ultracoolray · 6 years
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Am Pc selbst gemachte Bilder 
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
re: women finding femme men hot--doesn't this get rehashed every generation, and no one learns anything? 😅 when I was a teen, it was all about lanky goth boys, early visukei, and bryan molko. before that, there was bowie and Prince and glam rock. now it's kpop and tiktok boys in maid dresses, I guess? c'mon cis dudes, don't listen to that reactionary toxic masculinity crap! wear the eyeliner, girls love it!
But! But! But! That would mean men lifting a finger to attract women instead of women buying into men's ideas about what makes a guy hot! How dare!
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Hi ! Here is it ! The final theme ! The Rainbow !! For seven day, we will doing one makeup for each colors of the rainbow, and of course in the order. Don't hesitate to go and see the work of @maxine_goguelin ! Today : Indi- Dark Purple ? But... What is this ?? It was supposed to be indigo ! Well, yeah. But neither Max or me owe any indigo eyeshadows, so we decided to modified a bit and used some dark purple. But... What's purple means to me ? As far as I can think (not much), Purple is for me a huge part of the Visual Kei look. And so, I decided to do a VisuKei makeup. But... I couldn't stop there, I needed to bring it one level up. So, I took my VisuKei outfits and the only wig I have in my parents house (I'm so lucky it's black tho) and here is the results ! What do you think of it ?? I'll see you tomorrow https://www.instagram.com/p/B-9xlauqwHc/?igshid=1ksf6s6iszedd
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sailoranime · 7 years
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Since I haven't posted cosplay progress here in a bit, here's a collage of my visukei Kaiser progress!
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sonitenshi-blog · 12 years
This song is addicting. It's the first one I ever heard by Acid Black Cherry. I love Yasu. The vocals, style, and even music video (^__^) are captivating. It's one of my top 25 played songs on my iPod. Poor little butterfly ;)
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