#vittorio dimaggio
sillystringsimpsons · 1 month
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Content warnings: brief mention of sexual abuse, cartoon imagery of blood, cigars, cigarettes, discussion of struggling to transition, discussion of physical trauma. This AU is centred around a criminal organisation and by default involves mature themes.
Over hours, through a painstaking design process, I created an illustrated map detailing the relationships between frontal characters in my Simpsons alternate universe, The Good Ones. A lot of love and effort has been put into this, so I hope you guys like it! If there are any characters you'd like to see drawn, just let me know.
More info and close ups of icons beneath cut!
I know I always say this, but interactions, especially questions would mean SOSOSOSOSOSOSO much to me, as I've put so much thought into this and would LOVE to yap to interested people about it. I know art is done for oneself, but it feels really good to share my creations and hyperfixations with the Simpsons community :)
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For every character, I drew a little icon and wrote a line of dialogue, in order to give some inside into their personality and traits in a concise way. A few further explanations and elaborations are given below!
Valentina 'Tits' Albertini Her icon is a visual pun, featuring two Great Tits drawn in the colours of the transgender flag.
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Aside from Memphis, Valentina is the only other explicitly genderqueer character in the AU's focus (Lucy-Mae is heavily implied to fall under the nonbinary umbrella, but she never personally feels the need to explore it further, and is happy with identifying as female). Her former nickname was a play on how ballsy of a person she is within the mafia - though Cora is a wildcard, she makes very rash decisions: Valentina is both calculated and bold, and her current nickname is a crude (fittingly), but well-spirited adaptation introduced by Memphis. After coming out, she experiences backlash from Tony, who is concerned her late transition will impact the image of the mob. Memphis, being a trans man, asks him why Valentina is any different from himself, and in the heat of the moment, Tony exclaims that half the people in their own family have no idea that he's transgender, which leads to some tension between the two. Tits' main character arc revolves around her exploration of gender and gender expression, and the character that plays the biggest role in it is Tony's son, Michele (purposefully drawing parallels between Tony and Memphis' own relationship, and showing social change between generations).
Michele 'Softfoot Mikey' D'Amico His icon is a nod to his (in this AU) love of ballet, and how he uses it to his advantage in his role as an underboss.
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Michele is a simple evolution on Tony's canon son, Michael D'Amico. In this AU, he's been aged up to 23, and instead of having an unconventional love for cooking, has an unconventional love for ballet dance. Most all of his other traits have been kept the same, however, aside from the obvious fact that he's more rational and mature than his in-canon counterpart. He's straight, but is portrayed as very effeminate - and comfortably so. Mikey really just is a girlboss who never fails to (sometimes literally) slay.
Cora 'Connie the Howler' Mezzasalma Her icon plays on her nickname, portraying a dog with some of her key characteristics, such as a matching necklace given to her by her adoptive brother, as well as a splatter of blood - presumably from one of her usual 'errors'. Her nickname refers to the colloquial term howler, meaning a laughable mistake.
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Frankie's awkward adoptive sister of Greek origin, Cora was initially made with the sole purpose of providing a dynamic for Frankie, outside of his relationship with Johnny (which is still the primary relationship explored), but she really grew as a character. Initially I made the name 'Connie the Howler' on the fly as a sort of female version of 'Frankie the Squealer', but I ended up actually putting the effort in to rationalise it and bring it into her character. The result was an awesome little dynamic between two characters who were equally stupid, but in very different ways. She may be responsible for a number of incorrect hits, as well as a good few accidental deaths and injuries, but at the end of the day, she's a silly girl at heart who really synergises with her brother's anxious energy.
Maximus 'Legs' Legman & Luis 'Louie' Walters Both of their icons refer to an car accident the both of them got into, wherein Legs, ironically, suffered severe damage to his legs (resulting in the amputation of his left one), and Louie underwent significant cranial trauma.
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The two do admittedly have a closer relationship because of the shared experience, though they both experience significant impacts. Notably, Louie develops Broca's aphasia (yes, I know the injury is on the wrong side, that's my bad), a form of non-fluent aphasia where one's quality of speech and grammatical structure is significantly diminished - even though the words are in your head, you cannot get them out, usually due to damage to the area of the brain responsible for the production of speech. Louie really struggles in the aftermath, and has a difficult time adapting to his disability. Thankfully, he's got his friend there to help him through it.
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ngzin0 · 2 years
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max-legmans-keys · 1 month
Master List
Who I write for + fc
I do take requests for fics
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Luca Angelo (Oc)
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Max "Legs" Legman
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Vittorio DiMaggio Jr(Oc)
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Louie Walters
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Andrea Angelo(Oc)
Johnny Tightlips
(currently unsure on FC)
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DJ Frye (oc)
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Daniel Frye Sr(oc)
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rolkstone · 1 month
The DiMaggio Crime Family info
(this is based on my AU which I have been developing with @fernikart57 and @ghosttrickfan9887 )
The Big Boss: Joel Fontana (OC by Fernikart57)
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He comes from a long line of men of the same name. The first one came to the US to find a better life; his son found a much better life in crime, which he in turn taught to his own son. This current Joel is the fourth in the line and is perhaps the most bitter and angry, due to his extremely toxic upbringing and the feeling that no one likes him.
He eventually takes a seat on the Mafia Commission and spends more time in other cities, but he got his start in Springfield.
The Boss: Don Vittorio DiMaggio
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His ancestor had come to the US with the first Fontana to help get them set up. Vittorio has always been a very level headed, calm, almost sweet man who found a lot of solace in his friendship with Fat Tony. He was groomed to be the boss since middle age and carefully, quietly, led things under Joel's eye. Eventually he takes over the DiMaggio crime family in Springfield and New Jersey.
He found love in his earlier age but because he was in love with another man, his father went nuclear. Vittorio had to leave his love forever. Now he continues to stay away from men romantically and collects cats.
The Underboss: Marion Anthony "Fat Tony" D'Amico
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His ancestors worked faithfully alongside the DiMaggios; Tony was a sort of Mafia prince from a young age. He had everything going for him and he really embraced it. He was close with Vittorio from the start and took pride in being a good enforcer for him.
He later meets a woman named Anna Marie and they hit it off almost immediately. He later has a son with her; she dies later.
Since Don Vittorio is a very hands-off leader, Tony is seen to be the boss of the crew by many. Tony does not at all mind getting his hands dirty or helping his men do tasks that usually only peons do.
He's always been a bit chubby, but as he aged he put on the pounds. He's content with that.
The Consigliere: Armin Tamzarian aka Seymour Skinner
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Seymour started his life as a criminal, but when he joined the Army, he seemed to put that behind him, especially when he met a man who inspired him to do better. He became the principal of the elementary school and an important figure in the society. But as time went by and the school funds dried, Seymour desperately turned to the Mafia for a loan.
Since he couldn't pay it back in money, Tony allowed Seymour (after having a cute meeting at a restaurant) to pay him back via tasks, like administrative or other nerdy jobs. Eventually they fell in love and a lot more responsibility was thrust upon Seymour.
He's gone through a lot with Tony, lost a lot, gained a lot. He's changed quite a bit, but is still the same sweet, deferential man he's always been.
The Co-Consigliere: Dan Gillick
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He started working for the Mafia when he walked in on his old boss talking to some goons. He was threatened and promised to stay quiet. He was always good with numbers; eventually his boss "gave" him to the Mafia.
The mobsters never really respected Dan, especially as he tried to get them to curtail their spending. He had to make sure they weren't hemorrhaging money. At least because he's such a little, frail guy, no one tried to get physical with him. Don Vittorio respected and liked him a lot.
The Top Enforcer: Giovanni "Johnny Tightlips" Silencio
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He was part of Carina's (more on her later) crew in New Jersey, still under the umbrella of Don Vittorio and Joel. Johnny was transferred down to Springfield after a series of gang wars took out of a lot Tony's men. Johnny was always so cool and sharp and aloof; Tony had a man-crush on him from the start and still admires him. However, the two can often butt heads as Johnny has a rather independent spirit.
Enforcer: Paulie (OC by me)
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He's an older member, a middle ranking capo who's been stagnating in that rank for years now. He's bitter and resentful but decent at his niche job: making collections for the Numbers Game. He often works alongside another mobster.
Enforcer: Jimmy "The Scar"
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He's been with Tony from the beginning, though in his early days he was ordered by Joel to spy on his own colleagues. This made him quite unpopular, but when he took the order to pretend to be a cop so he could spy on them, he started to regain some esteem. He's always been level headed and calm and pretty easy going; the guys end up liking him despite his ugly beginnings.
Enforcer: Max "Legs" Legman
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He has an explanation for his nickname; he just never gets the chance to tell it. He's one of the few trans members of the crew, and no one knows until the information is forced out of him later. Probably due to an injury. This is partly why he is very stand-offish and touch averse.
He ran away from home at a young age and met Louie, another young runaway. They did what they had to to survive; eventually Louie was picked up by the local Mafia crew due to his Italian heritage. Legs is not Italian, but Louie made it clear they are a two part deal. Now Legs is the crew's medic, having a special talent for it.
Enforcer: Louie
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Brash, thoughtless, careless, but with a good heart for a life of crime. He loves Legs but sense how he pulls away; he is constantly trying to get close, then pulling away. He's almost gotten whacked before due to his mistakes, but so far squeaks by because he's willing to do just about anything for Tony.
Peon: Frankie "The Squealer" Veloce
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By all rights, he should be dead many times over. He has a compulsion to spill secrets, the more important the more it physically hurts him to keep it in. He is deeply insecure and painfully aware of how "little" he is, in many ways. He just wants to feel big; he wants to feel like he matters. His biological family has always been distant and sort of just pushed him into the Mafia.
Sometimes Tony sends Frankie to the cops to squeal about less important things to distract them.
Peon: Carmine Veloce (OC by me)
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A recent member. He's trans and has no idea what he's doing. He barely passes but if the other guys realize, they don't say anything directly about it. He's usually made to do shit jobs like cleaning up and dissolving dead bodies. He's Frankie's cousin, but Frankie doesn't know about his new identity.
The New Jersey Crew
Led by Carina D'Amico, this satellite crew runs things in Newark, New Jersey for the benefit of Don Vittorio and Joel. The crews are primarily independent of each other though will sometimes visit each other or join up for battles.
Boss: Carina D'Amico (OC by me)
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She was born Silvio D'Amico, and was raised as a Mafia prince alongside her brother Tony. She was sent to New Jersey as a youth to establish a crew there. She ruled her crew with an iron fist as Silvio for many, many years, knowing something was wrong but afraid to address it in this extremely toxic and macho world of the Mafia.
She started transitioning only recently. There are many in the Mafia who still know her as Silvio, though few make the mistake to call her that. Don Vittorio admires her a lot and has set the standard for his entire Family to respect her.
Underboss: Fausto
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A hot headed man whore with many boyfriends, Fausto is Carina's trusted leg breaker. He's her main enforcer. He's tough and brittle, but there's a sensitive heart down there somewhere.
Consigliere: John Lawson (OC by Fernikart57) (not pictured)
More level headed, but also very cruel. He keeps the books for Carina. He is too fragile to fight physically, but his ability to run numbers in his head makes him scary to debtors.
Medic: Layla "Flake" (OC by me)
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She got involved with the Mafia when her brother took a job from the wrong man and got imprisoned. She went into debt trying to help him. She met some peons who worked for Carina and eventually met Carina herself, offering whatever she could do instead of money. She's been studying to be a doctor, but was stopped by lack of funds. Carina pays her well now, but keeps her on call at all times.
Enforcer: Floyd (OC by Fernikart57)
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A sensitive, careful guy. He lost his arm in a battle; however is the primary driver for the crew in their modified car.
Enforcer: Gregorio
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A nasty middle aged guy. He's a smooth talker, a real lady killer, but he's genuinely violent with them too.
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seroothincs · 1 year
Part 1 of my Overanalysis.
Who? Me?! Overanalysing something that only appeared for just two milliseconds and which possibly holds no further importance to the actual plot in the show and just doing this to feed my hunger for content of the wiseguys?!
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It's more likely than you think.
Well, if the writers aren't gonna get to this interesting chapter of the mafia then I might just well do it myself. An interesting board though. Like, Tony is of course the biggest picture that takes up a lot of space on the board because he is the most government involved character, he's a freaking mafia underboss so obviously the FBI would be concerned for what kind of "Legitimate Business" he exactly takes part in and starts. We have Don Vittorio next to him, and I'm surprised he's not the bigger picture in this case since he's well-- the real boss, the don of his whole mafia organisation.
We usually just describe the springfield mafia as the D'amico mob because Tony is more involved with it than Vittorio is, even though he is the real don. This could just mean the writers often forget about Vittorio (like I do at times) or there's something else here that is left for me to discover. I wholeheartedly believe that Tony is really the don of the Springfield mafia, maybe and just maybe, Years ago Vittorio did step down as the don and passed the role onto Tony though now that HE was in charge he saw an increase of assassination attempts, not only on himself but on his whole team. The Gang that was responsible for these attacks were the Esposito's, a very old gang that has been at it with the DiMaggio's since the 30s and well the don of that family just so happened to be Vittorio's arch nemesis. Many, many times have they tried to assassinate Vittorio but he was always a step ahead. Now with Vittorio gone and the word quickly spreading on the streets, the Esposito's take their chance and try to finally eliminate the now renamed D'amico mob. They beg Vittorio to come back since the attacks are so brutal they don't know how to deal with them, even the more professional and clever capos such as Lefty and Righty are clueless. Vittorio simply rolls his eyes, groans and comes back, announcing himself to be the don BUT only appears as an acting boss for his mob. Tony is still in charge which he rightfully deserves but Vittorio is simply just there to remain as a shield for the D'Amicos, 'cuz now with him back the don of the Esposito's is absolutely destroyed and knows he can't go on with his attacks since Vittorio was always the clever ace and knew how to stop him each time. And so now they're just waiting for that don to die of old age so that Tony can finally operate as the official don in peace and Vittorio can step into his much needed retirement. I imagine it to be like that, but now besides Vittorio there are two more pictures. One of a guy that sort of looks like Legs and another titled "The Hat", very helpful to just have a guy named The hat but okay. Now that guy was also featured in "Donnie Fatso" when he had the car waiting for Tony, Louie, Legs and Homer. Possibly a low-life member like Frankie, or a soldier like him. I think he could be an associate, not an Mafia associate like you would think (examples such as Mayor Quimby or Krusty who frequently engage with the mob), he's more of Vittorio's associate, a man of mystery who can get you all kinds of information if you meet him in a dark enough street with rain pouring down like crazy and one tall street lamp shining in the dark. That's where you can meet him. And his name just being "The Hat" makes it all the more creepier, at this point the others are just too afraid to ask the don directly who The hat really is. I'm losing myself, anyways. This whole board is really interesting, especially when you see Mayor Quimby who is known to strike deals with the mob frequently, Krusty who is an addictive gambler and owes the mafia a lot- Snake is obvious as well what with him being a criminal but actually, I've never seen him interact with the mob. Well other than he might have stumbled upon them a couple of times in prison but that's it, he did meet them in the simpsons comics. I remember that. On the board however, there are a couple more things to talk about. There being of course Jimmy the snitch, the passport to it and the news article could point to it that he has been featured in repeated interviews, articles and the media, giving intel on the mafia to the government. His nickname being snitch is no surprise. Though the passport makes me think that maybe he travels a lot and stays low in other countries because of his snitching making him look like a walking target just waiting to get shot at.
Part 2 coming after this.
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fattonyscorner · 10 months
Today has been an awful day Don Vittorio has died 😢 I can't believe it he was 90 years young. I am very sad to be saying this but he died at home and we all rushed to his side to say goodbye. He died in his dear daughter Rosalie's arms. I feel horrible for Rosalie and Don Vittorio was a good Don. R.I.P. Don Vittorio Dimaggio 1933-2023
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fernikart57 · 3 years
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Did you knew that Don Vittorio DiMaggio has a cat?
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kellylovesmax · 6 years
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This is for Don Vittorio DiMaggio
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psycheblog-uk · 5 years
Patient Personality and Therapist Response: An Empirical Investigation
Patient Personality and Therapist Response: An Empirical Investigation
Antonello Colli  , Ph.D., Annalisa Tanzilli  , Ph.D., Giancarlo Dimaggio  , M.D., and Vittorio Lingiardi , M.D. Published Online:1 Jan 2014https://doi.org/10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13020224 Abstract Objective
The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between therapists’ emotional responses and patients’ personality disorders and level of psychological functioning.
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seroothincs · 1 year
Part 6.
1989 - 1991
Aight, so you know shit is gonna go down in this because Tony and Legs are only now coming back to Springfield where many gangs and rivals have already claimed their territory over the city.
They had known they would be met with this issue, seeing as they once were the most feared in Springfield besides the DiMaggios and with them gone a lot of power and the empty chair at the top would be up for grabs.
Now they had to re-earn all their respect on the streets, but they couldn’t do it alone as a duo.
They had to find Louie, but it was more of a hunt for him this time, he wasn’t at the college he said he’d be continuing to attend and he hasn’t been seen in Little Italy or the east end at all. Tony eventually found him one day at the Glen Country club and Louie was not rather fond of seeing him again. Long story short, and after a heated argument. Tony came clean over what really happened and that sort of regained Louie’s trust? Eh- Louie was still not happy. It took some convincing to do once he got him to join the mafia again.
Anyways. Word on the streets were that the D'amico's were back, baby. And stronger than ever.
Now stronger than ever is an understatement, it was just the three of them currently.
Legs knew they needed to recruit new members to help them take back their territory. They began scouting for potential members and found some young, tough-looking guys who were eager to join their gang.
Some notable names who were a part of these new kids were Joey “The scar”, Joey “The Arsonist”, Ronnie “The Rifle” and of course, one man called Johnny Tightlips.
Now this fella was an eccentric one, he wore a purple suit with a fitting long coat and a hat. He once approached Tony in a bar, said he worked for Vittorio and warned him to not expand his business.
After having questioned his status, Johnny simply talked his way out of his question and left the bar with a warning. Tony was seriously not impressed with that man.
Back to the plot, they started small, taking over small businesses and extending their reach into the city. Smuggling and fraud were their special tactics, at times they even worked with the current Mayor Quimby together, one such thing no other gang had even thought about doing.
This continued to anger the rivals, even the DiMaggios. A final time Tony met Johnny, but he strictly stated that he did not come on the words of his boss, he came on his personal views.
Johnny talked about how he admired Tony’s courage to keep up with an old pain in the ass like Vittorio, Tony stated that Johnny could join them if he’d like.
Johnny replied he couldn’t, not while he worked for Vittorio. They left it at that and Johnny once again left.
That purple guy was really eccentric.
His words made no sense and Tony even detected a slight german accent behind him.
And time-skipped to some weeks having passed and the D'amico's were knee-deep into a feud with the DiMaggios.
This didn’t hold up for long as a second gang stepped into the spotlight, the two families had a shared enemy who was threatening both of their territories and operations, so they decided to set aside their differences and work together to take down this mutual threat.
And this threat were the Castellanetas, the don off the gang was a hated nemesis for Vittorio.
They planned together an attack that could scare the Castellanetas back into the corner they came from, and a side ambush to kill the don.
This was also the time where Tony met Johnny again, Vittorio introduced him formally to Tony and Vittorio was actually thinking about giving Johnny over to Tony.
He dealt with Vittorio for a long time and swore him his loyalty but he felt as if the young man didn’t get enough experience under Vittorio’s position.
He was old and Johnny was so young, he still had a lot to learn about the mob business and so he wanted him to join Tony.
Johnny didn’t give much of a reaction to this news but he was satisfied with that decision.
Several weeks into the preparations, someone came knocking on the door.
And here comes Jimmy “The axe”.
The three wiseguys were wondering what he was even doing here and he explained his situation.
Jimmy had previously overheard back in Italy how the DiMaggios and the infamous D'amico's were starting to work together to take down the Castellanas for good, everyone back home knew who Tony was and who Vittorio was.
Naturally Jimmy was deeply concerned for his nephew. He flew all the way back to the U.S.A to take Louie with him.
He wanted his only relative to be protected by him and he no longer wished for Louie to be affiliated with both Tony and Legs. Something the two found greatly anger over.
Louie did absolutely not let that slide and an argument soon broke out, in just one brief second Jimmy slapped Louie.
Causing Legs and Tony to intervene.
They continued to argue with Jimmy until the axe made it clear his request was now an order, demanding Louie to have his bags packed for tonight.
Legs was totally outraged by all this, thinking Jimmy can just walk in here and pull Louie with him back to Italy without his consent.
Tony was pissed off just as much as Legs was but he was also confused because Louie never mentioned that his uncle was Jimmy the motherfucking axe. He was a well-known mobster in the business and a respected made man.
Louie could not let Jimmy take him, he hated his uncle ever since he was 8 but now he really was upset with him.
His minor anger towards him was only caused by Jimmy who always had a say in what 9 year old Louie was supposed to do each day, turning into now a deep anger that Jimmy wanted to drag him away from his friends and his actual family.
They went ahead with their plan on the take-down on the Castellanetas for tonight.
It was all going so well until they had the whole gang cornered, when Legs wasn’t looking, they ambushed him and he was stuck with a gun pointed to his head by the direct capo off the Castellanetas.
In a brief second, Louie managed to save his friend from the enemy but without its own damage as Louie was struck with a knife in the back.
He was down and the Castellanetas fled the scene. They had to immediately get Louie out of there before the police arrived, what they didn’t know is that Jimmy “The axe” was right with the gangs as the whole thing went down.
Working under Vittorio for the remainder of the battle.
And he had seen everything of how Louie risked his own life for just one person, a person that his nephew seemed to really like.
Once at the hospital, Jimmy had arrived with some flowers and met Legs in the hall.
He asked if Louie was alright, Legs responded he was still under-going surgery, it could take a while until he would be open for visitors.
Jimmy simply replied that the flowers were a waste for it all and attempted to throw them away until Legs stopped him.
The two talked for a while, Jimmy mentioned how Louie seemed to be so selfless in rescuing Legs. Furthermore it became clear to Jimmy just how precious Louie is to both Tony and Legs.
That was the moment where Jimmy broke down, he came clean to Legs and talked about all the wrong-doings he put Louie through.
Legs listened to Jimmy's confession and could sense the sincerity in his words. He knew that Jimmy had always cared deeply for Louie, despite his past mistakes.
But he still was a bad man for treating Louie this way.
Not until Jimmy mentioned the part where he promised Louie’s father that he would take care of Louie, but he broke his promise and Louie hated the man Jimmy has become.
He could never forgive him even if they tried to fix it up. Legs comforted him and told Jimmy that Louie was a tough yet kind-hearted kid, if Jimmy were to explain everything to him then surely Louie would forgive him.
And that’s just what Jimmy did.
He went back to the old house of Louie’s parents and found just exactly what he needed.
After the Surgery and after Louie was met with Tony and Legs, it was finally Jimmy’s turn to visit him. Louie did not take his visit lightly and only replied with what he wanted.
Jimmy knew his nephew wasn’t fond of seeing him right about now, he only put down a box and said that hopefully this would clear their relationship up and said his goodbyes.
Jimmy even admitted that Louie would be happy to hear that Jimmy was going back to Italy, alone. Louie opened the box in curiosity. He could see multiple things laying in it.
One most crucial thing was a picture of himself when he was 3 with his parents, and one with his father and Jimmy on it.
There were two letters.
One had the name of Louie's father on it, while the other one had Jimmy's on it.
The Letter that was from Louie's father described how he was in deep trouble and he and his wife would soon pass away under mysterious circumstances, he wanted Jimmy to act as Louie's legal guardian, he also wrote that this would be the last time he would ever talk with Jimmy. So he said his final goodbyes.
In response Jimmy wrote that he will take care of his nephew, which he stuck to his promise of raising Louie, Jimmy also wrote that he will forever cherish and protect Louie since he was the last thing Jimmy had in his brother's memory and as a family member.
It was clear to Louie now that everything Jimmy did was only to protect him since both of them were the last they had on family.
Jimmy cherished this little kid who he raised like his own son. It was a bitter but needed realisation for Louie, that no matter how much he hated his Uncle, his Uncle only had good intentions for him. And Louie used those against him.
Saying his uncle only wanted to manipulate him all while Jimmy only wanted to protect him because they were on their own, the last ones of their families.
Once Louie finished reading both letters, he slowly sat laid back down on the bed. He was overwhelmed with tears, and his lips and face were twisted up as he let out a quiet sob. His whole body started trembling and his face scrunched up, his eyes turning red as the tears fell and rolled down his face, dripping onto his hospital gown.
It was maybe too late to change anything but Louie knew Jimmy wasn't that far away yet, he could still apologise to him.
Though as Louie was about to get up, his legs went out beneath him causing him to fall down, he was still weak after the operation but he didn't let that obstacle get in his way.
He just ran down the halls, feeling like he could run forever.
He even passed Tony and Legs in the halls as Legs had forgotten his jacket in Louie’s room. The two were deeply concerned about seeing him out of bed and ran after him.
Once Louie stood at the entrance to the Hospital, he noticed his uncle was about to step into a vehicle.
He yelled out to him and ran towards him, all while he was only dressed in nothing more but his hospital gown in the pouring rain.
Louie wanted to hug Jimmy so bad but he couldn’t, he stopped right in his tracks as he hesitated to.
This was his last chance to apologise, and he was determined to get this right.
Louie broke down in front of Jimmy and just admitted to him that was sorry.
His short confession didn’t hold on as Jimmy immediately hugged him, he dropped his umbrella in the process but didn’t care.
He just wanted to hug his nephew, and the two eventually broke down in tears.
Slumping to the floor as they hugged each other.
Legs and Tony watched on from the entrance and after a couple minutes, started nearing the two.
Legs was glad they finally got their apologies out.
Jimmy truly regretted that he couldn’t stay but he needed to go because of his business, though he promised Louie he would write every day.
With that they finally got their hatred out of their ways and Louie was on the path of recovery.
Over the past weeks, they succeeded in several more ambushes on the Castellanetas.
Sadly a few men of both the DiMaggios and the D'amico's lost their lives in the fight but they kept going strong and didn’t back down.
Their time finally came as they managed to reduce the territory of their rival, allowing the winners to come out on top. They didn’t defeat the don but at least they delivered a heavy blow on the Castellanetas resources and men.
After such a long feud, the two rival families settled it by becoming one big family.
Vittorio would still remain as the big boss while Tony would play as the underboss and soon would take Vittorio’s place as the head of the organisation.
Life was beginning to get better.
And now with Johnny Tightlips on their sides, he made him a caporegime, seeing as he earned that title after his many strategic in-puts during the gang war.
Legs and Louie stepped down from their positions to make way for Lefty and Righty, both very professional caporegimes who deserved this spot on the team.
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rolkstone · 1 year
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age: 40s
job: underboss to the DiMaggio crime Family; does a lot of collections
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