#vtmb heather poe x reader
vampire-the-askerade · 9 months
Could you do Jeannette, Therese, Damsel, and Heather Poe with a fledgling that's a little more rude and brutish when they speak and when the characters in question ask why the Fledgling is so mean they're just like "I'm not being mean?? I talk to everyone this way, I honestly thought we were good friends :c"
Jeanette- She get more pouty than anything. Though she likes to act otherwise, Jeanette actually has some pretty thick skin and it really does take a lot for her to actually get upset. When she does finally ask you what your problem is, she’s a bit more understanding than some other people might be. She also can have a problem with words and actions coming off more mean than she intended. It’s something that both of you could try to improve with each other.
Therese- While she also has some pretty thick skin, she will absolutely be quicker to say something about it than Jeanette was. She takes no lip from anyone. She also is willing to help you rethink how you say things if you want to. She will if you don’t want to too. Stop talking to her like that or else.
Damsel- Listen, you two are going to be best friends. You two are also going to have so, so many arguments. It’s both your love language. The arguing things comes from you both being very alike and having everything thing you say sound like you want to pick a fight with each other. This also comes with the understanding that you both don’t mean half of what you say to one another. There have been so many times where the other people in the bar think that they have to break up something nasty, and you’re both like, “Um, no? We were just talking about the weather?”
Heather- I get the feeling that while she does take what you’re saying as insult, she is so lost in the sauce (you are the sauce) that she won’t say anything. There something of an intense brain fog that comes with the early stages of being Ghouled. When she does started to get out of that stage and would notice how you sound, she has known you for long enough by that point that it doesn’t bother her. She knows what you mean to say rather than what it sounds like.
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Could you write some domestic fluff with the ghouls please? I love your page btw!!!
[Thanks :) I love writing for the ghouls too! There’s not enough stuff for them]
Heather- She is head over heels for you, so anything that you want to do she is happy with. The thing is though is that she’s quick to do things for you or help you with something that sometimes you have to actively make her sit down. When you do get her to finally rest, usually it’s when she’s tired out. She’s more than happy to sleep during the day just so she can spend as much time with you as possible. Happily snuggles up to you even though you’re not the warmest person.
Mercurio- Fun fact, when you talk to Rosa at the beach, she tells you that he’s one of the only people that you can fully trust in the area. So, his place is absolutely a safe space for you. You ever feel like everyone’s out of get you or things are overwhelming he’s telling you to come over. Totally the type to threaten to beat up anyone that’s bothering you. “Just point me in a direction and give me a bat.” Most of the time he’s just kidding. Other times the only thing that’s keeping him from making good on his threats is that he wants to spend time with you. Also the type to worry over you eating. Not in a fearful way more so like, “Have you eaten tonight? Did you eat enough? I’m gonna run out and get you somethin’.”
Knox- Info-dumps are a big thing here. If he’s not telling you everything that he can about his night then he wants you to tell him about yours. There’s hardly anything that he doesn’t get excited to hear about. If it was something that you did then its totally awesome. More importantly though, he doesn’t feel the need to be so high-ocatain around you. While the whole ditzy thing is part of his personality he does play it up a bit more than it really is as sort of a decoy. He likes that he can just take a breath and calm down with you.
Vandal- He crashes at your place a lot. Turns out that he’s just been sleeping in the break room at the hospital when he could. There was nothing to keep him away from you or the chance to sleep in an actual bed once you offered. Once he shuffles his way into the apartment after a long night of working he’ll just flop onto the bed…whether or not you’re on it. He’ll be right next to you or on top of you while you both just lie there and watch tv. It’s not in a lovely sweet way like Heather though. Rather, he doesn’t have the energy to move so however he lands is where he’s going to stay. He will deny it, but he’s more likely to end up close to you than giving some space; it’s almost like he’s going it on purpose. Smacks you in his sleep sometimes, but that’s on accident as he’s reaching over to feel if you’re still there.
Paul- There’s not much to say about this one because he’s super dead. Bad luck buddy.
Patty- If you want to be that close to Patty, then heaven help you. If she’s not straight out telling everyone that you’re a vampire, then she’s insulting you in one way or another. Very much suggested to leave this one be.
Romero- He’s going to be happy to have someone to spend his nights with him in the graveyard. Not only because he was getting lonely from being by himself all the time, but also he has an extra set of hands for if the zombies get too rowdy. That being said, he will get annoyed if you get in the way on purpose, so be sure not to do so. Other than that, if there’s not much going on, then he’ll be glad to just sit with you on the couch and try to get reception on the old tv in his shack. It’s nice for him to have some down time and indulge in his more romantic side; he is a ghoul of a Toreador after all.
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