#vs someone else in the party- (chet/fearne possibly) just being SO direct about asking. although fearne migkt get sad abt it real quick
sparring-spirals · 2 years
also, i mean, the entire situation is still devastating and all but im also very excited to see how the Bell's "We have a very loose grasp of social norms and range from giving unwanted therapy to strangers vs just Not Asking Questions about so much shit bc we dont judge" Hells are going to handle the aftermath of all this.
Like. They heard the aftermath, the screaming @ Delilah, etc, right. They're going to notice altered behaviour. We have the potential for such a RICH EXPANSE span of reactions!! From "so sympathetic it almost feels patronizing" to "something that invokes me going *oh my god You Cant Just SAY That*" to "extremely polite and sympathetic and minimal prodding" to "mildly rude but well intentioned" to "i dont care about the argument, what do you mean SLEEPING WITH THE EVIL ROCK-" to "Nothing Happened I Heard Nothing What Are YOU Talking About".
Boundless potential for hilarity. Like, still tragic, but very funny.
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