#vmin heart eyes
btsmosphere · 1 month
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 4: We Aren't Heroes, Honey
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens?~ 🗲this chapter: A chaotic arrival turns everything on its head, and the boys are ready to let you in on their real game.
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader, side established vmin 🗲word count: 5.9k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, injury, blood, weapons
a/n: if you hadn't already noticed, vmin is a side pairing in this fic! I probably won't add that in every chapter description tho, since they don't really have a plot revolving around them, but they are together as side characters because I love them mwahahaha🤩while we will learn more about them, they have an entire backstory, one of the many things I know about this universe that never made it "on screen"👀 I also just want to say how thrilled I am that people are enjoying this fic! To those of you who have left me comments, reblogged with sweet and supportive tags or sent in asks, it means the absolute world and I love you all💜💜
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“I did exactly what I’m training to do.”
“Like scare him half to death?”
Dropping your head, you gazed at your hands, wishing anew that you didn’t have this complicated curse that drove people away. That made you into a danger.
But you didn’t have the words or the will to explain this to the obstinate Jungkook.
“See you at training,” you spoke flatly, and stepped away.
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See him at training you did. Not that he was any more helpful than normal.
As always, you gritted your teeth and tried to run through the same actions, still getting used to them. Over the course of the next few sessions, you certainly noticed an improvement, your powers coming more and more naturally to you than you had thought possible at first.
Still, Jungkook clearly disagreed.
You stood in the centre of the training space, arm raised. Just as you had been doing for the past half hour, you shot a bolt, expecting to hear the rattle of the target when you met it. And beyond that, the same heavy silence that always filled your practises.
Instead, your training ‘partner’ stepped nonchalantly in front of the shot.
Eyes widening, you closed your fist, shutting off the flow of power as fast as possible. But as you gawped in outrage, Jungkook raised a hand, easily deflecting the jet of blue electricity that had escaped with a quick burst of his own gold lightning.
Lowering his hand as if he hadn’t just placed himself in front of something deadly, he stuffed it into his pocket and smirked.
“What are you-” you spluttered, “you- you should be careful!”
“If I’m really expected to babysit you, I would hope to see more improvement than that,” he replied easily, “I mean, great, you can shoot, but attacking isn’t what this is all about.”
You raised an eyebrow, watching as he slowly walked towards you.
“Imagine I was someone else,” he continued.
“I wish,” you muttered, adding in an exaggerated eye roll. Jungkook didn’t comment on that, but you saw his gaze harden.
“Someone without my powers,” he drawled, “I would be dead.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to walk across while I was training!”
“You’re not supposed to expect it,” he shot back.
“And when exactly do you forsee me shooting lightning bolts out in public?”
At last, he seemed surprised by your response. Really, he thought you were raring to go out and terrorise the streets? You scoffed, ready to return to your usual mutual silence, but he recovered himself.
“You should control them in here as well,” he spoke, though there was less malice behind it this time. “You’ve already scared V shitless once.”
Arms folded, he turned his back on you, abandoning the conversation.
“Tell me something I don’t know,” you muttered, not really caring whether he decided to pay attention or not, “I’m trying.”
But if his step faltered a little, you didn’t notice. He kept his back to you and walked away.
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You had been doing a steady amount of work each day with your powers. It didn’t take long for the others to be proven right as you noticed it got easier both in and out of the training rooms as time stretched on. With your powers in use so frequently, they didn’t often try to break out when you least expected it anymore.
And though it hadn’t been long, you were getting a sense of the motions of this unconventional household.
On your way to training, you would pass the others at work, with or without their powers. It made sense that superheroes (it felt strange thinking of them as superheroes, but you supposed that was what you all were, in a way) needed to work out physically as well, to give them the upper hand in any fights.
Not that you could imagine them fighting... Most of the time. Sometimes you would see the power inherent in Jimin’s stance when he threw weights heavier than you could lift across the room with a flick of a finger. Or the deadly speed and precision as Hoseok darted around impossible obstacles.
But then they would huddle around the tv with you in the evening, cradling steaming bowls of food prepared by Jin or Yoongi, usually. The sight of V bundled in a fluffy blanket, laughing at Jimin more than the film, made it hard to believe he was some supernatural force of nature.
Namjoon, though. That, you could believe. He was the rarest sight in the house, even above the enigmatically quiet V.
However, if he caught you and Jungkook on your way out of practise, he would always beam like you were his children, ignoring the scowls that no doubt adorned your faces. Jin did the same, always clapping Jungkook on the shoulder in praise.
If only the others knew how Jungkook neglected the job they believed he was doing.
But as much as you wondered how different it would be if Namjoon had continued teaching you, you understood it couldn’t be that way. Not when he was constantly holed up in his office, or staring at a tablet and tugging his hands through his hair. His job seemed to be important, always moving with hurried purpose.
So then, with all the people and noise you were surrounded by now, it was a shock when things turned quiet.
Before this, you had lived on your own. Woken up each day just to head to work, Kuyang and the lab workers the only faces you saw before returning back to empty space.
So why was it this hard to get used to again?
Sometimes, the house emptied. Not totally, but since it was usually Jungkook that remained with you, it may as well have been. Each time you came from practice to find the house deserted, a scowl would etch itself into his face and he would retreat back to the gym, or somewhere. You never bothered to follow him.
When this happened, you kept your eyes on the news. If they were superheroes – which they must be, what other job could a bunch of powered people have? – then surely they would show up?
But without fail, the news stayed quiet. Either that, or heroes like Bolt or Monsoon (another worshipped figure in your city) instead had stamped out some threat and were being celebrated as always.
You weren’t sure what it was, but something made you shut off the tv when the rest returned, not wanting them to see what you had been looking for.
Generally, though, they didn’t leave you alone for too long, which was nice. You were nearly always in the communal spaces, since you had nothing to do in your room, bare as it was.
So it was when you heard hissed voices that you realised maybe you should let them have more time without you.
“She’s not more important! I don’t get why I have to, of all of us-“
Still hidden in the corridor, you froze when you heard Jungkook’s hushed voice in the living room.
“We’re fine to be down one, it’s not particularly risky,” someone replied.
“Please, can’t one of you stay for once? I already have to spend half my time with her!”
Gulping, you retreated the way you had come. You shouldn’t be hearing this, you knew that. Above all, you couldn’t stand the flicker of hurt that bled through you at the venomous words, though you ought to be used to them by now.
Sitting in your room, you idly played around, forming a ball of blue static that hovered above your palm. You sighed as you tossed it from hand to hand. This should be impressive, but you knew you were still incredibly clumsy with your powers compared to the others: Jungkook made sure you knew it.
But you stayed there, enjoying being able to use your powers without purpose or judgment.
After a while, a tap on your door heralded Yoongi calling you for dinner. Any tension you had sensed earlier when they didn’t know you were listening had dissipated.
Of course, Jungkook was ignoring you, but it was better that way. He was battling Hobi with chopsticks instead, trying to score a piece of meat from his plate as his opponent shrieked in protest. Jimin was falling onto the table with laughter, Yoongi groaning as he took a seat and slid a bowl to you.
Quietly thanking him, you began to eat without trying to muscle into the conversation. It was clear how comfortable these boys were together, having been arguing not long before and now joking around with the air free of bad feelings.
Even though you had never predicted your life going in this direction, you found yourself grateful. Despite the obvious Jungkook issue, having these vibrant people around you was such a stark contrast to your lonely state before Bolt had tried to kill you.
You were only reminded of the frosty conversation you had accidentally eavesdropped when, a few days later, you got the afternoon free of Jungkook.
As usual, that morning the two of you occupied the same room, training by yourselves. Today, Jungkook never offered so much as a word, and almost sprinted away after the hour was up. You couldn’t bring yourself to complain, instead taking the time to rest and return lazily upstairs at your own pace.
When you arrived, the unfortunately familiar sight of an empty apartment waited for you.
Funny, though. You hadn’t seen Jungkook come back downstairs as he normally did when the others went out.
Shrugging it off, you headed for the shower. It had almost slipped your mind by the time you emerged, but confusion instantly resurfaced when you were faced with the back of Jin’s head.
Stepping around the sofa and into the main space, you caught his attention.
“Ah, Y/N,” he greeted, turning away from the tv show he had quietly in the background.
“Jin,” you smiled, “where’s Jungkook?”
A smirk bloomed on his face before you had the chance to realise how that might have sounded.
“I didn’t realise you would miss him,” he teased.
Rolling your eyes, you sunk onto the other sofa.
“I’m not sorry to see him gone,” you quickly backpedalled, “but I just… thought you had all gone out again.”
“Well, Kook was feeling left out,” Jin explained, “I know you two aren’t exactly the best of friends but he’s still been helping you out, so we thought it was fair he doesn’t have to do that all the time and miss out on our… stuff.”
You nodded along as you understood the situation. As if to distract from his strangely vague ending statement, Jin jumped straight in again with a chipper voice.
“But I heard you’re getting much better! Jungkook says he can trust you to work independently, so maybe you won’t have to endure each other’s company as much!”
Now that made you laugh. Loudly. Jungkook had better trust you to work independently – he forced you to do it half the time anyway with his reluctance to teach you.
Jin seemed pleased with your reaction, and you two carried on chatting. It took you a while to even notice his quick glances at the door, the slight jittering leg, the distracted way he watched the show with glazed eyes, not fully taking it in.
When he suggested dinner, he all but sprang from the sofa. With a light frown, you followed him. What was giving him so much nervous energy?
Outside was dark by now, but that didn’t stop Jin’s eyes straying to the black sky visible through the window.
For once, you actually acquiesced to him rejecting your offer to help in the kitchen. He seemed pleased to have his hands busy, even if his knife occasionally clattered too loudly on the counter or oil splatted out of the slightly too-hot pan.
But all that was forgotten when a commotion suddenly shocked the air. The main door must be fully soundproof: that was the only explanation for the way it was silent one second, and the next raised voices were almost at the top of the stairs.
Whipping around to face the sudden interruption, Jin brandished his spatula in panic for a moment. You jumped from your seat.
Then Namjoon swept into the room, long coat swishing as he marched across the room, face set. Looking first at him in panic, your eyes returned to the others following him in and your jaw dropped.
Between Jimin and Jungkook, they were supporting V, whose head drooped alarmingly, legs barely making purchase on the floor. You were frozen on the spot as they hauled him past you. You hadn’t even noticed Yoongi come in until items were being shoved roughly from the counter to the floor to make space to lay V down there.
Swallowing, you staggered back a step, watching with wide eyes at his collapsed form. Sweat beaded on his furrowed brow, feverish spasms weakly shaking his body.
“What happened?” Jin exclaimed, panic shaking his voice.
A storminess brewed in Namjoon’s eyes, which glowed a little red though you weren’t sure if he noticed he was doing that. Turning to Jin with a serious expression, all he said was:
“Our suspicions were true.”
His words meant nothing to you, but the way Jin’s face paled struck fear through you.
Closest to the table, Jimin’s eyes glistened with tears as he clutched V’s hand, murmuring to him. You couldn’t hear him, but you had the feeling it wasn’t for you to hear and turned your eyes away.
Not a moment later, a harsh shove had you stumbling to the side, Jungkook barging past. You couldn’t even spite him for it. The panic spiralling through you at the state of your friend was painful enough, but these boys were his family. You couldn’t imagine the depth of their worry right now.
“What do we do?” Jungkook demanded, stopping in front of Namjoon and Jin. His frame was taught, nearly shaking as he looked to his hyungs for answers.
They always seemed to know what to do, but the uncertainty on Jin’s face as he stepped closer to the unconscious V was concerning.
“W-what happened?” he asked.
Hope was wringing his hands beside him, but spoke up.
“It was like we thought, when we showed up. We knew we had to get out, but B- he caught us, right at the end. We were just going, but V freaked, and-and then he- then- I don’t know what it was hyung, but he shot something…”
Hobi’s voice was bordering on hysterical, and as he trailed away, he leant forwards to pull V’s jacket aside. Jimin whimpered, turning his face away to bury it further against V’s arm.
There, on V’s torso, a section of his shirt was mangled, a bloodied shape seemingly etched into his side. Though the bloodstained shirt made it difficult to see, you couldn’t mistake that. It was no gunshot wound – you had seen something like this before.
The injury was fairly large, shaped something like a star. A familiar shape instantly sprung into your imagination, metal that spit sparks as it flew across the room, latching onto the wall at the other end.
Except, this time it had certainly not been used in lab conditions.
“I- I don’t know,” Jin was stuttering, “I’ve never seen something like this before…”
The silence was totally stifling, Jin’s admission met with disbelief. Namjoon ran hands roughly through his hair, biting at his cheek.
“We have to DO SOMETHING!”
Jungkook’s yell made you flinch a little. He moved forcefully, returning to the table with a handful of tea towels and thrusting one at Hope.
“Let’s just- stop the bleeding, at least-”
“He has powers, the bleeding isn’t the issue, Jungkook-”
“Do you have any better ideas?!”
His eyes flickered a blazing gold as he spun to yell at Jin, something he would never normally do. But right now, that was the least of his worries. He trembled from head to toe with tension, and you could see the shine of tears he was unable to will away from his eyes.
“Right, yes,” Jin swallowed, taking the towel and pressing it to the wound, as Hobi was already doing.
At the no doubt painful contact, though, V jerked a little, purple flame shooting from his hands. It was brief, but you all jumped back from the sudden heat.
“Why’s he doing that?” Jimin’s voice thrummed with underlying fear, “he hasn’t had an outburst in…”
The others only looked between themselves, equally lost.
After a moment, V hadn’t moved again, and Jimin was the first to gravitate back to his side.
Frowning at the ground, you willed your memory to work faster. Jimin’s heartbreaking calls for V, hand pressed desperately to his cheek though he was met with no response, had you racing through your memories.
Kuyang had had you in charge of all his safety files back at the lab, but right now you didn’t have access to the computer with them all stored on. It was at the tip of your tongue, just out of reach. You frantically grasped for any hint of memory about this particular weapon.
“Iodine,” you muttered. Your eyes widened as it dawned on you.
No one heard.
“Iodine,” you repeated, louder this time, “do you have iodine?”
Heads turned towards you, as if they had forgotten you were there at all. Jimin’s tearful face emerged, tentatively hopeful as you spoke.
“That wound is radioactive, it’s what’s messing with his powers. We need to give him some before it gets too far into his bloodstream.”
You spoke with a calm urgency, grateful you could keep your voice from wavering. Trusting your firm tone, Jin hurriedly nodded, darting away down the corridor without a look back.
As you watched him go, you caught Namjoon’s gaze. You stood awkwardly, not knowing what to do with yourself, and his piercing stare startled you. A frown tightened his features and you had the odd sensation that he was calculating you.
Still, he said nothing. But it seemed someone else was less afraid to breach the silence.
“Who put you in charge?”
Only Jungkook had the sense to question you, glaring from where he had taken over pressing on V’s wound.
“This weapon, it uses radiation-“ you began.
“How do you know?” He cut you off. “Isn’t iodine toxic? You’re trying to kill him-”
“It’s the only way-”
“I won’t let you touch him!”
Tentatively stepping forward, you fixed Jungkook with a level gaze. His eyes narrowed, distrustful.
“It’s only toxic if we give too much,” you explained, forcing your voice to stay calm, “he has powers, he should be able to take it. Like Jin said, with powers, you can withstand more bleeding than others. It’s the radiation poisoning that’s hurting him, not the wound.”
Though his teeth were gritted and his glare lost none of its ferocity, he kept quiet.
“We need to stop it,” you spoke with finality.
Just then, Jin dashed back into the room, bottles and packets nearly spilling from his arms before he deposited them on the counter. Rushing forwards to meet him, you spotted some other bottles too.
“Pentetic acid? Where did you get-“
“It helps, doesn’t it?” Jin supplied, and you left it at that. It was another agent Kuyang had had on the safety files as a radiation blocker, but you had never expected to see it outside a lab.
You didn’t complain, though. V needed all the help he could get.
Jin’s fingers fumbled with a small needle as he pulled it out and filled it, looking to you for confirmation.
Nodding, you hastily stepped out of his way, planting yourself beside Jungkook. He watched warily, though you were sure it helped that it was Jin applying the remedy and not you.
A stony silence fell once Jin pulled away. Of course, it wouldn’t work instantly, but you hoped with all your might that some change would be visible. These chemicals were dangerous, the cure to this weapon difficult to apply for good reason. It was a weapon after all.
The bin opened and closed, the room so quiet you could hear the used needle falling inside it.
Hope sunk weakly into a chair, eyes still fixed on his injured brother. Jimin remained close to V, gripping his hand despite the threat of the fire that could burst from them at any moment.
Your eyes slid to Jungkook at your side. Of course he didn’t look away from V.
It felt as if your heart was squeezing its way up your throat, the longer V remained motionless. He had been seriously hurt, and though you were confident in your cure, having learned it from the weapon’s creator, the nagging worry that you might have made it worse refused to go away.
V could be hurt. He could – you didn’t even dare to think it.
The others would never forgive you. Jungkook would never forgive you. You would never be able to forgive yourself if you caused something like this.
And beyond all that, your mind was running frantic laps trying to figure out how Kuyang’s prototypes had ended up being fired at your new friends. Kuyang may have been unhinged, and more than a little shady, but to commit such violence?
But there must have been a reason for him making the things he did in that lab…
The memory of his face the last time you saw him assaulted you then; the way his normally pleasant demeanour left no trace on his fearsome expression when he had found Bolt inside his lab.
Guilt sat heavily inside you as you gazed down at V.
Jimin’s voice was quiet, nervous, but still sweet. Despite the low volume, as the only sound in the room it caught everyone’s attention.
A laugh bubbled out of Jimin as the younger boy stirred with a low groan.
“Hey, can you hear me?” Jimin cooed, “you’re okay, we’re home, I’m here.”
Gently, him and Jin helped the boy to sit, and though he seemed tired, the flush had faded from his cheeks. He was no longer sweating and his breathing was even, but his hair was left sticking in places to his forehead.
Jimin took his hands.
“Can you feel your powers, baby? Are-are they there?”
Slowly, V nodded. Turning a hand over, he summoned a single flame, livid purple, to dance on his palm.
“Okay, okay,” Jin closed his fist, “don’t tire yourself out.”
But you could tell he was as relieved as the others that V could still control his powers. Even if you had only just learned what they were, you now understood Jungkook’s outburst when you had come across V at night before. If not controlled, fire was certainly a lethal force to have at your fingertips.
They left, disappearing to get V settled and cleaned up. Even though having powers gave you higher tolerance to injuries, it was still unwise to leave them untreated.
Casting your eyes across the rest of the room, you saw Jungkook duck away from your gaze.
You let him.
The remnants of adrenaline in your body were fizzling out and you understood the temptation to collapse into a seat.
However, as Yoongi moved across to the stove, you joined him without a word needing to be exchanged. The cold beginnings of Jin’s meal from earlier were sitting in pans and chopping boards, and you simply picked up where he left off.
The two of you cooked with minimal movement and noise, not disrupting the stillness of the kitchen as everyone soaked in what had just happened. At some point Namjoon had disappeared.
Though only four of you remained, you ate nonetheless and boxed the rest up. No one said much, and you didn’t try to change that. In fact, you hardly looked up from your plate, preferring to leave the others to their thoughts. They didn’t need you intruding right now.
Of course, that did nothing to stop the onslaught of questions filling your mind.
You still didn’t really know what the boys got up to on their mysterious excursions, and V coming home so badly injured – by one of your old boss’ experiments, no less – only made you more lost. And intrigued.
Still, you held your tongue.
It was only when you collected everyone’s plates that you caught Jungkook’s eyes boring into the side of your head. Looking up at last, you found him staring at you with a confused frown etched across his brow. He held your gaze though, the ever present intensity of his own making you shrink away towards the basin to distract yourself with washing up.
Just as you thought you would have to endure a silent room without the distraction of food to alleviate the tension, Namjoon returned.
At first, only seeing a shadowy figure in the hall, you thought perhaps V had come back, or at least Jin or Jimin to give an update. Perhaps that was entirely too optimistic. Nonetheless, even the stressed-looking Namjoon was a welcome distraction.
You had begun to scoop some more food into a bowl for him when he spoke. He hadn’t come any further into the room, still hovering in the shadows of the hallway.
“I’m sure you have questions.”
Pausing in your movements, you lifted your head. The others all turned their heads to you as well, leaving you like an animal stuck in headlights.
“Uh-” you stuttered once you eventually caught up with yourself, “I mean, I guess…”
Glancing around you, you found Yoongi and Hope looked a little nervous, some doubt in their faces. Jungkook, on the other hand, was smirking.
Not knowing what to make of that, you decided not to keep Namjoon waiting. He seemed fairly expectant, his not entering the room making it clear that you should follow, so you picked up some chopsticks and brought the food along with you.
Namjoon may have seemed a little surprised when you handed him his dinner, but he took it anyway. Once you were in his office, he started eating without complaint.
“Am I right to presume,” he began between mouthfuls, though he was preparing the next already, “that you knew about the weapon used on V because of your work for Kuyang?”
You quickly confirmed, but you could no longer hold back further questions.
“Yes, but how did it end up- I mean, why was it used? Did Kuyang-?”
Shaking his head, Namjoon cut you off with a wave of his chopsticks. He swallowed and continued perfectly calmly.
“It wasn’t Kuyang that used it.”
Already, your shoulders slumped in relief. But still-
“Then how…?”
Sighing, Namjoon set his cutlery down and sat back.
“Kuyang is one of our… associates,” he began to explain. “After the attack, he escaped, as you know, and went into hiding. Only, we found his lab totally empty soon after.”
At this he sighed, raking a hand through his hair as he always seemed to do without noticing. You could empathise with his stress; the news had you shuffling closer to the edge of your seat. The stuff Kuyang worked with was dangerous, it shouldn’t just… go missing.
“We weren’t sure what to think at first, and we investigated for a while. Other, similar cases have cropped up too, others among our allies being raided. It became too difficult to deny what we feared… Bolt was the only connection.”
Without noticing, your mouth was gaping open, eyes widening. You blinked as Namjoon’s words sunk in. But surely you were misunderstanding? It couldn’t be…
Slowly, you were able to form words.
“Bolt fired at V? At all of you?”
Namjoon nodded.
Shutting your mouth, you swallowed. Your mind may have been whirling at a hundred miles an hour, but nothing made it as far as to form a sentence. Fragments flitted past, telling a story you were afraid to believe.
Bolt was the city’s superhero… a hero… everyone knew that.
He protected the city from harm.
Yet he had shot you… and now V…
The silence stretched out, Namjoon pausing in his meal as he watched you. When you eventually spoke, your voice was small.
“You were fighting… against Bolt?”
A wry chuckle left his lips. Cocking his head, he clasped his hands.
“Villains, one might say. Many do.”
You simply blinked at him. Meanwhile, Namjoon stared evenly at you, gauging your reaction.
“What else has Bolt done?” you ventured.
Namjoon’s eyebrows raised.
“What do you mean?”
Stammering slightly, you tried to explain.
“Well, I already know Bolt isn’t exactly as… innocent, as most people think. He- I mean, at Kuyang’s- when Bolt was there, he had no reason to shoot me? But I hadn’t really thought about… why he was at Kuyang’s lab. What’s going on?”
As you spoke, a faint smile quirked Namjoon’s mouth. As you trailed off, he nodded. It seemed he was finally willing to indulge you.
“It’s true that Kuyang had set his latest experiment on Bolt already. To the media, it would simply seem that Bolt was retaliating, or eradicating the threat they perceive people like Kuyang to be. But today confirmed what we feared. Bolt is collecting.”
“He’s not destroying those weapons?”
Before Namjoon’s confirming shake of the head, you already knew the answer.
Though many of your questions had now been answered, it felt like you had opened up a whole new realm of possibilities that you couldn’t wrap your head around. But Namjoon didn’t allow you time to spiral into further confusion.
“I had hoped this would have to come later,” he spoke carefully, chewing on his cheek as he sat back once more. “we’ve taken in a few people before, helped them control their powers and then proceed to leave this life behind…
“You clearly know that this world isn’t as black and white as the city media wants us to think. But you should also know we aren’t many people’s idea of heroes. We fight against this society. We use violence, we support developers like Kuyang, who are…”
A wave of his hand was all that was needed. You both knew the kind of person it took to create the things Kuyang spent his time working on.
“People don’t agree with us,” he continued seriously, “which is why I’m offering you the chance to leave. As I said, we normally wait until someone has full control of their powers. Out there, the world isn’t exactly… kind to people like us. Bolt, Monsoon, heroes from tv – they’re the exceptions. People don’t like those who are different. They see our powers as a threat, and they do twisted things to gain power over people they fear. If you choose to go, we want you to at least be safe.”
Breathing deeply, you sat reeling.
Everything that had been presented to you should have flipped this whole thing on its head. Your new friends were by no means superheroes, as you previously thought. There was a reason you never saw their names in glowing lights on tv like Bolt.
But really… did it change anything?
Breaking through the silence, the click of the door handle. Since the new arrival hadn’t even knocked, you were certain who it was before they even entered your line of sight.
“Hey,” Jin spoke. Then he paused, looking between the two of you in the sombre silence. Cautiously raising a brow, he turned towards Namjoon. “You told her?”
Namjoon nodded.
“How’s V?” Namjoon then asked nearly straight away. That was a relief; you were wondering the same thing yourself.
Wiping his brow, Jin perched himself against the desk. Though his sigh was tired, he nodded.
“He’ll be fine. He’s already annoying poor Jiminie again, so that should tell you enough.” After a brief hesitation, he continued, eyes shifting to you. “That was a close one though… if Y/N hadn’t been there…”
With the room’s attention on you once again, you gulped. But somehow, what you said next didn’t take you much thought.
“I want to stay.”
Namjoon kept his infuriating poker face on as he appraised you, but Jin cracked a smile.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he grinned, clapping you on the shoulder. Turning to Namjoon, he cried a smug “I told you!”
Encouraged, you nodded with more certainty.
“I agree with you guys – Bolt goes unquestioned, he’s practically worshipped. But whatever he’s doing, I want to help stop him. And he did try to kill me after all – you guys are the ones who've helped me. I trust you.”
“Good,” Namjoon spoke, digging back in to his food, “I wanted to offer you a position in the team, if you said yes. With Bolt on the move like this, we need all the power we can get-”
As a smile was just blooming on your face, it was halted by his next words.
“But. You aren’t ready just yet. I want you out there with us, so I’m willing to send you out sooner than I have with others before. These are unusual times, and you have to understand this will be more dangerous than I normally send rookies to. There’s work to do, with your powers, but also…
“As much as I appreciate your trust in us, I know it doesn’t extend fully. I need my team to be able to trust each other. Every single one.”
Fixing you with a hard stare to accompany his last words, he was effective in making you shrink in your seat. You knew exactly who he was talking about.
And that person was waiting for you right outside.
On leaving the office, you found Jungkook leaning up against the wall. Jin and Namjoon had hung back, leaving you alone as you emerged, and you instantly rolled your eyes. Determined not to be deterred, you kept walking down the corridor, trying to fix your eyes ahead – firmly away from the infuriating man that watched your approach.
“Scared yet?” his smirk bled through his words. You were almost upon him at this point, and he pushed away from the wall, blocking the way with his black-clad body.
Eyes flicking up to him, unimpressed, you tapped your foot.
“Why would I be scared?”
One corner of his mouth curved up, looking you in the eye as he leaned a little closer.
“We aren’t heroes, honey.”
“Thanks for spelling that out, Jungkook,” you drawled, making to step past him.
His laughter followed you while you started walking away.
“Need help packing?” he called.
“Hey, Jungkook,” Jin’s stern voice joined him, “no need. She’s not going anywhere.”
Jungkook’s silence spoke volumes.
Glancing back as you reached the end of the corridor, you were met with the livid expression that seemed so familiar. Jungkook’s eyes bulged with shock. You were sure that Jin’s hand on his shoulder was all that was holding him back.
Making the most of his eyes on you, you flashed a serene smile and walked away.
But though an (admittedly large) part of you took satisfaction in Jungkook’s shock and rage, you knew you would be expected to work with him. Properly work with him, not the frosty silence he currently counted as work.
With the impossibility of this steadily creeping over you, you climbed the stairs heavily.
As you returned to the wary stares of your friends and dispelled their trepidation, assuring them you were staying and trying to settle down to a relatively normal evening, it remained in the back of your mind.
But you could deal with Jungkook tomorrow. For now, you let yourself be reminded of the reasons you wanted to stay here with them.
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Thank you for reading!!💜comments, questions etc. are always welcome! Fanfiction is all about community and if you wanted a sign that it's ok to participate, you are invited!!💞
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gimmethatagustd · 6 months
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The 100 Drabble Challenge is brought to you by the exceptional mind of my bestie Hali @sailoryooons who thought this could be a fun way for us to expand our writing in 2024. Every week, we'll write drabbles from a list of 100 tropes. Let’s be real, though, we all know I’ll probably turn at least some of them into oneshots rather than true drabbles because I’m insane. I hope you all enjoy the stories we create!
Taglist: If you want to be tagged in ONLY the Drabble Challenge, you need to submit this taglist Google form. If you want to be tagged in ALL my fics (including the Challenge), you need to submit this taglist Google form. Your email will not be collected for either.
Updated June 10, 2024
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Sweet Dreams | Established Relationship | Dom/Sub | Kinks | Smut
Seokjin loves when you paint your nails pink.
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Morals On Sundays | FWB | Angst | Fluff | Smut
You’re still in love with your ex-boyfriend. Yoongi offers some help to get over him.
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Jai is currently working on these.
↳ Come back later!
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Definitely Today, Satan | Neighbors AU | Smut | Bad Humor
After having a strange dream about your hot neighbor, you realize it might be time to finally make your move. Dreams are a sign from the universe, right?
Gang Shit | Kidfic | Single Parent/DILF | Fluff | Humor
Your daughter’s classmate has a really hot dad. Apparently, you’re his arch-nemesis.
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Technicolor | Dystopian | Strangers to Lovers | Smut
Love is one hell of a drug. Bottled and sold on the black market, it isn't for the faint-hearted. You're not really interested in trying it until you meet Jimin.
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Collard Greens | Weed Fic | Summer Camp AU | Friends to Lovers | Smut | Fluff
Working as a counselor at a summer camp for kids isn’t the most exciting job, but hanging out with Taehyung makes it worth it.
New Flame | A/B/O | Strangers to Lovers | Smut
Flame is a dating app designed for omegas and alphas to find heat and rut partners. You're skeptical of using the app, not anticipating that you might find someone who is more than just a new flame.
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Oxygen | Mafia | Established Relationship | Smut | Angst
If you get caught, you'll both die. Jungkook wants to be yours anyway.
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Call Me Baby | Taekook | Babysitter | Age Gap | Smut | Angst | Fluff
Amidst a heartless divorce, Taehyung, a renowned film director, desperately tries to hold himself together. Enter Jungkook, the Kim family’s devoted nanny, who has had his eye on Taehyung for years.
Like A River | Taegijoon | Academic (Professors) | Coworkers to Lovers | Smut
As the only omega professor in the Department of Philosophy at Seoul National University, Yoongi is accustomed to dealing with pretentious alphas who think the world revolves around knots.
Sunday Smut Book Club | Namgi | Idiots to Lovers | Library AU | Smut | Crack
The cute librarian at Yoongi's local library hosts an adult-only book club. As a fanfiction smut writer himself, Yoongi is intrigued.
Ultra Thin & Extra Sensitive | Taekook | FWBs | Grocery Store AU | Smut | Fluff
It takes an impromptu trip to buy condoms for Jungkook to finally confess his feelings to Taehyung.
Bad Boy, Good Lips | Jihope | Superheroes & Villains | College AU | Smut
Hoseok is a superhero’s sidekick. Jimin is a villain. They make it work.
Take What's Yours | Jikook | Pistilverse | Arranged Marriage | Smut | Angst
To secure his rightful place as next in line to the throne, Jimin must marry the neighboring kingdom’s youngest heir, Jungkook. Jimin is prepared for his kingdom’s invasive marriage traditions, including the need to prove that the marriage has been consummated. Unfortunately, Jungkook is not.
The Wind Speaks | Vmin | Mermaid/Siren | Yandere
Something’s living under the dock at the Kim family’s beach house.
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. It’s #NotThatDeepYall.
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading them and commenting on them tbh. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here. 
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I just know that that anon is the same person who was camping under two Jikook blogs yesterday and I don't know why y'all even waste your time on them because it's clear as day that they're just a Jungkook solo who's extremely homophobic.
It's okay to think that he's not with Jimin and that he's someone who fools around and has a high body count. Anything is possible. But to double down on the fact that "JK fucks girls" is all I need to know about that person and what their agenda really is. If the point they're trying to make is that it's unlikely for a young, handsome, successful and famous man like him to be in a committed monogamous relationship, then why is their emphasis only on the fact that he's sleeping with women? He can still be sleeping with men as well, no?
I love how they use "scandals" and that recent smoking clip of him *nonchalantly* staring at a girl for three seconds as proof that he likes pussy, but conveniently ignore all the times he's shown blatant attraction towards men over the years.
I wouldn't be surprised if anon is just a JK solo imagines herself as his future Y/N and doesn't like the fact that there are so many people who believe he possibly doesn't like women, likes men and even more so, that he's been in love with one for so many years. It shatters the illusion.
Anon should give up on coming here with some mission to make Jikookers "see the light". It's futile. There have been many like them years before, they're not the first. But what's always interesting about these people is that I've never see them camping under Taekook, Yoonmin and Vmin (when it still had people who genuinely believed they were in a romantic relationship) blogs with their theories.
I've always lurked on every side of ARMY Tumblr and I never see the other shippers getting such asks; it's always Jikookers. Which is strange considering that Jikookers aren't even nearly as loud as Taekookers or Yoonminers for them to always attract people like that.
Simple answer?
Cuz they feel threatened by a 5'9 androgynous beauty who gets heart eyes 24/7 from their solo stan.
But what they forget is that before Jimin's "glow up" (cuz dude was always hot he just matured into an ethereal being and honestly good for him) JK was still obsessed. Constantly touching and squeezing his arm muscles, the almost exorcist neck turn when Jimin would flash his abs during the choreo for "No More Dream", how when the members were asked what part of Jimin they liked the best, JK doubled down and said "all of that".
He LOVES that man. And whether they think it's platonic or romantic, some people have a problem with it. And that's horrible for them because their bond is so rare. It should be celebrated. The gods decided those two should meet, they should bond, and we are better for it. Because something like that comes along so rarely, and we are privileged to witness it.
But homophobic bitches and delusional yns ruin it. They can't accept it. I guarantee you that if those two weren't half as hot and as popular as they are, they wouldn't give a fuck. It's the audacity to them. How dare a gorgeous man love another gorgeous man? He should be getting all that pussy, spreading his seed far and wide, not settling for a man. How dare he gatekeep his own hotness??
That's how they think. And it's revolting.
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not-goldy · 7 months
Letter lyrics hitting me hard in the face right now & make even more sense now. "Don't worry, just stay by my side. We don’t know what the future holds. And that’s scary and makes us afraid, But don’t forget that we’re always together." Jikook have probably had this enlistment together thought out for a long time. They're scared, but they know they have each other, even in their darkest days. My blood pressure cannot handle this.
Jikook would rather serve together, endure all the challenges & all the risks, then to be without EO. I don't have words, honestly. The first few weeks of training are the hardest. The training & adjustment to military life/schedule. It takes a toll on you mentally & Jikook chose EO to go through it with. They had options to do alone or even do with Tae, both of them did, but they chose EO. They did it to rely on EO for comfort And shippers who are mad, wanna downplay their decision & make excuses cause its not your ship that you were begging to enlist together. Sorry You can't. No excuses this time. If this is true & it really does happen I think a lot of people will slowly open their eyes to Jikook. This isn't something small, its a big life decision they made together, to be together, to serve together, even if its only for the first few weeks in the beginning (which are the hardest). They wanna get through the hard time together. Its either gonna break them having to watch each other go through all that horrendous stuff both mentally and physically or its gonna make them stronger or both. Jk's biggest challenge will be trying to not intervene. We see how Jk flinches if JM jumps up and sometimes jumps up with him on instinct. Resisting the urge to take over for JM if something is too hard, something Jk has done for years, but they'll get through it. They're professionals & knows the other can handle themselves.
Also, saying Jkk are making this out to be a honeymoon. FUCK YOU. This is what y'all were doing for months about your own ship and wanting them to enlist. Vmin shippers, minimoni shippers, Tkk & YM shippers. Wanna see the receipts, cause I got them. Actually, we crying, throwing up and fucking terrified for Jikook, even if they do go together. Unlike you all, we support two queer men who are going into an extremely homophobic environment with an already target on their back. Shame on you for not even mustering up enough love in your heart to support them the way deserve. You will be the ones to burn and rot and hell, not us. Your souls will never see heaven. I promise you. Just know Jikook's love, whatever type of love it is, outweighs your hate and there is nothing you can do about it.
Listen.... you are talking bout Jimin's lyrics.
This is Jungkook:
we'll survive the test of time
They can't deny our love
They can't divide us, we'll survive the test of time
I promise I'll be right here
Standing next to you
Standing in the fire next to you, oh
You know it's deeper than the rain
It's deeper than the pain
When it's deep like DNA
Something they can't take away, ayy
Take-take-take-take-take-take off
golden like the sun and the moon (you already know)
You don started something
Now I gotta cook. Hold on
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 6 months
I know we've already said our farewells but after todays BangtanB Admin 2 talked me into writing another tiny post because vmin. Truly as much as we weren't ready for the OT4 live, we hadn't been ready to get this BB so quickly, to see and hear them say goodbye to each other, or for Tae to quite literally apologise to Jimin for not being able to see him off the next day while Jimin told him he had nothing to be sorry for since he was going first.
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Seeing these two say goodbye to each other, it broke my heart on so many levels. Vmin being vmin aside, they are chingu and so incredibly close with each other, mean so much to each other, and yet because of damn enlistment they got separated. I'm glad though that Namjoon has Tae close to him, just like Namjoon said to Tae himself, and that they'll be able to see each other occasionally and perhaps have meals together, though they aren't training together. And before someone asks why Tae and Namjoon didn't use the buddy system like Jimin and JK did and tries to spin some annoying story in our messages, it's because Namjoon is too old for it.
Another tiny tangent I'd like to go on before I continue is that I implore all of you, and especially shippers of one particular ship, to stop romanticising the enlistment experience and all it entails. Enlistment isn't a fun little trip or vacation, it's an unjust gruelling and extremely hard time for all enlisted men. One of the translators for the English edition of the BTS book was asked by ARMY to translate Namjoon's letter on weverse but he declined to do so and gave a very nuanced and important explanation as to why. Please go and read it here. And before anyone comes (again) into our messages and claims I would speak differently if vmin went together, no I would not. This moment in their lives, the enlistment period, it fucking sucks. Plain and simple. We've seen what can happen with idols during enlistment, just look at Taemin's experience, so really, there is nothing nice and fun and chill about it. Or remember the incident with Seokjin and the nurse, hell knows what could've happened. It's hard and awful and it's unfair that after all that they have done, the members were put into a position where they knew there was no way they could not go, even if they would've been given an exemption because that's the kind of pressure they're under. We've seen how uncomfortable his shaved head made Jimin, how sad and devastated Jimin and JK looked in their final lives and in this BB. So set aside your delulu glasses and look at reality, especially as foreigners. We know nothing so let's not act like we know anything.
Anyway, seeing JK approach Namjoon, pet his head and then Namjoon turn around, his eyes turning all soft and fond as he realised it's JK and then enveloped him in a tight hug...and to think that's the hyung because of which JK even joined BH in the first place. My heart. And Namjoon, too, was sad that he wouldn't be able to see JK off the next day either.
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It was sad that we couldn't see Hobi, Seokjin, and Yoongi but we knew that would be the case from past experience. But it was nice to see JK sitting in the car talking and being obviously sad and then Hobi's hand appeared to pat his head to comfort him and JK closed his eyes to enjoy the moment and calm his emotions. Truly the bond the hyungs and maknaes have is beautiful.
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But with that the Tannies are all gone now and it'll be six months on the dot until Seokjin will be released and come back to us for FESTA 2024. But the members repeatedly said they've prepared lots of exciting things for us so we can look forward to that.
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And with this, we say farewell and we hope to see you again healthy and happy and doing well.
As for our blog, with Admin 2's plans for a BL break, we've started watching Love in the Air since it's a very popular BL. Once we'll finish it, we'll let you know what we think of it.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Into the Rush - Part One | KSJ
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Genre: angst, fluff, smut, crack, Best Friend's Brother!AU, Dodgeball!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, drinking, mentions of feeling rejected and unlovable, a little angsty but you know me, pansexual!Taehyung in the house, side VMin, Wooga Squad alert, Himbo NamKook alert, dance leader Hobi is reimagined here as a dodgeball team captain, implied sex, the smut is to come (heh) in part two
Word Count: 7.3K for part one; total wc tbd
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary:  When your best friend Taehyung tells you he has the perfect thing to help you get over a broken heart, you’re surprised to learn he means dodgeball, the beloved game of sociopathic gym teachers everywhere. But even more surprising is the way you find comfort in the game, and so much more, as you fall into the rush with the help of another teammate - his brother, Seokjin.
A/N: Happy belated birthday, Jin! This was written as part of the Catch of the Century collab, hosted by MVPs @raplinesmoon @joheunsaram and @kithtaehyung!
Sooooo this underwent a few rewrites and then my life blew up as the December deadline got closer and then I decided to do Kinkmas because I'm just a gal who can't say no. I knew I could either rush to get this done, be upset at how shoddily written it is, and then hate myself for putting out something I wasn't proud of just to meet the deadline, orrrrr I could be kind to myself and recognize that I am a human and not a machine and sometimes despite my best efforts I fall short, and release it as a two-parter. Et voilà! Here is part one.
Unbeta'd as usual.
Please don't be a silent reader 🥺 I'd love to know what you think! 💕
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 Part Two
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“Dodgeball. You want to play dodgeball?” 
You stare at your roommate incredulously. Taehyung nods. 
“Dodgeball. The kids game? The beloved sport of sociopathic PE teachers everywhere? That dodgeball?” 
He can’t be serious. Neither you nor he are the athletic type. But from the solemn look on his face as you continue to sputter in surprise, you know he’s not joking. Taehyung is many things - an artist, a daydreamer, the kindest soul you’ve ever met and your best friend of five years and counting - but he’s not a liar. 
Still, when he’d walked into your room five minutes ago, yanked back the curtains to let the late-morning light in, and told you to get up because he had an idea, you’d assumed he’d wanted you to go with him down to the coffee shop on the corner so he could covertly admire his latest crush, the cute barista with the pink hair. Dodgeball was nowhere near the possibilities your mind conjured up. 
Taehyung sighs. “Yes. Dodgeball. There’s an adult league that plays at the rec center on Saturdays and I want to join. And I want you to join, too.” He flops down on your bed, nudging you over so he can lie next to you, ignoring your grumbles as you make room. “I think it would be good for you to get out a little. Get some fresh air.”
“I have plenty of fresh air,” you inform him, gesturing to your bedroom window, which is currently cracked about an inch. It might be spring, but the chill that clings in the air still feels like winter. 
“Uh-huh. Sure you do. But out of curiosity, when’s the last time you actually left the apartment, besides for work?”
“Um.” He’s got you there. Casting your mind back, you can’t even remember the last time you left the safety of your home to do anything other than clock in at the bartending job where you both work. “Does going to the mailbox count?”
It doesn’t, and he doesn’t even need to respond, just gives you his signature exasperated look, but the warmth in his brown eyes shimmers just beneath as always. “Pumpkin,” he begins, using one of the many silly nicknames he loves to address you by, knowing how much you hate cutesy stuff like that, “you can’t hide in here forever.” 
An instant rebuttal floats through your mind. You absolutely can hide in your room for the rest of your life, if you so choose. The internet brings the world to your fingertips. Everything can be delivered these days. Okay, true, you’ll still need to leave for work, but that’s only until you finish your novel and net yourself a publishing deal. Then you can quit your crappy bartending job, build yourself the perfect blanket nest, and become the hermit you were always meant to be. 
Joining a dodgeball team doesn’t fit into that plan. It’s going to require you to go outside. Outside is dangerous. 
Outside is where he is. 
At the sharp pang that stabs your gut, you turn to your roommate with a grimace. “I don’t know. I’m not really a… sports…person - and neither are you, frankly. And it’s a team sport, which means others will be relying on you. You really think this is something you can commit to? I mean, remember the gym?”
Last year, the two of you had joined a gym together at his suggestion, which you both had visited a grand total of one time. He later confessed he’d only signed up because a hot customer at the bar had convinced him to after a long evening of flirting. That short-lived commitment ended the moment Taehyung arrived at the gym and discovered that the hot patron’s promise to give Tae a full-body workout was not, to Tae’s disappointment, a euphemism, but only a sales pitch.
Again, Taehyung doesn’t respond to your question. Instead, he uses the one weapon in his arsenal that destroys you every time the two of you argue over what to do.
With a tilt of his head, Taehyung flashes you his big sad puppy dog eyes.
You sigh. “Goddamn it. Fine. Fine. Let’s play dodgeball.” 
Immediately, Taehyung’s countenance changes, a brilliant, boxy smile crossing his face as he grins at your caving. “Great! Sign-ups are actually this afternoon, sooooo… up and at ‘em, cupcake! Let’s get moving.” He jumps up, holding out his hands, and you begrudgingly let him pull you out of bed. “You’re definitely going to need a shower before we meet the other players.” 
“Have I ever told you how annoying you are?” you mutter as you follow him down the hallway towards your tiny kitchen to brew some coffee, knowing you’ll need the caffeine if you’re going to be socializing with strangers this afternoon. 
He beams again, tossing his dark bangs out of his eyes. “All the time.”
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The rec center is only a few blocks from your apartment, but you’d never stepped foot inside before Taehyung drags you down there to sign up for the league. Still, there’s a familiar scent when you walk into the building, the smell of rubber mats and sweat mingling together, stirring up memories of PE classes from grade school. The flashbacks make you shudder. 
Taehyung shakes you out of your memories as he steers you towards a folding table that’s been set up in the lobby. “Come on, we check in here.” A friendly woman in a purple tracksuit sitting at the table waves you over. 
“Hiya! Are you team leaders or free agents?” She laughs at your blank stares. “Okay, I’ll take that to mean you’re not here to sign up an existing team, but you’re free agents in search of a team to join!” 
“Oh, yeah, that’s us,” Taehyung nods sagely, as if he knew that. 
“Great! If you’ll just fill out these forms…” she hands you both a sheet of paper, “I will process your fees, and then I can point you in the direction of some teams looking to add some new players!” 
Forms? Fees? This is more complicated than you’d expected. You’d figured you’d just walk in and play, like joining a pick-up game of basketball or something similar that people who like sports might do. “So, um, how does this work?” 
The smile never leaves her face as Ms. Purple Tracksuit explains that you’ll be joining a team for the next ten weeks to play against other teams in a tournament ending in a championship match between the two best teams. “And the fee covers your uniform!” 
“A uniform?”
She leans forward, whispering conspiratorially. “Don’t get too excited. It’s just a t-shirt.” 
After you hand in your form and make Taehyung pay your fee, Ms. Purple Tracksuit tells you to head into the main gymnasium, where the team leaders looking for new recruits are waiting. There’s another dose of déjà vu as you enter the room to find several clusters of players standing around, sizing you up as you walk in. It reminds you of being a kid, waiting on the sidelines while the other kids whisper to one another about who to pick.
“Uh, this is a little intense,” you whisper to Taehyung, clinging to his elbow as he blithely strolls between the groups. “I feel like I’m being judged.” 
“Nah, this is a numbers thing,” he says. According to Ms. Purple Tracksuit, teams consist of six to ten players, so there’s a good chance you’ll be able to find a team together. If you’re picked at all, that is. “Whatever team needs two players will take us, I’m sure.” 
Your roommate just wanders through life with a natural confidence that you’ve rarely seen in others. You suppose it makes sense, given how handsome and talented he is. Still irks you a bit. 
“And what makes you say that?” You scan the room, taking in the other players. There are several others who wear similar expressions to your own, looking a little overwhelmed. It strangely gives you hope that you won’t be the only one here who doesn’t know what she’s doing. 
And then there are those who look like they live, eat, and breathe dodgeball, like the two tall, muscle-bound gods to your left, both wearing a shirt that says “Rock the Balls.” Team leaders, you assume. 
“Uh-huh, sure,” Taehyung replies distractedly, and you frown, following his gaze to see what caught his attention, since he’s clearly not listening, only to spy pink hair and a gorgeous smile that you recognize from your favorite coffee shop.
Grabbing his arm, you force your roommate to look at you as you hiss his name. “Taehyung. Tell me we’re not here because of that barista!” 
“Hmm?” Tae’s starry-eyed expression is all the answer you need. Of course. Of course he dragged you here so he could flirt with his crush. How did you not see this coming? “What? Noooo, I told you, I want to play dodgeball! But isn’t it a nice coincidence that Jimin is here?” 
“Right. Coincidence. You’re unbelievable.” With an exasperated sigh, you give him a push. “Well, go talk to your man. See if his team needs two new players.” 
Taehyung doesn’t need telling twice, happily bouncing towards the barista. And now you’re alone in a gymnasium full of strangers, feeling left out again. As you slowly revolve in place, looking for somewhere to hide and wait for Taehyung to return, one of the muscle-bound gods approaches. 
“Hey,” he says, giving you a little head nod. “You looking for a team?” 
Technically, you suppose you are, but you should probably see if Taehyung will be dragging you on to Jimin’s team with him first. But as you glance at the god, with his wavy dark hair and silver lip ring nestled in the corner of a pair of rather pink lips, you’ve the urge to say yes. He and his buddy are mind-meltingly hot. 
“I’m not sure. I’m here with a friend,” you finally respond. Super glad Taehyung forced you to shower today.
The god nods, eyes dragging over your frame. If you touched your cheeks right now, you’re pretty sure they’d be blazing hot under his gaze. “That’s cool. I’m Jungkook, by the way, and this is Namjoon.” He nods to the other god, whose lips quirk in a cool half-smile. 
“Sup,” he rumbles, jerking his chin in your direction. He runs a hand through his short, dark hair, fingers scratching over the lines buzzed into the sides. “We run Rock the Balls. And we’re looking for two new members.”
“Actually, that’s gonna be three new members,” a familiar voice declares behind you. Your eyes widen before you spin to find yet another handsome man behind you. But this one you know well.
“Jin-ah!” Throwing your arms around his neck, you attack Seokjin with a hug, grinning as his squeaky laugh echoes through the gymnasium. It’s been nearly a year since you’ve seen Taehyung’s older brother, but he looks mostly the same - the same warm brown eyes surrounded by ever-deepening laugh lines, the same perfect cupid’s bow twitching as he smiles as you. The only difference is that his hair is a little shaggier now, a fluffy brown cloud that bounces when you finally release him. 
“I could get used to a hello like that,” Seokjin grins.
“When did you get home?” you ask, vaguely aware that the gods have drifted away. “And what are you doing here?”
“Got in two days ago. I would’ve stopped by to see you and Tae-yah, but I needed to get my land legs back first.” Seokjin probably means that pretty literally, since he’s spent the last year on a research station in the middle of the ocean. As a marine biologist, he works at a local lab run by a federal agency, studying the effects of ocean pollution on various species of fish. Occasionally, he has to do field work, but this last round was his longest stint yet, taking him away from home for nearly twelve full months. “When I texted him this morning, he mentioned that he was joining a dodgeball team, and I… well, I had to check that out for myself.” You both laugh. “So I thought I’d surprise you.”
“You definitely did that!” you confirm. “I want to hear all about your research trip. Did you find anything interesting? Discover any new species?” You lean in excitedly. “Did you finally find some mermaids??”
Seokjin tuts. “Aish, how many times do I have to tell you, I’m not a deep sea diver, I’m just a guy pulling water samples off a dock?” 
“Yeah, whatever, Jin Cousteau.” 
He rolls his eyes. “I was really hoping that that nickname would’ve died out in the last year.” 
“Oh no, that one’s for life. And listen, you can downplay your job all you want, but I know the deal. You just can’t tell me anything because the government forces you to keep those secrets locked down. But I’ll get the truth out of you someday.” 
“Oh?” Seokjin cocks an eyebrow. “And just how d-”
“Oof!” Seokjin grunts as your roommate launches himself at his brother, tackling him in a bear hug. When the affectionate embrace becomes a wrestling match in the middle of the gym, you feel a presence at your side, and turn to find Jimin and another man watching the melee with a surprised look on their faces. 
“Don’t worry,” you reassure them, “they’re always like this.” 
“Uh, okay,” the barista chuckles. “Um, I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Hoseok. Hoseok-ah, this is YN, Taehyung-ah’s roommate.” 
“Hey.” The other man grins a smile that can only be described as a beam of pure sunshine, and you wonder if this dodgeball league is for models only, because you’re basically surrounded by nothing but gorgeous people.  
“Hi. Um, and that is Seokjin, Tae-yah’s brother,” you gesture to the skirmish. 
“Mmmice to meet eww!” Seokjin’s response is a little muffled by Taehyung’s armpit, but he manages to wave. 
“Hyung, why didn’t you tell me you were going to be here?” Taehyung whines.
“Anted oo urprise!” Seokjin finally untangles himself from his brother’s headlock. “Wanted to surprise you,” he says again, more clearly. 
“We’re starting a new team, and we could use three players, if you’d all like to join us?” Hoseok asks. 
“Are you sure you want this on your team?” you reply, gesturing to Taehyung and Seokjin.
“I think we can handle them,” Jimin grins, and Taehyung’s smile turns blinding. “Besides, we could use that energy on the court!” 
“Yeah,” Hoseok agrees. “Also, we’re a brand new team, so we’re desperate!” 
“That’s my favorite word.” Seokjin’s shoulders shake as he cracks himself up. “We’re in!”
Hoseok smiles. “Fantastic. Welcome to the Seven Slamurai!”
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Once you’ve finished signing up for Hoseok’s team, you, Taehyung, and Seokjin decide to grab some dinner together. Another thing about Seokjin that hasn’t changed during his time away is his voracious appetite, so you take him to an all-you-can-eat bbq restaurant not far from the rec center. 
As the soju starts flowing and the plates start piling up, Seokjin tells you about his year on the ocean. He starts out with a disclaimer, warning you that his research isn’t interesting, and he’s not entirely wrong. Most of it goes over your head, since it’s been years since you last took a biology course. But it’s not really what he’s talking about that keeps you focused on him, it’s how he talks about it that holds your attention. You’re fascinated by his passion for his work. His dedication to studying ocean life in order to preserve and protect it. It makes you wish you had a cause of your own to defend.
And then, of course, as the liquor catches up with him, he tells you all the gossip about the other crew members on his station - the hookups, the fights, all the little scandals that brought the drama to the high seas. Seokjin’s always been a good storyteller, knowing just what to say to keep you and Taehyung laughing.
“But what about you?” you ask when Seokjin pauses to stuff some pork belly in his face. “Did you have any flings with any of the other scientists? Hmmm? Dip your fishing rod in company waters?” 
“Gross,” Taehyung mumbles around a mouthful of beef bulgogi.
Seokjin shakes his head. “Nah. I didn’t click with anyone there like that. Honestly, we spent so much time together each day that by the end of it, I was dying to get away from most of them, which was really hard to do since we were basically stranded together in the middle of nowhere! So I spent a lot of my downtime hiding in my bunk, reading old research papers that I found in the station’s library.” 
“You read research papers for fun?” Taehyung looks horrified. 
Downing another shot of soju, you lean towards Seokjin, licking the peach-flavored drops from your lips. “Come on. You’re telling me you went an entire year without hooking up with anyone? Not even a little making out?” 
“Nope.” Seokjin pops the ‘p.’ At your incredulous look, he laughs, lifting his shoulders. “What? A year’s not that long! I made it just fine.” 
“Yeah,” Taehyung agrees, “it’s not that long. Besides, he was probably jerking off nonstop.” 
Soju flies out of Seokjin’s nose as you and Taehyung burst into raucous laughter. Seokjin scolds his brother, who argues back as he always does, telling the elder to loosen up, while you sit quietly, chin in hand, smiling to yourself as you watch the fireworks, realizing how nice it is to have Seokjin home again. 
He and Taehyung are pretty much a package deal. You’d met Taehyung first during your senior year of college. At the time, Seokjin was finishing up his graduate program at the same school, and his plans to move out of his and Taehyung’s apartment upon graduation and roll right into some field work had Taehyung feeling like he was being left high and dry. You’d ended up becoming Taehyung’s new roommate that summer, and then it had turned out that Taehyung’s worries were all for naught, because Seokjin still spent most of his free time hanging out at his (now your) place, anyway. 
You didn’t mind then and you don’t mind now. Seokjin’s a good balance to all of Taehyung’s extremes. Where Taehyung has his head in the clouds, Seokjin’s feet are firmly planted in the ground. Taehyung can be mercurial, even flaky sometimes, but Seokjin’s rock-steady.  They’re not complete opposites in everything, though. Just like his brother, Seokjin has a big heart. 
Once Seokjin runs out of steam, Taehyung shrugs. “I’m just saying, being with someone isn’t the only way to be satisfied. Just look at me. I’m single and I’m happy.” 
He looks almost smug as he states this, and something inside you snaps. The last thing you want to hear from Taehyung is another speech about loving yourself. You’ve heard plenty of those over the last few weeks. You do love yourself. 
You just wanted someone else to love you, too.
Pointing your chopsticks at him, you frown. “Oh, please don’t start! One, you were just dating a guy last month, so it’s not like you’ve gone an entire year without being with someone, and two, you literally just dragged me onto a freaking dodgeball team so you could start dating another! So I don’t want to hear any platitudes about embracing your singleness or anything like that.” 
Taehyung is silent for a moment after your outburst. “Sorry,” he finally says, poking at the remains of the kimchi on his plate. “I wasn’t thinking.”
Seokjin’s gaze bounces between the two of you. “I feel like I’m missing something.” 
Taehyung sees you nibbling on your bottom lip and he turns to his brother. “I can explain. Buttercup here-”
“Buttercup can speak for herself,” you interject, “and don’t call me that.” With a sigh, you slug back another shot of soju and look at Seokjin. He’s waiting patiently to hear what you have to say. “I was… kinda seeing someone a few months ago. And I thought that I had something with them, and it turned out that I was wrong. They didn’t feel the same way I did, so…” You trail off, not sure how to say ‘so I spent the last few months crying in my room over a broken heart.’
Luckily, Seokjin spares you this confession, nodding sympathetically. “I gotcha,” he says simply, and you nod back, stuffing some rice into your mouth so you don’t cry at the warmth in his expression. 
“I don’t know why you’re being so cryptic about who it was,” Taehyung frowns. “She’s talking about Yoongi.”
Something passes over Seokjin’s face quickly, so fast you almost miss it as you smack your roommate on his arm. He yelps in shock.
“What? He was going to find out eventually, they’re best friends!” 
You know this, but it doesn’t make you feel any better. Seokjin is actually the one who introduced the two of you, at the party he threw before he left for his research trip. You remember that night very clearly, can close your eyes and picture Yoongi standing there, with silver hair and silver hoops in his ears, dark cat eyes shimmering as Seokjin gave him your name, and you feel that same swoop in your stomach as you did then. Only now it comes with a painful twist of your heart as well. 
Falling for Yoongi happened so quickly. You’d immediately bonded over a shared love of hip-hop and whisky, spending the party huddled together on the couch, snarking over Seokjin’s music collection and liquor selection, talking until the sun came up and Seokjin started throwing everyone out. As you left, you’d asked Seokjin for Yoongi’s number. But before you even entered it into your phone, a text appeared from Yoongi himself. He confessed he’d asked Seokjin for your number as well.
“I haven’t talked to Yoongi-yah in a while.” Seokjin glances at you. “You know how hard it was for me to keep in touch. There’s no cell phone reception in the middle of the ocean, and the internet seemed to come and go at will. At least I heard from you two occasionally, but I didn’t hear from Yoongs except on my birthday, and we didn’t… you didn’t come up.” He looks apologetic as he says those last words, and your heart pangs again.
“It’s okay, why would I have?” you snort. “Like I said, it turned out to be a big bunch of nothing between us.” Despite what you thought. What you felt.
A server appears at the table to drop off the bill, and you welcome the interruption, wanting to go home and crawl into the safety of your bed again, feeling like it was a mistake to leave in the first place. Taehyung and Seokjin fight over who is going to pay, with Taehyung winning, practically throwing his card at the server, but you’re too distracted by your thoughts to enjoy the scene. 
Texting with Yoongi had turned into late night conversations. Going to concerts and bars to check out new musicians, doing whisky tastings and visiting distilleries. It felt like you were glued at the hip for a few months, and the more you got to know him, the harder you fell. Like the way you fell into his bed, over and over.
But nothing sticks out in your memory more than that last night, the last time you saw him, when you finally found the courage to tell him how you felt. You’ll never forget the sad look on his face. It told you everything you needed to know before he even spoke.
“Buttercup?” Taehyung’s voice pulls you from your reverie. “You ready to go?” He and Seokjin are staring at you, both on their feet already, waiting to leave. 
With a nod, you rise, and follow them out into the night. 
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Despite the name, the Seven Slamurai consists of nine players. (When you asked why, Jimin rolled his eyes and said he’d tried to argue with Hoseok over the moniker, but Hoseok was insistent that the name stay true to his favorite movie.) In addition to Hoseok, Jimin, Seokjin, Taehyung, and yourself, there are four others at your first practice session on Monday night at the rec center - Wooshik, Sunghwan, Seojoon, and Hyungsik. You exchange a few quick greetings with your new teammates before Hoseok gestures for you all to sit on the bleachers. 
“Welcome everyone to our first team practice!” Hoseok smiles, clapping, and you lightly clap along until you realize no one else is. “Before we do some warm-ups, I thought I’d take a minute to explain the rules of the game, for those of you who haven’t played before.” 
He launches into an overview of the sport. Most of it is familiar from your school days, but there are a few things that are new, like something about a rush, and a neutral zone, and a burden ball? You glance around to see if anyone else looks confused. Most of the new guys wear bored expressions. It’s safe to assume they’re experienced players. To your left, Taehyung is whispering something to Jimin, completely ignoring Hoseok’s spiel. 
At least Seokjin, on your right, seems slightly dazed by the long list of rules that Hoseok’s rattling off. Now that you think of it, you’ve never seen Seokjin in any athletic context. As far as you know, he doesn’t play any sports, just like you and Taehyung, and he’s not a gym rat. So you have no idea what to expect from him on the court. Maybe he’ll be just as awkward as you’re expecting to be. 
“Any questions?” Hoseok finishes up. There’s a moment of silence from the group, and then he claps his hands. “Okay! Then let’s warm up a little.”
You move from the bleachers to a mat on the floor and Hoseok leads everyone through a series of stretches. It’s been a long time since you’ve done any, so you’re not surprised when your toes remain fully out of your reach. Jimin, on the other hand, has folded himself in half, forehead practically touching the ground as he holds on to both feet. Turning to Seokjin to make a comment, you’re surprised to find him in a similar position.
He catches you looking. “Yoga,” he explains with a wink. 
“Damn. Maybe I should start,” you grunt, giving up. 
“The games are played with teams of five, which means we’ll have four alternates for each match,” Hoseok explains once everyone’s limbered up. “For today, I’d like us to run through a practice game, four on each side. I’m going to stay out and watch, to help me get a feel for who might be a starter and who might be an alt.” 
The group splits in half, with you, Taehyung, Seokjin, and Jimin on one side, and the rest on the other. Hoseok stands at one end of the line in the middle of the court, where six balls lie waiting. 
“Okay, ready, set!” And with a sharp blast of the whistle hanging from his neck, Hoseok brings the game to a start. 
Immediately, Jimin and Taehyung run forward towards the center line, reaching for a ball each, while the other team mirrors their actions, rushing forward. But you? You freeze in the scramble, hands automatically coming up to shield your head. And as the first balls fly towards your side, you scream. 
And so does Seokjin.
“Shit!” you curse as one of the rubber balls bounces off your arm. That’s definitely going to leave a mark. 
“Fuck!” Seokjin yelps as he’s smacked in the shoulder by another ball. 
The action stops as Hoseok blows his whistle. His sunny smile is gone, replaced by an intense look, eyebrows furrowed, mouth turned down. It’s intimidating, especially since it’s aimed directly at you.
“That was… not bad,” he says slowly through gritted teeth, speaking as though the words hurt him. “But maybe this time, you two should try joining the opening rush? Remember, no one can throw a ball at you as long as you’re in the neutral zone, so you’ll have time to grab and get back out of the line of fire.” 
He glances from you to Seokjin, who nods as you grin in embarrasment. Great, you’ve already been identified as a weak player. You were hoping you could at least pretend to know what you were doing for a little while. Fly under the radar.
Taehyung wraps an arm around your waist. “Come on, ladybug, it’s not that scary. You just gotta jump in. Don’t think, just go.” 
You shake him off with a scoff. Easy for him to say. You saw the way he was running around the court a minute ago, taking to the chaos like a duck to water. Should’ve known he’d turn out to be a natural athlete on top of all his other annoyingly amazing traits. 
The game restarts, and this time you make an attempt to run towards the center line, but still hesitate, flashbacks of being pelted with balls running through your brain. Why did you agree to this? You always hated dodgeball in school! 
Seokjin, on the other hand, joins Jimin and Taehyung at the line, and scoops up a ball before dashing back to where you’re frozen. The balls start flying again, and once again you’re out before anyone else. After a few more minutes, Hoseok ends the play. 
“That was better!” he nods. “But let’s try it again, and this time maybe you can make it all the way forward, huh, YN?” His tone is encouraging, but his smile seems strained. 
As you shuffle back towards the end of the court, you nudge Jimin. “Is Hoseok okay? He looks a little stressed.” 
Jimin shoots you a lopsided smile. “He’s trying not to be as… intense… as he usually gets. We got kicked off our last team because he went a little overboard with his, uh, enthusiasm during the practice matches.” 
The whistle blows before you’re ready, and you decide to take Taehyung’s advice, so you bolt forward without thinking, snatch up a ball, and then back away, not wanting to turn your back to the men behind you. In doing so, you catch Wooshik’s eye, and he grins coldly, winding up. 
“Shit!” you yell, jumping out of the way in time. Taehyung dives in to catch it, sending Wooshik out of the game. But you’re not safe, as Seojoon takes aim next. Seokjin is next to you, trying to decide where to throw the ball in his hand, so you duck behind him, mimicking his movements. Eventually, he realizes he has a shadow.
“Are you using me as a human shield?” He bobs to the left. You follow.
“It’s not my fault you’re so broad!”
Seokjin honks a noisy mix of delighted laughter and insulted exclamation. Seojoon tires of waiting for you to emerge from behind Seokjin, so he pitches the ball forward, a low toss heading for Seokjin’s legs. Seokjin bends gracefully to catch the difficult throw, taking Seojoon out of the game, and as Seokjin doubles over, you snap the ball in your hands towards Hyungsik, hitting him directly in the side. Another ball rolls towards your feet, so you scoop it up and nail Sunghwan dead center of his chest.
And with that triple play, your side wins, with all four players still in.
There’s no whistle to end the game, as Hoseok’s mouth falls open, gawking wide-eyed at you. “She’s a sniper,” he whispers in an awed voice. Everyone turns to stare at you. 
“What?” you ask, looking around. “What did I do now?” 
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According to Jimin, it’s tradition for the dodgeball teams to go out for drinks after practices and matches, so after hitting the locker room, the nine of you meet up at the Pied Piper, a quiet bar around the corner from the rec center. Thank god Taehyung convinced you to bring a change of clothes. You’d foolishly assumed you wouldn’t break a sweat, but you sure as fuck had.
Since the rec center isn’t that big, the practice schedules are staggered out, with only two other teams meeting on Wednesday nights - the Dodging Divas and Rock the Balls. By the time your team arrives at the bar, the others have already claimed most of the tables. As Taehyung and the others push the remaining tables together, Hoseok, Seokjin, and you sidle up to the bar to start ordering drinks. 
Once the bartender drifts away to start pulling drafts, Hoseok turns to you with a bright smile. “Congrats, the two of you are definitely going to be starters.” 
To say you’re surprised would be an understatement. 
“Me? Really?” you squeak, glancing at Seokjin, who also appears dumbfounded. “Why?” 
Hoseok leans against the bartop. “Look, I’ve been playing this game for long enough to know a strong arm when I see it,” he declares solemnly, tapping your bicep with two fingers. “I think with my help, you could be one of the best snipers out there. As for you,” he nods at Seokjin, “I think your flexibility is going to come in handy, like it does for Jimin. Also, I saw the way you two were working together on the court. If we can hone your skills, you’ll be an unstoppable duo for sure.” He grins. “The rest of the league won’t know what hit them, when the Seven Slamurai come through.” 
The bartender returns with the first three beers of your order, and Hoseok carries them away with another nod, leaving you and Seokjin staring at each other in silence. 
Then you both burst into laughter. 
“Is he for real?” Seokjin asks, eyebrows raised. The bartender sets more glasses in front of you, and he grabs one, taking a long sip. 
“I think so. I got the idea from Jimin that dodgeball means a lot to him, but wow. What he said is absolutely ridiculous, and yet… I do feel oddly inspired.”
“I know what you mean.” Seokjin grins. “Should we correct him, though?”
“About what?”
“Us working as a team. We weren’t working together so much as you were hiding behind me.” 
His grin turns teasing, and a retort builds itself on your tongue. But before you can fire it off, a figure at the other end of the bar catches your eye. One of the Rock the Balls gods. Namjoon, maybe? He nods at you, dimple popping as his lips curl into a slight smirk. You blink, then raise one of the glasses of beer in his direction.
Seokjin follows your gaze. “Friend of yours?” 
“Not really. One of the other teams’ leaders. We met at the sign up.” 
Seokjin hums, giving Namjoon a second look. He taps the bartop while you help yourself to one of the pints. “Hey, so what you were talking about at dinner the other night… about Yoongi? I just wanted to say I’m sorry.”
You should’ve known the subject would come back up. With a little shrug, you attempt a grin, but only succeed in a grimace. “You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
“I know. But I’ve also been where you are, having feelings for someone that go unreciprocated, so… I’m sorry. I know it hurts.” He pauses, gaze locked on the glass in his hand. “For what it’s worth, I think he’s a total idiot.” 
“I’m not going to argue there,” you quip, letting out an airy laugh. "But I'm the one who imagined the whole thing, so really, I'm not any smarter."
He looks at you then, a sober expression on his face. “I mean it. He’s the idiot. Not you. So just - just don’t let his stupidity have any bearing on how you might think about yourself, okay?”
You blink, wondering if you’ve suddenly gone completely transparent, because he’s seeing right through you. How are you not supposed to take Yoongi’s rejection as proof that you’re unlovable? If you were lovable, then wouldn’t he love you?
“I… okay.” Nodding, you reach for the glasses that have been sitting in front of you for a few minutes. “Um. We should probably get these to the rest of the team before they get antsy.” 
Taehyung pats the seat next to him when you return to the group, and Seokjin takes the empty seat on your other side. “Hoseok just told us the good news,” he informs you, happily grabbing one of the beers in your hand. 
“What, that Jinnie and I are gonna be starters?” 
“That we are gonna be starters! You, me, hyung, Jimin-ah, and Hoseok-ssi.” Taehyung beams brightly as Jimin leans across him at the mention of his name. “He said we’ll work on our teamwork next practice, so we’re ready for our first match next weekend!”  
“Oh! Well, damn, look at us go!” You lift your glass and everyone else does the same. “Cheers!” 
“To teamwork!” Seokjin adds, eyes crinkling as he clinks his glass against yours. You grin back before taking a big sip. Maybe you’ll survive this season after all.
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You’re not going to survive this season. 
“Come on! Faster!”
A shrill whistle blast sounds as you hit the wall, spinning around before running back towards the center line. It’s Thursday night, so you’re at practice again. Your team has been running drills for only ten minutes now, but you’re pretty sure you’re going to die, panting terribly as your toe hits the crosses the line.
“Pick it up!” Hoseok yells as you spin again, heading back for the end of the court. As your fingertips reach the wall, he blows the whistle again, and you flatten your palms, pressing your forehead against the cold cement. 
“I did not sign up for this,” Seokjin huffs next to you. “I signed up to dodge balls. This is not dodging balls!” 
“Are you two okay?” Taehyung is neither panting nor huffing as he eyes you both with concern.
“How are you not dying like us?! You don’t work out!” Yelling takes up too much of your oxygen, and you sink to the ground, legs folding underneath you. 
Taehyung shrugs. “It was only a few running drills. Nothing to get worked up over.” 
Unable to respond, you settle for giving him the evil eye. You jump as Hoseok’s whistle sounds again.
“If he doesn’t stop it with that thing, I’m gonna make him eat it,” you mutter under your breath. Seokjin’s shoulders shake with silent laughter as he reaches out a hand to pull you to your feet. 
Hoseok’s inner drill instructor doesn’t take a break when the practice game starts, alternates on one side, starters on the other. Somehow, he manages to run, catch, throw, and yell instructions the entire time, like a demented multihyphenate. It would be impressive if it weren’t irritating. 
You play a total of three rounds against the alternates. The first round is awkward, filled mostly with Hoseok’s manic shouting. At one point, he tells you to cover the right and Taehyung to flank the left, and as the two of you run to switch sides, you run smack into each other. The alternates win.
In the second round, things go better. There are no collisions, but there’s also not much cohesion, either. You try to repeat last practice’s winning move, ducking behind Seokjin, but he’s too unpredictable, jumping all over the place to try to catch throws, and you’re not able to keep from getting hit. Your team loses again.
When the whistle signals the end of the round, you head for the bleachers, where you’ve stashed a bottle of water and a towel, having realized last practice that both items were desperately needed. The rest of your team follows. 
“Well, this isn’t working,” Hoseok sighs, fanning himself with his shirt. “They’re kicking our asses.”
“Maybe - and just hear me out - yelling isn’t the way to motivate us?” Jimin suggests, tossing his sweat-soaked hair out of his face. You can practically see little hearts dancing in Taehyung’s eyes as he watches the motion.
Hoseok’s head twists towards his friend, but instead of swearing at him like you expect, he just stares. “I’m. I’m doing it again, aren’t I?”
Jimin claps him lightly on the shoulder. “Yep.” 
Hoseok stares for a few more seconds, and you’re on the verge of asking if he’s okay when he finally speaks. “Okay, new plan. Let’s just go out there and, ugh, have fun, okay?” His smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes as he leads Jimin and Taehyung back out onto the court.
Seokjin leans over. “If we lose, ten bucks says he snaps and eats that whistle himself.” 
You laugh, gently pushing Seokjin back onto the court. 
“Hey. Should we try that shield thing again?”
“Yeah,” you nod. “I mean, I was trying last round, but you were kinda all over the place.” 
“I’ll try to be more obvious with my moves. Or I guess you can guide me? Just tell me which way to go.” 
You nod, and then you’re off, running for the center line as the round starts. Without Hoseok barking orders at the group, there’s a definite shift in the atmosphere. As you stoop to sweep up a ball, quickly diving behind Seokjin’s tall frame, scoping out your next target, it hits you - not a ball, but a thought.
You’re having fun.
Grinning wildly, you hiss “Left!” Seokjin immediately darts left, and you line up behind him, ready and waiting. A throw from the other team goes high, and Seokjin leaps towards it, snagging the ball out of the air. As soon as you peek out from around his side, you hit Wooshik, ball bouncing off his thigh with a satisfyingly loud “thock!”
“Yes!” Seokjin throws his hand out for a high five. You slap it quickly, ducking another toss. On your other side, Hoseok and Jimin make tandem catches, and the match ends with your team victorious.
“That was so much better! I really feel like we’re an actual team now,” Hoseok beams, looking genuinely happy again. “One more week of practice and then it’s match time!”
The others drift towards the locker rooms as Seokjin nudges you with his hip. “Did that work better for you this time?” 
“Yeah, it did. I guess that’s how it should always work, huh - me giving you orders and you following them blindly?” You wrap your towel around your neck, flashing him a cheeky grin.
Seokjin laughs, running his hand through his fluffy hair, which has gotten curly in the humidity from the game. Rather than spout off a snarky retort, he tugs on the ends of your towel, pulling you towards him. His deep brown eyes trail over your face, landing on your mouth, before his gaze snaps back to yours.
“That works for me,” he murmurs, soft smile playing on his plush lips. “Just say the word and I’ll follow.” 
And then he walks away. 
You stare at the locker room doorway that he disappears into for a good minute after he’s gone, mind racing. That’s not the first time the two of you have been that close - both Seokjin and his brother are very cuddly people, and you’ve always been comfortable with showing them affection in the form of warm hugs or snuggles on the couch.  
But whatever just happened was not that. The moment between you felt charged. Full of something like… possibility. 
With a sigh, you shake off the confusing thoughts and gather your things to head for the locker room, desperately needing a shower. And a drink.
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
Taglist 1: @babycoffeefire; @parkdatjimin; @reliablemitten; @yuugehn; @ut-dixisti; @hesperantha; @seokjinger-ale; @bangtanintotheroom; ​​@taeshuworld; @nch327; @hannahbee12719ficrecs; @7minsuga96; @dvalitaes; @wonieclub; @thatlongspringnight; @miscelunaaa; @acquiescence804; @itsirisz; @velvetskize; @starbtslove; @ajw05; @bruisedscrewedandtattooed; @minesuga; @greezenini; @aznstoner; @jkkkkkay; @xuxibelle; @soeur-de-ame; @boraborabts; @signmybook; @bbl32; @codeinebelle; @here4btsfics; @itbtoblikethatsometimes; @kookprada; @addictedtohobi; @shatzkrinslinzki; @jaiuneamesolitaiire; @joonjulyagust-d; @jinsquishes; @btsgotjams27; @allamericanuniverse; @pleaseshutupsara; @guvgguk; @goodgollyitslolly; @laylasbunbunny; @goldensugarywaffles; @jadda98; @lovelye79; @moonacholy;
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hey, since you often catch details and seem like an open-minded person, I want to share what I observed in the last few days. So, I definitely believe in Jikook but that was not always the case. My bias is Jimin and I always mostly focused on him, but once I observed Jungkook more carefully, the truth revealed itself step by step. Now something similar happened since I focused on Taehyung. And it seems crazy, to me as well, but please give it a chance! Watch "Nippon TV BUZZ RHYTHM 02 - BTS Cut" timestamp: 13:55, and watch (and listen to) all of their expressions closely, especially Jikook and Taehyung. Keep an eye on Namjoon, too. Then please look at the lyrics of Sweet Night and really reflect on them. Just as a reminder, there is Taehyung calling Jimin his "one and only best friend" in "Let's BTS" and similarly in Festa 2019, for example. I also am stuck on Jin calling Taehyung very generous and big-hearted in "Special Movie BTS MUSIC JOURNEY" (after the release of Sweet Night) and the others agreeing, their expressions speaking once again. Then finally those compilations where Taekook is apparently jealous of each other. Or Vmin. And now you just have to connect the dots but I did not see any other person who has done so. All those moments, all those compilations make so much more sense to me. All in all, it seems that Taehyung has or had feelings for Jimin. Sounds crazy! Of course we should not assume too much but the connections are there and in hindsight, they seem obvious. You just have to put the puzzle pieces together. I really hope that Taehyung is over it, because unrequited love hurts badly. Taehyung as a person makes so much more sense to me. His actions, his depression, his pain... Well, I guess Jimin did not call himself "Tailor of Chaos" without reason. That situation must have been difficult for him, too. Maybe (just maybe) that is an indicator regarding his state in 2020... And of course on Jungkook. But maybe that is the actual reason why Jungkook and Taehyung seem to be closer now, maybe mending their friendship! Especially, since Taehyung found a partner. And maybe Jikook feel some kind of guilt for causing Taehyung pain... who knows. There is much to think about and honestly, it sounds like pure fanfiction but if I learned something in life, it is that nothing is impossible. Hope you give it a chance, I really would like your opinion on all that. I certainly am feeling very surprised. Have a nice day :)
Yes anon, it takes very little for me to judge people seeing as I'm a lunatic myself 🤭🤭 if I had a shilling for everytime someone called me crazy I would have attended all of Suga's concerts and then some 😂 so u get no judgement from me my lovely 🙌🏽
Except insecure Jikookers, of course. Fuck you! I judge you everyday! 🤨🤨🤨
So! Umm yes. I've seen this theory being thrown around. I have friends who think this might be the case. And one of them is actually really good at analysing and picking up cues and she believes V may have had feelings for Jimin at some point and her arguments make sense.
But for me... idk. Idk anon. 🤔 I have a hard time picturing this. I will share a clip that will be hard for some of you to watch. So brace yourselves
Oh boy. Glad I have my anons off because u guys are already kinda mad at V atm 😂😂
Things to note about the first clip: (I know... I know. It's bad. I recently just discovered it and it doesn't look good, I agree)
a) Point to note number one is that, that is how most people in SK feel about homosexuality. As u can hear V is basically telling Jimin something is wrong with him mentally for liking men. And when u grow up with everyone around u telling u this, of course u will believe it. It also explains why he would keep the company he keeps. (Go Google Bogum and his cult scandal) People in SK don't believe men can be with other men. And those who have seen it happen, think its a mental illness. This was obviously embedded in V for him to have done this not once, but twice. And this is only what we saw on camera.
b) 2nd point to note; Taekook just cannot be real. It's just, impossible. Yes, V has changed, obviously. Hanging out with Jimin will do that to you. He obviously doesn't feel as strongly about homosexuality like he used to. And he loves Jimin and JK which means he has adjusted his mentality. But, this is a guy who used to say basically homophobic stuff to his friend. And as u can see, that clip is from around May 2015 So at what point would V have started dating JK as early as 2013 when this is how he felt about his friend a boy, liking boys?
c) 3rd point to note; Jimin doesn't deny it. I hate how he's just defending himself there repeating over and over; I don't like you that way, so what's your issue? I dont behave that way towards you, why you mad? Anyway, Jimin doesn't once say "no i don't like men." Or "stop lying" he just says "I don't feel that way about you."
d) Last point to note, Jikook is real. Why? Because what triggered V, was Jimin telling JK to sit next to him. And immediately V goes off about how something is wrong with Jimin in the head because these days he likes men. Likes JK.
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Now anon, let's go back to point number 2. I know internalised homophobia is a thing. (Thank you Shameless! You taught me sm!) But it stems from someone hating that they like someone of the same sex and they don't want to be that way, but they are. So saying V used to have a crush on Jimin insinuates he would have had to get over his homophobia and start seeing Jimin in a new light. I mean, it's Jimin and the Jimin effect is a thing that exists. But, still. Idk. I just don't know. Watching that clip tells me that his parents are like this. Him being so close with the WS, tells me he wouldn't have kept them as friends if at any one point he started liking someone of the same sex. Knowing how they feel about it.
V is more accepting now, of course. But Jikook are in the closet and only close knit people know about it. And V definitely isn't divulging that to the WS. Again, knowing how they feel about this topic.
What am I saying anon? I think those V jealous Vmin moments that exist are because he "lost" his bestfiend when Jikook became a thing. He had to share Jimin with JK. And I imagine Jimin tried to be there for both of them but sometimes JK took priority and maybe V didn't like that. They used to be bestfriends. Super close. V even looked after Jimin in school. Asked some people he knew to look after the new kid because that was his friend. They were close. Really close. Then satellite Jeon comes and changes everything.
Now to the assignment you gave me. The question was who's the most romantic
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Suga (what?) And RM say JK. Guess they've seen it first hand. 🤭 Also Jikook both point at Jin
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V on the other hand says Jikook but then changes it to just Jimin
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I also looked at the lyrics of sweet night (he sounds so good) and I'm guessing you're talking about this part;
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Anon, if you ship Vmin, or are suspicious of Vmin, it would be easy to conclude this song is about Jimin. Easy. But if you're like me who believes V is as straight as a ruler, then the first thing I think of when I hear that, is some girl he liked at the time that he was really close to. Someone he dated in the past, maybe. To me V is as straight as they come and I could try, but I cannot see where you're coming from.
But if you listen to sweet night and then watch V jealous compilations, you're gonna be influenced. Because you're going in already thinking the best friend he's talking about is Jimin! But, remember, you don't have to have romantic feelings for someone to be jealous. You can be jealous that your sister is spending too much time with someone else. You can be jealous your bestfriend doesn't make time for you anymore ever since they started dating. You know what I mean?
That's what I think you saw. In my opinion, of course. I could be wrong and way off base but...yeah.
In Conclusion: Vmin isn't real and there was never potential for it to be so.
I appreciate u trusting me with this ask, anon 😘
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borathae · 1 year
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↳ Index [Chapter 28 - Overthink]
Warnings: she does so much overthinking like omfg GIRL, Tae and Koo are her voices of reasons, we stan them, also the beginning rips me apart :(, Yoongs is really cute at some point in this chapter
Wordcount: 7k
a/n: *sobs* vmin *sobs harder*
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Taehyung opens his eyes. 
Jimin is looking at him. 
Taehyung gulps. If he still had a heartbeat, it would have started to race. So Jimin stayed the night with him, sharing nudity and a hug. Jimin really did that.
“Hey”, Jimin says. 
“H-hey”, Taehyung answers him. 
“We slept for eight hours.”
“We did?”
“Mhm. I haven’t slept that much since we fell into Namjoon’s hands.”
“Yeah, couldn’t really. I didn’t wanna be, you know, vulnerable.”
“I see”, Taehyung studies Jimin’s features, “and when we weren’t with him?”
“Nightmares. Wonderful, kept me awake.”
“I see. Why did you never tell me?”
“I don’t know.”
“I see. I’m sorry”, Taehyung says and places his hand over Jimin’s. Jimin intertwines his fingers with him instantly.
“For what?”
“For what he did to you.”
“Why are you apologizing? It wasn’t your fault.”
“But it was. So many times you got hurt because I acted out of line.”
“You didn’t. It wasn’t your fault.”
“I feel as if it was.”
“Taehyung, shut up. It wasn’t your fault. Fuck’s sake, I’m just happy that you’re okay.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m happy that you didn’t get hurt, that’s all that really matters.”
“What do you mean why?”
“Why did you take the fall for me so many times?”
“Because I wanted to keep you safe.”
“Why? I didn’t deserve it. I put you through so much.”
“Oh come now, do you hear yourself talk? You put me through so much? All you ever wanted was to live a simple life, just the two of us, together and at peace somewhere where nobody could ever find us. What did I want? Power, blood and fame. I brought Namjoon back into our lives with my ugly greed, not you.”
“But I acted up all the time, if I hadn’t then, then you wouldn’t have-”
“Hush”, Jimin interrupts him, “I don’t blame you, Tae. I never did. You’re a good person with a good heart. I’m ugly inside, it doesn’t matter that Namjoon screwed me up. But you? It would have been a shame if he ruined your good soul.”
“You’re not ugly inside. Namjoon made it ugly. He forced you to act the way you did. I know you Jimin, you have a good heart as well.”
“I don’t think I do.”
“Well, I think you do.”
“Then you are the only one. I know how the others think of me. I had a talk with ___ last night and she asked me why it’s so hard for me to be good and I couldn’t answer her because I had no idea why it is.”
“Well, I think you are nice.”
“No Tae, no. Don’t you get the whole point? I’m an asshole. I’m rude, I manipulate people, blackmail them, hurt them and act like I can’t stand their presence. And it’s because I’m an asshole with an ugly soul.”
“You’re not an asshole Jimin. I guess, you just had to learn that only being rude will keep you safe. I know, trust me. I know how Namjoon treats kindness. You did what had to be done to survive.”
Jimin feels his eyes fill with tears. 
“Taehyung I’m so scared of him”, he confesses, “I’m so fucking scared.”
“Don’t be. He is not going to come anywhere near us again.”
“You don’t know that. What if he does? What if he catches us again? I don’t want to go back to him, please.”
“You won’t have to. Not when I can prevent it. The next time he comes anywhere near us, I will fight for you. I promise.”
“No, don’t fight for me, please. I don’t want to lose you.”
“Jimin…” Taehyung whispers.
“You’re the only link to my humanity I have, Tae. I don’t have anyone but you. If anyone is going to fight, it is going to be me.”
“What? No! Are you out of your mind? You lost all of your strength. He would rip you to shreds.”
“I wouldn’t care as long as you are safe.”
“Well I would”, Taehyung presses out and sobs softly, “if you died again, I would rip my own heart out. I can’t bear to watch you die again or, or to live eternity with the knowledge that I can never ever see you again”, he says and whimpers. 
Jimin pulls him closer, resting his forehead against his’. 
“Don’t cry”, he whispers.
“It hurt so much, Jimin. To live but to know that I truly can’t see you again. It hurt so much.”
“I know.”
“And I’m so angry at you for not coming back sooner.”
“I know.”
“And I’m so upset that you didn’t see the fresh start as what it is. A fresh start”, Taehyung pushes at Jimin’s chest but doesn’t leave the closeness, “you could have reinvented yourself, left your bad habits and yet you didn’t. Why do you keep fighting with them?” a little sob interrupts him, “I like them all so much, Jimin. We finally have a family and you, you keep fighting with them. Why do you keep doing that?”
“I’m sorry. I see my errors now and, and I want to change that. I’m sorry that I brought you so much grief.”
Taehyung sniffles. He forgets to cry for he never heard his friend apologize before. 
He moves his head away, making Jimin lift his gaze in question.
“What is it?” he asks.
“Four hundred years and this is the first apology I have heard from you”, Taehyung whispers, painting great regret onto Jimin’s features.
“I know. Fuck, it took me too long to say it”, he says and tears up, “the look you gave me last night. It’s the same look I always gave Namjoon when he came to my room. Holy fuck Tae, I’ve been truly awful to you.”
“I know it was Namjoon’s doing.”
“No, not all of it. I hurt you, insulted you, mistreated you out of my own free will as well and I hate myself for it.”
“No, don’t hate yourself. It’s alright.”
“It’s not alright. Stop defending me. Fuck, Taehyung be angry at me. Just once, like you were right now, tell me that I piss you off”, he cups Taehyung’s face, pushes him to his back. “Be angry at me. Just how you were in the kitchen back then. When you told me to shut it. Be like that just for once.”
“I don’t want to be like that. I want to talk it out, not scream at you.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want to scream at you. At least not anymore.”
“Why not? Why can’t you scream at me?” Jimin presses out, eyes filling with tears, “be angry at me. Fucking scream.”
Taehyung shakes his head and smiles. 
“Fuck Tae. Please just…be mad.”
Taehyung reaches up, cups Jimin’s cheeks and wipes his tears away. 
“I don’t want to be mad at you”, Taehyung whispers, “I have lived life without you. I know how truly terrible it is. And I won’t ever take you for granted again. Let alone waste our time being angry.”
Jimin exhales shakily. His eyes are restless, switching between Taehyung’s unfaltering eyes while tears make his vision blurry.
“Taehyung”, he breathes, brushing his thumbs along Taehyung’s cheekbones.
“Yes?” Taehyung answers him softly, holding his breath.
“Fuck Tae, I wasted so much time being greedy for something great that I never even realised that I already had the greatest possession I could own.”
“What is it?”
“Your companionship.”
Taehyung’s eyes falter, his gaze becomes blurry.
Jimin seeks Taehyung’s closeness. Their noses touch. Their eyes fall closed. Their foreheads rest against each other.
“I’m going to do better from now, I promise you. I want to talk stuff out and be less jealous and I don’t want to ruin our chance at a family, I really don’t”, Jimin whispers.
“I believe you”, Taehyung answers him.
“I love you Taehyung.”
“I love you too, Jimin”, Taehyung answers him, pulling him closer in hopes to never let go again. 
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“Oh Kook, hey there”, you startle as you leave your room, colliding with Jungkook right in front of it, “you startled me.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to startle you”, he says, studying your face. His smile falls, “hey, what’s wrong?” he asks, reaching out to hold your hand.
“What do you mean?”
“You smell scared. Did something happen?”
“No, of course not”, you smell yourself, “I thought I took a shower.”
“You smell good, but there is something that smells like fear”, he steps closer, taking a deep breath into your room, “yeah, it’s in there”, he says, stepping inside, “oh my god, it’s so strong in here. What happened?”
He turns, studying your guilty face.
“What happened, ___?” he asks, stepping closer to cup your cheeks. His eyes are glassy as if he wanted to cry for you.
“Nothing much, I just had a nightmare”, you confess in a whisper, lowering your eyes.
“Oh no. Poor you, I’m so sorry this happened”, he says, hugging you against his chest, “don’t worry, it was just a bad dream. I’m here to protect you now.”
“Gosh Kook, I’m really fine. Gosh, you’re so cute, thank you”, you say into his chest in a chuckle, caressing his waist lovingly.
“Of course, that’s what I’m here for”, he steps back, revealing his fangs to you.
“You’ve got something there”, you say, pointing at them.
He licks over his teeth, eyes widening.
“Oh!” he turns his head away, “sorry, excuse me”, he throws his hand over his mouth, “I’m hungry and you smell really good. I shouldn’t have hugged you.”
You snort, “what a great protector you are. Come, let’s see if Yoongi’s up already.”
“That’s a good idea.”
Jungkook follows you outside, walking next to you as he tries to get his fangs to go back again. You glance at him.
“Can we keep what just happened between us?” you ask him.
“What do you mean?”
“Just. Please don’t tell Yoongi that I had a nightmare.”
“Why not?” Jungkook widens his eyes.
“I just don’t want him to know. He’d worry too much.”
“But he needs to know.”
“Jungkook please”, you beg, “it was just one bad night, I can handle it.”
Jungkook huffs out air, giving you a disagreeing pout.
“I don’t agree with that. He’d be so happy to help, you know him.”
“I know”, you say quietly.
“But fine, I won’t tell him”, he promises you and you would have thanked him a million times if he hadn’t continued to talk, “you guys should talk eye to eye soon.”
“What do you mean?”
Jungkook touches his nose, “I have a good nose for that kind of stuff. You love each other, don’t you?”
You nod your head, gnawing on your lower lip.
“So talk to him again. You guys smell different than you did in the past. Sadder and really confused”, Jungkook says.
You nod your head, staying quiet. You feel too ashamed to admit that the only reason you avoid Yoongi so much is because you are scared that out of all the people here, he could be the one judging you for killing Suzy. After all, she was one of his friends and you know how difficult it is to get Yoongi to forgive you for something like that. He is planning on killing his oldest friend because he hurt you. What if he is angry at you for killing his coven friend? Or worse, thinks you are disgusting because of what you did?
“Jungkook, I’m so scared”, you confess.
Jungkook stops, so do you. He studies your face with his brow furrowed in confusion.
“Scared? Scared of what?” he asks.
“That he’ll be angry at me.”
“Angry for what?” Jungkook sounds flabbergasted.
“For killing Suzy. Jungkook, I can’t stop dreaming about it. It, it hurts so much.”
“Hey it’s okay. It’s okay”, he say softly, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs, “look at me, baby.”
Your eyes meet.
“That’s why you don’t want to tell him? Because you’re scared that he could be angry at you?”
You nod your head, whimpering sadly, “what if he thinks of me differently?”
“___ come on”, Jungkook almost groans the words, fighting the urge to roll his eyes, “Yoongi forgave you for something big like keeping the blood sharing a secret from him and you think that he’d be angry at you for doing what was necessary?”
You nod your head, “I killed someone.”
“Okay, if that’s the criteria you’re basing that shit off then I can tell you that this is bullshit. In theory, Yoongi killed about a thousand times more people than you and do you think that he’s a bad person?”
“No, of course not.”
“He thinks the same about you. Trust me.”
“No buts. Stop overthinking, you idiot”, Jungkook presses his thumb against your lips.
You move back with a whine, “your finger’s sweaty.”
“Sorry”, he pulls his hands away, hiding them in the pockets of his hoodie, “my point still stands though. Don’t give me another but or I’ll spank your butt.”
You snort, having to chuckle.
“Damn Kook, what a threat.”
“I’m serious, I can be angry too and I’ll actually get angry if you continue keeping stuff from Yoongi”, he says in an honest scolding voice and his brows furrowed, “he loves you so much and you love him too and I can’t stand you guys ruining something so special just because you’re too much of a pussy to talk to him. Didn’t you agree on talking shit out from now on? Stop taking steps back just ‘cause you’re a little chicken shit all of a sudden. Yoongi’s the most understanding person ever, fucking hell, cut him some slack.”
“I know”, you sniffle, lowering your eyes, “I’m sorry, I know I’m such a chicken sometimes. Fuck, it’s so hard not to avoid conversation. That’s all I did my entire life. With my parents and my school friends and everyone I ever met. But I want to be different with you guys. It’s so hard though, I’m such a chicken.”
“It’s fine, that’s why you have me. I’ll bully you into talking”, he says and makes you laugh.
“Thank you, seriously I need that”, you say and exhale shakily, touching your own tummy, “fuck, now I feel sick.”
“No, why?” Jungkook asks, rubbing his hand up and down your arm soothingly.
“It’s just, I’m weird. I get sick whenever someone is angry at me. It’s not your fault, I just get anxious.”
“No baby, I’m not angry at you. I’m sorry. I know I sounded a little harsh. I guess I’m just passionate about you guys”, Jungkook says and pulls you against his chest. He sways you from side to side, caressing the back of your head, “I’m sorry if this made you anxious, I didn’t want to make you feel that way.”
“I know”, you snuggle into his chest with closed eyes, “I know. God, I’m such a mess.”
“No you’re not. You’re overthinking again. Everybody has their little packages, but that doesn’t mean they’re automatically a mess”, Jungkook gives you a tight squeeze, “I’m squeezing those thoughts outta you”, he says and squeaks.
The gesture makes you chuckle. It feels good to be hugged that way.
“You’re so cute”, you say, lifting your head.
Jungkook gives you one of his honest, warm smiles.
Seeing him smile at you eases your anxiety a little.
“Thank you, Kook”, you whisper, stepping closer to rest your head against his chest. Like this your temple feels the first indicator of cold seep through his hoodie, a telltale sign that he was hungry.
“Of course”, he says, “I’d hug you again, but I think I’m getting very close to wanting to bite you again.”
“Okay. Message received”, you step back with a chuckle, “should we see if Yoongi’s awake?”
“Yes, I think we should. I seriously don’t want to bite you.”
So you and Jungkook continue your walk to the kitchen, keeping just a little bit of distance to avoid the worst case scenario.
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“Ah geez”, you stop, looking to the side, “that’s a hell lot of ass.”
“Huh? Oh god, what the hell?” Jungkook gasps, covering his eyes with his hand.
Taehyung and Jimin, both in nothing but their briefs, turn around, studying you from head to toe.
“Good morning darling”, Taehyung greets you.
“Good morning”, you say, sneaking a glance at them, “why are you guys in only your underwear?”
“We just fucked”, Jimin answers you.
“Ah”, you let out then chuckle, “well, congrats I guess? I assume you guys talked it out last night?”
“We did”, Jimin says and smiles. It is an honest smile and quite frankly it is weirder to see than his way too detailed dick print.
“Well, I…I’m so sorry I wanna be serious and all, but your dicks are just out and about and I can’t concentrate. Why are those briefs so tiny, Tae?”
He sneaks a glance down at his dick.
“They’re not, I’m merely huge.”
“Why did I even ask”, you mumble, massaging the bridge of your nose.
Taehyung chuckles, strutting to you confidently. He wraps his arms around you, pressing you against his body.
“Are we flustering you, darling?” he teases.
“No? Course not. You aren’t hot either, course not.”
He chuckles, kissing your cheek.
“You are adorable. Tell me, did you have breakfast already?”
“I was planning on getting some with Kook.”
Taehyung looks at Jungkook.
“My handsome”, he says, breaking away from you to hug Jungkook instead, “I missed you so much last night.”
“Oh? Uhm”, Jungkook, who clearly hadn’t expected to receive affection now that Jimin is back again, blushes vividly, wrapping his arms around Taehyung after a moment of consideration.
“Where were you? I couldn’t even reach your phone”, Taehyung asks him, nuzzling his nose against his neck.
“Sorry, I trained with Hoseok the entire night and had my phone on mute.”
“You trained?” Taehyung runs his hands over Jungkook’s arms, “you did. You feel so strong.”
Jungkook takes a step back in confusion, studying Taehyung’s face.
“What’s the matter?” Taehyung asks.
“He’s here”, Jungkook whispers, glancing at Jimin.
“Don’t worry about me”, Jimin says, pushing himself off the counter, “I’m planning on going into town either way. I promised an old friend to meet me.”
“An old friend?” Taehyung asks.
“Mia. She’s back from Riga and wants to meet for coffee.”
“Oh that’s wonderful. You haven’t seen Mia in so long. What a pleasant coincidence that we are still here.”
“Yes”, Jimin agrees and gives Taehyung a soft ruffle of his hair, “you should wash up, Taetae you’re a little dirty there”, he says teasingly, pulling back.
“What?” Taehyung reaches behind himself, “in my hair? Why did you do that?”
Jimin chuckles, “my apologies, it won’t happen again”, he says and then looks at you and Jungkook, “see you later, guys.”
“See you.”
“Yeah, see you”, Jungkook murmurs, watching with confusion as Jimin leaves. Then he studies Taehyung, who is by the sink with you as you try to wash out his hair with a soaked kitchen towel. He is currently telling you to get everything while you assure him that you are.
Jungkook inches closer, gasping when Taehyung reaches for his waist and pulls him snug against him.
“What’s the matter, handsome?” he asks him, “you smell confused.”
“I am confused. I don’t understand what is happening? Are you seeing Jimin now?”
“We simply made up.”
“What about us? Are you going to break up with me again?” he asks with glassy eyes.
Taehyung places his hand on Jungkook’s head and pulls him into a kiss. The kind which makes Jungkook whimper with buckling knees.
Taehyung breaks the kiss by sucking on Jungkook’s lower lip, sighing with him.
“Does this answer your question?” he asks.
Jungkook nods his head, fingers resting on Taehyung’s collarbones, “I guess.”
“Good”, Taehyung tilts his head, kissing Jungkook’s forehead, “I’m not allowing you to slip away again. Or my darling for that matter”, says, hugging you close as well to smooch your cheek.
“Tickles”, you giggle, chasing him happily.
Taehyung purrs, kissing your cheek a second time.
You turn upon hearing someone clear their throat loudly.
Yoongi is standing in the middle of the kitchen with his arms crossed in front of his chest and his eyes squinted in a foreign emotion. He hides it before you can figure out what exactly it was.
“Hyung, good morning”, Taehyung says, “did you sleep well?”
“No, I didn’t sleep.”
“Oh, that is a shame. Is everything alright?”
Yoongi nods his head, running his eyes up and down Taehyung’s bared body.
“Oh that?” Taehyung says, “Jimin came back and we talked.”
“Ah”, Yoongi lets out, pulling a grimace of slight disgust, “don’t tell me more, I really don’t care.”
“Are you still angry at me, hyung?”
“I don’t know. Are you going to disrespect my personal space again?”
Taehyung chuckles, shaking his head, “I won’t disrespect it again. Although it was never my intention in the first place, I must say that much”, he says.
“Hm”, Yoongi cocks his right eyebrow up, “that’s a unique way of apologising.”
“Hey! I am sorry, I truly am”, Taehyung insists with the biggest puppy eyes ever.
“Mhm”, Yoongi nods his head, “thanks.”
“Not at all”, Taehyung says with a smile and releases you and Jungkook to turn to the counter, “I’m preparing tea for you, darling. Is that alright?” he asks you.
“Of course, wow thank you so much. You are so sweet”, you say, turning to him and missing the way Yoongi’s eyes squint again.
“Do you want a cup too, Kookie?” Taehyung asks him to which the younger vampire shakes his head.
“I want to go hunting soon, I’ll have to pee if I drink something now”, he says.
“Oh? Hunting? Shall I accompany you? I heard that you still need some help”, Taehyung says excitedly.
“You would really want to come with me? But it’s just running around the forest and looking for animals. It’s so boring.”
“Nothing can be boring when it is with you, my handsome”, Taehyung coos, pinching Jungkook’s cheek.
Jungkook giggles, swaying from side to side, “I mean, if you really want to come with me…”
Yoongi can barely even see out of his eyes from all the squinting he is doing by now.
He stomps closer to you, placing himself right behind you and even going so far as to place his hands on your waist with an almost angry strength. You gasp, flinching at the sudden contact. He looks over your shoulder, ignoring the confused look you send him to instead see how Taehyung prepares the tea.
“That was too much milk”, he comments, earning himself another confused look from you and Taehyung. He studies your faces, “I’m just saying, she doesn’t like that much milk. Also, you should wait until the tea is done before pouring in the milk. It ruins the taste. And if you really wanted to make it how she likes it, you would have made sure to use whole milk instead of skimmed milk, just for your information.”
“Oh, uhm”, Taehyung flusters and sneaks a glance at you, “should I redo it?”
“No of course not, it’s fine. Thank you, darling”, you assure him with a kiss on his cheek, looking at Yoongi afterwards to let him know that this was weird to say.
He avoids eye contact instantly, “I heard you’re hungry, kiddo” he says to Jungkook to which the latter nods his head.
“I’m really hungry.”
“I’m hungry too. We should leave now when the sun’s still low.”
“That sounds good for me. Dark mornings are wonderful”, Taehyung says, nodding his head.
“No. You should stay back. We’ll train afterwards and you being there will only mess up the routine”, Yoongi says rather coldly.
“Oh? Uhm. Yes of course, I completely understand.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi nods his head, sneaking a glance at you as he has been feeling your eyes on him for far too long now. You look confused.
“Are you okay?” you ask him.
“Yes”, he looks away, taking a step back and letting his strong hands slip from your waist.
Jungkook who notices this distinct, stinging scent of confusion and sadness, speaks up in hopes of lightening the mood.
“I almost bit ___ this morning. But I controlled the urges really well.”
“You did what?” Yoongi studies your neck with worry in his eyes.
“But nothing happened”, Jungkook says, “it was because she needed a hug because she-”, Jungkook widens his eyes, “oh uhm! It was nothing!”
“What was that?” Taehyung asks, letting his eyes flit between you and Jungkook.
Silently cursing Jungkook for being the worst secret keeper ever, you dare to sneak a glance at Yoongi. He seems worried.
“I’m okay”, you assure him.
Yoongi steps closer and places his hand on the side of your face to tilt your head so he could look at you.
“What happened?” he asks.
“Nothing, it was nothing.”
Yoongi visibly breathes in deeper and you know that it is to get a scent of your emotions. He furrows his brows, placing his other hand on your face as well. He figured you out.
“What happened?” he stresses.
“Nothing happened. I just slept terribly”, you insist.
“My love, what happened?” Yoongi stresses.
“Nothing. I just-”
Jungkook nudges your side, making you glance at him. He has his eyes lowered in warning. You look back at Yoongi and the suffocating worry on his features. You give in with a sigh.
“I had a really bad dream. Jungkook hugged me for comfort.”
“A bad dream?”
You nod your head.
“Mhm”, Yoongi lets out and pulls you closer by the back of your head just so he can kiss your forehead. He doesn’t ask questions, he doesn’t probe, he simply gives you comfort. And it feels really good to receive. He steps back, but keeps caressing your arm, “should I stay with you today?”
“No. It was really nothing. You don’t have to stay with me.”
“I wouldn’t mind.”
“No seriously. I just…” you sigh in defeat, “I don’t know if I’m ready to talk about it yet.”
“Mhm”, he furrows his brows, “I understand. Take your time, my princess.”
“Thank you”, you whisper.
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums and kisses your cheek. Just once, but it was filled with so much unconditional love that you almost scream. It feels so nice to be kissed by him.
Yoongi brushes his thumb over your cheek and then truly breaks away from you, turning to Jungkook.
“Are you ready to go, kiddo?”
“Yes, I’m ready.”
“Good. Let’s go”, he tells Jungkook and turns to leave.
Jungkook sends you a proud look as he leaves, one you answer with shy smile.
They disappear from your sight.
Taehyung leans closer to kiss your cheek.
“You had a bad dream?” he asks in a whisper, “what happened?”
“You don’t have to lie to me.”
You huff out air in defeat, “I had a nightmare about Suzy.”
“Oh darling, that is terrible”, Taehyung cups your cheeks, “what happened in this dream?”
“I don’t want to talk about it. It’s really hard to say out loud.”
“Was it that terrible?”
“Yeah”, you whisper.
“I understand, come here”, he says, pulling you into a hug. He sways you from side to side, caressing the back of your head, “nightmares are awful, awful things aren’t they?”
You nod your head.
“Tae, it burdens me so much because I can’t stop dreaming about her. I never see her, but I just know that it is her. I’m so scared to go to sleep because I know that I’ll see her again.”
“Gosh, I know exactly how you feel”, he squeezes you to let you know that he was there for you, “I’m so sorry that you have to dream of her. I know it is not much comfort, but there will come a day where you won’t have to dream of her anymore.”
“Do you promise?”
“I promise.”
You let out a sigh of relief, rubbing your cheek against his chest. Taehyung draws little hearts on your back, sending a constant stream of tingles down your spine.
“Darling, may I ask why you don’t want to tell Yoongi about your dreams?”
“I do, but I’m just…it wasn’t the right time. I don’t feel ready yet, I’m so scared that he’ll be angry. I don’t know”, you stutter.
“No darling, that isn’t true. I am certain that it only seems this way”, Taehyung says without judgement in his voice, “the two of you strike me as two people, who understand each other very easily. I am sure that you are just imagining the difficulties.”
You lift your head.
“Yes, really”, he smiles sweetly, “he forgave me for blood sharing, eventhough he swore to hate me eternally. What you did isn’t even worth mentioning in comparison to what I did. And I can tell you that whatever you imagine him to feel is nothing but a figment of your terribly worrying mind.”
You nod your head, “I hear you. Thank you for telling me.”
“Of course”, Taehyung kisses your cheek, “now, shall we do something to take your poor mind off of this awful dream?”
You study his face in curiosity.
“Grab your tea and let us go to my room. I have to get dressed. And then, shall we walk to the bakery together? You still need breakfast.”
“Yes, I think we could do that.”
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Jungkook returns by dinnertime. Yoongi isn’t by his side. 
“Hey there”, he greets you and the others, “watcha eating?”
“Leftover soup. Where’s Yoongi?” Hoseok asks.
“He met with Fredrick and they drove off together.”
“Huh? That’s so random. Why?”
“Fredrick found more of Namjoon’s followers and they are checking it out. He told us not to worry about him though, because he can manage.”
“I see, that sounds promising”, Hoseok says and then pulls the empty chair out beside him, “do you want to eat something too? We left you guys something.”
“No thanks, I feel really dirty from hunting. I think I’m gonna take a shower and then chill in my room”, he says, “oh yeah and I should tell you guys from Yoongi that we are leaving once you’re done with dinner. He’ll meet us there.”
“Totally. We’ll pack up later.”
“Mhm”, Jungkook says and studies your face, “how are you feeling?”
“Better, thank you for asking.”
Jungkook gives you a lopsided grin and nods his head.
“Okay then, I’m off. I feel so dirty”, Jungkook says only to run into Jimin as he turns.
“Careful”, Jimin gasps, earning himself a scowl from Jungkook, “where are you off to?”
“No”, Jimin takes Jungkook’s shoulder and twirls him back around, “not yet.
“W-why?” Jungkook stutters, sitting down by the table with a little grunt of surprise.
“What are you doing?” Taehyung asks.
“I have something for you guys”, Jimin answers him as he sets down the big bag he was carrying.
You all watch him with great interest whilst trying to figure out what he was doing.
Jimin pulls out a galaxy lamp still in its packaging.
He hands the lamp to Jungkook.
“I heard that your last lamp broke”, he tells him, avoiding eye contact.
“Uh what?” Jungkook asks, accepting the lamp with baffled eyes.
Jimin takes out another thing and hands it to Yoongi. At least he tries to before he realises that the Creator was missing.
“Where’s Yoongi?” he asks.
“Killing vampires with Fredrick”, Seokjin answers him.
“Ah, what a bugger. ___ can you give that to him later?” he says and hands you a block of new music sheets.
“Of course, uhm, thanks”, you accept it. The paper feels sturdy in your hands and carries a slight yellow undertone to it. Knowing Yoongi, he will love it a lot.
“Thanks”, Jimin says. He turns to the bag afterwards and empties the rest. Sunglasses for Hoseok, they are neon green and oversized. A matching pyjama set for Emma and Seokjin, because according to Jimin a couple is supposed to match during their leisure dates. And a set of gardening gloves for you in two different sizes because according to him he didn’t know what kinda size hands you have. You all accept the presents with confusion written all over your features, wondering if this was truly Jimin or if someone exchanged him for a lookalike overnight. 
“Here uhm”, Jimin steps closer to Taehyung, “it’s the paints you love. I know that you’re always out”, he whispers.
“I’m actually out of yellows currently”, Taehyung murmurs, accepting the box shyly, “thank you.”
“Yeah uhm”, Jimin touches the side of his neck, “that’s like…my…apology. I guess. Yeah. I was an ass. Way too many times. Sorry”, he struggles with the words, but says them honestly. He also tries to look at each of your faces, but fails miserably.
“Do you mean it?” Emma asks him.
Jimin nods his head.
“I am honest. I was being an ass all the time.”
“You were”, Seokjin says.
“I know”, Jimin says, “maybe Yoongi’s right and I’m just a shitty person. I think that means I have to work on it and can’t blame Namjoon anymore, right?” he lets out a nervous laugh, “you guys are kinda the only people who bear with me, yeah, I don’t wanna fuck it up”, he says and groans, “ew sorry, but I can’t be emotional, that shit makes me cringe. That’s all you guys get, take your presents and be happy.”
You chuckle and to your surprise so do the others.
“I get it”, Seokjin says and reaches for the pyjamas, “it’s the thick fabric. Look my tulip, it’s really soft to the touch.”
“Yeah, I heard you talk about that you like it better ‘cause for warmth reasons or shit”, Jimin explains.
Their eyes meet for a split second then both look away.
“Mhm, good fabric”, Seokjin says, discarding it again to instead busy himself by eating his soup.
“Thanks for the lamp”, Jungkook murmurs and gets up to leave for his shower.
Hoseok is already wearing the glasses, “I look so funky with them”, he says.
“Yes, they fit you well”, Jimin says and cringes visibly all whilst acting his hardest as if he wasn’t.
“Right? You picked out good glasses, they’re so funky.”
Emma exchanges a wordless look with Jimin. He gives her a nod of his head and then she has already turned to Seokjin, continuing her conversation with him.
“I think I really want to try out those paints. Darling, do you want to join me?” Taehyung says, standing up to discard his dishes in the sink.
“Aren’t we supposed to leave after dinner?” you ask him, following him outside as he tugs at your hand gently.
The others stay back for clean up.
“Just for a little. I have all of my stuff packed already. I really want to try out the paints, please.”
“Gosh Tae, stop pulling me”, you whine in a chuckle.
The night came sooner today. The windows show nothing but darkness outside. It makes you worry for Yoongi. Hopefully he is alright.
“Now what shall I paint with them?” Taehyung says, swinging your arms back and forth playfully, “should I paint you, darling?”
“Yes, indeed”, you agree, having no idea what he just said.
“What’s the matter darling? You sound far away”, Taehyung says, making you look at him.
“I’m just worrying about Yoongi.”
Taehyung chuckles.
“Didn’t he tell us not to worry about him?”
You huff out air, giving him a pout.
“Mean”, you mumble, “you know that I can’t help but worry whenever you guys leave.”
Taehyung laughs, pulling you close so he can peck your lips.
“You are beyond precious.”
“What’s the matter?”
You both turn at the sound of Jimin’s voice.
“Did something happen?” he asks, fumbling with his hands shyly, “do you not like the gloves?”
“No, they’re really great. Thank you”, you assure him.
Jimin nods his head, looking to the side afterwards.
You turn to Taehyung, “hey darling? Would you mind if I didn’t join you? I still have to pack my bags.”
“Of course, I understand. Jimin, do you want to join me instead?”
“I would love to, but I have to take a shower and pack my stuff.”
“Gosh, why are my two favourite people suddenly abandoning me?” Taehyung whines and pouts.
Jimin chuckles, pinching Taehyung’s cheek.
“You’ll live. Also pack you stuff, I know that you haven’t done that yet.”
Taehyung grins sheepishly.
“You know me too well, Jiminie.”
The two vampires leave you by your door, chatting about Mia as they leave for their rooms. You don’t listen to them for long, slipping inside your room.
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You leave Taehyung’s farm an hour later. You drive for three hours into the latest night. It leaves all of you exhausted beyond recovery and so all of you go straight into your new rooms. The place belonged to Fredrick, but neither he nor Yoongi were home, just Fredrick’s familiar Jean. You stay with Taehyung that night. He lets you shower alone while he draws in his notebook. 
He turns when he hears the door open, studying you from head to toe. 
“You look refreshed”, he says.
“No, I don’t. I look tired.”
“I still think that you look refreshed.”
You scoff, shaking your head.
He opens his arms for you, allowing you to find your place in his embrace. You are both resting on your stomachs that way, bodies melted together. 
He leans in and kisses your cheek. 
It makes you shy away, head lowering and eyes avoiding contact. 
“What tortures you, my darling?” he asks in a whisper.
“I’m just worried about Yoongi.”
“Why? I am certain that he is well.”
“But if he isn’t? Tae, I’ve been thinking and what if he thinks that I want to break up with him?”
“Darling, no”, Taehyung says, shaking his head, “stop living in your head so much. All those scenarios you conquer are nothing but figments of your imagination.”
“Do you really think so?”
“Yes. I truly do.”
“I hope that you are right. Do you think that I should send him another message? I already sent him like twenty texts”, you babble, already opening your chat again. You weren’t lying. You truly sent him way too many texts to count. All of very insecure and clingy nature, “Jungkook said that his phone died, that's why he can’t receive messages, but what if he was lying? What if Yoongi ignores me because he is angry?”
Taehyung calling you by your real name makes your ears perk up. You drop your phone, looking at him with widened eyes.
“What can I tell you to make you stop overthinking oh so much? I am aware that you feel guilty because of what happened with Suzy, but darling, you are projecting this guilt onto Yoongi and you are turning him into someone he isn’t. All those things you worry about? Aren’t real and are nothing more than mean thoughts your guilt conquered.”
You lower your head.
“Do you understand me?” Taehyung says firmly but with softness in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah I do”, you whisper, “fuck, I’m so dumb. Why do I keep overthinking so much? I really wanna do better for you guys, but I still end up doing what I did in the past. I keep overthinking.”
“Don’t be too harsh on yourself. I know that it is difficult to break old patterns. If you want me to, I can keep telling you when I think that your worries stem from overthinking.”
“You would do that for me?”
“Of course I would”, he says and kisses your temple.
You exhale in relief, leaning into the kiss with closed eyes. He doesn’t use his powers on you right now, but his kiss still comforts you deeply.
“Thank you so much, please keep calling me out on it.”
“I will”, Taehyung seals the promise with another kiss, turning back to his drawing afterwards.
The pen makes a soft scratching sound as he guides it over the paper. The drawing is almost finished. It shows the streets outside. You recognize their paving and the street lamps. 
You find great comfort in this moment. The sound of drawing is relaxing and Taehyung’s body is so close that you are engulfed in his warmth. His arm around you feels so safe and he smells so good that you want to be closer. 
You chase it by nuzzling your nose against his neck as best as the position allows you to. Well, at least that is what you were trying to do. You end up stubbing his shoulder with your nose instead, running it back and forth slowly.
Taehyung hums, stealing a forehead kiss from you.
You rest your head on the pillow afterwards, gazing up at Taehyung’s face. Taehyung glances at you, lowering his pen. He smiles softly, caressing your temple with his fingertips.
“I like that you and Jimin made up”, you confess, “I was so heartbroken for you when we still thought that he was dead and then I was heartbroken for you when he still acted like a dick all the time. He seems to finally want to do better for you. I’m happy for you.”
“You are?”
You nod your head.
“I want you to be happy, Tae. That’s all I want for you.”
“Darling”, Taehyung breathes, sagging his shoulders, “I don’t know what to say.”
“It’s okay, don’t say anything”, you assure him, “I just wanted to let you know.”
Taehyung smiles. He cups your cheek.
“I want you to be happy too, my sweetest”, he whispers.
“I am”, you say, “there are lots of things which are difficult and which make me sad, but when I’m with you and the others, I know that the sadness will pass again. It’s a really nice feeling to have.”
“That makes me happy to hear”, Taehyung confesses, drawing closer to you until he can trace he slope of your nose with the tip of his nose, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
You fall asleep easy that night. Taehyung turns off the lights and continues drawing in the dark while you listen to the sound of it and find solace in the fact that you will always have someone willing to grant you company.
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heaventree13 · 6 months
How Jikook Found Me
Hi anyone who happens upon this!
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**I'm going to preface this with the information that I don't know how to link stuff, embed etc, so hopefully my attempts to do so will work!!**
I've been thinking of doing a "how I discovered jikook" post forever, because I love coming across other's similar stories, and was inspired this morning by @jiminieloved post below:
We discovered jikook at pretty much exactly the same time, if in slightly different ways.
I first joined instagram around October 2019, after only being on facebook prior to that (I had started a twitter account at some point, but had never used it), and somehow the algorithm decided I would be interested in Larry Stylinson. I don't know why. I knew who One Direction were, but didn't really listen to them. I didn't know what a "ship" was, except for "Bennifer" and "Brangelina", and that's not even really the same thing, is it? Anyhoo- it turned out I was a bit of a Larry. They were adorable and what I saw was compelling at the time.
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Then, of course, the algorithm started throwing in some other ships for my consideration, and along came the vmin ship videos.
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I had no idea who they were at first. I had heard of BTS, vaguely recalled seeing them on some entertainment news program once, but (much to my chagrin, as I could have been listening to them earlier), hadn't paid attention. I'm embarrassed and a little ashamed to say I just remember they all had different coloured hair, were so impossibly pretty, and thought they were likely just a fad.
Don't hate me!! I would fight to the death for all 7 of them now!!!
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But I digress! So, I thought vmin were so sweet. Nothing necessarily romantic there to my eyes, but I had an open mind about it, and I had never seen that kind of affection between males. I ate it up. I'm a 50 year old female (46 at the time), and from Canada, and this was so outside my personal experience. I adopted them into my heart. I watched everything I could find on instagram.
And then some stray jikook content started sliding in.
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And I got worried. What about my vmin babies? Was my mischievous little V ( I didn't know him as Tae Tae yet) going to get his heart hurt? Of course, I was seeing stuff that had already happened years before in most cases, but all very new and "real time" to my heart, that was slowly turning a vivid purple without my knowledge 💜. But what I was seeing in jikook was quickly becoming undeniable in my eyes.
And I was blown away. My heart remembered what it was like to believe the stories I read and watched in romantic books and movies when I was young. I had decided that was all just the stuff of fiction, and that maybe I was a fool to have believed in it. But no- these two young Korean men were putting Mr. Darcy and Miss Elizabeth to shame! In real life!! I had to slide over to YouTube. I had to start searching stuff like "the way Jungkook looks at Jimin":
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And I was able to reconcile vmin and jikook for what I believe it is- no animosity, no competition (at least romantically) because it's two different kinds of love, both just as real. Not that I don't see moments in the content where I think our Tae Tae felt left out, but our babies (all seven of them) had all lived together and done everything together for so long, I think their relationships are not like anything most of us will ever experience or be able to fit into any tidy relationship categories. They are so much more than that.
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Somewhere in my searches I found this excellent 3-part commentary by @mimiandkookie4607 :
And this then this favourite by @themooniswaitingforus (who also makes some really beautiful song edits ,btw) :
Then I started wanting to watch original content, so I joined WeVerse and VLive. And then of course, as will happen, I fell in love with all 7 of our amazing, hard working, passionate, talented, brave, fun, impressive young men. I will love and support them until they are old men (or at least much older, as I won't be around as long as I fervently hope they will).
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There is more, of course. So much more, but I've run out of steam for today! I do want to say that I joined tumblr because of jikook, as well. I first discovered @dalloga through the Korean Perspective video (they haven't been active for a little bit, but it's worth it to go read their blog, for those who haven't), and then @stormblessed95, and went further down the proverbial rabbit hole from there.
Thank you for reading. Stay positive. Be kind. Seek out happy!
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This pic cracks me up!!! Namjoon really out here serenading Vmin as they share a close hug. The way Jimin laid his head on Tae's buff arm and closed his eyes...oh my heart! He looks so tiny in Tae's arms.
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daegudrama · 4 months
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Title: Route 613
Pairing: Reader/Namjoon, Reader/Yoongi, Reader/Vmin
Summary: Reader wants to be the very best Pokémon trainer there ever was. Her first stop in that journey is Paldea University home to a myriad of higher education. Still working to get over her ex boyfriend, Yoongi, reader forms new connections while making a few questionable decisions along the way. Each battle bringing her closer to the glory she's always dreamed of. Will she succeed in becoming champion or will outside forces stop her from achieving her goal?
Word Count: 5.3k
Disclaimer: Real life ages mean nothing in this fic. Refer here for ages and my shitty graphic
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Chapter 4
Jimin’s room is dark when you open your eyes. It takes you a moment to remember where you are and how you got here. There is nothing you want to do less than wake up and talk about this. Maybe that makes you a coward, but at this moment you don’t care. So you carefully move out from under Taehyung and Jimin’s arms until you can get off the bed. Still drunk, it takes pure skill to not fall over as you get dressed. 
Thankfully, you are able to get out of Jimin’s dorm without either of them waking up. You see a few texts from the girls but decide to answer them later. As long as you answer by morning no one will worry too much. Right now you just want to fall asleep in your own bed but, of course, fate isn’t on your side and your ex is sitting by the Uxie statue staring up at the stars. He looks closer to the man you were in love with. It’s almost like he’s going back to how he used to be. To others his face might seem expressionless, but you can see the subtle displeasure on his face. 
“Y/N, I thought you might be here soon.” Yoongi says, not looking directly at you. “Is what Yunjin said true?”
Your heart drops knowing there is only one thing that Yunjin could have told him about tonight. Why is she going around telling everyone what she saw? Especially your ex boyfriend. Does she have no common sense? You get that she thinks they are friends but that doesn’t mean she should go around spreading your business. No one else needs to know. The conversation you are going to have with her tomorrow is not going to be nice. 
“What did she tell you?” You ask standing in front of him waiting for him to look you in the eyes.
He pauses, squeezing his hands into fists on his thighs. Yoongi takes a deep breath and releases his tensed hands. He looks back to the stars trying to find words.
“Don’t make me say it.” He finally looks into your eyes. Absolute heartbreak is easily readable on his face and makes you want to scoff. Why is he still holding onto his feelings when he is to blame? You don’t give him what he wants because he lost that privilege a long time ago. After several almost painfully long seconds he says, “Did she catch you fucking Jimin and Taehyung?”
Has he forgotten the time since he left? Where does he get off thinking this is something he gets an opinion on? He is the last person in the world that should be talking to you about this. Yoongi knows all too well that he doesn’t deserve to know, but he’s worried about you. Behind the layers of what he had to do is immeasurable regret. He knows there is a chance he could do everything in his power and still never be able to hold you like he used to. But if there is any chance at all of course he is going to try. 
“Yes, and it was so fucking fun!” You emphasize the last three words wanting to throw it in his face. If he’s going to act like this he deserves it. “I don’t see how that’s any of your business, though.”
“Who are you turning into?” His tone sounds disgusted but his face stays fairly neutral. 
That comment enrages you to the point you are wondering why you are even entertaining this conversation. Maybe, you should walk away but you don’t. Drunk words spout from your mouth without a second to think about them. 
“I’m not turning into anything!” Your irritation is clear in your tone. “We can’t stay 17 forever, Yoongi. You decided to break up with me and now you need to deal with that. My life didn’t just stop because you left, but it did stop being your business when you left me.”
“Y/N, I never wanted to leave you.” 
You scoff and roll your eyes letting your head fall back. How many times is he going to say that before he tells you what happened? This is ruining your night. What is happening right now is exactly what you were trying to get away from tonight. Why would you be able to go a night without thinking of Yoongi? That’s far too much to ask apparently.
“Okay, then tell me what you were ‘protecting’ me from.” You cross your arms over your chest after curving your fingers into air quotes around the word protecting. 
His head falls into his hands and he takes a deep breath. Yoongi’s fingers pull at his hair before he straightens up and answers you.
“I was really ready to tell you everything, but I can’t anymore. Things aren’t as simple as they used to be.” It seems like every time he’s talking to you it's something to this effect. You want closure so it will be easier to stop thinking about him, but he won’t provide you with that. “I had to leave, it wasn't my choice.”
“If I really meant something to you, you wouldn’t be acting like this.”
His face falls and you can clearly see how deeply those words hurt him. With that you walk away listening to the way he continues to call your name. You ignore him and he doesn’t follow you. While you are glad he doesn’t, it makes you wonder how much he truly cares. 
Loud banging on your door wakes you up in the morning. Sunlight is streaming through your window. You get up far too fast and feel dizzy from the way your head is pounding. A glimpse of messy hair and clothes not in the right place catches your attention as you walk to the door. Whoever is out there better have a really good reason. This is so not what you need right now. 
“Y/N!” Hiyyih calls from the other side of the door.
Relief floods your body knowing you don’t have to face Jimin and Taehyung just yet. Hiyyih would let you know if she is here with someone else. You unlock the door and let it swing open to reveal a Hiyyih who looks to be in no better shape than you. 
She is holding two cups of coffee and doesn’t even say hi before walking into your room. Hiyyih takes a long drink of her coffee before sitting down on your couch. You close the door before joining Hiyyih on the couch. She hands you the second coffee and you gratefully take a sip. 
“I’m so sorry for ditching you last night.” You say once you’ve swallowed the delicious coffee she chose. When did she learn your coffee order? “I’m not someone who does that.”
“Don’t worry about that. I was fine.” Hiyyih waves the thought off. “I’m more worried about how you are doing.”
You recount what happened last night leaving out the graphic details. If she wants those you are sure she’ll ask later. She listens carefully without interruption. Her eyebrows scrunch together when you mention leaving Jimin’s dorm. Was that not the right move? Should you have stayed there until the morning?
“Then when I got back to the courtyard Yoongi was sitting by the fountains. Yunjin told him what she saw. He asked me who I was turning into and spouted some shit about how he never wanted to leave me. Then I decided that was enough and came back here.”
“Fuck him.” Hiyyih says face falling into a scowl. She takes a deep breath before continuing. “Don’t let him make you feel bad just because he can’t get two hot guys in one night.”
The two of you laugh even though you know Yoongi could if he wanted. He just doesn’t want anyone but you and that could be turning into a major issue. Why couldn’t he have just stayed away? It would be one less thing for you to stress over. 
“What am I going to do about that? I can’t pretend it didn’t happen.”
For a moment just the sound of Hiyyih sipping her coffee fills the room. She is thinking of how she can help you. Sleeping with your friends is definitely not the smartest idea you’ve had. Especially, one who is in the same club with you and your ex. Maybe sticking by Hiyyih’s side all night would’ve been a much easier night, but it wouldn’t have been quite as thrilling.
“Do you want to do it again?”
You contemplate the question. It was fun and felt incredible but you wonder if someone else could make you feel the same way. Who knows if they would even want to do that again. You aren’t even sure if it’s something you want. Sober you never would have done that.  
“I think I would rather stay just their friend. They seem more into each other anyways.” 
This doesn’t surprise Hiyyih. You’ve all seen them kiss each other. Trying to understand their relationship will just give you a headache. That is not something you particularly want to be involved with. 
“Just tell them that. I have a feeling they won’t be offended.” Hiyyih pats your shoulder before standing up with a sympathetic look. “I’ll let you deal with that. I’m going to walk with Riot.”
“Have fun.” You say then take a drink of your coffee. 
Riot is Hiyyih’s Sableye who she’s had for just over a year. She takes her pokemon for walks often and more often than not that leads to some wild battles. It’s a nice adventure for both of them. That is something you want to do more of in the coming months. 
Your stomach grumbles so you reach for the basket of treats Namjoon gave you. After opening a piece of chocolate you see a note poking up from the bottom. You pull it out carefully, unfolding it to look at Namjoon’s easy to read handwriting. 
Happy Halloween! I hope you have fun tonight! I really enjoy the time I get to spend with you so sorry for being a little MIA this week. I’m always available if you need another study buddy or someone to show you the best places to swim with your pokemon. I know you’ve been having a hard time lately but that doesn’t mean you aren’t a great trainer. Battle Strategy majors usually have a harder time acclimating than other students. You can do this!
Namjoon 🌱
A smile creeps onto your face and you laugh at the way you feel your cheeks flushing. Namjoon is sweet beyond comparison and is picking up on the things you aren’t even talking to him about. The tiny sprout he drew next to his name makes you smile even wider. How can a man so tall and handsome be so endearing at the same time?
You think about sending Namjoon a text but decide on a shower first. Maybe a nice long shower will help you sort out the events of Halloween. Last night replays in your mind as you try to scrub away your hangover. Was walking into that side room the best idea you’ve ever had? Probably not, but it was one of the best spontaneous things you’ve ever done. People tell you often that you need to relax more and maybe they are right. If you spend too much time worrying about your decisions it will distract you from what you came here to do. The sooner you confront the situation the better.  
What surprises you even more than your spontaneity is that you stood up to Yoongi. Maybe you are changing, but that’s not a bad thing like he makes it seem. When it comes to your ex you usually walk away from situations like that. It's not that you don’t want to confront him; a lot of the time you want to scream until he gives you the answers you want. Walking away is less emotional baggage for everyone so that’s what you do most of the time. Keeping the peace, you guess. He is making it difficult to do that. So straightly telling him how you are feeling is the only way to show him how little you want him around. 
Someone begins pounding on your door as you are slipping into sweatpants. Your hair is wrapped up in a towel and you wish you could go back to sleep. A sigh leaves your mouth as you amble towards the door. If you had to guess, Jimin and Taehyung are on the other side of the door. Your suspicion is confirmed when you hear Taehyung speak. 
“Maybe she’s still sleeping. Let’s just go.”
You pull the door open just as Taehyung is beginning to drag Jimin away. They both turn their eyes towards you. They both look you up and down but no one says a word as they silently file into your room. They sit on either side of your couch and you sit in between them. Just like last night. 
“I don’t know how to start this conversation.” Jimin mutters before continuing a little louder. “Let me just get straight into how I feel.”
“Okay.” You say when he doesn’t immediately continue. 
Taehyung squirms in his seat like he’s uncomfortable in this situation. To be honest, you would rather be stung by a Beedrill than to be having this conversation. But you don’t want to lose them as your friends so you need to have this conversation. 
“I had a really good time last night. Like probably the best threesome I’ve ever had and I would do it again…” Your cheeks flush at his words but you also feel a sense of pride. Though he hasn’t told you directly about his other experiences you are sure they are numerous. He pauses and you know there's another part to that sentence. 
“I’m sensing a but?” You question watching Jimin’s face pinch up as if he’s anxious to let all his thoughts out. 
“Yes there’s a but.” Jimin runs a hand through his hair. “But as hot as you are and as hot as that was I would rather have you as my friend than let things get out of hand.” 
So it was good enough that they would want to have sex with you again, but they don’t want you to catch feelings. You might be offended if it wasn’t Jimin and Taehyung. Part of you knows they mean any one of you could get carried away. 
“I agree with Jimin, being with you was really good but how Jimin and I do things doesn’t work for everyone or even most people.” Taehyung says, fiddling with his navy blue sweatpants, only briefly making eye contact with you when saying how good it was. “It can be confusing for other people and we don’t want to lead you on in any way.”
Jimin and Taehyung care about your feelings. It’s lucky you ended up with them last night instead of someone random. If you ever decide to do something like this again you’ll have a better perspective because they aren’t afraid to talk this out with you. 
“I’m sorry for sneaking out on you. I know that probably made you think I regretted having sex with you, but I really don’t. Honestly, it’s the most fun I’ve had in months.” You let the words tumble from your mouth before you can regret them and both of their shoulders visibly relax at your words. You let your vulnerable feelings out trusting they won’t use them against you. “I needed a minute to process alone. Before you two Yoongi was the only person I’d ever been with. So, I don’t really know how to do this.” 
“Really?” Taehyung questions placing a hand on your shoulder in his shock. “Honestly I never would have known. You really know what you’re doing.”
Your hands cover your face suddenly shy from the compliment. Taehyung squeezes your shoulder giggling at the effect his words have. Hearing those words from him really boosts your confidence. Of course, Yoongi has told you many times how much he enjoys how you can make him feel, but it feels entirely different hearing it from someone else. It would’ve been more worrying to you if you couldn’t make Yoongi crazy. To this day you know him better than you know anyone else in this world.   
“It’s funny that you’re being shy now like my dick wasn’t in your mouth a few hours ago.”
“JIMIN!” You and Taehyung shriek in unison, heads whipping towards him. 
Jimin laughs so hard he doubles over and falls off of your couch. When he straightens up, getting back on the couch, a worried look crosses his face. 
“Did Yunjin say anything to anyone?”
“Unfortunately.” You sigh deeply leaning your head back against the cushion. That’s another conversation you are going to have to deal with later. It would be easy for you to stop talking to her if she wasn’t Chaewon’s girlfriend. Not that you don’t like her. You believe she is a genuinely good person and that she isn’t intentionally causing you problems. Her friendship with Yoongi just complicates things. It’s shitty she said something to him but as drunk as she was you might have done the same thing. “Yoongi was waiting by the fountain when I came back.”
Taehyung and Jimin rush to comfort you. One arm from each man wraps around your shoulder and they scooch closer. Your heart reacts stupidly, but it makes sense it would beat wildly with handsome boys touching you. 
“Are you okay? What did he say?” Jimin asks, rubbing his small fingers into your shoulder.
“Do we need to fight him?” Taehyung asks no hint of a joke in his tone. 
“Tae no! You are not fighting my ex.” You lean forward letting them rub your back as you explain what happened. Unlike Hiyyih they don’t stay quiet. Before you can get to the part about him saying he never wanted to leave you they interrupt with their thoughts. 
“What does he mean, who are you turning into? Please, don’t let his words get to you. He doesn’t deserve to make you feel bad when he’s the one who left you.” Jimin says, clasping your chin for just a second to make you look into his eyes. 
“Yeah! He’s just being a jealous dickhead.” Taehyung replies with much less grace than Jimin and you look towards him almost laughing. “You are allowed to express your desires however you please and that’s none of his business.”
“Thank you, now if you’ll let me continue…” You carry on to tell them how you stood up to him and they pat our back proudly. You end with something you didn’t say to Hiyyih. “I don’t want to believe he’s being malicious in not telling me because I’ve loved him for so long. There must be a reason. He is not the kind of person that does this.” 
“If he tells you then he tells but wondering and worrying about it when he says he can’t tell is only going to hurt and distract you.” Jimin says softly and it’s exactly what you need to hear at this moment. 
“You’re right.” You stand removing the towel wrapped around your head. “Let’s get some food before I talk to Yunjin.”
They nod, pulling out their phones to keep themselves occupied while you change. Several minutes later you are dressed in a light sweater and blue jeans with freshly blow dried hair. 
You finally look at your phone after lunch and see a few messages from Yunjin. She’s apologizing but wants to see you in person so she can do it properly. After Taehyung and Jimin leave, you tell her to meet you on a bench between two buildings. 
“Y/N.” She says as soon as she approaches. Her long hair is tied up in a messy bun and she looks like she hasn’t slept all night. Yunjin takes a seat beside you and continues speaking. “I know you’re probably mad at me and I know what I did is really fucked up. I’m so sorry. I swear I didn’t seek out to tell him. He showed up and it slipped out when he asked where you were. I drank way too much and I feel awful about it.”
“I’m not mad at you.” You say not meeting her eyes. It’s the truth because there is no use being angry at her. Like you told Taehyung and Jimin you don’t think she did it to be a mean girl. “I think I probably would’ve done the same thing if I was that drunk. As much as I wish I could just go back to how my friendship with him used to be I can’t. It’s hard for me to think of him as a friend.”
“It’s not easy for him either.” She says softly. “I’ll try to be more considerate of everyone’s feelings. I really didn’t mean for anything to happen and Yoongi is sorry for what he said. He sent you some messages.” 
For a few moments you sit there in awkward silence before she bids you goodbye and walks away. You pull out your phone to look at the messages Yoongi sent you. 
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He barely deserves a response in your mind so that’s all you give him. Lost without you is such a dramatic way to say he misses you. It seems like he’s doing just fine actually. He’s made friends and isn’t holed up in his room constantly as far as you know. You take a deep breath and try to clear your mind.
You continue to sit between the buildings as you answer more messages. Your mom wants photos of your costume and you send her the few you got with your friends. It takes you a moment to decide what to send to Namjoon. In the end you decide on a simple message then shove your phone into your pocket.  
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Your feet lead you out of Mesagoza into the tall grass of the forest. For about an hour you switch between your pokemon letting them battle any wild pokemon you come across. They are enjoying the battles and get more confident as time passes. Just a little more time is spent focusing on Sriracha and Pixie. Since you haven’t been their trainer for very long more goes into battling with them.
Eventually you stumble across Hiyyih sitting on a large blanket with her pokemon playing close by. She turns when she hears the rustle of leaves under your feet. 
“How’d it go?” She asks patting the space next to her inviting you to sit down. 
“Better than I thought it would. It’s refreshing how willing they were to just talk about it instead of avoiding me.” 
You pause for a moment watching Riot push a shiny ball around. When you continue you tell her about the conversation you had with Yunjin and show her the messages from Yoongi. A sour look takes over Hiyyih’s face as if she had just smelled something nasty. 
“Lost without you.” Hiyyih scoffs and you can tell her mind is on the same track as yours. “Who does he think he is? If he really cared he would find a way to tell you whatever this big secret  is.”
“That’s what I’m saying!” You say throwing your hands up in frustration. “Sometimes I wish he had never come back.”
You release your pokemon from their balls and they cautiously start playing with Hiyyih’s pokemon. For several moments you watch the pokemon without a word. It’s peaceful to just sit here with Hiyyih after the chaos of last night and this morning. 
“Do you want to come home with me next week?” Hiyyih says, leaning back on her elbows letting her long hair flow in the gentle breeze. “Every year since Kai became champion we do a sibling photoshoot for Vogue Paldea. I was thinking Jimin and Namjoon could come too. Lea has wanted to meet them ever since I told her about Namjoon watching her live.”
“Yes, let’s do it!”
Traveling to another city is exactly what you need right now. You can’t wait to see the place that raised Hiyyih. 
On Tuesday Professor Oak has a special guest waiting in his office when you arrive. Half of the Psychic gym duo is here. Eunchae and Shua Hong are siblings that run the Psychic gym  in Alfornanda together. For many years their parents owned and ran the gym, but when Shua turned eighteen he took over. Eunchae is nine years younger than Shua so she didn’t join him as co-gym leader until she turned fifteen three years ago. They are the only double gym battle in the region and have historically not been easy to defeat. The Hong siblings are the second to last gym leaders a trainer usually takes on before challenging the elite four.    
Eunchae is standing in front of the Oak's Club with a sweet smile on her face. She’s wearing a very casual outfit compared to what she posts on her instagram. Just a cropped hoodie with an Abra picture printed onto it and a pair of black leggings with white shoes. Her dark hair is pulled back into one braid down her back.
In just a few months you’ll be battling her and her brother. In a few months you will be strong enough to take on Eunchae and Shua together. Strong enough to beat them and every other gym leader. Your training and bond with your pokemon will be put to the test.
It would be a lie if you said you weren’t just a little starstruck seeing this gym leader in front of you. Gym leaders are celebrities to you. Not all of them have instagrams but you follow all the ones that do. It’s interesting to see what they get up to when they aren’t taking on hoards of overly confident trainers.
“Welcome Oak’s Club.” Professor Oak says from his seat behind his desk. He gestures towards Eunchae with a proud smile on his face. “I’m sure you all know who this is, but please introduce yourself.” 
“Hi! I’m Eunchae Hong, one of the psychic gym leaders.” Her eyes sweep over the four of you before she continues. “Professor Oak brought me here to talk about my experiences. I’m the same age as two of you so there’s a lot we can relate to with each other.”
You can’t imagine what she thinks she has in common with you and Yoongi. Nothing about her life has seemed normal since she took on the role of gym leader. Her life isn’t just waiting around to battle trainers. Each gym leader and champion is also tasked with helping keep their part of the region safe from potential threats. 
“I’m sure you all know the story that’s been told a thousand times about my brother taking over when he turned eighteen and how I joined him when I turned fifteen. What I don’t talk about often is the strength and hardship I had to go through to prepare myself for that role.” She takes a seat in the extra chair Professor Oak brought in for her before continuing. “In some ways I put my childhood on hold knowing that I had to step up and help take over my parent’s gym. Since I was a small child I have loved pokemon. I grew up watching my parents challenge trainer after trainer and knew that someday I wanted to do that too. My parents made it all look glamorous and easy, but that wasn’t my reality.”
She takes a deep breath before continuing. You wonder if she’s nervous speaking in front of people. Not every gym leader is outgoing and ready to be perceived by the public constantly. Especially not speaking like this. You can think of a few Paldea gym leaders who would much rather let their battling speak for them. 
“Especially when I first started training. It took years before my first pokemon consistently listened to me and even then our bond was not as strong as it could’ve been. I watched other trainers and studied harder so I could find the best way to love and strengthen my pokemon. There were times I thought about giving it all up, but pokemon mean too much to me. It always came easier and quicker for Shua and not just because of our large age gap. It made me envious but it also lit a fire within me.”
“You mentioned training in other regions to me when we first spoke. Did being in different environments help diversify your skill set?” Professor Oak asks, folding his hands together on his desk. 
“The gym leaders of Kanto have always been very welcoming to my family. Professor Oak mentioned you’re visiting them next month and I’m excited to hear how that goes.” Eunchae smiles before continuing. “Every trainer has their own way of doing things. So battling as many people as possible really helped me find my own strengths. The best trainers are ready and prepared for any possibility.” 
Eunchae talks about relating to the Kanto gym leaders more than some of the other regions. The majority of them are in their mid to late twenties. Two are just a year older than her and one is much much older. You wonder if she’s seen the elusive leader of the ground gym. He’s rarely seen and when he is it’s always with a mask. 
“What was the hardest battle you’ve ever fought?” Yoongi asks when she opens herself up to questions. 
“When someone becomes champion part of their duties are to check up on the gym leaders of their region. Shua calls it quality control. Kai will pop in randomly to make sure our gym meets the standards of the Paldea Pokemon League.” She smiles like she’s thinking of a fond memory and not a battle that she surely lost. “Last year he popped in and asked to battle us separately. Honestly, I was scared because I didn’t want to bring shame on my family. I fought hard for much longer than I expected to be able to hold my own. Of course, he bested me because he’s Kai Huening but it wasn’t a blowout by any means.”
“What is the typical diet of your pokemon?” Jimin asks a few moments later after she’s also described how nerve wracking it felt the first time she faced a trainer as a gym leader. 
Eunchae is incredibly insightful and stresses that just because these things work for her team doesn’t mean they will work for anyone else. You can buy all the high end supplements in the world and still be a mediocre trainer. Bonding with and loving your pokemon is just as big a part of having a strong team as what you feed them. 
As time passes talking to Eunchae feels easier like she’s truly just another classmate and not something you’ve been aspiring to be all your life. You are shocked to learn she knows Hiyyih and they are pretty close friends. She knew Eunchae was coming and didn’t even warn you. Before you leave she asks for your phone number which shocks you.
“I’m excited to battle you this spring, YN.” She says handing you back your phone. 
There’s still so many variables to get you there. The winter tournament won’t be easy. Handling your classes on top of training won’t be easy either. You want to plan everything out so you can always be one step ahead but things don’t always work out the way you want them to. 
“See you then.” You say mustering all your confidence. 
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Everyone wants to love on Jimin
Vhopekook all getting up in Jimins face a bit today. I swear they all adore him SO MUCH. It's so cute and they all were having so much fun. And of course it's then those 4 doing the WLive afterwards too!!
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The way Jimin opens his arms for Tae who just collapses in on them after that insane choreo and run bts stage?! The way Jimin holds him?! Excuse me while I MELT INTO A PUDDLE
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The way the hug LASTED TOO
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Jimin covering his eyes and can't control himself as Hobi just sings as CLOSE AS HE CAN POSSIBLY GET lmao so flustered. So cute
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Jimin: "love is nothing stronger"
Jungkook: and if I kiss you?!
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The eye contact 😍 they are so cute. This concert was so much fun. I miss them already!! My jikook, vmin and jihope heart 😍😍
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not-goldy · 3 months
He broke up with Jennie cause he realized Jimin is the one he wants to be more then Friends with. DUH!
Lets see.
(1) Siren
(2) Red String
(3) Friendship that becomes Eternal
(4) Apple/Forbidden Fruit
So basically.
(1) Jimin? Everyone calls Jimin a siren, Tae even said Jimin reminded him of a mermaid & Tae himself has said many times Jimin is desirable and alluring and also Desire is written with a red string.
(2) Vmin wore matching red string bracelets.
(3) Vmin Soulmates/Them singing in Friends Part 1 about it being for eternity.
(4) Tae saying Jimin's eyes were Temptation (Forbidden fruit) during Blood Sweat and Tears video or when Tae was asked what he'd do in his non idol life and he said he'd be an apple seller and told Jimin to come and do it with him. Take your pick.
Anyways its all jokes & wild funny theories so don't take any of it too seriously. Seems Vmin shippers are winning over Taennie shippers right now. Come on Taennie's step it up. I also love how bored everyone is and spouting out off the wall shit. And how one group of shippers can't connect shit to their ship no matter how hard they try. Whomp Whomp sorry Tkk, better luck next time. You have to sit this one out AGAIN like every other time. I know they seething cause they never been able to connect a Tae song to JK. lol
Anyways, As a Jikooker I'm good, cause Jikook together right now. I'm just enjoying the conspiracy party.
Here's where I splash water on his and your face to get a grip
Baby boy move on.
Don't support Jennie for you but at least that's moving on. Power to you😩
Yall shouldn't stress me and Jungkook out like this🥲
If he were here he'd explain to yall how Vmin are friends Frensh ppl frensh 🤧
Ooooooohhh thank God I thought you were serious there for a sec🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Interesting analysis A for effort I like it
Vminers it's our time to shine 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
Go crazy with the theories 🤭
Personally want him to put out a song to tie everything in neatly regarding his friendship with Jimin with all the enmeshment and roller-coaster emotions involved. Would be nice to bring it all to a climax no? Just a nice letting go kinda song.
Who knows, perhaps it started out as friendship then he'd entertained the possibility of it being more, then he'd moved on as he matured and came to love and understand himself better. Now he's healed found love somewhere else and would always have a special place in his heart reserved for his best friend.
That's a song I'll definitely cry to🤭
But honey it's 2024 we not doing that same old unrequited love story no more free me Tae😭😭😭😭
Also I'm here for the chaos🤣
Jimin explaining to death how Tae is crazy and Jungkook cussing him out all the way from camp🤣
Aaah I miss this drama
I feel alive again
Thanks Anon🤭
NB: like Anon said no one shud take any of this seriously. We are just delulus doing our delulu things
Off to read some vmin fics🙂
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 8 months
Oh Anon you're so real for this. Honestly anyone who dared claim 'vmin divorce' should be sued because what we got to see today? There was never any talk of divorce, ever, if anything there was a vow renewal haha
When we heard that Tae would have a fan meeting as part of his Layover promo, we joked around about how cute it'd be if Jimin would come as special guest but ultimately dismissed the idea. We didn't want to get our hopes up concluding that likely there would be no guest or it could be someone else. So imagine our endless surprise when suddenly pictures and videos hit the TL on twt showing Jimin up on stage with Tae. No joke, I nearly dropped my phone and then thought there's no way, I had to be seeing things. I mean, I was but my eyes were not lying to me. Introduced as his best friend.
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So not only did Tae's fan meeting give us Tae performing and having fun with ARMY, it also gave us Tae having fun with Jimin with ARMY. Jimin also spoke about how while preparing for today, Tae called him and asked him if he'd want to come so he'd asked if that would be okay, but in the end, he came as quickly as he could. And isn't that the sweetest thing? Having your first solo fan meeting and having your soulmate right there by your side to experience this with?
Please do check out this video of Jimin coming up on stage and Tae being so happy, it seemed like he didn't know what to do with himself and all this emotions so he smacked Jimin's ass, after Jimin cutely smiled at him, and then pulled him closer by the hip. Very vmin behaviour. Somebody hold me because I might combust.
Speaking of pulling people closer, we also got at least two endlessly adorable vmin hugs that had us yelling as well. The way Jimin closed his eyes? I cannot even.
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Tae and Jimin also played games with ARMYs, including one person who came dressed as Bart Simpson saying they did it simply because it hoped it would make Tae happy and smile. How sweet is that? That's the kind of things Tae deserves, ARMYs showing him just how much they love and appreciate him because truly, look at him and tell me how anyone can dislike him. They did challenges and played ping pong and even danced, including Tae and Jimin dancing to Go Go with Jimin looking at Tae as though knowing that Tae is their choreography memory king and obviously he remembered every step. And we also got this sweet moment of Jimin caressing Tae's head.
We also had Tae announcing unplanned things like them going to Running Men together as well as this:
Mandakkoo translation on twt: Tae: first of all...me and jiminie..will work on a much cooler song..... Jimin: ..if you're like this then u Really have to do itㅋㅋ he just keep- talking bout things like this y'knowㅋㅋ u really Have to do it then... Tae: ..alright!
Which was brought upon by Tae and Jimin spontaneously singing Friends together with them finally singing the You Are My Soulmate line together, being cute AF while doing so, and making everyone cry in the process of it all. Earlier Tae also had Jimin sit down and sang him happy birthday along with ARMY as surprise. So cute!
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How could these devastatingly cute smiles ever lie? Also the manager smiling at them, awww.
In the end, after their second super cute hug, with their arms still around each other, they sat down on the stage with their backs toward the audience so they could take a picture with ARMY to commemorate this day.
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And just as Jimin was leaving the stage, Tae called out his name and shyly did a cute heart pose for him and got a heart back.
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Generally there were just so many cute little moments that, after a year of comparatively barely any vmin, reaffirmed the fact that just because we don't see it, that doesn't mean it isn't there, as in, just because vmin don't constantly tell us about them hanging out or talking or doing something, that doesn't mean they don't still do that. Like that Jeju trip from which Tae posted pictures on his IG with Jimin and JK. If Tae didn't tell us, we wouldn't have ever known that this trip happened. Tae and Jimin were and still very much are soulmates, the vibe when they interact and look at each other so filled with mutual adoration and this soft spot they have for one another, and their bond is just as strong and beautiful as it was and will always be. As Tae said in the BTS book, Jimin is someone he can't live without and, from their TV appearance in 2021, Jimin is the person he likes the most.
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But speaking of Tae liking Jimin the most and whatnot, I thought this anon message we got yesterday also fit in with this quite well:
From Anon: Did you see taehyung once again showed jimin a piece of art, this time jimin as an elf? Imagine being the fbi agent responsible for monitoring taehyung's phone and everyday you go like ''here we go again'' when taehyung pulls up 10+ jimin fanart tabs again
For those of you who might've missed it, during his birthday live Jimin shared what looks like an AI piece of art depicting Jimin as elf in a fantasy setting. He said Tae was the one who showed it to him and it made him giggle so much! Later as part of his public birthday wishes to Jimin, Tae posted another piece of AI art of Jimin this time as hunter/warrior also in a fantasy setting. This makes this the second and third time we've heard and seen Tae spend time on Jimin fan art since the moon tattoo on Jimin's back was also inspired by a piece of Jimin fan art that Tae had sent to him saying how cool it looked.
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There were also a few silly little theories about what if Tae made those fantasy AI Jimin's himself, since some time ago he'd asked about a program or something to do this, but if that's what happened, who knows, but the thought is very Tae.
So yeah, after a long time without vmin, today was a day that just kept on giving and I hope Tae and Jimin got to have that drink they mentioned they would get together after the fan meeting. What a day to be a vminnie, wow.
Lastly there was this twt that I very much agreed with so I thought I'd share, it said: the way taehyung is so overjoyed that jimin is here with him? if he was any more giddy in love i’m positive he would’ve kissed jimin there and then
What a mood.
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gimmethatagustd · 5 months
hi bestie <3
i’m not sure if you’ve done this already, but do you have a list of recs for yandere ffs?
i love all the recs you share, so i just had to ask 🤭
ahh bestie hi 🥹
i haven't shared any yandere fics yet! idk if you're looking for only reader-inserts or if you'd like mxm, too, so I'll give you both just in case~ (including shameless plugs, I'm sorry jshdkfjs). i haven't read a ton of yandere yet, but i want to.
posses your heart (ot7) by @/chans-room
camgirl au, was on hiatus but won't be anymore!
i haven't read celestial ruin yet, but it's on my tbr list:
celestial ruin (myg, knj) by @remedyx
Just being in his proximity made my skin crawl. As if his tainted wings were contagious and I was putting myself at risk just being near him. Yoongi was corruption incarnate. Once revered upon his throne and now cast aside for the sins he committed. Inky wings replacing the beautiful gold they used to be. The sign of the Fallen. And the way he looked at me said he wouldn’t be sinking alone.
i think hali put fix you on permanent hiatus, but i'm sharing it anyway 🤷🏽‍♀️ cuz it was a good first chapter and maybe you'll check out hali's other stories after experiencing her lovely writing:
fix you (myg) by @sailoryooons
Your crumbling relationship with Kim Taehyung finally reaches the point of no return after struggling to keep it going after a nightmare you’re unlikely to forget. Min Yoongi is there to pick up the pieces – but you had no idea how ready he was to try and fix you.
streets (jjk drabble) by yours truly
I can’t sleep no more / In my head, we belong / And I can’t be without you / Why can’t I find no one like you?
here's a list of yandere fics by @/theharrowing. i haven’t read all of them, but I did read Boy Blue, and it's really good! harrow has a few other yandere fics, too.
they're all reader-inserts with yoongi and taehyung
the wind speaks (vmin) by yours truly
Something’s living under the dock at the Kim family’s beach house.
blood on the sheets (kth) by yours truly
Despite what some people may think, your roommate isn’t a monster. You know Taehyung; he’d never hurt anyone
ghostface killers (myg) by yours truly
You’ve had your eyes set on Yoongi for as long as you can remember. What you didn’t know is that he’s had his eyes on you, too.
twilight zone (taegi) by bandit4life
Sometimes monsters don’t hide under the bed, sometimes they hide behind mirrors - watching, waiting for the moment to strike, to kill. But Taehyung’s goal has changed over time. It was pure curiosity at first. He only wanted to observe, wanted to find the flaw in the seemingly perfect human. He didn’t expect Yoongi to hide a dark secret. “I’ve always known there was something off about you. But I didn’t expect it to be like this.”
carmen (vmin) by @/sailoryooons
Taehyung gets lured to an exclusive club by a strange, enchanting woman. What finds him there is much more intoxicating and dangerous.
dreamy (taekook) by paperwetwithink
When Jeongguk gets sleepy these days, it kind of feels like there's something watching.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
you know i'm jkkr and not an insecure one!!
i was only advising you because there is a chance jk would do the same thing for tae! Why??
Do you remember how happy we were with "jm is mine", then minutes later he said "tae is mine"!! And yes i know, tkkrs have been massaging him asking him for it, until he said it! So how do you know they won't do the same thing again, keep pressuring him until he does support tae! and it's not only them, army would ask him, the company would ask him as well!
So, that's why i say let's not speculate because we can't know what jk or jm would do, because if we're wrong, that will create more insecure jkkrs and more tkkrs gloating!
I hope i'm wrong, i'm sure the way he's been supporting jm, made jm so happy and special, i wish it stays exclusive, but we can't know for sure what they'll do next! No one can!
I'm confused.
So are you saying if JK reacts to V or any other member Jikook will stop being real? What does one have to do with the other?
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I don't give a rats ass what insecure Jkkrs or the vermin have to say. You claim not to be an insecure Jikooker but this whole ask stinks of insecurity. Why does it fucking matter? Why should it matter at all??
Jikook do things, I celebrate. I don't care if they've done them with others or not. I am still not over this hug.
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And yet Jikook hug other people all the time. But it doesn't make me enjoy that hug any less.
If JK reacts to another member it won't defile the other times he's reacted to Jimin. He won't have heart eyes... he won't blush for that member... he won't look like a man in love when the member appears on screen.
There will be a clear difference. Just like when he said Vmin were his. There is a clear difference. So it doesn't stop Jikookers from enjoying that moment. If JK reacts to another member IT CHANGES NOTHING! Jimin and Jungkook will still be boyfriends. JK still did it for Jimin first! It will take away nothing from previous JK, Jimin lives. Alright?
So quit it, keep your advice and leave us to speculate in peace. Thank u!
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