
While Ukrainians have the right to work in the EU, the bloc should take steps to ensure Ukrainian refugees don’t suffer a similar fate as the Syrians and others who came before them, who have faced low employment rates for decades. As many EU countries have labor market shortages—half of German companies report shortages, for example—the influx of a highly skilled workforce could be an opportunity. Getting Ukrainians into jobs faster could also boost European economies and offset the cost of long-term support.
Instead, EU host countries are not taking advantage of Ukrainians’ skills as much as they could—while supporting millions of new residents who aren’t working. If more refugees do not transition into EU labor markets, their skills and employability could atrophy, and EU taxpayers may have to support them well into the future. This could exacerbate nascent but growing refugee fatigue as local populations grow frustrated with the strain on public services—a sentiment further stoked by Russian disinformation campaigns and exploited by European political parties.
EU countries can improve labor market access for refugees through investment in language training, job matching, and the translation of certifications and skills through approaches such as a qualifications passport (a standardized EU-wide document that summarizes a refugee’s credentials, including educational level, work experience, and language proficiency). They should make sure to provide refugees with information about regions, communities, and sectors with available jobs—and create incentives for them to move to communities in EU countries with widespread labor shortages, such as regions in Belgium, Italy, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Slovenia.
If the EU continues to let Ukrainian human capital atrophy, there will be serious implications for Ukraine’s postwar recovery. Some refugees will return, and Ukraine will need their education and skills to rebuild the country. Ukraine, EU members, and other host countries should acknowledge this and focus on creating the conditions that will enable Ukrainian refugees to return home with their education, skills, and relevant experience. Eventually, Ukraine’s brain drain could turn into brain circulation, whereby refugees taken in by richer countries return home as entrepreneurs to invest, transfer know-how, and create jobs. Indeed, Ukraine’s refugee diaspora could turn into a motor of the country’s postwar reconstruction.
EU countries have already rallied to the cause of Ukrainian refugees. But without a more proactive and forward-looking approach, they could be hosting a generation of people dependent on long-term aid and unable to fully develop and use their skills well into the future. By educating and employing them instead, EU countries can enrich their own communities and support Ukraine.
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emaanderson · 1 year
Visitor Management System Market Current Trends, Segmentation, Key Players and Analysis Till 2027
Recent report published by research nester titled “Visitor Management System Market: Global Demand Analysis & Opportunity Outlook 2027”delivers the detailed overview of the global visitor management system market in terms of market segmentation by product, by service, by application, by end user and by region.    
Further, for the in-depth analysis, the report encompasses the industry growth drivers, restraints, supply and demand risk, market attractiveness, BPS analysis and Porter’s five force model.
The global visitor management system market can be segmented on the basis of product, services, application, end-user and region. On the basis of product, it is sub-segmented into provisioning software, physical security information management and physical identity and access management. Physical security information is expected to grow with highest CAGR during the forecast period.
“The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry (Global and Regional Market).”
Get Exclusively Sample Copy of This Report@ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-728
Data analysis, data collection, resolution, data verification, reporting, and audit trail are some of the key properties of the physical security information sub-segment which is expected to boost the growth of the sub-segment during the forecast period.
On the basis of the service, it is sub-segmented into managed services, professional services and deployment & integration. On the basis of the application, it is sub-segmented into public safety & security, critical infrastructure protection, port security and energy security. On the basis of end-user, it is sub-segmented into healthcare & life sciences, BFSI, retail, it & telecom, aerospace & defense, government, education and others.
The global visitor management system market is anticipated to expand at a CAGR around 15.5 % during 2018-2027. It is anticipated to reach around USD 7.0 billion market size by 2027.  The rising safety and security concern across numerous organizations is anticipated to be the primary reason for the growth of the global visitor management system market during the forecast period.
By region, global Visitor Management System market is segmented into North America, Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa. North America is anticipated lead the global visitor management system market during the forecast period. The highly developed industrial infrastructure in the region increases the need for safety and security which in turn is anticipated to boost the growth of the global visitor management system market in the region.
Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to be the fastest growing region for the global visitor management system market. The developing end-user industries such as manufacturing, hospitality and information technology in the region is expected to increase the growth of the global visitor management system market in the region.
Increasing safety and security concern of the various organization is anticipated to boost the growth of the global visitor management system market
The video surveillance is primarily used by the various organization in order to improve the operational efficiency. The cloud based video management services is an intelligent video analytics that is used to provide the security and surveillance solutions to the various organization in order to facilitate the smooth and efficient business operations.
The increasing safety and security concerns of the various organizations is also anticipated to be the key factor for the increasing demand for the visitor management system. Visitor management systems are equipped with cameras and give the real time security information which further enhances the safety and security. The increasing dependence of the various organization on the software based solutions is estimated to increase the demand for the visitor management system during the forecast period.
This report also provides the existing competitive scenario of some of the key players of the global visitor management system market which includes company profiling of key companies such as Quantum Secure Inc., Parabit Systems, HID Global Corporation, WhosOnLocation, AlertEnterprise, Jolly Technologies Inc., Genetec Inc., Honeywell International Inc., InVentry Ltd. and Trackforce. 
“The Final Report will cover the impact analysis of COVID-19 on this industry (Global and Regional Market).”
Get Exclusively Sample Copy of This Report @ https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-728
The outlining enfolds key information of the companies which encompasses business overview, products and services, key financials and recent news and developments. On the whole, the report depicts detailed overview of the global visitor management system market that is expected to help industry consultants, equipment manufacturers, existing players searching for expansion opportunities, new players searching possibilities and other stakeholders to align their market centric strategies according to the ongoing and expected trends in the future.
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Visitor Identification Software market – Latest Research, Industry Analysis, Driver, Trends, Business Overview, Key Value, Demand And Forecast 2022 - 2032
The visitor identification software market is expected to escalate at a CAGR of 14.0%, from USD 3.5 billion in 2022 to USD 13 billion by 2032.
The visitor identification software helps organizations maintain visitor data as they focus on managing visitors to their web pages. Proper management of visitor data permits enterprises to make informed decisions on how to approach customers so that they can become potential customers and, thereby, maximize revenue.
Based on the pricing model, the fixed pricing segment is predicted to grow at the fastest rate during the forecast period. The consumer durables & electronics segment has dominated the visitor identification software market over the past few years and is expected to continue to dominate over the forecast period.
Request a Sample of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-14754
Web development is no longer a one-time activity for organizations. Based on the huge amount of data gathered by this software, organizations can make their websites better over time.
Using web analytics tools effectively helps companies choose the right analytics vendor, which ultimately reduces costs and increases revenue, consequently strengthening the design of the sites and making them more accessible.
The visitor identification software market is predicted to develop at a CAGR of 13.5% in the large enterprise section of the organization size category.
The CAGR for the fixed pricing segment of the pricing model method category in visitor identification software market is anticipated to be 13.5% through 2032.
In the United States, the visitor identification software market is estimated to reach US$ 4.6 billion by 2032, rising at a CAGR of 13.8% throughout the forecast period.
By 2032, the visitor identification software market in the United Kingdom is expected to be valued US$ 539.6 million, with a CAGR of 12.9% through 2032.
With a CAGR of 13.4% throughout the forecast period, China is expected to reach a market size of US$ 910.9 million in visitor identification software market by 2032.
By 2032, the visitor identification software market in Japan is estimated to be worth US$ 742.6 million, growing at an annual rate of 12.4% through 2032.
With a CAGR of 11.5% throughout the forecast period, South Korea is predicted to reach a market size of US$ 429.3 million in visitor identification software market by 2032.
Request a Complete TOC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/toc/rep-gb-14754
Among the companies operating in the visitor identification software market are Act-On Software, Inc., Zoho Corporation Pvt Ltd, KickFire, Clearbit, netFactor (bombora), SHARPSPRING, Upland Software and Liidio Oy (lead feeder).
The visitor identification software market in the United States is expected to reach a revenue of US$ 2235.76 Mn by 2027 due to a growing need among enterprises to maximize their revenue by offering customized solutions, managing web traffic, and increasing visitor numbers.
The mobile app segment is likely to grow more rapidly than the web-based segment based on the platform. Increasingly, businesses and residential facilities are turning to mobile app-based visitor identification software solutions in order to enhance security and digitize processes in building operations.
Mobile apps that provide visitor identification software market provide ease of access to information about invites, visitors, personal sign-in, and more. The app allows users to avoid queues with fast QR code sign-in, view visitor details, manage employee details, and receive arrival notifications.
Key segments
By Organization:
Small and Medium Enterprises
Large Enterprises
By Pricing Model:
Fixed Pricing
Variable Pricing
By Industry Vertical:
IT & Telecom
Consumer Durables & Electronics
Travel & Hospitality
By Region:
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
Latin America
Ask An Analyst @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/ask-the-analyst/rep-gb-14754
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geefair · 2 years
Great Forex Education Expo 2022-23 Dubai
Forex Expo Is an Event for Forex Professionals to Learn and Explore the Forex Trading Business. Meet The Right Leaders Who Can Change Your Life with Their Knowledge Shared with You. The Right Skills in Forex Ensure Your Success. How Do You Acquire Such Skills? That's Why Gee Fairs Comes to You, Meet Leaders in The Forex Industry Who Are About to Share Their Insights, Techniques, And Their Past Experience. Learn Before You Start Forex Trading.
Anyone Can Start Forex Trading by Learning Techniques from Financial Experts, Your Skills in Trading Allow You to Trade Like a Professional with Less Risk and Security. With The Techniques Learned from Our Events, You Can Invest and Trade Profitably.
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Our Expos Provide an Opportunity for Professionals from Various Companies, Countries, And Associations to View the Latest Equipment, Exchange Experiences, And Knowledge. More Than 20000 People Visit Our Expo and The Number of Visitors Keeps on Increasing Every Time.
The Dynamic Event Program Educates Attendees On All The Latest Technological Developments In Forex Services And Meets The Needs Of Each Attendee By Providing Detailed Information And Solutions On Topics Such As Internet Trading, Software (Programs For Analysis And Risk Management, Portfolios) On The Forex Market Management, Quick Access Lines, Trading Instructions On The Forex Market, Forex Market Tools, Strategies And Tactics On The Forex Market, Forex Market Indexes, Trading Strategies, Trading Platforms, And Technical Analysis And Much More.
It Also Offers a Variety of Sessions That Allow Participants to Discuss Industry Trends, Hear Expert Views on Key Issues, And Learn About New Products and Needs.
The Expo Program Is Very Unique: Workshops, Company Presentations, Seminars, And Trading Shows from The World's Professional Traders.
The Demonstration Portion of The Event Complements the Conference Programming by Showcasing Solutions That Demonstrate How to Succeed in The Fast-Growing Foreign Exchange Market.
The Event Includes Live Demonstrations of The Latest Analytical and Execution Software and Trading Tools. This Is a Great Chance to Meet Business Experts Face-To-Face, Learn About the Latest Trends from Industry Leaders, And Gain the Insights You Need to Win Business, Expand Relationships and Increase Profitability.
Forex Expo 2022-23 Dubai Is the Premier Annual Event for Industry Leaders and Investors to Network, Learn About New Trends, and Explore Trading Opportunities in Foreign Exchange. The Expo Provides Participants with An Opportunity to Learn About the Latest Innovations in The Forex Market from The Best Experts in The Field. This Year's Event Took Place at Crowne Plaza, One of The Best and Most Popular Places in Dubai. Crowne Plaza Is a Preferred Venue for Hosting Fairs, Exhibitions, Concerts, And Global Conferences, Creating an Important Platform for The Expansion of International Business in The Middle East.
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The Event Provided a Wide Range of Seminars, Workshops, And Presentations. The Speakers Shared Their Knowledge on Various Topics Including Market Analysis, Risk Management Etc. Overall, The Attendees Learned a Lot About the Industry and Found the Conference Very Informative. This Expo Is Fully Used for The Students They Know Many Things in This Expo and It Will Help Them In Their Future That is How They Can Earn Money By Doing Business And Will See The Environment Of People Who Are Doing This In the Past So Don't Wait To Visit Our Site Geefairs For More Information And See You All At The Expo.
Educational ExpoIs a Platform That Invites Various Top University and College Representatives on One Platform So That Students Can Take Advantage of It. Here All the Invited Universities and Colleges Guide Their Students About the Various Streams Which Help the Students Choose the Right Career Option and Is Best For Their Future. 
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The Video Call Center’s Larry Thaler on AirFirst, Solutions To Meet Increase in Live Remote Productions
NAB 2022 Perspectives:The Video Call Center’s Larry Thaler on AirFirst, Solutions To Meet Increase in Live Remote Productions
New platform provides cloud-controlled management for IP-based models
Long before COVID transformed live sports production, The Video Call Center was pioneering solutions that allow content creators to get camera feeds from virtually any device into a live-production environment. From their Caller Cloud and Caller Queue solutions to HAT (host automation technology), The VCC has been at the forefront in harnessing the power of smartphone cameras as a live source while also opening the door for operations folks to rethink the conventional control room.
At NAB 2022, The Video Call Center showcased its newest service: AirFirst. The company calls the first cloud-controlled management system for live IP-based remotes. SVG caught up with The Video Call Center CEO Larry Thaler to learn more about how AirFirst enhances operational efficiencies and to get his take on the first in-person NAB Show since 2019.
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What was your company’s strategy heading into this NAB Show, the first one in-person in three years?
It was the first time that we’ve publicly shown AirFirst, the new platform that we’ve put out. We’ve been doing remotes through smartphones for seven years now, and all of our knowledge is in this platform. All of the efficiencies gained in our operation are built into AirFirst.
Inevitably, for example, [prospective clients we met with] were saying, “We install all these Skype TX boxes, and we’re struggling to keep up with the volume. It’s too much work. People don’t know their Skype names; we don’t know whether they’re downloading Skype TX or have downloaded Skype for business, which doesn’t work at all. We’re getting lousy results.” We can help you, and we could take hours and hours out of your day by making the connections really efficient. There were lots of people who came to us and said, “We’ve been jury-rigging with Zoom or [Microsoft] Teams.” Those people were really drawn to the platform, and having the opportunity to show that to them was just great.
Can you tell us more about AirFirst? What does it deliver to the live-production industry?
AirFirst was really the only thing we were showing at [NAB 2022]. Of course, we still have our services business, Caller Cloud, but, quite frankly, what we wanted to do is to show that this capability can be in anybody’s hands and that we not only are willing to share that technology with people but are willing to train people in what we do. Attendees were very excited.
We had a very major broadcaster from the Middle East who came by who was struggling to do the volume of remotes that they have. One of the things that we were sharing with people was that we have a very large news customer now who’s doing approximately 25,000 remotes a year and we took 20 minutes or more off each of those remotes. When you multiply that out, that’s a big number of hours saved. We’re very excited to be doing that — not only for them but for other people as well.
Were there any additional trends or common pain points that emerged as you talked to NAB 2022 visitors throughout the week?
I think the thing that we heard the most was that, at the beginning of the pandemic, people installed whatever they could find as quickly as they could in order to get on the air. An “any port in the storm” kind of strategy. Nobody expected it to last this long. Not only are they having to use those same workflows that were hurried together, [but] they are seeing the volume of work that they’re doing in that way growing, and they can’t handle it. That’s when you need something that can handle the volume and can handle it across the whole team. That seemed very valuable to them.
What was your general assessment of NAB 2022? How did it feel being back at an in-person trade show after so long?
We had a great show. First of all, it was great to get in touch with people in person again. It felt really nice. It felt like the world was a bit more normal. We found that people were drawn to what we had, and it was great to see some old faces and meet so many new people as well.
This interview has been edited for length and clarity.
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architectnews · 3 years
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Building
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Building, Architect, UAE Design Project Photos
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Design
6 October 2021
Design: Grimshaw Architects
Photos by Phil Handforth
Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion at EXPO 2020 Dubai
Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion, opened to the public in 2021 as one of the top three attractions of the Dubai Expo 2020, and aims to illuminate the ingenuity and possibility of architecture as society looks to intelligent strategies for future sustainable living.
photograph : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Drawing inspiration from complex natural processes like photosynthesis, the dynamic form of the Pavilion is in service to its function, capturing energy from sunlight and fresh water from humid air. The relationship of building to site, and to its physical and cultural contexts is critical, as the facility’s strength lies in its capacity to demonstrate a new way of living sustainably in a challenging desert environment.
Sited in a prominent location, the Pavilion structure works in tandem with the considered landscape of demonstration gardens, winding pathways and shaded enclaves to create an aura of magic punctuated by the sights, smells and tactile opportunities of nature. The gardens are both experiential and functional, setting the stage for the exhibition contents within and creating shaded gathering areas that will manage and distribute crowds while providing retail, food and beverage opportunities.
When creating a building with a goal of generating its own energy and water in a harsh climate, the solution cannot be driven by a single aspect of the design. To achieve net-zero, the design required a series of technologies, building systems and design solutions to act in unison. This self-contained, micro-ecosystem resulted from a combination of strategies: optimizing the natural conditions inherent in its location; working with and within them to maximize efficiency; and supplementing them with pioneering sustainable technologies to create innovative solutions
The design is driven by maximizing efficiency which it does by seeking shade in the one place available: below the ground. The Pavilion uses the insulating properties of the earth to shield it from the harsh ambient temperatures which can soar to 50 degrees in the warmer months.
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Most of the accommodation is below grade and cased with an earth roof system, creating a substantial barrier to help reduce its cooling loads and conserve energy. The above ground surfaces are clad with a gabion rainscreen wall – sourced with local stone from the Hajar Mountains – which provides enough thermal mass to absorb the heat while the stone’s natural color reflects the sun.
Flora and fauna sourced from the surrounding deserts – including some species that have been never been cultivated by humans – are arranged on the planted roofs and throughout the gardens, creating a water efficient landscape that functions through a series of closed loop systems designed to filter, supply and recycle water. The framing of these local topographical and floral features, combined with the technologies of water recycling and reuse, provide visitors a newfound appreciation of the unique region and its biodiversity. The site also includes areas for productive agricultural landscape featuring halophytic agriculture and other testing beds.
The culmination of the building’s systems can be found in the heart of the Pavilion, its large exterior courtyard. Borrowing from the vernacular of the region, the courtyard provides a large, passively cooled space for visitors. During the design, thermodynamic studies charting the prevailing breezes were used to shape the courtyard to allow desirable cool south-westerly breezes to enter while blocking warmer winds.
Soaring over the courtyard, the Pavilion’s canopy accommodates more than 6,000 sqm of ultra-efficient monocrystalline photovoltaic cells embedded in glass panels. The combination of the cell and the glass casing allow the building to harness solar energy while providing shade and daylighting to the visitors below. The experience in the courtyard is of being beneath a large shade tree with dappled light projecting onto the surfaces below. The form of the canopy works with the courtyard to direct cool air in, while simultaneously exhausting low-lying hot air through a chimney effect at the centre.
The canopy also serves as a large collection area for stormwater and dew that replenishes the building’s water system. The result is a structure that combines the most advanced technology in solar capture and a clear understanding of the natural conditions of the site to actively generate energy while passively cooling and enhancing the experience of the visitor. With over 6,000 sqm of exhibition space, the Sustainability Pavilion will enjoy a long life after Expo is over, transforming into a science museum and expanding on its mission of exploring sustainable practices and the critical stewardship of our fragile planet.
ENERGY E TREES The Sustainability Pavilion is complemented by an installation of Energy Trees which contribute toward its goal of producing its own energy. Nineteen E-trees ranging from 15-18m in diameter are dispersed throughout the site and provide 28% of the energy required to power the building. Inspired by the Dragon’s Blood, a tree found only on Socotra, an island 200 miles off the coast of Yemen, the E-Tree is designed to be a deployable freestanding shade structure that harvests the sun’s energy. The structure is constructed from steel and complex composites and has been optimized to support an 18m photovoltaic array.
Taking further cues from nature, the array follows the sun in the same manner as a sunflower, rotating 180 degrees throughout the course of the day to maximize the energy yield and increase the efficiency of the solar cells, before returning to its original position at night. Bespoke trapezoidal panels composed of highly efficient monocrystalline solar cells, embedded within three layers of glass, provide shade below without casting severe shadows or blocking views to the sky.
Supporting the array is an engineered carbon fibre structure inspired by the design of the steering wheel of a yacht. The structural design maximizes strength in its shape, with radial branches encircled by a compression ring while decreasing the load of the structure itself. Carbon fibre was chosen for its light weight which allows the form to extend unsupported for up to nine meters in all directions.
The E-Trees have become an integral part of both the exhibition and the Pavilion site – showcasing and educating visitors on the research on solar harnessing and panel technology – while at the same time, serving as an integral part of the systems that contributes to a net zero energy goal of the building.
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Terra Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Design – Building Information
Project Data:
Client: Emaar Properties & Expo 2020 Dubai
Location: Expo Road Dubai South, Jebel Ali P.O. Box 2020 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Website: https://ift.tt/3FmYDo0 Completion date: January 2021 Gross square footage: 17,000 sqm Project cost: confidential
Project Team:
Grimshaw: architect Buro Happold: engineering Desert Ink: landscape architecture
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Other Consultants:
Rice Perry Ellis: local architect Sherwood Design Engineers: civil engineering, water management Cerami: AV, IT, acoustics, security Tricon: food service Orca : crowd flow RWDI: climate analysis Thinc Design: exhibition design Eden Project: exhibition content TAW Weiss: maintenance Arch4Blind: accessibility Charcoal Blue: theatre design Lord Cultural: operations Friday Group: specifications
photo : Dany Eid / Expo 2020
Grimshaw Design Team:
Andrew Whalley – Chairman – Partner in Charge Matthew Utley – Principal – Director of Middle East Operations Mark Rhoads – Associate Principal – Project Director Casimir Zdanius – Associate Principal – Industrial Design Lead
Associate Principals: Iouyu Chen, Robert Young, George Hauner, Croz Crozling, Andrew Anderson
Associates: Jorge Salgado, Aimee Duquette, Aaron Vaden Youmans, Ross Goldsworthy, Woojae Sung, Andrea Debilio
Design Team: Zach Fine, Augustine Savage, Kyle Day, Renua Itsueli, Fernando Fisbein, Hannah Park, Anthony Mopty, Joana Torres, Justin Brammer, Mehnaj Tabassum, Diba Dayani, Mason Nabors, Albert Hsu, Kurt Hanzlik, Patricia McKee, Fan Cao, Kyle Spence, Vincent Velasquez, Max Dowd, Wooyoung Choi, Leland Jobson, David Mans, Greg Smith, Konrad Sobon, Raphael Ogoe, Alexandra Danciulescu
Photos: Phil Handforth
Sustainability Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai Design: Grimshaw Architects image courtesy of architects Sustainability Pavilion for Expo 2020 Dubai
Expo 2020 Pavilion Abu Dhabi Sustainability
Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion building design images / information received 061021 from CRA-Carlo Ratti Associati Architects
Location: Jebel Ali, Dubai, UAE
Dubai 2020 Expo Pavilions
Dubai Expo UK Pavilion Design: Es Devlin photo by Alin Constantin ; image courtesy of Es Devlin Expo 2020 Dubai UK Pavilion Building
Dubai Expo Swedish Pavilion Building Design: Alessandro Ripellino Architects, Studio Adrien Gardère and Luigi Pardo Architetti photo courtesy of Swedish government Dubai Expo Swedish Pavilion Building
Dubai 2020 Expo Pavilions Design: Santiago Calatrava, Foster + Partners, BIG and Grimshaw Architects image courtesy of architects Dubai 2020 Expo Pavilions
2020 Expo Dubai Luxembourgish Pavilion Design: METAFORM Architects image courtesy of architects 2020 Expo Dubai Luxembourg Pavilion Building
Dubai World Expo 2010 Masterplan Design: HOK / Populous Dubai World Expo Masterplan
Grimshaw Architects
Dubai World Expo
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Hyperloop Pods and Portals Design: BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group image from architects studio Hyperloop Pods and Portals in Dubai
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Dubai World Expo 2020
Comments / photos for the Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Building design by Grimshaw Architects in UAE page welcome
The post Expo 2020 Dubai Sustainability Pavilion Building appeared first on e-architect.
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Visitor Management Solution UAE
Visitor management systems are becoming increasingly popular in the modern world. These systems allow businesses to track and monitor visitors, ensuring that only authorized personnel have access to certain areas of a building or facility. The system also allows companies to keep records of who is entering and leaving their premises, as well as providing an audit trail for any suspicious activity. By using visitor management systems, companies can ensure that they remain compliant with security regulations while still allowing guests into their buildings safely and securely.
Visitor management systems, like Entry2Exit, undoubtedly play a crucial role in bolstering security in establishments across Dubai. By utilizing advanced identification technologies, unauthorized access can be significantly minimized, deterring potential threats and ensuring the safety of both visitors and the facility.
The system's real-time monitoring feature assists in promptly identifying any suspicious activities, allowing for immediate response and prevention of security breaches. Additionally, Entry2Exit-Visitor management system Dubai to generate comprehensive visitor data reports can aid in analyzing patterns and identifying potential security vulnerabilities. The integration with security cameras and access control systems further enhances the overall effectiveness of the system, creating a holistic security infrastructure within a facility.
The user experience and efficiency of Entry2Exit by Quest Middle East is critical aspects to consider as well. By providing a user-friendly interface, the system simplifies visitor check-in processes, minimizing waiting times, and optimizing efficiency. Additionally, the automated features of the system reduce administrative burdens, enabling staff to focus on other critical tasks. 
Also Read: Customer Queue Management System in Dubai
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