ghost-anxiety · 8 years
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HERE HAVE SOME UPDATED PHOTOS OF ME, literally the last pictures i posted of me here were from a year ago the last time I went to disney/universal so ;; also featuring the bae ! 
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gokubutnotreally · 7 years
The time ring on his finger was dormant telling him he wasn’t in the past or the future; but another universe altogether, which would normally not be a problem for him except that black thought he had already traveled to every universe, slaying the Gods who lazily watched over each realm. An annoyed scowl grew on his lips at this realization.
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“I don’t have time for this, though, if this a universe that has escaped the eyes of even the God’s exploring could prove useful.”
The twelve universes known to the God’s and angels were taken care of in his timeline, but this was completely new to him, what God of destruction and Kaioshin looked over this universe? He would find out soon enough, after more information was gathered.
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“You, woman, where am I?”
Holding an open palm to them as a faint glow of black’s energy grew in the center of it, she would be destroyed soon enough but he needed to at least know the name of this place.
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xmisericors · 8 years
Send me a '✉' for five times my muse didn't text yours, and one time they did.
Did you make that ‘potion’ you used to heal yourself? I want to use it in my research, I have never seen something so advanced! 
  (there’s a cute image of a cockatoo attached) it’s you! 
Will you come visit me soon? I’m afraid that I won’t ever see you again if you die in battle. I have no way of reaching you. 
 Overwatch was in the news, It’s best if you do not visit anymore. 
It’s over. I will be leaving the country as well as Overwatch. Goodbye. 
                                                                                                                        [ /deleted ]
Thank you, for the stories you have told me. It has broadened my view, and I know there is so much more out there because of you. 
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xmisericors · 8 years
{ @void-earth }
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          { ♔ } - - - " You there. How did you get into this facility?" Angela made a B-line toward the poor keyblade wielder, her tone as scolding as a mother. Despite being much shorter than the stranger, she still held a rather threatening gaze. "Overwatch Headquarters is not open for touring, it's dangerous. Don't you know that? You're lucky I caught you in the medical wing. Who knows what Jack would have done if he caught you. Follow me. There’s no time to waste."
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ucljat · 8 years
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“I’m sorry, but...” the Security Chief had no choice but to make a face. “I don’t think I quite understand what you’re trying to explain to me.”
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xmisericors · 8 years
                                wicked witch starter for @void-earth
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        ☾ + + + |                     He held p o w e r. Angela could sense it the moment he stepped into her domain. He radiated magic and unfiltered emotions, as well as a heavy mix of a drive to find his inner self. It wasn’t hard to see, not to someone like her. For a witch must understand her next potential victim before the victim could understand her. “My dear, the woods are no place for someone to be walking so casually at night. There’s wolves afoot, among other things.” 
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vantrece · 8 years
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   Reports filed about a STRANGER which found themselves in an encounter with the soldiers of Desperado. Leave it to them to end up engaging in a battle to result in their DEFEAT. So many times she has had to remind herself that if one wishes to get something done, they would have to do it themselves. Sent out to asses this new-- THREAT-- the cyborg STALKS the rooftops, until she catches sight of the man that fits the description of the REPORTS. Crouching, she regards them carefully from her little PERCH.
                                                                               ❛  A young boy, how quaint~ ❜
   Her voice rings CLEAR, cutting through the air, surely heard by the one that walks below. A sharp YANK on the corner of her lips, glacial eyes f l a s h i n g in no small amount of AMUSEMENT. Surely not to be the man so DESCRIBED on all reports that had found their way to her desk, so young indeed, in rather strange GARB-- it’s almost laughable to her to see that THIS was the person that had sent her soldiers running. Whatever the reason was, she was sure that she would soon discover it.
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