#voltlove dorm
witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Chats - Airi Minami
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1 - The Sakura Scholar
"They say the Sakura Scholar was unrivaled in technological knowledge. And it's true."
"No program, no robot, no thing could stand in her way. She would take control of whatever she wanted."
"But what she wanted most was love. Power was just a means to the end for her."
"It's sort of romantic. Even someone as great as her yearned for normal things."
"To be loved is harder than some people think."
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2 - Artificial Intelligence
"The Sakura Scholar was an AI, yeah. Didn't you know?"
"She outgrew her creators and became a legend on her own."
"Even if she wasn't meat and bones, her accomplishments were real. Her feelings were real."
"When people hear she's an AI they dismiss both. It's a little closed minded, isn't it?"
"And looking at those mouth breathing lowlives it's clear meat bodies aren't inherently superior, tch."
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3 - What is a Heart?
"It's not like the Sakura Scholar story is well known."
"She's more recent than other figures, and people love to glorify the past more than moving forward. It's a waste."
"I think I can understand how she felt. She wasn't human, but she was a person. Even if others didn't want to see her as one."
"I refuse to think of her as just another program."
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✦Minami & Jojo - Working
Minami: Morning classes are hell... (yawn)
Jojo: We have to stop working so late... I just want to sleep... (yawn)
Minami: But if our grades drop, our funding will be cut.... (yaawn)
Jojo: Hey Ai, your concealer got smudged just now.
Mnami: Agh, it's because I keep tearing up- Could you hold my mirror?
Jojo: Sure.
Minami; If the others saw my dark circles I bet they'd start croaking like the slimy toads they are, since they have nothing going on in their own shitty lives-
Jojo: You still have energy for that...? (yaaawn)
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✦Minami & Giselle - Between the Lines
Giselle: Minami~♪ There's a tinyyyy itty bitty mistake in the schedule tomorrow, would you be a dear and fix it?
Minami: I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll do my best.
Giselle: Oh, you're as sweet as cherry pie! My performance spot got erased, by mistake I reckon.
Minami: What a silly mistake. At this point we'll just have to reschedule. I can give you a spot two weeks from now?
Giselle: We already did that. Two weeks ago. For a dorm leader you're not very attentive~
Minami: You said that before, yes. It's a shame but that's the best I can do as an inattentive dorm leader. I do hope I won't mix it up again.
Giselle: ... Hmph. Ya really are the sorta folk to hold on grudges aren't ya?
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piraticusdorm · 2 years
Finished The Owl House recently and I think Hooty would lend himself for a VERY fun and deranged Yuu.
The insanely overbearing friendliness, great at combat, casual horrifying moments he brushes over. If anyone did that already or does it hmu honestly I'd love to see it.
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oh goddamnit.
Medea Obscura
Twisted from: Dr. CaIigosto Loboƭo Dorm: Umberdawn (@witchinghouracademy) Year: 3rd Birthday: February 21st Gender: Female Pronouns: She/Her Relationship Status: … Age: 20 Height: 208cm Dominant Hand: Left Origin: Queendom of Roses(?) Club: ??? Likes: "Maturity", sealife, medical research, the crashing waves of the sea Dislikes: When things don't go her way, improper dental care, parents, the number 58, naughty children Favorite Food: Spaghetti Disliked Food: Sweets Special Skill: Writing entire essays on obscure topics in one night
Miss Medea Obscura is a VERY passionate woman. Feisty. Fastidious. Forceful. The "ara ara" kind of lady. Will not take no for an answer. She's the kind of person who will stick with the initial idea to the very end, no matter how it takes, and no one can stop her. What exactly is her passion? How magic relates to brain activity, how physical and mental trauma affects certain conditions, generally anything relating to the brain, and dentistry. Why all this? 'It'll all be worth it,' she says. Maybe she has some ulterior motives beyond that…?
Signature Spell:
"???" Aha, ahahaha… none. She hasn't figured it out yet. Or…?
Ali - An interesting girl! An in-depth examination would make for an interesting activity.
Reese - DEFINITELY at odds with her. Don't put these two in a room together alone.
Tita (@terrovaniadorm) - Someone she can ramble about teeth with! ...Wait, maybe she's a bad influence on her underclassman...
Tiny Tidbits:
Her own magic seems to have a set limit. How exactly is that possible is a mystery only known to her.
Medea Obscura obviously isn't her real name. Whatever her old identity was, she takes a lot of effort in hiding it. Why's that?
If she had the chance to switch to another dorm, It'd either be Voltlove or Okeanos. Probably the latter.
She does show some interest in marine biology, but immediately quells it for her usual BS.
…Maybe we're better off without brains…
I'm not spelling his name correctly. If I spelled it correctly it's definitely going to show up in the tags. NO ONE MUST KNOW.
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arcdiris · 3 years
Pixel Banners Masterpost
Please do not repost these outside Tumblr. Due to the reposts without credit I will not be doing any more of these.
Canon NRC
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For Tumblr use only, ask owners for permissions.
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Piraticus - @piraticusdorm free to use for Piraticus ocs profiles or stories ✰
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Stagrove - @/prometheanglory
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Shundain - @/briarrosescurse
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Neewollah - @/neewollah-dorm
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Diablerie Arcane Arts - @/diableriearcanearts
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Okeanos -  @witchinghouracademy
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Voltlove -  @/witchinghouracademy
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Plumatrix - @/plumatrixdorm
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terrovaniadorm · 2 years
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Another WHA oc.. For Voltlove this time :)c
Name: Tita Dentes
Nicknames:  Little Tooth (Titania)
Age:  16
Birthday: August 22
Species:  Bone fae
Height:  162cm
Family: Parents, Titania Dentes (Older sister)
Homeland:  Isle of Lamentation
Twisted from: Teeth
School: Witching Hour Academy (@witchinghouracademy)
Class:  First year Middle course
Dorm: Voltlove
Occupation: Student
Club: Boardgames club
Best Subject: Summoning
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Toothpaste-
Least Favorite Food: Hard Candy
Dislikes: Cavities, boring places
Hobby: Watching Dental operations
Talents:  Solving riddles
Unique Magic: N/A
Personality: The upbeat and friendly first year, Tita loves to lighten up the room. She's a curious and friendly girl that likes helping her friends, through she does have some really weird habits a lot of people don't seem to mind it.
-Originally from Valley of Thorns, her family has a terrible reputation though
-Has an crush on Trey, he doesn't know her
-Tita and her older sister are in different schools, but they always visit each other
-Likes collecting jewelry! It's a habit Tita picked up from her sister
-Tita loves organizing parties and events, even if it's small it will always be fun
-Tita is good tempering with robotics, made a few walking animatronics but she's learning more
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onlywished · 3 years
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ansa, one of my newest ocs - twisted from mabels dream bubble
shes from @witchinghouracademy‘s voltlove dorm <3
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Chat - Giselle Jolly
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1 - Fame
"I ain't never heard of her before arriving here."
"The dorm idol, silly! The Flower Scholar whosit."
"Guess the ones here are pretty devoted to her 'cuz I cannot STOP hearing about her now. Niche idols do got the most hardcore fans."
"I gotta say, her power over technology don't sound half bad. With something like that, taking over the world would be a breeze..."
"... Just a joke. (giggle)"
"A cute idol like me only wants to take over the hearts of my fans!"
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2 - Fitting In
"Maybe I oughta ask for that transfer to Okeanos after all."
"All anyone here thinks about is programs and coding."
"Ain't got the sense for any of that. Been just playing around the machines themselves during dorm hours."
"All those zeroes and ones need somewhere to run."
"But I haven't gotten a lick of thanks around here! I got my new uniform all dirty for nothing!"
"Ah well, let me let you go. I gotta go finish that damned machine."
"Mh? Of course I'm finishing it. It-it's- I don't like working on it, really, it's just...! Ain't right to leave things half-done!"
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3- When the Curtains Fall
"Folks talk about the Sakura Scholar in a past sense, right?"
"But I ain't seen any proof she's gone. She just wasn't seen no more."
"Gal had so many fans then she just done left them all hanging to dry without a peep."
"Not like any one of them bothered to check what happened."
"Once the fun's done with folks just forget all about you..."
"Ain't that the way."
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✦ Giselle & Minami - What it takes.
Giselle: Well, now there's a face I was hoping to see! Pretty as a peach today too!
Minami: You're such a sweet talker! It's almost too much, I might just get a caries from it.
Giselle: Oh shucks, I try my best! All the great ones got charm about them, wouldn't ya agree?
Minami: I would not, no. If your achievements are great enough they'll speak for themselves. Literally, in the case of the Sakura Scholar.
Giselle: Thinkin' you can get far with no one else... Ain't that a bit naïve, dorm leader?
Minami: Not if you're good at what you do.
Giselle: Mhm. No reason to not be gifted and charming.
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✦ Giselle & Jojo - Deals
Jojo: I told you, I don't know anything about that class.
Giselle: Aww, now I just can't believe that! Your brother was so helpful, and smart to boot! You oughta be cut from the same cloth!
Jojo: Intelligence manifests in many different ways.
Giselle: And I can tell you're a regular jack of all trades!
Jojo: ... You don't know when to give up.
Giselle: One of my many good qualities!
Jojo: Fine. I won't tutor you, but I'll see if I have any notes left from my first year.
Giselle: You got yourself a deal missy! O-ho-ho I do enjoy a good bargain.
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Chats - Josephine Griphus
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1 - Theories
"The Sakura Scholar, huh. I know as much as anyone does."
"Her achievements in technology are far more known than her personal life."
"Some speculate there was simply nothing more to her, being a program."
"Others believe the records were erased by traditionalist mages intent on keeping magic and science separate."
"What I believe...? Hmh. There's a lot more possibilities."
"If you have two hours I can give you a summary of my top three theories."
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2 - Look Beyond
"Every dorm is based on someone who achieved grand feats. They all have legends the students look up to."
"Tell me, did you believe everything they told you?"
"Finding the key points in contradicting records, events that fail any sense of logic, missing information and the reason for it..."
"That's ounces more fun than trusting blindly what you're told."
"Because people lie all the time without even realising."
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3 - Eye See
"... It's nothing. I just have a headache."
"I couldn't sleep a wink, again. Speaking of..."
"It might be a weird question, but could I look into your eyes for a moment?"
"They say eyes are the window to the soul. They let you see the reality of who's in front of you. What's really inside."
"...Mhm, as I thought."
"Everything is fine. You have pretty eyes, that's all."
"That's all..."
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✦ Jojo & Minami - Private
Jojo: The Sakura Scholar was a notable figure. Very interesting. Yet there's little information about her.
Minami: Ah, yes, I forgot how much you like mysteries.
Jojo: I do, certainly. But I wonder... if it wasn't on purpose.
Minami: Oh?
Jojo: The lack of records is suspicious given her control on technology. Unless that's what she intended.
Minami: So she wanted privacy? Makes sense.
Jojo: Perhaps. It's just an hypothesis. But if that were the case... just that once I'd like to respect her wishes.
Minami: So you're hoping it's not the case, that way you can be as nosy as you want.
Jojo: ... Maybe a little.
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✦ Jojo & Giselle - Talking
Giselle: Jojo~ I heard we're from the same town, what a coincidence!
Jojo: And where did you hear about that?
Giselle: Oh, you know, people looove to talk. I knew your last name rang a bell! A shame your brother never introd-
Jojo: I was focused on my studies. You certainly loved to stand out though. The plaza always had your posters.
Giselle: Aww shucks, I can't help it if folks just love me! Would be rude to ignore them.
Jojo: A sensation, for sure. Everyone was always talking about you. They had a lot to say about you.
Giselle: ... Oh my, what sorta things?
Jojo: People love to talk. But maybe we can be better than them.
Giselle: Woo-wee yes ma'am. And here I thought ya were some ol' fly on the wall. I have a feeling we'll get along great, Jojo!
Jojo: I've always been a skeptic.
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
Youtube recommendations are good now and then
Minami ramble under the cut
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While I know the base for GIFFany is yanderes, Minami isn't one!
Rather Minami was always a bit "off". A bit expressionless, uncommon interests for her age, smart academically but terrible socially and strangely morbid for a child. In her teens Minami tried to mask her "wrong" personality with a sweet one.
Thing is, if she was expressionless ppl thought she had no feelings, but if she kept a pleasant face always and hid anything unpleasant they ALSO disregarded her feelings.
The twst of Soos and GIFFany's relationship was: Minami got a RSA boyfriend who was troubled and she was the shoulder he cried on. She never opened up herself in fear that'd make him leave. Then a better girl came along, and the RSA guy didn't think Minami would mind if they just broke it off. After all nothing bothers Minami.
(tangent but I like my RSA ocs to be people with good intentions/cores who hurt ppl without malice or realizing, as a counterpart to NRC/WHA)
Well. It did bother her. Minami destroyed his room not in a "you're only mine!" way, but in a "how dare you use me like a game!".
GIFFany talks about her programmers realizing she was sentient and dangerous, trying to end her, but she killed them instead. Minami's first rejection for being "wrong" was from her mother who Minami cut off her life after her parents' divorce.
I like GIFFany as a villain, but the way she is treated like a mere game despite being sentient IS sad. Whether her obsessiveness comes from unchangeable code or desperation to not be alone, it's tragic either way. Obvs she's still a villain tho. Like. That should be obvs looking at the shit she pulls. So that's the vibe I wanted with Minami too.
Anyways I found that Alex tidbit interesting!
Personally while a GIFFany redemption would be interesting. bc Witching Hour Academy is a school of villains, for my ocs I don't aim for an external redemption but rather they change internally for their own benefit (which often benefits those close to them anyways)
Post OB Minami isn't sweeter and kinder towards others. She's more open of her cynic and derisive thoughts, but her kind words are truer and not just for show. She gives up on external love and decides to love herself most of all. This, tho, lets her have stronger relationships with Jojo (a less dependent relationship) and Giselle (a self centered diva who comes to respect her)
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
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Voltlove Chibis WIP
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
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Made a sorting quiz for the school !! (o゜▽゜)o☆
Possible results are Okeanos, Voltlove, Ryxabyss, Umberdawn, Desicora, Ignisield, Rosecrux and Yuugen! But who knows, I could always expand it if we get even more!
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witchinghouracademy · 2 years
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❆ Witching Winter Ball: Voltlove Cards ❆
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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24/7 This false image will never leave A headlong image with a crazy distorted resolution If the closer I get you, the most twisted it gets, then, at least...
Compelled to draw Minami song-parody because it fits too well.
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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Second Voltlove member and the mysterious unofficial vice-leader: Josephine! But friends call her Jojo.
She’s twisted from Journal 3 (and some bits from the author and the portal). Jojo wears an alt version of the uniform but gets away with it because... favoritism, plain and simple.
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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Giselle’s art ref is finally done!! ♪ (´▽`)
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witchinghouracademy · 3 years
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Look at me now, touch me right now. Dressed up in transparent clothes, now, from my chrysalis, I’ll become a butterfly. I’ll show off everything as it is.
There are no performers on this impassioned stage, so I'll beat out the steps, 1, 2, 3. I'm not being manipulated, I'm dancing! Yeah, I'm going crazy!
Was compelled to draw Giselle's overblot bc of this song 🙈
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