impiantitel · 2 years
Corso Voipvoice quarto livelllo
Corso Voipvoice quarto livelllo
Tecnico Commerciale. Anzi no, Commerciale Tecnico. No no, Tecnico. Tecnico si nasce, commerciale si diventa. #voipvoice
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corallorosso · 3 years
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Federica Granai, 27 anni. Montelupo Fiorentino. Scopre di essere incinta dopo essere stata selezionata da VoipVoice. Ha superato una lunga selezione e manca solo il colloquio finale con il proprietario dell’azienda, Simone Terreni. Potrebbe nascondere tutto e raccontare la verità una volta assunta, ma Federica è onestà e racconta tutto subito. Teme di giocarsi il posto, ma il proprietario risponde così: «Tutto qui? E che problema c’è? È una bellissima notizia». Federica, a quel punto, si è messa a piangere. Al Tirreno ha raccontato la sua emozione: «È stato il più bello della mia vita: una gioia dietro l’altra. Per me la lealtà e la trasparenza sono alla base di tutto. Avrei potuto firmare il contratto in silenzio e mettere l’azienda di fronte al fatto compiuto. Ma non me la sono sentita. Era troppo grande l’opportunità che mi veniva offerta e non volevo tradire la fiducia di chi ha creduto in me: Simone e tutti gli altri». Dal canto suo, l’imprenditore ha minimizzato il suo gesto: “Dovrebbe essere sempre così", ed è vero. Ma non è quasi mai così, perché da noi la normalità è stadi sempre un’eresia rivoluzionaria. Complimenti a Federica e a Simone: c’è ancora umanità in questo paese. Andrea Scanzi
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traversetelecom · 3 years
Free Guide to Voice Termination in 2021-22
Trends Towards Dedicated Voice Stay Strong in 2021
We're in the last quarter of 2021 and the world continues to adopt virtual communications at an astonishing pace. While some speculated that the surge in demand for hosted voice in 2020 was a temporary market shift, companies worldwide continue to embrace modernized communications. Work from home is a cultural hit, and the hybrid work model is working better for global companies than anyone could have (confidently) predicted.  
Now, that's not to say that the global migration to the cloud has been easy. Whether you're replacing a legacy PBX system or just trying to optimize your current business phone setup, integrating new VoIP services or technologies into your operations can feel like a daunting task. That's especially true when it's your first time setting up a dedicated voice termination service!
We want to equip you with the knowledge you need to make confident, competent decisions about your voice termination needs. Today we're simplifying some of the complexities of global telecom so that you feel prepared to make the best choices for your voice termination needs, starting with call origination and termination 101.
How Call Origination & Termination Work in VoIP
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) refers to the process of making calls over the Internet. VoIP calling benefits the user by requiring no special equipment beyond a mobile-compatible phone, tablet or computer (which are pretty common these days), mobile network data and access to the Internet. VoIP calling is usually cheaper and less restrictive than landline-based telephone services.
VoIP is similar to the traditional PSTN in that calls might travel across several networks before reaching their recipient. Traditional telephone carriers have agreements in place to accept or pass through calls placed from outside networks so that end users can enjoy an uninterrupted conversation. 
The same is true for VoIP providers. They work together to connect calls from one location to the recipient number, or destination. Call origination is where the number is dialed from, while call termination refers to the location of the recipient.  
What is VoIP Termination?
The process of patching through calls from one VoIP phone to another is called VoIP termination. You might see esoteric definitions of VoIP termination laid out like this:
VoIP call termination refers to the procedures that route telephone calls from one provider to the next provider until the call is routed to the last telephone company and received by the recipient. 
That’s a mouthful! You can think of VoIP termination as telephone carriers mutually agreeing to connect callers around the globe so calls can connect people between any location.
So, a VoIP termination service provider is a type of carrier that ensures your outgoing calls are connected to your recipients via their network and/or partner networks. VoIP termination services are also responsible for security, audio quality, and least-cost-routing for those calls, as well as any other solution standards laid out in their service level agreement. 
Now, this is telecom we're talking about here, and it wouldn't be telecom without acronyms. Common terms you'll see in this article or others as you continue your research include: 
A-Z VoIP Termination: A-Z     VoIP termination is normally used in reference to a provider's complete     list of rates for outbound calls to all available countries, beginning     with Afghanistan and ending with Zimbabwe.  
SIP Termination: SIP     stands for Session Initiated Protocol. SIP is one method of VoIP call     connection, although "SIP" termination is usually used     interchangeably with "VoIP" termination in online content.
SIP Trunking: SIP     trunking is the connection between your phone system and an external voice     service. SIP trunking can be used for VoIP origination, termination, or     2-way voice services. 
VoIP Origination: While     VoIP termination services are concerned with the delivery of your outbound     calls to your destination, a VoIP origination service refers to the     inbound phone numbers and service used to manage incoming calls.
Who Uses Voice Termination Services?
There are several types of organizations or businesses that use voice termination services. The most common use-cases include: 
BPOs & Call Centers
Partnered Services &     Enterprises
Embedded Communications
BPOs & Call Centers
BPO, or business process outsourcing, are outsourced call centers that handle aspects of your business operations that your staff either doesn’t have the bandwidth to complete or can't perform efficiently. Running an efficient sales or service call center requires major time and investment, and BPOs manage those operations so your company doesn't have to worry about all the work that goes into setting up the technologies, negotiating pricing, staying compliant, hiring & training agents, and so on. 
Because BPOs manage call center operations for multiple companies or sometimes a single enterprise, it's easy to see why a dedicated voice termination provider is required. Dropped calls and frequent call quality issues are disastrous to a BPO's operations, and even a small difference in VoIP termination rates makes a huge difference on your bottom line when your agents are making thousands of outbound calls per month. 
Partnered Services & Enterprises
Enterprises and medium sized businesses with international calling needs frequently partner with VoIP termination providers. The reasons are the same as with a BPO - when you have that many agents on the phone making thousands or even million minutes of outbound calls per month, any lags in your QoS standards are devastating and even a small reduction in call termination rates makes a major difference. Enterprises usually use SIP trunking to integrate these dedicated voice services into their existing systems. A common example of this is when companies use Microsoft Teams as their virtual phone system, but opt for Direct Routing with a partner like TRAVERSE TELECOM rather than settle for limited Calling Plans.
Partnered services may also include resellers or "channel partners." These are other voice services or unified communication platforms that partner with one or multiple call termination providers to improve their own service offering in regions where their network is lacking. Arrangements like this are even common with your major cable providers, who bundle VoIP services with their Internet and broadcast/cable media products to offer their commercial and residential customers the convenience of purchasing all media-related services in one place.
Embedded Communications
Calling apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, or Apple’s FaceTime rely on VoIP termination services to carry out calling features. Calls placed from mobile apps often travel through several networks before they reach their end point, especially if the recipient resides in another country. The extras that come with many of these apps—video chat, file sharing, SMS—are part of the data packets transferred through the cloud and reassembled at their destination device thanks to the call features bundled within these apps.
The programmable voice APIs required for those functions can also be used by partners to embed products into their own platform or shopping cart. For example, if you are looking at an international voice provider's online shopping cart for available numbers, there's a chance some of the numbers being displayed are actually from TRAVERSE TELECOM's shopping cart and being displayed via phone number API!
8 Reasons Organizations Use VoIP Termination Services
The business cases for a great VoIP termination provider are endless, but we've filtered out list down to 8 no-brainer reasons to take advantage of these services. Common business benefits of partnering with a reliable call termination service include:
1. Outbound CLI (Local Voice Termination)
Want more people answering your calls? Use a local number as your outbound caller ID! Sounds easy, but of course, international telecom never so simple. The ability to use local caller ID in target markets is a top priority of most companies when choosing their VoIP termination providers. And it's no wonder why; companies that don’t display a familiar caller ID may miss out on more than 75% of answered calls. In China, for example, recipients are 10x more likely to answer calls from companies using local numbers!
Call termination service with guaranteed outbound caller ID is known as Local voice termination. Local voice termination features such as TRAVERSE TELECOM TrueLocal prevent poor answer rates in your target markets, especially during international calls. Check out our free webinar Look Local, Sell Local for more statistics and use-cases for guaranteed CLI during outbound calls. 
2. Expanded Call Coverage
VoIP providers usually offer a wider variety of vanity phone numbers than traditional phone service providers. In terms of the ability to reach people, VoIP offers greater access to phone numbers in hard-to-reach places such as app-based numbers, PBX-based lines or accounts within unified communication platforms (like Teams).
Connecting with a global voice termination provider like TRAVERSE TELECOM or partnering with several local vendors in your target markets gives companies worldwide call coverage, also known as A to Z termination. These arrangements often expand your inbound number coverage as well. For example, TRAVERSE TELECOM partners have the ability to provision inbound virtual numbers from 170+ countries within minutes, all from one intuitive user interface. This includes rare number types other providers struggle to obtain in Australia, India, Nigeria, the UAE, and many more.
3. Friendly User Experience
Partnering with reliable call termination providers means your business is not responsible for maintaining your telecom network, freeing you to focus on the daily operations and goals that drive your business success. There’s no need for additional IT staff, and live phone support is available 24/7 when you choose a reliable provider like TRAVERSE TELECOM. 
4. Price Reduction (Wholesale Call Rates)
VoIP termination rates are more affordable (and much easier to work with) than PSTN-based services in practically every scenario companies may find themselves in. This is especially true for businesses that qualify for wholesale voice termination rates. In addition to the time savings and reduced headcount requirements when using a voice termination provider, wholesale VoIP partnerships unlock the most competitive call rates vendors are able to offer.
5. Automated Work Flows
If your business opens a new office, goes remote or sends representatives overseas for an event, your VoIP network follows you. There’s no need to install new hardware or configure new server rooms. Take advantage of unified communications and integrate your voice service with your CRM and other technologies to automate tasks and free up your agents to communicate with customers.
6. PSTN Replacement
If your business and customer base are all within your local or regional area—meaning you could rely upon the local telephone network for all phone service needs—contracting with a VoIP termination provider could still benefit your company. The VoIP provider could offer a full suite of business call services most local phone vendors can't match, and at more affordable rates!
7. Consolidated Technology for Unified Communications
Almost all VoIP termination providers offer some level of unified communication integrations. You and your employees can continue to use the systems you’re familiar with without sacrificing productivity. 
Need to upgrade your system or planning a rip-and-replace migration to a cloud phone system? No problem. Your VoIP provider will handle those changes in the cloud. Technology upgrades happen online, too. Meaning a simple download of the new tech and a reboot of your computers puts your phones back on the same page. 
8. Superior Call Quality (Especially Internationally!)
VoIP termination providers continuously work to solve the inconveniences of dropped calls, post-dial delays, poor audio quality, and other annoyances that can crop up, especially when making long-distance calls. Most providers guarantee a good connection no matter the location of the outbound/inbound caller. It’s the VoIP provider’s job to route your calls efficiently. They maintain backup systems so if technical errors crop up, your phone service will continue uninterrupted.
Understanding VoIP Termination Providers
VoIP termination service is the process your carrier takes to ensure your VoIP calls reach their intended destination without being dropped and with as high quality as possible. As the number of carriers that you rely on to place outbound calls increases, so does the chance of something going wrong. To address this, VoIP termination services continuously optimize these outgoing call routes on their network and then pass those benefits on to companies or partners that use them to host their outgoing calls. If you’re conducting a video call, or using a UC that allows audience chat or file transfer while on a call, VoIP termination services also ensure your data transfers seamlessly. 
Because there are so many use-cases that companies use call termination services for, the first thing you should look at with potential VoIP services is the type of organizations their service is built around. For example, is the provider focused on voice termination routes in the US & Canada but also offer some international services, or are they focused on primarily on international call traffic? Do they offer local VoIP termination, and if yes then where can they ensure local caller ID and which destinations are best effort? And of course, are they a Tier 1, Tier 2, or Tier 3 voice provider?
We'll cover best practices for vetting potential voice termination providers in a future article, but this free guide wouldn't be complete without addressing the tiers of VoIP providers and why that matters. There are three main categories of VoIP termination companies, known as "tiers." If you're unfamiliar with VoIP provider tiers, you're in luck! They are easy to explain and once we do, you'll be able to understand 80% of what you need to know about a provider's network infrastructure just by knowing what carrier tier they fall under. 
The 3 Tiers of of VoIP Termination Providers
VoIP termination providers, or telecom carriers in general, can be broadly categorized into three categories; Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3. The differences between tiers of telecom carriers come from the way in which their network operates. Let’s explore each tier in more detail.
Tier 1 Telecom Carriers
Tier 1 telecom carriers are large organizations that own their own infrastructure and maintain a network with direct connections between all points. These large carriers have peering agreements with Tier 2 and sometimes Tier 3 carriers, but always prioritize their own traffic first. There are only a handful of Tier 1 carriers in the world. 
Tier 2 Telecom Carriers
Tier 2 telecom carriers have peering agreements with one or more Tier 1 carriers. While many Tier 2 carriers simply piggyback off a Tier 1 network, some run a hybrid network where they own their own infrastructure in certain regions and/or maintain direct connects with multiple Tier 1 carriers and run calls through the carrier best suited for that call based on when and where the calls take place. 
Tier 3 Telecom Carriers
Tier 3 telecom carriers are startup carriers or niche providers that works through one or more (usually more) Tier 2 carriers to host their customers' calls. 
While Tier 3 carriers have a role to play for niche use-cases, if you're reading this article you are probably looking for a Tier 1 or 2 carrier. Why? For several reasons, but none more important than reliable voice quality. The more "handoffs" there are between networks, the more likely you are to experience audio issues, post dial delay, jitter, dropped calls, etc. Tier 1 carriers don't need any handoffs to connect calls, while Tier 2 carriers minimize handoffs and can even optimize international connections by switching to their own network or a different Tier 1 that's better suited for that particular call. 
The Reliable Choice for International VoIP Termination
Interested in reliable, high-quality voice termination around the world? If that's a yes, you're in the right place! We encourage you to continue using our free resources to educate yourself and arm yourself with the knowledge you need to make a confident, competent decision about your voice termination providers. And when you're ready to compare carriers, we hope you'll consider TRAVERSE TELECOM during your search.
TRAVERSE TELECOM is here to deliver the highest ROI for any organization we partner with. No overly complicated buzzwords or sales hocus-pocus; if we aren't confident we're the best voice provider for your needs, we'll help you find the best fit even if that means pointing you towards a different solution. The reason so many organizations trust TRAVERSE TELECOM as their voice termination provider include:
Secure, Reliable Global Voice Network. Transport Layer     Security (TLS) and Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) encryption,     plus 24/7 fraud monitoring and live support, helps ensure the highest     level of security for calls. 
Exceptional Global Call Quality. Our resilient global network     delivers an average MoS score of 4.2 for international traffic, thanks to     50+ local carrier connections and optimized routes for minimum call     congestion and packet loss.
Outbound CLI & Local VoIP Termination. TRAVERSE TELECOM's     TrueLocal 2-Way Voice Numbers, which include local VoIP termination &     origination, are now available in nearly 30 countries!
Affordable A-Z VoIP Termination Rates. No carrier but TRAVERSE     TELECOM consistently delivers reliable, high-quality audio at such     affordable rates globally. Talk to us today for our latest A-Z VoIP     termination rates.
Unmatched Global Number Coverage. Provision and configure routing rules in     minutes for any of our 40K numbers in inventory, all from one intuitive     user interface. We provide inbound numbers in 170+ countries,     including rare number types in India, Nigeria, the UAE, and many more.
International     Porting Expertise. When other carriers     say it can’t be done, our world-class porting team finds a way. Our     international porting team can transfer numbers in over 100     countries and regions at no cost. 
Expect the Best from Your VoIP Termination Provider
Interested in seeing what voice termination looks like with TRAVERSE TELECOM? We appreciate your interest! Talk to us today to receive a dedicated demo or our latest A-Z VoIP termination rates. 
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gianvitoinfotainer · 4 years
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Gianvito: docente e formatore Virtual Public speaking & SocialSMART WORKING SI O SMART WORKING NO? Per capire realmente l'effettiva efficacia di uno strumento, non ti devi affidare alla classe politica in cerca di voti. Devi porre la domanda a coloro che a livello imprenditoriale, hanno giocato di contro intuitività, diversificando il loro modo di vedere in maniera "infinita" come direbbe #SimonSinek Ho intervistato quindi l' A.D. e CEO di VoipVoice Approfondite, non appoggiatevi all'informazione superficiale https://www.infotainer.it/2020/07/03/smart-working-si-o-smart-working-no/
CHIAMA PER IL TUO PERCORSO FORMATIVO DI PUBLIC SPEAKING O PER IL TUO EVENTO AZIENDALE, ENTERTAINER ED EDUTAINEMENT #infotainer #leintervistedigianvito #smartworking #remoteworking #stupire #comunicare #educare #ecosostenibilità #risorseumane
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yfcsolution-blog · 5 years
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Boost your business with our #VOIP #Solution Visit www.yfcsolution.com for more details #voipbusiness #voipservices #voipforbusiness #business #profit #callcenter #voipvoice
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yeschanneltech · 5 years
Da rivenditore locale a distributore Mssp, Cips Informatica punta in alto
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/p3tQXr
Da rivenditore locale a distributore Mssp, Cips Informatica punta in alto
Da rivenditore locale a distributore italiano di prodotti hardware e software specializzato in sicurezza informatica e innovazione dei sistemi informativi con focus sul modello dei Servizi Gestiti.
Si sta parlando di Cips Informatica con sede a Città di Castello in provincia di Perugia, che ha di recente radunato il popolo dei suoi vendor e dei partner per l’edizione autunnale del Digital Channel Forum Vision 2020.
L’edizione primaverile si è svolta a Milano. Nel 2020, l’edizione del Digital Channel Forum si terrà a giugno a Milano.  In questa due giorni umbra, operatori del canale dell’Information Technology italiano, aziende partner e relatori d’eccezione che si sono confrontati sulle più importanti e innovative proposte per il canale in previsione dell’anno 2020.
Da rivenditore locale a distributore Mssp
Già a pochi giorni dal nuovo decennio, il distributore, capitanato da Mario Menichetti, Cio di Cips Informatica e da altri soci nonché Giovanni Zanasca, management consultant di Cips Informatica, ha invitato aziende partner, tra cui SolarWinds MSP, Netwrix, Lancom System, Sangfor, Hornetsecurity, Netalia, VoipVoice, 4Plays, 3CX, Aruba Enterprise.
Mario Menichetti
Queste società hanno parlato di: avvento dell’IoT, rivoluzione Cloud nella PA, sicurezza basata sull’IA, nuovi modelli di business per MSSP, nuove frontiere delle TLC, gestione del dato fuori dall’impresa, GDPR e sistema sanzionatorio.
Una corsa iniziata nel 1991, un background tecnico che parte dalla programmazione e dalla consulenza aziendale calate nei sistemi operativi che Menichetti definisce, arcaici, questa almeno era l’idea iniziale ma oggi il distributore è maturo a tal punto da fare scounting sulle nuove soluzioni da potare in Italia senza guardare il prezzo.
Da rivenditore locale a distributore Mssp
“Nel 2001 è iniziata l’attività di rivendita e nel 2004 la distribuzione di soluzioni che le aziende ci chiedevano ma non avevamo. L’idea era distribuire qualcosa di nuovo. Quando guardiamo alle aziende da portare in Italia – spiega Menichetti – guardiamo al go-to-market. Quando le aziende arrivano in Europa, i ragionamenti sono differenti a meno che non si stia ragionando con un vendor che arrivi con un carico di investimento notevole, a quel punto è necessario che si appoggi al distributore locale”, dice Menichetti.
Maurizio Taglioretti
Maurizio Taglioretti, Country Manager Italy, Portugal & Malta di Netwrix, infatti spiega: “E’ un rapporto che si crea con il partner e con Menichetti (cio di Cips Infromatica, ndr) abbiamo trovato il valore aggiunto. Io solo la prima persona europea certificata con Cips”, dice Taglioretti. “Il canale deve sviluppare competenze tecniche, non è possibile fare i tuttologi: bisogna sempre avere competenze di base. Se si vuole essere o diventare Msp, è vero che oggi le ‘regole’ sono più semplici ma il canale deve essere preparato e studiare”.
Da rivenditore locale a distributore Mssp
Taglioretti fa una precisazione su ciò che deve essere inteso come supporto e come installazione. Chi fa e che cosa? Spesso si tende a confondere le acque, proprio per mancanza di competenze e per necessità di avere margini. Netwrix nasce nel 2006 ma arriva in Italia nel 2015 con Taglioretti, il quale ricorda che grazie al Gdpr, l’azienda ha avuto un boom. C’è forte richiesta di Msp.
“Con i nostri partner e collaboratori in questi due giorni abbiamo condiviso argomentazioni importanti. In particolare, la sicurezza informatica declinata in termini di gestione e controllo. La progettazione di un sistema informatico ‘sicuro’ non può prescindere dall’attenzione alle possibilità di gestione dello stesso e la complessità di tipologie non prevede più una differenziazione tra scenari big company e smb. Le nuove tecnologie già presenti in alcune soluzioni strategiche (come machine learning e implementazione di reti neurali) che permettono di sfruttare i paradigmi dell’intelligenza artificiale, della gestione e del controllo; le implicazioni tecniche e normative, che sono alla base di una corretta valutazione delle soluzioni di sicurezza informatica e infine il paradigma Msp/Mssp, che estende l’offerta di servizi di gestione e controllo al mercato SMB”, afferma Menichetti.
Da rivenditore locale a distributore Mssp
Già, Mssp, dove la seconda ‘s’ sta per security. Zanasca, parte dalle origini, raccontando che Cips era un rivenditore locale, per poi arrivare a spiegare che questo, oggi, lo aiuta a capire come ‘muoversi’ nei confronti dei rivenditori italiani.
Giovanni Zanasca
“Il distributore deve guidare il business del rivenditore amico conducendolo sul servizio gestito. Il piccolo rivenditore italiano non ha la componente commerciale ma sono in grado di fornire servizi. Cips Informatica realizza corsi per questi rivenditori e spesso ci troviamo con piccole realtà che erogano servizi a ore, ma è sbagliato perché si devono abituare a contrattualizzare il servizio che si traduce in ‘vendita di tranquillità’. A differenza dei piccoli, il rivenditore medio è preparato a fare la contrattualistica, mentre il rivenditore piccolo è abile dal punto di vista tecnico ma non commerciale. Il concetto di Msp è digerito ma deve essere digerita la specializzazione”.
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koalatechnews · 6 years
VoipVoice crede nel futuro, nuova sede e assunzioni
ICYMI: http://dlvr.it/Qm7Q4R
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desymbol · 6 years
VoipVoice Headquarters / LDA.iMdA architetti associati
VoipVoice Headquarters / LDA.iMdA architetti associati
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© MEDULLA studio
Architects: LDA.iMdA architetti associati
Location: Via del Lavoro, 8, 50056 Montelupo Fiorentino FI, Italy
Project Year: 2018
Photographs: MEDULLA studio
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© MEDULLA studio
Text description provided by the architects. The VoipVoice project, born in the Empoli manufacturing region of the Florentine countryside, is part of a research program which aims to reactivate…
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impiantitel · 2 years
Connettività gratuita
Fino al 30 Aprire 2022 sarà possibile attivare Gratuitamente la connettività Dati FTTH/FTTC, e fino a 5 mensilità gratuite.Non perdere questa occasione.Per informazioni puoi contattarci a [email protected] Te lo consiglia Simone Terreni ma te la installiamo noi! #voipvoice #impiantitel
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netmater · 8 years
Certificazione VoipVoice per i telefoni digitali di Htek
Ci sono anche gli Ip phone della serie UC della cinese Htek nell’elenco delle soluzioni certificate da VoipVoice, provider VoIp business oriented con headquarter a Montelupo Fiorentino, una sede specifica per i corsi e i meeting a Prato, e una sede tecnica a Firenze, che si occupa di gestire la piattaforma fisicamente ubicata al MIX di via Caldera, a Milano.
Ottenuta la certificazione VoipVoice, gli apparati Voice Over Ip prodotti da Hanlong Technology, realtà fondata a Nanchino nel 2005, che sviluppa e vende in oltre 50 Paesi del mondo telefoni Ip, Ata e gateway per il mercato Small and medium business, risultano ora interoperabili con la piattaforma VoipVoice dai cui server, ogni mese, passano circa tre milioni e mezzo di telefonate su protocollo Internet. La partnership tra Htek e VoipVoice andrà ad arricchire il mercato delle Unified communication con nuovi prodotti di telefonia digitale.
Per spiegare i prodotti certificati e vederne nel dettaglio le possibilità di configurazione, è già in programma un webinar congiunto a fine febbraio, condotto da personale Htek. Previsto nel calendario dei seminari tecnici organizzati circa tre volte all’anno da VoipeVoice, anche il webinar Htek si focalizzerà sul provisioning dei telefoni proposti dal vendor e sarà rivolto a tecnici installatori, system integrator e partner del canale di VoipeVoice diffuso in tutta Italia.
Una roadmap per le Uc in continua evoluzione
Proprio a supporto di quest’ultimi, Simone Terreni, VoipVoice Managing Director, ha palesato l’intenzione di inserire in organico dieci nuovi area manager e servizi di connettività a 100 Mega. Obiettivo: accelerare sulle Ucc forti degli oltre 70 eventi all’anno organizzati su tutto il territorio nazionale, degli eventi formativi a distanza, e della partecipazione a Fiere e convegni. L’ultima, in ordine di tempo, è Accelerare in Curva, evento organizzato da Siseco e Inside Factory sui Contact Center prevista per giovedì 26 gennaio ad Arese (MI), presso il Museo Storico Alfa Romeo, volta a misurare l’attenzione su queste nuove tecnologie.
L'articolo Certificazione VoipVoice per i telefoni digitali di Htek è un contenuto originale di 01net.
from 01net http://ift.tt/2kc4iUc via IFTTT
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