#vp kill kan and lead the minor family challenge
magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
Would you like Vegaspete to ever become like Kinnporsche aa a couple all romantic and cant keep their hands to themselves or would you prefer they remain the dysfunctional problematic couple that they are? 🤔
hi! that's a great question and i gotta say yes and no
i want them to work things out between them ofc i don't want them both hurting forever like they are now (as much as i love sone good vegaspete angst at some point it's enough) they both deserve good things! but i don't want them to become like kinnporsche!
i do want them to be sweet and have their soft moments but in their own way! imagine them killing for eo, vegas going against his father for pete, them having no mercy if someone tries to hurt the other (let pete kill a man with his bare hands agenda!!!!), etc etc. i want their romance to be Theirs. being all romantic and sappy like kinnporsche wouldn't suit them in my opinion.
so i think that means the answer is problematic all the way!
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