#vitaegratis 01
feminaferitas · 6 months
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@vitaegratis sent: “fucking hell.” //idk I just miss writing with you 👉👈
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The party had been broken up by the cops in the middle of an acid trip, but Natalie still had enough sense to know she could go to a neighbor -- one particular neighbor -- for some refuge. Her mom wouldn't really care that her daughter was out all night, so long as the girl wasn't truant at school the next day. And for the most part, Nat always made it to class eventually. She just needed a place to crash the night.
She was a little banged up from crashing through the back woods, pupils wide -- but she still figured Eddie wouldn't be a total dick to her in this state. Plus, he knew his way around different drugs. Though her expression remained dazed, Natalie was relieved when he opened the door.
"Look, man, I just need a place to crash for the night... cops busted the fun and I'm tripping right now."
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babezruthless · 2 years
@vitaegratis sent “you see what i just did there? that’s called de-escalation.” and Tory Nichols { Queen Cobra } responded.
“I could have totally handled that guy, showed him he can’t just screw around like that.”
Eddie wasn’t like a lot of guys around this shithole neighborhood- usually someone would be inciting her to violence, either as an onlooker or as the direct target of Tory’s anger. She couldn’t decide if he appreciated or hated his avoidant demeanor. The girl had a hard enough time trying to balance multiple jobs, karate practice, and looking after her mother and brother.
Some dumb teenager, didn’t even look like one of her neighbors. Tory was sure he’d hocked the baseball into their apartment window. Lucky Brandon wasn’t home right now, so she had a chance to clean the glass before he returned. Ugh. She so wanted to show that punk where she could shove that baseball.
“Why shouldn’t I teach him a lesson, huh? Scared of a little blood, Munson?”
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generalkenobii · 4 years
“It must be tough being a Jedi. No family, no kids, no husband…”    ~from {x} @vitaegratis
The slight twitch of Obi-Wan’s beard could be the makings of a grimace or a smirk-- impossible to tell with how quick it’s there and gone again.
     “The life of a Jedi goes beyond personal desires and obligations. Our legacies reside in what we pass on to others, not what we stand to gain and keep for ourselves.”  A beat of silence, the faintest concession of amusement.  “So-- the antithesis of the life of a pirate.”
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