#threads: natalie
feminaferitas · 7 months
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@ashesrebirthed {jackie} is huddled outside when Nat returns...
Nat and Travis had a lot of shit to sort out. That's what they determined when they left the cabin after the botched mess of a Doomcoming (which could have been pretty fun up until that absolute clusterfuck of Lottie-fueled bullshit, all things considered). But everything between them sort of paled in comparison to the fact that they couldn't find Javi. The nights were getting colder and the food was scarce -- so where could he have gone?
As much as she wanted to help Travis, both teens were still raw over the betrayal that had transpired. Sleeping with the enemy, if they wanted to get cute about it. But... there was no time for that now. There were too many broken pieces for Travis for Natalie to pick up -- better they focus on the freshest ones, where the edges were sharpest.
She'd done too much already for this to be the way it went. She broke his dad's goddamn finger off for that ring he gave to Javi. She was the one picking up the gun to feed the team, when food could be found. To lose anyone now felt like failure. It felt like a waste of survival. They were not losing anyone else if they could help it. Least of all, Natalie didn't want to watch herself losing Travis day by day. It was in his eyes, a light receding and dimming.
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"We'll go back out first thing in the morning and look for him," she grunted as they returned to the cabin. Her vow was gruff but earnest, all she had to give at this point. The crash site was too cold for an overnight venture now. Better to be back with the team, where Javi may have already returned. But as they approached in the dusky clearing, a sight caught her eye -- huddled in her varsity jacket, Jackie. Sitting on a stump alone in the woods, looking like a fucking pariah. Natalie rolled her eyes, inwardly groaning. The waning light in the cabin window was warm and buttery, so what the hell was this about?
Natalie put a hand on Travis' bicep and urged him to go inside. He did quietly, without question. Then she tromped her dirt-crusted boots towards the place where a fire would have been, for anyone slightly competent in survival skills.
"Hey, c'mon -- the fuck is this about, Jackie? This the next step of your hunger strike, or --?"
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fallinguprain · 2 years
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After a long, exciting show, Natalie had a VIP pass in her left hand as she made her way backstage. The singer and Nat had recently become acquaintances and Nat had managed to have a friend outside of her family that wasn’t a customer so she loved the excuse to actually look like a normal person outside of work. “Hey,” she waved and smiled as she walked up to Rocky and gave her a hug, “You did great on stage, as usual!” She couldn’t help but smile when talking to Rocky, it felt like they had been friends forever. Everything just felt natural and like she could tell Rocky anything. 
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aquamanandfriends · 1 year
Family Support [Resnick Family]
@thestoriesincoffeestains continued from [x]
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"I'm good," Elizabeth nodded to Azula. She knew her parents would freak if they knew how intense most capture the flag games got. "You didn't need to... thanks mom," she sighed and moved into the living room to sit down but noticed Natalie was already cleaning things up.
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"Shoes off please," Natalie called out as she moved to grab the vacuum. "Your aunt and uncle will be here in an hour, can we try and be little presentable?"
E froze where she stood and pulled her own shoes off with a small frown. "Sorry." Aaron quickly pulled his shoes off and moved to put them away, knowing better than to get in the way of his mom on a cleaning spree.
"I'm going to go shower," Aaron state before heading to his room to drop his bag off and grab clean clothes. Elizabeth was about to say she'd go next when her phone buzzed and it took all of her attention. She looked down at the screen and smirked a little before typing a text back.
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cosmic-light-fics · 1 year
I just watched the last episode of season 1. And I can’t help but wonder why does Carmy text Syd BEFORE opening the letter Michael left to him ?????
Hello! Sorry it's taken me a while to answer this, I wanted to give you my thorough interpretation of why Carmy texted Sydney first.
It's one of the biggest head scratchers of the season, and I'm not entirely sure my response will cover the entire scope as to why Carmy delayed opening Mikey's letter to him in order to text Sydney. For me, a sizeable part of the answer lies in the way Carmy dealt with his personal problems throughout the whole season.
He's been rightfully called out as avoidant when it comes to addressing other people's emotions, even his own. In the beginning of the season, it is stressed that he is avoiding his sister Natalie who has been trying to reach him ever since he took over The Beef. He won't stop working to acknowledge the feelings he has of losing his brother, but he's trying to be open to it. That's why he winds up going to the Al-Anon meetings. At first, he doesn't speak. He's only at the meetings to listen. But towards the end of the season, when he finally has his big speech, we see Carmy finally ready to talk about Mikey.
Now, how does this relate back to Sydney? I think the glaring thing about their connection is that he is always honest and open with her. Whenever he is upset, he tells her why. Whenever she's upset, Carmy tries to understand why. He always apologizes to her after a dispute and asks if they are okay, if she's okay. I think she's the only person at the restaurant that Carmy's felt comfortable enough to tell about his Al-Anon meetings. There is an implicit trust and respect Carmy has with Sydney (something that steadily grew over the course of the season), and that type of trust bypasses his avoidant tendencies, but not completely.
When he reaches his boiling point in episode 7 and lashes out at Sydney, I think he was too consumed with the to-go disaster to fully grasp what he'd done to drive her away. Sydney put up with a lot of shit that whole season, but the thing that completely pushed her over the edge was Carmy's behavior. And he knew that. But there is some time that passes from Sydney quitting to him finally texting her. In that little pocket of time is his avoidance. This is the first time in the whole season where Carmy doesn't apologize to Sydney in the same day. He avoids contacting her right up until the moment he is about the open Mikey's letter. Even when Tina asks what time Syd would be coming to work, Carmy avoids telling her that Sydney quit, almost like he doesn't want to acknowledge that truth.
Carmy finding Sydney's notebook before Richie gives him Mikey's letter is the catalyst that breaks his avoidance. The truth is plain in his eyes as he looks down at her braised ribs and risotto recipe. He deeply, deeply cares for her as a person and highly respects her as a chef. And I believe undoubtedly that being confronted with something so personal of hers was the wake up call for him to own to his awful behavior.
So when it gets to the scene where we are all expecting Carmy to open Mikey's letter and he doesn't, instead choosing to text Sydney, I believe that the moment shows how the connection he has with Sydney bypasses his avoidant tendencies. He's scared and not forthright with her at the beginning of his texts ("No acid") because he is still not sure how to be completely open, but texting her is the biggest step of him reaching out first to someone he really cares about.
Also, I must add that narratively speaking Carmy already atoned with Mikey at the beginning of the episode in his Al-Anon speech. If he'd had the letter before the speech, I don't think he would have texted Sydney first. And it's hinted throughout the last episode that Sydney was heavily on his mind (ex: a clip of him yelling at her when he's having his panic attack, "you're dressed like Syd," and him staring into her little notebook like it was her soul).
I hope this long ass post makes a little bit of sense. I'm not that great at putting all my jumbled thoughts together cohesively. The biggest thing I wanted to impress upon in this answer to your question was Carmy avoiding the people he cares about, avoiding the emotions that come with being open, and how Sydney is the one person he can't seem to hide from. He always wants to be open with her, he doesn't want to avoid her, even if that means getting out of his own way.
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blushdrunksaa · 8 months
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she's leaning in to fix her gremlin sister's makeup before she flicked her forehead. "you're done. where are you and mat going tonight? or are you just getting ready to stay in?" she swallowed thickly and her phone buzzed. she smiled when she saw it was dominic and she blushed before replying and setting her phone down. / @hypnoticfever
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citrusfield · 3 months
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“you’re being awfully quiet today… i’m not sure if i should be suspicious or worried.”
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warningsine · 1 year
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vilisisms · 6 days
⋆✴︎˚。⋆― natalie amelia dunn / open starter / @darkskiesrpgstarters
now that she was in the small town that had dropped into new orleans- she'd learned mystic falls was the name. she'd found a place to stay in it but her small motel room was getting stuffy but she knew it wasn't going to be permanent. she was just here long enough to see if her family was ok and to found out what was going on and then she was back to her life in texas, far from those she once knew. at least that was what she kept telling herself. grocery shopping had been soothing to her back when she was human, it was the same for her now even though she didn't necessarily need it-- she had to admit she'd become even more of a foodie since she died. it helped with the cravings. stretching her legs a bit, amelia decided to walk through the aisles of one of the grocery stores, roaming felt better than nothing. "ew." she breathed, disgusted as she picked up a veggie just for her finger to find a rotten spot.
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warrior-of-storms · 5 months
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“Natalie Grayson,” Natasha said, her voice a little higher, a little airier than usual. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wayne.” “Please, call me Bruce, Ms. Grayson,” Wayne said, offering his hand. Natasha accepted the handshake with a smile. His eyes reminded her of James’ - blue, of course, but that was superficial. The resemblance was in the guarded look, the wall hidden behind the carefree facade he was currently putting on. In the way that she got the feeling she wasn’t the only one seeing things that were supposed to stay hidden. If Natasha weren’t as well trained as she was, her expression might have betrayed her. It wasn’t often that she got the feeling that people could read her that well, and the feeling certainly never came from billionaires dressed in suits that could pay her rent for three months and had only ever been described to her as generous and a bit ditzy. 
So I'm working on a longer fic for tangled threads (gasp, something that's not a one-shot?? impossible) and felt like drawing the scene where Natasha meets Bruce for the first time.
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chanoeys · 3 months
I enjoy watching The Bear but it’s a wild feeling to feel like you’re wasting time with only 10 30 minute episodes
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feminaferitas · 6 months
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@vitaegratis sent: “fucking hell.” //idk I just miss writing with you 👉👈
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The party had been broken up by the cops in the middle of an acid trip, but Natalie still had enough sense to know she could go to a neighbor -- one particular neighbor -- for some refuge. Her mom wouldn't really care that her daughter was out all night, so long as the girl wasn't truant at school the next day. And for the most part, Nat always made it to class eventually. She just needed a place to crash the night.
She was a little banged up from crashing through the back woods, pupils wide -- but she still figured Eddie wouldn't be a total dick to her in this state. Plus, he knew his way around different drugs. Though her expression remained dazed, Natalie was relieved when he opened the door.
"Look, man, I just need a place to crash for the night... cops busted the fun and I'm tripping right now."
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fallinguprain · 2 years
open to - anyone muse - Natalie, 26, cam model/stripper server, fc: lana condor
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“So what do we do next?” 
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findmeinashes · 1 year
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well, of course she was going to be dramatic about it. he didn't exactly expect things to be smooth sailing, but natalie was taking her sweet time adjusting to the inevitable. their time together had been electrifying. he had seduced her over some time, and of course, she had fallen right into his lap with little hesitation. there were sneaking around times, where she had been desperate to keep herself hushed as he explored every inch of her body with her friends or family on the other side of the door, and there'd been more intimate times when the two divulged secrets and stories and fell for each other. he'd known this woman loved him, so it hurt when she decided to go back to that boyfriend, to those incessant friends and beg for forgiveness for the fool she had become for dominik. what they had was real, special, and not to be so casually dismissed. he had designed his spot in her life and he wasn't going to give up that chair so freely to a man who dangled commitment in front of natalie like a carrot, only to pull it away at the last moment when he was sure he had her desperate and wanting. dominik would never be so cruel. he wouldn't pretend he was innocent, some of his play had been manipulative, but the feelings were real, as were his own on this night. they'd made their way to the cabin for partying, but they wouldn't return, or at least, most of them wouldn't. he'd naturally assumed her boyfriend would be thre, he'd foolishly expected to find them draped across one another, fitting back into her friendship group where he had stood not so long before. dom was bitterly disappointed to find him absent from the guest list, but it hadn't swayed him from his decision to kill them all. natalie had tossed him aside and he was going to ensure that he reminded her of how difficult it would be to forget him, to cast him aside and move on. he stood now, doused in the blood of her so called friends, those who had encouraged her to return to the toxic relationship, to the open arms of a man who did not love her as he should. these people didn't love her as they should have. she needed to be purged of them to see the truth, she had to see how far dominik was willing to go to give her the best. naturally, she was upset, but she'd come around, she had to. dominik tipped his head to the side, " come on, natalie. I'm not going to hurt you, " he whispered, his voice gentle as he crouched in front of her, extending a bloodstained hand to push back the hair from her face, " don't cry. " he stood slowly and encouraged her to do the same, " you're afraid, but you're not in danger. these people were the scum of the earth, they were using you. I did you a favour, do you understand? "
" now come on, " he breathed, holding her shoulders, " we don't have time for this right now, nat. we need to get you out of here, hm? " dominik didn't really give her the time to respond as he pulled her towards the back door, his hand in hers as if he hadn't just slaughtered those she grew up with without flinching. it was a far cry from the gentle and quiet man she had bee dating just a few weeks ago. he led her to his car and pushed her inside, pulling her cell that he'd already collected and dropping it to the floor, stamping onto it and then rounding the vehicle to climb into the driver's seat. he looked towards her, noticing the trembling of her petite frame and reaching to turn up the heat as they drove away from the active crime scene that was her cabin. there was silence for some time before he finally broke it, " you're mad now, but you'll understand eventually. "
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blushdrunksaa · 9 months
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she grabbed his polaroid camera and carried it into the bathroom. he was in the shower and she peeked her head in, taking a few shots of him. she smiled when he looked over his shoulder at her and she winked. he flicked water at her and she laughed before she moved away and shook out the photos. "oh, your ass looks good in these," she murmured and hopped up onto the counter as she waited for him to get out. "i have class in a couple of hours, but maybe we can go get lunch or order something in?" / @hypnoticfever
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natsudragneelgf · 8 months
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lezzeds · 1 year
I have an idea for an AU of the movie timeline bc I ranted too much to a friend abt the implications of the post credits scene,,
se vienen cositas
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