#volcanic caldera art
boxturret · 5 months
George's 1/10th scale Mata Nui Tour
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This is a follow up to my previous post about a piece of concept art that depicts the island of Mata Nui as being 1/10th size it is officially listed as in most later maps.
I must first say that I was blown away with the positive reception that post received! I did see some concern that it was now too small, but I believe that's mainly down to how absolutely MASSIVE the final size is. A 90% reduction in size by no means makes Mata Nui small.
But I know not everyone has spent as much time obsessing over the size of Mata Nui as I have, so I decided to enlist everyone's favourite Ta-Koronan George to help illustrate how large this "small" Mata Nui really is.
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I scaled the image of Mata Nui so that it matches the measurements on the side, so it is roughly 35km long and 17km wide. I also made a simple height map to get the Mangai volcano the appropriate 2km high.
I started out with just some simple pegs at the locations of the villages to first illustrate the basic distances.
George here starts out at the location of the iconic beach from MNOG and the end of QFTT
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The beach is actually shockingly equidistant from most of the villages, Ta-Koro is closest at 2km, Ga-Koro is second closest at 6km, but the other 4 are all between 11 and 13km from the beach!
Here's a little animation to show the size of the pins, they're by no means small.
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They had to be this big to be visible at all, which just goes to show how large the island still is even at 1/10th scale.
I did several shots of George standing on the edge of the Mangai's caldera. I extracted the villages from Bionicle the Legend of Mata Nui and scaled them accordingly, placing each of them where the village should be. See if you can spot them!
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From the top of Mangai its 20km to the tiny islands at the very tip of Po-Wahi.
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And 13km to the end of the chain of islands in southern Le-Wahi
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The view of the Mangai volcano is quite impressive from the villages too. Even at this 2km height its still around 2/3rds the height of Mt Fuji or half the height of Mt Kilimanjaro.
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My heightmap could use more work, the Ihu mountain range isn't really apparent, I was mainly focused on getting the Mangai at the right height.
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Here's what it would look like if Onu-Koro wasn't underground.
I hope these visuals helped to show the size of the 1/10th scale Mata Nui. I really do feel it is more in line with what we see from most media and fits well with the story.
Even with this size there's one thing to remember: Raw size isn't everything. Terrain matters a lot. Its easy enough for someone now to walk a kilometre or two over straight paved roads, but considering that Mata Nui is a lush volcanic island, half the place is covered in a jungle full of massive trees and swamps, much of it is very hilly and steep, this isn't an easy place to get around in.
I'll leave you with two things: first is an old animation I made of a zoom out from Tahu on top of the full final scale Mata Nui:
This is the most I can really do with an island that scale, blender doesn't appreciate having a view distance in the hundreds of kilometres while also rendering something human scaled.
Second is a comparison between the island I've just shown you overlaid on top of the full scale.
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The whole island itself has a footprint roughly the same as the full scale Mangai volcano!
Hope you all enjoyed George's vacation photos. Good night and/or happy May :^)
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Slight addendum: A while ago I made this little sketch of what a view from the top of Ihu might look like, looking at all the regions. Just wanted to include it. good night
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I cannot say any of this with certainty, but I think the "Trials of the Dragonborn" was supposed to take place under the Greybeards supervision.
Its not clear if the Trials took place partially at the Greybeards Temple/High Hrothgar or a separate location (possibly at some sort of Volcanic Caldera), but all the concept art I'm seeing indicates the buildings associated with the trials are Nordic in origin.
The concept art has the dragon motifs cresting most of the buildings associated with both the Trial and the Greybeards. This directly aligns with the architectural motifs Adam Adamowicz created for the ancient Nords.
Presumably the "grab the horn of Jurgen Windcaller" quest replaced the Trials which got cut from the game.
Later on (frustratingly) the Sky Haven Temple concepts and its final design incorporated many of the architectural elements which had been conceived for the cut Trials portion of the game.
This leads to strong design and visual similarities between the early Nordic/Greybeards temple designs and the later Blades/Akaviri temple designs as can be glipsed through the concept art.
In summary, its a pain in the fucking ass to figure out which concept piece belongs to which major game location and its respective faction and culture.
I try my best folks, I really do.
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blueiscoool · 8 months
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2,000-Year-Old Roman Villa Discovered in Naples
A three-year project to build a children’s playground and recreation area south of the Italian city of Naples has unearthed the ruins of a 2,000-year-old clifftop beach house.
Built in the first century, the panoramic mansion — which overlooks the islands of Ischia and Procida — is now partly flooded by the sea. Experts believe it could have once been the opulent residence of Pliny the Elder, the legendary author, naturalist, and commander of the Roman navy fleet stationed there.
The discovery, made last week in the coastal town of Bacoli, unearthed the thick perimeter stone walls of 10 large rooms with floors, tiled walls and a maze of intact panoramic outdoor terraces.
Back in the first century, the mansion would have been located within the Roman port at Misenum, where for four centuries a fleet of 70 ships controlled the Tyrrhenian Sea, the security of which was key to holding the western flank of the Roman empire.
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“It is likely that the majestic villa had a 360-degree view of the gulf of Naples for strategic military purposes,” Simona Formola, lead archaeologist at Naples’ art heritage, said in an interview. “We think (the excavation of) deeper layers could reveal more rooms and even frescoes — potentially also precious findings.”
Authorities were surprised by the elaborate style of the walls, which were constructed with diamond-shaped tufa (limestone) blocks placed in a net-like ornamental pattern about 70 centimeters (27.5 inches) below ground.
The villa runs down to a little crumbling stone dock now located about four meters below sea level. That this — and other parts of the unearthed villa — are now underwater is due to the phenomenon of “negative bradyseism,” a term used to describe the gradual descent of the earth’s surface into the sea in areas exposed to frequent volcanic activity. (The area borders a moon-shaped “caldera” or extinct volcanic crater).
Digs will continue in coming months, with authorities hoping to shed further light on not only the form of the beach villa itself, but the broader life and structure of Misenum, one of the most important colonies in the Roman Empire.
“The discovery is even more exceptional given that we know very little (about) the port of Misenum,” said Formola.
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As well as acting as a lookout point, Pliny’s beach villa would have also likely been used for leisure. The private dock was where he would greet high-ranking guests arriving by sea for lavish parties. Many Ancient Romans used to flock to Bacoli and the surrounding area, to enjoy their vacation homes and the region’s thermal baths and spa retreats.
Bacoli is located within the so-called “Phlegraean Fields” (or “Fire Plains”), which are dotted with natural geysers and tiny active craters where there are still frequent earthquakes. Due to its blazes and sulphureous vapors, the ancients believed it to be the entrance to the underworld and had dubbed it “the Mouth of Hell.” Indeed it’s possible that Pliny the Elder would have witnessed the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79 from the villa. It is known he died trying to rescue those fleeing the calamity.
While archaeologists were reportedly surprised by the finding, local lore had long speculated on the existence of an underground treasure in this location. On the beach neighboring the newly-discovered villa walls, a large brick ruin had been dubbed the “talking wall” by local residents as, in their view, it proved the one-time existence of a large residence.
The site will now become an open-air museum, set to open in the coming weeks. “The ruins of the Roman villa will be cleaned and cordoned-off with wooden fences,” said Bacoli’s mayor Josi Gerardo Della Ragione. “They will be the core of this beautiful space which… our citizens and visitors will get to admire.”
By Silvia Marchetti.
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lantur · 1 year
I got home from Greece late on Monday night. Highlights of the rest of my trip,
Hiking 10 km along the caldera in Santorini, from Fira to Oia, enjoying views along the way. Eating an enormous waffle covered with Nutella, pralines, and almonds for brunch, along with a scoop of coffee-flavored ice cream, at a restaurant with a beautiful view of the ocean.
Seeing the ruins of the Cycladic Bronze Age settlement of Akrotiri on Santorini, as well as the accompanying museum with artifacts and wall art taken from Akrotiri. I love history.
Visiting the ruins on the sacred island of Delos.
Hiking to the top of an active volcano, Nea Kameni, near Santorini, and then visiting the thermal hot springs in the ocean nearby, sinking my feet into the soft volcanic mud.
Swimming, swimming, swimming, in cold, crystal-clear waters in Mykonos and Santorini. I had never swum in the ocean before and now it is one of my greatest joys.
GYROS! Fresh seafood! Fresh fruits eaten on the beach! The strawberries I ate there are the best strawberries I have ever had. I also ate a lot of gelato. So many good meals with so many amazing views of the ocean.
The trip was wonderful and it really helped with the healing process after all that I've been through in the last several months, especially in April and May. It helped a lot to - not replace the bad memories, because those will always be there, but to add new, beautiful and good memories, to layer on top of the bad memories, keeping them less fresh in my mind.
Horrible long travel day from Athens back to Minneapolis, featuring getting detained by immigration upon my arrival in DC. Two (white) immigration officials claimed that "I did not look like my passport photo" or driver's license photo. These two individuals openly said that they were not allowing me to pass immigration "because I looked different, because my nose looked bigger, than it did in the passport and driver's license photos." This was the most bizarre and upsetting thing. I was shocked. I've flown out of the country numerous times and never had any issue re-entering until Monday. I was taken to a room and made to wait with no explanation. I texted as many people as I could to let them know what was going on, until I was stopped from using my phone. I was so distraught and almost cried in the room. Finally, a sympathetic (Black) immigration official let me go. It was so scary and upsetting, especially because I was alone, and coming off a 10-hour flight. It really rattled me and now I feel nervous and hesitant to fly internationally again.
I've been stressed af since I got back home. Catching up on work, lack of good quality sleep thanks to jet lag, feeling tired and achy from all the walking and hiking I did on my trip, and anxious because of traveling for work again today. I'm writing this from my hotel room in Iowa, where I am for a work event. I'm traveling again to Denver next Friday/Saturday for work.
I haven't slept through the night through all of May and all of June so far due to stress/grief/trauma/anxiety - only on the few nights I've taken a sleeping aid pill. I'm really hoping I can stabilize my sleep and settle my life down a bit in July.
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forsakensnakeskin · 2 years
Venus & Satan
Connection with Satan/Lucifer
In the Book of Isaiah, chapter 14, the king of Babylon is condemned in a prophetic vision by the prophet Isaiah and is called הֵילֵל בֶּן-שָׁחַר (Helel ben Shachar, Hebrew for "shining one, son of the morning"), who is addressed as הילל בן שחר (Hêlêl ben Šāḥar), The title "Hêlêl ben Šāḥar" refers to the planet Venus as the morning star, and that is how the Hebrew word is usually interpreted.
This passage was the origin of the later belief that Satan was a fallen angel, who could also be referred to as "Lucifer".
However, the translation of הֵילֵל as "Lucifer" has been abandoned in modern English translations of Isaiah 14:12.
An association of Isaiah 14:12–18 with a personification of evil, called the devil, developed outside of mainstream Rabbinic Judaism in pseudepigrapha and Christian writings, particularly with the apocalypses.
The metaphor of the morning star that Isaiah 14:12 applied to a king of Babylon gave rise to the general use of the Latin word for "morning star", capitalized, as the original name of the devil before his fall from grace, linking Isaiah 14:12 with Luke 10 ("I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven") and interpreting the passage in Isaiah as an allegory of Satan's fall from heaven.
Venus is the third-brightest object in the sky and the most prominent planet.
The third smallest planet in the Solar System, Venus is a terrestrial planet and is sometimes called Earth's "sister planet" because of their similar size, mass, proximity to the Sun, and bulk composition.
Venus is shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid, preventing its surface from being seen from Earth in light.
Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere composed of 96.5% carbon dioxide, 3.5% nitrogen—both exist as supercritical fluids at the planet's surface—and traces of other gases including sulfur dioxide.
The ground shows evidence of extensive volcanism, and the sulfur in the atmosphere may indicate that there have been recent eruptions.
The absence of evidence of lava flow accompanying any of the visible calderas remains an enigma.
The planet is bright enough to be seen in broad daylight, but is more easily visible when the Sun is low on the horizon or setting. As an inferior planet, it always lies within about 47° of the Sun.
Venus "overtakes" Earth every 584 days as it orbits the Sun. As it does so, it changes from the "Evening Star", visible after sunset, to the "Morning Star", visible before sunrise.
As it orbits the Sun, Venus displays phases like those of the Moon in a telescopic view.
The pentagram of Venus is the path that Venus makes as observed from Earth.
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The pentagram of Venus. Earth is positioned at the centre of the diagram, and the curve represents the direction and distance of Venus as a function of time.
The pentagram of Venus is sometimes also referred to as the petals of Venus due to the path's visual similarity to a flower.
What color is Venus
To the naked eye, Venus appears as a white point of light brighter than any other planet or star (apart from the Sun).
If looking with human eyes, Venus is white and yellow with a reddish and brown surface. Scientists generally agree to describe Venus as white and yellow.
2022 Observation
Mornings: Jan 17-Aug 27
Evening: Dec 23-Dec 31
Faint or invisible: Jan 1-Jan 16; Aug 28-Dec 22
Domicile sign(s) Libra (diurnal) and Taurus (nocturnal)
Detriment sign(s) Aries (diurnal) and Scorpio (nocturnal)
Exaltation sign Pisces
Fall sign Virgo
Joy sign(s) Gemini, Cancer and Aquarius
Ruler of 2nd house
Rules over Friday
Associated with
The principles of harmony, beauty, refinement, affections, love,
the urge to sympathize and unite with others,
the desire for pleasure, comfort and ease
Governs romantic relations, sex (the origin of the words 'venery' and 'venereal'), marriage and business partnerships, the arts and fashion
To the world of antiquity, Venus/Copper stood as a personification of the divine feminine.
Venus/Copper was the planet/element that represented aspects of feminine beauty, love, lust, artistic creativity, affection, fertility, and balanced thinking.
In magic, Venus/Copper is used to promote love, sensuality, friendship, positive relationships, fruitful negations, and peace.
To the alchemist, Venus/Copper represents the love and compassion needed to become a well-rounded individual. It is the balanced psychological energy of Venus/Copper that allows the alchemist to evaluate experiences through one’s inner eye and bring those powerful insights into conscience awareness.
Dante Alighieri associated Venus with the liberal art of rhetoric.
The Venus symbol, ♀, consists of a circle with a small cross below it. It has been interpreted as a depiction of the hand-mirror of the goddess, which may also explain Venus's association with the planetary metal copper, as mirrors in antiquity were made of polished copper (alloy), though this is not certain.
In botany and biology, the symbol for Venus is used to represent the female sex, alongside the symbol for Mars representing the male sex, following a convention introduced by Linnaeus in the 1750s.
Arising from the biological convention, the symbol also came to be used in sociological contexts to represent women or femininity.
The discovery in the modern era that Venus was a distant world covered in impenetrable cloud cover gave science fiction writers free rein to speculate on conditions at its surface; all the more so when early observations showed that not only was it similar in size to Earth, it possessed a substantial atmosphere. Closer to the Sun than Earth, the planet was frequently depicted as warmer, but still habitable by humans. The genre reached its peak between the 1930s and 1950s, at a time when science had revealed some aspects of Venus, but not yet the harsh reality of its surface conditions.
Devotional Ideas
If you need or want to be subtle you can use Venusian aesthetic (images, models, color scheme) to represent Satan/Lucifer
Welcome the Morning/Evening Star when they become visible
Celebrate when the Morning Star switches to the Evening Star and vice versa
Learn more about Venus as a devotional act
Utilize planetary magic
Examine the interactions of Venus in your astrological birth chart
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carrion--comfort · 9 months
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A handful of random shots from NM!
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, which has the ruins of an Ancestral Pueblo population center
Bandelier National Monument in autumn, with more Ancestral Pueblo ruins
Me in front of a cloud bank sitting right on top of the Sandias
600-700 year old petroglyph of a Mexican macaw at Petroglyph National Monument
The red rock at Jemez Pueblo. I wish the camera could capture it better. It was really, truly red.
The 13 mile wide volcanic crater of Valles Caldera National Preserve
Me at Meow Wolf, an excellent interactive art installation in Santa Fe
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tjlnn22 · 1 year
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The year is 10357 ISC and for the first time in nearly five centuries, a colony burns. Caldera, a world once renowned for its idyllic cities and natural beauty from millennia of rampant volcanism, has been lost.
In less than thirty six hours the largest contingent of alien warships ever assembled swept over the world, easily pushing back even the massive defence force the Hexian Imperial Navy had mustered to stop them.
Battles were fought in orbit and on the ground, in each city and town as the rapid evacuation of civilians and garrisoned military personnel began. The efforts were admirable, but they weren’t enough.
Of the billion citizens that had once lived on Caldera’s surface, only a couple million at most had made it off in time, the routed Imperial Navy able to do nothing to stop the tide of the alien’s advance. Had it not been for the heroic efforts of one Admiral Theran Prowler and the vessels of the 3rd Fleet, it is almost certain that there would have been no survivors at all.
And so, here Theran stands along with his fellow Admiral and mentor Traxion Keitel, overseeing the departure of thousands of refugees in a vast hangar bay, before they catch a glimpse of Caldera through the viewports to the depths of space outside.
As they watch countless millions of they’re people doomed to die a horrible death, the two men feel the weight of the entire universe fall on their shoulders, and wonder what, if anything, can be done to stop it…
*This piece was illustrated by the amazingly talented artist @furixu on instagram and is based off of a chapter of the latest novel I’m working on. Thank you so much to the artist for her incredible work, I’m super happy with how it turned out!
*Disclaimer: all characters/story and art is owned by me, please do no repost*
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elamarth-calmagol · 2 years
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#for some reason i have nightmares about having ten books checked out that i'm supposed to be reading to give the librarian feedback
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Iceland, forgot which lake.
I tried to take these picture to show fellow drop-off-fearer @plaguedocboi the slope here, but you can't really see it. Also, it was only about 45 degrees, that's just a lot by my standards. Sinkholes are common where I live, but I guess they're easier to flatten out into a shallow lake than volcanic calderas are.
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The slope starts at my toes and continues at the sane grade.
See the full post
22 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
I just want to be able to breathe through my nose again. I want to be able to cuddle my ferrets. I want to go back to work on Monday. I'm beyond ready to be done with this.
Sad ferrets:
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26 notes - Posted July 15, 2022
Fun moment today: I was looking up older third gender pronouns (specifically ones coined in or before Tolkien's day) to use in a fic, and I ran into a problem. Several sites say that ae/aer was created in a 1920s science fiction novel, but all the sites I found ultimately traced their information back to a Psychology Today article that doesn't even provide a quote of how the pronoun was used in the book.
So, being slightly obsessive once I get an idea in my head, I borrowed the ebook version from my public library, opened it in a browser window, and searched "ae" until I found the definition of the pronoun.
(Surprisingly many words have the letter sequence "ae" in them.)
Here it is! A Voyage to Arcturus, by David Lindsey, first published 1920, ebook published 2012 by Duke Classics. And no, you can't make me write a formal citation.
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I'll add an image description when i get to my computer tomorrow, unless someone else wants to do it.
29 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Have we ever figured out why Orome was the one to discover that the Elves had awakened, not Namo (Mandos)?  There must have been plenty of dead Elves in the few thousand years they were awake before he found them.  Morgoth’s forces were already attacking them, and they literally had to learn how to hunt, forage, and make fires entirely by themselves.  Because of the Sleep of Yavannah, they wouldn’t have many food options and wouldn’t even have many animals that they could watch for ideas on what to eat.  And Tolkien says that they were a lot more like Men in those days, so they probably couldn’t survive for long periods of time without food or survive food poisoning.  So I can’t imagine a scenario where no elves had died yet.
Were their souls not going to Mandos?  Maybe Namo didn’t start calling for them until he knew they existed.  That makes it unfair that Tolkien says that Elves who stay in Middle Earth after their death are “marred” or evil.  (I mean, I think it’s unfair anyway, but even more unfair.)  Maybe once Namo became aware of Elves, those who had already died were allowed to go to him?  But I seem to remember Tolkien saying that Elves in those days really wanted to get away from Morgoth and wanted to go to Mandos to be safe.  So... when did that happen?
So were the souls of Elves going to Mandos, but Namo just didn’t tell anyone?  If any of the Valar would keep their mouths shut about that, it would be him.  But I’m not sure why he would want to keep that a secret.
Or maybe he just built his halls and then didn’t visit them again for thousands of years, and came back to find them full of Elvish souls who had no idea where they were, just that there wasn’t anything evil here.  Now that’s a scenario I’d like to read a fanfic about.  @galadhremmin maybe?
72 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
OK, so you guys know I’m not happy about the Amazon show, but I’m going to defend politically ambitious Elrond here.  People are saying that it doesn’t make sense because he was a healer and refused to be high king.  But that’s after the Last Alliance.  After Gil-Galad dies, and Elendil, and probably hundreds of people he knows.  After he established Imladris as a home for refugees.  After he experiences what it’s like to be second in command to the high king.  It’s called character development, y’all.  Let him have his politically ambitious phase.
130 notes - Posted February 14, 2022
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balsa-margarita · 2 years
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#just really really wants to be left alone but the damn order of souls and people looking for the damn shroudbreaker keep coming after her
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Something that the ATLA fandom sometimes overlooks is the fact that all of the Gaang, most of the major antagonists (Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee, as well as Zuko) and a large number of the side characters (all of the Freedom Fighters) are all child soldiers. Child soldiers who have in many cases committed morally reprehensible acts or fought for morally reprehensible causes.
And the impact of that - and the inherent darkness of anything that involves it - is extremely important to acknowledge.
127 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
If you make a post saying that "Zuko was a good person from the start," then that invalidates whatever argument you intend to base on that idea. Because it's just wrong.
144 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
I just had a very strange realization this morning about the Fire Nation capital - namely, it's built in a caldera. A huge caldera, of a size that suggests at least a VEI 5 eruption, and quite possibly bigger. (For reference, Krakatoa was a VEI 5.) We don't know how long ago this eruption occurred, but it has to have been long enough ago for a sizeable city to be built there - personally, I think it was probably in the pre-Avatar era.
Also, we see literal lava under the Fire Nation Royal Palace, so there's that. Like, lakes of it.
Which raises the question of... well, what the fuck? Someone had to have realized that building one's capital city on top of a highly active volcanic zone was a bad idea, right? Or is the Fire Nation just that foolhardy?
151 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Since there’s some “Azula gets exiled” AUs floating around here’s something tangential
Well... Azula doesn’t actually get exiled. She escapes before anything in particular can be done to her (other than imprisonment and general bad treatment) - and while she’s certainly angry about it, she also doesn’t really have the energy to care. Her main priority is escaping whatever fate the people who won the Hundred Year war were trying to create for her, and as such she lays low for a while, and quite frankly mellows out a bit. Eventually, after a year or two, she finds a home somewhere (not sure about the circumstances, perhaps with the Sun Warriors?) and settles down, still trying to work through what happened earlier in her life.
Meanwhile, the Gaang are constantly on edge - well, so are all the world’s politicians, and this causes problems. The fact that Azula ran off only makes everyone more harsh towards her, because they have no idea what she’s doing, and as such the common consensus among the White Lotus and the Gaang is that if she is found, she needs to be brought in immediately. And this turns into an echo chamber situation which no one has the nerve to step in and stop (after all, most of the reasonable people probably think she’s dead) and so things go on like this. Until a few of the Gaang run into her while on a trip to the Sun Warriors’ city for some reason or another, and immediately jump Azula and drag her back to the Fire Nation to be tried-
Which, as predicted, goes terribly. The Sun Warriors break into the diplomatic meetings, absolutely enraged at what they see as interfering in Azula’s healing (and the mention of “taking her bending” only increases the heat) and, facing a split with the original precursor civilization of the Fire Nation, Zuko puts everything on hold. This is long enough for various other things to happen, including Aang’s past lives giving him all the advice he should have gotten when he thinks to ask about Azula, and the Gaang quickly decide that they don’t have a choice to reconsider.
By this time, probably unsurprisingly, the Sun Warriors have taken things into their own hands and break Azula out themselves. And then she runs away from them in turn - leaving Zuko and the Gaang with a nasty diplomatic issue, and none of them with any idea what happened. At this point, having been hit in the face with a metaphorical nailbat, they all realize where things went wrong, and are more than willing to try to fix it.
This time, though, Azula has less than zero intention of allowing that. As far as she’s concerned, this whole situation has taught her one thing - as long as any of the people who won the war and made the decision to come after her are in power, she will never be safe. And she doesn’t return to the Sun Warriors, or anywhere else she thinks she can be found. 
And a little while later, the world starts to feel the effects.
(I’m not sure where it goes from here, or even what this idea is. But yeah.)
164 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Periodic reminder that taking an ATLA character's bending does not allow them to start over, and does not aid in their development as a person. As LoK shows, it is merely extremely traumatizing.
Suffering and erasure of the self does not equal redemption.
173 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
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talksthesuccess · 2 months
Best Places To Visit In Europe
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Best Places To Visit In Europe
Europe’s wealth of attractions is its heritage sites and the naturalness that these sites hold. There’s an enormous assortment and diversity such as the rugged Scottish Highlands with glens and lochs, the flower fields and hilltop villages of Provence, and the Adriatic coastline flecked with numerous islands. There are a great deal of sites and these sites are the reason for flaunting the immersive beauty of Europe and these are just the highlights.
It is impossible to omit the fact that Europe is encompassed by natural endowment, historical mystery, artistry, and culinary variety for visiting in every way breathtaking and remarkable.
Recently, it has been enlighted that the charm of the allure of Europe attracts people to witness its fascinating places. And this is becoming the reason for facing the effects of over-tourism in Europe which has an impact on local populations, services, and historic sites.
And the factual thing is that the fascinating beauty of Europe is the evidence of increasing tourism.
So, to embellish the sites of Europe. Here are some must-see places in Europe.
1) Venice, Italy 
Venice is a city of magic that appears to float on water. Here, one can see the optimistic view of snaking canals, elegant stone bridges, and picturesque domes drifting above the busy lagoon.
Venice’s peculiarities, which are uniquely Venetian, its Venetian Gothic architecture, and its timeless appeal, even though its pointed arches are easily identifiable.
2) Dubrovnik, Croatia
Dubrovnik, the fortified point located in the southern part of Croatia continues to be one of the primary tourist attractions along the Adriatic Sea. The potent combination of its splendid coastal setting, sense of living, and breathing history brings the popular idea of the medieval aesthetic on its head, all these spectaculars making it one of the most unique places to visit in Europe.
This awesome Eastern European city is not just famous for night-black Tudor beams or dark alleys, but it is also a 6th-century old town, whose shinning limestone flags appear to capture the light bouncing off of the glassy coastal waters as readily as the yacht hulls.
3) Santorini, Greece 
The island of Santorini is one of the treasures of Greek tourism. Gliding over the sea, its reddish cliffs appear as their tops are coated with a misshape snowfall. And when one comes closer to it, the MC Escher-like mixture of ice-white houses provides a breathtaking game of contrast.
Santorini, commonly known as Thira, is an island in the Cyclades group of islands, which also contains the hip Mykonos. The island was produced by a strong volcanic explosion. Photographs taken from above demonstrate how the caldera submerged under the waves, revealing just the uppermost portion, which is now adorned with opulent resorts and infinity pools.
This is one of the most diverse sites in Europe due to its architecture, Black sandy beaches, and amazing sceneries of the Aegean Sea.
4)  Rome, Italy 
Rome, the city of seven hills, and known for its beauty, art, music, and delicious food, and its long and interesting history makes it an ‘Eternal city’.
One must-see location in Rome is the Colosseum. It’s a massive outdoor stadium where, long ago, fearless fighters known as gladiators engaged in combat with wild animals in front of spectators. It provides us with a wealth of information about Roman society.
The Vatican City in Rome is another fascinating area. The Pope resides there, despite it being the tiniest spot on Earth. Some of the most exquisite structures are seen there, such as St. Peter’s Basilica, which appears to be reaching the sky!
Bottom Line 
Europe has its majestic and admirable looks, which are very popular all over the world. And yes, for sure the places hold the beauty of nature. Some must and best places to visit in Europe are here to indicate the delightful and gorgeous sites.
Read More:- Top 10 Ecotourism Destinations Around The World
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epostravel · 3 months
What Are The Things To Do in Santorini in 2024
Santorini, a jewel in the Aegean Sea, remains one of the most sought-after destinations worldwide. Known for its stunning sunsets, white-washed buildings, and vibrant culture, Santorini promises an unforgettable experience. In 2024, the island continues to offer many activities and sights that cater to all kinds of travelers. Here’s a detailed guide on the top things to do in Santorini this year. Marvel at the Caldera Views
The Caldera, a large volcanic crater formed by a massive eruption centuries ago, is a must-see. Visitors can witness breathtaking views from various vantage points across the island. The towns of Fira, Oia, and Imerovigli offer some of the best spots. Enjoy a leisurely walk along the cliffside paths, capturing panoramic views of the azure waters and the submerged volcano.
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Explore the Charming Village of Oia
Oia, located on the northern tip of Santorini, is renowned for its postcard-perfect scenery. Wander through narrow alleys with boutique shops, cafes, and art galleries. The village’s architecture blends traditional Cycladic and Venetian styles, creating a unique and picturesque ambiance. Don’t miss the chance to watch the sunset from Oia Castle—a truly magical experience.
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Visit the Ancient Ruins of Akrotiri
History enthusiasts will find the Akrotiri Archaeological Site fascinating. Often referred to as the "Pompeii of the Aegean," Akrotiri was a thriving Minoan city buried by a volcanic eruption around 1600 BC. The site is remarkably well-preserved, offering insights into ancient urban planning and Minoan culture. Guided tours are available, providing a deeper understanding and context of the ruins.
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Relax on the Unique Beaches
Santorini’s beaches are known for their distinctive volcanic sand. Red Beach, with its striking red cliffs, Perissa Beach, with its black sand, and Kamari Beach, with its lively atmosphere, are some of the top spots. These beaches offer a range of activities, including swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing. Beachside tavernas serve delicious Greek cuisine, allowing visitors to savor local flavors by the sea.
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Savor the Local Cuisine
Greek food is celebrated globally, and Santorini is no exception. The island’s cuisine features fresh seafood, locally grown produce, and traditional dishes such as fava me koukia (yellow split pea dip), tomato keftedes (tomato fritters), and fresh seafood. Pair your meals with a glass of Santorini’s famous Assyrtiko wine for a complete gastronomic experience. Many restaurants and tavernas also offer cooking classes for those interested in learning the secrets of Greek cooking. Take a Wine Tour
Santorini is home to some of Greece’s best wineries. The island’s volcanic soil gives its wines a unique character. Visit wineries such as Santo Wines, Gaia Winery, and Domaine Sigalas to sample exquisite wines and learn about the island’s viticulture. Wine tours often include tastings paired with local cheeses and meats, providing a comprehensive experience for wine enthusiasts. Sail Around the Island
A sailing trip around Santorini offers a different perspective of the island’s beauty. Various operators provide catamaran cruises, yacht charters, and traditional boat tours. These excursions often include stops at the Hot Springs, Thirassia Island, and the Red and White Beaches. Sunset cruises are particularly popular, offering a romantic way to end the day with the backdrop of a stunning Santorini sunset. Discover the Village of Pyrgos
Pyrgos, the former capital of Santorini, is a hidden gem. This village is perched on a hill and offers panoramic island views. Explore its medieval architecture, narrow streets, and historic churches. The Pyrgos Castle and the nearby Profitis Ilias Monastery are significant landmarks worth visiting. Pyrgos is also known for its charming cafes and traditional tavernas. Experience Santorini’s Nightlife Santorini’s nightlife is vibrant and varied. Fira, the island’s capital, is the epicenter of nightlife with numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants. Enjoy a cocktail at a rooftop bar overlooking the caldera or dance the night away at one of the lively nightclubs. Visit a local tavern with live Greek music for a more relaxed evening.
Go Hiking Hiking is a great way to explore Santorini’s natural beauty. The hike from Fira to Oia is one of the most popular trails, offering stunning views of the caldera and the Aegean Sea. The trail is about 10 kilometers long and takes approximately 3-5 hours. Other notable hikes include the Ancient Thera trail and the Mesa Vouno trek.
Visit the Santorini Volcano and Hot Springs A visit to the Santorini Volcano and Hot Springs is a unique experience. Take a boat trip to the volcano’s island, Nea Kameni, and hike up to the crater. The views from the top are spectacular. After the hike, relax in the hot springs of Palea Kameni, where the warm, sulfur-rich waters have therapeutic properties.
Q: What is the best time to visit Santorini?
A: The best time to visit Santorini is from late April to early November. The weather is warm, and most attractions and businesses are open. July and August are the peak tourist months, so consider visiting in May, June, September, or October for a more relaxed experience.
Q: How can I get around Santorini?
A: Santorini has a reliable bus system connecting significant towns and villages. Renting a car, ATV, or scooter is famous for exploring more remote areas. Taxis and private transfers are available but can be expensive.
Q: Are these hidden gems suitable for families?
A: Yes, many of these hidden gems are family-friendly. Villages like Pyrgos, Emporio, and Megalochori offer safe and enjoyable environments for children. While quieter, beaches such as Vlychada and Kolumbo are also suitable for families who prefer less crowded spots.
Q: Is it necessary to book tours, or can I explore these places alone?
A: While guided tours provide valuable insights and convenience, exploring these hidden gems independently is possible. Renting a vehicle allows you to visit these locations at your own pace.
Q: Are there any entrance fees for these sites?
A: Most villages and beaches are free to explore. Some attractions, such as the Ancient City of Thera and museums, may charge a small entrance fee. Always check in advance for any costs and opening hours.
Santorini in 2024 offers various activities and experiences that cater to all tastes. From historical sites and breathtaking views to vibrant nightlife and exquisite cuisine, the island promises an unforgettable vacation. Plan your trip to ensure you make the most of what this magical destination has to offer.
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bbumtravel · 3 months
Iconic Village on Santorini Island
Oia (pronounced ee-ah) is a charming village located on the northern tip of Santorini, a Greek island in the Aegean Sea. Known for its breathtaking sunsets, white-washed buildings, blue-domed churches, and stunning views of the caldera, Oia is a quintessential destination for travelers seeking beauty, romance, and Greek island charm.
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History and Architecture
Oia has a rich history dating back to the medieval Venetian era when it served as one of the island's major fortified settlements. Its architecture reflects a blend of Venetian and Cycladic styles:
Cave Houses: Traditional homes carved into the volcanic rock, often whitewashed with colorful accents and adorned with bougainvillea flowers.
Blue-Domed Churches: Iconic churches with distinctive blue domes that contrast against the whitewashed walls, creating a picturesque scene against the deep blue sky.
Caldera Views
Perched on cliffs overlooking the caldera, Oia offers some of the most spectacular views in Santorini:
Sunsets: Oia is renowned for its stunning sunsets, attracting visitors from around the world to witness the sun dip below the horizon, casting hues of orange, pink, and purple across the sky and sea.
Volcanic Landscape: The village's setting amidst volcanic cliffs and rugged terrain provides a dramatic backdrop for photography and exploration.
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Cultural and Artistic Hub
Oia has long been a hub for artists, writers, and creative individuals drawn to its inspiring setting and serene ambiance:
Art Galleries: Numerous galleries showcase local artwork, including paintings, sculptures, and ceramics inspired by the island's landscapes and traditions.
Craftsmanship: Visitors can explore workshops and boutiques offering handcrafted jewelry, textiles, and pottery crafted by local artisans.
Tourism and Hospitality
Oia welcomes visitors with a variety of amenities and attractions:
Boutique Hotels and Villas: The village offers luxurious accommodations in boutique hotels and private villas, many with panoramic views of the caldera and personalized service.
Dining and Cuisine: Restaurants and tavernas serve traditional Greek cuisine, seafood delicacies, and local wines, often enjoyed on terraces overlooking the sea.
Conservation and Preservation
Efforts are made to preserve Oia's architectural heritage and natural beauty while balancing tourism and sustainability. Local initiatives focus on preserving historic buildings, promoting responsible tourism practices, and maintaining the village's unique character.
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Oia epitomizes the allure of Santorini with its stunning vistas, Cycladic architecture, and cultural vibrancy. Whether exploring its narrow streets, admiring sunset views, or indulging in local cuisine, Oia offers a memorable experience that captures the essence of Greek island life. A visit to Oia promises romance, relaxation, and the opportunity to immerse oneself in the timeless beauty of Santorini's northern coast.
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europeas20 · 5 months
Holiday in the Cyclades: Exploring Paradise in Greece
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The Cyclades, a cluster of stunning Greek islands scattered like pearls in the Aegean Sea, offer an idyllic setting for an unforgettable holiday. From the iconic white-washed buildings adorned with vibrant blue domes to the crystal-clear waters lapping against golden sandy beaches, the Cyclades embody the essence of Greek charm and beauty. #CycladesVacay #IslandEscape #GreekGetaway #SunSoakedCyclades #BeachBliss #IslandHopping #CycladesAdventure #SeasideSerenity #ExploreCyclades #SunsetMagic Santorini, arguably the most famous of the Cyclades, is renowned for its breathtaking sunsets over the caldera, where hues of orange and pink paint the sky in a mesmerizing spectacle. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets of Fira and Oia, adorned with bougainvillea and quaint shops selling local crafts and delicacies. Don't miss the opportunity to sample Assyrtiko, the island's crisp white wine, and indulge in delectable seafood dishes at seaside tavernas.
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Mykonos, with its cosmopolitan atmosphere and lively nightlife, beckons travelers seeking excitement and luxury. The island's iconic windmills, charming Little Venice district, and pristine beaches such as Psarou and Paradise are perfect for both relaxation and revelry. Explore the maze-like streets of Mykonos Town, dotted with chic boutiques, art galleries, and trendy bars where you can dance the night away.
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For a more laid-back experience, head to the serene island of Paros, known for its traditional villages, stunning beaches, and rich history. Wander through the picturesque streets of Naoussa or Parikia, where whitewashed buildings adorned with bougainvillea create a postcard-perfect scene. Spend your days basking in the sun at Golden Beach or Kolymbithres, where turquoise waters beckon for a refreshing swim.
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Naxos, the largest island in the Cyclades, offers a diverse landscape of rugged mountains, fertile valleys, and pristine coastline. Explore ancient ruins such as the Temple of Apollo in Naxos Town or hike to the summit of Mount Zas for panoramic views of the Aegean.
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With its charming villages, secluded beaches like Agios Prokopios and Plaka, and authentic tavernas serving local specialties, Naxos is a haven for travelers seeking authenticity and tranquility.
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For those craving adventure, the rugged island of Milos boasts dramatic landscapes sculpted by volcanic activity, including stunning sea caves, colorful rock formations, and hidden coves. Explore the lunar-like terrain of Sarakiniko Beach, where white volcanic rocks contrast with the deep blue sea, or embark on a boat tour to discover secluded beaches and snorkeling spots.
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Whether you're seeking romance, adventure, or relaxation, a holiday in the Cyclades promises an unforgettable experience. With its timeless beauty, rich history, and warm hospitality, this enchanting archipelago invites travelers to immerse themselves in the magic of Greece's Aegean paradise.
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Car Rental You can find the best car rental prices at QEEQ.COM. QEEQ.COM serves road trip travellers from different countries by working with car rental companies all over the world. The company offers its customers the widest set of car rental options and always strives to offer the most competitive price. Read the full article
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conalnghing · 5 months
Ok map post 2 time
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Key: Red arrows: Prominent wind paths
Green lines: Major trading routes
Black dotted lines: Island group borders/divisions
The winds here are controlled by the God of the Skysea, but he seems to think that a southeast wind is the most efficient for whatever purpose. Thus, the most prominent wind here is towards the southeast.
This has affected the trade routes quite a lot, as sailing with the wind is much easier on a sailboat. There is a system of certain routes that appear during certain winds.
The islands are divided into 3 areas.
First, the compatitively arid Western Islands. The warm weather and the moderate humidity make this a breeding ground for all types of fish from most regions, and the temperature of the water being a good place for fields of coral to grow, further increasing the amount of fish.
They mainly supply dried and fresh fish and unrefined coral for jewellry making. Here, demand for wood from the south and east is high, as the boats are never enough here.
Second, the fertile Northern Islands. Located on a fault line, earthquakes and volcano eruptions are commonplace here. As a result, the ash and dust in the soil has made it very fertile, and is a main export of the islands apart from fruit, vegetables and wood. Demand for stone and jewellry is high here, as the rich farmers here have a tradition of decorating their houses near the port and their bodies to welcome traders who have arrived, showing off their wealth and the high quality crops that made them the money.
Third, the humid, rocky Southern Islands. A long time ago, this was the volcanic hotspot of the area, before moving northward to the Northern Islands. as a result, many ancient volcanic islands still exist, although the iconic calderas and volcanic lakes have long since been filled in by sediment by the tides.
The islands here are made of pure volcanic rock, which is just as valuable as Northern Island soil in terms of fertility. Crushed rock from here is brought to areas where the soil is too acidic to grow staple crops.
The area mainly produces statues, carvings, jewellry and all sorts of carved art, and exports volcanic materials such as volcanic rock, pumice, flint and obsidian. Food, soil and wood are in demand here, as soil is hard to come by here.
next time i'll talk about the cultural regions of the Islands, and some weird regional inconsistencies!!
@dezerex this is the actual map post!!
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cagemasterfantasy · 6 months
Dnd Monsters explained: Azer
Natives of the Elemental Plane of Fire Azers are master crafters expert miners and sworn foes of the Efreeti. In appearance and manner an Azer resembles a male dwarf but this is a facade. Beneath its metallic looking skin an Azer is a being of fire which outwardly manifests in its fiery hair and beard.
Azers don't reproduce. They are each crafted from bronze by another Azer and imbued with a portion of the crafter's inner flame. Each Azer is sculpted with unique features. This crafting process limits the growth of the Azer population and is the primary reason that these creatures remain rare.
Azers dwell in a kingdom on the border between the Elemental Plane of Earth and the Elemental Plane of Fire a range of mountains and volcanoes whose spires rise as a series of fortresses. Beneath mountain peaks under volcanic calderas and amid rivers of magma Azers extract gleaming metals and glittering gems from the earth. Squads of Azer patrol the passes and tunnels of their realm fending off the Salamander raiders whose Efreeti masters order strikes against the Azer kingdom.
Long ago the Efreeti and the Azers were allies. Azers helped create the City of Brass forging that home of the Efreeti into 1 of the most wondrous places in creation. When the Azers had a failed attempt finished their work the Efreeti betrayed them making a failed attempt to enslave the Azers so as to protect the secrets of the city. Despite occasional raids and skirmishes however the 2 sides have so far refrained from all out conflict. The Azers believe that only the threat of them revealing the hidden ways into the City of Brass keeps the Efreeti in check.
Azers are masterful artisans and create beautiful works from the gems and precious metals found in their volcanic habitat. They rate the value of such treasures above all other things sometimes dispatching parties across all planes to seek out rare metals and gemstones.
When Azers are called to the Material Plane it is typically to forge an elaborate magic item or work of art for it is said that their skill in such craft knows no equal.
An Azer doesn't require Food drink or sleep
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yashvitours · 8 months
What are the Best Honeymoon Destinations in Europe?
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Are you looking for the perfect destination to celebrate your love and start your new life together? If yes, then Europe is the place for you. Europe is a continent full of romance, history, culture, and natural beauty. Whether you want to stroll along the charming streets of Paris, cruise along the stunning Amalfi Coast, or watch the sunset over the breathtaking Santorini, Europe has something for every couple.
In this blog, we will share with you some of the best honeymoon destinations in Europe that will make your trip unforgettable. We will also give you some tips on how to plan your dream honeymoon with Yashvi Tours and Travels, the leading travel agency in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, that offers customized packages for domestic and international trips
Best Honeymoon Destinations in Europe
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Europe is a diverse and fascinating continent with hundreds of amazing places to visit. However, some of them stand out as the most romantic and ideal for honeymooners. Here are some of our top picks:
Santorini, Greece:
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Santorini is one of the most popular and beautiful islands in Greece, and for a good reason. Its whitewashed houses, blue-domed churches, and colorful flowers contrast with the azure Aegean Sea and the volcanic cliffs. Santorini is a paradise for couples who want to enjoy the sun, the sea, and the spectacular views. You can relax on the black, red, or white sandy beaches, explore the ancient ruins of Akrotiri, or visit the charming villages of Oia and Fira. Don’t miss the chance to witness the magical sunset from the caldera, one of the most romantic experiences in the world.
Amalfi Coast, Italy:
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The Amalfi Coast is a stretch of coastline in southern Italy that boasts some of the most scenic and picturesque towns in Europe. The Amalfi Coast is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it’s easy to see why. The colorful houses, the lemon groves, the rocky cliffs, and the turquoise sea create a stunning landscape that will take your breath away. You can visit the famous towns of Positano, Amalfi, and Ravello, each with its own charm and character. You can also take a boat trip to the glamorous island of Capri, where you can explore the Blue Grotto, a natural cave with a mesmerizing blue light.
Paris, France:
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Paris is the ultimate destination for romance, and it’s no wonder that many couples choose it for their honeymoon. Paris is a city of art, culture, fashion, and gastronomy, and it offers endless attractions and activities for lovers. You can admire the iconic Eiffel Tower, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Louvre Museum, or explore the charming neighborhoods of Montmartre, the Latin Quarter, and the Marais. You can also enjoy a cruise along the Seine River, a picnic at the Champ de Mars, or a dinner at a cozy bistro. Paris is a city that will make you fall in love all over again.
Hvar, Croatia:
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Hvar is a stunning island in the Adriatic Sea, and one of the best honeymoon destinations in Europe. Hvar is known for its sunny weather, lavender fields, olive groves, and vineyards. Hvar is also a hotspot for nightlife, with many bars, clubs, and restaurants to choose from. You can enjoy the best of both worlds: relaxation and fun. You can lounge on the pristine beaches, swim in the crystal-clear water, or visit the historic town of Hvar, where you can see the medieval fortress, the cathedral, and the main square. You can also take a day trip to the nearby Pakleni Islands, a group of small islands with secluded coves and hidden beaches.
Florence, Italy:
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Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance, and one of the most beautiful and cultural cities in Europe. Florence is a treasure trove of art, architecture, and history, and it will enchant you with its charm and elegance. You can marvel at the magnificent Duomo, the Uffizi Gallery, and the Ponte Vecchio, or stroll along the Arno River and the Piazza della Signoria. You can also enjoy the delicious Tuscan cuisine, the fine wine, and the gelato. Florence is a city that will inspire you and make you feel alive.
How to Plan Your Dream Honeymoon with Yashvi Tours and Travels?
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If you are ready to embark on your dream honeymoon to Europe, you need a reliable and experienced travel partner to help you with all the details. That’s where Yashvi Tours and Travels comes in. We are a leading travel agency in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, that offers customized packages for domestic and international trips. We have been in the business for over 8 years, and we have a team of expert agents who will take care of everything for you.
With Yashvi Tours and Travels, you can enjoy the following benefits:
• Customized Packages: We will design a package that suits your preferences, budget, and duration. You can choose the destinations, the hotels, the activities, and the meals that you want. We will also provide you with visa services, air ticket bookings, hotel reservations, and 24×7 customer support.
• Comfort and Adventure: We will make sure that you have a comfortable and hassle-free trip, with all the amenities and facilities that you need. We will also provide you with opportunities to experience the best of Europe, with guided tours, excursions, and adventure activities. You will have the best of both worlds: comfort and adventure.
• Value for Money: We will offer you the best deals and discounts for your trip, without compromising on the quality and service. We will also provide you with flexible payment options and easy cancellation policies. You will get the best value for your money.
So, what are you waiting for? Book your dream honeymoon to Europe today and get ready to discover the world with us. Follow us on Instagram to get the latest updates on our offers, destinations, and testimonials. And don’t forget to tag us in your photos and stories with #yashvitoursandtravels to get featured on our page.
Bonus Tip: Consider the time of year when planning your honeymoon. Europe offers distinct experiences in each season. Spring brings wildflowers and pleasant weather, summer beckons with sunshine and beaches, autumn paints the landscapes in gold, and winter transforms Europe into a wonderland.
Article Source : https://www.yashvitours.com/what-are-the-best-honeymoon-destinations-in-europe/
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