#voltron legendary defendary season 6 spoilers
kitsune-ryu-neko · 6 years
Voltron Season 6 Thoughts
OH BOY. FINALLY. Also, I may or may not have forgotten everything from season 5.... I do know that I wanted to see more of Earth and possibly the Garrison and see what they are up to but that didn’t happen sooo...here’s to hoping season 6 has that covered?
Episode 1: Omega Shield - Jealous Lance? - Lotor is less than enthused to see this person... XD - I LOVE THE FACIAL EXPRESSIONS HERE XD So nanny, huh? I agree with Lance. Seriously funny. Also Lotor’s expression is giving me serious anime vibes.  - I love the idea that Hunk is gonna learn more about the Galra. That’s totally not gonna come back at aaaaalllllllllll - Oh boy. Lotor is making some enemies. I didn’t think Sendak would be as big a threat as he is? - Something is happening to Not!Shiro. what are we calling him? Kuron?  - It’s Haggar. of course it would be. THIS MEANS WE GET THE CLONE REVEAL THIS SEASON RIGHT??? ITS BEEN LIKE FOUR SEASONS NOW - well Hunk’s Galra knowledge was needed sooner than I expected... - AN UPGRADE!!! FUCK YEAH! - Ok so Haggar found that place...great... - Lance NO! - Hunk is a great leader ~ - Oooohhh lots of stuff happened this episode! Allurance? Kuron and Haggar. Leader Hunk. and Haggar returning to Altean form???
Episode 2: Razor’s Edge - WAIT we left off here?!?!? - WHOA MAJOR LOTURA MOMENT THERE - Lotura vs. Allurance GO! - Well I have no idea what happened but that was really sweet of Krolia to protect Keith. - A FLASHBACK??? - And then...a very creepy Shiro... why? I understand the family flashback but not the one for Shiro... - It was Time....so that has to have been a future glimpse to Shiro - “beautiful, flowing white alien hair”  - Pidge and Hunk are so mean sometimes XD - There is no freaking way Earth didn’t detect all of that - Oh boy this is a convenient way to see flashbacks... Plus it’s kinda fun.  - Huh...so they had that mission....wonder what happened to make her leave - Lance is so sweet - ok Keith’s dad’s outfit looks a lot like Shiro’s... - Ok ..I mean...cOME ON...the Galaxy Garrison HAS to know something by now!!!! How could they not??? THERE IS AN ALIEN FIGHT LIKE A HOP, SKIP, AND A JUMP AWAY!!!! - This has to be why they sent Shiro and them on that mission....or at least related to why - Figures thats why she left. Also, BABY KEITH IS SO FRIGGING CUTE - WHOA THAT WOLF CREATURE IS ADORABLE TOO - TINY KEITH!!! THIS IS PROBABLY ONE OF THE BEST EPISODES SO FAR BECAUSE WE GET CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT PLUS ANSWERS!!! - Dear lord how long have they been living on this thing? - it’S BEEN WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!? - THE MICE ARE SNITCHING!!! NEVER TRUST THEM - I LOVE THAT THEY KEPT THE ALIEN WOLF DOG - UUUHHHhhhhhh that place looks a lot like the hologram room of Altea...just sayin... - Altean?! ....Altean....... < . < Altean - WHAT A GREAT FRIGGING EPISODE OMFG
Episode 3: Monsters and Mana - ...is this gonna be the roleplaying D&D episode? - I’m like ten minutes in. Coran is the innkeeper. Shiro is the hooded figure in the corner that overhears everything and gives out info. And his backstory is hilarious. It’s so overly dramatic XD - “HEY WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOIN’?!?!?!” - “Sounds like you’re too busy to help us with this wizard” XD - “Shiro’s DEAD!” < . <  - Lance is a ninja cat....of course he is!  - Way to call back to the first episode. “Maybe you just have to knock” - OMFG SHIRO DIED AGAIN!!! XD - CORAN IS THE VILLAIN. I should have known with that look he gave them earlier - I can’t take Shiro (Kuron?) seriously anymore. i cant XD
Episode 4: The Colony - revealed evil instincts huh? - ok i think something is gonna happen to allura, and keith will come back and everyone will be back in their original lions again to go and save her... - Altean pod? Is it Keith, Krolia, and whoever else altean? - HEY IT IS!!! - Oh so SHE’S Romelle... - WELL this is just INTEREStING, LOTOR. Thanks for lying. We all kinda thought you would be lying to them about something - GOD DAMN I LOVE THIS BACKSTORY - That IS horrifying, Coran. Holy moly - Lotura moment right when shit is about to go down. oh boy - Damn Lotor....you deserved that - Wow...with this Haggar and Kuron thing...shit really is going down - ok so not what I predicted... Something happened to shiro instead of allura
Episode 5: The Black Paladins - Well this is gonna be an interesting episode - She didn’t attack Keith. They have to have some kind of connection, right? Was she the person they helped back in like...season 2?  - The hacking is most likely because of Galra tech and Altean tech being fused? Pidge did that back in like...season 5 I think...  - WAIT A MINUTE...DOES NO ONE IN THIS FRIGGING SHOW KNOW THAT HAGGAR AND LOTOR ARE MOTHER AND SON?!?!? sheesh - Her voice is different... - Lots of loyalties being tested here, dang - Is this gonna be where we find out the truth? Haggar told Kuron to lead Keith away. She didn’t specify where... - OH SO WE DO!!!! YAY!!!! - Oh Shiro’s arm...of course. Because he’s a spy. well this is all coming together nicely - Pidge is smart. Take every precaution - Can I just say that the lighting in this fight is great! - Ok the abandonment comment is so frigging stupid. Not only is that comment complete bullshit, but it makes no goddamn sense. BUT OK SHIRO - “Actually, neither of us are leaving.” First of all, FUCK. Second of all, damn that was some great delivery on the voice acting wow - Damn...I didn’t know Shiro’s alien arm could do that ...but that’s good know O . O - Well...there go all the Shiro clones...that’s....kinda sickening - AWWWW MAN, THE FEELS!!!! “You’re my brother. I love you.” God damn if Shiro is dead or if Keith dies I’m going to be so sad... - The animation in this episode is just....amazing - OH!!!! OHH!!!!! FLASHBACK FOR KEITH AND SHIRO - Keith looks younger but Shiro looks the same age XD - WOW That Ending. That Ending was great. A+ 10/10 would watch that episode on repeat
Episode 6: All Good Things - Hey it’s the astral plane again. Good to see ya. Means we get real Shiro - REAL SHIRO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - HOLY SHIT HE DIED?!?!? I mean...technically his essence or soul or whatever the fuck that is COULD inhabit the body of literally any of his clones... - You know...this is all just heartbreaking...Shiro...the clone...him dying...all his friends...Keith...everything - The Allurance moment was sweet.  - Well, there goes that. destroyed.  - Coran is such a great character - Is Lotor REALLY BRINGING THIS UP?!?!? REALLY?!?! No one is gonna trust you after that.  - Aaaannnddd Allura....you need to learn when to not say something omg. YOU KNOW HE HATES THAT WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO ANGER HIM!?!? - Damn Lotor calm down. So much for your so called “feelings” huh?  - Lotor....you fucked up saying that - Although, I like that he thinks he is the hero for the universe. The person to bring peace. And I like that we know how he thinks and why he has these thoughts. He doesn’t like either of his parents. He’s half Galra and half Altean. No one ever trusts him because of either side. Honestly, it’s tragic. But damn Lotor...you could have fixed things better than this...but no one would have trusted you anyways because of your past. :/  - Well that’s neat. Good luck paladins - Hey Keith got the Black Lions’ giant wings - Good luck Lotor
Episode 7: Defender of all Universes - THAT TITLE < . <  - Lotor’s expressions are still amazing - Oh hey everyone can meet real Shiro again - Ok nevermind < . < maybe one day - This is a cool fight - Yay they won against Lotor! Still tragic though... - Goodbye Castle of Lions ;-; - Oh? Can Allura do something?  - His hair is actually all white now...weird - BUT IS SHIRO FINALLY BACK AFTER ALL THIS TIME?!??!! O: - YAYAYAYAYAYYAYAYAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - And we got Shiro’s actual hair floof back! - O: ARE WE FINALLY FRIGGING GOING TO EARTH?!?!? FINALLy - SEASON 7 I CAN’T WAIT!!!!
Overall. Best. Season. So. Far. There was so much. Great character development. I loved the flashbacks and backstories!!! Lots of intense moments and lots of secrets finally revealed! The music was dramatic and the animation at times was just superb. 10/10 would watch the season all over again on repeat. Wow. And I’m so HYPED FOR NEXT SEASON!!! FINALLY!!! After SIX FRIGGING SEASONS we FINALLY get to see Earth again! I wanna know what everyone is up to. What everyone knows, especially the families, classmates, teachers, and the Galaxy Garrison as a whole. Plus I really wanna see the paladins back with their families! Also, Keith won’t be alone going back. How long do we have to wait for season 7? Until January? DX
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