linipik · 5 years
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Study night at the library 
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Okay all studying but one, ...it is late, he is tired, and at some point his crush just starts showing.
Hogwarts AU first | < Bonus 38 | BONUS 39 | BONUS 40>
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linipik · 6 years
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in my best Lee Jordan impersonation: 
”Hufflepuff's keeper impresses us again with another fantastic save, Gryffindor better focus,... what is Gryffindor’s number 3, Lance McClain, celebrating for? Is that-? for Merlin's beard!  I DIDN'T NOTICE WHEN BUT SURELY ENOUGH THAT McCLAIN HAS A GOOD EYE! Keith Kogane got the golden snitch and the game is over!  Another win that takes the red lions directly to the cup!“
-Few things are as exciting s running from Acromantulas in the forbidden Forest, but for Lance, winning his first quidditch cup is enough to make him forget Keith is his (supposed) rival and just celebrate!  -Keith is sure he likes this group of people, his friends. Spending time in the duelling club  and even when they end up in the infarmary he knows he can count on all of them... but Lance is in another level sometimes he gets on his nerves and other times it is like they both are in sync.
Hogwarts AU
first | < BONUS 27 |  BONUS 28 | part 10> 
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Keith: u..wu??
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linipik · 5 years
Lini’s VLD  Hogwarts AU
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-klance, adashi, long, slowburn, ONGOING, - this comic on instagram >> @/klance_at_hogwarts “Life at Hogwarts starts full of expectations and dangers but nothing will stop this group from surviving their 7 years studying magic and reinventing themselves every year.” start reading here >> first Single LONG post with only the plot relevant parts >> here
Part 1: Get Sorted by the Hat - BONUS 1 Part 2: Go to class and learn the basics of magic - BONUS 2 Part 3: Enjoy life at the castle  -   BONUS 3
Part 4 : Consider activities other than just studying - BONUS 4 -BONUS 5 - Part 5: Try to be on your Quidditch Team - BONUS 6 -BONUS 7 Part 5.5 Part 6: Be there for your classmates - BONUS 8 -BONUS9 - BONUS10 - BONUS11
Part 7 : Get to the Platform 9 ¾ on time - BONUS 12- BONUS 13 Part 7.5 - BONUS 14-BONUS 15- Part 8 : Get involved in wizarding culture -  BONUS 16 -BONUS 17 -BONUS 18 -BONUS 19 - BONUS 20 - BONUS 21 Part 9 : Avoid visiting the hospital wing   BONUS 22 - BONUS 23 - BONUS 24 - BONUS 25 - BONUS 26 - BONUS 27 - BONUS 28
Part 10: Be prepared for the new school year - BONUS 29 - BONUS 30 - BONUS 31 - BONUS 32 - BONUS 33 - BONUS 34 Part 11: Avoid comparing yourself to others - BONUS 35 - BONUS 36 - BONUS 37 Part 11.5 - BONUS 38 - BONUS 39
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linipik · 5 years
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Colour from the of  part 11.5  it’s the first time I draw any Lotura …and they have kittens uwu
Hogwarts AU first | < Part 11.5  | BONUS 38 | BONUS 39>
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linipik · 5 years
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After this one moment when Allura realises Alfor’s pet (a Kneazle cat) was pregnant with 5 kittens , and since everyone is so busy with trying to cast their patronus, Allura has been spending her free time with the kittens (they are around 6 - 7 weeks old )
Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 37 | PART 11.5| BONUS 38 >  
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linipik · 5 years
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They are still practising the patronus charm and Lance awfully interested in Keith's...for reasons he still has to understand ;3c
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Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 36 | BONUS 37 | Part 11. 5>
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linipik · 5 years
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exactly after part 11 Shiro couldn’t ignore the fact that Adam Patronus has not change since they were together (Also, Adam was the one who helped Shiro with his patronus back when they were in 6th year)
Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 35 | BONUS 36 | BONUS 37> 
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linipik · 5 years
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Shiro is the new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher, but he missed flying and he knows all the quidditch tricks better than anyone so he also is the official quidditch referee at Hogwarts! 
Hogwarts  AU first | < BONUS 33 | BONUS 34 | Part 11 >
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linipik · 5 years
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Pidge and a sleeping mandrake (feat Rover)
I think Pidge makes experiments and tries to invent better ways to use magic since wizards are not really practical
Hogwarts AU first | < Part 11 | BONUS 35 | BONUS 36>
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linipik · 6 years
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Shiro’s very special Hogwarts trophy case :)
(The photo was taken in their last year before their last quidditch match) Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 32 | BONUS 33  | BONUS 34 > me, an animator: oh gosh I wish pictures would move like in the wizarding world
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linipik · 6 years
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(This happens right after Part 9. Shiro is  too restless from not being able to cast a patronus and ends up doing the thing that clears his head the most: go flying) They used to have stargazing dates and sneak out all the time and they keep doing it as teachers...Even if they are not together anymore, for now bad habits die hard  ALSO:
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Of course Coran were used to those two sneaking out as students.
Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 25 |  BONUS 26 | BONUS 27 >
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linipik · 6 years
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Valentines day at Hogwarts Spending Valentines day together even when they didnt plan it :)c ....And lance is really dramatic (also, Allura’s cat is actually Alfor’s) Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 29 | BONUS 30 | BONUS 31>
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linipik · 6 years
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Being a Hogwarts student step 10: Be prepared for the new school year
Starts 4th year and Hogwarts seems to not be the safest place. Everything around the castle is becoming more dangerous, with an absent headmaster, two professors gone due to dementors , Shiro appearing with a mysterious arm and unable to cast a patronus and the owls being targeted by dark creatures in the forbidden forest....And this particular group of 4th year students is somehow involved in every mayor event. -Lance thought his life at Hogwarts was finally in the right direction,  being on the quidditch team and spending time whit his crush...But starting this year was like waking up from a dream: he is in a quidditch position he has no experience in and everyone is on edge thanks to the bad news that arrive to the castle. But he is Lance McClain and he won’t let his friends down. 
-Keith is dedicated to not making the same mistakes that in last years put everyone he cares about in danger, including Shiro, his friends in their quest of finding their family, and Lance, who seems to always be able to annoy and surprise him  (and make his heart do backflips in his chest) Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 28 |  Part 10 | BONUS 29 >
pushing through my block to update this comic for klance au month
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linipik · 6 years
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After a particularly hard quidditch match  . It is mid september and Keith discovers he might like his teammate and fellow gryffindor Lance Basically what happens  in the last panel of   Part 10 from keith’s pov)
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Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 30 | BONUS 31 | BONUS 32 >
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linipik · 6 years
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After their terrible score against Slytherin in that practice match Lance is ready for a good show and to keep the team spirit UP
Hogwarts AU first | < Part 10 | BONUS 29 | BONUS 30 >
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linipik · 6 years
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Lance and Keith in their morning  routine in the gryffindor dormitory. ..And they were roommates Hogwarts AU first | < BONUS 24 |  BONUS 25 | BONUS 26 > 
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