#vlambase ig live 2021
theredandwhitequeen · 3 years
Tyler said on the Live he was in LA. They both had the dogs with them. Very cute
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gra-sonas · 3 years
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Michael Vlamis IG live (on the vlambase IG) at
12pm/noon West Coast
3pm East Coast
8pm UK
9pm Central Europe
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gra-sonas · 4 years
VLAMBURN IG live from January 7, 2021
There are no detailed S3 spoilers in this video, neither any references to previous seasons, or upcoming storylines. Nothing triggering. The only “spoilers” are how Tyler and Vlamis describe S3 for Malex in one word.
Tyler: Tension
Vlamis: Hopeful
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hi friend. Thank you so much for your offer!!!! I am torn because I would honestly love a rundown of the vlamburn live, but I again don’t want you to put yourself out too much. Knowing you even spent an hour on the Vlamis one makes me feel bad!!! Maybe if you get bored haha, I would love it but please please don’t put yourself out and please also take as much time as you want, no hurry at all IF you decide to do it. Thank you again for everything 💗💗
Okay, nonnie, this took a tad longer to transcribe, but it’s done, now.
Putting the transcript behind a READMORE bc it got quite long. Hope this will help you (and maybe others, too). Sending much love your way, and I hope you get to watch the live. Happy Sunday! ❤️
Vlamis: *goes live* *opens can of Mountain Dew* “I’m gonna thirst my quench. Because I am thirsty for Malex. That’s what I’m thirsty for.”
“Where you at Tyler” (waiting for Tyler to request him)
Vlamis notices a few of his friends have joined the live (a girl who gave him his first hug in 6th grade, and Parker Seaman, famously responsible for pranking with SunBum)
“What’s up, Vlambase?” Makes sure to differentiate between *the* Vlambase (that’s us) and Vlambase (the merch company).
*spots Jeanine in the chat* “Jeanine’s the Real Vlam. We had fun shooting together today. They said they needed to get better focus on Vlam, and nobody knew which one they were talking about because Jeanine and I had a scene together.”
“Tyler? Guys, does anyone see him? Get in here, Tyler.” *looks straight into the camera*
“Oh, he requested, there he is.” *keeps walking around his house until Tyler pops up on screen eventually*
V “Ohhhhh, there he is!”
T “I was listening to you saying ‘where is he?’ And I was like ‘I’m here, I’ve requested you already’.”
V “A lot of people requesting. You’re very popular.”
T “Yeah, that’s why.”
Both zoom in on the merch they’re wearing. Vlamis the black MALEX hoodie, Tyler the black COSMIC hoodie. Tyler’s also wearing a MALEX hat tho.
V “Whose handwriting do you like better?”
T “Honestly, yours reminds me of the writing from FRIENDS, the show, FRIENDS.”
V “That’s right, you told me that before. I love that.”
T “I don’t really have a favorite. I think we’re unique in our own way.”
V “I like yours.”
T “You do?”
V “Yeah, like it’s prettier, dude.” *drinks more Mountain Dew
T “No, yours is nice.” *nods to show the MALEX hat* “That’s yours, right?”
V “Yeah, that’s me.”
Vlamis explains, that they both tried different versions of MALEX and COSMIC in their respective handwriting and ultimately settled on what’s been released (with the help of Jesa).
V “3 minutes in, do we have enough people? Oh, lots of friends here.”
T “Jeanine!”
V “We love you, Jeanine!”
V “Oh, Tanner’s up in here. What up, Tanner? Big brother Greg!”
T “Big brother Greg?”
V “Yeah, Tanner’s in there.”
T “All the hearts. Oh yeah, Tanner, my buddy! I thought that was one of your friends from Chi-town”
V “[girl who hugged Vlamis in 6th grade] she says ‘love me some Tyler’ She’s getting in there.”
Vlamis says they have a list of questions, and they want to answer some of them before they talk about anything else.
V “Sounds good?”
T “Hell yeah .”
“Each of you, describe S3 Malex in one word”
T “You go first.”
V “I’m scared to go first.” *another sip of Mountain Dew*
T *perks up* “You’re literally drinking Mountain Dew right now?”
V *cracks up*
T “You remember what I said about your health? And I was like ‘you don’t really drink that shit.’ And you were like *impersonates Vlamis* ’no, no, no’”
V *cracks up some more* “You thought I just got it for the photoshoot.”
T “Yeah.”
V *drinks more Mountain Dew*
T “That’s disgusting!”
V “I know, dude.” *laughs* “You’re like a health freak. But man, it’s diet. It’s diet.”
T *mock relieved* “Oh, good.”
Back to answering questions.
T “So, S3 Malex.”
V “The reason it’s hard is because we only know up to episode 3x06 as of right now. So we don’t even know fully S3 Malex.”
T “Exactly, yeah. I mean, thus far, I would sayyyyy— tension.”
V “Woooow. Okay. I agree. You know what I’m gonna say?”
T “What?”
V “With the tension, I think there’s a hopefulness. So I would say hopeful.”
T *ponders* “Okay. Okay. Now is that you talking about your feelings about Malex?”
V *laughs*
T “Like you’re hopeful?”
V “Yeah, dude. Sometimes I feel bad like just being so about Malex. But— give me Malex or give me death, man. I love Malex.”
T “Hell yeah. I think we’ve gotten some great scenes and then people really respond to them whether they are themselves queer or not and it’s like. If you can speak to people universally like that? That’s incredible.”
V “Yeah, dude. Speaking of that. I think it’s important that we tell everyone… Usually we don’t— I don’t know, guys, if you’ve been paying attention to it in previous drops but we always donated a percentage of our proceeds to a charity. We don’t really announce that because we do that not to tell you guys what we’re doing but because we like to do it. But this drop specifically, it’s important because we’re donating to one of our favorite ones. And I know you’ve worked with them in the past before. So yes, it’s going to be the Trevor Project.”
T “Yeah.”
V “—for this specific drop. They have no idea, it’s not an official partnership or anything but that’s—“
T “That’s our plan.”
V “Yeah, that’s what we’re gonna do.”
They’re moving on to the next question.”
V “What has been our favorite part about putting this merch drop together and whose idea was it?”
T “It was yours.”
V “I think it was Jesa Joy’s idea.”
T “It was Jesa Joy, but between the two of us, it was you coming to me.You and Jesa. Because you’ve been like killing it with all the Vlambase merch and stuff. So it was kind of like the next best thing.”
V “Duuuuude, you— you’re an inspiration for a lot of things, man. A lot of things that I do and Roswell, and like clearly even before this drop with Boys Will Be Boys or just any of these other designs. So this is something we’ve been wanting to do for a long time. Jesa Joy has been wanting to work with you since… I think you commented on a vintage t-shirt she was wearing at a premiere of yours like six years ago. She was like wearing a Nirvana vintage tee and you complimented her on it.”
T “Wait, why is it that this is the first time I’m hearing this story?”
V “I think… I don’t know.”
T “You never told me this.”
V “She probably asked me not to because she’s probably very embarrassed.”
T “No, I love that story! So I commented on a vintage Nirvana shirt.”
V “One of her shirts from her company Blank Clo.”
T “And she was wearing it?”
V “And now you’re making merch with her which is just so sick.”
T “Honestly, she’s truly just the best.”
V “She is a beast. I don’t know how. She doesn’t sleep. I bought her a Nespresso machine for Christmas to keep her—.”
T “You’re enabling her!”
V “I have to, man, someone’s gonna get the work done!”
Both laughing.
V “But yeah, I think my favorite part’s just been working with you, collaborating with an outsider. It’s always me and Jesa so working with you, doing feedback and then probably because we’ve spent so little time with each other - or anyone - during this pandemic, I would say the photoshoot was… We don’t do that anymore, you know.”
T “I know. No, I know. That really was fun. And I just feel like it’s actually kinda— my favorite part is like more general. You and I have been working together as actors but it was fun to work on like a different kind of creative endeavor together, you know what I mean.”
V “Yeah, definitely.”
T “Going back and forth about like colors and like what kind of writing should be on this merch and what about this photo, and you hearing a lot of like ‘no, I have three chins in that photo, so you’re not gonna use that one, buddy.’”
V *cracks up*
V “Nah, dude, you look beautiful, man.You always look good.”
V *pretends to getting hot, fans himself*
V “Jesus, man, every time I talk to you I just get a little worked up. I gotta—“
V *takes off black MALEX hoodie, reveals pink MANESQUEEZE hoodie underneath*
T *laughs and shakes head* “I hate you.”
V “It’s true, I get so hot and— oh, I didn’t realize I have more merch on. I get so hot and bothered every time I’m talking to you.”
T *laughs* “It’s not that cold here. It’s only like 40F(4C) degrees here and you have layers and layer and layers.”
V “Well, the heat’s out, man, the heat’s out, you know.”
T “Oh, in your house? Nice.”
V “No, no, no, it’s not out, dude. You’re just that hot.”
T “Aurora!”
V “Oh, Aurora’s here!”
T *reads from chat* “Malex forever. Tyler’s handwriting!”
T “She likes it better? Is that what she’s saying?”
V “Yeah, she’s a fan.”
T “She’s gem.”
V “She watches Roswell for you to be honest.”
T *laughs*
V “Which is a little weird but that’s fine.”
Next question is also about the merch making process, and they decide they’ve answered that.
V “The collaboration of it all.”
T “Yeah.”
V “What did you say?”
T “I said yeah.”
V “You blowing me a kiss?”
T *cracks up* “No!” *giggles*
V “Man, I’m seeing things that I wanna see. 
Next question “What is your favorite thing about each other?” from a fan from Argentina. 
“I went to Argentina last year. Well, 2019. Big fan.”
T “I’ve never been, I really wanna go.”
V “Oh, you’d love it, dude. Good steak, good wine.”
T “Hell yeah.”
V “It’s all you need. It’s all you need.”
V “Okay, favorite thing about each other? Do you wanna go first or should I?”
T “Ooooooh, that’s a tough one. There’s not a lot to like.” *cracks up* “No, I’m just kidding.”
V “Yeah, right, dude.”
T “No, honestly, I feel like I’ve said this before, actually, in like actual interviews and stuff. But I think like you’re very multi-dimensional. I feel like you can get along with any type of person but it all comes from a very genuine place, and I think that— it’s very familiar and comforting, I think you’re like a really well-rounded guy who’s in touch with every emotion in a very healthy way. In a good way, you know.”
V “I really appreciate that, man. That means a lot to me. I definitely pride myself on being able to connect with people and I enjoy meeting all sorts of different people. Sometimes to the point where I’m like… I feel like we’re so quickly to judge people nowadays. And don’t get me wrong, I judge, too, it’s hard not to. You look at something and you have preconceived ideas, but staying open through the process to meeting them and getting to know them, that’s something else. And the more as I get older, I realize that, dude, like we all have a ton of faults. So we got to be open with that person even though they may believe something that we don’t like. There’s like fifty other things you might like about them, you know?”
T “Totally.”
V “So that’s—“
T “Absolutely. I mean, you don’t have to like everything a person to *like* them, do you know what I mean?”
V “Yeah.”
T “And I feel like, the things that we don’t like in other people, are usually things that remind us of the things we don’t like about ourselves. So, in a way it’s like a mirror, you have to kind of look at that.”
V “Dude, yes. So, I will say two things I love most about you. I would say number one: your openness. And that goes with: you always say what you’re thinking - at least to me, right?”
T *nods*
V “Like, you always say what you think, you always say what you feel. And I think that goes along with how much of an empath you are. I mean, dude, I’ve said that before but that’s why some of our scenes are my most favorite is because one of the most easiest people I’ve ever worked with. Dude, I look inside you, I know you’re *genuine*, man. And that comes with you being open and available. And, I don’t know if a lot of people know it, they must, but—“
T “I’m nervous.”
V “You have a sick, twisted sense of humor, just like me!”
They’re both cracking up.
V “A lot of people might not know that.”
T “I accept that, I accept that. I do feel though that you bring it out in me. I feel like we can just “bro down” a little bit. As lame as that is to say. You bring it out in me. It’s obviously there, not everybody sees it, but you can bring it out in me.”
V “There’s nothing wrong with a little bro-ing down, dude, we’re not that pretentious where you can’t be a little bit of a bro.”
T “Nah.” *changes topic* “Ashley Benson just did these hands [in the chat].”
V “Wow, is she trying to come for our love right now?”
T “Probably. But dude, our love was first. Haleb was first before Malex. So step down.”
V “You can never beat a first love. So—“ *raises Mountain Dew can* “Ashley, this Mountain Dew’s to you. *guzzles down fluid toxic waste* “Thanks for joining!”
T *smiles* “Yeah. I love you, Ashley. Miss you.”
V “Okay, so one more question. Oh, this is a good one. From aimz_623, what up, aimz... Oh, I know who this is! Because I did a meet & greet last year with her, and she was hammered at like 11 in the morning in Australia.”
T *cracks up*
V “Drinking like a blue slurpy drink. It was awesome! Okay, she said ‘Are the meet & greets joint or individual?’”
Neither says anything for a moment, waiting for the other to talk. Vlamis breaks first.
“Well, joint!”
*both cracking up*
T “I was like ‘am I gonna answer that?’ Yes, they are joint. We’re gonna be together.”
V *nods* “We’re gonna be together.”
T “Not even like this [in two separate places like during the IG live]. We’re gonna be in person together in the same room.”
V “You’re gonna be next to me in bed. Oh, well, next to me.”
T “Yeah, yeah. In the bathtub.”
V *cracks up* “In the bathtub. No mask?”
T “With mask, but that’s it.”
V “You like it with the mask?”
T “We’re gonna do mask and nothing else.”
V *cracks up*
T 😏
V “See, dude, you are sick!”
T “Maybe a few rubber duckies to hide some things.”
V “Dude, all this talking, man.I’m just so hot.” *takes off pink MANESQUEEZE sweater, he’s wearing the MALEX FOREVER t-shirt underneath* “Sorry about that.”
T “I just want everybody to know that he told me he was going to do this shtick.”
V *doubles over laughing*
T “I just want everybody to know that this is pre-planned. He’s a great actor but he just wants to show off as much merch in one live as possible.”
V “Sorry, dude. You know how it goes.” *pretends to take off t-shirt* No, no more!”
T “Nooo!”
V “I can’t put anything else under here. Oh guys, I’ve been messing around with one of our MALEX LOVE INTENTION candles. I’ve been messing with people and how it smells on Twitter, saying that it smells like vanilla bean and just basically you, and your body, you know.”
T “Me?”
V “Yeah, and your armpits. But what it really smells like is crème brûlée with a hint of jasmine.”
T “So, my body. 😏”
V “Basically your body. After a good wash, dude. Not my body. My body’s disgusting.”
T “You have a good smell, actually, I’ve told you this before. You have a good smell, and I don’t know if it’s like the shampoo you use, it’s *something*. But there’s like a natural— like, I’ve never smelled that on anybody else, and I don’t know what it is. But you do have a good smell.”
V while Tyler’s talking: 😊
V “You mean it’s good?”
T “Yeah! Yes, absolutely.”
V “My guy, dude.”
T “You never even had bad breath during kissing scenes in the past, I don’t understand. You look homeless a lot, but you like you don’t smell it.”
V “My character is homeless, basically.”
T “Yeah, he is. He’s literally always dirty. Physically dirty.”
V “One time I ate like a chicken salad before one of those scenes and then we had to do a quick scrub but most of the time we’re pretty good.”
T “Oh yeah, but we put a mint or some shit like that in the mouth.”
V “Remember when I was doing keto, though, and I was eating all the bagged tuna?”
T “First of all, never talk about that again. That was disgusting.”
V *cracks up*
T “That was disgusting. You ate *bagged* tuna.”
V “Yeah, that was messed up, man.”
T “My doctor told me that tuna has the highest level of mercury in it and we shouldn’t eat it.”
V “Well, that’s what— I mean. Jeremy Piven, I heard he got mercury poison one time, from eating too much sushi.”
T “Probably.”
V “Too much tuna, man. If you wanna be like Jeremy Piven, eat a lot of tuna, guys.”
T “Hell yeah.”
V “No, nobody wants to be like… Anyway. So, another question. Do the sweatpants have pockets? Believe it or not, this is very hard.”
T “Hi, Carly! My cousin Carly just came on. Remember, you met her on set that one time. ”
V “Oh, she came and visited.”
T “Yeah, she just said hi.”
V “When your mom was in town, too.”
T “Yeah, yeah, yeah.”
V *waves at camera* “Hi, Carly!”
T “Was that last year? Yeah, that was last year. Anyway, sorry. Sweatpants!”
V “No, no, it’s good. We have to say hi to the people that support us. I appreciate that. But no, sweatpants, do they have pockets.”
*explains why it’s hard (and expensive) to offer sweatpants with pockets, so sweatpants from this drop don’t have pockets, but they’re working on offering that in the future*
T “But like a lot of these sweatshirts have pockets. Like this has—” *shows his COSMIC hoodie’s front pocket*
V “Oh yeah, we got those. One hundred percent. And there’s a big mix and everything. Uhm, also because it’s a pandemic, it’s a lot of the colors, the sizes, they’re so hard to find. And normally, we don’t really buy—in the past, we hadn’t bought a lot of merch upfront, we waited to see what kind of things you guys ordered and liked and then we made our orders. Now, I’ve been putting money upfront to purchase merch, that’s why stuff’s selling out so quickly. So a lot of it is really “limited edition”. So tomorrow at 10.30am PST when it launches, if you want something, grab it, because it might go quickly, and I’ll feel bad, if you don’t get it. Okay, and the last thing, this isn’t even a question, I just have a note for it because I’m excited about it. Everyone who’s ordered before knows that the first hundred who order, always get a little surprise in their package. And this time, it’s a picture, a Polaroid of us, and we will both be signing it. Isn’t that right?” 
T “We will.”
V “I’ll have a lot of them and put them up in my trailer, around the candle.”
T *cracks up*
V “It’s gonna be real nice.😏” 
T “Yeah.”
V “Okay, what do you think. Should we tell everyone how they can win a meet & greet?”
T “Yeah.”
V “I don’t think we missed anything, right? I think we did it all.” *guzzles last sip of Mountain Dew*
T *ponders* “Yeah, I think we did. I think we’re good.”
V “Okay, meet & greet time, guys.” 
Vlamis explains how people can win a meet & greet. Find a pic on the Vlambase account and a comment that says “Meet & Greet” and the first person to reply to that comment with the name of the band and the song that was playing during Malex’s first kiss at the UFO Emporium in 1x06 wins.
V “[The song] It’s a favorite one of mine.”
T “Oh, it’s so good!”
V “So good!”
T “So nostalgic for me, too.”
V “A hundred percent, man. I actually just watched that scene right before we jumped on here. Is that strange that I watch scenes of us all the time?”
T “I got to go.”
*both cracking up*
V “Ashley, you still here?”
T “Yeah, I gotta hit up Ashley. No, it’s not, I think it’s cute. It’s cute and that’s sweet.”
V “My guy, dude.”
T “So, that was kind of a lengthy scavenger hunt [for the meet & greet].” *explains once more how to win a m&g* 
T “We’ve been on this for a while now, and we still have over a thousand people here.”
V “I know, it’s really cool. That’s definitely the most people I’ve ever spoken to live.”
T *laughs*
V “I think so.”
T “Maybe.”
V “Find the photo, find the Vlambase comment. You’ll know the comment when you see it, you have to search through. Comment, name the band, and then name the song that played during Malex’s first museum kiss. We were so nervous, dude.”
T “🤨”
V “We were so young.”
T “Oh, you mean in real life or in the show?”
V “In the show.”
T “Oh yeah. That was fun, though. That was fun bringing up those emotions, though.”
V “Sometimes I can’t tell the difference between real life and the show.”
T “I know. We’re just *that* method.”
V *cracks up*
V “Dude, so, yeah, 10.30am PST tomorrow. michaelvlamis.com, everything’s going to be live. If you guys have any other questions, I don’t know.”
T “I’m also gonna have the link in my bio of my instagram.”
V “Oh yes, I will do that, too. I always have it in there, though. I’m a narcissist.”
T *laughs*
V “So, anyway, people are saying “I’m confused”. No, they’re not. I think people understood.”
T “Someone else says “what does the comment say”?”
V “The comment says “Meet & Greet”.”
T “And that’s all that it says? Just “Meet & Greet”?”
V “And it says “Be the first to reply”.”
T “Oh, okay.”
V “So, you have to reply directly to that comment, and you got to say the name of the band, name of the song playing during Malex’s first kiss in the museum. Find the comment on one of the random pictures of clothing that was posted today on the vlambase instagram.”
T “We couldn’t let you guys get off easy, you know.”
V “Oh my god, the other vlambase account just said it’s already answered.”
T “😮”
V “So, it’s over guys, sorry. Aww, littlecupcake just said “I lost already.” Sorry, littlecupcake.”
T “Is that someone you know?”
V “No, but I know littlecupcake because I did a live once, and she tried to request to come in and talk to me, and it said that for everyone else who’s seen her screen it said that she was waiting for me to accept but on my screen it wasn’t showing up, so I feel bad about littlecupcake.”
T “Well, we shouted her out big time. Are we sure it’s a she? Maybe it’s a he?”
V “I think it’s a she.”
T “Okay, well, either way.”
V “Dude, you’re working tomorrow, aren’t you?”
T “Yeah.”
V “Then I’ll see you next week.”
T “Yeah, you will.”
V “We’ll be on set together.”
T “Yeah, we will.”
V “Gonna be nice.”
T “Next Tuesday.”
V “I gotta do extra Covid testing because it’s a close contact.”
T “*inhales* I know. I did mine today.”
V “Ooof, we’re gonna be so close.”
T “So close, yet so far.”
V “Alright, dude, get some rest. I’m excited for tomorrow. I love you, man, talk to you later. Thanks everybody for joining!”
T “Thanks so much for coming on, guys!”
V “Alright, see ya.”
T “Bye!”
V “Bye, guys.”
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gra-sonas · 4 years
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IG live with Tyler Blackburn and Michael Vlamis
Date: today, January 7 (for those living in the future, January 8)
Time: 4pm PST | 7pm EST | 12am GMT | 1am CET
Make sure to follow vlambasemichaelvlamis on IG and tune in for a chance to win a (virtual) meet & greet!
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gra-sonas · 3 years
Oh please, as if anyone had an issue with you guys being a little... TIPSY 😏 | 🎥 vlambase IG stories
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gra-sonas · 4 years
Hey! I hate to ask this, you already do so much for us! But would you mind just a tiny recap of Vlamis’ live from last night? You don’t have to go into a ton of detail or anything, I just saw that it was a half hour long. I have a weird anxiety thing that keeps me from watching lives and stories for the most. Still haven’t even been able to work myself up to watching the vlamburn one as much as I’d love to! 🙁
Either way, thank you for everything!
Okay, nonnie. I went and watched the whole thing again and wrote you a detailed account of what’s been said. I’ll link the live again, then you can watch here if you want to. Or not. Up to you. 🤗 Hope this helps. 💕
Brushing his teeth and flossing for 3 minutes while talking.
800 new follower lately “where have you been before?”
“Do you do anything to your hair at night?” He adds Moroccan hair oil in the morning, nothing at night.
“What’s your favorite of the drop?” He hasn’t seen everything from the drop (like the COSMIC tie-dye) bc he’s in Santa Fe. He loves the COSMIC and MALEX embroidered things (“so subtle”) bc they are in Vlamburn’s handwriting, he loves the Manesqueeze shirt bc you can make Alex and Michael kiss by putting your wrists together. He *loves* the candle (there’s one burning on his bedside table), the silky PJs are great, but he can’t decide on just one favorite thing.
“How’s Jesa’s sanity?” She needs like 3 weeks of sleep. He explains, that while we *are* the Vlambase, the Vlambase merch company’s just Jesa and Vlamis. Jesa has a team, but all the day-to-day things, ideas, emails/customer service (Jesa), the newsletter (Vlamis). They hadn’t collaborated with anyone before Tyler, so working with him was a new experience. 
One fan mentions how they wanted to buy stuff but couldn’t. Vlamis says that he’s been there, and when he wanted something in the past he couldn’t afford, he started putting away a Dollar a day. 
“Thought on One Direction?” Vlamis is a Harry Styles guy. “Harry Styles’ swagger is next level!”
“What do you think about Russia? Will Vlambase merch be available here?” Talks a bit about how annoying things are with shipping companies, says they wanted to protect themselves for the holidays, and now that the Christmas rush is over, some shipping options have become available again. 
“Who came up with  MANESQUEEZE” He ponders about it, and settles on Jesa. It was Vlamis’s ides to put tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves so that they can kiss tho. And Tyler came up with the idea to put a “toupee” on his head (in a previous drop, the NEVER LOOK AWAY design had tiny Alex and tiny Michael on the sleeves, but poor Alex was bald) for the design.
Someone got a MALEX pin and the candle. He knows the pin sold out fast, and he feels bad about that. They want everyone to get everything they want, but it’s difficult to make proper calculations how well an item will sell. The pandemic made things even harder. Like the PJ sets. Normally, they would wait until the sale ends and see how many sets were actually ordered, but during the pandemic, stock listings have been changing dramatically from day to day, so they had to pre-order the PJs and robes to make sure they had a certain number at their disposal. He said that they “overshot” on a couple of things, but ultimately sales have been great, and he appreciates that.
“I’m excited to make the MANESQUEEZE doodles kiss bc I do that with the NEVER LOOK AWAY shirt” Vlamis jumps up and shows his closet that’s full of Vlambase merch items.
“Why am I here, it’s almost 3am” He mentions that he’s been staying up until 4 in the past couple of days, but he has to be on set in 7 or 8 hours. 
“Hello, just wanted to let you know that I got a tattoo for you” Vlamis asks for a photo and to be tagged.
“Kyle the packer [Vlamis’s roomie KA, who works in the warehouse when a new drop is ready for shipping]” Vlamis says they’re working him to death.
“Please save this live” He doesn’t know whether he’ll save it. Thinks the one with Tyler was important, but since it’s just him, he doesn’t think it’s important.
“I followed Jesa, Jesa is the real MVP” Vlamis says that Jesa is “a beast, and best in the game”. Quickly explains who Jesa is, and that she’s his partner in the Vlambase merch company. He mentions that she recently called him with an idea for Valentine’s Day, and he was like “Jesa, we need to relax!” But she loved the idea. She’s a big fan of RNM and the characters (and Tyler). “Jesa’s amazing.”
“What about new Soli art [Soli’s the artist who created the Boys Will Be Boys art for a previous drop]?” Vlamis smiles. “What about new Soli art. I like that idea. 😏“
“Your house [in New Mexico] is so cute.” Vlamis says thank you and shows the ceiling of the house (which he likes best). “Santa Fe is dope!”
“I adore your teeth” *shows his teeth* Says he had to wear braces (some even adjustable)
“I could’ve used my birthday money to buy something but I forgot” 🤨 << Vlamis’s face. “How you you forget, man?”
“Back to Twitter after this live” He mentions that he’d just been on Twitter before the live.
He got retweeted by Mountain Dew and loves it.
“I’m from Australia and hope my merch arrives before winter” Vlamis says he hopes shipping will be fast. 
“Love the Valentines” They’re not actually Valentines, hence they’re “Love Notes”.  Vlamis considers doing them not just around Valentine’s Day. 
“You catch any of the CW shows returning this month?” “Might have to” But he knows what he’ll be catching on the 12th. “Prodigal Son, baby!”
“Where did you get the Game Boys?” Those are his Game Boys. He has a Game Boy Advanced and a Game Boy Color. 
“How do you feel about Forlex?” *scoffs* 😒 “Yeah” 
“So excited for the robe!” Vlamis gets excited. “The robes and the PJs are so comfy!” Talks about how it’s a bit weird, bc they don’t make them themselves.
Several people mention that their closet looks like his closet bc of all the merch and he loves that. 
“How do you feel about Forlex” *gets agitated* “Why are you asking me this? Don’t do that to me, alright?” *softer* “Don’t do that.”
“How are you doing?” He’s doing very well. Very relieved that eh sale went well. This drop was like 3-4 months of work, the night before the sale felt like an entire month, too. Jesa and Vlamis Facetimed for more than 5hrs. They set up the website, and that’s how the glitch with the GIVE ME MALEX OR GIVE ME DEATH shirts and poster happened. They made a mistake and only noticed after the website went live. 
“Do you know when S3 will air?” No, he thought it might’ve been sooner, but apparently not.
“I love your poetry from the last drop so why no poems this time?” He writes poems when he’s inspired, he hasn’t written a poem in a while. He’s currently preparing to direct his first movie in June 2021, and he’s been very focused on that. 
“The Meet & Greet day changed.”  Filming schedule changed bc they had snow, the schedule’s changing constantly. He’ll be set all day tomorrow (well, today, Jan 11) from 8am until 8 or 9pm. Sometimes they might even wake up in the morning and learn that the schedule’s been changed. 
 “You could talk about nothing and we’d still watch.” He doesn’t want to talk about nothing, wonders if anyone has any questions about the sale.
“I’m so excited about the robe. I was going to buy more but I’m broke.” He says we should be responsible.
Someone’s still waiting about their Black Friday stuff, but he says it’s the shipping company, not them. 
“Vlamentines" He *loves* that, thinks it’s a good pun. 
“Gotta support Aurora.” Always. 🥰
“Jealous Guerin in S3?” You’ll see, you’ll see.
“I placed 3 orders, last one last night. Give me Malex or give me death.” He loves it. He also mentions, that they’re working hard on figuring out how to combine orders in the future so people don’t have to pay for shipping several times. They just can’t do that logistically at the moment. 
“Real talk, how often do you check your DMs?” He says, that some people might’ve noticed that he occasionally likes random photos on people’s IG pages. When that happens, it’s a sign that he read someone’s DM. He feels bad when he checks his mentions with a delay, and people’s stories have already vanished after 24hours. He sometimes doesn’t get to checking DMs for a week.
“Will we ever get the original pic of the kiss recreation?” *smiles* *waggles his eyebrows* “Maybe in the morning”
“So happy the Trevor Project was chosen for this merch drop!” He’s very happy, too. According to him, it was a no-brainer. Tyler’s worked with them in the past, so it made even more sense. They wanted to make sure that Tyler felt very strongly about wherever they’d be donating. 
People urge him to go to sleep. “You want me to go to bed?” 
“Why is your merch not available in India?” *deep breath* “It should be, it’s ridiculous. Unbelievable.”
“Your poetry was awesome.” He appreciates the praise and promises to write some more poetry. 
Someone asks whether the movie he’ll be directing in June will be a comedy, but he says it’s the opposite. He’s mentioned in the past that Aurora and him will both act in the movie, but apparently he forgot about that. He doesn’t want to jinx the movie and doesn’t know how much he should reveal just yet. Talks a bit about 5 Years Apart. 
Someone mentions that it’s Jeanine’s birthday on January 14th. 
“Do (or don?) a face mask, Vlamis.” He refuses. Mentions his friend and roommate Spencer Waldner, who makes face masks.
“If there’s leftover merch, will you do another sale?” He says that most things are actually sold out bc they use Blank Clo’s blanks and will only make what’s been ordered.  They might try to restock some pins tho, bc they went so quickly. 
“USPS are a joke” He defends them. “They’re a public service, they’re trying hard, guys.”
“You should do a Vlambase drop with the Real Vlamis [a.k.a. Jeanie]” He’s excited and thinks it’s a good idea and asks if anyone’d be interested. 
Someone congratulates him on directing his first movie. He points out that he’s directed before (Making It, a 3-part web series, it’s on YouTube).
 “Would you ever come to Australia Comic Con?” He’d love to. Mentions that he’s supposed to be in Paris in May for a convention, but he’s not sure whether that’s gonna happen considering how things are currently going with the pandemic. 
Some more talk about 5 Years Apart.
Circles back to doing a merch drop with Jeanine. People like the idea. 
“Please save this live.” After an IG update, things have changed and he doesn’t know how to do it. In the past he had the option to save it [for 24hrs], now he can only upload it to IGTV. 
“$30 shipping to Australia hurts my soul but I did it anyway.” He appreciates that and mentions, that he lived in Australia for 6 months in the past.
“Sing some Bright Eyes” He thinks his singing would hurt people’s ears. 
Jesa Joy pops up in the chat and urges him to go to bed. 
“Jesa is yelling at you.” Vlamis says that Jesa’s a “yeller”, and that she has a tattoo that says “Don’t yell tho”. He admits that Jesa often yells for a good reason. “I need to be yelled at sometimes.”
Someone asks him to accept a request to join his live. He says he’s pretty tired. 
He says hello to someone from Germany (not me btw :P) “What’s up, Germany ✌️” 
More people ask him to sing, but he says he cannot sing. He says it’s not like a joke  or him being modest, he straight up can’t sing and is a horrible singer. 
“Will there be a sequel to 5 Years Apart?” Maybe a sequel called “10 Years Apart” (he’s joking and visibly tired)
“Should I buy anything before the sale ends?” Yes.
Jesa Joy’s from Michigan, and Vlamis’s grandma’s from Middlesborough, Kentucky.
“Is Tyler singing again?” He doesn’t know. “I hope so. Love that kid’s voice” (Tyler’s 3.5 years older than Vlamis :P)
He’s getting sleepy and will read a little bit before bed. Considers drinking some Mountain Dew. 
“Do you take design ideas.” Sure. Sometimes he sees design ideas from people they’ve been working on for months, but he’s gonna “steal” an idea from someone, he’ll tell them. He’ll steal it, though. 
“Are you still reading SAGA?” He read the first one and is half-way through the second. He’s currently reading a book called “My First Movie” by Stephen Lowenstein. “How cliché.” Aurora got it for him.
Purple Skittles are his favorite. Purple everything.
“Your girlfriend’s the best girlfriend.” She is, she really is.
Asks Jesa Joy whether he should go to bed now.Even though it’s late, he’s hungry. Considers eating something. People tell him to go to bed.
He asks “Should I get naked and put on the PJs?” *waggles eyebrows* “I’M KIDDING, YOU’RE SICK. YOU’RE ALL DISGUSTING.” xD
“Don’t eat!” He laughs.
Says goodbye and says that Jesa’s posted a surprise picture. 
“Any advice for aspiring actors?” Tells them to make their own stuff bc no one’s gonna hire them. (He’s being sarcastic). “It’s dark, but it’s what you need to hear.”
“Okay, love you guys. Thank you again! It was our best sale yet. Means a lot to me. Means a lot to Tyler. Us doing so well might mean that Tyler will work with us again. So I really appreciate it. Okay, I love you all.”
Jesa promises to post the pic in 4 minutes. He’s excited. “See, I got her to do it! The picture is kind of ridiculous.”
*pretends to take off his shirt, stops halfway through* “Noooooo, noooooo, noooooo!”
*throws kiss* “Love you guys, good night.”
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