#vitamin k2d3 supplement
neuroborreliosis · 8 months
in a fortuitous turn of events, i was able to begin - really actually begin - treatment yesterday.
i had grown tired of waiting for the call i was told i would receive when my blood work results arrived at the stram center. it's not that i don't trust my stram providers; rather, i don't trust albany med. they screwed up my blood work the first time, only drawing three of the nine vials they were ordered to draw. if not for the mix-up with my legal name (on my medicaid card, on my id) not matching up with the name listed on my blood work order, they probably wouldn't have even noticed they made a mistake. but they did, because i had to go back to the hospital a day after initially going to get the blood work done, have my doctor send over a new order with my legal name on it, and get the vials redrawn so they could be sent out for analysis. when the phlebotomist came in, she informed me that the day prior, whoever drew my blood (a younger phlebotomist who had struck me as frazzled, distracted) only drew a third of the amount he should have.
anyway, the stram center kept trying to reach out to them regarding my results - normally it can take up to two weeks, but it had been a month, and they still hadn't received anything. so yesterday, dillon accompanied me to the hospital where i asked the receptionist at the blood lab what happened to my results. she gave me a number to call along with two extensions, and told me the person on the line could search up my results for me. i called the number, that very same receptionist answered, which i thought was awkward and sorta funny, and she transferred me to whoever it was that was supposed to help me.
the woman on the other end of the line asked for my name, date of birth, and when it was that i came in for blood work. she looked me up under both my legal name and my actual name, and she came up with nothing. she told me she was going to do further digging and call me back. i told dillon i was fed up and pissed, how could a hospital just disappear nine vials of blood, especially today, when everything is computerized, accounted for, supposedly?
i told dillon fuck it, let's drive to the stram center, i'll get a new blood work order printed, make sure it has my legal name and sex on it (that was another issue, stram had my sex as M when it was never legally M...ugh) and go to labcorp to get new vials drawn. when i arrived, the lovely amazing helpful sweet receptionist named natalia looked me up in their system and saw that my bloodwork had in fact arrived a few days prior - i hadn't gotten a call from katie because she hadn't gone over the results yet. in a stroke of luck, katie had time before her next appointment, because the patient was late. so she took me into her office, went over the labs with me, sort of rushed but equally as thorough as always. b12 and vitamin D deficiencies. slightly better than the results from 8/2022, but mostly the same. i'm good to start antibiotics, she said! she prescribed me liquid D3 (a supplement called k2d3) and a liquid supplement called "methyl factors" that contained b12, b6, folate, and one other thing. and she sent in my rx for antibiotics - bactrim 160 mg and cefdinir 300mg. i was told to take two each per day, early and evening, and take the three different probiotics two hours between doses of antibiotics. i was told to start one antibiotic first, then add the second after 2-3 days. i took the first dose of bactrim last night, the second this morning. i am also taking l-glutathione at night, along with melatonin and my regimen of things that help me shit. i am still taking suboxone once a day, in the morning. i started taking the k2d3 (any time a day, once a day) and the methyl factors once a day, in the morning.
i'll update again soon, with more deets on how i'm feeling, how my body is responding to the treatment. for now, i'm tired, but i feel like the sicky is a herxy sicky, so that makes me hopeful.
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shoptophealth · 4 years
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K2D3 is a great vitamin combination that   protects bonehealth while reducing calcification of blood vessels! Order yours today at our website and have it delivered to your mailbox.
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deflamenutrition · 4 years
Basic DeFlame Program - DeFlame Programs | DeFlaming Supplements
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The Basic Health Promotion program is designed to support a DeFlaming diet (Deflaming Guidelines). It is very difficult to consume adequate nutrients unless one has a near perfect diet, which very few people are able to do on a regular basis. The Basic program contains the nutrients that seem to be the most lacking in the average American’s diet:
1. Vitamin D (Ultra K2/D3 [$24.00])
2. Omega-3 fatty acids (Clinical Omega-3 [$23.00 - for 60 ct])
3. Magnesium (Clinical Magnesium [$26.00])
4. Micronutrients (AVED-Multi Iron Free [$30.00 for 60 ct])
For more information on each, click on the individual supplement, which will bring you to a page of more detailed information about the importance of each nutrient.  Total cost for the Basic program is $103.00, or $3.43 per day.
Economized version of Basic Health Promotion. The math involves a 2-month supply of supplements. The difference is that Clinical Vitamin D replaced Ultra K2D3 [lose K2 but get more D3], a 120 count bottle of Clinical Omega-3 was used instead of the 60 count, and 2 bottles of Clinical Magnesium instead of 1.
1. Vitamin D (Clinical Vitamin D [$15.00])
2. Omega-3 fatty acids (Clinical Omega-3 [$41.00 - for 120 ct])
3. Magnesium (Clinical Magnesium [2 x $26.00 = $52.00])
4. Micronutrients (AVED-Multi Iron Free [$30.00 for 60 ct - take 1 per day instead of 2])
Total cost for the 2-month Economized Basic = $138.00 [no shipping charges], which is only $69.00 per month = $2.30 per day, compared to $3.40 for the "standard" Basic program.
Get More Info : Basic DeFlame Program - DeFlame Programs
Contact Us
Website : https://deflame.com/
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