#vivanne miedema x reader
flemingsgirl · 2 days
Bundle of joy
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Her sweet wife's expecting and her teammates being just like family.
Viviane Miedema x freader
Tw: Mention of vomit and a swear..
Wrapped in your coat only your eyes and scrunched nose looking out you sat behind the bench of her team; Viv organized you a bandage for the seat. When the team walks back to the locker room Katie and some other wave at you and as Vivianne makes her way past you she stops at the railing. “Look at you all freezing up, just wearing gloves, what are you hoping for,” you laughed and she rolls her eyes. Her hand reaching for yours intertwining them, “You okay?” She knitted her brows. “you’re quite passive just some jogs.”
“Yeah, yeah, someone kicked me against my shine.”
“You can say that loud. Are you alright?” her eyes wandering from yours down to your abdomen.
“I’m fine, we’re fine” her lips curl up and her dimple visualizes on her cheek. “You’re rocking it Anna,” you squeeze her hand, the goner laughed, and you showed how you have her finger crossed, she gives you another radiant smile before disappearing into the dugout.
When the game ends her eyes search for you on your designed seat. “You good Miedema?” her thick accent filling the air.
“Yeah just looking..”
“For Y/N? I think she left ten minutes ago.” The woman takes off as the words left katies mouth.
Banging on the several doors in the restroom she hears heavy breathing behind the last one. “Schatje,” she raises her hand and knocks hesitantly on the door, “can you let me in?”
“It’s open,” you mumble, and she slowly pushes the door open. “It hit out of the blue, couldn’t even watch the end.”
Her hand rubs over your back, her other holding your hair back, “it’s alright, it wasn’t even important.”
“Every game is important for me, seemingly not for her.” Your head rests in your hand as you take deep breaths in.
“She cannot quite understand it,” Viv lets out a chuckle and takes your cheek in her hand.
“Don’t, I stink.”
“So, do I.”
“You don’t wanna kiss me with all the vomit.”
“I’d always kiss you but if you don’t feel like it it’s okay.” She rises to her feet holding out a hand for you, “you wanna come into the changing room and wait for me?”
“I don’t know I’m not sure if the nausea is gone,” you take her hand, and she helps you on your feet.
“Good, small steps, okay? So how are we?” leading you out of the stall and towards the sinks, getting some water in her hands she attaches it to your skin, a prickling feeling runs through your body. “You’re doing so well.”
“I’m just standing.”
“Yeah, and that’s enough,” she places her hands on your tummy which is hid in your coat. “We’re almost done, only a few weeks.” She pecks your cheek, then the other and at last your forehead. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you, my love,” you bring your arms around your neck and snuggle into the crock of her neck, the sweaty smell almost calming you. “I’m ready let’s get this done.”
She guides you into the changing room where you’re meet with cheers and shouting from her mates, Beth almost jumping you to the ground, Viv could catch the two of you before worse could happen. “I can’t believe only a few weeks,” she squeaks still jumping up and down. Two strong arms sling around your body as Katie pulls you into her embrace “Can’t leave before aunty Katie said hello,” she lowers her head to the bump, “Yo hello bud in there, it’s your favourite don’t upset your mommies they’re doing their best and beyond. Can’t wait until you’re here.”
“Oh, girls you’re so sweet,” tears built up in your eyes and your bottom lip trembles they’re taking the cue and hold you in their embrace until Vivianne is ready to go home. “Okay guys see you tomorrow,” she waves for them, and you both step out.
The first days back home with your little bundle of joy was everything besides joy, screaming, crying, vomiting, pooping, people who say it’s easy peasy lemon squeezy should rod in hell. Hectic that was your new normal. Don’t get this wrong the birth of your baby girl was next to your wedding day the best day in your life, Heleen is a sweet girl and looks just like her mom but then she got this cold in the first days being home, she gets fuzzy and screams almost the whole day, neither of you could keep an eye shut, your hearts breaking at her being sick.
After this bumpy start the three of you fell perfect into the family routine and life. The only thing that was a topic that you discussed with your wife was football. She paused training with the girls the first month of Heleen’s life, she needed to get back on the pitch, stay in form, train for her to be part of the squad but that wasn’t as important to her than her family.
“Viv, it’s been a month you can’t stay home and workout here.”
“Why so?
“We don’t have the capacitate nor the girls to push you. You miss them. I know,” you caresses her cheek as you step closer to her in the rocking chair. “They need you. We got this; you still have half of the day with us my love.”
“But what if I don’t want to leave you?”
“I don’t want it either but there are some things we can’t change. We’ll come around as much as we can,” you peck her cheek and rest your head on hers as your hands hold her face. “You’re not a bad person, it’s your job.”
Marking her tenth month she was the first time in the stadium with you, the noise cancelling headphones on her head as she cradles in your arm eyes sparkling as she observes her surroundings. “Quite lovely innit Hel?” you kiss her occipital. “Look there’s mommy,” you point towards your wife who walks behind Beth onto the pitch, she squeaks and jumps in your lap. Heleen fell asleep around the twentieth minutes.
Viv scored twice that day and sent you a heart each time. Your daughter wakes before them and sees them as well, so you think cause she somewhat claps her small hands together, making you giggle. When the games ends you moved closer to the pitch with your daughter tight pressed into your body.
“Look who’s there,” you turn her in your grip, “your favourite aunty.” Katie sees you and runs over to you almost crashing into some other player.
“Look at you, all proud of aunty to win,” she raises her hands towards you, and you hand your daughter to the other woman.
“But careful Katie,” one brow raised, and your pointing finger dared on her.
“You know me.”
“Yeah, the biggest argument.”
“Let’s get you to your mommy,” she coos and walks over to Viv who was wrapped in a conversation with Beth and Caitlin.
“Oh, who’s there!”
“Our biggest fan!”
“Hartendief,” Viv tickles her side, and she wiggles in Katie’s grip and then she takes her off her aunties arm and into her body. “I scored for you have you seen that?” she whispers into her little ear, “I’m very happy you’re here.” She pecks her forehead and joins the conversation again, a smile plastered on her lips.
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daniswoso · 9 months
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You’re ill.
Vivianne Miedema x reader.
Warnings: illness, viv being overprotective, reader is sick, MINOR illness fluff.
Summary: You’re ill and try to hide it, safe to say it doesn’t last long.
You were ill. You knew it, you could feel it coming even a few days before.
And apparently everyone else knew, too. So that meant a tall, overprotective Dutch woman known as Vivianne Miedema also knew. Which meant that with no doubt she wouldn't allow you to do even a minute of training, let alone a match.
"Y/N!" Her voice rang out around the Arsenal locker room.
"Shit." You grumbled as Leah chuckled and Kyra threw you a sympathetic smile, which you returned. "Hey, love, what's up?" You asked innocently, trying to make your voice sound less hoarse than it actually was.
"How could you not tell me you were ill!?" She asked, passing you one of her hoodies before pressing a cold face cloth to your forehead and pressing the back of her hand to your cheeks, trying to gauge your temperature.
"I'm sorry, love." You sniffled, resting you head against her, as she wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer.
"God, you're going to be the death of me." She murmurs, kissing your temple. "It's okay, love, we'll get you home yeah?"
You don't even have time to think, you just knew you had heard the word 'home' and nodded, nearly falling asleep against your partners chest there and then.
The Arsenal girls bid their goodbyes to the both of you as Vivianne led you out to the car, your body almost a dead weight against her side, your head resting against her as you fought to stay awake.
Eventually she manages to get you into the front seat of the car, your teeth chattering slightly. "Are you cold, babe?" She asks, checking your temperature and grimacing when she saw you had broken out into a cold sweat.
You nod as she lays a blanket over your lap, which you smile weakly, but gratefully, for.
You end up falling asleep on the car ride home, the last thing you see being the gleam of the satnav in Viv's car, only to wake up to the soft gleam of the living room lights in your shared flat.
"Love?" You croak out, sitting up before a wave of nausea and dizziness hits you full force, making you lay back down and curl in on yourself as you desperately tried to stop the bile from climbing up your throat.
"Hey, love. You feel any better?" She asks tentatively, placing down a tray with a cup of tea, a small glass of water and soup on it down, before plonking a box of ibuprofen and paracetamol down too. You weakly shake your head, grateful gulping down some of the tea, the warm, honey-infused liquid soothing your throat.
"Not really. Kinda feels like Ive been hit by a lorry." You chuckled weakly, sitting up as she helps you get comfy, letting you take your meds.
You fall asleep not long after, wrapped up in Viv's arms. It was pure bliss.
Until she sneezed.
"Well, guess we're both sick now." You snickered weakly, kissing her cheek sloppily.
She grimaced as she wiped her cheek, giving you a half-hearted disapproving glare before smiling and rolling her eyes, "Yeah, no thanks to you, love."
You both chuckle and end up falling asleep wrapped up in each others arms.
And a few days later, when you'd recovered, Viv did indeed come down with the same horrid affliction you had.
A/N: enjoy!!
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Take Care of You (Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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Pregnancy was definitely an interesting state of being. You weren’t useless, but there were a lot of things that you couldn’t do. Viv thought that it was a much more extensive list than what it actually was, but you knew that she was just trying to take care of you. You and the baby were very important to Viv. You remembered how much she had cried from happiness whenever you told her that you were actually pregnant.
“What are you doing up?” Viv asked you. She sat up next to you and put her hand on your back. She rubbed circles on your back and pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.
“Just thinking,” you answered. Viv stood up and stretched. She went out to pick up something for breakfast and then get a couple of foods you’d been craving that might have been running low in the apartment. You were definitely grateful for the way she’d been doting on you, but at the same time, you wished that she let you do things yourself a bit more. “Let’s go out for a walk.”
“Where to?” Viv asked you.
“It can literally just be out to the parking lot. I just wanna get up and stretch my legs,” you answered and Viv ran to get your shoes for you. “Thank you, even though I could have done it myself.”
“Yeah, but you’re pregnant,” Viv said and you sighed.
“Yes Vivianne, I am pregnant. Seven and a half months to be exact. However, I didn’t realize that being pregnant was synonymous with being useless,” you said and Viv noticed the tears threatening to fall from the corners of your eyes. Viv leaned down and pulled you into a hug. 
“Do you feel useless?” Viv asked and you nodded. “I swear I was just trying to take care of you. I never wanted you to feel like that.”
“Let’s just move on please?” you asked and Viv nodded. “I want you to know that I’m very grateful for you and I love you. Maybe just let me do a bit more myself from now on okay? I know that whenever the baby is here, I’ll need you a lot more then.”
“Okay,” Viv said and you pulled her in for a kiss. She rested her forehead against yours and the two of you just relaxed for a moment. Your walk to the parking lot was a thought lost in the back of your mind as you comforted Viv a bit. You knew that she prided herself on taking care of you, but it was the times when you could take care of her that you loved the most.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
A Special Friend (Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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Adulting was hard and scary. All of it intensified when you began to realize that you’d have to adult for yourself while also raising a child. Your fiance, Vivianne, was amazing and patient with you. She seemed to have so much figured out that you couldn’t begin to wrap your head around. Even though she would be away quite a bit, you could tell that she was planning things for those times.
“Hey, can I show you something?” Viv asked you. You nodded and followed her into the room that was becoming a nursery. There was wallpaper with animals, some new carpet, a recliner, and a half-built crib. You sat down in the recliner and looked around the room. “I know that it can be hard when I’m away for you.”
“You’re not wrong,” you said with a small smile.
“I can’t imagine what it’d be like for our child. I know that I was a nervous child and there’s a chance that our baby will be as well, so I picked something up when I was at camp,” Viv’s smile was so proud as she grabbed an orange drawstring bag from the floor. “Flip helped me a lot growing up and still does now too. He was my special friend for when I was nervous or upset, now they will have one as well.”
“She’ll have a special friend like Flip,” you corrected and Viv’s eyes widened. “We’re having a little girl. I found out the day you left for camp and was waiting to tell you.”
“She is going to be a very happy little girl,” Viv promised and you agreed. When your daughter was born and brought home, Viv proudly presented her with the teddy. Even if your daughter wasn’t old enough to hold or understand the concept of the toy, you did notice that she was calmer whenever it was in the same room as her.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Household Name (Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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You had always wanted to be just like your big sister, Alex. Alex, for the most part, had done a good job in helping you in any way that she could. Both of you were now professional soccer players, but she was just better known than you were at this point. She’d been playing longer and she had played soccer at a bigger school than you had. It also helped that she was a part of the USWNT. You had worked hard to get there, but always came up a bit short. Now that you had started playing in Europe, it was more difficult getting noticed in America. It would soon be your time to shine though, Europe was getting to know Y/n Morgan, and soon America would as well.
“Hey baby,” Viv, your girlfriend and teammate said. You turned and smiled at her. “Are you ready for the game?”
“Absolutely. I feel sort of bad though, Alex just got back into playing again and she’s gotta go against us,” you said honestly. You didn’t think that the Pride was terrible, but you definitely didn’t think they could beat Arsenal. They were two different leagues and the funding going into each team was different.
“Are you excited to see Alex?” Viv asked you. You nodded and Viv kissed your cheek. Arsenal was allowed to use the field for practice a couple of times before the tournament started and Alex made sure to set aside as much time as she could for you. After the game, you’d introduce your girlfriend to your sister, but until then, it was just time for you to spend with Alex. Viv didn’t mind though, she got to sleep on one of the most comfortable hotel beds she had ever encountered before.
“I saw that goal you got last week, it was pretty impressive,” Alex said as the two of you got settled for a good lunch. “You’re really starting to come into your own style of play. Orlando would have liked to see that earlier.”
“Orlando did, but I wasn’t ALEX Morgan, so it didn’t matter,” you said and Alex sighed. There was a light banter over lunch and Alex voiced her concerns about the game. You agreed that it seemed a bit ridiculous that Orlando got Arsenal for the draw, but you knew she was glad it wasn’t Barcelona or Lyon. Alex knew how good the girls on Lyon were from playing with them. Arsenal wasn’t a team that they were counting out, but Alex hadn’t paid a lot of attention until you had transferred there.
Almost everything that Alex was afraid might happen, happened. Marta got an early red, Viv the goal scoring machine managed to get a double hat trick, and you had made a fool of her on multiple occasions. Still, there wasn’t any bad blood between the Morgan siblings by the end of the game. Alex took you out to dinner to celebrate the win and getting to see each other. Viv was really nervous about meeting Alex, but the two of them were getting along very well. There were a couple of times whenever you felt like Alex might accidentally steal your girlfriend.
“Do you have to stay the night at your hotel?” Alex asked and you nodded. “Well, get your butt over here ASAP when you get a break because I miss you.”
“Put in a good word for me with Vlatko,” you joked.
“After tonight, you might as well be a household name. They’ll be calling you the American Messi,” Alex said and you blushed. “Seriously, I’m proud of you. You’ve really got everything together.”
“Thanks Al,” you said and Alex let you go for the night.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Five Ever (Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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Viv was one of the calmest people you have ever met in your entire life. She rarely got angry with anyone, so when she did, you knew it was bad. The list of things that made her that mad wasn’t a very long one. However, the second she walked into your apartment, you knew something had to have happened.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” you asked as Viv rushed past you. You got up from where you’d been sitting and followed her into the bedroom. She flopped onto the bed and let out a scream. “Hey, baby, what’s wrong?”
“Bad day,” Viv said shortly. You ran your fingers through her hair until she turned over and looked at you. You held her in your arms and waited for her to tell you what happened. “Do you love me?”
“Of course I do,” you said and Viv smiled. “Why would you think anything different?”
“It’s not important,” Viv said with a sniffle.
“If it upsets you, it’s important. Don’t ever think anything less than that. I love you and I will always love you,” you said with a small smile. “I’d say forever, but longer than that. I’m gonna love you five ever.”
“You’re ridiculous,” Viv said with a small chuckle. You were relieved that she was no longer angry and the two of you could enjoy your night together.
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Honorary Dutchie(Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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Dating a professional soccer player was really cool. You got to go to the games, learn more about the sport, and there was always something that was brought home to you. If somebody were to look into your closet, they would see an abundance of Arsenal and Netherlands Women’s National Team merchandise. That was because you were dating Vivianne Miedema. The two of you had met during her first season at Arsenal. She was a player and you were hired as a security guard. That tended to surprise people since you weren’t really that big or intimidating.
“Guys, we can’t practice because it is not safe,” Danielle said as you snuck up behind her. There was a joke that they couldn’t officially start their practices until you were there. It made you feel like you were part of the team, which was nice. Viv was gone a lot with away games or her National Team duties, so when you could be a part of something with her, it was always super great. “We do not have security with us.”
“Turn around,” you said calmly and Danielle jumped. She turned around and moved to hit your chest, but you stopped her hand. You grabbed it and pulled her into a hug. “Congrats on your games, I think you guys are taking the Euros again this year.”
“Traitor!” Leah yelled at you. You shrugged and Danielle stuck her tongue out at the Brits on the team. “Whatever, but she’s wearing a Lioness jersey when we face off.”
“Am I? Am I really?” You glanced back at Viv, who was slowly shuffling towards the group. She was always a little slower in the mornings, but she didn’t have enough time to fully wake up. You had let her sleep in, which hadn’t been a great idea. Viv was a zombie for the first hour and a half after she’d woken up. “Because all of my jerseys are Arsenal and Dutchies.”
“Why are we yelling?” Viv asked, curling into your side.
“Because your girlfriend is a traitor,” Jordan said and Viv looked confused. “She doesn’t own a single bit of Lionesses merch.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter because you won’t make it to the finals,” Jill said, putting her arm around your shoulders. “Especially not with our honorary Dutchie Y/n.”
“She hasn’t even been to the Netherlands yet,” Beth pointed out. “But if she wants to betray her home country, whatever. Who am I to judge?”
“Honorary Dutchie!” Jill and Danielle started chanting as they held hands and circled around you. Viv quickly put a stop to it, pulling you through their arms and holding you closely against her. It didn’t stop Jill and Danielle from chanting as they followed the two of you away from the rest of the team. The majority of the practice that day was just Danielle and Jill hanging as close to you as possible, much to the annoyance of Viv. Once practice was over though, she had begun to come around to their antics, but she was mainly happy to get a chance to be alone with you.
“They had a point,” Viv said, unlocking your front door. “You can’t be a Dutchie if you haven’t been to the Netherlands.”
“Damn, don’t let the girls know that,” you said and Viv pulled out an envelope from her pocket. “What’s that?”
“Two plane tickets to Amsterdam. My family will meet us there and we’ll be back by Wednesday. We leave after the game on Sunday,” Viv said and you turned around to kiss her. “So you can be an official honorary Dutchie.”
“I love you.”
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dimitrescus-bitch · 5 years
Traitor (Vivianne Miedema x Reader)
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“Viv, come on!” You perked up as you heard Jill yelling at your girlfriend. Within a minute, you were being tackled to the ground by two Dutch women. Viv pulled them off of you and then helped you up, literally brushing off your coat. It was a big puffy one with an Arsenal logo on it. Under that, you had on a Dutchies hoodie and a Lionesses shirt. You could support both your girlfriend and your home country without feeling too bad about it.
“I am sorry about her, she has not shut up about you since we got here,” Viv said and you smiled. Viv gave you a kiss on the cheek and pulled you towards where they were going to get brunch. “We have a game later.”
“I know, that’s why I’m here babe,” you said with a small chuckle. Viv was nervous about this game, which you understood completely. You were nervous too. After the game, you were taking pictures with the Arsenal girls both English and Dutch.
“Was your flight okay?” Viv asked and you nodded. It wasn’t long until Danielle and Jill had your attention, asking you a million questions and telling you stories of their shenanigans over the week. Viv had told you a couple of their stories over the phone earlier in the week, but only the ones that had annoyed her. You ate with them and then left a little early to meet up with Jordan, Leah, and Beth for a bit. “Bye, I’ll see you later.”
“Before the game, I want kisses,” you said and Viv nodded.
“Do we get kisses too?” Danielle asked jokingly and Viv shot her a glare.
“Not from her,” Viv said and Danielle pouted. “You can have a high five.”
“I’ll give you a hug,” you promised and Danielle beamed. “Beth won’t kill me for that.”
“Ha,” Danielle teased as you left. You rushed to meet up with your other friends and get a coffee to drink.
“What took you so long?” Beth asked, clearing you a spot.
“She was obviously seeing Viv, look at that smile,” Leah said, pinching your cheeks. Leah may have been one of the younger ones, but she was definitely like the mom friend of the group. “How are our opponents fairing?”
“Good, I think you guys have a lot of competition today,” you said and Leah grabbed the zipper of your coat. “The shirt is under the hoodie, I swear.”
“Better be,” Leah said and you reached under your coat to show her the purple polo shirt she had snagged for you. “Good girl.”
“I’m not a damn dog,” you said and Jordan sighed.
“She just does that sometimes,” Jordan said and Leah rolled her eyes. “It’s the sass.”
“Whatever,” Leah said and a few more of her England teammates filed in. Leah introduced you to everybody, something Viv hadn’t quite gotten around to yet. You knew the girls that played in the WSL much better than the ones who played in other leagues. You fangirled a bit over Lucy Bronze, who was one of your favorite players currently.
“Shit, I gotta go. Viv wants me to walk in with her,” you said and Leah reluctantly let you go. You rushed to get to the stadium, showed them the security pass you had, and then stood outside of the locker room the Dutchies were using for your girlfriend. You had shed your Arsenal coat since that part of the stadium was warmer, but kept your Dutchies hoodie on. You had a nice moment with Viv, took a couple of pictures with the girls, and then were called to the Lionesses locker room. They did the same thing with the pictures and of course, posted it all right before the game started. You posted a picture in your Arsenal coat and then turned off your phone for the game. 
England got an early lead with a goal from Toni Duggan, but it was quickly answered by Viv with an assist from Danielle. You watched the game intently, the chances were off the charts and you could see exhaustion setting in from both goalkeepers by the half. The second half was played with just as much vigor, even though it remained 1-1 until the 88th minute. People seemed to be a little bored with the lack of scoring, but you were on the edge of your seat. The cross came in from the corner for the Netherlands and it soared into the back of the net just under the crossbar with a volley from Jackie. You watched them celebrate and then the last bit of the game was the Dutchies shutting down every attempt from the Lionesses.
“Come here!” Viv shouted at you. You were brought onto the field and she walked off with you.
“Congratulations,” you said and Viv kissed you. “I’m proud of you.”
“It means a lot, even if you are a traitor,” Viv said and you looked confused. “Check your Instagram and Twitter.”
“Um, okay,” you said as Viv led you back to the locker room. It was hectic, but once your phone was on, you knew what she was talking about. Both photos of you with the teams had gotten a lot of likes and views. Your own photo had a bunch of comments about you being a “traitor” all originating from Jordan, Jill, Beth, and Danielle. You rolled your eyes and tweeted back at them before posting photos on Instagram about hanging out with the winners of the game. You did go post about how proud of the England girls you were, but only a couple of them would take pictures with you.
“Traitor,” Danielle said as she caught you coming back from England’s locker room. “To think I let you hug me.”
“Give her a break,” Jill said, approaching with her arm around Jackie. “She is obviously good luck. We eat with her, get hugs, Viv gets kisses, and we win. She can support England all she wants, but we get her luck.”
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