witchy-writes-smut · 6 years
Maybe, if it isn't too much trouble 42, with Zarkon/Lance?
“Can I stay with you tonight?” Lance asked much to Zarkon’s surprise.
This…whatever “this” was between them doesn’t work that way. Once the sex is over, Lance goes back to his own room.
Zarkon opened his mouth, ready to deny Lance’s request, but as the human held the red bed sheet closer to his body and looked at Zarkon with pleading eyes, the Emperor found it hard to say ‘no’.
“Fine.” He sighed. “But just this once.”
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bidragonwrites · 6 years
Alpha!Zarkon would tear apart an entire galaxy and kill anything in his way if Omega!Lance went missing, especially if he's carrying or near due. You can't change my mind. (even worse if Voltron has him) dragon I love u and ur work okay? okay.
 Aww, 4090 you’re so sweet, and I’ll have you know Zarkance is an underrated ship, my darling. And thus, I present you this…
Zarkon glared at the screen where he was communicating with the paladins. Human were rather interesting creatures, they held the same biological structure that the galra held but were much weaker. The large alpha had was annoyed he had been unable to crush them as time went on. Well, that was until he acquired his beautiful gem.
The paladins had been left scattered after that and each ally they made were quickly taken back by his empire. Now they’d stolen him. Those wretched creatures had taken from him his gem. His beautiful bright blue gem. The one that had made him leave behind the darkness, the one that had helped him have a relationship with his son. The one who was slowly helping him bring his people back to the former glory the Galrans had once been before all the death.
Out of sight of the paladins, Zarkon’s hand balled into a tight fist. “Return him to me.”
“No,” the faux black paladin snarled. “You will never lay a hand on him again.”
The Galra Emperor found it funny that they were suddenly so protective of the former blue paladin. Lance had confided in him the way they had ignored him. They way they had pushed him away and made him feel as though he did not belong. Zarkon let out a scathing laugh. “Now you care, where were you deca-phoeb ago when I happened upon him? All alone and scared as his heat barred down on him? Too terrified to move and sobbing in pain? I protected him.”
“You raped him!” yellow snarled.
“No, he was given Galran medication to stop the pain. Only phoebs later did he come to me and ask for me to help him through his heat. After I had begun courting him.” Why was he explaining himself to these miscreants? He wanted his mate back, now. “Release my omega, or you will face my anger.”
“We will never let you have Lance,” green shouted. “You shitty-” she was cut off when alarms began blaring in castle ship. “What’s happening?”
A smirk formed on Zarkon’s lips. He knew exactly what was happening. He watched the paladins and Alteans panic. Everything was going to plan.
“Sir,” one of his soldiers said. “A video message is being requested by Prince Lotor.”
“Mute the paladins and bring him on screen.” They did as instructed and a moment later his son’s face appeared on the holo-screen. “Son.”
Lotor gave a small smirk. “Father, I have him.” He turned the camera a bit and Zarkon’s heart raced at seeing his heavily pregnant mate seated safely in the passenger seat.
A smile bloomed on the former paladin’s face, one that the emperor hoped would be passed on to their pup. “Hello, mi amor,” he said in that beautiful language of his.
“Are you hurt?” he asked.
Lance shook his head, one hand resting on his protruding belly. “No, our pup is safe as well. They weren’t…happy to see me like this but they did not harm me.”
Zarkon nodded, a relieved sigh leaving him. “Good. Son, what is your ETA?”
“Aproxomently three doboshes,” he said.
“I will meet you at the hanger.” He turned away and began walking down to where his son and mate would arrive. “As soon as they have docked, fire upon the castle and warp us away.”
The paladins would get away, he knew they would, but that didn’t mean much. Zarkon would find them again and end them.
For now, he wanted his mate in his arms as soon as possible.
Only two phoebs later, a beautiful omega boy was born on the ship. His complexion much like his father’s but his smile, that was all his mother’s. The young prince was loved by all on the ship, his elder brother becoming extremely protective of his baby brother. The paladins never stood a chance after they had fucked up so badly.
Not sure if that was anything like you had in mind but I hope you liked it!
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silasnce · 6 years
@mistress-jinx09 suggested fluffy zarkance next sooooo
Zarkance mer au where shark Zarkon courts mer Lance by bringing him the most beautiful things he can find. Shells, pearls, long lost treasure and jewelry, you name it. Lance is beyond flattered at the gifts and even asks Zarkon to help him put the jewelry on. Zarkon is more than happy to assist, making sure to brush his lips over the places the jewelry will rest before clasping them on.
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hikarinonodera · 5 years
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hikarinonodera · 5 years
Taller Thiccer Lance
AU where everything is the same bUt Lance is taller (like 6”9) than the other paladins including Allura and Coran. But he’s also tHicCc like Garnet from Steven Universe or somethin’. And everyone just appreciates the thiccness. Like sometimes Keith uses Lance’s butt as a pillow while he sharpens his knives and listens to Lances adorable rambles. Or Pidge laying on Lances butt while trying to figure out a new gagets while Lance asks questions. Or Hunk just dying when Lance comes out of nowhere and sits on his lap making Hunk almost spit out his lungs. Allura trying to figure out how a man could have that much butt. Coran just being a supportive uncle when the other can’t handle Lance’s hotness, or when Lance just needs to talk. Shiro having a stroke when Lance sits alittle to close, his thighs rubbing against Shiro’s while he plays with his Galran robot fingers. But not only is Lance thiccer he’s also stronger so Shiro and Keith love Lances company in the training room. The both of them trying to take down Lance but failing. Zarkon and Lotor targeting the blue lion in order to capture Lance to make or earn his affection (you choose if you want them to be evil or good).
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Lance can be with anyone you want. Just know that I only stan bottom Lance. Even in relationships with women he is still bottom. I apologize for my excessive use of the variations of tHiCc.
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hikarinonodera · 5 years
Lance ship names
I think lance is sub in every relationship no matter the gender of his significant other.
Klance (Keith x Lance)
Kinkance (Kinkade x Lance)
Ryance (Kinkade x Lance)
Linkade (Kinkade x Lance)
Shance (Shiro x Lance)
Svance (Sven x Lance)
Kurance (Kuron x Lance)
Alfance (Alfor x Lance)
Lancfor (Alfor x Lance)
Lancelot (Lotor x Lance)
Lotance (Lotor x Lance)
Allurance (Allura x Lance)
Plance (Pidge x Lance) Only if Lance is bottom
Hance (Hunk x Lance)
Romance (Romelle x Lance)
Jance (James x Lance)
Shklance (Shiro x Keith x Lance)
Shklatte (Shiro x Keith x Matt x Lance)
Shadance (Shiro x Adam x Lance)
Shadantis (Shiro x Adam x Curtis x Lance)
Latte (Matt x Lance)
Zarkance (Zarkon x Lance)
Kolivance (Kolivan x Lance)
Antance (Antok x Lance)
Shallurance (Shiro x Allura x Lance)
Adance (Adam x Lance)
Lurtis (Curtis x Lance)
Corance (Coran x Lance) ?
Haggance (Haggar x Lance) n0
Krolance (Krolia x Lance)
Texance (Texas Kogane/Keith’s dad x Lance)
Sendance (Sendak x Lance)
Thance (Thace x Lance)
Ulance (Ulaz x Lance)
Shklancelot (Shiro x Keith x Lotor x Lance)
Allurancelot (Allura x Lotor x Lance)
Klunk (Keith x Hunk x Lance)
Plunk (Pidge x Hunk x Lance) Only if Lance is Bottom.
Shunklatte (Shiro x Hunk x Keith x Matt x Lance)
I’ll be adding more ships whenever I find some I haven’t added
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bidragonwrites · 6 years
Lance being followed around the ship by his and Zarkon's little pups? Lance finding it extremely cute and endearing even though they "hide" from him when they think he's looking? Like Lance giggling and trying not to ruin their little game 💙
Dis too cute!!! Yes, of course, they do this, they love doing this. Zarkon thinks they need to grow out of it, and for the most part, they do, but then there’s one little pup who just doesn’t.
Lance smiled when he saw his youngest pup, Emilio (I love this name, ok!), peeking into the conference room. As soon as the ten-year-old saw Lance looking his way he ducked back behind the door. When he looked back to the rest of room he saw that Zarkon had seen their son as well. The alpha raised an eyebrow at him and Lance just shrugged.
Emilio would grow out of it just like his siblings had.
Giggling drew both their attention and they saw Lotor scooping Emilio up into his arms. Lotor saw them looking and winked before walking away with his brother hanging under his arm.
When their meeting was over Zarkon wrapped an arm around Lance’s waist and held him close. “Emilio must learn that he cannot run from his teachings with Dayak.”
“He’ll grow out of it,” Lance said. “Rosita and Zerek did.”
“Yes, but they grew out of it much faster than this. He’s ten, my love.”
Lance looked up at his mate, a small smile on his lips. “Emilio is an omega and his brother and sister are both alphas. It will take time, especially with his siblings beginning to push him away. I went through the same phase”
Zarkon sighed but a smile appeared on his face. “He must learn to be his own person.”
“And he will, but right now he is still a pup. Let him be one.”
“I can never say no to you.”
I’m still having some trouble writing for Voltron after everything but I hope this came out ok. Also, side note, what do you think of making a discord server specifically for ABO headcanons? Not just Voltron but other fandoms as well.
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