#vld zarkance
hikarinonodera · 5 years
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hikarinonodera · 5 years
Taller Thiccer Lance
AU where everything is the same bUt Lance is taller (like 6”9) than the other paladins including Allura and Coran. But he’s also tHicCc like Garnet from Steven Universe or somethin’. And everyone just appreciates the thiccness. Like sometimes Keith uses Lance’s butt as a pillow while he sharpens his knives and listens to Lances adorable rambles. Or Pidge laying on Lances butt while trying to figure out a new gagets while Lance asks questions. Or Hunk just dying when Lance comes out of nowhere and sits on his lap making Hunk almost spit out his lungs. Allura trying to figure out how a man could have that much butt. Coran just being a supportive uncle when the other can’t handle Lance’s hotness, or when Lance just needs to talk. Shiro having a stroke when Lance sits alittle to close, his thighs rubbing against Shiro’s while he plays with his Galran robot fingers. But not only is Lance thiccer he’s also stronger so Shiro and Keith love Lances company in the training room. The both of them trying to take down Lance but failing. Zarkon and Lotor targeting the blue lion in order to capture Lance to make or earn his affection (you choose if you want them to be evil or good).
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Lance can be with anyone you want. Just know that I only stan bottom Lance. Even in relationships with women he is still bottom. I apologize for my excessive use of the variations of tHiCc.
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